NationStates Jolt Archive

Shroud of Darkness? Star Wars Alt-history RP signup/ideas thread

The four Galaxies
03-05-2007, 14:03
Ok, as the topic says this is an alternate history star wars RP, the idea is based around an old SW RP here called Shroud of Darkness.(RPed back when I was still using Nebarri_Prime…anyone know how to get deleted nations back?)

however it doesn’t need to be just like Shroud of Darkness overall though. we have a few choices to work with…these include

1. restarting the original plot line of Shroud: Windu survives his fight with Sidious, Sidious runs, and Anakin is left remaining the troubled person he is

2. we can continue with a planned sequel to Shroud, which has a fair plot and expands past the CIS and Republic…though some key characters have died in the last one(if needed it could be altered however)

3. we can play a different plotline such as Anakin refusing to kill Dooku or any other key point in AotC or RotS, perhaps just as the Jedi enter the chancellors chamber to arrest Sidious…

Current Selected Plot: Grievous, in a spur of anger, rashly kills Sidious aboard the Invisable Hand during the Battle of Coruscant (I know, there goes a big character, but this has a bunch of potential-Coruscant would result in a Republic victory in the tactical sense, but the CIS gets rid of the Republic leader). Without Sidious, Dooku becomes the true leader of the Confederacy with Grievous as his direct second-in-command. Bail Organa (Or Padme, or whoever-we can figure that out later) assumes the mantle of Chancellor (or we can do as we did last time-vote a new one in in the RP), and the Republic and Confederacy begin a true strategic war agaisnt one another-unrestricted by the hands of a meddling Sith Lord.

Unclaimed List: (just keeping lots of options open)

Council Members: Ki-Adi-Mundi, Plo Koon, Shaak Ti, Coleman Kcaj, Stass Allie, Agen Kolar, Saesee Tiin

Knights/Masters: Dass Jennir, Luminara Unduli, Cin Drallig, Tholme, Tsui Choi, Serra Keto, An'ya Kuro, Jocasta Nu, Barriss Offee, Bultar Swan, Bant Eerin, Joclad Danva, A'sharad Hett, Jastus Farr, Koffi Arana, Darrin Arkanian, Ood Bnar, Empatojayos Brand, Olana Chion, Sha Koon, Ma'Kis'Shaalas, Ali-Alann, Shadday Potkin, Qu Rahn, T'ra Saa, Roblio Darte, Sia-Lan Wezz, Dass Jennir, Simms, Kai Hudorra, Zao, Jeisel

Padawans: Zett Jukassa, Pix, Noirah Na, Whie Malreaux, Ekria, Zonder, Drake Lo'gaan, Bene

Younglings: Ashla, J.K. Burtola, Liam, Jempa, Chian, Banz, Allara, Bobby, Lagan Ismaren, Roganda Ismaren, Mari Amithest

Vice Chair: Mas Amedda

Moffs: Wilhuff Tarkin, Denn Wessex, Marcellin Wessel, Trachta, Jerrod Maclain, Fliry Vorru

Senators: Bail Organa, Ask Aak, Garm Bel Iblis, Mon Mothma, Orn Free Taa, Nee Alavar, Fema Baab, Bana Breemu, Giddean Danu, Chi Eekway, Eeusu Estornii, Male-Dee, Silya Shessaun, Terr Taneel, Meena Tills, Yarua, Fang Zar

Admirals: Barrow Oicunn, Hiram Drayson, Jan Dodonna, Jace Dallin

Generals: Carlist Rieekan, Maximilian Veers

Captains: (all claimed)

Clone Commanders: Davijaan, Bly, Thire, Deviss, Bacara, Faie, Cody, Appo, Neyo

Other Clones: Captain Jag

Other Important peoples(may only be connected with Republic, but not part): Taun We, Chewbacca, Tarfful, Armand Isard

Political Leaders: Nute Gunray, Rune Haako, Rute Gunnay, Wat Tambor, Shu Mai, Cat Miin, San Hill, Passel Argente, Denaria Kee, Po Nudo, Poggle the Lesser

Military Leaders: Captain Lushros Dofine, Commander Horgo Shive, Lt. Sentepeth Findos, Asajj Ventress, General Grievous

Crime Lords/Pirates/etc: Big Jak Targrim, Vilmarh Grahrk, Khaleen Hentz, Prince Xizor(not yet even a Vigo in Black Sun though)

Hutts: Durga, Aruk, Zawal, Kibbick, Zier, Jocoro, Tagta, Jiliac, Pazda, Zorba, Gorya, Gargonn, Ingoda, Borvo, Shala, Mageye, Gheeta

Bounty Hunters: Cradossk, Bossk, Dannik Jerriko, Sintas Vel, Kalyn Farnmir, Saje Tasha, Akku Seii, Aurra Sing

