An Internal Conflict (Semi-closed, modern tech)
Aztec National League
25-05-2007, 02:33
First and foremost:
This conflict is largely within the Allied Socialist Defense Union (ASDU) itself, and as such, is closed to those members. However, should the members want other, non-ASDU nations to be involved, I would have no objections. All are welcome to watch, tag, and subscribe to this thread. In addition, as far as I know, this will be largely a modern tech RP – no Borg Cubes, Death Stars, Vogon Planet Killers or the else. Technology that’s slightly ahead or slightly (+/- 10 years) behind of modern is acceptable. I strongly discourage the use of WMDs, including, but not limited to nuclear weapons, biological and chemical weapons, EMP pulses, or whatever. However, I will not outright ban the use of these weapons as they may provide an interesting plot twist to this RP. There will be an OOC (Out of Character) thread for this RP – anything that’s out of character can either be handled there or on the region’s message board on the main NS site. AS for time, I suggest we use a bit less of a rigid time structure – instead of four days in the RP being four days in real life, we speed things up slightly.
The OOC Thread is located here:
With that said, let loose the dogs of war!
6:41 PM, Outside Tenochitilán…
All was quiet in the Ministry of War building. The offices were largely vacated, only with a few administrative employees staying at their posts. However, underneath the tons of concrete, marble, steel and earth were the various command and control rooms…
“Sir,” Warrior-General Tlanextic Zazanilli said abruptly, “The Omega Project Control System, the Vanguard Defense Network and the Central Command Network have all been activated for war use and have fully integrated with one another.”
Quetzalcoatl Nochtli, the ever present Tlatoani of the ANL put down his cup of coffee. It had been a while since he had last been in the war room. The somewhat hawkish leader of the nation, a veteran of the bloody revolution of the mid-nineties and the turbulent six years after the revolution, seemed much more troubled about engaging in this conflict…a conflict between former allies. “Good, what is the current status of our units Pacific Ocean arena?”
“Well,” Warrior-General Zazanilli pointed out to a map on a small LCD screen – “We have three expeditionary fleets and four submarine wolf packs in the northern-mid Pacific. Per our national defense policy, 15% of our Red Guard and Jaguar Warriors respectively are to be mobilized for deployment at any time…”
Nochtli interjected, “How many can we send now?”
“Our base outside Mazatlán reports that they can, upon receiving your order, deploy 13,500 JWIs over a period of 7 hours. After that, our base in Costa Sur will be ready to deploy another 13,500 over the next 18 hours. It will take those escorted troop transports about four days minimum to reach the battlefield.”
“How about those other fleets, what’s their status?” Asked Nochtli.
“Well, sir, they’re mostly cruisers and destroyers…” Zazanilli looked on the computer screen, “a few battleships, and several aircraft carriers.” He turned to Nochtli, “Sir, I recommend we re-direct those seven fleets to the battle field. We can have our ships provide both a blockade and perform bombardments and other engagements from both sea and air. At maximum speed, we can expect to have our ships there within a day. In addition, once the escorts for the troop transports are no longer needed, I will order them to join up with the blockade.”
Nochtli nodded, “Agreed, transmit the orders to our ground troops and naval units now and coordinate with our allies.”
“Yes sir.” Zazanilli wrote down the orders and gave it to an assistant. He looked back towards the Tlatoani, who was almost ten years younger than himself. Nochtli inquired, “What about other naval units and the Red Guard?”
“Sir, we can have about three to five more battle fleets arrive in the area within three-to-four days as well. I will ensure that the majority of these ships are aircraft carriers, I highly doubt we’ll need several battleships and cruisers for naval battle. As for our Red Guard Units, they are largely en route to our base in Acajutla, El Salvador and can be deployed with tanks and transports on our orders. I believe we’ll be ready to deploy nearly 12,500 by tomorrow. Before we deploy any more forces, I suggest we wait until we know what our allies are sending.”
Nochtli relaxed a bit in his chair, “Good, although as usual, the Jaguar Warriors will have taken care much of the ground work by the time the Red Guard gets in. The JWIs will, as usual, be the last to leave as well, I assume?”
Zazanilli said calmly, “first to arrive, last to leave, that’s been our branch’s standard of operation for a long time now, hasn’t it?”
