The Durathus Incident FT (Closed) Attn:New Zaphiel
New Kratna
26-05-2007, 02:23
The Kranten Imperial Navy Frigate Jinak had been deployed to the Durathus sector the sharp curves of the Korvishk class vessal slicing through space as it followed its designated patrol path along the border of the Kratnen empire.
"Lt. Dinek, Status report"
"We are at status green no signs of contacts on short range sencors and longrange sencors are picking up a small asteroid belt at 11.4 lightyears" Lt. Dinek reported from his position at the Navigation/sencors station. "other than that there's nothing out here"
"and its our jop to make sure it stays that way" Captain Ranik Levank shor back "we are the empire's first line of defence and by the seven moons of Kratna defend it we will because if you fail death will be the least of your worries am i understould?"
"Yes sir." The Leutenant replied
"commander Kanvielik you have the bridge"
"Aye, Captain" Commander Kanvielik saluted as Captain Levank stood and made his way to the rear of the bridge and Into his ready room. where he slumped into his desk. while he agreed with the Leutenants sentament he had to stamp out decention before it came to a head.
Back on the bridge Commander Kanvielik took her seat in the captains chair and pulled up the most recent reports on the chairs console scaning through a list of anomalys they had encounterd there where afew that she would have liked to investigate further but she was on the wrong ship for that a military frigate was not equiped for more detailed scans so she would have to be content with the limited information that the ships scanners where able to pick up
New zaphiel
26-05-2007, 02:51
"genral xilos, there is one ship on the scaner and is scaning. i dont think shes seen us yet."
"make it stay that way we dont want them in this belt and youd better be preped incase she sees us."
"yes sir, steath on and all systems preped."
"now lets hope they decide to leave soon or this will get ugly."
the destroyer opend the bay and put 2 light frigets in front and just beond the barior of the belt.
"now lets hope there stupid and ignore us."
New Kratna
26-05-2007, 07:58
"genral xilos, there is one ship on the scaner and is scaning. i dont think shes seen us yet."
"make it stay that way we dont want them in this belt and youd better be preped incase she sees us."
"yes sir, steath on and all systems preped."
"now lets hope they decide to leave soon or this will get ugly."
the destroyer opend the bay and put 2 light frigets in front and just beond the barior of the belt.
"now lets hope there stupid and ignore us."
"umm... sir... you better come look at this" Lt. Dinek's voice was a little unshure.
Commander Kanvielik made her way around the bridge and down the short ramp the paired Nav station and Helm "what do you got Leutenant?"
"i'm not sure if its just the distance but i seem to be picking up somekind of distortion in that asteroid belt." Lt. Dinek pointed to the relevent information on the screen.
"distortion? what kind of distortion?" the Leutenant definatly had the commanders attention.
"i'm not sure it's almost as if somethings there but at the same time its not" Lt. Denik was clearly confused "i couldn't even begin to tell you if its just random radiation from the asteroids or a ship trying to hide in the belt... i just cant tell at this distance"
"keep a close eye on it"
"yes ma'am"
Commander Kanvielik turned and made her way to the rear of the bridge stopping at the comm station "Lt. Savna" the comander said in a hushed tone
"yes ma'am?"
"contact the rest of the seventh fleet, inform them that we've picked up a possable contact and may require assistance. give them our location and the location of the distortion Lt. Denik reported and keep it under wraps untilly ou hear from the captain"
"yes ma'am."
the Commander made her way to the captians ready room and entered "captian" Commander Kanvielik saluted.
"yes commander what is it?" Captian Levank looked up for thr data pad he was reading.
"sir we've picked up an anomaly in the asteroid belt."
the captian set the data pad down "what kind of anomaly?"
"we can't tell for certain at this distance it could just be radiation playing witht he sencors or it could be a ship trying to hide in the belt but we are to far away to make an acurate determination."
the captain leand back and took in the information "have you taken any actions?"
"i've asked Lt. Savna to inform fleet command and to ask for assistance"
"good, cause while it may be only radiation its better to be safe than sorry" Captian Levank rose from his chair and strode purposfully to the door. "Lt. Savna any word from fleet command?"
