A really huge manumission
Official Appeal of the United States of Allanea to the world and to the Doomani Empire
As it is now, the situation on the fronts is ambiguous – we have destroyed Province Aegypt, and we have inflicted vast damage on the Doomani fascist. However, it appears that the Doomani have now begun to implement a rapid-genocide program, firebombing vast swaths of ghettos in Najaster. It's quite clear that the Doomani are capable of killing the Kahanistani faster then we can get to them, even if the road were clear and we could simply drive our tanks right into Najaster.
However, the government of the United States is committed first and foremost to the rescue of the Kahanistani, rather then for pointless 'vengeance' for the dead. As such, we offer the Doomani a deal.
We request a ceasefire so that we'll be able to raise a sum sufficient to pay for the Kahanistani survivors at a rate of 5,000 dollars each, the rate normal in Doomingsland, to be held in escrow in the Mulligan Bank. After the money is assembled, the Kahanistani will be evacuated to Haven, and the sum will be paid. However, due to the self-admitted genocidal nature of the Doomani, we will only begin the fund transfer after the last Kahanistani is transferred out. For this purpose, we will use our complement of 40 Ouroboros-D aircraft, capable of moving out 10 million men a day in cramped conditions, or moving out the entire Kahanistani population in 20 days.
We also request any and all allied nations to chip in and help fund the sum.
The United States Congress has so far approved a payment of 50 billion dollars.
Allison Cameron, US Secretary of State
Money raised so far:
Questaria - 100 billion dollars
Jagada - 100 billion dollars
VLT Automotive Assets - 200 billion dollars
Grand Duke of Van Luxembourg - 50 billion dollars
Van Luxemburgian Government - 100 billion dollars
Vetalian Government - 450 billion dollars
28-05-2007, 11:35
The Questarian Government will pay 100 billion towards the rescue of the Kahanistanian refugees and the IQN will assist in transportation with aircraft and ships.
We thank the Questarians for the generosity. Now we have only 800 billion dollars to go.
Van Luxemburg
28-05-2007, 12:01
From: Kahanistanian Relocation Fund, Van Luxemburg
To: The United States of Allanea
Dear Sir/Ma'am,
The Kahanistanian Relocation Fund, a joint project from the Van Luxemburgian Government, VLT Automotive Group N.V. and the Grand-Ducal Private Assets Fund, has managed to scramble 350 billion USD. With the majority (200 Billion USD) coming from the VLT Automotive Assets, the Grand Duke has used it's private assets to add another 50 billion, and the Van Luxemburgian Government has pleaded another 100 billion to the good cause. This has all be deposited in the Kahanistanian Relocation Fund, and will be transferred to the Allaneans, and, ultimately, the Kahanistanians.
We would like to state that this is a one-time lump sum, dedicated to Humanitarian causes and helping refugees. These funds are not to be seen as hostile to the Doomani Empire, but only to offer assistance to the Kahanistanian refugees.
Grand Duke Koen van Luxemburg, Grand-Ducal Private Assets Fund
Premier Nicolas Hirtz, Grand Duchy of Van Luxemburg
Miss Kristin Becker, VLT Automotive Group N.V.
OOC: You do realize that the money will be going to Doom, to pay for the release of the Kahanistani?
Van Luxemburg
28-05-2007, 12:05
(OOC: Yes. But You said 'Allied' Nations. Basically, I'm not an ally of yours, just someone who's offering assistance.)
Thank you for your kind donation. We now have only 450 billion to go.
The Vetalian government, as a sign of loyalty and empathy towards our close friends in Kahanistan and the entire Kahanistani people. will fund the remaining $450 billion dollars from our discretionary budget surplus for FY 2035. We also offer our support and aid for any technical and logistics needs involved in the future application of these funds.
Tribune Valentin Primakov, Senate of Vetalia
Thank you! Goal reached!
OOC: You do realize all of this money will go to Doom, to pay for freeing the Kahanistani?
OOC: Yeah, but $1 trillion isn't going to be enough to do a whole lot, especially compared to the overall scale of the donating nations. It's more than worth it if it gets the Kahanistani people out of that situation safely...money's worth far less than human lives to Vetalia, and we're more than willing to spend that money even if it is going to Doomani scum.