Mandalorians: Spar, Fenn Shysa, Tobbi Dala, Rav Bralor, Cort Davin, Kal Skirata, Walon Vau

Government leaders: Ta'a Chume, Shreeftut

Dark Force: Kadaan, Jedgar, Cronal

Nightsisters: Baritha, Ocheron, Shabell

Other Dark Jedi: Arden Lyn, Beldorian, Taselda

Amazonian Beasts: Mace Windu, Padme Amidala
Nebarri_Prime: Aayla Secura, Aurra Sing
[NS]Corbournne: Count Dooku, Obi Wan-Kenobi
Kampfers: Anakin Skywalker
Calizorinstan: Commmander Gree, Quinlan Vos
Hobbeebia: Thinius, Grievous
The Tynish Dynasty: Gilad Pellaeon
Atlantis X: Darth Revan
Lifesblood: Kit Fisto
Andoriea: Lorth Needa
Orthodox Gnosticism: Gethzerion
DMG Yoda, Spar
The four Galaxies
03-05-2007, 20:49
03-05-2007, 21:14
I am interested but i don't want to play the role of a Jedi...what else could i play as?

Also goto technical( In main forms menu) and make a thread just saying like.."Help me (Attn MODS)" or's how i got my nation back. My nation got deleted because i was logging onto Jolt and not the NS site....but yeah..they will help you!
The four Galaxies
03-05-2007, 21:26
well...aside from Jedi we have(using my list of characters for the origanaly planned sequel) different possibilities including

for Republic:
Senators, Admirals, Generals, notable Captains of ships, Clone Commanders, Important peoples connected to the Republic like Taun We, Chewbacca, Tarfful, or Armand Isard

for CIS:
Political Leaders, Military Leaders

for Other(possibly connected with either CIS or GR but not needed to be in RP)
Dark Jedi/Sith/Nightsisters, Mandalorians, Major Crime Lords, Pirates, Bounty Hunters, Other Government leaders(from places like Hapes and the Ssi-ruuk)

EDIT: and thanks for the help

EDIT2: i should also note that no character list can be totaly final until the exact idea of when the RP is going to start...though if we start the sequel i already have a starting plot and a summery of the events of the first RP written out
The four Galaxies
03-05-2007, 23:07
oh, and custom characters are readily accepted so long as they are not over played(almost any Custom Jedi is not much more then an average one...i have seen to many overpowered Custom characters)

and if anyone wants it, i can post the sequel's starting plot and a summery of the first Shroud of Darkness RP
03-05-2007, 23:34
I would like to be a Clone Commander for this, this sound's like fun!
Amazonian Beasts
03-05-2007, 23:34
Mace Windu, as I usually do. (Also, if you want to get back a deleted nation, go to Moderation and make a topic-they'll listen).

As for a plot, I have an idea to change it up a bit:

I think we should pass on the planned sequel-as it was a complicated storyline the first time, and with a lack of some of the bigger-name characters, that could be a bit of a turn-off.

However, the original has already been done.

So, my suggestion:

Grievous, in a spur of anger, rashly kills Sidious aboard the Invisable Hand during the Battle of Coruscant (I know, there goes a big character, but this has a bunch of potential-Coruscant would result in a Republic victory in the tactical sense, but the CIS gets rid of the Republic leader). Without Sidious, Dooku becomes the true leader of the Confederacy with Grievous as his direct second-in-command. Bail Organa (Or Padme, or whoever-we can figure that out later) assumes the mantle of Chancellor (or we can do as we did last time-vote a new one in in the RP), and the Republic and Confederacy begin a true strategic war agaisnt one another-unrestricted by the hands of a meddling Sith Lord.

That's just an outline-I could go further into detail if need be.
03-05-2007, 23:42
Mace Windu, as I usually do. (Also, if you want to get back a deleted nation, go to Moderation and make a topic-they'll listen).

As for a plot, I have an idea to change it up a bit:

I think we should pass on the planned sequel-as it was a complicated storyline the first time, and with a lack of some of the bigger-name characters, that could be a bit of a turn-off.

However, the original has already been done.

So, my suggestion:

Grievous, in a spur of anger, rashly kills Sidious aboard the Invisable Hand during the Battle of Coruscant (I know, there goes a big character, but this has a bunch of potential-Coruscant would result in a Republic victory in the tactical sense, but the CIS gets rid of the Republic leader). Without Sidious, Dooku becomes the true leader of the Confederacy with Grievous as his direct second-in-command. Bail Organa (Or Padme, or whoever-we can figure that out later) assumes the mantle of Chancellor (or we can do as we did last time-vote a new one in in the RP), and the Republic and Confederacy begin a true strategic war agaisnt one another-unrestricted by the hands of a meddling Sith Lord.