"yes captain." Lt. Savna began "there sending the Eighths Torment aswell as the Yavenka, the Ravishka, the Haknok, and the Korvantrok. they should be ariving within the next 15 mins"
The Eighths Torment the captain was mildly suprised that fleet would send a destroyer. the frigates he expected, but not the Eighths Torment or the Korvantrok for that matter. while the Yavenka, the Ravishka, and the Haknok where the same class as the Jinak the Korvantrok was an Evtanka class frigate. a slightly larger more heavely armed vessal than the Korvishk class. somebody thought this discovery was worth the extra attention.
"very well inform me when they arive. Lt Devik keep scanning that belt see if you can determan anything else from here we'll move in closer when the other ships arive" Captian Levank had taken his seat in then captains chair as he awaited the other ships and began revewing the most recent status reports to asses the ships battle ready status.
~~~~several minutes later~~~~
"Sir! Incoming hyperspace signitures!" Lt Devik suddenly anounced "scanning... scanning... there ours" there was and almost audibal sigh of releif from the entire bridge crew, you could never tell with hyperdrives. while each hyperdrive emited a unique signiture they took time to decifer leaving precous little time to react before the ships emerged from hyperspace.
"open a channel to the Eighths Torment"
"channel open"
"Captain Trelvik, a pleasure to see you."
"and you Captain Levik." Captain Trelvik responded " command tells us you've found something interesting out here"
"indeed we have captain" Levik replied "it apears we're getting some anomalous readings from that asteroid belt so far we havent been able to determin if its just ambient radiation or something else."
"well lets go take a closer look then shall we"
"agreed. Levik out" the Captain of the Jinak stould and faced the window "Lt. Savna transmit the co-ordanents of the anomaly open a channel to the squadren"
"channel open sir"
"This is Captain Ranik Levank of the KIN frigate Jinak we are transmiting the co- ordanents of the anomalous readings in the nearby asteroid belt. Prep for hyperspace jump on my mark" the captain keyed a sequence on his console "all hands prep for hyperspace jump t-minus 30 seconds"
"Ensign Gradik enter co-ordanents and charge the generator"
"co-ordanents entered, generator charging"
"open a channel to the squadren"
"Channel open"
"this is captain Levank hyperspace in 5... 4... 3..."
Generator charged"
"2... 1... activate hyperdrive"
6 tears simultaniously opend up infront of the 6 Kratnen vessals as the slipped silently into the void that is hyperspace.
New zaphiel
26-05-2007, 19:09
"ha, figers. they dont know so they cant keep they filthy noses out of it. oh well i hope they know the saying curiosity killed the cat." genral xilos was talking to himself for the most part. "deploy the pheonixand move us back so were out of veiw lets suprise them"
the pheonix and the 2 light frigates powerd up all systems and started scaning for hyperspace signitures "if a hyper tear shows up. do not hesitate to fire."
"sir we see them they will be here in t - 30 seconds. turning into brodside formation and opening all gun mounts. should we activate the astroid turants genral xilos?"
"no i want that to be another supise, they wont se them untill its to late."
"sir ther basicly here. opaning fire." the enimy ships came out of hyperspace simoaniouslyand got on the bad end of a cloudof charged pulses missiles and heavy rounds from the titan cannons. the wave of projectileswas similer to clouds of arrows in the midevil era and would have blocked the sun compleatly.
New Kratna
26-05-2007, 23:22
The alarms went off at the same instant they exited hyperspace.
"Sheilds!" Captain Levank orderd bracing for the inevitable. the window suddenly glowed with the impact of the massed missiles striking the sheilds followed by the smaller pings of the cannon rounds "Battle stations! what in the name of the seven was th--" the window suddenly illuminated as one of the frigates exploded in a ball of incandescent fury "Report!"
