NationStates Jolt Archive

Brutland and Norden Embassy Exchange

Brutland and Norden
23-05-2007, 22:11


The United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden ( would like to establish and nurture friendly relations with other countries. As such, we have instated an embassy exchange program, and we are inviting all interested nations to join.

We have converted a district of the capital Vilòstresa (English: Kingsville) into an international district where embassies could be located. (More information below.) Here ( is an aerial view of the area, and this is the street map:

In order to get an embassy in the district, simply fill out this form:
General Information
Full Country Name:
Type of Government:
Present Leader:

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name:
Brief Bio:
Number of Staff:
Number of Military Personnel:

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type):
Weapons (Number & Type):

Please choose a plot for your embassy:
(You can also add a second choice should the first choice won't be approved.)

Any special requests:

All applications shall be subject to the following rules and regulations:
1. The government of The United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden reserves the right to refuse the application of a nation. (We rarely do that anyway.)
2. The number of civilian staff may not exceed 100, and the number of military personnel may not exceed 15.
3. The number of vehicles is limited to 10, and it may be armored but not armed.
4. Weapons are limited to personal weapons only. The maximum number is one for each personnel.
5. The plot already has a building in place, ready for use. The nation can demolish and rebuild the building or make major changes to the structure. We encourage contacting the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We would be willing to help should a decision to build an embassy is made.

In order to build better two-way relations, the United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden also wishes to build an embassy in your nation if possible. Just add details and specifications in your application post.

Thank you and we hope for closer ties between our great nations.

For information on Nord-Brutlandese Foreign Affairs, see here (
Brutland and Norden
23-05-2007, 22:11
The district where you will build your embassy is known as Sant'Garzana (English: Saint Garzan). It was a former fishing village in southern Union Island that was developed in the 1930s. When the capital city of Kingsville expanded, it absorbed several hamlets and villages around it, including Sant'Garzana.

To the east of Sant'Garzana is the Moon Canyon Park, a haven for camping, fishing, and many outdoor activities. To the north lies the forested rolling hills of Dolmezzo that separates Sant'Garzana from Kingsville proper. Also in Sant'Garzana is the popular Coral Beach, frequented by the inhabitants of Kingsville.

The focal point of Sant'Garzana is its plaza. Surrounding the plaza is the Cathedral of Saint Garzan, the hospital, the police station, and the majestic former town hall, now occupied by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The other side of the town contains the Queens Park, where a famous skateboard park is located.

Sant'Garzana is served by six bus and subway stations: Circulo Fontanese, Piazzo di Sant'Garzana, Spocchio, Parco Renoque, Strando Corralu, and Parco Cannono Luna. These connect the district to the capital.

The district is also connected to Kingsville proper via the Sant'Garzana Tunnel, part of the Kingsville Route 17. L'Abordammino is a part of the Union Island circumferential road, which connects all of the major communities in Union Island. Also, Viade Tercellese winds through Moon Canyon Park and connects the district with the city of Tercellese, where the Domestic Airport is located.

International flights land at King Kyle I International Airport in the island of Tonzivibbia, 12 km south of Union Island. An undersea tunnel links Tonzivibbia and Kingsville, or you can take the car and passenger ferry.
Brutland and Norden
23-05-2007, 22:12
(List not exhaustive)

Royal Nord-Brutlandese Embassy to the People's Nation of Alfegos
Embasciato Nordèbrutelliense Reala te la Nazione Populoque d'Alfegos
111 Prosperity Road, Financial District, New Zevkhay, Alfegos

Ambassador Emilia DI TRINCONE, Baroness of Rigulia
Citizen Services - Carmina Ominelli
Cultural - Riccardo Scucchi
Legal - Anna Bilello-Maynard
Military - Capt. Marco Mastrocola, NRNMb
Press - Francis Maynard
Trade - Enrico Cannizzaro

Royal Nord-Brutlandese Embassy to the Federal Republic of Hamilay
Embasciato Nordèbrutelliense Reala te la Repubblico Federa d'Amilai
44 Republic Avenue, Sayenna, Hamilay

Ambassador Pancrazio ODDONE
Citizen Services - Marinella Quigentole
Cultural - Lalica Garofalo
Legal - Thorizio Barbano
Military - Capt. Jessica Montero, CaRNMb
Press - Carolina Frascattini
Trade - Nora di Stornina

Royal Nord-Brutlandese Embassy to the Island Empire of Pan-Arab Barronia
Embasciato Nordèbrutelliense Reala te l'Impero Esola di Barronia Panarabense

Ambassador Alizia dG. Santagemma-IACOBUCCI
Citizen Services - Canico Bettini
Cultural - Giorgio Riscagliamenti
Legal - Ferrando Alocchio
Military - Cpl. Giolio Gionsone, ARNMb
Press - Sara Marcoletti
Trade - Berenice Zacchardini

Royal Nord-Brutlandese Embassy to the Commonwealth of Biotopia
Embasciato Nordèbrutelliense Reala te la Comunitano di Biotopia
Ambassador Lamberto MONTENEGRO

Citizen Services - Isacco Pellegrino
Cultural - Alessandra Gianicolina
Legal - Alvaro Crochetto
Military - Capt. Roberto Rassella, ARNMb
Press - William Arbedo
Trade - Gianno d'Ungrìa

Royal Nord-Brutlandese Embassy to the Republic of Candelaria And Marquez
Embasciato Nordèbrutelliense Reala te la Repubblico di Candelaria E Marquez
109 Irish Street, Albrecht, Candelaria And Marquez

Ambassador Nilo SIGONELLA
Citizen Services - Hunter K. Moschatelli
Cultural - Theresa Lambertini
Legal - Bettina di Marcotullio
Military - Sdch. Ilario Santarrigo, ARNMb
Press - Riccardo Tortorici
Trade - Veronica Calandra

Royal Nord-Brutlandese Embassy to the Thrill of Tsrill
Embasciato Nordèbrutelliense Reala te la Pauro di C'rille

Ambassador Marcello BRACCIOLINI
Citizen Services - Nicola Padolina
Cultural - Apollinare Nicoletano
Legal - Giuseppe Mello
Military - Sdch. Kyle Valero, ARNMb
Press - Adriana Montogrosso
Trade - Ruth Calvatone

Royal Nord-Brutlandese Embassy to the Empire of Neo-Ixania
Embasciato Nordèbrutelliense Reala te l'Impero d'Icsania Nuova
10 Independence Street, Tzargrad

Ambassador Maria Pamela BOSCARO
Citizen Services - Bricco Luporini
Cultural - Vilma di Redondesco
Legal - Nicola Vieri
Military - Coltt. Giuseppina Lima-Vercelli, ARNMb
Press - Adam Ascenza
Trade - Alberto Matezzi

Royal Nord-Brutlandese Embassy to the Kingdom of Imbrinium
Embasciato Nordèbrutelliense Reala te la Rinnosso d'Imbrinio

Ambassador Jason SCARAMELLA
Citizen Services - Valentina Poncarale
Cultural - Simona Novato
Legal - Massimiliano Cadorense
Military - Mag. Fabrizio di Nicotera, ARNMb
Press - Cedric Armbrister
Trade - Matto Poncarale

Royal Nord-Brutlandese Embassy to the Glorious Empire of the Scandinvans
Embasciato Nordèbrutelliense Reala te l'Impero Loricellía di la Scandinvanensi
020 Embassy Drive, Northeast Valdra, the Scandinvans

Ambassador Tristan MODACELLI
Citizen Services - Ottavio Canuccone
Cultural - Margherita Pestano
Legal - Knut Magnus Daugaard
Military - Capt. Baldassare Bragliola, NRNMb
Press - Vanessa Biancafiore
Trade - Anselmo Foglietta

Royal Nord-Brutlandese Embassy to the United States of Cookesland
Embasciato Nordèbrutelliense Reala te la Stattu Unnonecca di Marcho Cooke'que
3428 Capitoline Boulevard, Coricas, Cookesland
http://cooke.fdae.gob.nem; http://www.brutlandandnorden.csl
cooke@fdae.gob.nem; embasciato@brutlandandnorden.csl

Ambassador Gisela TROSSEFINI
Citizen Services - Derrico Dragonetti
Cultural - Giustina Garofalo
Legal - Carlo San Sbaccio
Military - Capt. Trevore Biancaniello, ARNMb
Press - Fiorina Dragonetti
Trade - Tarcisio Peraltini

Royal Nord-Brutlandese Embassy to the Federal republic of Omigodtheykilledkenny
Embasciato Nordèbrutelliense Reala te la Repubblico Federa d'Òmìdaxmaìcruteccèkenny
27th Floor, 10 Frowning Street, Paradise City, OMGTKK

Ambassador Kyle DI FONTANA
Citizen Services - Gabriella Rotanelli
Military - Cadet First Class Carlo Franco Moretti

Royal Nord-Brutlandese Embassy to the Federation of Visayan Peoples
Embasciato Nordèbrutelliense Reala te la Federesso di Populu Visáiense
1 Junquera St, Ubec City

Ambassador Anna Patrizia B. MICARELLI
Citizen Services - Marcella Palmerino
Cultural - Maria Carla Forcola
Legal - Vincenzo Lanuzetti
Military - Capt. Leonardo Lattanzi, ARNMb
Press - Brigida Ruffino
Trade - Abraham Porreca

Royal Nord-Brutlandese Embassy to the Republic of Ruccola
Embasciato Nordèbrutelliense Reala te la Repubblico di Ruccola
517 Independence Avenue, Diplomatic Quarter, Arugula

Ambassador Uldarico IANNUCCELLI
Citizen Services - Susana Calipari-Thrailkill
Cultural - Francesca Gallinaro
Legal - Laura Dinarello
Military - Mag. Simone Cacciatore, ARNMb
Press - Bradley Thrailkill
Trade - Bruno Rabottini

Royal Nord-Brutlandese Embassy to the Centralized Mountain States of Snefaldia
Embasciato Nordèbrutelliense Reala te la Stattu Monta Settrecca di Snefaldia

Ambassador Geraldo LEANDRI
Citizen Services - Angelina Marsella
Cultural - Rosanna Martella
Legal - Rica Santáolalla
Military - Mag. Gennaro Montàldeo, ARNMb
Press - Joshua Colombrino
Trade - Ciara Borbe

Royal Nord-Brutlandese Embassy to the Grand Duchy of Van Luxemburg
Embasciato Nordèbrutelliense Reala te la Ducosso Grana di Van Lussemborgo
Boulevard Henry Courtemanche 42, Luxemburg
http://vanlussemborgo.fdae.gob.nem; http://www.embasciatornb.vl
vanlussemborgo@fdae.gob.nem; cittadetto@embasciatornb.vl

Ambassador Donatella GROSSI
Citizen Services - Derrico Perfetti
Cultural - Giannina Bianchisco-Rustichelli
Legal - Agerica Crudetti, J.D.
Military - Col. Colombano Colonnese, ARNMb
Press - Clyde Grossi
Trade - Georgina Canuccone

Royal Nord-Brutlandese Embassy to the Federal Republic of ViZion
Embasciato Nordèbrutelliense Reala te la Repubblico Federa di ViZione

Ambassador Bruno dB. CANELLOTTI
Citizen Services - Nicandro Sorgentone
Cultural - Gianni Tedeschini
Legal - Marita Ricciardone
Military - Col. Gino Bellagio, ARNMb
Press - Nigella di Stornina
Trade - Dario Piersone

Royal Nord-Brutlandese Embassy to the Federal Republic of Zinaire
Embasciato Nordèbrutelliense Reala te la Repubblico di Zinaire
Lot 20, Arouet Drive, Zinaire City

Ambassador Giustino SANTANIELLO
Citizen Services - Giuliana Patricelli
Cultural - Luca Lucanio
Legal - Bernardo Barbieri
Military - Capt. Arrigo Buccafusca, ARNMb
Press - Enrico Foschi
Trade - Ruggiero Scocco
24-05-2007, 01:13
General Information
Full Country Name: The Rookdom of Zwangzug
Type of Government: parliamentary democracy
Present Leader: Ember Nickel

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Julia Burgmuller
Brief Bio: Julia is in her thirties. A quiet, brown-haired woman, she enjoys performing music.
Number of Staff: 0
Number of Military Personnel: 0

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 0
Weapons (Number & Type): 0. Unless you count the knife she brings to make oboe reeds.

Please choose a plot for your embassy: 8, second choice 64

Any special requests:

Brutland and Norden are welcome to set up an embassy in Zwangzug. To do so, find a building in Constantinople ( that appears unlikely to abruptly collapse due to structural damage and move in. If that proves impossible, find someone to build a new building.

Zwangzug also inquires into the health of Adriana LaBianca's son.
24-05-2007, 01:40

Greetings from President Ambrose of the Federation of Ambrose-Douglas. Our fair nation would like to initiate an embassy exchange with your great land. Below is the information that you have requested. We hope that you find it satisfactory and up to your standards.

General Information
Full Country Name: The Federation of Ambrose-Douglas
Type of Government: Monarchal Republic
Present Leader: President Justin M. Ambrose

Personell Information
Ambassador Name: Under-Ambassador Kenneth Dontome
Brief Bio: Kenneth Dontome is one of the last remaining diplomatic members from the days of a separated Ambrose and Douglas. Serving loyally under King Charles Douglas III, Dontome then served his son after the merger of the two countries. The only survivng member of his family after the plauge, Dontome dedicated his life to the furtherment of Ambrose-Douglas. He is one of our most expereinced ambassadors.
Number of Staff: 25, including Dontome
Number of Military Personnel: 15 total (4 1st Honor Guard Battlion troops, personal escort to Under-Ambassador Dontome, 11 troops from 1st Embassy Guard Division, responsible for embassy security)

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): [3] five troop "Slash" APCs (machine guns removed), [1] armored, black, short limosene
Weapons (Number & Type): [15] SMP-9 9mm "Pops" Sub-machine pistols

Please choose a plot for your embassy: 38, 2nd choice: 14
(You can also add a second choice should the first choice won't be approved.)

Any special requests: Hangar space at the Domestic Airport for [1] ADJ-50 "Winter" 50 passenger armored diplomatic jet. Our government will pay the renting fee, of course.

Our diplomatic district in our capital city of Arkanis has just recently opened up and been renovated again. The request form, as well as all of its information, can be found here (

We hope to see your request soon and look to a brighter future for both of our countries.

Benjamin J. Douglas
Ambassador to the United Nations and Foreign Lands
The Federation of Ambrose-Douglas
24-05-2007, 02:48
General Information
Full Country Name: The Principality of Kurona
Type of Government: Monarcy
Present Leader: Tomoyo Mikanu

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Ayumi Kusonori
Brief Bio: Born into a wealthy upperclass family in Sonomi. Her father was an outspoken Cabinate Speaker, and sucesfully passed several bills, including the infamous 65th Line of Kurona
Number of Staff: 48
Number of Military Personnel: 15

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 1 car, a horse would be desired though
Weapons (Number & Type): each will have a variety of lethal and non-lethal weaponry including Uzis, Mac 10's and AK's. Non leathal will comprises of flash gernades, smoke bombs, and stunners

Please choose a plot for your embassy:
(You can also add a second choice should the first choice won't be approved.)

Any special requests: Wants a chappel for worship services
Brutland and Norden
24-05-2007, 11:15

To: The Rookdom of Zwangzug

We welcome Ambassador Julia Burgmuller into the country. As the first foreign delegation in the country, the Brutland and Norden Chamber of Commerce would like to give you three pounds of purple Brute cheese (our national food) as a gift. The place at 104 Viale Piscinadoro (plot #8) is ready.

The Ministry have also assigned Ambassador Bianca LaMarche ( to scout for a favorable location in Constantinople.

As for your inquiry, I believe that Aaron Stelcchio (Kail and Adriana Stelcchio's son - they married immediately after the contest) died last April, in the car crash that also killed his father.

Thank you and we look forward to building a strong friendship between our countries.

- - - - -

To: President Ambrose of the Federation of Ambrose-Douglas

We readily approve your application. We welcome Ambassador Kenneth Dontome to the country's shores, and the request for plot #38 (360 L'Abordammino) is hereby granted. And because we just had a bumper crop this year, the Pannondrio Farmers' Cooperative would like to send you a basket of wild edible mountain berries from Brutland.

Thank you and may this be a start of lasting cooperation between our two countries, especially in the United Nations.

- - - - -

To: The Principality of Kurona

The application of the Principality of Kurona is hereby granted. We look forward to seeing Ambassador Ayumi Kusonori and the entourage, and welcoming them with bouquets of flowers found only in Brutland and Norden.

As for your request for a chapel for worship services, we would certainly allow you to build it, however, we are still clueless about its intended location. We recommend choosing a big plot or a plot with at least two buildings so it can be built.

We would also ask if we could send Ambassador Lilliana Brocelli as our representative in Kurona.

Thank you very much!
Bricco di Sint'Brullizio
Finisterretto per Alfari Ellena
(Minister for Foreign Affairs)
MP, Sceicce
24-05-2007, 11:20
General Information
Full Country Name: The Dictatorship of Greal
Type of Government: Corrupt Dictatorship
Present Leader: president Bill Watson

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Herm Gorden
Brief Bio: he was born into the richest family in Greal. He fought in the revoultion and became the President's Military Advisor a few years ago.
Number of Staff:15
Number of Military Personnel:30

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type):1 sedan and 4 motorbikes
Weapons (Number & Type):30 AK-47 rifles and 45 Glocks.

Please choose a plot for your embassy:
(You can also add a second choice should the first choice won't be approved.)

Any special requests:
Brutland and Norden
25-05-2007, 10:53

To: The Dictatorship of Greal


The delegation from Greal would be very much welcome in Brutland and Norden. However, we could not accept more than 15 military personnel as embassy staff, and the number of weapons must not exceed the number of staff.

Also, we would like to know where would you like to build your embassy. Please inform us of your preferred location, so we can prepare it immediately.

Thank you!
Bricco di Sint'Brullizio
Finisterretto per Alfari Ellena
(Minister for Foreign Affairs)
MP, Sceicce
25-05-2007, 13:11
Straddling a suitcase across her knee, Julia fumbled for the key in her pocket. As she bent down to open the door of the embassy, she noticed an oddly shaped basket indoors. Curious, she set down her bags and entered.

A note written in Nord-Brutlandese and English welcomed her to the nation, and invited her to try some of their cheese.

Foreign... she thought, biting in, but that's to be expected...
26-05-2007, 14:28
General Information
Full Country Name: The Incorporated States of Nightfalcon
Type of Government:'Father Knows Best State'
Present Leader: Elder Valis Baren

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Geran Lylewood
Brief Bio: Mid-30's, adept foreign relations and trade negotiator.
Number of Staff: 8
Number of Military Personnel: 12

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 2 armored Sedans + 2 'Incorporated States' Police Motorbikes
Weapons (Number & Type): 3 Handguns (trained personal staff) and 12 SA 80's.