=~=~=~=~=~= ENCODED MESSAGE =~=~=~=~=~=
To: All Allied Forces
From: Central Command, Ministry of War, Tenochitilán, Aztec National League
Subject: Operation Hammer
The Central Military Command of the Aztec National League has sent deployments order to several units to the area of conflict. Please be advised that our units will be under the Aztec banner. In addition, as the coordinator of this military campaign, please activate any anti-missile defense systems your nation may possess. If your military does not operate a missile defense system, please notify us so that we may add your lands to our defense grid. Please realize, though, that the more nations that we add to our grid in addition to ourselves, the less and less effective the system will become.
Our initial deployment is as follows...All naval units participating in the blockade will be off the Korean/Seolfor coastline. All escort units assisting our troop transports are ordered to rejoin with the blockade after our troops have been deployed.
21st Pacific Expeditionary Fleet (ETA: 1 Day, 2 hours)
2 Durán Class Heavy Carriers
3 Excelsior Class Heavy Battle Cruisers
4 Challenger Class Heavy Cruisers
22nd Pacific Expeditionary Fleet (ETA: 1 Day, 3 hours)
3 Aztlán Class Battleships
3 Durán Class Light Carriers
25th Pacific Expeditionary Fleet (ETA: 1 Day, 6 hours)
3 Challenger Class Heavy Cruisers
3 Veracruz Class Light Cruisers
1st Pacific Submarine Cluster (ETA: 1 day)
4 Typhoon-II Class Stealth Attack Submarines
3rd Pacific Submarine Cluster (ETA: 1 Day, 4 hours)
4 Los Angeles Class Submarines
6th Pacific Submarine Cluster (ETA: 1 Day, 4 hours)
4 Typhoon-II Class Stealth Attack Submarines
13th Transport Fleet (ETA: 4 days, 7 hours)
2 Long Beach Class Missile Cruisers
3 Jalisco Class Destroyers
2 Veracruz Class Light Carriers
16 Huitzen Class Transports carrying:
-13,500 Jaguar Warrior Infantrymen
-300 TJ-450-A Armored Personel Transport
14th Transport Fleet (ETA: 4 days, 22 hours)
3 Valiant Class Frigates
2 Los Angeles Class Submarines
16 Huitzen Class Transports carrying:
-13,500 Jaguar Warrior Infantrymen
-300 TJ-450-A Armored Personel Transport
Please deploy your units ASAP.
-Warrior-General Tlanextic Zazanilli, Minister of War
Orders Approved of Quetzalcoatl Nochtli, Tlatoani of the Aztec National League
25-05-2007, 03:00
Baersworth, DSUN, The State of Nerotika
Voloda stood at his podium feet above the organized invasionary force of Tabithian Gaurds and Nerotikan Elite. The square pattern of in line soldiers spanned out for a mile or so and in the center was cut a large path of which Voloda had made his enterance while saluting his men and shaking their hands. This was the first time a force of the Nerotikan military had been arranged together to hear a speech from their leader sence the long gone imperial age of the Trotsky's. The cheers from the men could be heard outside the walls of the government main office, almost the entire city could hear the crowd of soldiers cheering for their leader. Though the imperial age was over the pride, honor and love of their leader was still kept through the entire country and whenever he made an apperance he was met with more joy then any other man in the nation.
As he began to speak the crowd hushed, Voloda's voice was stronge, deep and powerful and when he spoke he spoke with passion that wore into those here heard him.
"Soldiers, you know why you are here. You know why you were placed into the military and you know why this nation must fight. We have an honor to protect our motherlands of the ASDU region and so we must pridefully go on and defend that honor when our enemies arrise to deminish us. Seolfor had changed government systems recently, and while that is not a crime what the system has done to its people is. A Theoacracy is no way to control the government and a system that punished those who do not believe is a threat to all good nations in our region.
We will unite against these foes, brothers of Nerotika and brothers of the socialist cause. To fight for our country, to fight with that great flag on your shoulder and to know that Mother Nerotika is looking over you. Thats all you need here, my words are nothing compared to that spirit that you create and so I will leave you with my final thought. When you see death coming at you, when you feel his icy grip, embrace it because here in the Nerotikan army death is your only escape. Traitors to the state and traitors to our region are traitors to our people and must be dealt with accordenly. Distroy your enemies, do not allow them the freedom of life."