That's just an outline-I could go further into detail if need be.

That would be really koo...though would Darth Dooky..i mean Dooku really continue with the CIS? He was counting on a huge plan to unravel not an actual war(in wich the republic would win)...though i like the idea alot. If we decide to do this I will RP as some CIS leader
The four Galaxies
03-05-2007, 23:48
i like the outline, also it brings in some of the characters that didnt get a chance in the origanal(like Kit Fisto) and though Sidious is very much a major character, Dooku allows for more head on type conflict...not to mention that he will need a true apprentice now as Dark Lord of the Sith...

though we shall see about other ideas before just jumpping on this...

EDIT: and at this point the CIS might lose, but if you consider the difference between CIS, and GR...CIS would have won fairly quickly without Sidious holding them back
03-05-2007, 23:52
i like the outline, also it brings in some of the characters that didnt get a chance in the origanal(like Kit Fisto) and though Sidious is very much a major character, Dooku allows for more head on type conflict...not to mention that he will need a true apprentice now as Dark Lord of the Sith...

though we shall see about other ideas before just jumpping on this...

EDIT: and at this point the CIS might lose, but if you consider the difference between CIS, and GR...CIS would have won fairly quickly without Sidious holding them back

True...and yes without a real sinister plt behind the war, we can bring back all those cool side storylines from all the various games of the clone wars. It should be funner to RP knowing that we arn't all pawns :D
04-05-2007, 13:53
Yes! I got my nation back :)

And I forgot to add my support for the RPers voting in the next chancellor…there is also room on the Jedi council for 1 more person as well...assuming we dont end up using a different plot
05-05-2007, 02:13
05-05-2007, 17:39
05-05-2007, 17:42
Well when we get this started i would love to RP as a CIS Political Leader or somthing(depending on how busy i am)... but yah i say we stick with the plot we linded out...
05-05-2007, 17:49
right, well assuming this is the plot we will have...this is a fair look at what we could have as a character list(with different changes possible, such as maybe cutting out the Hutts or adding more to areas as i find them)

Council Members: Yoda, Mace Windu, Obi Wan-Kenobi, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Plo Koon, Shaak Ti, Coleman Kcaj, Stass Allie, Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar, Saesee Tiin

Knights/Masters: Dass Jennir, Anakin Skywalker, Quinlan Vos, Luminara Unduli, Aayla Secura, Cin Drallig, Tholme, Tsui Choi, Serra Keto, An'ya Kuro, Jocasta Nu, Barriss Offee, Bultar Swan, Bant Eerin, Joclad Danva, A'sharad Hett, Jastus Farr, Koffi Arana, Darrin Arkanian, Ood Bnar, Empatojayos Brand, Olana Chion, Sha Koon, Ma'Kis'Shaalas, Ali-Alann, Shadday Potkin, Qu Rahn, T'ra Saa, Roblio Darte, Sia-Lan Wezz, Dass Jennir, Simms, Kai Hudorra, Zao, Jeisel

Padawans: Zett Jukassa, Pix, Noirah Na, Whie Malreaux, Ekria, Zonder, Drake Lo'gaan, Bene

Younglings: Ashla, J.K. Burtola, Liam, Jempa, Chian, Banz, Allara, Bobby, Lagan Ismaren, Roganda Ismaren, Mari Amithest

Vice Chair: Mas Amedda

Moffs: Wilhuff Tarkin, Denn Wessex, Marcellin Wessel, Trachta, Jerrod Maclain, Fliry Vorru

Senators: Bail Organa, Ask Aak, Garm Bel Iblis, Mon Mothma, Orn Free Taa, Nee Alavar, Fema Baab, Bana Breemu, Giddean Danu, Chi Eekway, Eeusu Estornii, Male-Dee, Silya Shessaun, Terr Taneel, Meena Tills, Yarua, Fang Zar, Padme Amidala

Admirals: Barrow Oicunn, Hiram Drayson, Jan Dodonna, Jace Dallin

Generals: Carlist Rieekan, Maximilian Veers

Captains: Lorth Needa, Gilad Pellaeon

Clone Commanders: Davijaan, Bly, Thire, Gree, Deviss, Bacara, Faie, Cody, Appo, Neyo

Other Clones: Captain Jag

Other Important peoples(may only be connected with Republic, but not part): Taun We, Chewbacca, Tarfful, Armand Isard

Political Leaders: Count Dooku, Nute Gunray, Rune Haako, Rute Gunnay, Wat Tambor, Shu Mai, Cat Miin, San Hill, Passel Argente, Denaria Kee, Po Nudo, Poggle the Lesser

Military Leaders: Captain Lushros Dofine, Commander Horgo Shive, Lt. Sentepeth Findos, Asajj Ventress, General Grievous

