Mysterious wreckage found off coast of Londim (Open P/MT)
Paul Grindler was just a normal Londimium fisherman. He lived a normal life, had a normal family and provided what he could to survive. This day was like any other. The sky was clear and the sea relatively calm, with a high abundance of fish. Paul was 5 miles off the coast of Londim and had lowered the net into the sea. While he waited for it he just looked over the side. Everything seemed to be normal. He went back to the controls and hit the switch to bring the net up and watched the winch slowly stated pulling the net up. However a few moments latr the wich stopped and a groaning sound was heard. The net had snagged on something...something big..
Londim Coastguard
The call was received at 1100 hours from the small fishing boat, Retriever. It was a distress signal and the Captain, Grindler, was shouting something through the radio about a light. He said his ship was in trouble and being pulled down by something. As soon as the call received a rescue boat was sent out.
The Greeter, was one of the best rescue boats in Londim and sped towards the location given. However when they reached the area all they saw was a net floating. The crew slowed the ship down trying to find any sign of the Retriever. As they looked a light under the waves shone. A bright light which also showed an outline of a shining metal object at least 30 feet in diameter. It was nothing like anyone had seen before, something new...
To The Governments of The World,
Our Coastguard have made a strange discovery within our waters. An object beneath the sea around 30 feet in diametr has been found. The ship that made a record of it said a bright light shone from it and then said their own boat started shaking as if the waves had picked up immensly though the sea around them was calm. We do not know what this is but ask for some assistance in getting this object. It seems like a dangerous object as a sall fishing boat disappeard in the area directly above the object. However do not release any such details to the public as it seems we are dealing with something built for destruction. Send assistance ASAP.
Premier Huyt
Socialist State of Londim
OOC: I am steadily building back story for a future RP so If I may.
50 Miles to Londim Waters:
The Elderidge was a Modified Chieftain Class Pocket Battleship in appearance she was exactly the same as any other ship of her class with the exception of one thing. Mounted to the Top of the Ship was a White Dome a Dome that looked like a Radar Dome but was in actual fact used for more sinister things.
Although the Government of the Free Dominion of Vetaka was paying the Elderidge in terms of running costs. The Elderidge was not a name used within the Vetakan Navy nor did the Vetakan Government know of the Ships exsistence. The Vetakan Government not knowing that the Elderidge even exsisted hand no Command of the Elderidges Exsistence.
In reality the ship took orders from a unit within the Vetakan Security and Intelligence Agency officially the Unit of Paranormal Investigations did not exsist unoffically the unit did exsist and it was so Classified and Secret that that the Vetakan President, Cabinet and High Command all had no knowlodge at all that VSISPIU exsisted let alone was investigating such things as Mind Control, (similar to the CIA), Aliens, Genetic Manipulation and Time Manipulation.
The Disturbing thing was that VSISPIU did not take orders from the Vetakan Government and as put by one of VSISPIU's members "We are Above the President"
Aboard the Elderidge all of the personnel all wore Black Combat Fatigues and Guards Patrolled with rather weird Modified XM8 Rifles. Its captain a beautiful women wore Tight Black Leather Clothes. She had red hair and dark black peicing eyes as she looked at the Screens she picked up a phone and dialled it answered and she began:
"Hello Id like to speak to the Londim Commander of the Situation dealing with the Undentified Object that attacked a Boat within Londimum Waters?"
She listerend for a moment before beginning again:
"Who am I? You are not authorized to know as its Classified all I can tell you is that I am from Paranormal Investigations."
The story had been quickly covered up to avoid public inspection. The official story was that the ship struck a rock and sank before rescue teams could make it. That was the official story. However the government was focusing on the real story. Something was below the waters and they didn't know what. The President had been informed but he couldn't deal with it. This had been passed on to a group that existed but was not known about by anyone outzside of government. This was a LPI (Londim Paranormal Investigations) situation.
The LPI offices were busy. This case was a big one and had to be dealt with carefully. As the situation was being assessed a phone cal came through to the main office.
"Who am I? You are not authorized to know as its Classified all I can tell you is that I am from Paranormal Investigations."
"Oh my dear I think I should know. I'm the Head of the LPI and so heading this situation. In all fairness I have to ask who are you and how did you get this number?"
OOC: Do you want the wreckage to be something in particular? If so ill edit.
The Beautiful Alien Like Captain Frowned before carrying on:
"I am Captain Scarleck Martha Captain of the Elderidge. I work for an organization known as Paranormal Investigations. How I got this message is irrelevant. If you are the Commander of the Situation and indeed Londim Paranormal Affairs I have a message for you. I have reason to believe that the Object is how shall I put this not of this world and not of this univerise. I request that you allow my team enter Londimum Waters and investigate?"
"Gentlemen, ladies, a rather interesting situation has arisen." The Council of 100 Intelligence Subcomittee sat before the uniformed soldier. "At approximately 1100 hours a distress signal sent from a fishing trawler named Retriever was retrieved by Listen*. Since we had no ships operating in the area and it had nothing to do with us, we disregarded it. What caught our eye, however was the message that was sent by Londim to the governments of the world, followed by the news story that was clearly unrelated to what happened. What motivates The Siapian Intelligence Network to get involved with this is the fact that Londim does not see to want the public to know what is going on."
"We have several hypothesis that are elaborated in the dossier before you, as well as a transcript of the distress call from Retriever and Londim's official request."
The speaker of the subcommittee stood up. "What are you proposing?"
"That we should send retrieval craft to retrieve this ship. I am also requesting the deployment of an Intelligence Specialist and the necessary support to insure that we obtain all of the information that is required while preserving confidentiality."
"Your request is granted." The speaker said. "We will disburse the necessary funding from the black fund to insure confidentiality. Be conservative with this. You will report directly to us, and you will let us choose the man for this."
Premier Huyt,
I have been asked by the The Community to aid in the investigation of the unknown object that your coast guard discovered. We feel that this may be a matter of international security, so your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated.
~Paul Kesson
*Listen is a passive communications monitoring system.