Invasionary Operations Unit
- Unit Runthrough -
Tabithian Guards (Highest Trained units in the Union, only natives of the state of Tabitha may be allowed to become these)
Nerotikan Elite (Trained from younge ages these men have seen more combat then any of the Nerotikan Military, together with the Gaurds this is an almost unstoppable infantry force)
The Nerotikan Air Force (Using the most modern technology inside of the MiG-71 fighter/bomber along with many other generic stealth bombers and fighters the Nerotikan Air Force is capable of eliminating many targets before invasions)
The Nerotikan Para Division (Aside from the Air Force the Para Divisions main goal is invasion and defensive drops, capable of landing over 100,000 men in a single drop and over 1,000 tons of armor or equipment the Para Division's tactices, though low and dangerous, have never failed)
- Units in the Active Operations -
Tabithian Guards x 13,000 - 4,000 Initial Invasion Drop, remaining to invade by sea (Or land, dont know how the landscape runs in Seolfor)
Nerotikan Elite x 12,000 - 3,000 Initial Invasion Drop, remaining to drop in regularly on a constant basis.
T-86 Nerotikan MBT x 34 - To be Dropped in by the Para Division
T-50x1 Nerotikan IFV x 15 - To Be Dropped in by the Para Division
PDC96 x 430 - Para Division Carrier, Similar to a large transport plane
(Didn't get enough time last time...and dont have enough again. =-P oh well, its just the ORBAT)
Mathism will be interested to help, but before deploying troops and equipment, we will like to know exactly what this conflict is about.
Aztec National League
26-05-2007, 21:25
1:15 PM, Southbound Highway 765, central Tegucigalpa, Honduras…
Quetzalcoatl Nochtli gazed out the window of the state car looking at the Honduran capital. It had been nearly three years since he had last been there – not since the annexation of Guatemala and Honduras in the summer of 2004. Although the charts, statistics and reports all suggested that the people were better off than they were in the years preceding the annexation, Quetzalcoatl couldn’t help but notice a striking paradox…
“Everything looks the same since the annexation…” mused Angelica, Quetzalcoatl’s wife. “It would be interesting to assign some of the graduate students in the sociology department back in the university to do a study why other states in the nation are largely modernized in contrast to Honduras.
“Well, politically speaking,” Quetzalcoatl said, handing her a packet of documents from his brief case, “the local and state governments have several historical preservation laws – some of the stricter laws in the nation. That study is by some of the local and state level distribution boards, its public information, so make as many copies as you need.”
“Of course, politics isn’t the only thing that makes the world go round.” Angelica jokingly stated.
Patting Angelica’s shoulder, Quetzalcoatl smiled and said “Of course, mi amor…”
-RIIIIIING- Quetzalcoatl’s cellular phone started ringing. Detaching it from his belt clip, he looked at the phone number – “I got to take care of this.” Pressing a button on his phone, he put it to his ear – “Nochtli here, Omega 3.”
“Confirmed, sir, our fleets are in position and our first wave of land troops will be landing shortly. In addition, we have several more land troop formations ready to be deployed at your command.”
“Good, tell our fleets to begin the blockade now – only engage ships if they don’t turn around or prove to be hostile. In addition, give the Seolforese 12 hours to surrender. If they don’t, begin bombardments…you are under orders to not bomb civilian targets – only government, military, and electrical targets. As for the Koreans…damn, they make this a tricky situation. What do you think?”
Silence ensued as the car slowed to a stop…Quetzalcoatl looked ahead, trying to listen to his general’s advice…‘God damn it! Why the hell must traffic congested now, it’s the damn weekend!’
“Alright,” Nochtli said, if that’s the best you’ve got, then do it. Anything else?”
More silence ensued…“Alright, have Wellington, Arroyo, Xoxoctic or yourself give an emergency press conference. If we can let the international community know this is an internal conflict between ASDU states, we’ll have a better chance of success. The last thing we need is to have religious zealots backing the theocracy or a full scale war between socialist states.”
Angelica looked at her husband with a bit of alarm.
“Alright, you have your orders, is there anything else?” Quetzalcoatl looked at his watch, “Good, thanks for the update, take care.” He pressed a button and re-attached it to his belt clip.
Angelica asked, “Quetzal, I hope you read my thesis on the sociological effects of war and occupation. It may give you and your warriors some idea of what bombing, killing and pillaging does to a people.”