Crime Lords/Pirates/etc: Big Jak Targrim, Vilmarh Grahrk, Khaleen Hentz, Prince Xizor(not yet even a Vigo in Black Sun though)

Hutts: Durga, Aruk, Zawal, Kibbick, Zier, Jocoro, Tagta, Jiliac, Pazda, Zorba, Gorya, Gargonn, Ingoda, Borvo, Shala, Mageye, Gheeta

Bounty Hunters: Cradossk, Bossk, Dannik Jerriko, Sintas Vel, Kalyn Farnmir, Saje Tasha, Akku Seii, Aurra Sing

Mandalorians: Spar, Fenn Shysa, Tobbi Dala, Rav Bralor, Cort Davin, Kal Skirata, Walon Vau

Government leaders: Ta'a Chume, Shreeftut

Dark Force: Kadaan, Jedgar, Cronal

Nightsisters: Gethzerion, Baritha, Ocheron, Shabell

Other Dark Jedi: Arden Lyn, Beldorian, Taselda
05-05-2007, 19:51
I know I wasn't in the last one, but I do have experience RPing Star Wars on other forums. I'd probably like to be Count Dooku if possible, but I do have a question: When you say "political leaders," does that entail that they never engage in combat, or simply that they have higher reponsibilities than fighting?
05-05-2007, 20:04
I could get involved maybe?
05-05-2007, 20:11
thats a lot of characters to fill...
Can i be Anakin or Yoda? IDK if either is open.
05-05-2007, 20:20
I'll be Obi-Wan Kenobi if you'll let me be him, other wise I'll be Commander Gree.
05-05-2007, 20:50
Corbournne;12613445']I know I wasn't in the last one, but I do have experience RPing Star Wars on other forums. I'd probably like to be Count Dooku if possible, but I do have a question: When you say "political leaders," does that entail that they never engage in combat, or simply that they have higher reponsibilities than fighting?

you could join as Dooku yes, and i expect most people wont be from the last one.

as for "Political Leaders" it is simply a placment of where they are fitted into that certain government…Dooku most certainly can engage in combat, and the Lieutenant listed in Military Commanders for CIS was also the Acting Victory of the TF when they surrendered to the Empire after the CIS leaders died.

However had the CIS leaders not died then the Lieutenant would have been simply a Lieutenant and Dooku would I think probably leave the general command of the armies to Grievous and such.

So basically: If you RP as Dooku He can get into as much combat as you wish to have him enter


Kampfers: it is alot, but not all need keeps options open. and your welcome to Anakin but i am waiting to see if DMG will take Yoda(though i dont want to wait to long)

Calizorinstan: Gree is open, however Obi-Wan is like i said about Yoda to Kampfers, so wait and we will see about that

Hobbeebia: you may certainly get involved
05-05-2007, 20:54
OK, i will be Anakin. A tempermental young man with the greatest powers yet. Sounds like me in RL... lol
05-05-2007, 21:03
Cool... I will play a behind the scenes role for now... I am not one for preset character RP... I think Dark Lord Thinius will be used... but not in any large and immediate action... but maybe in time.

for Thinius info see my sig...
05-05-2007, 21:20
I'll be Commander Gree then I guess, I've alway's liked the clones, so thus it's perfect for me then!
05-05-2007, 21:52
Cool... I will play a behind the scenes role for now... I am not one for preset character RP... I think Dark Lord Thinius will be used... but not in any large and immediate action... but maybe in time.

for Thinius info see my sig...

I, for reasons unknown to me can never seem to see Sigs on this forum...

however oddly enough this character was suggested by you for the origanal Shroud of Darkness...however parts of his bio where in disfavor by many people(i just checked the old rps signup thread...). and like then, perhaps even a little more so now, i prefer it if people use existing characters from canon...

so, if you dont mind to much i would prefer it if you picked an existing character. though if you would rather not RP as one so much as to not join. then we can perhaps think of something
05-05-2007, 23:58
you could join as Dooku yes, and i expect most people wont be from the last one.

as for "Political Leaders" it is simply a placment of where they are fitted into that certain government…Dooku most certainly can engage in combat, and the Lieutenant listed in Military Commanders for CIS was also the Acting Victory of the TF when they surrendered to the Empire after the CIS leaders died.

However had the CIS leaders not died then the Lieutenant would have been simply a Lieutenant and Dooku would I think probably leave the general command of the armies to Grievous and such.

So basically: If you RP as Dooku He can get into as much combat as you wish to have him enter

Thanks. I don't intend to have him in every fight, just a well-placed duel once in a while.
The Tynish Dynasty
06-05-2007, 00:19
I'll be Gilad Pellaeon a republic Captain cause i've always liked the clones and I favor Space Navys over Infantry
Amazonian Beasts
06-05-2007, 03:44
Sweet, we're getting places.

