NationStates Jolt Archive

Kingdom of Danno10 News Thread

06-05-2007, 20:42
The Danno10 New thread has moved. Click here to go there (
United kingdom2
06-05-2007, 20:52
OOC:Sorry for posting here but thank you Danno10.If you need any help adding pictures to your news posts just ask.
31-05-2007, 10:36
Funeral for those who died in the nuclear Explosion

The bodies that were not taken by there family were buried in mass graves. Most of them living no the street or in slums.

The national anthem was played and the national flag at half mast as army personal carried coffins which you thrown into a huge whole.

The Nations flag was at half mast at Nettigam Palace

Current Alert Level: Very Low
03-06-2007, 18:36
Private at last!

The government has passed all Industries, Including power supply and water supply to private companies to help the economy thrive.

The ban on private companies has been lifted, Quality of life in danno10 is already excellent, So with more money are nation will be even richer.

Current Alert Level: Very Low
03-06-2007, 18:46
Government Funding

Administration: $332,808,314,854.40 23%
Social Welfare: $0.00 0%
Healthcare: $28,939,853,465.60 2%
Education: $173,639,120,793.60 12%
Religion & Spirituality: $0.00 0%
Defence: $405,157,948,518.40 28%
Law & Order: $390,688,021,785.60 27%
Commerce: $0.00 0%
Public Transport: $86,819,560,396.80 6%
The Environment: $14,469,926,732.80 1%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%

Current Alert Level: Very Low
05-06-2007, 19:43
King Dead! Danno10 invaded

Many our confused as what is happening. Here are the days events.

05 June 2009

8:07 AM: King Daniel II and all the royal family Boards his private jet to go on holiday and improve relations to the small island, Genky, which is just of the coast of Danno10.

8:43 AM: Missile fired at Danno10's 2nd largest city, Ketts. Missile shot down by MOD

8:45 AM: Emergancy call sent to the Kings aircraft on the matter.

8:46 AM: Genkish fighter jets shot down The kings plane, Killing the whole royal family and the King.

9:01 AM: Genky declares war on Danno10.

11:21 PM: All genky forces arive in Danno10.

4:59 PM: Danno10 army, Danno10 Air Department and Danno10 Navy drive genkish forces our of danno10.

7:55 PM: Genky defeated.


News now:

King Daniel declared his plans to make an empire, Starting now.

Current Alert Level: Very Low
05-06-2007, 20:08
Danno10 invades neighbours!

Nations Danno10 has invaded, Won and now in control of:

- The Colony of Genky
- The Dominion of Jettinium
- The Dominion of Hedderland
- The Dominion of Karterland

Here is a picture of the current situation:

Current Alert Level: Very Low
07-06-2007, 17:52
Emergency - 9th June 2009

King Daniel II has declared a national emergancy, And raising the national threat level to High.

The king says all security organisations are working hard to stop the increase terror plots.
He says the new threat comes from are tiny neighbourgh Genky, Also a nation in the Danno10 empire. He says some extremists "Will do anything, Even kill innocent members of the public to try and gain the independance of their nation"

The alert levels are:

Very Low
Very High
Attack Imminent

Current Alert Level: HIGH
07-06-2007, 17:59
Terrorist Attack! - 14th June 2009

A Jumbo Jet (Boeing 798Be) has crashed, into the capital city, Nettigam. The plane belonged to Genky International Airways, with the phrase "GENKY FOR INDEPENDENCE" Written in Red paint.

Update; (16th June 2009)

Death tool; 632

Statement from HM the king; "The people responsible for this will be tracked down and will serve their time.. Oh yes."

Current Alert Level: Very High
07-06-2007, 18:08
Emergency - 22nd June 2009

An explosion has happened in power stations across the nation. The nation has a total blackout. The nation is lit by candles.

The economy is on the verge of collapse, As the nation is in debt. The nation owes millions after borowing money from nations across the world.

Revoloution civil armies are spotting up everywhere, Government ministers are resigning everywhere.

Could this meen the end of danno10? The nation is on the verge of collapse

Current Alert Level: ATTACK IMINENT
07-06-2007, 18:14
30th June 2009

The King has declared yet another national emergency. The nation is becoming more and more unstable. Meanwhile, in Ketts fighter planes and foot soldiers, Who call them self the "Danno10 Future Army" Have captured the city and overthrown the local government, Beheading the mayor.