“I’ll be sure to keep it in mind…”
Location: Tenochitilán, México, 1:02 PM
The Foreign Affairs Minister, Dr. Darius Wellington walked out to a podium with the Minister of War following closely. Most foreign media and governments would be surprised to see an English medical doctor be the Minister of Foreign Affairs for a largely indigenous country. But still, he was a respected official in the ANL, ever since the revolution.
“Many citizens of Aztán and members of the international community may be surprised by our sudden military mobilization and deployment and that of our allies. Our troops are being deployed to the Korean/Seolfor to begin the invasion and potential short term occupation of Seolfor.”
Camera flashes lit the room at the utterance of those words. “To be blunt, there has been an illegitimate coup in Seolfor – the democratic government was overthrown by a monarch who was in turn, overthrown by a corrupt Archbishop who established a totalitarian theocracy. Due to mismanagement and lack of popular support, the nation is in disarray and the ASDU has agreed to go into Seolfor to restore order and re-establish a democratic socialist government.”
The camera flashes did not die down, to the displeasure of Wellington, “However, the nation of Kommunist Korea, an ASDU member formerly in good standing, has acted aggressively without ASDU authorization, either from the former chairing nation of the alliance or us, the new chairing nation. They are carving up the land and establishing a puppet regime with the apparent intent of taking over the entire nation and people. Although there is little intelligence currently coming in from the region, it is not unreasonable to assume that there are human rights violations being committed by the Korean campaign. Are there any questions?”
A reporter stood up, “Honorable Minister, you claim that the Koreans are acting imperialistically, and yet, the ASDU is going in and removing what you referred to as an illegitimate government – isn’t this a hypocritical stance?”
Wellington hated these hardball questions – “Well, I don’t consider the ASDU’s plan to be hypocritical. Yes, we are removing an illegitimate government, and yes, we will probably have to occupy the nation for a while, but our ultimate intent is to restore self-governance to the people of Seolfor. That is not the intent of the Korean campaign”
More questions ensued…After a while, Wellington said into the microphone, “I must give the podium over to Chief Warrior-General Tlanextic Zazanilli, Minister of War.”
Wellington left the podium and replaced where Zazanilli was standing. Zazanilli, another veteran of the revolution, was obviously war hardened and a much darker person than the generally well-mannered Wellington. With a noticeable Nahuatl accent, the General began speaking in English,
“I have a simple message to the illegitimate power holders in Seolfor – surrender within twelve hours or we will begin our invasion. If you surrender, you will be given a fair trial, adequate presentation and will be treated within the confines of our law, the Wolfish Convention on POWs, the Human Rights Declaration and any other applicable law. If you do not comply and lead your subversive campaign against the will of the people, your wellbeing is not guaranteed.”
He paused for a second – “As for the Koreans, you are ordered to begin cooperating with the ASDU command. If you do so, we will allow your nation to have input in the management of post-invasion Seolfor and assist in the nation’s management and security. If you do not comply, the ASDU will place sanctions against your nation.
As for the ASDU, I recommend that we do not offensively engage the Koreans. However, should they fire against any one of us; they shall be considered enemies against each nation of the ASDU. Are there any questions?”
There was a dead silence over the crowd of journalists…
27-05-2007, 00:28
The engines geared up, the 12 hour surrender time for the Seolfor nation would be plenty of time to get the planes in the air and on their way. With a large navel force already deployed by their allies the Nerotikan military council saw no need to get involved on the seas and so their main goal was to get their para divisions in the sky and deploy them across the border of Seolfor.
The port city on Juno Island provided twenty-seven carriers, an entire fleet consisting of these units. MiG-71's were loaded onto the platforms and as the carrier fleet pushed out it was passed overhead by hundreds of PDC carrier planes. Each plane was loaded with 160 Tabithian Guards, 4,000 from the 2nd Unit and 3,000 from the Nerotikan Elite 4th Division. Aside from the troops were two crates of ammunition, extra gear and mobile UAV's for ground defence. Though most were loaded with soldiers 30 were set aside for armored unit. IFV's loaded two in each plane took over 15 of them and the remaining were loaded with the MBT's. Each armore hauling plane also carried the armor's crew's which pre-entered the vehicles before drops which were relativly smooth so the crews would not be harmed.