The first time we did this, it was a bunch of fun-one of my first actual "finished" RPs. Great storyline with plenty of twists, and I'm sure we could reproduce something even better here.
Atlantis X
06-05-2007, 05:20
I want to insert a character into the plot. Darth Revan, he's from a video game I have. According to that game's plot, he turned good but then disappeared. I want to pretend that he's been frozen in a force cocoon for all that time (4000 years) and has awakened to help the Jedi Order once more. Please...
The Tynish Dynasty
06-05-2007, 05:59
I want to insert a character into the plot. Darth Revan, he's from a video game I have. According to that game's plot, he turned good but then disappeared. I want to pretend that he's been frozen in a force cocoon for all that time (4000 years) and has awakened to help the Jedi Order once more. Please...

Thats a pretty cool idea
06-05-2007, 06:40
Well I rather have him around, but I can RP someone else as well as Thinius. Like I said Thinius would have a minimal role for a while.
06-05-2007, 09:16
Well I rather have him around, but I can RP someone else as well as Thinius. Like I said Thinius would have a minimal role for a while.

i suppose thats the question is: who will you someone else be?

i'll think about the Darth Revan idea

and i think i have decided to go with the plot for certain now, if thats not clear...and starting tomorrow i will add claims to the first page
07-05-2007, 04:33
Cool... I will take anyone then..
The four Galaxies
07-05-2007, 13:55
Atlantis X: anyone you would like if you cant get Revan

Hobbeebia: alright, i prefer not picking for other people, but if you dont care enough for that i guess i will wait and see who does get picked

claims added to the bottom of the first post
07-05-2007, 14:46
Could I possibly join as Kit Fisto?
08-05-2007, 02:10
09-05-2007, 00:29 shall we get this started or wait for more people?
Amazonian Beasts
09-05-2007, 20:51
your call, but i will bump
09-05-2007, 20:58
i'm looking for pop. opinion... because i can wait forever for more claims otherwise
09-05-2007, 21:08
I think it's better to start now before we lose momentum/thread dies.

However we need more CIS/Sith. I could change character if you want?
09-05-2007, 21:14
i suppose we do need more CIS/Sith(or say Aurra Sing...who has a bad case of "all the Jedi must die" but isnt exactly either)
Amazonian Beasts
09-05-2007, 22:11
Wanna try a "2 character per, one on each side" kinda thing, maybe?
09-05-2007, 22:34
Wanna try a "2 character per, one on each side" kinda thing, maybe?

that works...

in which case i select Aurra Sing...with the intent to get connected with Dooku...
Amazonian Beasts
09-05-2007, 22:38
Actually, may even wanna nix the whole "on either side thing" so we can fill some of the important characters...

'Cause the Republic's got a lot (I mean, I'd be willing for Padme, because someone needs to do her).
10-05-2007, 05:26
Actually, may even wanna nix the whole "on either side thing" so we can fill some of the important characters...

'Cause the Republic's got a lot (I mean, I'd be willing for Padme, because someone needs to do her).

yeah...that i think was one of the things we allowed in the first SoD...i still hold my claim to Aurra...
10-05-2007, 20:45
I'd take Obi-Wan or Grievous if need be. (or even Yoda if the guy who played him isn't going to be back)
10-05-2007, 21:35
Corbournne;12633220']I'd take Obi-Wan or Grievous if need be. (or even Yoda if the guy who played him isn't going to be back)

Obi-Wan i you are Dooku...Yoda would then give you command of the majority of both sides armies...and Grievous gives you much more CIS control...which you already have alot of...
Orthodox Gnosticism
10-05-2007, 21:42
If it would be ok I would like to join as well. If it is at all possible I would like to play a Dathomir Nightsister.
Amazonian Beasts
10-05-2007, 21:48
If it would be ok I would like to join as well. If it is at all possible I would like to play a Dathomir Nightsister.

I'll let Nebarri accept you, but that sounds pretty cool. Gonna take anybody else? We need a Grievous like mad...
Orthodox Gnosticism
10-05-2007, 21:49
I prefer to only have one character in RP's like this. Having two or more can make a mess of an rp, and I want to preserve and enchance the story as much as possible :) Besides all I know of Grevious comes from episode III and the clone wars cartoon, and in both he seems a little, one deminsional. Thank you though :)
10-05-2007, 21:51
If Sidious has been killed should we have something negative happening to the Jedi to balance it out?

Perhaps as Sidious has died and more Clones are created they are born/trained without Order 66, while the older Clones still have it imprinted upon them? This could lead to Order 66 getting out, a great deal of Jedi being butchered, then the Loyalist forces [Including the newer Clones] could fight/kill them and resume fighting the CIS?

