20-04-2007, 11:33
Nuclear plant 16km away from Constante Explodes
Yesterday, a massive explosion rocked Constante. Amazingly, it was 16km away. Reports from sattlite images shows that the nuclear powerplant has explode with no real proof how it happened. The nearby town of Kanhnska is totally wiped out, around 2,000 Kansiovians are killed.
Radio active dust has scattered all over the country and Kansiovan experts say Most of the countries around Kansiov will be affected too. Currently no word has been said by President Attontov on why and how it happened. Constante is the most badly hit city in Kansiov and we urge everyone to stay indoors. The backup Nuclear powerplant will be put into action 2 days from now.
Yesterday, a massive explosion rocked Constante. Amazingly, it was 16km away. Reports from sattlite images shows that the nuclear powerplant has explode with no real proof how it happened. The nearby town of Kanhnska is totally wiped out, around 2,000 Kansiovians are killed.
Radio active dust has scattered all over the country and Kansiovan experts say Most of the countries around Kansiov will be affected too. Currently no word has been said by President Attontov on why and how it happened. Constante is the most badly hit city in Kansiov and we urge everyone to stay indoors. The backup Nuclear powerplant will be put into action 2 days from now.