The avarage nerotikan soldier carried the latest in technology advancments including a full battle suit and a reliable IDS system which using GPS targetting could locate and lock onto enemy signals allowing the soldier to decide the remaining. This suit weighed a heavy 120 pounds when the weapon was included, the weapon being an improvised XM-8 assault rifle for the Tabithian guards and an FN SCAR for the Nerotikan Elite. Sidearms were simple .45's which had been used for years by the nerotikan military, most of which were reused weapons. A Nerotikan crew man in an armored unit carried only an MP7 with an four extra clips of ammo, it was expected that a crew member would not see combat outside of his armored unit.
As the planes roared forward over the ocean they would each be refueled once during the duration of the flight, with a squadron of 430 planes it would take at least 100 refueling planes and hours to get at them all and so they would begin 5 hours into the flight.
The carriers on the sea rushed out in a spread formation moving at a constant pace toward the ANL blockade which once they arrived they would send off a large portion of MiG-71's to bombard locations around the mainland of Seolfor including and not limited toward civilian targets such as cities and towns.
Though the Nerotikan military had not been in combat for years they held on to their violant attacks and almost brutal tactics which would strangle an enemies mind to think that while they fight its their family that could be dieing. The Nerotikans had no emotion for an enemy, even if their allies did. To them if a person allows for their nation to fall to war against Nerotika then they are as bad as the nation that went to war.
(Its crude, i've been doing alot lately and so its hard to find time to get a good solid post in. You'll see a change soon by at least next week, trust me.)
Aztec National League
01-06-2007, 22:03
OOC: This is a post for Seolfor, as he can't get on the forums just as of yet. However, this is entirely his post.
Within Kandato, the capital of Seolfor, there is a tall, ancient cathedral called, in Old Seolforese, Yergudda Problet. Translated, it means Heaven’s Reflection.
It’s well worth noting that many non-Seolforese texts state that Hell is Heaven’s reflection.
Within Yergudda Problet are innumerable timeworn carvings. Many are the key to hidden passages. Press the nose of one particular wyvern carving, for example, and you will discover a long forgotten and incredibly dusty collection of explicit woodcuts.
What Archbishop Darius the Wary XVII pressed, however, was the beak of a bluebird in the crest of a predecessor. The carving opened into a surprisingly modern elevator, which he stepped into.
When the elevator stopped, he stepped out and was immediately accosted by his highest-ranking underling, Bishop Isaak. “Your Holiness! Kommunist Korea has already gotten to St. Jaculatur’s! And Llamekcuf!” Both towns were within 10 kilometres of the Seolfor border.
The Archbishop sped his pace, caring not a single whit for his aide-de-camp. Bishop Isaak ran behind him. “And the Aztec National League has issued a message to us, sir! They ask that we surrender by midnight or they will invade!”
“We are already being invaded, Isaak. I don’t care who invades us now. As per the national motto, potes meos suaviari clunes; they are our enemies and we will unleash our wrath upon them.”
“Er, actually, your Holiness, it has an entirely different meaning.”
“I am well aware of that, but to speak its meaning is to blaspheme, unless you can rephrase it, Isaak.” The Archbishop turned sharply into a large room filled with maps pinned up all over the walls. One huge computer screen took up a wall.
“Colonel Mayse! How is the army progressing?”
“Poorly,” Mayse said flatly. “The number of deserters seems to be increasing exponentially.”
“How many soldiers have we?”
“45 million, Your Holiness.”
“How many are newly recruited?”
Mayse coughed. “Uh… 22 million, sire.”
“Lower the minimum age to twelve.”
All the men looked up, stunned. One burst out, “They’ll be slaughtered, your Holiness!”
Another, who was much less careful with his words, cried “You sick tyrant! Why won’t you surrender!”
The Archbishop ignored these words and left the room. Once outside, he said to his aide-de-camp, very coldly, “Have him killed.”
“Yes, your Holiness.”
In another part of Kandato, a meeting of the Society to Return Seolfor to Democracy was ending. The members dispersed into the crowded nightclub where it was located.
Some stayed behind.
“Any word on the Archbishop?” the leader asked. He was a thoroughly scarred man in his midthirties. More than that could not be said; his hair seemed to change colour every week.