Just an idea, I'd like to hear your thoughts on the matter.
10-05-2007, 22:02
Obi-Wan i you are Dooku...Yoda would then give you command of the majority of both sides armies...and Grievous gives you much more CIS control...which you already have alot of...

Aww... I wanted complete military command.

No, actually, that would be kinda stupid.

I'm with OG (haha, OG) on the fact that I'd prefer to have only one character, but for the sake of the Rp, I'll take Obi-Wan. Also, considering my Rping as Dooku, I'm in agreeance with Lifesblood's idea.
10-05-2007, 22:08
I'll take Greavious
Orthodox Gnosticism
10-05-2007, 22:24
Since I know very little about all of the named Nightsisters, if Nebarri accepts me into this RP, might I create one? As a darkforce user the Jedi will probably want to kill me, so if I can Rp it right, maybe I can have a run in with Count Dooku, and if we do not kill each other, then that will clear a path for Count Dooku to have an apprentice.
10-05-2007, 22:50
Since I know very little about all of the named Nightsisters, if Nebarri accepts me into this RP, might I create one? As a darkforce user the Jedi will probably want to kill me, so if I can Rp it right, maybe I can have a run in with Count Dooku, and if we do not kill each other, then that will clear a path for Count Dooku to have an apprentice.

you can have a nightsister...and if you need some info on the ones that exist(though you may be looking for more info on, say how they act..) try looking around here

if you still think you dont know enough, then sure you can make one...

and Aurra will be looking to be Dooku's apprentice that could turn out interesting...


Hobbeebia gets Grievous
[NS]Corbournne gets Obi


there are 6 million clones...most are very much not would also activate all the commanders...

and the strength of the Loyalist forces would be overrun, as CLones make up the main fighting power of the Republic...

secondly...without Sidious the CIS will not be holding back(as Sidious never intended for them to win the war...) now fighting in full we have 6 million clones vs the CIS droid armies...thats quite a single Lucehulk Battleship can carry over a million(dont remember the exact number) to a planet...


now i have to go, so i'll respond to anything when i get back...
Orthodox Gnosticism
10-05-2007, 23:07
Ok I think I can roleplay, Gethzerion. I think that would be interesting, being the only nightsister to know that their powers do not actually need rituals, yet hiding the fact and using it to gain more power. Also I am not actually seeking to become a sith, just a potential plot device ;)
11-05-2007, 01:18
hi I wasn't in the last one but can I get Lorth Needa or slakye from the jedi trail book
11-05-2007, 01:32
Orthodox gets Gethzerion

Andoriea gets Needa
Amazonian Beasts
11-05-2007, 02:33
If Sidious has been killed should we have something negative happening to the Jedi to balance it out?

Perhaps as Sidious has died and more Clones are created they are born/trained without Order 66, while the older Clones still have it imprinted upon them? This could lead to Order 66 getting out, a great deal of Jedi being butchered, then the Loyalist forces [Including the newer Clones] could fight/kill them and resume fighting the CIS?

Just an idea, I'd like to hear your thoughts on the matter.

Something negative's already happening to the Republic-they have no Chancellor.
12-05-2007, 00:37

i will update claims later when i log into my puppet
The four Galaxies
12-05-2007, 23:34
updated claims...

except...well Amazonian, you said you would take Padme correct?
13-05-2007, 00:01
I'll also take Quinan Vos too, if you'll let me have him.
The four Galaxies
13-05-2007, 00:15
13-05-2007, 02:45
Alright everybody, I am here!

I got your message awhile ago Nebarri, but I have been busy with school and haven't gotten onto NS. Anywho... as school is now winding down for me, I have returned and will reprise my roll as the venerable Jedi Master Yoda!

I like where this is going so far. And just to add my voice and authority on some of the issues (even those that may be settled):

As Nebarri as said, let's stick to canon characters for the obvious reason of them being realistic in this universe (sorry Hob, but Thinius is ridiculous).

As for the comment about Dark Revan, I actually like the idea... but with a twist. You are obviously refering Kotor, and although there maybe an ending you like more, the game is played so that he can end up being Sith or Jedi. So... with that being said, I would like to propose the same thing he said except with Revan returning as a Sith (realistic powers compared to others of the day). This creates the potential for more Sith/dark force users to battle against the Jedi and an interesting twist where Revan and Dooku could a) battle it out for dominion over the Sith, b) join forces, c) temporarily agree to take down the Republic/Jedi and deal with each other later.

Just an idea.

I will also take Spar as the leader of the small number of Mandalorians.
13-05-2007, 04:37
at last! you have come! as i am sure you know...but others might not helpped keep the first RP alive among other things...and certainly get Yoda and Spar
13-05-2007, 09:31
DMG your just mad cause I can just make cooler characters then you. lol

I plan to use Thinius as an extremely limited Character for about 95% of the Rp. The most you'll hear is a little transmission here a cryptic message There.
13-05-2007, 14:24
DMG your just mad cause I can just make cooler characters then you. lol


I plan to use Thinius as an extremely limited Character for about 95% of the Rp. The most you'll hear is a little transmission here a cryptic message There.
Then why use him at all?

