NationStates Jolt Archive

OOC: Allanea vs. FOE

17-04-2007, 14:31
As continued from some other thread:

The plot idea so far.

Free Outer Eugenian Anarchists attacking targets in Allanea. For example, they could assassinate an Ashtonbury Brigade Colonel (Ashtonbury Brigade is of course the Allanean answer to the Rumbiak Brigade. It's lead by the William Ashtonbury, Iansisle let me RP him). Accidentally they also kill some bystanders (they wouldn't probably do so intentionally), and of course you could top it off by leaving messages denigrating my society and the honorary Queen Miriel.

My questions:

1.What percentage of FOE lives in cities?
2.What percentage of Eugenians use cars, and what types are most common (SUV's? Supercompacts?)
3.What does FOE have for an air-force?
4.What is there in FOE that my army could steal? (crops? Oil? Gems? Weaponry?)
5.What is the most popular food?
Free Outer Eugenia
17-04-2007, 14:58
As continued from some other thread:

The plot idea so far.

Free Outer Eugenian Anarchists attacking targets in Allanea. For example, they could assassinate an Ashtonbury Brigade Colonel (Ashtonbury Brigade is of course the Allanean answer to the Rumbiak Brigade. It's lead by the William Ashtonbury, Iansisle let me RP him). Accidentally they also kill some bystanders (they wouldn't probably do so intentionally), and of course you could top it off by leaving messages denigrating my society and the honorary Queen Miriel.

My questions:

1.What percentage of FOE lives in cities?
2.What percentage of Eugenians use cars, and what types are most common (SUV's? Supercompacts?)
3.What does FOE have for an air-force?
4.What is there in FOE that my army could steal? (crops? Oil? Gems? Weaponry?)
5.What is the most popular food?
Most of the population resides in the 17 'green cities.' The countryside is sparsely populated. People generally get around by maglev. Though there are some hybrid (electric/biodiesel) vehicles available for general use, most of this kind of transportation is reserved for emergency services. The cities were built with walking in mind.

Most residents of the rural communes travel by burro and mule when traveling between villiges as a matter of preference, but use electric/biodiesel vehicles when convenient.

Free Outer Eugenia does not have much in the way of an air force, but I belive that Constantinopolis does. As do many other nations located in Aperin and Alcaeria.

Outer Eugenia has copper, zinc and gem mines. The cities are filed with potentially valuable artwork.
As for stealing weaponry: out of our cold dead hands;)

The International Brigades don't do 'hits' by the way. That's not how they roll. They are more into assisting people's liberation movements and liberating political prisoners.

EDIT: Oh right, food! Agricultural products and fish mostly.
17-04-2007, 15:06
As for stealing weaponry: out of our cold dead hands;)

It was customary for the US military in WWI to let troops keep captured weapons. Still is in Allanea.

The International Brigades don't do 'hits' by the way. That's not how they roll. They are more into assisting people's liberation movements and liberating political prisoners.

Political prisoners? In Allanea? For the record, Anarchists (capital-anarchists mind) control 15% of our Direct Online Democratic Congress between them. There's also a genuine problem in convicting even real criminals.

If you want to get rid of someone political in Allanea, you just try and challenge him to a duel and hope he accepts and doesn't kill you.

But still. The Ashtonbury Brigade is responsible for waging horrible offensive-guerilla warfare in support of Knootian and Chimaean forces in Colombia, stealing Ashtonbury from Iansislean justice, this sort of thing. They also aided President Palmer in Farmina (I THINK, I am not sure), and the Protestant militias in Dearsrargle), as well as the right-wing government in Dyelli Beybi. Wouldn't it count as helping the oppressed to shoot the military commanders of the Brigade?

P.S. Yes, but what KIND of agricultural products? Rice? Wheat? Bananas?
Free Outer Eugenia
17-04-2007, 15:24
It was customary for the US military in WWI to let troops keep captured weapons. Still is in Allanea.

Political prisoners? In Allanea? For the record, Anarchists (capital-anarchists mind) control 15% of our Direct Online Democratic Congress between them. There's also a genuine problem in convicting even real criminals.

If you want to get rid of someone political in Allanea, you just try and challenge him to a duel and hope he accepts and doesn't kill you.

But still. The Ashtonbury Brigade is responsible for waging horrible offensive-guerilla warfare in support of Knootian and Chimaean forces in Colombia, stealing Ashtonbury from Iansislean justice, this sort of thing. They also aided President Palmer in Farmina (I THINK, I am not sure), and the Protestant militias in Dearsrargle), as well as the right-wing government in Dyelli Beybi. Wouldn't it count as helping the oppressed to shoot the military commanders of the Brigade?

P.S. Yes, but what KIND of agricultural products? Rice? Wheat? Bananas?Did I mention that Inner Eugenia has rich oil reserves?

Rice, yes but Not so much wheat. FOE is subtropical. Bananas, mangoes, pineapples. Some peaches too. And pears. Mmmm... guava. Lots of fruit, Ok? Beans too.

Well, if this bastard is some sort of a 'contra' butcher, then the International Brigades would be most likely to execute him in the field while he's taking a piss in the woods or celebrating the massacre of a village.

EDIT: for the purpose of dealing with FOE 'capital anarchists' are not anarchists. And what I mean about the weapons is that you won't find any that aren't being fired at you.
17-04-2007, 15:33
Well I suppose there are some regular anarcho-syndicalists whom you could break out of prison.My prisons are mostly far outside civilised inhabited areas. They're not nice or progressive by any means. Think Alkatraz.