“Still hiding out in Yergudda,” his second-in-command, a dark man in his mid twenties dressed in a pastor’s robes, answered. “And his people are getting scared. He is too. Blasphemes when he thinks no one’s around. Shows he’s getting desperate. I heard tell too that he’s trying to escape to Ferdall, up in the mountains, and then maybe out of Seolfor.”
“And you?” the leader turned to his third-in-command, a tall, pale girl of eighteen.
“Lieutenant Vivienna is working the newly recruited girls to death. Three have already died of exhaustion and one has been shot.”
The leader made further enquiries, then allowed his spies to leave.
02-06-2007, 07:19
The president stood outside his office on the balcony looking out toward the front wall and Baersworth city. The capital was amazing and he had drawn in a breath of air while admiring the beauty before a knock broke his thought and he turned and headed inside and to the door. As he opened it he was halfway pushed over by the rushing general in full uniform, the black and grey of Nerotika's most decorated official High General Naki Emmers who in his hands was holding a large folder of documents.
"Sir, the forces have begun their push and will arrive within the next hour. Its expected that no casualties will be taken from the first wave but fighting like this leads to insugensies so I have to ask what precautions will be taken to avoid such a thing." The General asked in a drawn out voice.
"None. We will crush them, distroy their will to fight and rebuild the nation. That is how we work there is no expectation of an insurgency because there will be none at all. Now what is the formation of the invasion?"
"Yes sir I understand. The para divisions will reach the border soon and they have several artilary carriers infront, we will execute normal procedures here and have the artilary carriers turn slighting outward to bombard the drop zone as the paratroops fall in. Once the Tabithian Guards 2nd and 3rd Unit have dropped in we will push forward and repeat using the Elite's 4th Division. The armored units will be dropped between the zones and will provide advancing cover for the elites as well as defencive cover for the gaurds. On the sea we will be able to deply our mig's after 4 hours of contact, we expect the ANL to have support for us before our carriers arrive. Once they do arrive though we will begin to deploy out the bombers to find and disarm the Seolfornese anti-air network before it can be a bother. We expect air supeority by the end of this month and victory withing four to five months."
"Sounds good, am I to sign the documents in your hands?"
"Yes sir. Approval of the plan as well as national issues for your reading."
"Great. Its all running smoothly, thank you for informing me you may leave now."
The general said his goodbye then with a clicking of his boots and a salute he left the room and his president. The leader read over the papers, reviewing the invasion in his head and how he believed it would go. Quick and easy, simple and yet complicated with no casualties except their enemies. As his mind trailed his eyes read paragraph after paragraph until he caught a sentence that made his eyes grow wide. For twenty odd years the nation had been an official democracy while the former Trotsky Imperial Family died with its last member Jason Trotsky, a national socialist who had begun a 'final solution' of his own and was casted away during the Coalition War which left the nation in peices. He had died in prison the day before and it was just now that Darinsky had recieved the official word on it.
Both a great day for the nation and a sad one for history as the death of Jason ment the official elimination of the imperial legacy that had grown the nation to what it was today. Memory if the imperial war against the state of Achen which unified the nation under the imperial flag was celebrated every year even during these democratic times. With the Empire finally buried Darinsky believed one final celebration should be had. He believed a good way to provide a meeting between the coalition forces of the ASDU would be to invite them to this celebration and so he did so. Whether they arrived or not were up to them.
Official Document of the Democratic Socialist Union of Nerotika
To: All ASDU Regional Members
We will be hosting a meeting of our nations to discuss not only the recent conflict but also trades and other political items that might come up. This is also an occasion of celebration as a new holiday is being created to celebrate our former Empire and the future our nation now has. Please respond and we will send you the remaining information.
President Voloda N. Darinsky
Aztec National League
02-06-2007, 09:44
8:07 PM, 30 miles off the Soeforese/Korean Border
Admiral Marcus Gibb was a happy man. He sat, looking out the narrow port windows of the SAS Typhoon, thinking about how lucky he and his ship were to be in the Pacific Fleet. Yes, he was deployed to this conflict, which will be arduous in itself, but, at least he wasn’t part of the unlucky many who were in the Atlantic Fleet – half of them were being sent to fight Doomingsland and Masspwnage along side Jarridia and several other nations…‘Poor bastards’, he thought.
The communications officer of the Typhoon looked over the monitor at his station. “Sir, the remainder of the fleet is here, along with the troop transports. They report that they have taken no damage or casualties.”