28-05-2007, 13:59
Official Hotdogs2 announcement
Hotdogs2 would like to announce that it fully supports the evacuation of the Kahanistan citizens, and the efforts to which Allanea has gone to stop genocide from an evil and dictorial nation which condones slavery and mass murder. The people of Doomingsland should be ashamed of themselves, and rise up against their oppressors. We will also not be trading with Doomingsland, effectively putting an embargo on their nation of all but necessities, we are only sorry it is too late to revert our purchase of the TDX side arm as they are now fully in service.
The Ctan
28-05-2007, 16:32
[Encryption: True-Random OTP sequence]
From: Klaus P. De Vere, Supreme Director of the Imperial Security Agency
To: Allison Cameron, United States of Allanea Secretary of State
Subject: Cessation of Hostilities, Doomingsland
It has come to my attention that you plan to seek settlement with the nation known as Doomingsland in order to save the lives of the Khanistani. As laudable as that is, my superior and I have certain concerns with this plan, which I would like to express to you in privacy. Consequently, you are invited to hear these concerns in my office in Tephet-Sheta at your earliest convinience.
Allanean response
At the present, due to complex rounds of talks with various members of the anti-Doomani coalition, I am unable to visit your lovely town. You, however, are always welcome to Liberty-City - or to one of my excellent high-privacy communication lines.
OOC: Assume equal encryption and security to the original.
28-05-2007, 17:02
OOC:For the record, I'm gonna accept this offer, I just have to respond to stuff in the other threads and tie up all the loose ends first, tho. So yeah, don't panic when I respond in the other threads with stuff blowing up...
The Ctan
28-05-2007, 17:59
[Encryption: True-Random OTP sequence]
From: Klaus P. De Vere, Supreme Director of the Imperial Security Agency
To: Allison Cameron, United States of Allanea Secretary of State
Subject: Cessation of Hostilities, Doomingsland
Perhaps you have not understood the urgency with which we request your attendance. The importance of what we wish to know and the security concerns attached to this information are such that not only is my visiting you impractical (simply put, I would be noticed in certain ways) and that actual disclosure is too sensitive to be entrusted to even unbreakable encryption.
Allanean Response
Dear Klaus!
I apologize. I assumed that your letter was nothing but an expression of some form of majestic whim, as if Allanea was merely a province of the Empire. Now I understand you were guided merely by security concerns, and I am horribly sorry for the tone of my previous letter. However, the point stands. I am unable currently to visit your office. Cassandra Smith, who is most trusted in these affairs, will arrive in your office shortly. After you brief her, she will get herself to Allanea via the swiftest method of communication possible, and report to me.
The Monotheistic Republic'We Stand Alone!'
From: Ministry of Commerce
To: The United States of Allanea
The Monotheistic Republic of Jagada hereby contributes a sum of 100 billion icons to Allanea to use as it wills. We hope for a speedy resolve to this conflict.
We thank you for this donation.
29-05-2007, 14:17
Official Announcement from the Free Havenic Republic of Kahanistan
Office of the President
Our people extend their heartfelt thanks to our Allanean allies in this time. We hope that those who remained are taken to our new state in Haven if they wish to come here, despite being under attack from the Midlonians.
Satellite intelligence suggests massive transport of civilians, but our people on the ground have been unable to obtain more detailed estimates of the population. We estimate over a billion have disappeared, and that no more than 60 million remain. We request assistance in obtaining these people and reuniting them with their families with the utmost haste.
A fleet of 30 Guinness-class multirole supply vessels in the transport role will depart shortly, escorted by numerous destroyers and battleships for protection.
Khalid bin Abdullah al-Omari,
President of Kahanistan
[OOC: The figure is probably closer to 3 million, but Intel, as I said, doesn't have a reliable way of securing information coming out of Doomingsland.]
The Ctan
31-05-2007, 09:15
[Encryption: True-Random OTP sequence]
From: Klaus P. De Vere, Supreme Director of the Imperial Security Agency
To: Allison Cameron, United States of Allanea Secretary of State
Subject: Cessation of Hostilities, Doomingsland
Unfortunately, she does not have the requisite security rating. I’m told she amuses the staff of Isasrach, but beyond that she is not a discreet individual, indeed, quite the opposite. This is why you, specifically have been requested, as you are the lowest-ranking member of the Allanean government we believe is appropriately important and tactful for the issue we wish to put to you.
Some time later
Allison Cameron looked fiercely at de Vere as she sat down in front of him, throwing her legs up on the desk.
"Okay. I crossed a goddamn galaxy for this. This had better be good."