Feel free to write a report about a succefful breakout. The best way is to intercept a prisoner truck while it's headed from/to a courtroom - Allanea is hugely imperialist, and as such it has lots of vast uninhabited areas in which the truck can be intercepted. I suggest OOCly that you leave inflammatory brochures insulting the Queen Miriel and the Allaneans (who are in many ways very 'redneckish', love pickup trucks, guns, and capitalism. Corporate CEO's are a bit of celebrities in Allanea, so there's lots of stuff you can mock). The more you piss off the Allaneans, the more likely will they be to jump on the excuse and invade you.

Further, I'm sure if some militiaman gets killed it's at going to be sometimes possible to rip the AK-47 out of said cold-dead hands. Sometimes of course the comrades will pick up the gun and escape with it, but you know what I mean.
Free Outer Eugenia
17-04-2007, 15:35
In my battlefield execution scenario, you can use the presence of armed Outer Eugenians in a conflict to which they were not an official party as a pretext for escalation.
17-04-2007, 15:35
In my battlefield execution scenario, you can use the presence of armed Outer Eugenians in a conflict to which they were not an official party as a pretext for escalation.

I wouldn't unless they're associatd with your international 'freedom fighter' group - there's way too many armed Allaneans fighting on all sorts of sides all over the world, for that. In fact, if you executed someone outside the borders of Allanea and he was such a volunteer,my government would not likely care unless he was very prominent. This is why the Ashtonbury Brigade colonels don't travel outside the country.

Note it's easy to attack targets inside Allanea - just get in on a fake passport, and then you can easily get around. There aren't even drivers' licenses.
Free Outer Eugenia
17-04-2007, 15:46
In that case, we'll have to scrap the entire project. FOE has no official fighting force. The International Brigades are basically civil society groups. They work in such a way as not to embroil anyone else in their activities. Frankly, you can just buy the lease on Eugenia's mineral resources from it's old colonial masters and sail on in to claim it. I believe that there are still a few years on it.

Free Outer Eugenia's independence was never officially recognized by the corporations that used to own it. It's been 80 years, but they had a 100 year lease.
17-04-2007, 17:48
In that case, we'll have to scrap the entire project. FOE has no official fighting force. The International Brigades are basically civil society groups.

I am aware of this. I was thinking targetting your coast guard and whatever headquarts/whatever the IB has associated with it, and then expanding/escalating our attacks as the militias undoubtedly rise up to defend. The second stage would be to land the army and try and fighti with as little losses to both sides as possible (thought we would naturally get more evil if we get angrier, as people are wont to). This is not due to some kindness of Allanea, but because my government actually cares about it's media image at home.

Free Outer Eugenia's independence was never officially recognized by the corporations that used to own it. It's been 80 years, but they had a 100 year lease.

...owned? By corporations? like the East-India company?

P.S. In this case, we would likely purchase said lease AFTER war begins, so we wouldn't have to share any spoils.

P.P.S. You could/should consider attacking Allanean military stuff, after all we're legally at war with several communist nations, which repeatedly goes hot - think of the recent revolution in Agujero.
17-04-2007, 18:05
Ah, shite, it's 3AM and I am really, really drunk right now, but I need to tag this, because it is likely that Beth Gellert will put a large part of its 8.7bln population and f'ning economy into preserving FOE and its status quo. Too wasted to do more, right now.
17-04-2007, 18:17
Well. Do we want to fight an 'Allanea vs. All of Aperin' war? I know I kind of don't - not just because tha'ts an entirely different ball game, but also such a thing will inevitably become a bitchfest.

Besides, I thought FOE wants to RP his brigades and their actions as they fight the Allanean aggressor and stuff like that.
Free Outer Eugenia
18-04-2007, 02:16
I think you're right Allana. It'll never work. FOE would never spurn it's well-armed allies' offers of aid IC (in fact it would actively solicit them) and I would not ask them to ignore a hostile fleet OOC because this would simply be unrealistic. If the government of Alanea wants to have a conflict with the people of Free Outer Eugenia, it would have to accept the consequences of invading a founding CACE member in the middle of Aperin-Alçaera. Or it would have to think of something more interesting then outright invasion.
18-04-2007, 17:55
Well, I could bring my allies in as well. :D

But don't worry. I'm not going to actually physically invade (as in, land ground forces) until after a long and creative back-and-forth of various other stuff my military has in his pocket.

Remember I have a huge creative warfare division.

So, because I like this idea very much, I have an idea. Why don't you post your attack on me, and I'll, uh, consider a retaliation. :D
18-04-2007, 20:01
[scratches chin]

Heh, I can see the Beddgelens causing so much trouble for potential allies once I get back into more regular RPing.

"Come on, assassinate him! He's a ****er! Just do it."

"Weeeell, that's not really the way we roll."

"He's open! Shoot him!"

"Couldn't we just stage a prot..."

"...Gimme that!" [Bang!] [Thud] "Ah, here, have your gun back." [Rapid footfalls heading away]

Really, though, if hot-head Celtic left-communists can in anyway help to bring about an interesting conflict, possibly by abusing Eugenian trust, look no further ;)

(Yeah, all right, I only came here, tonight, after an ego-search revealed that I'd posted something the other day! Carry on.)