ALL soldiers abroad have been recalled to Danno10 to protect the capital city from The DFA (Danno10 Future Army)

Meanwhile The Debt is becoming worse and worse

The nation still hasnt restored electrical power, as they cannot afford to.

Current Alert Level: ATTACK IMINENT
07-06-2007, 18:22
8th July

All airports have closed due to power cuts.

Meanwhile, the DFA Have captured many areas of the nothern country.

Good news; the government have found an area, Where they have opened Gold mines. Enough gold to pay back the debts.
09-06-2007, 11:03
22nd July 2009

Emergency Letters have been sent to any nation willing to help us clear the DFA. Nobody came. Since nobody has bothered to help our nation, The exhausted soldiers in nettigam can only hold for another week. Meanwhile all Danno10 Soldiers across the world are being recalled, None have come. It is feared the messages are being intecepted by the DFA, So the soldiers are not getting the message.

If the DFA Capture nettigam, The government will colapse.

Status: Nation, Economy on the Brink of collapse. Emergency help needed from any friendly nations.
09-06-2007, 11:10
25th July 2009

This morning, The DFA Soldiers broke through the nettigam barricade and had a free path to the city. But Fighter jets zoomed overhead, and troops pored into the country of the coasts. Danno10 troops got the message!

Before troops came:
DFA Troops: 1,754,244 Est.
Danno10 Troops: 766,773

DFA Troops: 1,754,260 Est.
Danno10 Troops: 2,677,432
Danno10 Royal Navy;
-10 Class 1 Battleships
- 35 Class 2 Battleships
- 10 Hospital ships

Danno10 Royal Air Force;
20 C1 F22's
15 C2 F12's
30 C1 F19's

The DFA Have been pushed to the northern area of the country, and wiped out on;

- Genky
- Karterland
- Jettinium

They only remain on Danno10.
09-06-2007, 11:15
29th July 2009

The DFA have been wiped of the face of the earth. However, DFA Troops entered the city, And were destroyed by soldiers. Danno10 troops found King Daniel II Dead, From torture in his room. The DFA is being help responsible.

the nation is in a state of mourning. A State funeral will be held next week.

But there is no royal family, Is this the end of the monarchy?
09-06-2007, 11:27
3rd August

Election have begun for the next royal family! (They are rich families that have castles, The eldest member of the family will become king/queen) The families are:

The Henderson Family
Eldest member: Mr Richard Henderson
Eldest Members wife: Mrs Ruby Henderson
Eldest members Son(s)/Daughter(s):
Mr Robby Henderson (Married to Mrs Fay Henderson) - Children: May Henderson

Mr Jordan Henderson (Married to Mrs Paige Henderson) - Children: Ryan Henderson, Luke Henderson

Miss Katherine Henderson (Not married) - Children - None

The Walker Family
Eldest member: Mrs Ann Walker
Eldest Members Husband: Mr Ryan Walker
Eldest members Son(s)/Daughter(s):

Mr James Walker (Married to Mrs Kathy Walker) - Children: Jordan Walker, Michael Walker, Max Walker, Alice Walker, Matthew Walker
09-06-2007, 11:29
9th August

All voting has ended. It is thought the Walker family have won. The winners will be announced tomorrow.
09-06-2007, 11:30
10th August

And the winner is.....









The Henderson Family!

King Richard and his family will move into nettigam palace later today.
09-06-2007, 15:36
13th August

No Coronation? The king has announced that there will be no coronation. He will become king in 3 minuites.


King Richard and his wife Princess Ruby:

Prince Robby:

Prince Jordan:

Princess May:
09-06-2007, 15:43
20th August 2009

King Richard has given independence to The Dominion of Genky after riots in the nation. The Genky government is now worried about the economy. the new Genky government has also point its nuclear missiles at the Danno10 Empire. King Richard excuses the comment as nonsense and if Genky doesent destroy all nuclear weapons military action will be taken.
09-06-2007, 15:47
27th August

Trouble in Genky!

King Richard has urged Genky to stand down its nuclear weapons or be attacking in 3 days. Millions of Danno10 Troops across the empire prepare to invade.
09-06-2007, 15:51
30th August

Last night Danno10 forces invaded Jettinium because of nuclear weapons. Genky surrendered its weapons after Danno10 invaded.