Gibb stood up and said, “Good, about bloody damn time they got here.” Putting on his black overcoat, Gibb said firmly, “Transmit to the their orders – the troops are to be landed immediately. Tell the submarines to help escort the transports, we’re going to be sticking ourselves in the middle of the conflict here…
E*N*C*R*Y*P*T*E*D* ~ O*R*D*E*R*S*
CC’ed to Aztec Central Command and all ASDU Nations
All troop transports and escorting fleet are to proceed into Seolforese waters until we reach the coast. From there on, the troop transports will land, allowing all troops to disembark. All submarine units, including the Typhoon will also escort the troop transports to their destination. Once all troops have disembarked the transports, all transports are to be recalled to the Aztec National League for their next assignment. All escorting vessels are to remain here and participate in this action.
On a side note, you must keep a sharp lookout for potential enemy ships or other hostile units as we will be in hostile waters. The carrier Altepetl is ordered to launch it’s complement of seven AZ-25s to perform reconnaissance over the target area. All reconnaissance from the planes will be patched to the troop transports and escorting fleet.
These orders are to be executed immediately…
-Marcus Gibb, Admiral of the Aztec Red Navy, Commanding Officer of the SAS Typhoon
Shortly after these orders were issued, the ships began making the trip towards the target destination. Fifteen minutes later, the sound of launching jet craft broke the silence of the sea…This would be a tense hour for Admiral Gibb.
6:32 AM, In the Grand Union Chambers, Tenochitilán…
It was too early in the morning for the grumpy Coyotepec Xoxoctic. Normally, life wasn’t too difficult for the Sub-Tlatoani of the Aztec National League, but ever since the Tlatoani, Quetzalcoatl Nochtli took a brief vacation at an inopportune time, the responsibility for coordinating two major military actions fell squarely in the hands of Xoxoctic. It was understandable for Nochtli to insist on taking his vacation - he hadn’t had much of any sort of a break from his duties since 2005. However, Xoxoctic still wished that Nochtli was here to stress out over these issues.
Xoxoctic walked down the halls of the Grand Union Chambers, a cup of coffee in one hand and a brief case in another. Dr. Darius Wellington, the Minister of Foreign Affairs noticed Xoxoctic and walked quickly over to him to catch him. Xoxoctic thought to himself, ‘Why the hell is Wellington so cheerful all the damn time?’ But then again, Xoxoctic thought, he himself was no base for comparison, for not even the brightest day or loveliest of nights could make this week slightly more tolerable.
“What’s going on, Wellington?” Xoxoctic asked politely.
“Oi, not too much my friend, except our comrades in Nerotika have requested that all ASDU nations to meet up and discuss various issues…”
Xoxoctic barked back, “What, they went around us?!? I thought we were now the ones wh…”
Wellington said interrupted, albeit politely, “Sir, they didn’t circumvent us. There is no set policy to call a alliance wide meeting. Besides, let them do it, I doubt you have the time to host and chair a meeting.”
Xoxoctic stopped for a second, looked up at the ceiling and thought for a second – ‘just relax, this wasn’t a big deal.’ Just as he was beginning to collect his thoughts and realize this meeting was a good idea, a drop of water from a leaky fire extinguisher fell upon Xoxoctic’s forehead. Wellington clearly felt the frustration building up in the Sub-Tlatoani, “Sir…”
The Sub-Tlatoani said surprisingly calmly, “No, I’ll write the letter thanking them for calling the meeting, I’ll see who I can send.”
“Yes sir.” Wellington began walking back to his office.
Coyotepec Xoxoctic walked to the office of the Tlatoani, not particularly looking forward to the day. The receptionist didn’t notice him come in, as he was talking on the phone, writing down a copious amount of notes. This was going to be a fun day.
To: Voloda N. Darinsky, President of The Democratic Socialist Union of Nerotika
From: Coyotepec Xoxoctic, Sub-Tlatoani of The Altepetl of Aztec National League
Subject: Meeting
Thank you very much for calling this meeting, as I believe it will be an important step for the alliance. I assure you that the Aztec National League will send a representative to this meeting. Please give us the meeting place, date and time and we will be there.
- Coyotepec Xoxoctic, Sub-Tlatoani
The Altepetl of Aztec National League