Firehelper Suicide Bombings (OPEN, MT)
21-05-2007, 23:44
[Firehelper National News (FNN) Special Report]
(in chinese)
We interrupt this program to bring news of a devastating event across all of Firehelper. Recently at 3:26 PM A series of Suicide bombings has occurred on Public Transport systems in many Major cities. The death toll is still being compiled but there are over 1000 confirmed dead in these rush hour bombings. All the Firehelper Public Transportation systems were subsequently shut down and people evacuated. There have also been reports of Firehelper's elite counter terrorist group FACF being deployed to contain this situation. The Emperor of the empire is also due to speak in one hour. Today was a devastating day for our country and we must remain strong in the face of adversity against these cowardly terrorists and paramilitary groups.
Several Armored Personnel carriers moved into the city and numerous soldiers emptied out from them. They were to aid in disaster relief and finding the terrorists responsible for this act.
((the terrorist group is FIG, the Firehelper isolationist group. They oppose the opening of Firehelper's borders and subsequent introduction of foreign corporations. I would be glad if someone could RP them.))
21-05-2007, 23:58
OOC: I'd be willing to RP them if you give me some basic info about their members/intentions/buget.
22-05-2007, 00:08
((OOC: They have approximately 100,000 members (small out of a ation of 4 billion...), they intend to force the government to go back into isolation and expel all foreign nations and seize their assets. they have a fairly large budget due to the black market, and criminal activities. It is rated at about 250,000,000,000 Firehelper credits. other than that they are basically your basic revolutionary group except they are armed with outdated surplus government weaponry bought from the US))
22-05-2007, 03:12
BUMP ((anyone willing to join...))
OOC: Sure I'll help you track down those guys
North Calaveras
22-05-2007, 03:20
OCC: Greal i need to talk to you.
22-05-2007, 03:20
(( any chance of a IC post) any time soon.... I'm sleepy sorry, no ocntrol over my timezone here)
OOC: never mind, can't help you. sorry
Alexandrian Ptolemais
22-05-2007, 03:52
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Press Release
PTOLEMAIS - The Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Rt. Hon. William Mason, has just changed the travel advisory for Firehelper from Orange to Red due to a terrorist attack which occurred there this morning. Citizens of the Empire are being advised to leave Firehelper as soon as possible and to cancel all unnecessary travel arrangements.
Further to that, we have no official word as to whether there were any casualties from the Empire, however, official word is that the Firehelper Isolationist Group will be classified as a terrorist organisation under the Terrorism Act 1977 and have any assets of theirs in the Empire officially frozen
To: His Majesty, the Emperor of Firehelper
From: Rt. Hon. William Mason
Your Majesty,
The Empire of Alexandrian Ptolemais expresses its deepest sorrow in hearing that your nation was so viciously attacked this afternoon. We wish to offer assistance through sending fifty investigators of the Imperial Police Force Counter-Terrorist Division to aid in the investigations and to bring the perpretrators to justice.
William Mason
Nationalist MP
Minister of Foreign Affairs
22-05-2007, 12:52
[[Speech of The Firehelper Emperor about the recent events.]]
(in english)
Today was a grave day for our nation. These terrorists have attacked innocent people in their assault against the mass transit systems of Firehelper. My heart gores out to those that have lost loved ones. I also thank all the other people of Firehelper and foreign tourists in their cooperation in these troubled times. Currently we are attacking a known terrorist base. We all must stand strong as these usurpers of the peace are eliminated and the stability of Firehelper restored.
[[Rebel base, location **** classified]]
A lone transport traveled across the sky. Soon out of the transport emerged wo dozen men. They were armed to the teeth with the most advanced weapons of Firehelper. They also wore advanced armor that blended in with the night. Soon they touched down on the ground and headed to a cave opening several hundred yards away.
One of them was a sniper and silently and quickly eliminated the two guards at the entrance. Quickly he switched weapons to a silent MP-54. Quickly he joined the others and silently entered the cave. They shot all of the grunts they came across until the came to the largest chamber found so far. Inside was the end of the cave. However, what made this room special was four men looking over a map. One of the soldiers threw in a flashbang and hid. After it went off the others knocked out the men and dragged them off. Than they left. soon a more equipped force would analyze everything there.
Message to Alexandrian Ptolemais.
We thank you for your help. It is much appreciated. Though we have found one base, there are many left.
fine, we like to offer our special elite force that tracks down terrorists.