"sir we just lost the Yavenka"
"curse it all to the eighth and beyond!" it seemed that the Yavenka hadn't been fast enough in puting up its sheilds and paied the ultamit price. it was a shame really they where a good crew. Captain Levank haveing served on it several years ago as a Leutenant. "where did it come from"
"there are 3 ships just beyond the outer bounrdy" Lt Devik responded. "you owe me a ale if we survive this" he then mutterd to the ensign "scans are showing there weapons fully powerd as well as there defencive systems"
"well people it looks like we have a little fight on our hands" the captain mutterd "Form up with the Korvantrok cover hir untill she's close enough to strike. Ensign attack speed fly us right down there throughts. Lt Kavnoc order your gunners to shoot anything with an energy signature i want them to regret the day they where born"
the Jinak accelerated forwards covering the Korvantrok as they drove into the heart of the frey her laser cannons blazing as she moved into for kill
Meen while simaler happenings where going on abourd the Eights torment as the Ravishka, and the Haknok formed up around it as they set course to attemp to flank the unknown ships there guns trained on the attacking vessals ready should they be attacked before in position
New zaphiel
27-05-2007, 15:57
one of the enemy ships came in fast, firing laser bursts at the ships lowering the shields by a decent percent, flaring the shield for a couple of seconds.
"sir! ones down but we're still out numbered 2 to one! and they're coming in fast!" one of the ensign cried out.
"that wasn't expected. crap. draw back into the asteroids, its time to go all out. i think they have some dying to do." general xilos ordered, the phoenix , siro 1, and siro 2 drew back allowing the enimy ships to follow them in. load the m.c.p cannon. we're charging that destroyer. bring us in from above, ensign."
the heavy destroyer came in suddenly from above fired the m.c.p strait at the ship before the destroyer had time to react.
"turn on brace and anchor shields! watch the wave!" the orders blared on the open channel and the temporary shields turned on. "pull us up to it one the effects of the blast is over and fire all weapons starting with the disabled escorts."
meanwhile the phoenix and silos 1 and 2 had got the battle into the belt and in position. "silos 1 and 2, go on ether side and surround them!" captain searin ordered. "permission to use all available weapons general?"
"fire at will!"
all at once the asteroids themselves seemed to be attacking as well as a new sudden wave from all 3 frigates. the 2 enimy ships were enveloped in a cloud of laser bursts, missiles, titan cannon and lesser cannon rounds, and pulsar weapons. "they don't stand a chance."
New Kratna
28-05-2007, 00:22
"that wasn't expected. crap. draw back into the asteroids, its time to go all out. i think they have some dying to do." general xilos ordered, the phoenix , siro 1, and siro 2 drew back allowing the enimy ships to follow them in. load the m.c.p cannon. we're charging that destroyer. bring us in from above, ensign."
the heavy destroyer came in suddenly from above fired the m.c.p strait at the ship before the destroyer had time to react.
"turn on brace and anchor shields! watch the wave!" the orders blared on the open channel and the temporary shields turned on. "pull us up to it one the effects of the blast is over and fire all weapons starting with the disabled escorts."
meanwhile the phoenix and silos 1 and 2 had got the battle into the belt and in position. "silos 1 and 2, go on ether side and surround them!" captain searin ordered. "permission to use all available weapons general?"
"fire at will!"
all at once the asteroids themselves seemed to be attacking as well as a new sudden wave from all 3 frigates. the 2 enimy ships were enveloped in a cloud of laser bursts, missiles, titan cannon and lesser cannon rounds, and pulsar weapons. "they don't stand a chance."
"Sir there backing off" Lt Kavnoc reported from the weapons station.
"ensign Gradik keep after them i don't want them getting away." Captain Levank barked. he wasn't happy about the distruction of the Yavenka and wasn't about to let them get away with it "Lt Devik how long untill the Korvantrok is in range?"
"if they maintain speed and course 5 mins"
the Jinak followed the offending ships at breakneck speed not once letting up its hail of laser fire the Korvantrok right behind them keeping its self out of a direct line of fire counting down the minutes untill it could bring its main guns to bare then this fight would be over rather swiftly.
Space suddenly iluminated as the very asteroids themselves opend fire as the two frigates were enveloped in a storm of weapons fire.
"where in the name of the eighth is that coming from!" Captian Levank bellowed
"sir its the asteroieds!" Lt Kavnoc shouted "theyved mounted turents on them"
"what i wouldn't give for a wing of strike craft right now" the captain mutterd to him self "Arm the defence turents use them if you have to take those asteroids out! just keep those lasers on the frigates! are we close enough yet?"
"another minute sir"
"sheild status?"
"58% and falling"
"the seven protect us" Captain Levank murmerd as the defence turents on bothe frigates opend fire on the asteroid field turning asmany as they could reach into space dust.