The Ctan
31-05-2007, 09:30
The office in question was around half way up an atmosphere-leaving skyscraper, with a spectacular view of the planet and the numerous moving lights in its orbits, decorated in a faintly ‘steampunk’ style, with numerous antique cathode-ray-tube screens half exposed, that glowed in two-tone text as well as some more up to date devices. Docked to the tower nearby was a (comparatively) small necron patrol ship in a deep blue colour. The office was rarely used, in favour of one on board the ship.
He smiled a little, seeming not at all bothered by the Allanean’s apparent presumption; he might describe her as ‘feisty’ if he was in a belittling mood. He leaned forwards, taking his hands from his ‘designer aged’ hair, and looked her in the eye.
“You oughtn’t to exaggerate; actually, would you like to go half-way across the galaxy? It’d probably be quieter. Anyway… This may seem unimportant to you, but to us, it’s quite unprecedented. We want to know when you’re planning to resume the war. You see, we want everything in ‘doomingsland’” he seemed to take a perverse joy in saying it, “killed. And we’re willing to aid your military reconstruction in order to get it done…”
"Uh." - Cameron appears slightly embarrassed - "You see, we don't have it in us, right now, to go and kill the Doomani ourselves. I don't have the exact numbers, but, as you know, our only goal was to free the Jews. We would not be able to carry out an out-and-out campaign of genocide against these..." - she shudders - "filthy neoromans."
"I do not know the exact numbers about these things, but I understand that the military needs more money to fund reorganization, training exercises, stuff like that. I do know Kazansky spoke to Foreman, who spoke to Senator Neumann, about raising the defense expenditure to 68% of the budget, and I think they'll get it this fiscal year. We need more pilots, more captains, more aircraft and new ships. Even if we had money - which, by the way, would really/i] help - we need time to prepare everything."
"So while we're doing that, we're not getting the Doomani killed - not [i]directly at any rate. What happens to our decomissioned naval assets, on the other hand..."
The Ctan
31-05-2007, 09:44
“We can wait as long as we have to. Our problem is in avoiding being seen to actively operate against such an opponent. People tend to like the underdogs, after all,” he grinned, “and doing so now would hamper our efforts in other areas and in the future. We can’t really do much about your desire for pilots, but I’m sure we can find some war materiel, for example, things you currently import, at, say, a quarter of the normal unit cost.”
"You are offering aid. I surely am not going to turn that aid down. But you understand I have no clue about guns and the military beyond the stuff I need to - like how to work my carry guns." - she pats the Sapinian Arms PDW (http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c381/crave22/CHARGINMAHLAZER/PDWnewcolored-4.png) hanging on her shoulder. And sicne her feet are on the table anyway, de Vere can likely see the pistol (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=12497442&postcount=3) quite as easily.
The Ctan
31-05-2007, 10:06
De Vere grinned, and took a piece of paper from his desk, on which was written a name. ‘Security and Individual Armaments.co’ “You simply get your ministers to pass their orders it on to that following company, who will set up some kind of plant in Allanea, making things, putting a reasonable amount of the money back into your economy as an extra bonus. I’m thinking aircraft, mostly, I hear that fighters have gotten stupidly expensive since my time,” he was, after all, old, “Is there anything else I can do for you while you’re here? I hear that someone wanted to set up a Police Corporation in Allanea or something…”
"A police corporation? That's certainly odd. At any rate, I will pass this information on to Foreman, and I am sure enough that he and Kazansky will figure something out. Oh, and does this company provide any kind of training courses, per chance?"
The Ctan
31-05-2007, 10:13
Paul frowned in thought for a moment, then returned to smiling, “That would be unlikely. It does not yet exist. Though I’m sure we could put one together if you really want…”
"Very well, Mr. de Vere. Is there anything else you would like to know?"
Tauh Rhian
31-05-2007, 11:40
*placing pen to paper the Emiress writes out a quick letter before a servant types and sends it to President Khalid bin Abdullah al-Omari of the Free Havenic Republic of Kahanistan it reading as follows*
"Dear Honourable President, I am ruler of but a small nation but I wish to do what I can to help, I will be sending five transports of food, medical supplies, blankets, and other basic supplies to join your convoy and offload the supplies once arriving in Your new home. I regret my nation cannot do more but should You need aid in the future just contact us. We can assist with clerics, doctors, and specialists to help with Your relocation. May the light of Ahura Mahzda bless Your people in there time of need.
Emiress Aria ibna-Seyefa of The Emirate of Tauh Rhian*