Danno10: 2,743,632
Genky: 432,743,996


Danno10: 8
Genky: 9606

Danno10: 0
Genky: 48
09-06-2007, 20:23
A national poll has begun to see if The Dominion of Jettinium Should become independent
09-06-2007, 20:31
National Stats:


Nation Anthem - Danno10, Our land

Full Name: The United Empire of Danno10
Capital - Nettigam
Official languages - English


- Constitutional monarchy
- Leader: King Richard I

Member of

- United Nations
- European Union

- Total 6,671,420 km²
- Water (%) 5.21

- 2009 - 610 Million

GDP (PPP) 2006 estimate
- Per capita £40,683 (3rd)

Currency The Danno10 pound (£) (DTP)

Time zone (UTC -5 to -7)

Internet TLD .dn .dngov .dnedu
Calling code +4621



Click Here to listen! (


NOTE: Danno10 is said: Dannoten

Lift up your head to the rising sun, Danno10, Our land,
March on to glory, your great flag waving high,
See how the world marks the manner of our island;
Pledge to excel through love and unity.
Pressing onward, march together, to a common greater goal;
Steady westward through the weather hide the wide and treacherous mole.
Lift up your head to the rising sun, Danno10, our land,
'til the road you've trod lead unto your God, March on the Great Danno10.
10-06-2007, 10:12
1st September - Danno10 Empire News

Danno10 Empire (

Todays News:

10 Armed men have entered Nettigam Palace and shot the armed police. They have thought to have taken the new King hostage claiming he is 'not of pure blood'

The palace is now surrounded by police,armed police and the army.

Todays Weather:

Northern Danno10: - 2C, Heavy Snow
Southern Danno10: 1C, Heavy Sleet
Northern Jettinium: 20C, Sunny
Southern Jettinium: 17C, Cloudy
Genky: 3C, Rain
Southern Hedderland: -1C, Snow
Northern Hedderland: 5C, Sunny
Southern Karterland: 10C, Sunny
Northern Karterland: 10C, Cloudy
10-06-2007, 10:20
2nd September - Danno10 Empire News

Danno10 Empire (

Todays News:

The Men have released the king and the royal family. When he came out the house, 3 were shot in the head and the other 7 arrested. They face the death penalty or up to 50 years in prison.

Todays Weather:

Northern Danno10: - 2C, Heavy Snow
Southern Danno10: 1C, Heavy Sleet
Northern Jettinium: 20C, Sunny
Southern Jettinium: 17C, Cloudy
Genky: 3C, Rain
Southern Hedderland: -1C, Snow
Northern Hedderland: 5C, Sunny
Southern Karterland: 10C, Sunny
Northern Karterland: 10C, Cloudy
10-06-2007, 10:27
Demographics of Danno10

White Danno10Teinish - 98%
White other - 1%
Genkish - 0.25%
Hedderlandish - 0.25%
Karterlandish - 0.5%


Roman Catholic - 100%
13-06-2007, 18:50
4th September

Nations Population: 628 Million

Active Army Personell: 5.1 Million
Reserve Army Personell: 1.8 Million
Total: 6.9 Million


Active Navy Personell: 1.5 Million
Reserve Navy Personell: 1.2 Million
Total: 2.7 Million

Air Force

Active Personell: 1.4 Million
Reserve Personell: 0.5 Million
Total: 1.9 Million
29-06-2007, 21:17
8th Sepetember]

We have some breaking news, The king has resigned the Kingdom of Danno10 from the United Nations.

The king has opened the old torture houses from the dictatarship. Many groups are already seaking to overthrow the king.

All phone conversations are now monitored and the nation has been declared a rouge state.
20-07-2007, 10:37
11th September

September fools! the previous post was a joke from us here at the office.

Todays news:

Price of sending mail is very high following postal strikes yesterday.

Royal Danno10 Mail prices -

1st Class (Gets to destination in 1-2 days. Handled with care) - 4.00DP
2nd Class (Gets to destination is 2-4 Days. Handled with care) 3.50DP
3rd Class (Gets to destination in 3-5 Days. NOT handled with care) 1.00DP