30-04-2007, 23:39
Captain Rodgero wearily looked up as the teletype machine sprung to life. He sighed and dropped the daily intelligence report he was reading as he came on duty for the night desk in the basement of Black Watch Regiment HQ. The teletype machine kept imprinting the words and letters on the paper that fell limply forward and began descending to the floor.
He stood, buttoned the top button of his black tunic, walked over with the click-click of his knee-high riding boots and glanced at the top line of the teletext. This was usually when the wire service ran its tests. Nothing out of the ordinary.
Oh, crap, he thought. What was this?
St. Zaire? That was the codename of the station chief in Londim. Whatever this was, he was going to have a long night...
The bulk of the message, though, wasn't anything the Captain hadn't already seen on the news before coming in. A fishing trawler strikes a rock. It sinks. All hands. Sad, but not exactly high up on the Cealadonian intelligence community watch list.
It was the rest of the message that made the young Captain's hair curl.
Captain Rodgero felt his heart sink. This wasn't enough information. There was no evidence to support any conlcusion, other than something was going on on the Londim coast. Lights in the water. A sunk trawler. Unflagged ships. Whatever it was, Rodgero knew he had a long night in front of him.
He picked up the phone to the night-duty technician.
"Seargant, this is Rodgero downstairs. Direct all intercept and flash traffic from the Londim offices down here. And stand-by on the secure line to the Colonel."
OOC: The response from The Community was encrypted (hence the "Code" brackets). Officially, we have no official knowledge or interests in the matter.
OOC: No Offense but if the Elderidge has no markings or flying any colours how can you justify intercepting Vetakan Communications? Furthermore all Vetakan Communications like the Siapian are Encrypted. If you can justify you doing this I am happy to accept it.
OOC: Siap and Londim, What actually is the Wreckage? Alien? Time Wreckage? From another Dimension? Or dont we know?
OOC: Vetaka: I have no idea what the wreckage is. I'm just RPing my nation's intelligence service, which is very nosy.
Cealadonia: My nation uses encryption based on an as-yet unproven mathematical theorem (there is an ongoing RP about the code), so you would need to RP solving said mathematical theorem.
(OOC: I like the looks of this.)
Special Flight Squadron 13, or "Loki Squadron", prepared for launch from the RFS Gis Nuvan, a Stealth Carrier. They were going to do a recon sweep over the area indicated by the Londimiums if they were given permission. Or if they weren't.
Captain Ophias Vesto called a meeting in one of several specially prepared rooms. He, along with the first-mate, the head of the onboard Marines, Loki Squadron, and several members of the Ilnore were there.
Yes, the Ilnore. Their origins can be traced back thousands of years to before the founding of modern Fornelia. They were originally a cabal of Native Shamans who terrified the Refugees in the Second Invasion War by making the forests come alive to attack them. Over the years, they spread out from magic to all matter of paranormal things, from Extraterrestrials, to Time Travel, to Ghosts, to Demons, and many more. Officially, they didn't exist but it was funded by numerous parts of the budget for the Fornelian Intelligence Bureau, or FIB.
The Captain's voice spoke clearly and factually.
"At 1100 hours, a Londimium fisher, the Retriever, snagged something huge with its net. A shaky call was sent to their Coast Guard, and when the rescue ship, The Greeter, arrived, there was nothing on the surface but the fishing net. They then spotted a 30 foot diameter metal object that had some kind of self light. The government then sent out a request for assistance in reaching the object as they believe it to be very dangerous. The government has sent us to do a sweep and determine if the object is a threat to the Fornelian people, if the object is an unknown military craft or something paranormal or beyond this world, and if the object is something that could be used to our advantage. As such, we plan to conduct a flight recon with Loki Squadron, followed by a more detailed sweep depending on the situation that the Recon Flight reveals. Any questions?"
One of the pilots of Loki Squadron put up their hand.
"Do we have any idea about what this thing will do to us in the air?"
"Sadly, know. It is a risky mission, but something that must be done if we want to better understand the situation. Alright then, if no one has any more questions, I'd like to begin our operation by sending a transmission to the Londimiums."
TO: Premier Huyt
From: Captain Ophias Vesto of RFS Gis Nuvan.
Subject: Mysterious Object
As the head of the Fornelian force sent to assist in the situation, I would like to request permission for my craft and its support ships to head into Londim waters near the object and conduct and aerial recon flight. We only wish to help in this situation as things like this are unpredictable and can pose a threat to us all.
01-05-2007, 10:23
OOC: OOC: No Offense but if the Elderidge has no markings or flying any colours how can you justify intercepting Vetakan Communications? Furthermore all Vetakan Communications like the Siapian are Encrypted. If you can justify you doing this I am happy to accept it.
Good point and no offense taken; I'll edit accordingly, and likewise with Siap (because there's no reason why Cealadonia would know about them, either). Cealdonia knows about the Eldridge because of HUMINT source that hasn't been named yet, but nothing much else. Apologies all 'round. I'm new to this, so helpful bits like that are greatly appreciated.
OOC: No one knows what the wreckage is at the moment. Basically the actions of us all will eventually determine what is found and how it affects us all.
OOC: Do you want the wreckage to be something in particular? If so ill edit.
The Beautiful Alien Like Captain Frowned before carrying on:
"I am Captain Scarleck Martha Captain of the Elderidge. I work for an organization known as Paranormal Investigations. How I got this message is irrelevant. If you are the Commander of the Situation and indeed Londim Paranormal Affairs I have a message for you. I have reason to believe that the Object is how shall I put this not of this world and not of this univerise. I request that you allow my team enter Londimum Waters and investigate?"
"So you suggest we have found an alien ship? You could be right then again it could be anything like a crashed satellite. However permission is granted to enter. Be careful other teams will be scouting the area."
"Gentlemen, ladies, a rather interesting situation has arisen." The Council of 100 Intelligence Subcomittee sat before the uniformed soldier. "At approximately 1100 hours a distress signal sent from a fishing trawler named Retriever was retrieved by Listen*. Since we had no ships operating in the area and it had nothing to do with us, we disregarded it. What caught our eye, however was the message that was sent by Londim to the governments of the world, followed by the news story that was clearly unrelated to what happened. What motivates The Siapian Intelligence Network to get involved with this is the fact that Londim does not see to want the public to know what is going on."