Dyelli Beybi
22-05-2007, 13:19
Statement by SSA
Socialist Small Arms wishes to let it be known that we will gladly supply parties in the Firehelper conflict with all necessary equipment for the conducting of a modern guerrilla war, from assault rifles to explosives. Experts in covert opperations and explosive related fields may also be hired through SSA.
SSA is dedicated to upholding it's high reputation for unbiased and non-judgemental sale of arms to concerned parties across the globe.
OOC: SSA is a large State Owned Arms Manufacturer
Patricia Bigmouth reports:
Paticia Bigmouth is a lovely women in her thirties, like all international reporters she has a fake british accent and a stylish haircut. She wears a pristine women's business suit and dress and has make up to match her fair complection and red hair. She stands in front of the SaintB Embassy site construction which is now cordoned off by local police and military authorities.
Patricia: Today at about 6:30 pm Firehelper local time soldiers from the Kingdom of SaintB sited quote: "A suspicious induvidual of asian descent" attempting to get a view of the construction of the victorian style embassy. When accosted by the two guards the man refused to identify himself and ran. The victim, Kunetsi Hida was shot twice by PFC Henry Guzzo and remains in critical but stable condition in a nearby hospital. Henry Guzzo has been detained by the Kingdom of SaintB's Military court of law. Ambassador Bobby Credalis had this to say.
Bobby Credalis is a middle age woman in perhaps her late forties who looks vibrant and full of life. She is dressed in the trappings of success and stands behind a podium with microphones from various news networks, the backdrop is a blown up sketch of the planned embassy.
Bobby Credalis: Private Guzzo beleived the man was a bomber targeting the construction site of the embassy to delay construction. We will be further investigating this case ourselves and in the intrest of good relations will be willing to turn Guzzo and any evidence we collect over to Fire Helper's authorities if they wish to proceed with charges. We ardently hope that this will not damage relations between SaintB and Firehelper. Thank you, that is all.
Patricia: As of yet there is no word from the Empire of Firehelper in respeonse to Bobby Credalis' statement. For The News, this is Patricia Loudmouth.
22-05-2007, 21:20
Message to SaintB:
The firehelper government offers its most sincere apology for the break in security around the SaintB embassy. it will be rectified immediately. However, we also recommend that your soldiers use non lethal weapons as you may be firing on innocent bystanders.
Lord Sumguy
22-05-2007, 21:28
Message From Lord Sumguy to the Firehelper Foreign Ministry:
greetings, I am Lord Sumguy, ruler of the Sumguy's Allies region. I offer my condolences for the loss your nation has experienced in the recent terrorist attack, and offer up to 13,000 Leocardian trained special forces to help combat these vile terrorists. I pray that this conflict may be short, and that little blood will be spilled.
Green Hawk
22-05-2007, 21:32
OOC: So many terrorist threads... I made one too :D
Green Hawk is under attack by terrorist too, but I believe I can lend some help to you. I have been informed that three SOP Units (Special Operations Police) are on Stand To. Which means they are doing nothing important. I can offer you all three teams. So, what say you?
Thomas Glower
President of Green Hawk
OOC: Info on SOP: Speical Operations Police is like the Police, F.B.I, S.W.A.T, DIA, ICE and all the other type of policing agencies mixed into one big agency.
22-05-2007, 23:05
The Empire of firehelper thanks any and all nations that have offered help in our time of need. We are grateful to know that many nations aren't afraid of such radical groups. We will accept all offers of help as long as the said help is willing to work in conjunction with the Firehelper armed forces, and emergancy response teams.
ASF Open To Contracts
The Aleardian Strike Force announced last week that it would be open to contratcs from foreign nations for tasks needing completion by force. Several conflicts of interest inside Aleardian borders have been resolved and they are now facing closure.
The highly trained soldiers are feared to have gone to waste (says the Supreme Electorate) if the strike force is not allowed to continue, and for this reason, the government announced their help would be available for anyone - within reason - for a cost.
Head of the ASF, Graham Franklin, said today that he saw "a bright future ahead for the team".
Aleardian Post [National Newspaper]
Kunetsi Hida Dies in Hospital
Patricia Bigmouth Reports
Paricia Bigmouth stands in front of a local Firehelper hospital.
"Yesterday at 3:47 am Firehelper local time Kunetsi Hida died from gun wounds sustained when he was fired upon by PFC Henry Guzzo. Kunetsi Hida suffered two wounds from an Ares III assault rifle while trespeassing on embassy construction. According to a medical examiner who remains anonimous Kunetsi was shot through the kidney and the lung, the first shot passed through his body and out through his gallblatter; he died from the toxins released when it ruptured. It is still unknown whether The Kingdom of SaintB or the Empire of Firehelper plan on bringing private Guzzo up on charges."