Please choose a plot for your embassy:
33 (second choice: 37)

Any special requests: We respectfully request that we are not imposed upon by any religious persons.

I have been informed that we prefer the choice of an embassy for Brutland and Norden be restricted to the western quarter of Niale - our graceful capital. Also, I am told to inform you that it is probable that you would prefer to base your embassy closer to the centre than further from it.

Geran Lylewood, Ambassador of The Incorporated States of Nightfalcon
Brutland and Norden
26-05-2007, 14:48

To: The Incorporated States of Nightfalcon


We would like to inform you that your application had been accepted. The building at 514 Viale Nazioni Unnonecca (English: 514 United Nations Avenue; plot #33) is ready for occupancy.

We welcome Ambassador Geran Lylewood to our country. As a welcoming gesture, Princess Alexandra, Duchess of Santelleria, sends you a box of her favorite chocolate-coated berries from Brutland.

We would also like to inform you that we would be sending Ambassador Daniela Caralli ( to Niale as our representative. We would take your advice in setting up our embassy there.

Thank you and may our nations prosper with our newfound friendship!
Bricco di Sint'Brullizio
Finisterretto per Alfari Ellena
(Minister for Foreign Affairs)
MP, Sceicce
Abu Omar
26-05-2007, 17:11
The Emirate of Abu Omar wish to begin diplomatic relations with Brutland and Norden.

General Information
Full Country Name: The Emirate of Abu Omar
Type of Government: Constitutional hereditary emirate
Present Leader: Sultan Mohammed ibn Al-Quuadi

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Dr Yasmine El Raadi
Brief Bio: Dr El Raadi is 33 years old and upon finishing her degree in Politics & International Diplomacy at the University of Ajaman, she became an Advisor for the HCDAN (Health Council for Developing Arab Nations) chaity organisation. After 11 years working for HCDAN, she was selected by the government to become an Ambassador.
Number of Staff: 20
Number of Military Personnel: 10

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type):2 Alpha-Loreno luxury cars and 2 Alpha-Loreno people carriers.
Weapons (Number & Type): 10 Basic sidearms for security staff

Also, as a gesture of good will, Sultan Mohammed ibn Al-Quuadi wishes to cordially invite you to the 1st Abu Omar Camel Racing World Cup and the offer to enter a competitor in order to sample the customs and delights of our great nation. Entry for the event can be found at:
Brutland and Norden
30-05-2007, 05:42

To: The Emirate of Abu Omar


The application of the Emirate of Abu Omar has been approved. We cordially welcome Ambassador Yasmine El Raadi to our shores. As a token, we would like to send Dr. El Raadi a pound of first-grade beef jerky (certified halal by the Islamic Council of Brutland and Norden). However, we are still puzzled on the preferred location of the embassy.

Also, we would like to inform you that we would be sending Dr. Abdul Fericcelli as our representative, but we regret that he had not arrived in time to witness the start of the 1st Abu Omar Camel Racing World Cup. Brutland and Norden has no deserts or native camel population; but I think we might find a camel raiser and camel racer somewhere in our big country. Perhaps we can join the next time.

Thank your very much, and we hope this would be the start of a great relationship between our countries.
Bricco di Sint'Brullizio
Finisterretto per Alfari Ellena
(Minister for Foreign Affairs)
MP, Sceicce
Candelaria And Marquez
30-05-2007, 17:37
For the attention of Bricco di Sint'Brullizio.


The Republic of Candelaria And Marquez (, being in a similar position to your good selves as an island state with few international connections, would be delighted to further our international relations by establishing an embassy in your fair capital. We are in the process of developing our own domestic embassy programme, and would be most pleased to welcome your diplomats to the Candelarias via here (

The requested details;

Full Country Name: The Republic of Candelaria And Marquez
Type of Government: Liberal, Parliamentary, Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Present Leader: President James Anderson

Ambassador Name: Asher Dolloe
Brief Bio: Born Abiodun, 1962. Married to Maria. Three children (1 daughter, born 1989, and 2 sons, 1993 and 2000). (Would also be in attendance, with your sanction.) He is fond of cats.

Formerly senior member of Rushmori Community department of Relations with Communist Nations and Regions. Later Deputy Head of Common Foreign and Security Policy Department. Looking for a more restful brief in B&N.

Number of Staff: 27
Number of Military Personnel: None required. We trust you.
Vehicles (Number & Type): A car. Big black job, all swish.
Weapons (Number & Type): None. Possibly a penknife.

Please choose a plot for your embassy: 25 or 57.

Any special requests: We wouldn't dare be so presumptuous.

Yours in fevered anticipation,

Eric White
Minister for Foreign Affairs
The Genoshan Isles
14-08-2007, 03:54
To: The Honorable Bricco di Sint'Brullizio, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Brutland and Norden

From: The Honorable Jessica Winston, Minister of Foreign Affairs, The Genoshan Isles

Subject: Embassy Exchange

Greetings and blessings to your house, Honorable Minister!
Upon direction from my King, we extend invitation to plant an embassy in the Isles, and to request an embassy in your country.
Per your instructions, here is the information.

General Information
Full Country Name: The Royal Federation of the Genoshan Isles
Type of Government: (UN Designation) Democratic Socialists/(Domestic Designation) Constitutional Monarchy
Present Leader: (Head of State) His Serene Majesty King Michael Aurelius I/(Head of Gov't) The Rt. Honorable Baron Martin Welles, 2nd Baron Welles

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: The Honorable Lancelot Link
Brief Bio: 30, Unmarried, Career in the Diplomatic Corps
Number of Staff: 25. We will leave open the option to intern staffers from your nation.
Number of Military Personnel: 25 members of the Genoshan Marine Embassy Security Detail, plus one captain (commanding officer) and one NCO (Gunnery Sergeant)

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 2 Cadillac DTS-esque Limos. Light Jeeps for compound security
Weapons (Number & Type):
-- 75 FN Five-seveN Handguns
-- 100 Mk 2 (Ka-Bar) Knives
-Embassy Defense
-- 30 FN P90 USG
-- 15 Shotguns (Riot/Combat)
-- 27 Mameluke Swords
Please choose a plot for your embassy:7 or 14
(You can also add a second choice should the first choice won't be approved.)

Any special requests: We request to build the embassy ourselves. We will let you know of what we plan to build, but we cannot divulge specifics due to security. You have my word, and the word of the king himself, that we will not house any other weapons or persons unless we have the specific permission from your government.
You may build your embassy in Corinth (our capital district) if you wish. If you choose to do so, your ambassador may stay as the personal guest of the king at Castle Anvard, the Royal Palace, until its completion.

Thank you for your consideration, and we hope to work with you in the future!

The Honorable Jessica Winston, DMC
Foreign Affairs Minister
His Serene Majesty's Government
The Royal Federation of the Genoshan Isles
14-08-2007, 04:25

Official Diplomatic Message

We would love to exchange embassies with our friends in Bruteland and Norden.

General Information
Full Country Name: The United States of Cookesland
Type of Government: Federal Constititutional Republic
Present Leader: President Alan Foxswift

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: R. David Quill
Brief Bio: The son of immigrants, David is from the state of Nicktenstein. He is very proficient at languages, and has a wife, with 2 children.
Number of Staff: 20
Number of Military Personnel: 10

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 5 bullet proof limos
Weapons (Number & Type): 20 hand guns

Please choose a plot for your embassy: plot 3 please

Any special requests: A library containing Books on Bruteland and Nordense (sorry about the adjective) culture and history.

Best Wishes,
Steven J. Andolor
Steven J. Andolor
Secretary of State
The United States of Cookesland
14-08-2007, 08:50
Alfegos Foreign Ministry
Department of Embassys

General Information
Full Country Name: The People's Republic of Alfegos
Type of Government: Democracy
Present Leader: President A. Darel

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Yuri Oplikov
Brief Bio:AUTH, AUSH, ASDH 2nd class
Number of Staff: 22
Number of Military Personnel: 15

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 7 Embassy Vehicles, 3 Security Vehicles
Weapons (Number & Type): 15 AFP-99 pistols, 22 AFP-89D pistols

Please choose a plot for your embassy: Not bothered
(You can also add a second choice should the first choice won't be approved.)

Any special requests: A helipad on the roof
Brutland and Norden
16-08-2007, 22:59

To: Hon. Eric White
Minister for Foreign Affairs, The Republic of Candelaria And Marquez


The application of the Candelaria And Marquez has been approved. We are sorry for the delay as our resident translator was on leave for a while.

You can now occupy the building at 352 L'Abordammino (plot #25), and a case of native Nord-Brutlandese cow liquor ( waiting for Mr. Asher Dolloe, his family, and his staff.

As for Mr. Dolloe's cats, we advise consulting first the Bureau of Animal Quarantine of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources so that the felines could be vaccinated against illnesses and be assured to be disease-free. Also, I believe that we also have good breeds of cats here in Brutland and Norden.

Thank you very much, and we hope that this would be the start of our continued relations.

- - -

To: The Honorable Jessica Winston
Minister of Foreign Affairs, The Genoshan Isles


The United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden readily accedes to your request, however, the number of weapons (excluding ceremonial weapons) is limited to one per person only (non-military staff included). If ever additional defenses are needed, you can call us at the Foreign Ministry and we can send people to assist you.

The crew had already demolished the building at 1271 Fiumo Viade Parca (plot #7). You can now build your embassy there.

In order to build better bilateral relations, we would be sending Ambassador Giuletta di Casperina to Corinth as our representative.

Thank you, and may our nations prosper.

- - -

To: Steven J. Andolor
Secretary of State, The United States of Cookesland


We readily approve of your application. The building at 1248 Viale Pacifico Sorda (plot #3) is ready for occupancy. (And I believe that Culture Minister Anna Maria Sceiff had stocked the library with lots of books and audio-visual meterials, along with the most recent edition of the Encyclopedia Brutanica and instructional tapes on how to speak Nord-Brutlandese. We would be sending over a basket of our national food, the purple Brute cheese.)

Thank you and we hope for the strengthening of our friendship.

- - -

To: Alfegos Foreign Ministry


The United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden approves your application, and if ever you would not want to have your embassy located in the district, please inform us so we can make arrangements accordingly.

Thank you and we look forward to working with you soon.
Bricco di Sint'Brullizio
Finisterretto per Alfari Ellena
(Minister for Foreign Affairs)
MP, Sceicce
11-09-2007, 16:31

General Information
Full Country Name: The Kingdom of Pinguinum
Type of Government: Feudal Democracy
Present Leader: HM King Dwight (head of state) and Rt. Hon. Peter Waddle MPP (head of government)

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Derek Swim
Brief Bio: athelete for four years before becoming a chief advisor to international affairs
Number of Staff: 10
Number of Military Personnel: diplomatic security attachment: 10 (not military)

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 3
Weapons (Number & Type): 5 (type is classified) semi-automatic equipped in case, 1 hand gun for ambassador

Please choose a plot for your embassy: ~somewhere along Golden Swimming pool road please (viale piscinadoro)
(You can also add a second choice should the first choice won't be approved.)

Any special requests:
Blouman Empire
12-09-2007, 03:02
An Application for Bloumany to establish an embassy in the United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden approved by the Lord Marshal of the Imperial Diplomats King Conrad III King of North Braxon

General Information
Full Country Name: The Blouman Empire (aka Bloumany The Empire of Bloumany)
Type of Government: leader elected by council
Present Leader: Emperor Henry IV Emperor of Bloumany Prince of Truingren Prince of South Wedrom (etc.)

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Duchess Angela Moreabin Duchess of Sebadrin Lake
Brief Bio: Duchess Moreabin attended the University of Eastern Bloumany studing Politics, she went on to become admittded to the court of her 3rd cousin King Ludwig V of Eastern Bloumany while there her major achviement was establishing a trade link between Eastern Bloumany and Greengrow which evantually lead to trade between Greengrow and the rest of Bloumany, after which she joined the imperial diplomatic corps and was a part delegation in trying to stop the civil war in Eastern Bloumany, since then she has been a lecturer in Politics and International Relations at the University of Grona
Number of Staff: 50 (exculding famillies)
Number of Military Personnel: 15 (two airforce personnel, 4 mebers of the empire police force and 9 members of the Imperial Army)

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 3 limos 4 motorcycles one boeing Business jet and 2 medium sized vechiles
Weapons (Number & Type): Air force and Army personnel armed with Glock23 and police members armed with Glock21C handguns

Please choose a plot for your embassy: We request to be able to have both polt 30 and 29 if not possible then 25 and 24 and if this is not possible then polt number 43
(You can also add a second choice should the first choice won't be approved.)

Any special requests: We would like to extend the number of vechile from 10 to 20 the other 10 are only going to be medium sized vehicles for embassy staff to use on embassy business, we would also like to allow some of our military personnel to carry more than on side arm
Vanek Drury Brieres
12-09-2007, 20:50
General Information
Full Country Name: The Allied States of Vanek Drury Brieres
Type of Government: Democratic Socialists
Present Leader: Princes Thomas Vanek, Chris Drury, Daniel Briere, Ryan Getzlaf

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Jean-Sebastien Giguere (J-S)
Brief Bio: Was the Undersecretary of Prince Chris Drury. Got a Ph.D. in Political Science at Granderson University, the top university in the VDB.
Number of Staff: 5
Number of Military Personnel: 20

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 3, 2 limosines, 1 humvee
Weapons (Number & Type): 20 Semi-automatics, 2 AK-47s in case of emergency.

Please choose a plot for your embassy:
1st Choice: Plot 6
2nd Choice: Plot 11

Any special requests:

Please have an embassy in the VDB (
Brutland and Norden
14-09-2007, 19:45

To: The Kingdom of Pinguinum

Good Day! It is my pleasure to inform you that your application for an embassy has been approved, and that the building at 108 Viale Piscinadoro (plot #10) is ready.

We welcome Ambassador Derek Swim into the country, and as a token, the Brutland Farmer's Confederation wold be sending a basket of golden Brutland apples to your embassy.

Thank you we hope that this would be the start of strong bilateral relations.

- - -

To: The Blouman Empire


The application of the Blouman Empire has been approved. The buildings at 157-159 Via Percelli (plot 29-30)are now ready for occupancy.

As for your concerns, we encourage that the number of firearms be equal to or less than the number of staff (civilian + military). If ever you would exceed this number, we would like to be informed first. As for land transportation, you can have more than 10 vehicles, but again, we would like to be informed so we can make the necessary adjustments.

We would like to offer to you the use of Hangar #30, Terminal 7 (a reserved terminal) of King Kyle I International Airport for your business jet. Just inform us should you wish to accept.

Thank you and we hope for the furtherment of our relations.

- - -

To: The Allied States of Vanek Drury Brieres


We would like to inform you that your application has been granted. You can now occupy the building at 319 Viade Tercellese (plot #11). We welcome Ambassador Jean-Sebastien Giguere to our shores, and as a welcome gesture, we would like to give a pound of the rare exquisite Pannondrian mountain tea. We hope you'd like it.

Thank you, and we shall get started with establishing an embassy in your nation.
Bricco di Sint'Brullizio
Finisterretto per Alfari Ellena
(Minister for Foreign Affairs)
MP, Sceicce
Blouman Empire
15-09-2007, 03:56
A message from the ambassador to Brutland and Norden Her Excellency Duchess Angela Moreabin Duchess of Sebadrin Lake

To The Honorable Bricco di Sint'Brullizio, Minister of Foreign Affairs,

On behalf of the emperor of Bloumany Henry IV we wish to thank you for opening up diplomatic relations between out two fine nations which we belive will be a long and beneficial tie for both of us. In regards for your request to be notified of any extra vehicles we would like to add an additional 8 medium sized vehicles, one more motorcycle and a Bell 429 Helicopter. We would just like give members of our army (9) equip them with their regular issue Styer F-89 and GSM-80 knife we would also like to equip our air force of which their will be an additional to more joining with thier GSM-80 knifes, this extra number of arms does not exceed the number of personnel based at the embassy. We wish to request something that was not requested last time and should have been, we would like to demolish the current buildings at our location and rebuild a new building over the two plots we hope you allow us to do this. Once again on behalf of the Emperor we hope that this new relationship is a positive one


Her Excellency Duchess Angela Moreabin Duchess of Sebadrin Lake Ambassador to the United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden
30-09-2007, 05:55
Sec. Tehrani leaned back in his office chair and settled in to watch the parade of talking heads on TV. The inimitably paranoid Cdr. Chiang's persistent telephone calls alerting him to the imminent danger posed by this UN delegation and that one had diminished greatly since the commander had forged an understanding (and even struck a deal) with the worst of the worst ( Add to that President Fernanda was out of the secretary's hair for at least one morning, having chosen this Sunday to attend Mass, in a vain effort at convincing family-values groups that he was pious. All Tehrani needed do now was sit back and relax--

"Turn off that idiotic panel discussion, Alex," Jack Riley snapped as he stormed into Tehrani's office. "I have something here that requires your attention."

Tehrani heaved a frustrated sigh as he clicked the remote. Another Sunday morning had been ruined.

"What is it?" he asked.

"It's this thing from Cdr. Chiang," replied Riley, holding up the document. "Something about eavesdropping ... the Strangers' Bar, some crazy shit."

Tehrani reached out and seized the paper:

My initiative to eavesdrop on Strangers' Bar conversations to identify potential threats to our mission has produced an irregular number of encounters with the Brutland and Norden delegation. However, none of these encounters have yielded any information that might concern me, as a national-security official. I would therefore propose that, rather than devoting so much of my valuable time to listening in on the communications of such an innocuous legation, we try and learn more about them simply by establishing an embassy in their territory.

~Cdr. Chiang"Brutland and Norden, huh?" Riley said as Tehrani lowered the communique. "What do we know about them?"

"Not much," Tehrani admitted. "Although they did commission a study revealing that those most strongly opposed to the UN Funding Act were also those who would be required to pay the smallest contributions under the act."

"So they're fiscally responsible..."

"And that their ambassador went on maternity leave and dispatched a teenage boy in her place; apparently she thought the infantile delegations present in those 'hallowed' halls wouldn't know the difference. The boy later overloaded UN translators by talking gibberish ... er, 'Nord-Brutlandese.'"

"...and they're a little silly!"

"Yes. Sadly, when trying to figure who would be the best choice as ambassador to their nation, it's not enough to go on. Screw it. Let's just send them another candidate for exile."