"We have several hypothesis that are elaborated in the dossier before you, as well as a transcript of the distress call from Retriever and Londim's official request."
The speaker of the subcommittee stood up. "What are you proposing?"
"That we should send retrieval craft to retrieve this ship. I am also requesting the deployment of an Intelligence Specialist and the necessary support to insure that we obtain all of the information that is required while preserving confidentiality."
"Your request is granted." The speaker said. "We will disburse the necessary funding from the black fund to insure confidentiality. Be conservative with this. You will report directly to us, and you will let us choose the man for this."
Premier Huyt,
I have been asked by the The Community to aid in the investigation of the unknown object that your coast guard discovered. We feel that this may be a matter of international security, so your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated.
~Paul Kesson
*Listen is a passive communications monitoring system.
Since the incident Huyt had been kept informed of every action taking place. In the LPI headquarters things had been rushing about and orderes had been given. Right now members of the Stealth Submarine Squad were being given orders. The SSS had been around ever since the first submarines had come into operation. They were used to spy on other nations and to stealthily attack ships in war. They were some of the best.
"Right SSS, it seems we have a mission. Two Subs are going into this mission. SSS1, you'll be visible to all other ships and planes as you'll be conducting research over the object. Get pictures and look for any sign of life down there. SSS2, you'll be in stealth mode, invisble to all ships and planes. I want you guys keeping an eye on SSS1 as they research and kepp them out of trouble. Also keep an eye on all activities done by the other teams. Should they start taking things to far hit them. Understood?"
"Yes Sir!"
Officially this conversation never happened.
Premier Huyt looked at the communication and replied:
Mr Kesson, Permission has been granted to enter the waters and do research on the object. This is a dangerous mission and we are willing to provide protection while you are in the area.
(OOC: I like the looks of this.)
Special Flight Squadron 13, or "Loki Squadron", prepared for launch from the RFS Gis Nuvan, a Stealth Carrier. They were going to do a recon sweep over the area indicated by the Londimiums if they were given permission. Or if they weren't.
Captain Ophias Vesto called a meeting in one of several specially prepared rooms. He, along with the first-mate, the head of the onboard Marines, Loki Squadron, and several members of the Ilnore were there.
Yes, the Ilnore. Their origins can be traced back thousands of years to before the founding of modern Fornelia. They were originally a cabal of Native Shamans who terrified the Refugees in the Second Invasion War by making the forests come alive to attack them. Over the years, they spread out from magic to all matter of paranormal things, from Extraterrestrials, to Time Travel, to Ghosts, to Demons, and many more. Officially, they didn't exist but it was funded by numerous parts of the budget for the Fornelian Intelligence Bureau, or FIB.
The Captain's voice spoke clearly and factually.
"At 1100 hours, a Londimium fisher, the Retriever, snagged something huge with its net. A shaky call was sent to their Coast Guard, and when the rescue ship, The Greeter, arrived, there was nothing on the surface but the fishing net. They then spotted a 30 foot diameter metal object that had some kind of self light. The government then sent out a request for assistance in reaching the object as they believe it to be very dangerous. The government has sent us to do a sweep and determine if the object is a threat to the Fornelian people, if the object is an unknown military craft or something paranormal or beyond this world, and if the object is something that could be used to our advantage. As such, we plan to conduct a flight recon with Loki Squadron, followed by a more detailed sweep depending on the situation that the Recon Flight reveals. Any questions?"
One of the pilots of Loki Squadron put up their hand.
"Do we have any idea about what this thing will do to us in the air?"
"Sadly, know. It is a risky mission, but something that must be done if we want to better understand the situation. Alright then, if no one has any more questions, I'd like to begin our operation by sending a transmission to the Londimiums."
TO: Premier Huyt
From: Captain Ophias Vesto of RFS Gis Nuvan.
Subject: Mysterious Object
As the head of the Fornelian force sent to assist in the situation, I would like to request permission for my craft and its support ships to head into Londim waters near the object and conduct and aerial recon flight. We only wish to help in this situation as things like this are unpredictable and can pose a threat to us all.
To Captain Ophias,
Permission has been granted. The area has been closed off to all civilian vehicles so all investigations can be done without any public knowledge. We do not know what the object does to objects in the air so be wary.
OOC: Ok. As I said the Elderige is paid for by Vetaka but the Vetakan Government has know knowlodge of her exsistence. She is a Vetakan Chieftain Class Battleship but is flying no colours nor has it any markings. Mind if I RP the object sending out a Sub-Aqua signal?
The Elderige, Now just outside of Londim Waters:
"Excellent. We will keep you updated regarding the situation". putting the phone down Scarleck smiled to herself before looking at her Second in Command XO a freekishly large asian man with a scar down the left side of his face he known only as Apu:
"Apu we have been ganted permission to enter. Take us to the scene of the incident Full Speed. Ready the Sub-Scouter and the Owl. Tell the Good Dr to have his team be ready. Anything on Scanners?" asked the Captain
Apu smiled but only half his mouth broke into a smile it was rather menacing to anybody that looked at it but it was normal for him. He was unable to smile in one half of his face the reason was in the Scar but that is a story for another day:
"Of Course Captain. Moving Now ETA till we arrive on scene is 20 Minutes. The Sub-Scouter and the Owl are ready. The Dr and his team are ready and something is very strange regarding the object. Scanners are picking up strange readings. Radiation is off the chart but we are seeing no problems to the enviroment. Water Readings are normal as are the Air Readings but we will re-do them on our arrival. One thing that is rather strange is that every 60 minutes the object is sending out a Signal at the moment its Sub-Aqua. Its similar to that of a Distress Signal but what its signalling is unclear?" replied Apu
OOC: I gotta run but ill update soon.
The Community has deployed the 21st Naval Intelligence Long Patrol Group to proceed to the site.
Have the bodies of those aboard the sunken craft been retrieved?
OOC: Do you want the wreckage to be something in particular? If so ill edit.
