Bounties placed on the heads of Hatarian officials (Open MT/PMT)
Attention, bounty hunters, mercenaries, assassins, private contractors, etc! The United Kingdom of Ezaltia is currently embroiled in a major war with Hataria and its evil Axis. To help and this conflict quickly and bring those responsible to justice, bounties have been placed on Hatarian officials, living or dead. It is preferable to capture them alive so they can be tried for various war crimes, but we shan't complain if they're killed in the process.
To confirm their death, please email a high-resolution photograph of their bodies to MI6 headquarters ( or drop it by personally at their headquarters in Satine. If they are captured, please bring them to us, Demon666, Shalrirorchia, Wanderjar, Wilhemsborough, Siriusa, or Amazonian Beasts for trial. The bounty presented is for their delivery to an Allied nation. If they are killed, 75% of the bounty shall be paid, and if their location is given to us for our use, 50% of the bounty is yours. The bounties are as follows:
Empress Neherenia "the Conqueror": 2 trillion Ezaltian credits, $750 billion worth in gold, $500 billion worth of conflict diamonds, $2 trillion USD
Grand Shogun Nadia Le Havere: 1.5 trillion Ezaltian credits, $750 billion worth in gold, $2 trillion USD
Crown Princess Galaxia: 1.5 trillion Ezaltian credits, $750 billion worth in gold, $2 trillion USD
Status: Presumed dead
Grand General Asuka: 1 trillion Ezaltian credits, $750 billion worth in gold, $2 trillion USD
Grand Admiral Ryu Minako: 1 trillion Ezaltian credits, $750 billion worth in gold, $2 trillion USD
OOC: Hataria, tell me if I'm missing anyone.
(OOC: So if we want to do this, we should put an appropriate character into one of the war related RPs, correct?)
OOC: Right. Or if you're infiltrating Hataria itself, you could start a new thread.
Mer des Ennuis
25-04-2007, 00:22
An announcement from the State Security Administration of Mer des Ennuis
By order of the Arch Arsonist, 750 billion in gold bullion has been set aside for the live body of any of the aforementioned Hatarians, and an additional 500 billion in conflict diamonds has been set aside for the live body of Empress Neherenia "the Conqueror." They will be added to the Mer des Ennuisian National Museum of Deposed Dictators, and tried-by-proxy for warcrimes in any of the aforentioned warring powers. These assets represent tax-detuctiable income, and will be marked on your W-2 forms.
-Tomas Swietoslaw
Director, State Security Admin.
"Fear Ensures Loyalty"
(OOC: Gotcha. Are any of them being used in a thread?)
(OOC: Gotcha. Are any of them being used in a thread?)
OOC: Well, Galaxia was on a beach in Shalrirorchia, but she got the living crap blasted out of her with 20 Tomahawk missiles. Hat godmodded her surviving, so we're trying to fix that.
25-04-2007, 00:26
The Calizorinstan Intelligance Agency captured someone at the border claiming to be Ryu Minako, although he might just be a mad man. We are flying him in one of our black painted CV-22 Osperys to the M16 HQ in Satine for the M16's investigation, we are happy to drop anyone that clams to be one of your wanted, be they real or not, youmight get some info out of him.
Bob Atwood
Encryted Message from the Knight Agency:
Do you have any detailed information on the targets? Such as suspected location, description any back story at all?. All the Knights need is one bit of information then we can find the trail and hunt these people down.
Knight of V
25-04-2007, 00:37
OOC: Well, Galaxia was on a beach in Shalrirorchia, but she got the living crap blasted out of her with 20 Tomahawk missiles. Hat godmodded her surviving, so we're trying to fix that.
OOC- As noted on that thread, I am in the process of retconning that entire thread. Hataria is simply unrealistic. What's more, he's not particularly detailed or descriptive in his rping. I do not say that to hurt his feelings OOCly, but he does need to learn a little about realistic rping.
(OOC: I concur with Vetaka, we need more about these people.)
Syvrious Hest took a look at the newest bounty postings on his networks website. A few new ones with incredibly high prices were posted by the forces arrayed against Hataria.