Department of State
The Federal Republic of OmigodtheykilledkennyAttn: His Majesty King Kyle II of Brutland and Norden, and the honorable Min. Bricco di Sint'Brullizio
Subject: Embassy exchange

It is with great pleasure that we present the requisite paperwork for the establishment of an embassy in your international district, and introduce our proposed ambassador to your nation: for the past seven years, Derek Logan has delighted aspiring adolescent daredevils with the insane antics he regularly performs on his MTV reality show, "Double Dog Derek." He was propelled to fame with his "Ballbuster" stunt (in which he stands in front of a fully loaded tennis-ball launcher to see how many times he can get hit in the nads). Our corporate sponsors, however, are becoming increasingly worried about all the damage to private property the filming of his show has caused, and have appealed to us to arrange for its immediate 'outsourcing' to a willing nation. It is not the policy of the Federal Republic to exile people; it is our policy, however, to appoint them 'ambassadors' to foreign nations so that we may deal with them as little as possible. We therefore propose Mr. Logan to you as the head of our delegation to the royal court. It is our hope you will reciprocate with a return embassy, through our own Diplomacy Shop ( Information
Full Country Name: The Federal Republic of Omigodtheykilledkenny
Type of Government: Anarchy (though 'Corporate Bordello is our preferred designation; legally, we are a federal constitutional republic)
Present Leader: President Manuelo Fernanda (

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Derek Logan
Brief Bio: At age 16, he and his brother took a dare to tie their penises together and then tug as hard they could -- leading Derek down his present career path.
Number of Staff: Eight fellow "performers," 20 crew, 12 bullshitting buddies, one midget
Number of Military Personnel: Eight Stripper Commandos

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 3 stretch Hummers
Weapons (Number & Type): none

Please choose a plot for your embassy: #31, though if you feel that is too extravagant, we'll gladly take #24

Any special requests: Do your worst.
Mr. LoganSincerely,
Alex Tehrani
Secretary of State
Brutland and Norden
30-09-2007, 09:41
UN Room, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Saint Garzan, Kingsville, Brutland and Norden

Deputy Foreign Minister for the United Nations Dr. Cestre l'E. Montòccegliano ("Cheg") was sitting on his chair, looking at resolutions and live telecasts form the morass that is called the United Nations ( He was starting to regret pushing for Brutland and Norden to join the United Nations ( But the country is already deeply involved in it, and the Nord-Brutlandese, surprisingly has a very high approval of the world body.

He was reading another ranting telegram from Deputy Ambassador Maddalena Pedrana about that teenager Kyle di Fontana. But he can't recall that orphan boy back to Brutland and Norden, first and foremost, it wasn't his call (it was the Foreign Minister's), and secondly, they didn't really know -

A knock startled Cheg from his thoughts. "Come in."

His secretary, Ernestina, came in, with a telegram. "Bon'mattiore, Enno Montòccegliano. We have received another embassy application from Òmìdaxmaìcruteccèkenny."

"What?" Cheg was slightly puzzled. He wasn't familiar with the nation.

"La Repubblico Federa d'Òmìdaxmaìcruteccèkenny is applying for an embassy."


"Òmìdaxmaìcruteccèkenny." Tina said, now irritated. "Embasciato. Embassy."

"Yeah, I know about embassies," Cheg said dismissively. "What country?"

"Òmìdaxmaìcruteccèkenny. Ò-mì-dax-maì-cruteccè-kenny!"

"Ah!!!" Cheg's face lit up with realization. "Omigodtheykilledkenny! I know that country from my UN days! Who's responsible for that macerated translation?"

Tina shrugged. "Here's the application."

"That's not my call," Cheg protested.

"Well, it's yours now," she said rather sternly. "Foreign Minister Bricco di Sint'Brullizio is out meeting the Lorian leader, Deputy Foreign Minister Carlo Tirone dC. l'Anza is out in Kayomo, and Deputy Foreign Minister for the Region Comm. Kyle Irvine Lambourne is out in the South Pacific. So, that leaves us with YOU."

"Okay, okay," Cheg raises his hands in surrender. "Let's just get this approved. What are the freebies available for new ambassadors?"

"Well, the King gave out free backstage tickets to this year's Stampione Rock Festival; the Council of Nord-Brutlandese Catholic Bishops gave 100 rosaries; the grant government of Trazio has a sack of brutfruits; we still have three pounds of purple Brute cheese..."

"Just give me the list, I'll create the message."

- - -

To: The Hon. Alex Tehrani
Secretary of State, The Federal Republic of Omigodtheykilledkenny


We would like to inform you that we had approved your application for an embassy in our nation. The humongous building at 965 Viale Pacifico Sorda (plot #31) is now ready for occupancy. As a welcome gesture, the His Rockin' Majesty King Kyle II of the United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden instructed us to give the entire Kennyite delegation free backstage passes to this year's Stampione Rock Festival and a sack of brutfruits (Lycopersicon bruta; these brutfruits, found only in Brutland, are good for ballbusting - they are firm when it hits you at a high speed, but mushy when at a low speed).

We are very happy to establish bilateral relations with the The Federal Republic of Omigodtheykilledkenny, and we welcome Ambassador Derek Logan to our shores. We must caution you, though, that your embassy is beside the Saint Garzan Cathedral with its exquisite centuries-old stained glass windows. Father Amadeo Petrelli is going to die of a heart attack if he finds out that one of his windows is broken.

Thank you and we hope for closer cooperation between our nations.
Dr. Cestre l'E. Montòccegliano
Finisterretto Vinca per Alfari Ellena, per la Nazioni Unnonecca
Deputy Foreign Minister for the United Nations
MP, Vilònorda Sordosta - Píarmognazzo - Sint'Angelo di l'Ollino
Brutland and Norden
30-09-2007, 09:50

To: The Blouman Empire

We would gladly accede to your request. If you need any more help, you can contact:

Hon. Bricco di Sint'Brullizio
Finisterretto per Alfari Ellena
(Minister for Foreign Affairs)

Finisterre per Alfari Ellena, 1 Piazzo di Sant'Garzana, Sant'Garzana, Vilòstresa, Terru di l'Unnone EU0012
Dr. Cestre l'E. Montòccegliano
Finisterretto Vinca per Alfari Ellena, per la Nazioni Unnonecca
Deputy Foreign Minister for the United Nations
MP, Vilònorda Sordosta - Píarmognazzo - Sint'Angelo di l'Ollino
30-09-2007, 18:00
General Information

Full Country Name: Greater Kingdom of Midlonia.
Type of Government: Constitutional Monarchy.
Present Leader: His most Midlonic Majesty Hykar Swadlincote The Second.

Personnel Information

Ambassador Name: Christopher Ludlum
Brief Bio: At 27, Ambasador Ludlum is regarded as fairly young in diplomatic circles. A Batchelor and still fairly fresh from training he has been thrown into the deep end with the hopeful establishment of an Embassy in Brutland and Norden.
Number of Staff: 24 [Including Intel evaluators, Computer Technicians, cleaners, Diplomatic staff.]

Number of Military Personnel: 15 Midlonian Economic and Diplomatic Corps Security Division personnel.

Equipment Information

Vehicles (Number & Type): 4x Austin 12 hp Ascot [Armoured]
2x Austin "Super" Severn [Unarmoured]
4x Triumph Thruxton 900 Motorcycles as Outriders [With Sidecars]

Weapons (Number & Type): 10x "Stuzi" Sub Machine Guns. 15x Kesswig 9mm Pistols. 5x MA-95 Assault Rifles.

Please choose a plot for your embassy: 26
01-10-2007, 17:01
We would like to inform you that we had approved your application for an embassy in our nation. The humongous building at 965 Viale Pacifico Sorda (plot #31) is now ready for occupancy. As a welcome gesture, the His Rockin' Majesty King Kyle II of the United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden instructed us to give the entire Kennyite delegation free backstage passes to this year's Stampione Rock Festival and a sack of brutfruits (Lycopersicon bruta; these brutfruits, found only in Brutland, are good for ballbusting - they are firm when it hits you at a high speed, but mushy when at a low speed).

We are very happy to establish bilateral relations with the The Federal Republic of Omigodtheykilledkenny, and we welcome Ambassador Derek Logan to our shores. We must caution you, though, that your embassy is beside the Saint Garzan Cathedral with its exquisite centuries-old stained glass windows. Father Amadeo Petrelli is going to die of a heart attack if he finds out that one of his windows is broken.Tehrani was seated behind his desk, the Paradise City Town Crier sprawled across it. He noted an article about the escalating West Ariddian crisis and lifted the page to read it better. "What is it, Jack?" he asked, without looking up.

"We have our response from the Nord-Brutlandese."

"Has Logan been informed?"

"Sent a copy this morning."

"The usual stuff?"

"Yup ... 'we have approved your application for an embassy' ... '965 Viale Pacifico Sorda is now ready for occupancy' ... 'We are very happy to establish bilateral relations' ... 'we welcome Ambassador Derek Logan to our shores' ... blah blah blah. Plus some welcome gifts."

"Welcome gifts?" Tehrani finally lifted his gaze.

"Yes. Free backstage passes to a local concert for the entire delegation, and a bag of fruit."

"Anything else?"

"A warning not to break the centuries-old stained-glass windows on the cathedral next door."

"What?" Tehrani snatched the missive out of Riley's hands. "Are the Nord-Brutlandese stupid or something? This'll only encourage him! What was the deputy minister thinking?!"

* * * * *

Lucky for Father Petrelli, however, Derek hadn't yet gotten past the part of the letter about the ballbusting. Immediately he and his buddies proceeded to the parking lot of the embassy with a tennis-ball launcher, and eagerly loaded the bushel's contents into the bucket. As the film rolled, Derek stood bravely in front of the launcher as a flying brutfruit hit him square in the nuts. He collapsed to the ground, laughing painfully as his crewmates groaned.
Brutland and Norden
01-10-2007, 18:01
Lucky for Father Petrelli, however, Derek hadn't yet gotten past the part of the letter about the ballbusting. Immediately he and his buddies proceeded to the parking lot of the embassy with a tennis-ball launcher, and eagerly loaded the bushel's contents into the bucket. As the film rolled, Derek stood bravely in front of the launcher as a flying brutfruit hit him square in the nuts. He collapsed to the ground, laughing painfully as his crewmates groaned.
Police Officers Lorenzo Barbielli and Kevin di Marcotullio were about to ride the police cruiser when they saw the OMGTKK ambassador being busted in the balls. [The Saint Garzan Police Station is right across Pannondrian Avenue (Viale Pannondriense).] They noticed a veiled, pious old lady cover her mouth in surprise as she saw the event going to the church. Some bystanders also stared at the event, wondering what person in their right mind would like to cause testicular injury. Some, however, remained passive, having seen those foreign antics in some of the foreign TV channels (

"Oedoce noi oltrizio circe passe?" Di Marcotullio asked as he deactivated the car alarm.
("Shall we do anything about that?")

"Scomodeco la paze, ai?"
("Disturbing the peace, eh?")

When Ambassador Logan collapsed holding his nuts, laughing, the two officers exchanged looks.

"Mansesseci* tuse s'della a crime in paise hoci," di Marcotullio remarked.
("Making yourself infertile is not a crime in this country."; mansesseci is a derivative of a Nord-Brutlandese ( derogatory word for infertile men.)

"Me lerrece," Barbielli nodded, and went into the car.
("I agree.")
01-10-2007, 18:22
"Next up... embassy requests!" The assembled officials, the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, groaned in unison as First Minister Ren Dirh pulled a stack of papers out of his folder.

"Now, now. Most of these are throwaways... for example, "Kickmybuttistan?" that's not even close to a country we'd want to be involved with!"

A younger aide scowled. "That's because you made it up to make the Bel think you're doing more work!"

The Minister wagged his finger. "Now now, James! But anyway, the only important nation this time around is a certain... Brutland and Norden."

"Which one, Brutland, or Norden?" asked another aide.

"It's Brutland and Norden. One country, two names. Harmalan Shandreth, our UN Ambassador, has vouched for their delegation's devotion and intelligence, so it's logical to think the whole country's like that."

"But who would we send? They aren't really insane, like the Kennyites, so we can't dispatch some diplomatic hack... and most of the higher-ranked folks are either in the Bel or the Libraries."

Ren Dirh smiled. "Abulurd Umdiroplach, Recordmaster in Tep Sa. He's mallashan, but quite smart."

One of the aides frowned. "A mountaineer*? He doesn't even have a regional affiliation... his folks just came out of the hills!"

"He's good for the job. Dispatch the appropriate messages."

By the Tuhran Bel'

We humbly extend our hand in friendship, hoping for the establishment of diplomatic relations between our two nations. We wish to dispatch his excellency Abulurd Umdiroplach, of Tep Sa, to serve as Snefaldian ambassador to Brutland & Norden.

We eagerly away your reply, and hope for a reciprocation of diplomatic arrangements.

By the Motions;
Ren Dirh
First Minister of Foreign Affairs

*The mallashan, or "mountaineers" are a mountain-dwelling people that live in the far north of Snefaldia's mountains. Their exact ethnic origins are uncertain, and they are sometimes looked down upon.
Brutland and Norden
01-10-2007, 18:32

To: The Greater Kingdom of Midlonia


It is my pleasure to inform you that the application of the Greater Kingdom of Midlonia has been approved. You can now occupy the building at 960 Viale Pacifico Sorda (plot #26).

We warmly welcome Ambassador Christopher Ludlum to our country, and as a welcome gift, the Brutland Farmers Cooperative wants to give you three pounds of purple Brute cheese, our national food, and a sack of Cantabrican golden watermelons. We hope you'll like it.

If you have any concerns, you can just contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and we'll be happy to help you out.

Thank you and we hope for a stronger friendship between out great nations.
Dr. Cestre l'E. Montòccegliano
Finisterretto Vinca per Alfari Ellena, per la Nazioni Unnonecca
Deputy Foreign Minister for the United Nations
MP, Vilònorda Sordosta - Píarmognazzo - Sint'Angelo di l'Ollino
Brutland and Norden
01-10-2007, 18:54

To: The Centralized Mountain States of Snefaldia

Good day!

We would like to inform you that your application for an embassy in our country has been approved. We happily welcome Ambassador Abulurd Umdiroplach to our shores.

However, we would like to ask about Ambassador Umdiroplach's entourage and your desired location for an embassy. If you like, we can set up a temporary office along Via Lolli until you have scouted for the right location for your nation's legation.

As a welcome token, the grant president of Cortel and the stockholder of the company of the same name ( to give you twenty units of their latest model of mobile phones. Also, the Ministry would like to present you with this year's compilation of the Encyclopaedia Brutanica and the latest edition of English - Nord-Brutlandese (; Nord-Brutlandese ( - English dictionary (published by the SRALN).

Also, we would like to inform you that we wound be sending Mr. Geraldo Leandri ( to scout for an embassy in your nation.

Thank you and may this be the start of a stronger relationship between our countries.
Dr. Cestre l'E. Montòccegliano
Finisterretto Vinca per Alfari Ellena, per la Nazioni Unnonecca
Deputy Foreign Minister for the United Nations
MP, Vilònorda Sordosta - Píarmognazzo - Sint'Angelo di l'Ollino
20-10-2007, 01:42
The United Socialist States of Yanitaria wish to open an embassy in your great nation. We of course invite you to do the same.

General Information
Full Country Name: The United Socialist States of Yanitaria
Type of Government: Democratic Socialists
Present Leader: Citizen Mattias Norheim

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Frank C. Klark
Brief Bio: Served under President Norheim in the Foreign Affairs office, he is now the oldest member of the staff. He does not wish to retire, and instead asked to be transferred to an embassy. He enjoys watching Handball tournaments.
Number of Staff: 25
Number of Military Personnel:10

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 1 Armoured Limo, 1 Helicopter
Weapons (Number & Type): 10 FN2000s, 35 Five-seveNs

Please choose a plot for your embassy:
Plot 14, or if unavailable, plot 4

Any special requests: A helipad, and a small underground garage for our limo

In celebration of an embassy being established, we wish to give the United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden a Golden Acorn. It is a solid gold, 24k acorn, 1 foot in diameter, and is a symbol of our nation.

Citizen Herb Northstorm,
Secretary of Foreign Affairs.
20-10-2007, 01:55
General Information
Full Country Name: The Armed Confederacy of Mokastana
Type of Government: Confederation (currently)
Present Leader: Nicolas Villa

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Walter Obal
Brief Bio: Charming lad, one of the few non-Hispanics in Mokastana.
Number of Staff: 30
Number of Military Personnel: 15

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 7 Chevy Surburbans
Weapons (Number & Type): 15 AM-07s (7.62x54mm) 4 RPG-27 and 30 JagD .45 Cal pistols.

Please choose a plot for your embassy: N/A
(You can also add a second choice should the first choice won't be approved.)

Any special requests:

you may establish one here ( as well
Brutland and Norden
20-10-2007, 19:00

To: Citizen Herb Northstorm
Secretary of Foreign Affairs
The United Socialist States of Yanitaria


The United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden would like to inform you that your application for an embassy had been approved. The building at 323 Viade Tercellese (plot #4) is ready for occupancy, and the helipad and the underground garage had been constructed.

We gladly welcome Mr. Frank C. Klark to our shores. As a welcome gesture, the Duchess of Trascara would like to give you her specialty, risotto alla Trascarana, good for 50 people. In addition, she would also like to give you a roll of green Trascara cheese, a exquisite food from in her grant.

We would also like to thank the United Socialist States of Yanitaria for the gift. It will be housed in the Royal Museum in Kingsville.

Thank you and we hope for the furtherment of our relations.

- - - - - - -

To: The Armed Confederacy of Mokastana

Good Day!

It is my pleasure to inform you that your application for an embassy had been approved. We gladly welcome Ambasador Walter Obal to the country, and as a token, the grant of Maceltellina would like to give you twelve bottles of red Mornese wine, vintage 1896. We hope you and your staff would like it.

However, we would like to be informed of the address of your embassy for our reference.

Thank you and we hope for closer cooperation between our countries.
Bricco di Sint'Brullizio
Finisterretto per Alfari Ellena
(Minister for Foreign Affairs)
MP, Sceicce
23-10-2007, 20:35
OOC: Mokans LOVE wine and tequila, they are heavy drinkers


TO: Brutland and Norden

we thank you very much for the wine, the staff is enjoying in rather well..

as for the address you can give us any plot of land you want and we will build there, as long as its warm and not on a swap,
Visayan Peoples
09-12-2007, 09:33
Federation of Visayan Peoples
Federation Committee on Foreign Relations
505 Kamagayan St., Ubec City

Greetings of Peace to the United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden!

We are pleased to report to their Majesties that the request for an embassy in Ubec City has been approved. You plot is assigned to #1 Junquera St. In gratitude to your friendly overtures we humbly return the favor by sending an embassy to your great and powerful nation.