The Beautiful Alien Like Captain Frowned before carrying on:
"I am Captain Scarleck Martha Captain of the Elderidge. I work for an organization known as Paranormal Investigations. How I got this message is irrelevant. If you are the Commander of the Situation and indeed Londim Paranormal Affairs I have a message for you. I have reason to believe that the Object is how shall I put this not of this world and not of this univerise. I request that you allow my team enter Londimum Waters and investigate?"
"Gentlemen, ladies, a rather interesting situation has arisen." The Council of 100 Intelligence Subcomittee sat before the uniformed soldier. "At approximately 1100 hours a distress signal sent from a fishing trawler named Retriever was retrieved by Listen*. Since we had no ships operating in the area and it had nothing to do with us, we disregarded it. What caught our eye, however was the message that was sent by Londim to the governments of the world, followed by the news story that was clearly unrelated to what happened. What motivates The Siapian Intelligence Network to get involved with this is the fact that Londim does not see to want the public to know what is going on."
"We have several hypothesis that are elaborated in the dossier before you, as well as a transcript of the distress call from Retriever and Londim's official request."
The speaker of the subcommittee stood up. "What are you proposing?"
"That we should send retrieval craft to retrieve this ship. I am also requesting the deployment of an Intelligence Specialist and the necessary support to insure that we obtain all of the information that is required while preserving confidentiality."
"Your request is granted." The speaker said. "We will disburse the necessary funding from the black fund to insure confidentiality. Be conservative with this. You will report directly to us, and you will let us choose the man for this."
Premier Huyt,
I have been asked by the The Community to aid in the investigation of the unknown object that your coast guard discovered. We feel that this may be a matter of international security, so your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated.
~Paul Kesson
*Listen is a passive communications monitoring system.
(OOC: I like the looks of this.)
Special Flight Squadron 13, or "Loki Squadron", prepared for launch from the RFS Gis Nuvan, a Stealth Carrier. They were going to do a recon sweep over the area indicated by the Londimiums if they were given permission. Or if they weren't.
Captain Ophias Vesto called a meeting in one of several specially prepared rooms. He, along with the first-mate, the head of the onboard Marines, Loki Squadron, and several members of the Ilnore were there.
Yes, the Ilnore. Their origins can be traced back thousands of years to before the founding of modern Fornelia. They were originally a cabal of Native Shamans who terrified the Refugees in the Second Invasion War by making the forests come alive to attack them. Over the years, they spread out from magic to all matter of paranormal things, from Extraterrestrials, to Time Travel, to Ghosts, to Demons, and many more. Officially, they didn't exist but it was funded by numerous parts of the budget for the Fornelian Intelligence Bureau, or FIB.
The Captain's voice spoke clearly and factually.
"At 1100 hours, a Londimium fisher, the Retriever, snagged something huge with its net. A shaky call was sent to their Coast Guard, and when the rescue ship, The Greeter, arrived, there was nothing on the surface but the fishing net. They then spotted a 30 foot diameter metal object that had some kind of self light. The government then sent out a request for assistance in reaching the object as they believe it to be very dangerous. The government has sent us to do a sweep and determine if the object is a threat to the Fornelian people, if the object is an unknown military craft or something paranormal or beyond this world, and if the object is something that could be used to our advantage. As such, we plan to conduct a flight recon with Loki Squadron, followed by a more detailed sweep depending on the situation that the Recon Flight reveals. Any questions?"
One of the pilots of Loki Squadron put up their hand.
"Do we have any idea about what this thing will do to us in the air?"
"Sadly, know. It is a risky mission, but something that must be done if we want to better understand the situation. Alright then, if no one has any more questions, I'd like to begin our operation by sending a transmission to the Londimiums."
TO: Premier Huyt
From: Captain Ophias Vesto of RFS Gis Nuvan.
Subject: Mysterious Object
As the head of the Fornelian force sent to assist in the situation, I would like to request permission for my craft and its support ships to head into Londim waters near the object and conduct and aerial recon flight. We only wish to help in this situation as things like this are unpredictable and can pose a threat to us all.
The Community has deployed the 21st Naval Intelligence Long Patrol Group to proceed to the site.
Have the bodies of those aboard the sunken craft been retrieved?
Well after investigating the site ther is no sign of the wreckage or bodies. It's like they never existed. Satellite photos that were taken when the ship disappeared just show a large black mark over the area. Other times when the object seems to be unfunctioning the satellites show the area. The black mark also appears in satellite photos for the times The Greeter was there but they got out of there fast.
The Community has deployed the 21st Naval Intelligence Long Patrol Group to proceed to the site.
Have the bodies of those aboard the sunken craft been retrieved?
Well after investigating the site ther is no sign of the wreckage or bodies. It's like they never existed. Satellite photos that were taken when the ship disappeared just show a large black mark over the area. Other times when the object seems to be unfunctioning the satellites show the area. The black mark also appears in satellite photos for the times The Greeter was there but they got out of there fast.
The Elderidge, Londim Waters 11 Miles from the Site:
"Whats our location?" asked Captain Scarleck
"Coming to 10 Miles off the wreckage site" replied the Navigation Officer
"Helm Come to a Full Stop and way Anchor at 10 Miles Exactly" ordered the Captain.
"Apu is the Signal still emitting? Does the Doctor have anything for us?" asked Captain Scarleck
"Next signal is due to emit in 7 Minutes. Water and Air Readings are next to normal they only anomalies are that the water is slightly more acidic than normal for this area. The Good Doctor is confused." replied the XO
"Deploy the Owl" ordered the Captain.
To the rear of the ship on the small Helipad a rather weird looking Black Helicopter began to power up. It was a modified Navalhawk it only had room for 3 People as most of its space was taken up by electronic equipment. Attached to the bottom of the Helicopter was a small White Dome as well as numerous cameras and scanners. Aboard was 2 Pilots in the cockpit and 1 very attractive women with blonde hair she was almost elf like. She sat in the back of the open Helicopter strapped in with a Laptop open on her Lap. Monitoring the other bits of a equipment. The Helicopter rose from its pad and shot away towards the scene of the Incident as it went the Beautiful Blonde Women began speaking over the Open Comm Link for all to hear so that the Londim and anybody else whom was investigating could here:
"Attention all Investigation Teams. This is Doctor Rose Tylor of the Elderidge I am aboard the Helicopter Owl making a pass over the Incident area. Stand-By for details."
