splender and glory forced on the run(MT meets FT)
The four Galaxies
26-04-2007, 21:32
OOC: though this is a FT meets MT sort of RP…I prefer not having any other FT nations get involved…though there will be more involvement from other parts of my nation that can be RPed if someone wants…and maybe I would allow another FT nation in if they tell me why they would be there, and limit themselves(no massive fleets of ships and such…I would prefer being the largest numerically and my main group will consist of only 20-30 ships over 100 meters in length) lastly i know this starting post is a little vague, but its supposed to get clearer later
An Atlantis class City ship dropped out of hyperspace…
Jupiter : “Scan the system for any planet we can set down on.”
Loki: “aye sir.”
Mements later Loki found something sufficent for there needs.
“Sir, I have found a planet, however my scanns indicate that its heavily populated by a primitive people…should we still proceed with the landing?”
“though it may be better if it where unpopulated we can not risk making another move without knowing weather we will find what we need. We must risk contact with them…you said they are primitive?”
“aye sir”
“how much so?”
“scanns indicate that they have at least minimal space fairing abilities, though it seems to consist mostly of satilites”
“alright, we should probably assume that they have some form of defence against attacks from space, and that they have never met someone from another world before…and message the rest of the fleet.”
“aye, sir”
the Atlantis class vessil moved toward the planet and began its decent…they would land in the ocean…though fairly close to shore…
San Serria
26-04-2007, 21:41
A San Serrian F-18 piolt reported a large object land in the ocean near the coast of San Serria
piolt:"This is fox 5 to base, I see a large object going to land at H345,457!"
base:"That location is 2 kms out to sea"
piolt:"Well,that is what happen"
base:"We are going have to report this to high command"
The high command put the San Serrian military on full alert.
The four Galaxies
26-04-2007, 22:08
"Sir, im picking up activity among the people on the land near here...as well an airborn craft has been detected."
"hmmm...send a Jumper to make contact and a flight of F-302s to keep watch over it"
"aye sir"
and so a Puddle Jumper scout ship and four F-302 fighters where sent out to make contact with the unidentified craft and whomever the planet belonged to...
The Civil Bodies
27-04-2007, 00:16
A radar operator on the Civil Bodies ship looked up at Admiural Ol-Del almost getting sea sick just looking up
"Ma'am theres a UFO five kilometers from our position what shall we do?"
Ol-del chuckles "What do you think seaman prepare guns one through eight and make contact, we we're supposed to be alone this far from the federation."
"Aye aye ma'am."
"Unidentified craft this is The Federation of the Civil Bodies battleshiip Presiden Homsh, what is your intention?" the radio officer repeated this messege ten times in tem different languages before turning back to the radar operator "Anything else?"
"Yes sir it seems we wasn't the first here."
The four Galaxies
27-04-2007, 05:23
OOC: I presume you mean the Jumper and F-302s, if not then it could only be the City Ship landing…I’ll thus make a post that can work either way until you confirm it for me :)
“we are receiving a transmission sir, it seems to be in the form of our Tau’ri tech, and in various languages including one that seems similar to the Tau’ri language. To sum it up it says they are from the Federation of the Civil Bodies and that they are a some form of battleship called Presiden Homsh and want to know our intent”
“send them this in all our languages as a reply…President Homsh, our intent differs depending on how you set the time frame, but one thing is certain. You should likely prepare yourselves for trying times ahead. Even if we where to leave now we may be followed here…”
“aye sir”
and so the message was sent
OOC: languages include
Alteran – similar to Latin
Asgard – similar to Old Norse
Goa’uld – similar to Ancient Egyptian
Tau’ri – similar to English
The four Galaxies
27-04-2007, 13:48
27-04-2007, 14:06
I'm joining as my MT nation.
MIN Iron Hand - Kitty Hawk Class Carrier - Imperial 2nd Battle Group
"Sir, an unidenified object has appeared out of no where, multiple contacts moving forward to check it out."
"Aye this could be the discovery of the centuary. Order 4 F-18s to scramble and intercept. All anti-aircraft batteries to be activated. Red alert. Man battlestations!"
"Yes sir!"
Immediately klxons started ringing as the familiar message played throughout the carrier's PA system "This is not a drill. Report to battlestations!"
Throghout the Imperial 2nd Battle Fleet, similar things were going on.
4 F-18s were emergency scrambled and they headed towards the object on full afterburner and began broadcasting on all channels.
"This is the 2nd Imperial Armanda. Surrender or be crushed!"
The four Galaxies
27-04-2007, 21:50
“Sir, it seems we picked a bad place to land…I just picked up a sea based fleet headed this way, they are using aircraft that match the shape of the first we picked up…”
“Our scanners must be worse off then we thought, they send any messages?”
“They called themselves the 2nd Imperial Armanda, though they did not state whether they mean that as a nation name or as the fleets name…sounds like the latter but then they lack the former…”
Loki is cut off before finishing
“They say anything else?”
Loki face becomes sullen
“They also say ‘Surrender or be crushed’…”
“Well, I can’t say that’s a good thing, but I doubt they can penetrate our shield if it’s raised…Minerva, Bastet, ready our defenses”
They acknowledge Jupiter’s orders, and begin preparing fighters and troops, as well as the city weapons systems and shield…
A small scout force is launched, including 4 F-302s, 4 Death Gliders, 4 Darts, and another Puddle Jumper…
"send them this...there will be no surrender, and we advise you not to attack, it would be unwise to provoke us"
the message was likewise sent in all languages of the four galaxies
The four Galaxies
29-04-2007, 21:30
bump(i guess i will add more detail as to the reasons they are on this planet and such later today if i can...in the mean time i hope to get some replies..)
The four Galaxies
30-04-2007, 05:36
The problems of the allied states of the four galaxies started with the death of one of the greatest leaders of there long history. his successors where far weaker and the alliances began breaking. The stronger Goa’uld System Lords, purification favoring Ori Priors, and discontent Wraith Keepers allied together and, at first through diplomacy began expanding the power they wanted slowly more and more Wraith, Origin followers, and Goa’uld began joining them…and it spread…eventually the Asgard , Alterans, and Tau’ri where effected as well…
that’s when the first strike was made, it was aimed against “loyalist” Alteran forces, as they where the strongest of the three races with majority loyal to the current ruler…the following war was devastating as forces of all races fought on both sides…but the initial strikes had done to much…the Alterans where to weak to effectively support the numerically few Asgard, and technologically behind Tau’ri combined with the overall lack of many Goa’uld, Wraith, or Ori forces
the result of the war forced the so called “loyalists” to flee all across the four galaxies they occupied on the many Alteran built Atlantic City ships…and are now relentlessly pursued by the “divisionists”...
The four Galaxies
01-05-2007, 00:09