General Information
Full Country Name:Federation of Visayan Peoples
Type of Government:Federal Parliamentary
Present Leader: Federation President Ferdinand Boncayao

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Archibald Capistrano
Brief Bio:A fresh graduate from the new Ubec University School of International Relations from an academic family.
Number of Staff:75
Number of Military Personnel:15

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type):10 bulletproof SUVs
Weapons (Number & Type):15 M4s

Please choose a plot for your embassy:
We leave that to our gracious host's discretion. We shall accept any empty plot.

Any special requests:
A direct phone links to the Federation capital at Ubec City.

We look forward to future of warm relations between our two great peoples.

(Sgd.)Roderick Salazar
Chairman, Fedeation Committee on Foreign Relations

OOC: actually, i'm from the Philippines.. how did you know?
Brutland and Norden
09-12-2007, 10:11

To: The Hon. Roderick Salazar
Chairman, Federation Committee on Foreign Relations
Federation of Visayan Peoples


It is our pleasure to inform you that your application for an embassy had been approved. The complex at 516 Viale Nazioni Unnonecca (plot #43, 516 United Nations Avenue) is now ready for occupancy.

We warmly welcome Ambassador Archibald Capistrano to our country. As a welcome token, His Majesty King Kyle II would like to give the ambassador and his staff free backstage passes to next year's Stampione Festive di Rock (Stampione Rock Festival). Also, the Grant of Subrigaria Chamber of Commerce would like to present you with five pounds of chieso maloque pruruta (Boy's Fart cheese - an extremely pungent cheese loved by connoisseurs for its rich texture and exquisite flavor) and a basket of golden apples.

Thank you annd we hope that this would be the beginning of a closer relationship between out great countries.
Bricco di Sint'Brullizio
Finisterretto per Alfari Ellena
(Minister for Foreign Affairs)
MP, Sceicce

OOC. How did I know? The place names, and your country name... also the surnames. Just hazarded a guess. ;) Where in the Philippines are you?
Brutland and Norden
09-12-2007, 10:15

To: The Armed Confederacy of Mokastana

You embassy will be located at 507 Viale Nazioni Unnonecca (plot #21, 507 United Nations Avenue). We apologize for the great delay, my secretary had been busy making babies.

Thank you.

Bricco di Sint'Brullizio
Finisterretto per Alfari Ellena
(Minister for Foreign Affairs)
MP, Sceicce
Visayan Peoples
10-12-2007, 01:47
The complex at 516 Viale Nazioni Unnonecca (plot #43, 516 United Nations Avenue) was a stately building as befitting an embassy. Ambassador Capistrano sat at his very plished oak desk and read through the memo from the Foreign Minister accepting his country's embassy petition. Cool. Backstage passes. And this must be.. He opened a fancy box which he assumed was the cheese. He would regret that for the rest of his life. It was as if Hell itself had asssailed his nostrils. The cheese wasn't just pungent. IT STANK! The ambassador was found unconscious lying on the floor a few minutes later by some of his staff, although they couldn't get too near because of the unimaginable smell that surrounded him.

OOC: I'm in Cebu, you're a Filipino too?
10-12-2007, 02:58
General Information
Full Country Name: The Achae-Ottonian Empire
Type of Government: Monarchy, with limited amounts of democracy.
Present Leader: Emperor Heinrich Theodoric Hansburg II

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Hans Klausman
Brief Bio: Born in the province of Nurphallia, he is an accomplished professor at the University of Tolma, and has a doctorate in political science.
Number of Staff: 24
Number of Military Personnel: 25 Imperial Legionaire Infantrymen

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 2 Wesson utilitarian, general use automobiles, an emergency helicopter
Weapons (Number & Type): 30 Steyr .45 Bolt-Action Rifle (M5 Standard Longarm)

Please choose a plot for your embassy: 50, 45
(You can also add a second choice should the first choice won't be approved.)

Any special requests: None.
Brutland and Norden
15-12-2007, 07:46
The complex at 516 Viale Nazioni Unnonecca (plot #43, 516 United Nations Avenue) was a stately building as befitting an embassy. Ambassador Capistrano sat at his very plished oak desk and read through the memo from the Foreign Minister accepting his country's embassy petition. Cool. Backstage passes. And this must be.. He opened a fancy box which he assumed was the cheese. He would regret that for the rest of his life. It was as if Hell itself had asssailed his nostrils. The cheese wasn't just pungent. IT STANK! The ambassador was found unconscious lying on the floor a few minutes later by some of his staff, although they couldn't get too near because of the unimaginable smell that surrounded him.

OOC: I'm in Cebu, you're a Filipino too?
OOC: I'm in Manila. :D

Chieso maloque pruruta is eaten with lemon or lime squeezed over the cheese. The acidity of the fruit juice neutralizes the smell. ;)
Brutland and Norden
15-12-2007, 08:22


It is my pleasure to inform you that you application for an embassy had been approved. the building at 366 L'Abordammino (plot #50,; 366 The Boardwalk) is now ready for occupancy.

We welcome Ambassador Hans Klausman to our country. As you had arrived in time for Brutland and Norden's holiday season, we would like to give you traditional Nord-Brutlandese festive foods: three pounds of purple Brute cheese, a basket of wild Brutland berries, a basket of golden fruits (golden apples, golden watermelons, golden bananas, golden grapes, golden kiwis, and golden dragonfruits) a pound of Penninese beef jerky, smoked rye cakes, and risotto alla Brutiana, all courtesy of the household of the Duchess of Trascara. The Duchess herself cooked the risotto.

Thank you and may this be the start of a close relationship between our countries.
Bricco di Sint'Brullizio
Finisterretto per Alfari Ellena
(Minister for Foreign Affairs)
MP, Sceicce
Visayan Peoples
15-12-2007, 09:36
OOC: I'm in Manila. :D

Chieso maloque pruruta is eaten with lemon or lime squeezed over the cheese. The acidity of the fruit juice neutralizes the smell. ;)


Neat.. I'll remember that when i invite some folks over at the embassy for dinner.. :D Heheh.. i'll be visiting relatives in Manila this Xmas.. Which reminds me.. Merry Xmas to all those in this thread!!
15-12-2007, 09:45
General Information
Full Country Name: The Constitutional Federal Republic of ViZion
Type of Government: Constitutional Federal Republic
Present Leader: President Tanner Kilo

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Patrick Heignst
Brief Bio: A 29 year old who has been involved in the government for the past 10 years, he is now on his first assignment as an ambassador.
Number of Staff: 48
Number of Military Personnel: 15

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): Two Ando-Trephin Chieftains
Weapons (Number & Type): Each guard will be equipped with a fully automatic medium machine gun.

Please choose a plot for your embassy: We would like to inquiry if we could get #19 and #20 together. If not, #19 is preferred, #20 is fine too.

Any special requests: You are welcome to open one in our Embassy Court.
Brutland and Norden
15-12-2007, 12:35
OOC:Neat.. I'll remember that when i invite some folks over at the embassy for dinner.. :D Heheh.. i'll be visiting relatives in Manila this Xmas.. Which reminds me.. Merry Xmas to all those in this thread!!
OOC. Merry Christmas to you too. :D
Brutland and Norden
15-12-2007, 13:44

To: The Constitutional Federal Republic of ViZion


We would like to inform you that your application for an embassy had been approved. The complex at 318 Viade Tercellese (plots 19 & 20) is now ready to be occupied.

We would like to extend a warm welcome to Ambassador Patrick Heignst. In time for the Nord-Brutlandese holiday season, we would be sending traditional Nord-Brutlandese holiday food, including five pounds of purple Brute cheese, a basket of wild Brutland berries, a basket of golden fruits, two pounds of Penninese beef jerky, smoked rye cakes, and risotto alla Brutiana, all courtesy of the household of the Duchess of Trascara. Also, Queen Mother Charlotte II would like to give the embassy staff free entrance tickets to the Christmas Eve concert at the Cosservatorio Reala (Royal Conservatory) in Kingsville.

We would also like to inform you that we would be sending over Mr. Bruno dB. Canellotti as ambassador to the Constitutional Federal Republic of ViZion.

Thank you and we hope that this would be the start of a closer relationship between our glorious nations.
Bricco di Sint'Brullizio
Finisterretto per Alfari Ellena
(Minister for Foreign Affairs)
MP, Sceicce
16-12-2007, 08:09

To: The Constitutional Federal Republic of ViZion


We would like to inform you that your application for an embassy had been approved. The complex at 318 Viade Tercellese (plots 19 & 20) is now ready to be occupied.

We would like to extend a warm welcome to Ambassador Patrick Heignst. In time for the Nord-Brutlandese holiday season, we would be sending traditional Nord-Brutlandese holiday food, including five pounds of purple Brute cheese, a basket of wild Brutland berries, a basket of golden fruits, two pounds of Penninese beef jerky, smoked rye cakes, and risotto alla Brutiana, all courtesy of the household of the Duchess of Trascara. Also, Queen Mother Charlotte II would like to give the embassy staff free entrance tickets to the Christmas Eve concert at the Cosservatorio Reala (Royal Conservatory) in Kingsville.

We would also like to inform you that we would be sending over Mr. Bruno dB. Canellotti as ambassador to the Constitutional Federal Republic of ViZion.

Thank you and we hope that this would be the start of a closer relationship between our glorious nations.
Bricco di Sint'Brullizio
Finisterretto per Alfari Ellena
(Minister for Foreign Affairs)
MP, Sceicce
Dricco di Sint'Brullizio,

Thank you for approving our request! We will prepare to move into 318 Viade Tercellese over the next month with Ambassador Patrick Heignst! Your Holiday Basket of food sounds absolutely wonderful, and we look forward to enjoying it! We also look forward to progressive relations and trade with your nation!

President Tanner Kilo

OOC: Please apply at my Embassy Court with the info so I can officially add you. :)
Greater Gouda
24-12-2007, 11:27
General Information
Full Country Name: The Kingdom of Greater Gouda
Type of Government: Corporate Police Kingship
Present Leader: King Abarox II

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Prince Xeben XII
Brief Bio: This prince is 32 years old, a decorated war veteran. After leading the armies into our presently annexed neighboring country he was promised a quiter job. This is the quieter job.
Number of Staff: 33, including some very experienced staff.
Number of Military Personnel: 15

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): Ten Govda 32 Sedans, Five armored and 5 unarmored. 2 'castrated' Duke class APC's. 1 Wasp type personnel helicopter and 1 Dragonfly type helicopter gunship.
Weapons (Number & Type): 9 guards will carry assault rifles. 6 will carry silenced sidearms, these men are the prince's bodyguards.

Please choose a plot for your embassy: 48 preferred, 50 is good too.

Any special requests: Your nation is entitled to a plot 10 times the size of the one received in our country, at any place you like. Our nation will provide the funds and manpower to build or change the plot to your liking.

Although unusual, we request 2 helicopter pads on top of our embassy. The helicopter gunship is an unusual item for an embassy, but our nation knows besides passionate friends even more passionate enemies. Regarding the prince's history we request the gunship permission to land, to be able to escort our prince to our country in safety, when needed. In case you view the 2 man helicopter crew as military, we will deduce the amount of military personnel to the requested standard.
Brutland and Norden
24-12-2007, 23:48

To: The Kingdom of Greater Gouda


The United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden would like to inform you that your application for an embassy had been approved. The structure at 362 L'Abordammino (plot #48; 362 the Boardwalk) is ready for occupancy. The two helipads are also ready.

We gladly welcome Prince Xeben XII to the country. Since we are still within the Nord-Brutlandese holiday season, the household of the Duchy of Trascara would like to send traditional Nord-Brutlandese holiday food, including five pounds of purple Brute cheese, a basket of wild Brutland berries, a basket of golden fruits, two pounds of Penninese beef jerky, smoked rye cakes, and risotto alla Brutiana.

However, while we allow the number of cars to exceed 10, these cannot be armed, though they can be armored.

Pertaining to the helicopter gunship, we had contacted the Nord-Brutlandese Air Force about it. Attached to this reply is the information from the Nord-Brutlandese Air Force.

Thank you and we hope for better relations.
Bricco di Sint'Brullizio
Finisterretto per Alfari Ellena
(Minister for Foreign Affairs)
MP, Sceicce
- - - - - - - - - -
To: The Kingdom of Greater Gouda
Re: Helicopter Gunship

The Nord-Brutlandese Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed us of your plans to send a helicopter gunship as part of your embassy. We understand that you are sending a high-ranked royal and a war hero as your representative to the country. Thus, the permission for a helicopter gunship is hereby granted.

However, in order to prevent misidentification and other possible accidents, we would like to request that the helicopter gunship first land at Sabbara Military Airfield for identification, inspection, and other standard protocol. Comm. Timothy Colbourne, Commander of Sabbara Military Airfield, would be there to help you.

Also, if you would need extra security or the assistance of the Nord-Brutlandese police or armed forces, please don't hesitate to call the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Thank you for your understanding.
Argnt. Nicolo di Bricarico
Commander, Fifth Fighter Wing, Royal Nord-Brutlandese Air Force
31-12-2007, 14:13
General Information
Full Country Name: Kostemetsian Imperium
Type of Government: Empire transitioning from Republic
Present Leader: Imperator Christina I

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Tyler King
Brief Bio: Deputy General Secretary of the Kostemetsian Imperium; Secretary of Foreign Affairs; 21 years old. An enthusiastic, friendly young man who basically wants to get out and make friends - making him the perfect diplomat. He enjoys playing the piano, and has an extensive collection of Classical-period sheet music and compact disks. Rose very high in a very short time on his own merits.
Number of Staff: 10 aides
Number of Military Personnel: 14 Kumiho Regiment (Imperial Guard) Armsmen; 1 Kumiho Regiment Sergeant.

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 1 Westfalen Conglomerate Luxor FF-53D air cruiser (holds 30); 1 Imperium-class interstellar transport
Weapons (Number & Type): 15 KI-MS33 maser sidearms; 15 KI-MR28 maser rifles; 15 KI-KS94 kinetic sidearms; 4 KI-MARX12 kinetic sniper rifles

Please choose a plot for your embassy:
First choice is Plot 43; second choice is Plot 54.

Any special requests:
Storage for a 100m x 50m Luxor aircruiser and orbit permission for Imperium ships that may visit. Also would like a piano somewhere in the embassy; Mr. King is one of our better diplomats and we wish to keep him happy.
Brutland and Norden
31-12-2007, 20:42

To: The Hon. James Bovill
Kostemetsian General Secretary


It is my pleasure to inform you that your application for an embassy had been approved. The complex at 522 Viale Nazioni Unnonecca (plot #54; 522 Unites Nations Avenue) is now ready to be occupied.

We would like to welcome Amb. Tyler King to our country. As a welcome token, we would like to give you a sack of our luscious golden apples and golden watermelons. We hope you like it.

Also, we would like to encourage you to reduce the number of firearms, as these are limited to one per personnel (including non-security people and staffers).

Additionally, the grant of Tavoliere would like to donate a 1948 Storgholmo grand piano for the ambassador. Hangar #29 of Terminal #7 (an exclusive terminal) of the King Kyle I International Airport is reserved for your use. As for permission for your ships, you can contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs so we can make proper arrangements.

Thank you and may this bring our glorious nations closer together.
Bricco di Sint'Brullizio
Finisterretto per Alfari Ellena
(Minister for Foreign Affairs)
MP, Sceicce
01-01-2008, 04:37
(OOC: This is quite possibly the nicest embassy I've ever seen. :D)
Brutland and Norden
18-01-2008, 18:56
(OOC: This is quite possibly the nicest embassy I've ever seen. :D)
OOC: Thank you.

Oh, by the way, street map updated. :D
Northern Rangeria
18-01-2008, 19:47
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
40 Calew Avenue, Halsanki
Northern Rangeria

To Mr Bricco di Sint'Brullizio, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Brutland and Norden

On behalf of His Highness Prince Mikhail IV and the people of Northern Rangeria, we offer you our greeting.

The Principality of Northern Rangeria is very much interested in the possibility of forming diplomatic ties with Brutland and Norden in the spirit of friendship and mutual respect. A rather fledgling nation after our post-War isolation, the Principality is eager to learn more about the world, and seek possibilities of trade, alliance and cultural exchange. Brutland and Norden has a good reputation in Northern Rangerian eyes, and for this reason we also invite You to send an ambassador to Northern Rangeria. (

We hope this opening of embassies will also open new possibilities for our two nations.

On behalf of His Higness Prince Mikhail IV, Dux Maximus, Lord of Northern Rangeria, Protector of the Most Sanctified Beard of St Gid of the Greens,

Duke Stapani Aalthone
Minister of the Exterior

General Information
Full Country Name: Principality of Northern Rangeria
Type of Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Present Leader: His Highness Prince Mikhail IV

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Lord Karle Matsela
Brief Bio: Born in the noble family of Matsela, Lord Karle Matsela is the youngest of the three Matsela brothers: His eldest brother, Duke Tapio Matsela was a renowned war-hero and independence advocat during the Greater Rangerian Occupation and the subsequent War of Independence (1983-87), and his disappearance in 1985 is still a great mystery. His older brother Jaako Matsela is the interim governor on the colony of Uusmaa in the Osmiu Islands. Like his brothers, the thirty-three-year-old Lord Karle was a strong nationalist, though his young age prevented him from fighting in the War. After the War, he reached the rank of Lieutenant in the Northern Rangerian Defense Corps, and has served as the representative of the Alamaa province in the House of Lords, and is a known promoter of democratic principles. A well-liked and civil man, he was given his position as the ambassador to Brutland and Norden as one of the thus far few official representatives of Northern Rangeria. He will be accompanied by his wife, Lady Karitha Matsela, and their son Tapio (age 9).
Number of Staff: 30
Number of Military Personnel: 10 Jaegers, plus an 8-man Honour Guard (for ceremonial duty only)

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type):
1 x armoured NRDC transport helicopter
1 x armoured limo
2 x armoured BMW
Weapons (Number & Type):
10 x M4 assault rifles (Jaegers)
10 x Mark XIX Desert Eagle .50 (Jaegers)
8 x pike (Honour Guard)
8 x falchion (Honour Guard)

Please choose a plot for your embassy: #42, or a similar large structure, preferably near Parco Renoque.

Any special requests: We would like a rather large embassy, because traditionally Northern Rangerians like to have gardens around them. The embassy also requires sufficient room to house exhibitions and seminars.
United kingdom2
19-01-2008, 00:28
General Information
Full Country Name:The Constitutional Monarchy of The Second United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
Type of Government:Parliamentary Democracy and Constitutional Monarchy
Present Leader:Prime Minister Jack Patterson

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name:Lord Alexander Smith
Brief Bio:Lord Smith was born July 20th 1939 in Edinburgh, Scotland to Alexander and Clare McDonald. He has served in the UK2 Civil War(1967), The Irish War(1969), The Indian Civil War(1976) and the Australian-PNG War(1987) He is a General in the Armed Forces and Admiral in the UK2 navy. He is also a famous diplomat by creating peace in India after rebels took the country in 2006. In 2009 he was granted the title Baron of Edinburgh by Queen Hannah VII. He now has a seat in the House of Lords.

