Schwullunde Intersteller Craft
Schwule States
19-05-2007, 22:24
We Are pleased to inform the rest of the nation states of our current Intersteller Craft. We would welcome all nations to comment on our design.
please do not post any non constructive messages. we would also enjoy receiving tips as to how to make this design better
Schwullunde Intersteller Craft (
19-05-2007, 23:03
Generally a trader and cargo ship doesn't also function as a warship. It might be converted into a privateer-- licensed pirate hunter, or pirate. Warships are generally purposebuilt with different specifications than civilian ships.
19-05-2007, 23:04
I want to buy 30 of them,15 specialized cargo versions,other 15 transport
Thank You
19-05-2007, 23:05
Just put up the price
Schwule States
19-05-2007, 23:14
ok yeah you are right about the fact that usually craft are built that way but we are new to designing whole craft. for the reason we made it that way is its more cost efficient. using a basic modular design also makes it simple to recognise our craft instantly but i may change the design to specialize the craft at a later date.
Schwule States
19-05-2007, 23:18
free angola minister we have a ship currently in orbit of your location we would be most interested in your proposel. if you wish we can transport your minister abord our ship to receive the grand tour. then we can discuss your proposel immeadiatly
19-05-2007, 23:25
I accept your proposal,if i like the ships i will double the purchase
Thank You
General Silva Leader of FreeAngola
Schwule States
19-05-2007, 23:32
aboard the CSS Schwullunde
Welcome to the CSS Schwullunde General Silva. I hope your transport was comfortable. I am Cpt Trok I have been authorized to escort you around this vessel so that you may see what you are interested in. if any perticular area is of interest please let me know
19-05-2007, 23:33
General:I wish to visit the cargo bay,and the engine area
19-05-2007, 23:35
General Silva:And if possible i want a detailed explanation of the ship while we are visiting those areas
Schwule States
19-05-2007, 23:38
freeangola check your telegrams and if you can contact me it would be easier
im on a slow isp
19-05-2007, 23:40
Schwule States
19-05-2007, 23:45
i cannot seem to receive you are u able to use yahoo or aim
Hey Free Angola, is this for your MT nation or your FT one, if you made one?
19-05-2007, 23:54
We Are pleased to inform the rest of the nation states of our current Intersteller Craft. We would welcome all nations to comment on our design.
please do not post any non constructive messages. we would also enjoy receiving tips as to how to make this design better
Schwullunde Intersteller Craft (
OOC: It's a nice looking silhouette, and it's nice to see people designing fresh ships! I suppose the specifications could be a little more in-depth, the weapons in particular. I also thought it was fun when making the only ship that my nation currently has (and the second ship, the VDS-07, which unfortunately cannot be released until my introductory RP is finished) to come up with a history behind the ship. Why was it built? Was it built by a state-owned facility or a corporation? How many different designs were there before the current one was successful? What was it built to do? Stuff of that nature; give it a backstory. But that's all up to you, and the design itself is very good! I was wondering though, how the length varies so much? And the number of auxiliary craft? Does the ship somehow change its own length for some reason, using some kind of hydrolics or something, or is each ship in the class just built to a different size?
Schwule States
20-05-2007, 00:45
well just built to differing sizes. there will be a better discription included at a later date.
well just built to differing sizes. there will be a better discription included at a later date.
OOC: Ah, OK. Look forward to it!