18-04-2007, 15:39
Hotdogs2 Foreign Office announcement
The Free Republic of Hotdogs2, a large nation with billions of citizens and a powerful economy, has decided that the time has long passed since it opened its borders to foreign officials on diplomatic missions to the nation. As such, several experienced diplomats, secret services personnel and other civil servants met to discuss a new policy on embassies within Hotdogs2. During the past it had not been the done thing to have embassies with many countries within the nation, however with the new foreign interests shown by the government, such as the possibility of extending national water boundaries to the same as those of its regional neighbours, and expanding military trade relations with other international powers leant weight to expanding embassy numbers within the diplomatic capital. The results of the meeting was to set up an investigation into the Feasibility of a new embassy exchange program. As a result of the investigation a new law has been passed by the national assembly which has opened Hotdogs2 to new embassies. The new law, the International Diplomatic Embassies act, passed with such an overwhelming majority that it has been immediately implemented, and all nations are now free to request an embassy within Hotdogs2.
Infinitus Libertas et Pacis
On a more practical level, the following guidelines are set out to aid a nation seeking an embassy.
Expectations by Hotdogs2
1. Any nation creating an embassy within Hotdogs2 must submit the Embassy exchange form, following the rules listed with the said form.
2. All nations with an embassy in Hotdogs2 are expected to allow a Hotdian Embassy within their nations diplomatic capital.
3. Should the president, Vice-president or government request the ambassador they are to carry out the instructions immediately.
4. Embassy staff will follow Hotdian laws whilst in the nation, although the actual embassy grounds will be national territory of that nation.
5. In the event of breaking diplomatic ties, war or any other reason for evacuation of the embassy Hotdogs2 will do its best to evacuate embassy staff but it may be expected that they do so themselves.
6. As such, Hotdogs2 reserves the right to hold foreign officials within Hotdian laws if they are suspected of a crime, and may also be expelled from the nation.
In return Hotdogs2 will do its utmost to protect embassy staff and ensure their security, as such when needed military personnel will be available and information on any threats will be readily available. The embassy will be expected to host formal gatherings and social meetings as well as the ambassador to attend such gatherings which they are invited to whenever possible.
Form for embassy creation in Hotdogs2
Note- Limits and rules are listed, please delete when returning application
Ambassadors name:
Nation Represented:
Family present: Yes/No -number-
General Embassy staff: (35 max, not including security)
Security staff: (no more than 20)
Vehicles: (no more than 17, including 2 helicopters)
Other information: (optional)
Rules- Only security staff may be armed, and this is only possible whilst on embassy grounds, unless prior permission has been requested. No heavy weaponry is allowed, only small arms with no more than a total of 25 primary(up to sniper and assault rifle type) and 25 secondary weapons(Revolvers and Pistols only). Explosives are not allowed. Vehicles must be of a civilian type although they may be armour plated and carry advanced, military communication systems and other modifications. Vehicle types are expected to be listed and they will also be expected to carry the national flag when carrying foreign officials.
Nations Involved in Embassy exchanges
Hotdogs2 Foreign Office announcement
The Free Republic of Hotdogs2, a large nation with billions of citizens and a powerful economy, has decided that the time has long passed since it opened its borders to foreign officials on diplomatic missions to the nation. As such, several experienced diplomats, secret services personnel and other civil servants met to discuss a new policy on embassies within Hotdogs2. During the past it had not been the done thing to have embassies with many countries within the nation, however with the new foreign interests shown by the government, such as the possibility of extending national water boundaries to the same as those of its regional neighbours, and expanding military trade relations with other international powers leant weight to expanding embassy numbers within the diplomatic capital. The results of the meeting was to set up an investigation into the Feasibility of a new embassy exchange program. As a result of the investigation a new law has been passed by the national assembly which has opened Hotdogs2 to new embassies. The new law, the International Diplomatic Embassies act, passed with such an overwhelming majority that it has been immediately implemented, and all nations are now free to request an embassy within Hotdogs2.
Infinitus Libertas et Pacis
On a more practical level, the following guidelines are set out to aid a nation seeking an embassy.
Expectations by Hotdogs2
1. Any nation creating an embassy within Hotdogs2 must submit the Embassy exchange form, following the rules listed with the said form.
2. All nations with an embassy in Hotdogs2 are expected to allow a Hotdian Embassy within their nations diplomatic capital.
3. Should the president, Vice-president or government request the ambassador they are to carry out the instructions immediately.
4. Embassy staff will follow Hotdian laws whilst in the nation, although the actual embassy grounds will be national territory of that nation.
5. In the event of breaking diplomatic ties, war or any other reason for evacuation of the embassy Hotdogs2 will do its best to evacuate embassy staff but it may be expected that they do so themselves.
6. As such, Hotdogs2 reserves the right to hold foreign officials within Hotdian laws if they are suspected of a crime, and may also be expelled from the nation.
In return Hotdogs2 will do its utmost to protect embassy staff and ensure their security, as such when needed military personnel will be available and information on any threats will be readily available. The embassy will be expected to host formal gatherings and social meetings as well as the ambassador to attend such gatherings which they are invited to whenever possible.
Form for embassy creation in Hotdogs2
Note- Limits and rules are listed, please delete when returning application
Ambassadors name:
Nation Represented:
Family present: Yes/No -number-
General Embassy staff: (35 max, not including security)
Security staff: (no more than 20)
Vehicles: (no more than 17, including 2 helicopters)
Other information: (optional)
Rules- Only security staff may be armed, and this is only possible whilst on embassy grounds, unless prior permission has been requested. No heavy weaponry is allowed, only small arms with no more than a total of 25 primary(up to sniper and assault rifle type) and 25 secondary weapons(Revolvers and Pistols only). Explosives are not allowed. Vehicles must be of a civilian type although they may be armour plated and carry advanced, military communication systems and other modifications. Vehicle types are expected to be listed and they will also be expected to carry the national flag when carrying foreign officials.
Nations Involved in Embassy exchanges