Number of Staff:67
Number of Military Personnel:12

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type):12 cars including 2 armoured cars
Weapons (Number & Type): 12 pistols

Please choose a plot for your embassy:Anywhere is fine by me
(You can also add a second choice should the first choice won't be approved.)

Any special requests:
A garden and your country's history in the form of arts in the embassy(paintings and such)
19-01-2008, 00:36
General Information
Full Country Name: The People's Republic of Tokyoni
Type of Government: Enlightened, Single-Party state
Present Leader: His Excellency Raito Yagami

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Nami Takeshi
Brief Bio: Always a strong supporter of Kira, even in the days of direct opposition from the international community, Nami is a highly intelligent, loyal member of Kira's Party. Though only 23 years of age, Raito trusts her with his life.
Number of Staff: 50
Number of Military Personnel: 25 Republican Guardsmen

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 2 Luxury transports, 3 APCs, 2 transport helicopters, 2 combat helicopters
Weapons (Number & Type): Mid-range machine guns for all Republican Guardsmen; allowance for all civilian personel to carry on them pistols for defesnse. Allowances for Nami to bring with her her mainly ceremonial swords from the feudal era of our homeland.

Please choose a plot for your embassy: Wherever you would prefer.

Any special requests: Feel free to set up an embassy in our capital once the infastructure is set up.
Brutland and Norden
19-01-2008, 08:40

To: Duke Stapani Aalthone
Minister of the Exterior
The Principality of Northern Rangeria


It is my happy duty to inform you that your application for an embassy had been approved. The structures at 492 Viale Pannondriense (plot #42; 492 Pannondrian Way) are now ready for occupancy. The part of the embassy adjacent to plot #41 had been converted into a traditional Nord-Brutlandese garden. The sidewalk along Via Lolli had also been more beautified with the planting of Brutland wildflowers.

We gladly welcome Lord Karle Matsela to the country. As a welcome note, the grant of Chiardogna would like to give you a dozen of their giant sweet golden watermelons, weighing about 20 kg each. We hope you like it.

There are spaces within the embassy for exhibitions and conventions, but if a larger area is needed, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is willing to help you find a convention center for your activities.

In order to strengthen our ties, we would also be sending an ambassador to your country. Thank you and we hope for a great future between our countries.
Brutland and Norden
19-01-2008, 09:09

To: The Constitutional Monarchy of The Second United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland


It is my pleasure to inform you that your application for an embassy had been approved. The structures at 515 Viale Nazioni Unnonecca (plot #44; 515 United Nations Avenue) is now ready to be occupied.

We gladly welcome Lord Alexander Smith to our shores. As a welcoming gesture, the grant of Trazio would like to present you with a dozen pounds of our national food, the chieso Bruta rubra (purple Brute cheese) and a case of our national drink, licuoro vaca (cow liquor). We hope you like it.

In addition, the Culture Minister Anna Maria Sceiff would like to give you a copy of the six-volume set of the Encyclopedia of Nord-Brutlandese Culture (also with two audio disks). We can also provide you with reprints of the paintings and reproductions of the scupltures that can be found in the Museo Reala Nordèbrutelliense (Royal Nord-Brutlandese Museum) and the Gallerio di Artu Moderna (Gallery of Modern Art).

You are also welcome to visit the Pannondrio Stiutto d’Artu Nassia (Pannondrio Institute of Native Arts) should you want to learn more about the country.

Additionally, Queen Mother Charlotte II would like to give you a dozen tickets to the Cosservatorio Reala (Royal Conservatory). His Majesty King Kyle II also invites you to the annual Stampione Festive di Rock (Stampione Rock Festival). Now there is music for everyone.

Thank you and we hope that this would be teh start of a close relationship between our great countries.
The Stone Temple
20-01-2008, 06:40
To: Office of Bricco di Sint’Brullizio, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden
From: Office of Sarah Fox, Foreign Office, The Holy Republic of the Stone Temple

Enclosed is your completed embassy application form:

General Information
Full Country Name: The Holy Republic of the Stone Temple
Type of Government: Theocratic Republic
Present Leader: President Creedence Clearwater; High Priest Micah Flat

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Jessica A. Brooks
Brief Bio: BA Political Science, Tonq Community College, 2006
Number of Staff: One hundred (100)
Number of Military Personnel: Fifteen (15)

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): Four (4) Mercedes-Benz S-Guard Sedans, Two (2) Bell 206 helicopters
Weapons (Number & Type): Fifteen (15) Browning Hi-Power semi-automatic pistols, Fifteen (15) KA-BAR combat knives

Please choose a plot for your embassy: Plot 2, second choice 1

Any special requests: Please apply for an embay in the Holy Republic here ( We wish for missionaries of The Way to be permitted to enter and preach in the United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden.

It is a tendency for you to give food baskets of nations, on the record, as a good 98% of the Holy Republic practices the state religion of the Way of the Stone Temple, eating birds or any animals that can have the capability to fly is a sin because the sky is the realm of the Great Unnamed God, and any flying animals are the creatures that are the closest to the Unnamed God. Slaughtering or killing a bird is a criminal offence in the Holy Republic. Also in the Holy Republic, actually giving a painting or a sculpture of a bird is considered a sign of respect, among many other positive emotions.

I am sorry for this cultural lesson, but we felt it was necessary. For more information especially Templar scarves, headscarves, please make an inquiry at our embassy link

Thank you.

Foreign Minister of the Holy Republic of the Stone Temple
Sarah Fox
Brutland and Norden
20-01-2008, 08:37

To: the Hon. Sarah Fox
Foreign Minister of the Holy Republic of the Stone Temple


It is my pleasure to tell you that your application for an embassy had been approved. The buildings at 1246 Fiumo Viade Parca (plot #2; 1246 River Parkway) are now ready to be occupied.

We gladly welcome Ambassador Jessica A. Brooks to the country. As a welcome gesture, the Ministry of Culture would like to present you with reproductions of the paintings Datonessa te Dax ("Closer to God", 1849) by Sandro Santangelo and Voloce Inzal, Voloce Friedal ("Fly High, Fly Free", 1791) by Queen Hannah of Timberland. Additionally, the grant of Mordogudoro would like to give you a sculpture of their official animal, the Mordogudoran bird-of-paradise (Paradisaea major mordogudorica).

Missionaries are allowed in Brutland and Norden, as the country's constitution guarantees freedom of religion and worship ( Nord-Brutlandese are devoutly Roman Catholic, but I can assure you that we as a people are tolerant of other religions.

Thank you and we hope that this may be the start of a better relationship between our countries.
20-01-2008, 08:39
General Information
Full Country Name: The People's Republic of Tokyoni
Type of Government: Enlightened, Single-Party state
Present Leader: His Excellency Raito Yagami

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Nami Takeshi
Brief Bio: Always a strong supporter of Kira, even in the days of direct opposition from the international community, Nami is a highly intelligent, loyal member of Kira's Party. Though only 23 years of age, Raito trusts her with his life.
Number of Staff: 50
Number of Military Personnel: 25 Republican Guardsmen

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 2 Luxury transports, 3 APCs, 2 transport helicopters, 2 combat helicopters
Weapons (Number & Type): Mid-range machine guns for all Republican Guardsmen; allowance for all civilian personel to carry on them pistols for defesnse. Allowances for Nami to bring with her her mainly ceremonial swords from the feudal era of our homeland.

Please choose a plot for your embassy: Wherever you would prefer.

Any special requests: Feel free to set up an embassy in one of our regional capitals as well

OOC: Sorry, I posted this before, but don't know if you saw it. ><
The Philippiniada
20-01-2008, 08:48
General Information
Full Country Name: The Empire of the Philippiniada
Type of Government: Democratic Monarchy
Present Leader: King Johnrey Baliwas

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Atty. James Calaguan Jr.
Brief Bio: Son of the Respected Senator James Calaguan Sr. He finished his studies on Law in the University of the Empire and topped the 1972 bar exams, he is the former Imperial Foreign Magistrate. and the most qualified for the Job.
Number of Staff: 100 (consuls. gardeners. security personnel. aide-de-camp. etc)
Number of Military Personnel: 10 Imperial Royal Guards with knowledge on Taekwondo. Ju-jitsu, karate. and other more Martial Arts.

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 10 Diplomatic limousines
Weapons (Number & Type): 10 UNARMED Humvees

Please choose a plot for your embassy:
OOC: i can't see the map as Photobucket is blocked. assign me on some random plot of land if you will.. :D

Any special requests: None
Brutland and Norden
20-01-2008, 09:03
OOC: Ooops, sorry. My bad. Didn't see your post. Thanks for pointing it out. :)

To: The People's Republic of Tokyoni


It is my happy duty to inform you taht your application for an embassy ahd been approved. The buildings at 324 Viade Tercellese (plot #24; 324 Tercellese Road) are now ready to be occupied.

We gladly welcome Ambassador Nami Takeshi to our shores. As a welcome note, we would like to give you a dozen seedlings of the Pannondrian cherry tree (Prunus pannondrica), and three baskets of wild Brutland berries. We hope you like it.

However, we would like to encourage you to reduce the number of military personnel, as military personnel are limited to 15. Should you need additional security, the Sant'Garzana Police are ready to help, and the Nord-Brutlandese Army can also help. You can just contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should you need help.

Thank you and we hope that this will be a great start for our two nations' futures.
Third Spanish States
20-01-2008, 09:17
(OOC: IC-wise, the request was written in Italian, but as I don't know Italian OOCly but the fictional individual who wrote it knows, just assume it's ICly in Italian, because using "Online Free Translators" tend to bring disastrous results)
Third Spanish States Diplomatic Network

Request to:
Office of Bricco di Sint’Brullizio, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden
Originated from:
Personal request and suggestion of Sofia Porter to the DiploNet regarding Foreign Relations with the nation of Brutland and Norden
Regarding the:
Establishment of a Confederacy of Third Spanish States Embassy in the United Kingdom of Brutland and Nordem

Greetings! My name is Sofia Porter Limonero and I, through my autonomy and right of promoting foreign relations positively, have personally sent to you, mister Bricco di Sint’Brullizio, this request to establish an embassy inside your nation. I hope our request will be accepted to not only improve contact and foreign relations among both our nations, but also to open further venues for imports and exports between them, and thus I took the liberty of adding in our request information about the resources we might be interested in importing and about our resources available for exports as well. Finally I am personally inviting Brutland and Nordem to establish an embassy in Third Spanish States as well, through our Diplomatic Program (

General Information
Full Country Name: Anarchist Confederacy of Third Spanish States
Type of Government: Decentralized Electronic Direct Democracy
Present Leader: Nobody, due to its type of government.

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Sofia Porter Limonero
Brief Bio: 36 years old, mixed English and Spanish heritage, black curly hair and green eyes, served in the Army as a logistics planner for 1 year, graduated in Management with Focus in International Commerce by the University of Tucker, Master in Foreign Relations by the same institution, has fluency both verbally and in written language in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, German and Dutch.
Number of Staff: 35
Number of Military Personnel: 15

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 4 armored Volkswagen Golfs
Weapons (Number & Type): 35 9x19mm Parabellum Glock 18C pistols, 15 6.5x39mm Grendel MTI FA-65 assault rifles

Plot for embassy: 28 as first choice and 70 as second choice

Special requests: 10 square meters and 1.6 meters deep swimming pool. And please do not be intimidated by the gun carrying staff inside the embassy besides the security, because that is very commonplace inside Third Spanish States and I have taken the courtesy of asking the non-security crew to not bring assault rifles with them.

International Trade Additional Information
Foreign Trade Policy: Mostly open and tariff-free
Common Resources sought as imports: Uranium and coal
Common Resources offered as exports: Information technology, arms, soft drinks, iron, silver and electric energy in the form of batteries and cells.

With Regards
Sofia Porter Limonero
(4096 bits Digital Signature)
20-01-2008, 11:01
Full Country Name: The Empire of Neo-Ixania
Type of Government: Absolute Monarchy
Present Leader: Empress Anastasia II

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Heinrich Klein
Brief Bio: One of Neo-Ixania's diplomats of German ancestry; Heinrich Klein was the only member of his family to pursue a political career. He graduated from his university with degrees in political science.
Number of Staff: 35
Number of Military Personnel: 15

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 1 Armoured Limosuine, 1 Transport Helicopter
Weapons (Number & Type): 15 Assault Rifles, 15 Handguns

Please choose a plot for your embassy: No preference
(You can also add a second choice should the first choice won't be approved.)

Any special requests: Accommodation for Mr. Klein's wife and daughter, establish an embassy in Neo-Ixania, enrollment of Mr. Klein's daughter in a Brut-Norden school for her education.
Brutland and Norden
20-01-2008, 13:14

To: The Empire of the Philippiniada


It is my pleasure to inform you that your application for an embassy had been approved. The buildings at 956 Viale Pacifico Sorda (plot #18; 956 South Pacific Avenue) is now ready to be occupied.

We gladly welcome Ambassador James Calaguan Jr. to the country. As a welcome gesture the grant of Capitanata would like to present you with six pounds of our national food, chieso Bruta rubra (purple Brute cheese) and a case of licuoro vaca (cow liquor). We hope you like it.

Thank you and we hope that this will be the start of a closer relationship between our countries.

OOC: It's ImageShack. It's blocked?
Brutland and Norden
20-01-2008, 13:34

To: the Hon. Sofia Porter Limonero
Anarchist Confederacy of Third Spanish States


It is my pleasure to inform you that your request for an embassy had been approved. The buildings at 510 Viale Nazioni Unnonecca (plot #28; 510 United Nations Avenue) are now ready to be occupied. The swimming pool are being built in the premises as you receive this message. We expect it to be finished within a few days or so. You can also request additional jobs and fixtures for your embassy from the construction company that works on the pool.

We happily welcome you to Brutland and Norden, and as a welcome token, the grant of Pannondrio would like to give you free passes to the grant's famous ski resorts. Also, Duchess Samantha of Campedusa would like to invite you and your staff to next month's English-version performance of the play Canalo Unnona ("Union Channel") at the Teatrale Reala Vilòstrense (Royal Theater of Kingsville). She hopes that you will attend.

Thank you and may this be the start of a closer relationship between our countries.

OOC: Italian? Don't worry, I don't understand Italian anyway. :D
Brutland and Norden
20-01-2008, 14:31

To: the Empire of Neo-Ixania


It is my pleasure to inform you that your application for an embassy had been approved. The complex at 9 Vilòstresa Rutte 17 (plot #72; 9 Kingsville Route 17) is now ready to be occupied. The complex includes housing and quarters for staff, however, should it be desired, housing can be easily found in Kingsville and in the adjacent suburbs. Also, the Kingsville International School (491 Strade Sant'Garzana) is nearby to serve the Ambassador's and the staff's children. Alternatively, they can enroll in an ordinary Nord-Brutlandese elementary school. You can contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for help and for further details in regards to housing and schooling.

We welcome Ambassador Heinrich Klein and his family to the country. As a welcome gift the town of Lucerna would like to give a big stuffed toy of our national animal, the Brute cow. Also, the Ministry of Culture wold like to present you with a copy of the six-volume set of the Encyclopedia of Nord-Brutlandese Culture with two audio discs. We hope you like it.

Thank you and may this strengthen the ties between our nations.
20-01-2008, 21:11

To: the Empire of Neo-Ixania


It is my pleasure to inform you that your application for an embassy had been approved. The complex at 9 Vilòstresa Rutte 17 (plot #72; 9 Kingsville Route 17) is now ready to be occupied. The complex includes housing and quarters for staff, however, should it be desired, housing can be easily found in Kingsville and in the adjacent suburbs. Also, the Kingsville International School (491 Strade Sant'Garzana) is nearby to serve the Ambassador's and the staff's children. Alternatively, they can enroll in an ordinary Nord-Brutlandese elementary school. You can contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for help and for further details in regards to housing and schooling.

We welcome Ambassador Heinrich Klein and his family to the country. As a welcome gift the town of Lucerna would like to give a big stuffed toy of our national animal, the Brute cow. Also, the Ministry of Culture wold like to present you with a copy of the six-volume set of the Encyclopedia of Nord-Brutlandese Culture with two audio discs. We hope you like it.

Thank you and may this strengthen the ties between our nations.

To: the United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden

We are glad to learn that you have approved our application for an embassy in your nation. Mr. Klein would be pleased to have his daughter enrolled at the International School and has no problem living at the complex with his family; he is thankful that Brutland and Norden has provided him with such necessities.

He accepts the gifts of the town of Lucerna (he gave the stuffed animal to his daughter; who cherishes the gift) and the Ministry of Culture (he has been listening to the Encyclopedia while his wife is shopping) and has already moved to the embassy with his family. We hope that this will strengthen the ties between our nation.
17-02-2008, 17:29
General Information
Full Country Name: The Federal Republic of Hamilay
Type of Government: Semi-presidential federal republic
Present Leader: The President of the Federal Republic of Hamilay (note unnamed)

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Edward Sereno
Brief Bio: Dr Sereno (51) is a native of Sayenna, the capital of Hamilay, and holds a PhD in International Relations from the National University of Hamilay. A twenty-year veteran of the Federal Republic Diplomatic Service, he has served with distinction with numerous overseas diplomatic and ambassadorial delegations, but this is his first posting as ambassador.
Number of Staff: 25
Number of Military Personnel: 15

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 2 unarmed LY83 'Fox' utility vehicles, 1 armoured limousine
Weapons (Number & Type): 10 FN Five-SeveN pistols, 3 P90s, 2 G128 carbines

Please choose a plot for your embassy: Plot 56 or Plot 18

Any special requests: none
Brutland and Norden
18-02-2008, 13:24

To: The Federal Republic of Hamilay


It is my pleasure to inform you that your application for an embassy had been approved. The structures at 523 Viale Nazioni Unnonecca (plot #56; 523 United Nations Avenue) is now ready to be occupied.

We warmly welcome Ambassador Edward Sereno to our shores. As a welcome gesture, the Ministry of Culture would like to donate reproductions of the sculptures "L'Amigu" ("The Friends", 1799) by Achille Alessandrini and "Faccie Pontu" ("Making Bridges", 1922) by Irena Corella. May these represent the path our relations will go.

Thank you and we hope that this be the start of a closer relationship between our glorious countries.
02-04-2008, 08:11

Zinarian Foreign Authority
The Republic of Zinaire
14 National Plaza, Zinaire City

Our Humblest Greetings,

Having recently gained sovereignty from our Germonian colonists, we, the people of Zinaire, humbly request diplomatic facilities upon the historic soil of your nation. We offer our hopes that this arrangement will foster mutual prosperity and harmony.