Released papers throughout SaintB and Firehelper: Guzzo Speaks
SaintB's Military Court of Law released a short statement to the public about his shooting of Kunetsi Hida Tuesday night.
It was dark and I could only see him moving near the inside of the fence. When I trained my light on him he froze, I ordered him to halt in Chinese but he didn't listen, instead he took off toward the construction site. Thats when I fired a warning shot. When the man did not respond I fired a three round burst at him and hit him twice, I called it in and asked for emergency services immediatly. I feel horrible for the man's family but I was just doing my job. He shouldn't have been there, and if he was so innocent why would he run from me and [Cpl. Jason] Dibs?
Henry Guzzo is being held in Firehelper by authorites from SaintB, but as of yet no official charges have been brought up. Cpl. Jason Dibs, his superior and head of his detail, refused to comment officially. Similarly there have been no statements from Ambassador Lady Bobby Credalis since shortly after the incident.
To The Kingdom of Firehelper
We remain prepared to pass over PFC Henry Guzzo for charges if you wish. The Kingdom of SaintB however can not issue charges on him as he was doing his duty to the country as best he could against what he believed was a major threat; he did not fail in any of his duties, or his responsibility as a soldier. We have statements by both PFC Guzzo and Cpl. Dibs on file in writing and recorded, we also have the weapon and the rest of the evidence connected to this investigation which we have gathered, including the 5.56x45 round that is beleived to be the cause of death. We await your word on this matter.
Adittionally, we seek permission to ship an additional 10 Achilles Assault Shotguns with non-lethal ordinance, and some tear gas grenades and masks for the men guarding the embassy grounds to avoid any further incidents.
Saint Benard I, Monarch of the Kingdom of SaintB
Lady Bobby Credalis, Ambassador to Firehelper
Lt. General Lord Grant W. Smith, Commander in Chief
23-05-2007, 21:47
Aboard the Minerias Flag Ship "The Skies of the Horizon"
Newly appointed fleet admiral Elizabeth O'Rilley and her staff are sitting once again in the conference room. This time only two screen apear on and through them speak Gral Federov and Sarah MaCallister.
On the first screen apears the Secretary of Defense
"Very well then, this Dentravor situation apears to be under control, your orders are to pack up and come home"
"Not so fast" said a voice from the second screen "Intelligence has provided me a report on a terrorist attack on the nation of Firehelper, guess what we're gonna do..."
"OH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! Minerias' army is not your personal task force woman!! We are not the bloody red cross and i'll be damn if i am going to through the taxpayer's money down the international drain, WE WILL NOT SAIL TO...." the general seemed inches away from a heart attack when...
"Well i see you are having a delightfull argument with yourself so i'm just gonna go ahead and make the letter to the firehelper government, a congress aprooved letter, admiral trace a course for Firehelper" Interrupted sarah
Admiral O'Rilley "You heard the lady, move! dissmissed"
The Skies of the Horizon took a pronounced left turn along with the rest of the fleet.
Alexander Romanov Naval Base, Port of Pyrakantos, The Incorporated States of Minerias;
To: The Firehelper Government
From: Sarah MaCallister, Secretary of Diplomatic Affairs, Department of Diplomatic Affairs & Ulises Federov, Secretary of Defense, Department of National Defense
We would like to extend our condolances to the families of the inocent men and women who have died in the attacks. We are more than willing to send humanitarian aid to those in need. The chamber of representatives of Minerias have approved the shipment of 2000 doctors and 150 search and rescue teams, the millitary has approved the shipment of the 18th-28th infantry platoons in order to help you fight of the isolationist faction forces. We are sending our flagshit"The Skies of the Horizon" as well as our Sea Hawk Fleet and Atlantic Hawk fighter fleet."Along with the personnel we will send the necesary medical supplies and 100,000 rations of food and clothing to give out, the shipment is detouring from another conflict in the nation of Alversia and some of the supplies may have been lost in the way. We wish you luck against these terrorists and hope for a peacefull solution.
The Incorporated States of Minerias
To The Empire of Firehelper
We have adjusted the equipment of the soldiers on duty at the embassy to mostly less than lethal equipment. PFC Henry Guzzo has been removed from his posting and sent back to SaintB, he has been replaced by private Alissa Whales. Saint Benard has asked me to also relay a message, while it seems you have plenty of man power to search out the terrorists he believes that our information warfare sector can be of use to you; if they are making use of modern technology we can help track them down by triangulating cell phones, tracing phone lines, and other techniques.
Lady Bobby Credalis, Ambassador