OOC: Laser rifles and plasma shields:new toys from DARPA
Axis Nova
28-04-2007, 19:31
Well, this certainly has interesting implications for the state of MT and PMT militaries.
Well, this certainly has interesting implications for the state of MT and PMT militaries.
Yeah but how much energy and money would that take, and how would it be better than what we have now?
Oh, hey look at this quote
Force delivery
Braun puts the maximum range of the system at around a hundred metres. But he says the PASS laser is unlikely to be used as a weapon, in its current format, since it lacks sufficient power. Unlike other high-power lasers which burn a target, the DPD relies on a shockwave. Braun says it would take several minutes to burn through a piece of paper using the laser.
Oh darn.
The PeoplesFreedom
28-04-2007, 19:48
The laser system would be questionable only because small arms using bullets now are always becoming more accurate and lethal. We may see them as small arms, but I think for larger guns, IE artillery and MBT's cannons, would use rail gun tech.
The Macabees
28-04-2007, 19:57
On going discussion here: http://z4.invisionfree.com/NSDraftroom/index.php?showtopic=127
What I said:
If they successfully implement the laser on a prototype vehicle in 2009 then chances are that it won't be another decade (or more) until it's actually seriously considered for mass production. This based off the research and development pattern of other 'futuristic' systems. This is assuming that the prototype is developed by 2009, which it may well not be. For example, Japanese companies were supposed to launch orbiting hotels by this year, and they're not close to having the technology necessary for it. I'd like to actually see a working prototype of this plasma shield before jumping to conclusions - I think we've all seen stuff like this fail in the past.
In regards to the laser rifle, there are working prototypes of laser rifles which were tested by the United States military. Apparently though, they sucked. It was the 'Pulsed Impulsive Kill Laser' program that began in 1992, using a solid-state laser. I think the article sums it up, in regards to the rifle:
"The biggest problems with mobile laser systems in the field are the power supply concerns, overall size of the laser and optics, and the tolerance for those optics to endure rapid changes in temperature, airborne particulate and the kinds of vibrations a military platform imparts on its load." Says Braun
The article sort of contradicts itself, or uses bad language:
The US Army hopes, within a few years, to deploy a plasma shield – a machine that generates a protective screen of dazzling mid-air explosions – to stun and disorient an enemy.
And then ...
The PASS laser is due to be tested in 2008, with testing of the full prototype PASS turret on a vehicle in 2009.
In reality, 'within a few years' this system MIGHT only be tested at the prototype stage.
The Macabees
28-04-2007, 20:01
The laser system would be questionable only because small arms using bullets now are always becoming more accurate and lethal. We may see them as small arms, but I think for larger guns, IE artillery and MBT's cannons, would use rail gun tech.
Even railguns are not very modern tech - or very anything prior to say 2030 or beyond. Until we figure out a more economical way of producing efficient compulsators there is no way we can power an electromagnetic weapon in an artillery or tank sized vehicle - the power requirements require too large of a volume of energy storage. Here is a picture of the energy requirements for an ETC, during the 2004 tests with BAE systems of the XM291. The entire rear bustle is a battery:
So basically for late PMT this might be slightly effective. Otherwise (for MT/early PMT) it'll just look fancy.
The PeoplesFreedom
28-04-2007, 20:11
Yes but lasers have large power consumption, as well.
The Macabees
28-04-2007, 20:20
Yes but lasers have large power consumption, as well.
Of course, and I said that. Lasers have greater power consumption. The point remains that neither is really realistic for MT.
The PeoplesFreedom
28-04-2007, 20:22
Yeah, Axis Nova said it would be realistic for PMT, I just thought however, that Rail guns would be used heavily for artilley and tanks, but we wont know till we get there, if we get there.
The Phoenix Milita
28-04-2007, 20:44
these are silly :p