"War is always good for business," he commented to himself. He called up his superior, informed him of his intention to go after some of the bounties, and began to gather his stuff together.
Encryted Message from the Knight Agency:
Do you have any detailed information on the targets? Such as suspected location, description any back story at all?. All the Knights need is one bit of information then we can find the trail and hunt these people down.
Knight of V
Neherenia is suspected to be in Tangalee, or at least the Hatarian homeland somewhere. She rose to power when a Questarian nuclear attack killed her mother Serena. Since then, she has fought relentlessy and stolen speeches from video games. *Also sends several photographs*
Nadia's location is unknown. She may be in Tangalee as well, although scattered reports place her in Hatarian China. Not much is known about her, although she has two children and an on-again-off-again relationship with an Allanean diplomat. Prone to violent outbursts, and has a curious affinity for dead children and breaking furniture. *Sends photos*
Galaxia is presumed dead on a Shalrirorchian beach after an intense cruise missile strike.
Asuka has been confirmed to be in the Hatarian invasion fleet in Shalrirorchia as well. Minako's location is unknown.
25-04-2007, 00:46
Col.John Macked lead the prisoner up the steps to the Ezaltian M16 HQ in Saltine, he thought "It may be the wrong guy, but he's clamied he's Minokou so, I guess I'll lead him in" It had been a long flight, but if the info about the prisoner was right, worth it.
25-04-2007, 00:50
The Errikan Empire, while not condemning all parties involved, would like to express its disdain for these bounties, which seem to be a very cowardly way to fight one's enemies.
Col.John Macked lead the prisoner up the steps to the Ezaltian M16 HQ in Saltine, he thought "It may be the wrong guy, but he's clamied he's Minokou so, I guess I'll lead him in" It had been a long flight, but if the info about the prisoner was right, worth it.
Arthur Pomeroy greeted the Calizoristani colonel in the lobby, and two armed guards took the prisoner away to what was known only as "the dungeon." "Thanks, chap," Pomeroy said. "We'll determine the veracity of his claim, and we'll wire the money to you if he's the real deal. Would you like some tea before you leave?"
Meanwhile, the man was thrown onto a chair and strapped in tightly. Sergeant Major Richard Douglas entered the room shortly after, his huge frame dominating the doorway. The collar of his black uniform bore the crossed swords of Special Forces, although they were hard to see in the pale light. "Let's talk, shall we?"
The door slammed shut.
25-04-2007, 00:57
ooc: why do I get a distinct feeling of deja vu when reading this thread..
I could have sworn this has been tried before, repeatedly..He just refuses to let anything bad happen to his high goverment, period, even if he has to god mod his way out of situations to do so.
Amazonian Beasts
25-04-2007, 01:03
Official Amazonian Governmental Proclamation
In an effort to spur support and interest in these bounties, the Amazonian Dominion will throw in an equal amount to the original bounty for the live capture of these officials for trial of war crimes.
-Emperor Kyp Droma
25-04-2007, 01:04
Col.John Macked said "I would love to have some tea,(he sat down in the chair offered him) If my assumption was correct, our local communist were hiding him, if he was the real deal, I can see why and how they hid him. First, I think Hatria might have paid the CCP to hide him. Oh I forgot to introduce my self, I am John Macked head of our "Falcon" special operations team. We found our prisoner at our borders, he was in a van, with just another person, who we don't think was of any value, we checked him, but we have taken him to the CIA. Any guesses as to where the rest of them are Mr.Pomeroy?" He smiled, and awaited the response.
Demon 666
25-04-2007, 02:06
Ezaltia: what's the point? You know as well as I do that if we hired 50 of the best assasins in the world, they wouldn't be abel to kill even the lowest bureaucrat in the Hatarian government.
If you get a clear shot, Hataria will post some crap on how the bullets bounced off Nehrenia, and then there will be 50 of those CT tanks that suddenly appear and blast the shit out of the assasin.
I'm not paying shit. This isn't worth it.
25-04-2007, 02:07
By order of His Imperial Grace, the Reich would like to boost the bounties by 2 trillion dollars each, which it will pay it self. Hopefully, this will offer more incentive for people to collect on them.