He would add about zip to the RP

@Neb: And the thing about Revan?
Oh, and when you have a chance, the front page needs updating :p
13-05-2007, 18:41
Because I will formulate his entrance near the end as a plot hook leading to another RP. And since he will be reveal at the near end of this one, people will have been introduced to him in little pieces, and will be more inclined to join the second one.
13-05-2007, 21:18
Well if he is only going to be introduced at the end, I will wait to pass judgment on anything... though it is still up to Nebarri whether to permit him or not.
Amazonian Beasts
13-05-2007, 22:37
updated claims...

except...well Amazonian, you said you would take Padme correct?

Yeah, I'll go with Padme so we can have at least one politician on the Republic side, that opens the Anakin storyline a lot.
14-05-2007, 02:16
Yeah, I'll go with Padme so we can have at least one politician on the Republic side, that opens the Anakin storyline a lot.


and with Thinius's small role i can accept him, Revan will be accepted as well. and i will update the claims when i come on next
14-05-2007, 03:03
wait... Revan as Jedi or Sith???
The Tynish Dynasty
14-05-2007, 03:56
Ok so when will this show get on the road I need to board my ship and set off for this Rp
The four Galaxies
15-05-2007, 00:54
wait... Revan as Jedi or Sith???

whichever he wants to be
15-05-2007, 00:55
ok, so i was orignally very interested in this, however, time has progressed and we are still in the planning stage. I am thus opening up anakin to whoever wants hi. Sorry guys.
The four Galaxies
15-05-2007, 01:01
ok, so i was orignally very interested in this, however, time has progressed and we are still in the planning stage. I am thus opening up anakin to whoever wants hi. Sorry guys.

we can start whenever per my norm i wouldnt be making the first post(Something I very much don’t like doing)

and i asked if we should get started...we certainly have enough characters now.

so i guess its more of a who wants to make the first post. because i just dont...

would love to keep ya around as Anakin...
Amazonian Beasts
15-05-2007, 03:42
ok, so i was orignally very interested in this, however, time has progressed and we are still in the planning stage. I am thus opening up anakin to whoever wants hi. Sorry guys.

We're about to go, Kamp. Might as well stay around-trust me, the first edition was an RP to drop everything for.
The Tynish Dynasty
15-05-2007, 04:55
o i'm guessing that we should start tommorow before more people start I mean really no one else will join cause its already a good lineup so lets get this show on the Road
15-05-2007, 22:56
Agreed... someone just has to write the OP though...

I will (again) if you want, but I need to know what to write...
The Tynish Dynasty
16-05-2007, 00:13
Ok well lets see....I got nothing
Totaly Awesome Place
16-05-2007, 00:19
Agreed... someone just has to write the OP though...

I will (again) if you want, but I need to know what to write...

ummm i would like you to, as you are good at it...

i would say that it might be good to start with the Battle shortly before the start of Ep. 3 detailing Sidious's death and the events that lead to it, then going a bit further so as to set things up a little...

thats just my idea though...and i feel as if thats somewhat certainly needed in the OP
16-05-2007, 00:49
Alright... I will try to get it up tonight.

Who is the chancellor?
16-05-2007, 00:51
Alright... I will try to get it up tonight.

Who is the chancellor?

I don't think we've decided.

I'm not sure if we're going to be Rping an election or not.
16-05-2007, 01:07
RPing an election is somewhat boring and tedious... best to just decide oocly.

Also, if nobody minds, in the OP I will be setting up certain situations for different characters (e.g. the new chancellor preparing to give his first address to the senate).
Totaly Awesome Place
16-05-2007, 01:15
i always liked the idea of having Bail become chancellor...

or it could be Padme which might give AB a stronger role
16-05-2007, 01:56
Well I am leaving it up to Nebarri to decide (or to decide on how to decide), but I need to know before I write the post.
16-05-2007, 04:28
Well I am leaving it up to Nebarri to decide (or to decide on how to decide), but I need to know before I write the post.

Totaly Awesome Place is me...sorry for not stating that
16-05-2007, 04:33
Totaly Awesome Place is me...sorry for not stating that

So many names...!

Anyway, what's the decision.