The Helicopter flew gracefully over the water eventually it reached the the scene of the Incident and again Tylor began speaking giving commentary:
"Over the Incident Area Now. Nothing to report at this time. All Chopper Equipment is normal. Engines, Comms and Navigation all Functioning correctly. Elderidge dispatching live video feed now. All other Investigations Teams monitoring this Transmission. Log onto Website and insert password 0898 to view the Feed. Area seems calm. Nothing to Report. Air Pressure Normal all natural elements calm within acceptable parameters. Activating Infa Red System now".
The video feed soon changed to an Infa Red View it showed the sea as it normally would but their some feet below the water was a ball of dark orange:
"Ok their is some sort of object below the surface its very weak. As you can see its very large. Its at least 25 Feet in Diameter....."
It was only then that the doctor began to get rather worried:
"..... Hang on wait a minute. I am reading increasing Gigawatt usage on the gigameter whatever the object is using enough energy to power a small city -large town......"
The Pilot suddenly interupted and began speaking:
"We are being tracked repeat being tracked. It has us locked on. Breaking Off Now..."
The Helicopter shot off the Camera kept its view focused on the object suddenly light appeared:
"A huge beam of light has begun to shine upon us. Its following us we are moving away now. I am reading an increased level of heat in the air 0.21, Helicopter Systems are still functioning normally. The Light has shut off returning to the Elderidge now. Owl Out."
The Helicopter landed back aboard the Elderidge the pilots and the doctor remainded aboard as people in Bio Suits slowly approached the Chopper taking readings.
Green Hawk
02-05-2007, 00:55
OOC: Can I join?
This is Delmar from The Allied States of Green Hawk. I'm the captain of the HMS Shark, a destroyer. I have permission from the higher up (the President) to aid in this investigation. Since this unidentified object is under water and this destroyer is a anti-submarine type vessel we may be of some help. I require a reply shortly. G'day.
The five small converted fishing trawlers plowed through the water. Each was packed with monitoring and communications equipment, as well as concealed weaponry, although these boats were primarily for passive monitoring of shipping and military maneuvers from a distance. In addition to these boats was was a salvage boat that had been converted for monitoring of underwater activity.
Donned in a weather-proof poncho, Kesson stood wearing a weather-proof poncho. "Sir, activity reported 10 miles off of crash site."
"Londim Coast Guard?"
"As far as we know, no. Listen indicates no ships to be operating in the region. So either they are operating covertly, which is understandable. We also have a lot of chatter coming over encrypted lines from unidentified parties. We can only assume that it is other governments operating in the region, which also makes sense considering the nature of Londim's message to the world. Should we hail the unidentified ship?"
"No. Not yet. Let's hold back a minute and watch. If they are concerned about us, they will contact us."
02-05-2007, 01:58
This would have been a very embarrassing incident. Everyone who ever walked outside in Leafanistan, remembers the various wars. They remember the Kraven incursion, they remember the war against the Axis of Evil, they remember the evil of National Socialism during the Second Civil War. Statues were in every major city demonstrating the victory of the working class against National Socialism. Local stations signed off with a patriotic demonstration. Deactivated T-55 tanks were in every city square as a memorial. During that time, both sides found themselves dying as foreign powers began to take advantage. Both sides invested in terrible 'Victory' weapons in a grim pantomime of history's greatest tragedy, World War II.
Ballistic Missiles called 'Shooting Stealth Stars' emulated normal meteorite activity and altered their trajectory dramatically to obfuscate backtracking equipment. Gigantic, wasteful, Pulse LASERs sliced warships neatly. Focused Microwave beams, sent waves of scorching pain through rioting union workers and shut down electronic devices in a hail of sparks. And glowing UFOs haunted the skies of National Socialist dominated cities and their origins were never revealed.
In actuality they were the spinning remains of IRBM launched fuel air warheads burning up in the atmosphere leaving little to no debris. Poorly built 'Shooting Stealth Star' copies disintegrated, suddenly appearing on National Socialist RADAR screens, but the billions of dollars of damage they created when they did work, outweighed the cost of their failures. But this would be an interesting precedent.
Encrypted Message to all participating parties
This is probably the hardest thing to admit. During our Civil War, neither side cared for foreigners. Perhaps dozens of advanced and poorly thought out weapons systems ended up in the oceans of the world, and irritating ABM systems around the Earth.
That glowing disc isn't some sort of alien craft, time machine, or dimensional drifter. It is probably the most dangerous idea, the Loyalist government, my government created. They are advanced craft dropped from the atmosphere, usually unfolded from ballistic missiles. They ride air currents and use the momentum of their descent to observe enemy positions. National Socialist newspapers show these devices in action.
The continued glow is a side effect of its power source. About 30 kilograms of highly radioactive Plutonium and Strontium. They used Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators, the things that power long range satellites. It is heavily shielded, but easily radioactive. The exact mechanism of them is a deep military secret, and upon intelligence arriving to us about the survival of this craft, we attempted to issue a command to get the device to begin pinging its surroundings.
The lack of surprise over the sudden emissions indicates it has failed. Now, we are moving submarines nearby, and we politely request that we be allowed to recover this horrifically dangerous device. However, as they are a military secret, as they are such dangerous weapons that they should never be used again in the history of warfare, we cannot release plans or allow this device to be recovered.
We are willing to bury this device in Quickrete which can set underwater with a powerful explosive, then bury it again. A Virginia class Submarine is on its way to help pinpoint the device and remove it safely, if not, we will prevent it from doing damage to anyone else.
As we have polluted your waters, we have reparations of at least $3 billion ready to be wired, along with emergency frozen fish from our waters.
Please allow us to fix our predecessor's mistakes.
General Melissa Algonquin
Head of Special Projects Division
OOC: Can I join?