General Information
Full Country Name: The Republic of Zinaire
Type of Government: Republic
Present Leader: Prime Minister Gregory Bishop

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Lady Tess Hart
Brief Bio: Lady Tess Hart was born in Zinaire City but spent much of her childhood in the vacation suburb of Zinnia Cove. Upon finishing her major in International Affairs at the University of Zinaire, she worked as an aide at the Zinarian Foreign Authority. Her excellent diplomatic skills earned quick passage upwards to the rank of ambassador.
Number of Staff: 14 (Including Lady Hart, her husband Sir Richard Hart and her two daughters Miss Cathleen and Miss Isabelle Hart)
Number of Military Personnel: 20

Equipment Information
Vehicles: 3 Armored Range Rovers, 1 Eurocopter EC 135
Weapons: 20 FN 2000 Assault Rifles (standard guard armament), 20 FNP-9 Pistols (sidearms), 20 Truncheons (non-lethal armament).

Preferred Plot: 28 (55)

We thank you for your national and municipal hospitality and look forward to a era of bountiful diplomacy.

Sir Anthony Marcus,
Zinarian Foreign Minister
De Vliggenplaat
03-04-2008, 02:21
The Dominion of De Vliggenplaat

His Plaatische Majesty's Department of Foreign Affairs


In the interests of establishing globe-spanning political relations with reputable nations, the Dominion of De Vliggenplaat wishes to establish an embassy in your nation. Of course, the United Kingdom is welcome to establish an embassy in De Vliggenplaat if so desired.

- Ilse Gerhardt,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department 1 (Royal),
His Plaatische Majesty's Government.

General Information
Full Country Name: The Dominion of De Vliggenplaat
Type of Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Present Leader: His Majesty the King Karl von Ulvern van Stahlberg II

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Brigadier (Retired) Matthias Koche-Brenner
Brief Bio: Born in 1962 to a military family, Matthias was destined for the Officer Corps of the Koninlijke Kriegsmacht von de Plaatischer Könijg. Scoring moderately on the entry courses to the Royal Army Officer's Academy he later excelled in operational manoeuvre courses. Graduating in 1984 at the age of 22 he had attained the rank of Leutnant and was assigned to II. Battalion of the Princess Bascomb Grenadier Regiment. In 1997, at the rank of Oberst he was assigned command of the King's Own Light Regiment and retired in 2003 at the rank of Brigadier in command of Second Infantry Brigade (2INFBDE) at the age of forty-one.

After his meteoric nineteen year military career, distinguished by able leadership and administrative skills combined with brilliant manoeuvre in Divisional and Corps exercises, Koche-Brenner demonstrated continued patience and decorum while confronting a racous anti-military protest outside the King's Own Light Regiment's barracks. Commended by the riot police commander on the scene, this action brought him to the attention of the civil government who recruited him into the diplomatic corps. Carefully vetted for use as an Ambassador, Koche-Brenner, now forty-six, approaches his new assignment with enthusiasm.
Number of Staff: 43 (Total. Nonmilitary personnel 33)
Number of Military Personnel: 10

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 2x VLT Automotive L7 (F-Segment) Luxury Saloon, 2x VLT L4 (D-Segment) Coupé, 2x M5/483 Truck
Weapons (Number & Type): 6x P.4 Handgun, 2x G.2 Rifle, 2x L.3 Submachinegun

Please choose a plot for your embassy: Plot #35, Plot #45.

Special requests: None.
03-04-2008, 02:30
General Information
Full Country Name: The Socialist Republic of Chernobl
Type of Government: Socialist
Present Leader: Nickolai Verchov

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Niko Zorbachev
Brief Bio: Former Spetznaz operative.
Number of Staff: 50
Number of Military Personnel: 15

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 1 UH-60
Weapons (Number & Type): 15 Rx4 Storm sidearms

Please choose a plot for your embassy: Anywhere that is open.
(You can also add a second choice should the first choice won't be approved.)

Any special requests: None
Brutland and Norden
03-04-2008, 06:24

To: Sir Anthony Marcus
Zinarian Foreign Minister


It is my pleasure to inform you that your application for an embassy had been approved. The buildings at 524 Viale Nazioni Unnonecca (524 United Nations Avenue; plot #55) is now ready for occupancy.

We happily welcome Ambassador Lady Tess Hart to our shores. As a welcome gift, we would like to give you two baskets of in-season wild Brutland berries and a box of smoked Norden beef jerky. We hope you will like it.

However, the number of firearms is limited to the number of military personnel plus the number of staff. Your current count exceeds that number, but we allow nations to exceed as long as we had been informed beforehand. If ever additional security is needed, Sant'Garzana Police you be more than happy to help.

Also, Brutland and Norden, as the Deputy Minister for the Region of our great South Pacific, would like to take this opportunity to invite you to the South Pacific Forums ( We are currently holding elections, and we would like to hear our fellow South Pacificans' voices there.

Thank you and may this herald a bright future for our great nations.
03-04-2008, 06:40

Zinarian Embassy to Brutland and Norden
The United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden
524 Viale Nazioni Unnonecca, Sant'Garzana

I would like to thank you for the kind gifts and if they are an example of typical cuisine in this fine nation, I'm sure I will find my stay very enjoyable.

I'm afraid there has indeed been a misunderstanding regarding firearms. I believe the gentlemen at the Foreign Authority thought the number of each firearm could not exceed the number of staff-members. I do not feel any threat here and if it would make you more comfortable, we would be happy to dispose of excess weapons.

I appreciate the invitation and I will pass it on to my superiors at the Foreign authority.

Lady Tess Hart
Zinarian Ambassador to Brutland and Norden
03-04-2008, 06:59
General Information
Full Country Name: Republic of Atleus
Type of Government: Fascist one party state
Present Leader: Presdient David Burke

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Brian Haywood
Brief Bio: Born in 1960. 1978-1982 he attended university. Became a party member in 1992
Number of Staff: 5
Number of Military Personnel: 5

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 1 black BMW
Weapons (Number & Type): 5 Battons and 5 tazers with 2 handguns

Please choose a plot for your embassy:
(You can also add a second choice should the first choice won't be approved.) We are not bothered where we are placed

Any special requests: N/A
Brutland and Norden
03-04-2008, 07:33

To. The Hon. Ilse Gerhardt
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Dominion of De Vliggenplaat


It is mg happy duty to announce that your application for an embassy had been approved. The structures at 777 Via Adam IV (777 Adam IV Avenue; plot #35) is now ready to be occupied.

We gladly welcome Brig. Matthias Koche-Brenner (Ret.) to our country. As a welcome token, the Nord-Brutlandese Ministry of Defense would like to present the Brigadier General a custom-made Trini & Corca 0.45 caliber pistol made of titanium steel. We hope you will like it.

Also, we would like to inform you that we would be sending Mr. Canico Santagemma as ambassador to your great country. Thank you and may this lead to better and closer relationships between our countries.
Brutland and Norden
03-04-2008, 07:46

To: the Socialist Republic of Chernobl


We would like to inform you that your application for an embassy had been approved. The building at 309 Viade Tercellese (309 Tercellese Road, Plot #1) had been prepared for the arrival of your ambassador and his staff.

We happily welcome Amb. Niko Zorbachev to our country. As a welcome gesture, the grant of Borcenna would like to give you a dozen boxes of their exquisite chocolate. We hope that you will like it.

Thank you and may this lead to better relations between our countries.
Brutland and Norden
03-04-2008, 08:01

To: the Republic of Atleus


We would like to inform you that your application for an embassy ahd been approved. The buildings at 128 Viale Piscinadoro (128 Piscinadoro Road; plot #61) are now ready for occupancy.

We welcome Ambassador Brian Haywood to our country. In line with our tradition, we would like to give Ambassador Haywood and his staff a sack of Brutland golden watermelons and golden apples. We hope that you will like it.

Thank you very much.
De Vliggenplaat
03-04-2008, 20:42
- BdeGen (Ret) Koche-Brenner, Ambassador to Brutland and Norden, His Plaatische Majesty's Government.
- Bricco di Sint'Brullizio, Finisterretto per Alfari Ellena, MP, Sceicce
RE: Embassy Exchange

Dear sir,

Your unexpected gift of a custom built Trini and Corca .45 calibre is something I will hold dear for the remainder of my life.

In return, I have been provided with a presentation sidearm custom built for His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden. A conventional recoil-operated hammer-fired pistol, its frame and slide are milled from Damascus steel. The slide is inscribed with the motto "Honour, Strength, Kinship," which has been inlaid with gold. Chambered for 7.65x21mm Luger ammunition, the barrel has been cold hammer forged and chrome lined: A former soldier, I would not dare present His Majesty with anything that would not work for years on end.

I look forward to my service in your esteemed nation. Regarding matters of diplomacy, I am informed that Mr. Santagemma is currently ensconced safely in the halls of your Embassy on 4 Koninlijkeplatz, in our capitol.

Warmest regards,
- Matthias Koche-Brenner,
His Plaatische Majesty's Ambassador to Brutland and Norden.
04-04-2008, 05:27

Zinarian Embassy to Brutland and Norden
The United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden
524 Viale Nazioni Unnonecca, Sant'Garzana

I have been asked to inform you of the newly established Zinarian Embassy program ( We ask that you file for an embassy on Zinarian soil.

Lady Tess Hart
Zinarian Ambassador to Brutland and Norden
04-04-2008, 05:51
-initiating tap trace...
-uplink clean
-initiating encryption sequence...
-accessing cipher database
-randomizing pad set
-randomizing pad set

To: United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden Ministry of Foreign Affairs
From: Revolutionary People's State of Magdha Commission of External Affairs and International Cooperation

"In the interest of cultivating new friendships, expanding our horizons, and fostering closer international cooperation, we do hereby apply for an embassy in the United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden. As stipulated, we will provide the relevant information:

Full Country Name: Revolutionary People's State of Magdha
Type of Government: Unitary semi-presidential (OOC: Official; de facto, the country has a presidential system) single-party republic under military rule
Present Leader: Generalissimo J.L. (President for Life)
Ambassador Name: Imelda Macapagal
Brief Bio: 40 years old, holds a Ph.D. in international relations. Born to Filipino immigrants to Magdha. Has served in a variety of diplomatic posts.
Number of Staff: 30
Number of Military Personnel: 5
Vehicles (Number & Type): None (N/A)
Weapons (Number & Type): TDX .40 Caliber Standard Issue Sidearm (5)

We have no preference regarding where our embassy is located.

The United Kingdom is, of course, welcome to establish an embassy in Magdha. We hope our application is approved, and look forward to cordial relations between our two countries."

Dr. Joe M. Rothman
Commissioner of External Affairs and International Cooperation

-initiating tap trace...
-uplink clean
-terminating transmission...
Brutland and Norden
04-04-2008, 12:25
- BdeGen (Ret) Koche-Brenner, Ambassador to Brutland and Norden, His Plaatische Majesty's Government.
- Bricco di Sint'Brullizio, Finisterretto per Alfari Ellena, MP, Sceicce
RE: Embassy Exchange

Dear sir,

Your unexpected gift of a custom built Trini and Corca .45 calibre is something I will hold dear for the remainder of my life.

In return, I have been provided with a presentation sidearm custom built for His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden. A conventional recoil-operated hammer-fired pistol, its frame and slide are milled from Damascus steel. The slide is inscribed with the motto "Honour, Strength, Kinship," which has been inlaid with gold. Chambered for 7.65x21mm Luger ammunition, the barrel has been cold hammer forged and chrome lined: A former soldier, I would not dare present His Majesty with anything that would not work for years on end.

I look forward to my service in your esteemed nation. Regarding matters of diplomacy, I am informed that Mr. Santagemma is currently ensconced safely in the halls of your Embassy on 4 Koninlijkeplatz, in our capitol.

Warmest regards,
- Matthias Koche-Brenner,
His Plaatische Majesty's Ambassador to Brutland and Norden.
Palazzo Reala
1 Piazzo di Rinno Kail di Malenetto, Capitolina, Vilòstresa

To: Hon. Matthias Koche-Brenner
His Plaatische Majesty's Ambassador to Brutland and Norden


On behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and my government, I would like to extend my warmest welcome to you and your staff here in our country. I would also like to thank you for the great gift. I will cherish the gift as a symbol of friendship between our two countries.
04-04-2008, 13:15
General Information
Full Country Name:The Peaceful & Free Pablicosta
Type of Government: Democracy under a reigning Monarch.
Present Leader: President Eric Sanze to Her Majesty Queen Catherine Richards.

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Larry Striding
Brief Bio:
Striding broke into politics aged 25 as a young assistant to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Gladys Bonett, and through exemplary service was recommended for the post of Assistant Minister of Foreign Relations, under Ms Bonett. After the ministers resignation after 40 years of service, Bonnett again recommended Striding for the vacancy, but he was unsuccessful in this endeavor. The following year Striding applied to join the Diplomatic Corp, and was accepted as a representative to Berusia, Pablicosta's troublesome neighbour. In 2008 Striding was recalled from Berusia after further diplomatic problems between the nations, and has been awaiting a new assignment.
Number of Staff: 50.
Number of Military Personnel: 15.

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type):
3 Bentley Continental GT, for Ambassador's transport.
1 Augusta 109 Executive Helicopter.
1 Grole Motor Industries Guard Van, for surveillance and protection.
1 Merceded Benz S-Class Guard, armored car.

Weapons (Number & Type):
10 members of 4th Division equipped with 1 M9 Handgun, 1 Charged Baton. (Main security)
05 members of 4th Division equipped with 1 M9 Handgun, 1 Charged Baton, 1 'PenFire' sedative. (Private security)

Please choose a plot for your embassy:
Lot 56

Any special requests:
We would like to invite you to open an embassy in Pablicosta.
04-04-2008, 14:16
General Information
Full Country Name: Workers Republic of Nilpnt
Type of Government: Multi-Leveled(Hard to explain in a short answer)
Present Leader: High President Timothy Jacks.

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Adam Sanquez
Brief Bio: 6'1, 210 pounds, 32 years old, single.
Number of Staff: 25
Number of Military Personnel: 15

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 1 Armored limo, 3 armored Escalades
Weapons (Number & Type): 15 Desert Eagles

Please choose a plot for your embassy: wherever is open
(You can also add a second choice should the first choice won't be approved.)

Any special requests: establish an embassy within Nilpnt (link in sig)
Brutland and Norden
04-04-2008, 15:07

To: Dr. Joe M. Rothman
Commissioner of External Affairs and International Cooperation


It is my pleasure to inform you that your application for an embassy had been approved. The buildings at 7 Vilòstresa Rutte 17 (7 Kingsville Route 17, plot #73) is now ready to be occupied.

We gladly welcome Amb. Imelda Macapagal to our shores. As a welcome token, we would like to present a replica of the 1889 Uovògiolà* presented by the citizens of Valdilacrime to our great King Kyle the Fair. We hope you will like it.

Thank you and may this be the start of a closer friendship between our nations.
*Uovògiola = something similar to a Fabergé Egg
Brutland and Norden
04-04-2008, 15:14

To: The Peaceful & Free Pablicosta


It is my pleasure you inform you that your application for an embassy had been approved. However, plot #56 is already taken, and so we would like to ask for yur second choice for the location of your embassy. The adjacent plot #s 57, 58, 59, and 60 are still vacant.

We gladly welcome Amb. Larry Striding to our shores. As a welcome token, the Brutland Farmers' Association would like to give you a sack of golden watermelons, a basket of crunchy golden apples, and a bottle of the rare 1944 Tiberino golden apple wine. We hope that you will like it.

Thank you very much.
Brutland and Norden
04-04-2008, 15:26

TO: the Workers Republic of Nilpnt

It is my pleasure to inform you that your application for an embassy had been approved. The buildings at 490 Viale Pannondriense (490 Pannondrian Way, plot #41) is now ready to be occupied.

We happily welcome Amb. Adam Sanquez to our country. As you may have noticed, we are fond of giving gifts to newcomers. For the newly arrived ambassador, the grant government of Cortel would like to give him and his staff 40 units of the latest model of Cortel mobile phones. We hope that you will like it.

Thank you very much.
04-04-2008, 18:17

Ah, my apologies. We were working from the street map provided, and it seemed to show the desired plot as being vacant. No matter! Our embassy will look just as grand on unit 58, so the Ambassador's office can still look over the park.

I can also inform you that the Ambassador is never one to snub a gift, and I assure you he will be especially pleased with the fine wine.

Again, I look forward to settling into the new offices.

Dean Chance
Chief Ambassadorial Assistant
Brutland and Norden
05-04-2008, 14:32
Ah, my apologies. We were working from the street map provided, and it seemed to show the desired plot as being vacant. No matter! Our embassy will look just as grand on unit 58, so the Ambassador's office can still look over the park.

I can also inform you that the Ambassador is never one to snub a gift, and I assure you he will be especially pleased with the fine wine.

Again, I look forward to settling into the new offices.

Dean Chance
Chief Ambassadorial Assistant

122 Viale Piscinadoro (plot #58) is now ready to be occupied. We look forward to working with you in the future.

Thank you.
Canuto Morgagna
Deputy Nord-Brutlandese Foreign Minister for Foreign Embassies

OOC: I take that as a hint that I should edit my map...
Van Luxemburg
05-04-2008, 17:26

Dear Sir,

While looking over the details of our co-operation in terms of police units, we came across a problem: The Grand Duchy doesn't seem to own an embassy in Brutland and Norden, and this can be a small practical issue, which is why we have decided to apply for an embassy. You might note that this is a very rare thing for the Grand Duchy; we do these things only when we find it is absolutely required. We would also like to invite a Nord-Brutlandese diplomatical mission to Van Luxemburg, in fact, we have already a building readily available for that particular mission.

Below is our application, as required by the Nord-Brutlandese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

General Information
Full Country Name: The Grand Duchy of Van Luxemburg/Groussherzogtum Vun Lëtzebuerg
Type of Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Present Leader: Grand Duke Koen van Luxemburg/Premier Nicolas Hirtz

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Laura Schiavone
Brief Bio: Laura is a 45-year old woman, who grew up in San Giustra, where she completed both primary, secundary and university education with excellent grades. She is a Master of International Affairs, and acquired the title at the Università Internazionale di San Giustra. She has had positions with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Luxembourg, capital city of Van Luxemburg, and the foreign missions in Wingarde and Listeneisse.
Number of Staff: 88 civilian employees, who should be housed around the city in private housing.
Number of Military Personnel: 5 Marechaussees, armed with SIG-Sauer P250 pistols and ceremonial weaponry. They will be housed inside the embassy itself.

