What would the world be like if.....
South Lizasauria
17-04-2007, 07:09
All the pollution in the world suddenly became pudding or jello mix? :p
South Lizasauria
17-04-2007, 07:10
smeg wrong forum. Can somebody move this please?
17-04-2007, 07:23
...I'd probably just go and get a big spoon.
~ Romandeos.
If all the polution were Jello, I would make a giant, raspberry flavored trampoline.
(> <)
Los Angeles would taste really, really good.
17-04-2007, 07:37
Los Angeles would taste really, really good.
Not as good as some Third World countries would taste.
~ Romandeos.
South Lizasauria
17-04-2007, 07:42
The Philipines would be a giant tapoica pie. :p
Oooooooh! Sewage treatment plants would just be like giant fountains of milkshake... mmmmmmmmmm...
South Lizasauria
17-04-2007, 07:56
Oooooooh! Sewage treatment plants would just be like giant fountains of milkshake... mmmmmmmmmm...
17-04-2007, 08:01
I'll gladly second that.
~ Romandeos.
Wait, would that mean people would be 'excreting' pudding and jello too? Cuz then that Goatse*cough* thing would take on a whole new meaning...
This thread just took a turn for the worse.