NationStates Jolt Archive


The Albino Rabit
21-05-2007, 21:27
Greetings fellows countries. We are the country of the albino rabbit and we are in need of allies (i might of spelled that wrong). We are prepareing for a revolution against the evil country of JoinorDie09. Their evil dictator has lost his mind and has threatened (may have spelled that wrong to) every country, and has started a revolution. we ask you for your help in this time of need, because that country is our rival country and we have gone to war with them many a time...and he has more people then us. Please accept our peaceful country as your ally and we will be eternally gratful.
--The Albino Rabit--
21-05-2007, 21:53
The Kingdom of SaintB is unwilling to intervine militarily but will offer $5 Billlion USD worth of aid to your nation's efforts. This aid can take the form of money or weapons and technology to give your nation an edge, or be split between both weapons and direct cash fundung.
21-05-2007, 22:02
The Holy Empire of Xiscapia pledges 12,000 men to your cause. Just say where. Also, any air support you need we will provide as well.