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 9 Monteluci Duca 2008 (2.4 5C BMD (Diesel), 3.2 V6 BMD (Diesel), 3.2 V6 Biturbo (Petrol), V8 SFS (Petrol)) 1 Maserati Quattroporte Collezione Cento (Armoured)
Weapons (Number & Type): 5 SIG-Sauer P250, ceremonial weapons (swords etc.)

Please choose a plot for your embassy: #37, L'Abordammino.
(You can also add a second choice should the first choice won't be approved.)

Any special requests: A heated, underground garage would be a great treat to house our vehicles; so would be a pool (either inside or outside the building) and a housing quarters for the guards. If it is not possible to house the ambassador on the embassy property, we would like to buy and/or construct a new villa for the ambassador, in a safe area close to the embassy.


Jens Blom
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Rue 5. Mee 1945 35

Laura Schiavone (home address)
Via Centrale 78
Free United States
05-04-2008, 21:50
General Information
Full Country Name: the Commonwealth of Free United States
Type of Government: Democratic Socialist
Present Leader: Premier Steven Vincent Galindo III

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Hon. Joseph Damorev
Brief Bio: After serving in the Air Defense Force for two tours, Damorev joined the Commonwealth Political Directorate's Diplomatic Corps attached as garrison commander for several embassies before being appointed as Vice Ambassador to Katangara. After the Second Katangara War (Bloody Valentine) he was appointed ambassador to W. Remlin.
Number of Staff: 35 (25 Diplomatic Corps/10 FSB agents)
Number of Military Personnel: 1 Platoon of 14 Marines

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 1 UH-60 Blackhawk, 2 Mercedes limousines, 4 Toyota Land Cruisers, 3 GMC vans, 6 Ford Crown Victorias
Weapons (Number & Type): Sidearms: 10 Sig P239 (Secret Service), 14 P226 (Marines); SMGs:10 H&K MP5, 10 Uzi 9mm, 5 P90; rifles:14 H&K G36-C, 7 M16A2, 3 M60; misc: 2 Stinger launchers

Please choose a plot for your embassy: 34 or 40
06-04-2008, 08:01
{OOC: If you're interested (}
Brutland and Norden
06-04-2008, 10:45

Dear Sir,

While looking over the details of our co-operation in terms of police units, we came across a problem: The Grand Duchy doesn't seem to own an embassy in Brutland and Norden, and this can be a small practical issue, which is why we have decided to apply for an embassy. You might note that this is a very rare thing for the Grand Duchy; we do these things only when we find it is absolutely required. We would also like to invite a Nord-Brutlandese diplomatical mission to Van Luxemburg, in fact, we have already a building readily available for that particular mission.

Below is our application, as required by the Nord-Brutlandese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

General Information
Full Country Name: The Grand Duchy of Van Luxemburg/Groussherzogtum Vun Lëtzebuerg
Type of Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Present Leader: Grand Duke Koen van Luxemburg/Premier Nicolas Hirtz

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Laura Schiavone
Brief Bio: Laura is a 45-year old woman, who grew up in San Giustra, where she completed both primary, secundary and university education with excellent grades. She is a Master of International Affairs, and acquired the title at the Università Internazionale di San Giustra. She has had positions with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Luxembourg, capital city of Van Luxemburg, and the foreign missions in Wingarde and Listeneisse.
Number of Staff: 88 civilian employees, who should be housed around the city in private housing.
Number of Military Personnel: 5 Marechaussees, armed with SIG-Sauer P250 pistols and ceremonial weaponry. They will be housed inside the embassy itself.

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 9 Monteluci Duca 2008 (2.4 5C BMD (Diesel), 3.2 V6 BMD (Diesel), 3.2 V6 Biturbo (Petrol), V8 SFS (Petrol)) 1 Maserati Quattroporte Collezione Cento (Armoured)
Weapons (Number & Type): 5 SIG-Sauer P250, ceremonial weapons (swords etc.)

Please choose a plot for your embassy: #37, L'Abordammino.
(You can also add a second choice should the first choice won't be approved.)

Any special requests: A heated, underground garage would be a great treat to house our vehicles; so would be a pool (either inside or outside the building) and a housing quarters for the guards. If it is not possible to house the ambassador on the embassy property, we would like to buy and/or construct a new villa for the ambassador, in a safe area close to the embassy.


Jens Blom
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Rue 5. Mee 1945 35

Laura Schiavone (home address)
Via Centrale 78

To: the Hon. Jens Blom
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
the Grand Duchy of Van Luxemburg

We would be more than happy to host a Van Luxemburgian embassy in our nation. As such, your application for an embassy had been approved. The premises at 358 L'Abordammino (358 The Boardwalk, plot #37) is now ready for occupancy. The underground heated garage is being constructed, but the space in the basement is not enough, and so we can construct the pool on the rooftop, if that is amenable to you.

As for villas, I believe there are some very nice seaside or hilltop villas for rent or for sale at Covo Pescotto (Fisherman Cove), just outside the city limits, a 15-minute drive from Sant'Garzana via L'Abordammino or Viade Tercellese.

We gladly welcome Ambassador Laura Schiavone to our country. As a welcome gift, the Duke of Fiano would like to send his famed risotto alla Fiana, enough to feed 100 people. Also, the grant of Trazio would like to give you a dozen pounds of our national food, the chieso bruta rubra (purple Brute cheese). We hope that you will like it.

Also, we would like to inform you that we would be sending Ms. Donatella Grossi as our ambassador to your nation.

Thank you and may this mark the beginning of even closer relations between our nations.
Brutland and Norden
06-04-2008, 12:05
General Information
Full Country Name: the Commonwealth of Free United States
Type of Government: Democratic Socialist
Present Leader: Premier Steven Vincent Galindo III

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Hon. Joseph Damorev
Brief Bio: After serving in the Air Defense Force for two tours, Damorev joined the Commonwealth Political Directorate's Diplomatic Corps attached as garrison commander for several embassies before being appointed as Vice Ambassador to Katangara. After the Second Katangara War (Bloody Valentine) he was appointed ambassador to W. Remlin.
Number of Staff: 35 (25 Diplomatic Corps/10 FSB agents)
Number of Military Personnel: 1 Platoon of 14 Marines

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 1 UH-60 Blackhawk, 2 Mercedes limousines, 4 Toyota Land Cruisers, 3 GMC vans, 6 Ford Crown Victorias
Weapons (Number & Type): Sidearms: 10 Sig P239 (Secret Service), 14 P226 (Marines); SMGs:10 H&K MP5, 10 Uzi 9mm, 5 P90; rifles:14 H&K G36-C, 7 M16A2, 3 M60; misc: 2 Stinger launchers

Please choose a plot for your embassy: 34 or 40

To: the Commonwealth of Free United States

It is my happy duty to inform you that your application for an embassy had been approved. The premises at 513 Viale Nazioni Unnonecca (513 United Nations Avenue, plot #34) is now ready for occupancy.

We warmly welcome Amb. Joseph Damorev to our shores. As a welcome gift, we would like to give you a case of our licuoro vaca (cow liquor), our national drink. We hope you like it.

However, we must remind you that the number of firearms exceed the number of embassy staff (including security personnel). We strongly recommend that the number of firearms be reduced. If security is a problem, you can contact us at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Sant'Garzana Police Station.

Thank you very much and may this bring our great nations closer together.
06-04-2008, 12:34
Our country has recently liberated itself from the corrupt former government and so we are eager to form international relations. We extend an invitation for a reciprocal ambassador however the most major cities are still dealing with terrorism from loyalists to the ex-government so a heavy defensive contingent would be required and accommodation would either be in the government defensive compound in the capital or a liberated ranch out of the cities.

General Information
Full Country Name: Free People’s Union of Cyruum
Type of Government: Revolutionary Council, military junta (father knows best state)
Present Leader: General-of-the-Revolution Jason Assenjay

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Rudolph Mahatmi W.O.T.R. (Warrior of the Revolution)
Brief Bio: A highly decorated veteran of the recent revolution he is an excellent pilot and avid hunter who has permanent scars from burns recied when his plane was shot down in noble combat. Arriving with him are his wife, 2 children and sister.
Number of Staff: 15
Number of Military Personnel: 15 although all staff have military training or experience
2 Droveir Ranch Hounds

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 2 Armoured SUVs, 2 Large military APCs for hostile evac and one ex-military diplomatic helicopter
Weapons (Number & Type): 10 Ak-47 Assault Rifles, 31 Skorpion side arms, a selection of less-lethal arms and, if legal, several hunting rifles.
We also desire to bring stinger missiles, 1 Barret XM100 rifle, 2 heavy machine guns and a suppression grenade launcher but understand certain countries are unwilling to allow heavy weapons in the hands of foreigners of the above arms are restricted we require equivalent weapons and guards provided by the Brutland and Norden armed forces. We also request special dispensation for the number of arms required.
Preferred Plots: 70 or 71

Any special requests: Is hunting permitted Brutland and Norden if so what laws cover it? What other outdoor pursuits are available in the area, for example is there a stable in the vicinity that could be used. Rudolph also enquires whether it would be possible to meet with the ministry of culture or a similar organisation and study the history of your nation.
We extend an invitation for a reciprocal ambassador however the most major cities are still dealing with terrorism from loyalists to the ex-government so a heavy defensive contingent would be required and accommodation would either be in the government defensive compound in the capital or a liberated property out of the cities.
Van Luxemburg
06-04-2008, 13:25

Dear Sir,

We are very grateful for the effort you have put into our request. In reply to this, we would like to send a few presents in return. The package that will be sent to you, contains 3 Van Luxemburger olive trees (I would recommend to plant them in a sunny place, so their fruits will be best. They are truly delicious!), a cook book that will instruct you how to make the very best Van Luxemburger dishes, with the olives from the trees also in the package. Automobili Lepanto has also insisted on sending a Lepanto 650 Moiano, a 650 horsepower supercar. We hope these presents will find a destination within the United Kingdom!

We have no problems with the pool being constructed on the rooftop of the embassy; we will also make sure that the ambassador will buy a property in Covo Pescotto.

Jens Blom
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Rue 5. Mee 1945 35

Laura Schiavone (home address)
Via Centrale 78
Free United States
06-04-2008, 19:07

To: the Commonwealth of Free United States

It is my happy duty to inform you that your application for an embassy had been approved. The premises at 513 Viale Nazioni Unnonecca (513 United Nations Avenue, plot #34) is now ready for occupancy.

We warmly welcome Amb. Joseph Damorev to our shores. As a welcome gift, we would like to give you a case of our licuoro vaca (cow liquor), our national drink. We hope you like it.

However, we must remind you that the number of firearms exceed the number of embassy staff (including security personnel). We strongly recommend that the number of firearms be reduced. If security is a problem, you can contact us at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Sant'Garzana Police Station.

Thank you very much and may this bring our great nations closer together.


3 P90s, 7 M16A2s, 4 G36-Cs, (may I keep one M60 and a Stinger for support purposes?). Also, may I keep the numbero of pistols, those are simply their sidearms.
15-04-2008, 04:32
General Information
Full Country Name: The Kingdom of Imbrinium
Type of Government: Constitutional monarchy
Present Leader: king Marcius A Reapers III

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Severino Sabbatini
Brief Bio: Served in the IDF and was knighted for a rescue of a small child in a firefight, severed with royal guard, left the military after a training injury and went to work for the PM’s office later with the foreign Affairs officer where he has now become a Ambassador.
Number of Staff: 40
Number of Military Personnel: 15 non-military but government agents of the IDSS

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 6 up armored 4wd SUV, 1 CH-53k unarmed transport, 1 commercial type air force passenger plane.
Weapons (Number & Type):5 1911 45cal. 5 tavor commando, 5 HK416 compacts

Please choose a plot for your embassy: 12 or 22
(You can also add a second choice should the first choice won't be approved.)

Any special requests: helo pad and pool and for your nation to have an embassy in our nation.
15-04-2008, 04:42
General Information
Full Country Name: The Socialist Empire of Exetonia
Type of Government: Socialist
Present Leader: Government of representatives

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Louisa Sheridan
Brief Bio: Daughter of Howard Sheridan, a retired diplomat, more than capable of diplomacy given her degree in politics and diplomacy
Number of Staff: 62
Number of Military Personnel: 0 (civillian security)

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 1 Armoured Hummer, 1 B 727 private jetliner, 1 private civillian Chinook
Weapons (Number & Type): 12 Walther PPK's

Please choose a plot for your embassy: As you see fit

Any special requests: Feel free to open an embassy on our soil

(ooc: see link in sig for embassy thread)
Brutland and Norden
15-04-2008, 06:10

To: Free People’s Union of Cyruum


It is my pleasure to inform you that your application for an embassy had been approved. The buildings at 13 Kingsville Route 17 are now ready for occupancy.

We happily welcome Amb. Rudolph Mahatmi W.O.T.R. to our country. As a welcome token, the Farmer's Confederation would like to give you a sack of our luscious golden watermelons and another sack of our golden apples. Also, the Ministry of Culture would like to present you with the most recent edition of the Encyclopedia Brutanica, complete with two audio disks. We hope you will like it.

As for weapons, heavy weapons/artillery are strongly discouraged. For the side arms and assault rifles, the number of weapons exceeds the number of staff but as we had done earlier, we can allow excess weapons as long as we are informed. If security is an issue, you can contact us at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Sant'Garzana Police Department.

Hunting is legal is certain areas. The nearest is the island of Astria (within the jurisdiction of the grant of Brugnatella). The embassy district is near the Moon Canyon Park (Parco Cannono Luna), where picnics, hiking, swimming, and whitewater rafting can be done.

Also, you can visit/contact the Ministry of Culture via:
Anna Maria Sceiff
Finisterretto di Cutture
Minister of Culture
1000 Palazzo Tulipa, 20 Viado Canuccone e Viale Padania, Settra, Vilòstresa, Terru di l'Unnone EU001
(+1509)(+01) 000-25-950 loc. 01

There are also museums around town that you can visit.

Thank you very much.
Brutland and Norden
15-04-2008, 06:22

We would also like to thank you for the rpesents. The olive trees had been planted in the Royal Botanical Gardens, 500 Corso Trazio, Vilòstresa. Also, Princess Alexandra, Duchess of Santelleria, would also like to thank your nation for the cookbook and the car. She is looking forward to cooking dishes and delivering them by the new car to her brother, the King of Brutland and Norden.

Thank you very much.

3 P90s, 7 M16A2s, 4 G36-Cs, (may I keep one M60 and a Stinger for support purposes?). Also, may I keep the numbero of pistols, those are simply their sidearms.
OOC. Ok. :)
Brutland and Norden
15-04-2008, 06:25

To: the Kingdom of Imbrinium


It is my pleasure to inform you that your application for an embassy had been approved. The buildings at 1275 Fiumo Viade Parca (1275 River Parkway; plot #12) in now ready to be occupied. A helipad had been constructed on top of the building, and a pool installed at the basement.

We warmly welcome Amb. Severino Sabbatini to our shores. As a welcome gift we would like to give you twelve pounds of our national food, the chieso Bruta rubra (purple Brute cheese) and a case of our national drink, the licuoro vaca (cow liquor). We hope you like it.

Thank you and we hope that this will be the start of a blossoming relationship between our great nations.
Brutland and Norden
15-04-2008, 08:55

To: the Socialist Empire of Exetonia


It is my pleasure to inform you that your application for an embassy had been approved. We welcome Amb. Louisa Sheridan to our country. As a gesture of hospitality we would like to give you three cases of Sebrola banana wine fom Norden. We hope that you will like it.

Thank you very much.
06-05-2008, 06:38
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Ruccola

General Information
Full Country Name: The Republic of Ruccola
Type of Government: Parliamentary Democracy
Present Leader: Prime Minister Giustino Tuono

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Sir Luca Verdano
Brief Bio: Sir Verdano has served under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for 15 years, and has held several ambassadorial positions in nations with close ties to Ruccola.
Number of Staff: 30
Number of Military Personnel: 4

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 5 Rolls-Royces
Weapons (Number & Type): 4 Beretta 92s

Please choose a plot for your embassy: 32

Any special requests: We invite you to open an embassy ( in our capital.
Brutland and Norden
11-05-2008, 22:45
To: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Ruccola


It is my pleasure to inform you that your application for am embassy had been approved. The premises at 512 Viale Nazioni Unnonecca (512 United Nations Avenue; plot #32) is ready for occupancy.

We gladly welcome Ambassador Sir Luca Verdano to our country. As a welcome gift we would like to give you a sack of golden watermelons and a bottle of the Misterica flower wine from Norden. We hope that you will like it.

Thank you very much.
18-05-2008, 19:19
General Information
Full Country Name: The Promethian Republic of Faxanavia
Type of Government: Democratic Republic
Present Leader: Prime Minister Ivansky Bochick

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Leland Q. Alfenco II
Brief Bio: Born and raised in the state of Western Faxanavia, Leland attended Vallingard University and graduated class of 1962. He spent 6 years in the Faxanavian Diplomatic Corp, reaching out to developing nations, before graduating to full ambassador in 1971.
Number of Staff: 30; 10 personal aid, 20 cleaning
Number of Military Personnel: 6 Trained Faxanavian Diplomatic Guards

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 2; 1 bullet proofed black jeep; 1 Official diplomatic limousine
Weapons (Number & Type): 6 Doomani DR-83 Assault Rifles

Please choose a plot for your embassy: Plot number seventy (70)
(You can also add a second choice should the first choice won't be approved.)
Brutland and Norden
19-05-2008, 20:36

To: The Promethian Republic of Faxanavia


It is my pleasure to inform you that your application for am embassy had been approved. However, we regret that your chosen location had been taken. Your embassy would be temporarily be housed at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs until you select another site for your embassy.

We greatly anticipate the arrival of Ambassador Leland Q. Alfenco II to our country. As a welcome token we would like to present the ambassador with three bottles of Traconalto wild Brutland berry wine and a basket of golden apples. We hope you'll like it.

Thank you very much and we hope to hear from you soon.
01-06-2008, 14:14
The Kingdom of Grasaland

General Information
Full Country Name: The Kingdom of Grasaland
Type of Government: Parliamentary Monarchy
Present Leader: King Arthur of Noggin & The Kingdom of Grasaland & Prime Minister Christian Bjørnson

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Alistad Urlik
Brief Bio: Studied Law at Norglich Uni, Became an MP at 27, became Minister for Railways at 29 and Transfered to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Two years and voluntered for a place as an Ambassador.
Number of Staff: 22
Number of Military Personnel: 15

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 5 Black Armoured Range Rovers
Weapons (Number & Type): 15 SA-80 Assualt Rifles, 15 HK P2000 Pistols

Please choose a plot for your embassy: 40 or 34
(You can also add a second choice should the first choice won't be approved.)