-Reich Foreign Ministry-
Ezaltia: what's the point? You know as well as I do that if we hired 50 of the best assasins in the world, they wouldn't be abel to kill even the lowest bureaucrat in the Hatarian government.
If you get a clear shot, Hataria will post some crap on how the bullets bounced off Nehrenia, and then there will be 50 of those CT tanks that suddenly appear and blast the shit out of the assasin.
I'm not paying shit. This isn't worth it.
OOC: You're probably right, but you don't have to pay the bounty if you don't want to. I'll update the bounties with everyone else's bonuses.
IC: "Arthur Pomeroy," the MI6 man replied, shaking Macked's hand. "I was a lieutenant colonel in the SAS before they recruited me here."
He took a sip of his own tea before answering the Calizoristani's question. "We've been running scenarios for a proposed strike into Tangalee to capture Neherenia or Nadia, but we really don't quite know where most of these bastards are."
Just then, a uniformed lieutenant tapped Pomeroy on the shoulder and whispered something in his ear. "Well, bollocks," Pomeroy frowned. "It appears we have the wrong person, Colonel. Sorry for your trouble."
Two enlisted men escorted the Minoku lookalike back to Macked. Pomeroy shook the colonel's hand again and handed him a small bottle of champagne. "Have this for your efforts."
Hurtful Thoughts
25-04-2007, 05:46
This was OKed by Hataria, right?
I'm considering this RP, mostly due to a rather large surplus of spare time, and in hopes Hataria may get better if given a chance, guidance, and no small amount of positive encouragement.
Provided, of course, he's willing to let someone try bumping him off with a reasoable chance that they are successful.
Syvrious Hest got off the plane and onto the helicopter that would transport him to the area of the target he had chosen, Grand General Azuka. He was being taken by a private helicopter from which he would contact the local forces and begin his mission.
29-04-2007, 15:19
Official Response
The Reformed Democratic State of Naasha has reviewed the request of our ally the United Kingdom of Ezaltia. Full copies of your proposed targets and rewards will be distributed to the correct organisations within Greater Naasha. In addition to this, Naashan Domestic Security has issued arrest on sight warrants for all of those named, can you provide any pictures of these individuals?
[Encrypted Message]
To: Ezaltia
From: Vickers Private Defense, Inc.
Vickers Private Defense, Inc. is not opposed to the deployment of strategic nuclear weapons in order to collect massive bounties - so long as our name is kept quiet. Can you place any of those people you want eliminate within any one city with 100 perfect confidence?
OOC: This has been linked to in the OOC thread, now it'll be easier to get to.
Top Secret message from Fieldmarshal Alexander Kirillovich Kazansky to Nadia
Dear Nadia!
Do you remember our wonderful kiss? I personally do and it was in fact the best kiss I experienced in a while. Due to that, and due to the fact I see long-term Allanean state interest in this, I am offering you and all those you find personally dear to you, shelter in any of Allanea's Permanent Strategic Forts. In multikilometer-depth strategic shelters, you will find that none of those who might wish to harm you will succeed in it.
Then we have all the time in the world to plan the rebuilding of Hataria's might together.
And that was a great kiss.
Sincerely yours,
Alexander Kazansky
02-05-2007, 09:58
To confirm their death, please email a high-resolution photograph of their bodies to MI6 headquarters ( or drop it by personally at their headquarters in Satine.
In the interests of the public good, and to save you the humiliation of being cheated out of such an immense quantity of funds, I should point out that a photograph is easily faked with the use of graphics software packages. You would be far better off to ask for a life-crucial part of the body in a condition to be tested for DNA, such as, say, the head, or the heart. The entire body would of course be ideal.
In the event that someone still attempts to cheat you by cloning the target and killing the clone, there are still markers you can watch for; contrary to popular belief, a clone is not a perfect copy, and I can provide more information on these 'red flags' if you are interested.
Just thought I should point this out.
~Lord Celebrimbor nos Fëanor
Prefect of Science and Education
Eternal Noldorin Empire of Menelmacar