This is Delmar from The Allied States of Green Hawk. I'm the captain of the HMS Shark, a destroyer. I have permission from the higher up (the President) to aid in this investigation. Since this unidentified object is under water and this destroyer is a anti-submarine type vessel we may be of some help. I require a reply shortly. G'day.
Permission granted Captain Delmar.
This would have been a very embarrassing incident. Everyone who ever walked outside in Leafanistan, remembers the various wars. They remember the Kraven incursion, they remember the war against the Axis of Evil, they remember the evil of National Socialism during the Second Civil War. Statues were in every major city demonstrating the victory of the working class against National Socialism. Local stations signed off with a patriotic demonstration. Deactivated T-55 tanks were in every city square as a memorial. During that time, both sides found themselves dying as foreign powers began to take advantage. Both sides invested in terrible 'Victory' weapons in a grim pantomime of history's greatest tragedy, World War II.
Ballistic Missiles called 'Shooting Stealth Stars' emulated normal meteorite activity and altered their trajectory dramatically to obfuscate backtracking equipment. Gigantic, wasteful, Pulse LASERs sliced warships neatly. Focused Microwave beams, sent waves of scorching pain through rioting union workers and shut down electronic devices in a hail of sparks. And glowing UFOs haunted the skies of National Socialist dominated cities and their origins were never revealed.
In actuality they were the spinning remains of IRBM launched fuel air warheads burning up in the atmosphere leaving little to no debris. Poorly built 'Shooting Stealth Star' copies disintegrated, suddenly appearing on National Socialist RADAR screens, but the billions of dollars of damage they created when they did work, outweighed the cost of their failures. But this would be an interesting precedent.
Encrypted Message to all participating parties
This is probably the hardest thing to admit. During our Civil War, neither side cared for foreigners. Perhaps dozens of advanced and poorly thought out weapons systems ended up in the oceans of the world, and irritating ABM systems around the Earth.
That glowing disc isn't some sort of alien craft, time machine, or dimensional drifter. It is probably the most dangerous idea, the Loyalist government, my government created. They are advanced craft dropped from the atmosphere, usually unfolded from ballistic missiles. They ride air currents and use the momentum of their descent to observe enemy positions. National Socialist newspapers show these devices in action.
The continued glow is a side effect of its power source. About 30 kilograms of highly radioactive Plutonium and Strontium. They used Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators, the things that power long range satellites. It is heavily shielded, but easily radioactive. The exact mechanism of them is a deep military secret, and upon intelligence arriving to us about the survival of this craft, we attempted to issue a command to get the device to begin pinging its surroundings.
The lack of surprise over the sudden emissions indicates it has failed. Now, we are moving submarines nearby, and we politely request that we be allowed to recover this horrifically dangerous device. However, as they are a military secret, as they are such dangerous weapons that they should never be used again in the history of warfare, we cannot release plans or allow this device to be recovered.
We are willing to bury this device in Quickrete which can set underwater with a powerful explosive, then bury it again. A Virginia class Submarine is on its way to help pinpoint the device and remove it safely, if not, we will prevent it from doing damage to anyone else.
As we have polluted your waters, we have reparations of at least $3 billion ready to be wired, along with emergency frozen fish from our waters.
Please allow us to fix our predecessor's mistakes.
General Melissa Algonquin
Head of Special Projects Division
To General Melissa Algonquin,
We need more information on this object if ot belongs to you. What kind of weaponry is on this thing? It took one of our own ships down with it without leaving a trace of any bodies or debris. Anything fgoing near it is in danger of being lost. If this is one of your weapons I want it out. If not then you can help with investigating this object if you so may wish.
Premier Huyt
The Socialist State of Londim
"Sir distress signal comng in from SSS1!" The communications officers were trying to get through the situation as best as they could. "they're getting through a distorted message."
"Bright light.....submarine shaking......malfunctions......engine down......oh my god it's opening up........"
The communication cut out there. Agent A, the head of LPI was shocked.
"Damn it! SSS1 do you copy?! SSS1. Reply now!" Nothing. It seemed SSS1 had been lost.
"SSS2 find them. Find SS1. And open fire!"
"Yes Sir. Torpedo Bay 1! Fire!" Torpedoes were launched at the object rapidly yet it seemed no damage was done.
"Oh crap. It's targeting us!"
"What?1 But nothing can target our subs in Stealth mode!"
"It's opening! Somethings coming out. It looks like a small sub....there are more following it.....oh shit................
"Communication lost." The room was in silence. Two of the best Sub teams had been destroyed. This was serious.
02-05-2007, 18:33
To General Melissa Algonquin,
We need more information on this object if ot belongs to you. What kind of weaponry is on this thing? It took one of our own ships down with it without leaving a trace of any bodies or debris. Anything fgoing near it is in danger of being lost. If this is one of your weapons I want it out. If not then you can help with investigating this object if you so may wish.
Premier Huyt
The Socialist State of Londim
To Premier Huyt:
From our satellite readings there is a major rise in thermal activities in the region. Clearly previous activities have compromised its outer shell, and the reactors and stored devices are leaking into the ocean.
They are smaller discs, designed to increase the observational abilities. From our records, they appear to be armed, though we aren't sure with what. The Scientists who designed it, disappeared after the Civil War ended. Right now, it is dangerously radioactive, we suggest evacuation, immediately.
Our Scientists can handle it.
General Melissa Algonquin
Head of Special Projects Division
Far away in Rovonia, at Saint Mary's Bay Air Force Base, a von Braun class Antipodal Transport was loaded up with an unmanned submarine on a retrorocket assisted landing palate.
It was launched, up a 5 kilometer long rail, eventually breaking escape velocity. In a few hours it would arrive over the location, reentering the atmosphere, slowing down, and dropping the pallet.
The Glorious Republic would discover this object's true intentions.
Green Hawk
02-05-2007, 20:36
"Well, 'bout time we got a mission. Ok, bring us into full military speed towards the... what ever the hell it is," Delmar ordered.
"Aye aye captain," Replied the helmsmen. The HMS Shark cut though the water with grace heading towards Londim. Upon reaching there they met with the Londim vessel Greeter.