Any special requests: It would be nice to have an embassy established in our country.
Brutland and Norden
01-06-2008, 16:54

To: The Kingdom of Grasaland


It is my pleasure to inform you that your application for an embassy ahd been approved. The buildings at 488 Viale Pannondriense (488 Pannondrian Way, plot #40) is now ready to be occupied.

We happily welcome Ambassador Alistad Urlik into our country. As a elcome gesture, we would like to give you a case of our national drink, licuoro vaca (cow liquor), and a pound of our national food, chieso Bruta rubra (purple Brute cheese). We hope you'll like it.

Thank you very much.
27-07-2008, 15:34
To the most Honourable Foreign Minister Bricco di sint'Brullizio

On behalf of the government of The Commonwealth of Biotopia I formally thank you for your letter of invitation for the mutual exchange of embassies. As nations committed to the rule of law, international rights and the pursuit of peace I wish to invite you to consider signing a Non-Aggression Pact binding our nations to recognising and respecting the mutual sovreignty and integrity of each state. Peace is built upon good international foundations and from such an agreement we might build stronger and closer relations in the future.
Kalaese Venetta
Bashee Kassem for Foreign Affairs and International Trade
(see the Biotopian embassy thread for other treaty options)

General Information
Full Country Name: The Commonwealth of Biotopia
Type of Government: federal parliamentary republic
Present Leader: Segatta Bharjek

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: (Dr) Kolmst Lafayette
Brief Bio: retired professor of International Economics
Number of Staff: 12 (+3 civilian security agents)
Number of Military Personnel: none

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): two (sedans)
Weapons (Number & Type): handgun (3), mace (5), taser (1)

Please choose a plot for your embassy: plot 9 (optimal) 17 (secondary)

Any special requests: none
Brutland and Norden
27-07-2008, 16:23

To: the Hon. Kalaese Venetta
Bashee Kassem for Foreign Affairs and International Trade


We are pleased to hear from you. It is my pleasure to inform you that your application had been approved. The building at 106 Viale Piscinadoro (plot #9) is now ready to be occupied.

We happily welcome Dr. Kolmst Lafayette to our country. As a welcome gift, the grant of Pannondrio would like to give you six pounds of your national food, the chieso bruta rubra (purple Brute cheese), and one bottle of the rare Pannondrian blue wine. We hope that you'll like it.

As for the treaties, the Ministry is currently translating and studying the texts of the treaties. We would inform you if and when negotiations could start.

Thank you and we hope that this will be the start of a great future for both our nations.
27-07-2008, 16:56
As requested and authorised by Premier Vladimir Moreskae, I send this application which will bring both of our great nations into a state of glorious peace on behalf of all the loyal citizens of Porinn.
-Olga Brehsmer, Foreign Secretary of Porinn

General Information
Full Country Name: The United States of Porinn
Type of Government: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Present Leader: Premier Vladimir Moreskae

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Mikhail Strausse
Brief Bio:
Ambassador Strausse was born in Mornes, in 1973, he attended private school until he was 17, gaining a scholarship in Vestada University, Mornes, he studied Political Science, Psychology and various other Political Studies. He graduated in 1997, and began campaigning in 2000 to become the representative in Parliament for the Vestada district of Mornes, he shortly won the elections and received this position. He was personally selected by Premier Moreskae due to his proven skill as a representative of Porinn for 8 years running.
Number of Staff: 24
Number of Military Personnel: 15, as this is the standard for all Porinnian embassies.

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type):
One Armoured Cadillac Limousine, Three Armoured Land Rover Freelander SUVs.
Weapons (Number & Type):
One H&K MP7, MK.23, Mace spray and Tazer per Security Personnel, 8 G36s to be stored in Security Room.

Please choose a plot for your embassy: 37, 16 if not possible

Any special requests: None

Construction of the embassies in Mornes is nearing completion, and we will inform all nations when buildings are ready to be occupied. Thank you for your time.
Olga Brehsmer, Foreign Secretary of Porrin
27-07-2008, 17:19
Ambassador Dr Kolmst Lafayette
106 Viale Piscinadoro
The United Kingdom of
Brutland and Norden

On behalf of the government of The Commonwealth of Biotopia I thank you for the actions of your government in delivering a speedy and efficient resolution of our application and the most magnanimous gift upon our assumption of residency. In return I am pleased to announce that the Embassy of The United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden has been awarded the gift of a Trejetten ceremonial tea set. The full ambassadorial staff have been invited to attend an inter-regional dinner hosted by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade which will be attended by the Bashee Kassem for Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Culture and Heritage and Defence. The Rollo Entonka (head of state), Sagetta Bharjek will officially be hosting the evening. I would further like to invite you to personally attending a private function a the Commonwelath embassy on the same night to better acquaint ourselves and help promote on-going dialogue between our two states.
In solidarity
Ambassador Dr Kolmst Lafayette
27-07-2008, 23:05
Full Country Name:The Kingdom of Marstia
Type of Government: Parliamentary Government
Present Leader:The King:Stefan III Termopolis Nikolaevic de Marstian

Ambassador Name:Binovska Ana
Brief Bio:
Number of Staff: 30
Number of Military Personnel:20

Vehicles (Number & Type):3 Jeep touareg 1 limo and 5 cars(ford foxus)
Weapons (Number & Type):your chose

Please choose a plot for your embassy: 37 or 12
Brutland and Norden
29-07-2008, 10:30

To: the Hon. Olga Brehsmer
Foreign Secretary of Porrin


It is my duty to inform you that your application for embassy had been approved. However, we regret to inform you that plot #37 had been occupied already, and so we will give you plot #16 (310 Viade Tercellese).

As a welcome token, we would like to give the ambassador and his staff a cultural treat with free one-time passes to the Royal Museum of Brutland and Norden, and complimentary tickets for the historical musical play "Brutland and Norden" at the Cosservatorio Reala (Royal Conservatory), Kingsville. We hope you'll like it here in Brutland and Norden.

Thank you very much.
OOC: Would this be an RP or something?
To: The Kingdom of Marstia


It is my happy duty to inform you that your application for an embassy had been approved. However, we regret that your two choices for the location of your embassy had been taken. You can choose another plot, or you may choose to build your embassy outside the embassy district. The Foreign Ministry would gladly assist you in finding the ideal location for your embassy. Meanwhile, we would be willing to temporarily house your legation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs compound.

We gladly welcome Ambassador Binovska Ana to the country. As a welcome gift, we would like to give her and her staff a basket of golden apples and three bottles of the prized Brutland berry wine. We hope you'll like it.

Thank you very much.
Bears Armed
29-07-2008, 11:12

To the government of Brutland and Norden,

The High Council of Clans, which is the national government for the Confederated Clans of the Free Bears of Bears Armed (, would be interested in opening an embassy in your nation for the purpose of developing trade between our peoples and possibly for cooperation in the World Assembly. Here is the completed form _

General Information
Full Country Name: The Confederated Clans of the Free Bears of Bears Armed.
Type of Government: Constitutional confederation; the main functions of the 'High Council of Clans', which consists of delegates sent by the governments of the separate Clans (and some other groups), are as an arbitrator for any disagreements between those Clans (and other groups) and as their collective main interface with the outside world... Each of those Clans or other groups has its won constitution: these vary in form, but generally blend democratic elements with 'traditional' ones.
Present Leader: Ammabarr o BerryGlades, Chairbear of the High Council of Clans.

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Alberre Francis West.
Brief Bio: Member of a prominent family in Clan WestWoods, trained as a lawyer and worked in that profession for a while, recently a legal adviser to his clan's government; never formally married, has several children who are being raised (as is customary) by their mothers' families.
Number of Staff: 15 other diplomats, 24 support (clerks, cooks, etc.)
Number of Military Personnel: 8 from the 'Bad-News' warrior society.

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 1 sedan ['bear-sized'] for official diplomatic use, 1 van for transport purposes, 8 motorcycles for security personnel.
Weapons (Number & Type):

Preferred site: #9 (or #22).

Special requests: You establish an embassy with us; please describe your policy on the principle of 'diplomatic immunity', so that we can determine a suitable level of rights to give to your personnel here.
Oh, and is the lake in the large park near the sites that we've listed useable for swimming?

Beorra o Berrum,
Committee for The Strangers,
Bears Armed.
West Zirconia
29-07-2008, 11:36
The Grand Duchy of West Zirconia would like to commence diplomatic relations with the United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden. Our details are as follows:

Full Country Name: The Grand Duchy of West Zirconia
Type of Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Present Leader: Head of State: His Royal Highness the Grand Duke. Head of Government: Prime Minister Mark Simmonds

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Christopher Beaumont
Brief Bio: Moved to Foreign Office three years ago, after a six-year spell as MP (Banks West). Son of former Bishop of Banks, Andrew Beaumont.
Number of Staff: 10
Number of Military Personnel: 6

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 3 Austin/Morris Marinas
Weapons (Number & Type): 6 Walther PPK Handguns

Please choose a plot for your embassy: 22 Viale Piscinadoro
(Alternative plot: 53 Viale Pannondriense)

Any special requests: We invite you to open an embassy in West Zirconia:
29-07-2008, 12:01
In your last message you said that our choses for embassy plots had already been taken.Make your chose and give us plot which is near to the city because that is the wish of our ambassador.
Thank you very much

The King of Marstia
Stefan III Termopolis Nikolaevic de Marstian
Brutland and Norden
10-08-2008, 09:05
Deputy Foreign Minister for Embassy Exchange Thorizio Lancelotti started reading the documents on his "In" folder. As the person in charge of approving embassies, he makes the recommendations whether to accept the application or not. The Foreign Minister and the Cabinet ultimately decides whether to go ahead and allow the embassy in. So far he gave everything passing by his table a favorable remark; and so far his recommendations were always followed.

He reached for a thin folder labeled "la Sborzi Confederecca di l'Ursu Frieda d'Ursu Armecca". Odd name for a nation, and odd thickness for a semi-processed embassy application. Lancelotti has an army of staffers who research the nation applying, producing thick tomes that Lancelotti had to painstakingly read through his workday.

Lancelotti opened the folder. First page was the embassy application. It was fine, really, with the letter asking if the ambassador and his staff are allowed to swim at Moon Canyon Pond. Second page was supposedly the information about the nation. That page was blank, but there was a handwritten note from his staffer that apparently, there wasn't any reliable information available about this nation. They said that they had been processing that application for more than a week now and that applications for another nation had been delayed due to it. To avoid further delay, they decided to give this semi-complete report. But there was some consolation. Lancelotti's staffers said that they found something about "Ursu Armecca" from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Section on the World Assembly... it is just up to Lancelotti to see for himself.

After the pages of the blank nation info, there was a report received by the World Assembly Section from the Permanent Royal Nord-Brutlandese Mission to the World Assembly about the recent failed "Sentient Rights Act". Detailed was why and how Brutland and Norden cast an "Against" vote, who voted yes, who voted no, and the debate on the floor of the General Assembly. While Ambassador Carina Talchimio-Spicolli was out breastfeeding her babies, Carolina Entelbucco, an embassy staffer, was attending the debate. There, she wrote: "Al hoci nomente, a ursu tella granda, apparental la delegatetto che la Sborzi Confederecca di l'Ursu Frieda d'Ursu Armecca, marciecce tunníal la delegatetto d'Antipodesia, minacciecco ce e groulecco, 'Tu tareco serial claimecche con me dell'esistece?*'".
(*At that moment, a big talking bear, apparently the delegate from the Confederated Clans of the Free Bears of Bears Armed, marched towards the delegate of Antipodesia, threatening him and growling, "Are you seriously trying to claim that I don't exist?")

Lancelotti was somewhat amused. Although there were rumors in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that its World Assembly Section sometimes spew out ridiculous reports, this was the first time Lancelotti actually came across such a report. Talking bears! What are they doing there in that outpost? Taking hallucinogenic drugs? Writing fantasy stories? Lancelotti closed the folder, stamped it with a big "REGIETECCE" and put it in the out folder. So much for this fantastical embassy application... somebody in the Ministry has an overactive imagination and humongous bravado to submit one. Dr. Cestre Montòccegliano needs to do something about his department.



To: the Grand Duchy of West Zirconia


We would like to inform you that your application for an embassy had been approved. The building at 322 Viade Tercellese (plot #22) is now ready to be occupied.

We gladly welcome Ambassador Christopher Beaumont to our country. As a welcome token, we would like to present you with a sack of golden watermelons and a case of Vallucca watermelon wine. We hope you'll like it.

Thank you very much.



To: His Majesty Stefan III Termopolis Nikolaevic de Marstian
The King of Marstia


We had already readied the buildings at 466 Strade Sant'Garzana (plot #39) for your embassy. It is near the Ministry and near the Gallerie Sant'Garzana (Saint Garzan Tunnel) leading to Kingsville proper.

Should you find that location unsuitable, feel free to contact us again. Thank you.

Thorizio Lancelotti
Finisterretto Vinca d'Alfari Ellena per Lecambii Embasciata
Deputy Foreign Minister for Embassy Exchanges
21-09-2008, 23:55
General Information
Full Country Name: Kingdom of Sanctaria
Type of Government: Absolute Monarchy
Present Leader: King Chris I

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Dame Elizabeth Dawes
Brief Bio: Daughter of the Prime Minister of Sanctaria, Lord Edward Dawes, is a seasoned politican serving as a Foreign Minister in her father's government
Number of Staff:10
Number of Military Personnel:5

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 3 Armoured SUVs
Weapons (Number & Type): 5 Handguns.

Please choose a plot for your embassy: 37 L'Abordammino (Second Choice: 70 Vilostresa Rutte)

Any special requests:

Swimming Pool
Armoured Gates

The Kingdom of Sanctaria also extends the invitation to the United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden an embassy of their own. Located half a mile away from the Parliment, it is a former castle of the Monarchy. It has recently been refurbished.
24-04-2009, 21:05
General Information
Full Country Name: The Most Serene Republic of Masburel
Type of Government: Dictatorship
Present Leader: President Montravel

Personnel Information
Ambassador Name: Max Milk
Brief Bio: After graduating from Masburels Atlas College of Political Studies with honours Max proceeded to work closely with the aides and advisors of President Montravel. After his contract came up for renewal a few months ago he was offered an Ambassadorial position which he decided to accept.
Number of Staff: 20
Number of Military Personnel: 10

Equipment Information
Vehicles (Number & Type): 1x Land Rover SNATCH 2 2x Armoured XKF Jaguars
Weapons (Number & Type): M.A.C SF-9/P

Please choose a plot for your embassy: plot 4 or plot 5 (either is fine)
(You can also add a second choice should the first choice won't be approved.)

Any special requests: Would you consider opening an Embassy in Masburel Embassy Thread (http://
24-04-2009, 21:27
Full Country Name: Democratic Republic of Takaram
Type of Government: Democratic Republic
Present Leader: David Marshall

Ambassador Name: Sarah Miller
Brief Bio: A former intern for the Office of Foreign Affairs and a graduate from the Takaram Institute of Law
Number of Staff: 45
Number of Military Personnel: 15

Vehicles (Number & Type): 1 Limo, 2 SUVs, 1 VH-71 Kestrel
Weapons (Number & Type): 15 Beretta 92s, 15 P90s

Please choose a plot for your embassy: No preference

Any special requests: No
Brutland and Norden
11-05-2009, 03:50

To: all nations with embassies


The Section of Embassy Exchanges of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is pleased to announce that the Royal Nord-Brutlandese Parliament had appropriated more funds in order to upgrade the embassy district and to provide more spaces for potential embassies. Indeed, the Foreign Ministry will be building new Embassy Towers to increase the capacity of the embassy district.

In pursuit of this, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be relocating some embassies. The deactivated Embassies of Absconded Nations* (Embasciatu di la Nazioni Ascondecca, ENA) will be relocated to Embassy Tower 7, 2292 Viale Porscale, Sant'Garzana, Vilòstresa, EU0012. Each deactivated ENAs will be housed in one hemibuilding floor. Nations affected by this move include:

Abu Omar, Ambrose-Douglas, Biotopia, Cyruum, Exetonia, Faxafanavia, Grasaland, Greater Gouda, Marstia, Nightfalcon, Pablicosta, Pinguinium, ShogunKhan, The Genoshan Isles, the Philippiniada, the Stone Temple, United Kingdom 2, Vanek Drury Brieres, Visayan Peoples, and Wyneries.

These nations are urged to contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs within one year** to request reactivation of their respective embassies.

In addition, the building of the towers and reorganization of the district would entail that several embassies had to be moved^. Embassies affected by this include the embassies of the nations of:

Bloumany, Chernobl, Cookesland, Porinn, and Somniloquence.

The new accommodations of your embassies are listed below:
Bloumany, the Kingdom of - 354 L'Abordammino, Sant'Garzana, Vilòstresa, EU0012
Chernobl, the Federal Republic of - 964 Viale Pacifico Sorda, Sant'Garzana, Vilòstresa, EU0012
Cookesland, the United States of - 770 Viale Tibaldi, Sant'Garzana, Vilòstresa, EU0012
Porinn, the Unified Corporation of - 319 Viade Tercellese, Sant'Garzana, Vilòstresa, EU0012
Somniloquence, the Most Serene Republic of - 321 Viade Tercellese, Sant'Garzana, Vilòstresa, EU0012

Should you wish to move to a new plot, or in the towers, feel free to inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs so we could give you the plot of your choice.

Also, to the nations with pending embassy requests: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had already approved your application requests, but with the reorganization of the embassy district, we would be unable to process the location of your embassies. Your embassies will be temporarily housed at the Annex Building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1 Piazzo di Sant'Garzana, Sant'Garzana, Vilòstresa, EU0012. We expect that your can move into the new embassy towers within one year**. Nations with pending embassy requests include:

Masburel, Sanctaria, Takaram.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs had issued a temporary moratorium on embassy building in the district for one year**. Though the United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden will be very much willing to establish diplomatic relations with other countries, construction of physical embassies in the district is limited for the time being. Nations, however, are free to build their own embassies outside the district. Just inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the details.

Thank you very much for the understanding.

Canuto Morgagna
Finisterretto Vinca di Alfari Ellena per Lecambie di Embasciati
Deputy Foreign Minister for Embassy Exchange

noted by:

Plan for the New Embassy District

OOC Notes:
* Simply, nations that CTE'd. It's not technically a purge, as the embassies are still there, just moved so as to free up more spaces. :)
** one year IC ~ one week RL is the time frame I'll use. So the old map will be changed within a week, with the new one above.
^ Hi friends! I made a new map of the Embassy district, but I was unable to insert your embassies in the right location as before. Feel free to contact me anytime if you want to change your locations. :)

OOC2: I am thinking of moving this over to the new forums.