OP (if written by me) won't be up until tomorrow at the earliest and possibly a couple days later considering I am going out of town tomorrow until friday night.
The Tynish Dynasty
16-05-2007, 05:25
Just don't forget the most Honorable Captain Gilad Palleon
17-05-2007, 21:01
Will do... (i.e. not forget)

But note that I might not write some sit/intro for every character...
The Royal Marine Corp
18-05-2007, 00:39
Yea thats fine I know how hard your job is

20-05-2007, 00:24 i guess i shall bump this...with nothing else to do...
20-05-2007, 00:46
I'm writing up the intro right now.
The Tynish Dynasty
20-05-2007, 05:16
I'm writing up the intro right now.

So when will it be done?
20-05-2007, 05:43
Right.... now. BAM! (
The Tynish Dynasty
20-05-2007, 06:00
So are you gonna post it?
Orthodox Gnosticism
20-05-2007, 06:09
Great first post DMG, I am very impressed. I especially liked how you worked almsot everyone;s characters into the paragraph below. Great job. ;)
20-05-2007, 06:13
So are you gonna post it?
Ummm... kind of click on the giant STARWARS picture.

Great first post DMG, I am very impressed. I especially liked how you worked almsot everyone;s characters into the paragraph below. Great job. ;)
Thanks... I got kind of lazy and tired towards the end, but I got most people (except I think the clone and one of my characters... which I probably should have).
The Tynish Dynasty
20-05-2007, 06:20
When I clicked on it nothing happened
20-05-2007, 06:24

But w/e... just look for it in II.
The Tynish Dynasty
20-05-2007, 16:11
Thats really awesome it's so good but I notice that if you had an Empire character (Old Trilogy) he or she is probably not in there....will we work into that?
20-05-2007, 23:55
Thats really awesome it's so good but I notice that if you had an Empire character (Old Trilogy) he or she is probably not in there....will we work into that?


I understood about two words in there...
Amazonian Beasts
21-05-2007, 00:04
H/o, I'll get a post up when I can-got a few things holdin' me up.
21-05-2007, 00:13
My post is lonely
21-05-2007, 05:54
im not quite sure what TTD means...

but i am guessing he is wondering how we will work unmentioned characters into it or something about Imp Characters in general and how they are probably not around or something...

great post btw...Aurra got Keto! yay!

and i think i should note that i think there is still 1 seat open on the Jedi council
21-05-2007, 21:30
Well... there are no Imperial Characters because there is no Empire... ... ...

Seat on the Jedi Council? As far as I know all of the Council members are still alive - Am I forgetting something?
22-05-2007, 07:47
Well... there are no Imperial Characters because there is no Empire... ... ...

Seat on the Jedi Council? As far as I know all of the Council members are still alive - Am I forgetting something?

Even Piell is not there...his lack of being there is the entire reason Anakin could be placed on the council in the movies...

though no published material has yet revealed Piell's fate
22-05-2007, 11:54
Good call... I forgot about him.
Mr Wolverine
22-05-2007, 13:09
I'm Walon Vau!!!!!!!!!
Awsomeness, this is a cool rp idea. I always wanted to be him!
22-05-2007, 19:24
Aight... when I have time, I will make a post setting up the Mandalorians (considering I'm Mandalore and all).
Mr Wolverine
23-05-2007, 03:35
Just so you all know. I will be gone starting friday to late sunday...just so you know.
23-05-2007, 21:19
Oh goodness guys... this doesn't seem good for the RP. Three days after the OP is up, when everyone is supposed to be posting furiously, we still don't have a post...

Did you miss the giant picture link? Shroud of War (
26-05-2007, 07:02
OoC: I figured somebody needed to post, and while I'd rather it was somebody better than me, I gave it a shot.

Yes, a post was much needed and yours is more than fine.

[I have found that uncalled for modesty or fishing is just as bad as boasting.]
26-05-2007, 19:54
Hey guys, in setting the scene for the Mandalorians, I am going to change the story a little bit.

A quick summary of what happened:
The Mandalorian Protectors were created by Spar (Mandalor the Resurrector) and joined the CIS/Sidious. However, Sidious sent them on a mission to abduct Padme on Norval II, but betrayed them and they were ambushed by the Jedi. In the battle, only 3 managed to escape.

My Changes:
The only difference is that I want a few more Mandalorians so that they are actually an entity rather than a couple of people. So I will say about 20-25 survived.

@Mr. Wolverine: Your character technically is Mandalorian, but he works with the Republic/Jedi... so, I will leave it up to you which way you want to take him.
01-06-2007, 04:42
OOC: I will post tomorrow.

Keep OOC comments out of the IC Thread. That is why we have this OOC thread...
03-06-2007, 19:35
Tomorrow, tomorrow, another day...
06-06-2007, 17:19
Alright guys, screw this. Nobody is participating so I'm calling it closed. I'm out.
06-06-2007, 20:58
Alright guys, screw this. Nobody is participating so I'm calling it closed. I'm out.

Sorry about this, I tried to participate, but it's kinda hard with only one other person.