(This is to The Greeter)
G'day to you. This is the HMS Shark and her captain, Delmar, how may we be of service?
"Well, 'bout time we got a mission. Ok, bring us into full military speed towards the... what ever the hell it is," Delmar ordered.
"Aye aye captain," Replied the helmsmen. The HMS Shark cut though the water with grace heading towards Londim. Upon reaching there they met with the Londim vessel Greeter.
(This is to The Greeter)
G'day to you. This is the HMS Shark and her captain, Delmar, how may we be of service?
It is advised at the moment to stay back. The object just got two of our best subs. They've now disappeared taking some our finest with them. Keep an eye on the investigation teams and if that thing starts attacking do anything necessary to neutralise it.
Green Hawk
02-05-2007, 22:24
It is advised at the moment to stay back. The object just got two of our best subs. They've now disappeared taking some our finest with them. Keep an eye on the investigation teams and if that thing starts attacking do anything necessary to neutralise it.
"Arm both forward horizontal launchers with four anti-ship and anti-submarine missiles. Arm the aft launcher with eight anti-air missiles and bring us to stand to/stand by to launch an attack against the UIT(Unidentified Target). Also, prepare to defend retreating friendlies" Ordered Delmar. The "Aye aye captains." came into Delmar's ear telling him that his orders were being carried out. "Sonar? Radar?" Delmar asked.
"Nothing captain," Said the ASW officer.
"Same here," Said the AA officer. Delmar already knew that this was going to be a long day... Better to get a cup of coffee now then later. Delmar thought heading towards the galley.
"Arm both forward horizontal launchers with four anti-ship and anti-submarine missiles. Arm the aft launcher with eight anti-air missiles and bring us to stand to/stand by to launch an attack against the UIT(Unidentified Target). Also, prepare to defend retreating friendlies" Ordered Delmar. The "Aye aye captains." came into Delmar's ear telling him that his orders were being carried out. "Sonar? Radar?" Delmar asked.
"Nothing captain," Said the ASW officer.
"Same here," Said the AA officer. Delmar already knew that this was going to be a long day... Better to get a cup of coffee now then later. Delmar thought heading towards the galley.
The object,after taking the subs, had not powered down. Its lights had not gone off and it seemed like it was now searching for something. It was like it was aware of the situation around it. A warning was sent out:
To all Operating Ships,
The object seems to have entered a new phase. The light is staying on and it seems it may be aware of your presence. Stay back to avaoid alerting the object to your presence.
Premier Huyt.
Green Hawk
05-05-2007, 02:47
"Captain! Two contacts moving fast!" Yelled the ASW officer. Delmar ran back into the bridge with a coffee stain on his uniform. Maybe he should have put the coffee cup down before running. It still hurt, but there was no time for that.
"What are they?" Delmar asked.
"My guess? Torpedos or something close to them. Their heading towards us." ASW office said.
"Captain, I have a launch formula." Said the weapons office.
"Good. Set. Ready. FIRE!" Delmar ordered. The launcher on the foward right of the ship turned in a direction, aiming higher up a little. Four latches opened and seconds later, four missiles were fired. They raced over the ocean before diving into the water. The missiles didn't even turn the propellers on before making contact.
"Yes! Contact. Two missiles hit the first torpedo and one hit the second." Said the ASW office.
"What 'bout our fourth?" Asked Delmar.
"Pinging sir, but it should turn off soon."
"Ok, are you sure those were torpedoes?"
"No, but I'm not sure about anything right now."
"Inform friendly vessels in the area about what just happened."
HMS Shark: Contact with two torpedo like objects. They tried to attack us, but we took them out. Just want to tell you guys that thing under the water got anti-ship abilities and it seems to be long range type. We might want to spread out more, but don't spread out too much. Well, do whatever you want to do, just watch out and keep safe. Good luck.
"This is Loki One, all pilots, prepare for aerial sweep and attack. This thing is dangerous!"
"Loki Two, roger that!"
"Loki Three, understood!"
'Loki Four, c'mon! Lets just shoot it!"
The four F-13's flew straight over the objects location. Below them, the object didn't react, as if it recognized them but decided they were not a threat.
"This is Captain Vesto, code name Nightwhale. You are not to engage the enemy yet. Leafanistan has claimed responsibility for creation of the craft and at the moment it seems that they want it back. We don't want to damage it, but we want to learn as much as we can before they take it back. Loki Two, launch your UCAV and see how the object reacts. On a side note, all Fornelian communications shall now refer to the object as the Nemesis for ease of identification."
"This is Loki Two, understood. Launching UCAV."
With that, the second plane in the formation launched its only payload, a large UCAV attached to the wing. Its remote pilot flew it only a few feet above the water, waiting to see what would happen.
(OOC: Can I RP the thing's reaction?)
06-05-2007, 20:35
By now the von Braun was nearing its target location. It was reentering the atmosphere at a tremendous speed. Its computers silently calculating everything to do. Warping its wings slightly, making adjustments, taking in satellite transmissions and using RADAR to map the surface below.
It was like a shooting star now, its retrorockets making its tail more brilliant. Once it reached a much lower velocity, its 3 supersonic parachutes opened, performing perfectly. The computers put it down in its log, perhaps a few flashes in the circuitry, a set of linked processors registering success, a feeling of joy?
It had slowed down to only Mach 2.7, the computer felt something lurch. A wing warper had failed. It was turning away. The emergency parachute came out, and it slowed down enough to make the turn to get back on target.
It was slow enough, and its rear compartment opened up. A metal box fell out over the sea. After about 10 seconds, the engines kicked in and it began to go back up toward space. The extra engines fell off as it was leaving to atmosphere to burn up. And it went back to pads in Rovonia.
The box's supersonic parachutes opened up and retrorockets fired. It was slower now, much slower, and the microprocessor detached from the minisub and turned on its satellite linkup.
It was on a pallet now, and rods extended below it. When they touched the surface of the water, another set of retrorockets fired, and the submarine hit the water. It was close now, its active SONAR pinging the thing. What would it do?
"This is Loki One, all pilots, prepare for aerial sweep and attack. This thing is dangerous!"
"Loki Two, roger that!"