Meenwhile the Eights torment was haveing its own problems as the heavy destroyer suddenly opend fire on it the round from its main cannon slamming into the sheilds masive static tendrils reaching out to envelop anything in reach fortunatly wide formations where standard practace and the smaller frigates managed to escape the worst of it but where still buffeted but he massive shock wave.
"Report!" Captain Trelvik orderd from the gloom of the bridge the energy puls haveing shourted out the lights
"Sir" one of his Leutenants mutterd while picking himself up off the floor and activating his console "we seem to have been hit by some sort of energy pulse. the sheilds absorbed most of it and are now down to 46% main drives are offline as well as the stabalizers we are drifting sir."
"reports coming in now sir. defence turents are fused, laser cannons have shorted out repair crews have been dispatched the main guns are still operational as well as the torpedo launchers and suprizingly the Ion Lances although our tracking system is fried"
"well wont that make the gunners happy" Captain Trelvik remarked whats the status of the Ravishka, and the Haknok?"
"both vessals have reported that there drives are offline the Ravishka reports defence turents are of line but they should have main guns back shortly the Haknokseems to have fared better it reports weapons fully operational there working on the drives" the leutenant reported
"uhh... sir.." a leutenant pointed a shaky hand out the main view screen at the now visable destroyer.
the captain cursed as it opend fire on the smaller frigate's "return fire! return fire! protect those ships!"
2 dozen torpedoes lept from there tubes spiraling through space as they arced gracefuly towards the heavy destroyer followed by the charged blasts from the ion lances the guns cycling in turn providing an almost constant beem as one fired only to replaced by another while it charged again for an other blast the the main turents rained destruction down on it the frigats responding in kind unleashing what fury they could
"sit were in range" Lt Devik reported from the bridge of the Jinak
"Evasive action fire the torps get us out of the Korvantroks way"
4 torpedoes shot from there tubes as the Jinak pulled to port clearing the line of fire for the Korvantrok
"Captain" the weapons oficer abored the Korvantrok anounced "we are in range the Jinak is pulling away"
"as soon as it clear open fire" the ever calm captain Havantras orderd
"with pleasure"
the bridge weant dead calm as the crew watched the Jinak clear the lane of fire the tension palpatable
"Fire." the calm in the captains voice was more ominuse than if she had bellowed the order as all 4 of the ion lances fired at once a massive bolt of distruction bridging the gap between the 2 vessals at the speed of light.
New zaphiel
28-05-2007, 01:54
the shields lasted for about 10 seconds before giving in under the pressure cutting through to the hull massacring the phoenix.
"CRAP! there go the phoenix!"captain vanic of siros 1 reported to the general. "seems time to even it out a little. what are the shields percent at?"
we are at 68% and silos 2 is at 63% sir."
"than lets go in all guns blazing ready all weapons! CHARGE!" the two ships charged in all guns firing at the ship that shot the phoenix down as well as 3 torps each and brake away at the last second dropping a couple plasma bombs in there wake and fired all rear guns as they turned about ready for another run.
meanwhile as the numbres ion beams an torps collided the heavy destroyer galiant opened up the concussion beam weapon mounts and started prepping them as well as the ion cannons and torp tubes. "damage report!"
"shields are at 78% and dropping. the left over reserves for the temporary shields took a small portion of the ion blasts, every thing else is holding for now." ensign every reported.
"good, fire a couple concussion beams to finish the frigates of and start firing the ion cannons in a round pattern. shove it down there throughts and aim for there ion cannons!" the general bellowed. "after the two frigates are gone open up all weapons able to fire at that ship!"
"firing concussion beams now sir." the heavy destroyer fired 3 beams at each of the frigates and opened up all 6 of the ion cannons at the destroyer. the 30 torp tubes all fired in a round pattern as well as two concussion beams.
"all gunners, fire at will just as long as its at that ship!"
New zaphiel
02-06-2007, 16:02
The concussion beam is similar to an ion cannon. It fires in a beam (obviously) and along the path it makes a slight distortion. After it hit with an unusual amount of force, it makes a large shockwave witch deals most of the damage because of its multiple properties including a small E.M.P but mostly just destructive force.