"Loki Three, understood!"
'Loki Four, c'mon! Lets just shoot it!"
The four F-13's flew straight over the objects location. Below them, the object didn't react, as if it recognized them but decided they were not a threat.
"This is Captain Vesto, code name Nightwhale. You are not to engage the enemy yet. Leafanistan has claimed responsibility for creation of the craft and at the moment it seems that they want it back. We don't want to damage it, but we want to learn as much as we can before they take it back. Loki Two, launch your UCAV and see how the object reacts. On a side note, all Fornelian communications shall now refer to the object as the Nemesis for ease of identification."
"This is Loki Two, understood. Launching UCAV."
With that, the second plane in the formation launched its only payload, a large UCAV attached to the wing. Its remote pilot flew it only a few feet above the water, waiting to see what would happen.
(OOC: Can I RP the thing's reaction?)
OOC: If you wish. Sorry about the absence. Been away for the weekend.
After the loss of the two submarines the team had become ary. This was unlike anything they had dealt with before and the LPI had dealt with some seriously strange things. The object seemed to have relaxed as if the two subs had sedated it.
"What now?" asked Agent T
"We need information but I'm not risking any lives on this until we can determine what is going on with this thing." replied Agent A., "Send in one of the unmanned observation subs. It should be okay and be able to carry out an investigation."
The Observation Subs were top of the range and were used in battles to scan enemy ships to find weak spots and scan for life on objects. They had a 98% success rate. The order was passed to the closest Naval Base to send in a sub. While that order was sent a radar went off.
"Sir, it seems something is entering our aerospace from the atmosphere. Our scanners in the areas nearby show it is like a missile aimed towards the object."
"It's probably Leafanistan making an entrance. If this is one of theirs they won't destroy it."
As scans recorded the movement it was noticed an object was released.
"They're probably keeping an eye on this thing. Don't do anything. They're friendlies."
The Siapian intelligence Network was doing what it does best.
The small ships would be fairly difficult to track on radar, except for the large recovery ship that came along, but that ship remained further out to sea.
"Mr. Kesson!"
The man was wearing cargo pants and a fishing shirt, a pair of binoculars covering his eyes as he stared at the congregation of ships.
"Sir, there has been a lot of radio chatter regarding attacks from this unknown vessel. Also, a lot of energy has been coming off of it."
Kesson breathed a heavy sigh. "So, what do we know?"
He went back to the small table in the center of the ship that was strewn with papers. "Leafistan suggests that it is some type of prototype weapon. They seek to destroy the thing. They seem to want to level it in haste. Judging by the amount of energy coming off of it and the complexities of the attacks it seems to be launching. Also, be advised that another object has penetrated the atmosphere and entered the ocean.
"That does it. We need to put something down there too. Launch the fiddler."
One of the reconaissance boats dropped a small craft. The fiddler was originally designed as a simple anti-naval weapon. The craft was mostly fiberglass and engine, with communication devices attatched for remote piloting, and a small storage compartment near the tip of the boat. instead of containing a shaped charge (or a tactical nuclear warhead, in the anti-dreadnaught design), it contained a small one-time use probe. As soon as the boat hit the water it kicked to life, slicing through the water like a knife through warm butter.
As the craft came close to the site, the nose popped off and a small torpedo-like object, except that a thin doped-carbon nanotube wire remained attatch to the boat, allowing the data to be fed to the boat, where it was encrypted and relayed back to the recon boats.
The probe, originally designed for space exploration, was densely packed with all forms of sensory equipment. For the purposes at hand, sonar was too bulky and reduntant for their purposes. instead, the small probe, propelled by hydrazine channeled through a platinum mesh and gravity, moved towards the heat source at the bottom of the ocean.
As it fell, it funneled the sea water through small gill like membranes, but instead of removing the oxygen, a myriad of sensors snapped dozens of little photographs, using ferromagnetic carbon nanofoam to perform microscale nuclear magnetic resonance imaging as well as a wide array of photospectroscopy, fueled by miniature chemical lasers. The surface craft was rapidly transmitting the data gathered from the probe, selectively analyzing the imaging for any patterns and cropping out what its programming would label as white noise. On the outside of the craft were what appeared to be giant insect eyes, but these were actually chemical flash bulbs that would emit a wide spectra of light. The power consumed by these was immense, so they were going to be saved until they reached what was now apparently being called the 'Nemesis'.
Unlike many of its predesessors, the probe did not have an immaculate success rate, and was not reknowned for the accuracy of the data it gathered. But the advantage it did have was that it gathered data on the scale of thousands where any of its competitors could gather in tens.
Kesson paced through the small deck of the boat. "We need to get a good snapshot of this thing, and something tells me we should get one before anyone else does."
The UCAV flew above the surface of the water peacefully until it exploded suddenly, seemingly without warning. Loki Squadron immediately broke ranks and swerved outwards to avoid meeting the same fate. Warheads flew out from underwater and began to somewhat tiredly head for the planes. The skill of the pilots allowed them to avoid the missiles' clumsy attempts.
"This is Nightwhale! We recorded the UCAV's destruction. It was hit by the same missiles as those that just tried to kill you. It seems that they don't have explosive rounds, though, not a single one has ruptured upon landing yet and they don't have good guidance. It seems that they were more of a bombardment weapon. Be careful though, with the radiation the thing is putting out it getting hit could be deadly. Return to the ship and will plan our next phase of action against Nemesis."
The Sub was close to the target. However the object had not responded in any way. Maybe it didn't perceive the sub as a threat and it reall didn't need to. It was unmanned and unarmed. All it did was oserev. Back at LPI HQ readings were coming up on the screen:
Starting Operation.....
Weapon Scan....
Weapons Found
Radioactivity Scan......
Life Scanner
Agent A looked at the screen in shock. Life?
"Is that a mistake? Is the Sub picking up the fish or other life in the area?"
"No Sir. With the radioactivity in the area being that high the fish are all probably dead."
"Switch to Sub Cam."
The camera on board the sub came to life to show the scene in the immediate area. As said before the area was clear of any fish or plant life. It seemed a new discovery had been made about the object.