Norse First Party Wins Near Majority of Scandinvan Parliament (MT)
The Scandinvans
15-04-2007, 21:18
Imperial News Network (INN):
Today all the votes have been tallied and the results are listed at the end of this new report as currently will be discussing the results that the party of Norse First has been able to achieve in this election.
Yet, it turns out in a most unexpected result the Norse Party has won 479 seats of the Scandinvan Parliament which will enable them to secure nearly all the resolutions, acts, taxes, and laws that they wish to pass through due to sympathy votes from other parties and by the people of the Empire pressuring members of Parliament to vote in favor of Norse First bills.
The radical and a near White Supremacist party of Norse peoples who make up the majority of the people of the Empire. With this win though there is much concern that they might be able to enact laws which will basically cut off the flow of immigrants whom are not European and in turn cut off a near majority of the people who migrate to this country and supply a good source of labor and flow capita into the Empire. Expanding up this there is a fear that the Norse First might well initiate laws which against the current foreign population and the racial minorities in the Empire as they see them as a taint upon the high Scandinvan culture and most be prevented from harming the Empire.
As well, the group has already proposed a number of bills which will make it illegal for non-European people to enter the Empire as immigrants, force non-Christians to pay higher taxes, implement the laws which make it illegal for the Valgardian elite and Scandinvan royal family to marry outside their circles to insure the purity of the ruling class of the Scandinvans, expand the authority of Parliament over the police and national militias, and a whole parade of other proposals.
For this though the nation now looks to the Emperor who may dissolve Parliament if there is a general co census of fear or oppression within Parliament which was designed from any one party from controlling the entire nation which may well be true now. As of yet though the Emperor has chosen not to act and though has refused to allow any bill to pass granting Parliament control of the Imperial armed forced.
So for the time the nation shall be in a stand off as the more liberal parts of Parliament face off with the radical Norse First Party and her allies which shall surely be a show down soon enough.
Lady Erida out.
Election Results:
Imperialists: 273 seats
Traditionalists: 21 seats
Conservatives: 38 seats
Nobles: 28 seats
Norse First: 479 Seats
Veterans: 14 Seats
Christian Fundamentalists: 36 Seats
Pagan Revivalists: 11 Seats
Green: 17 Seats
Communists: 9 Seats
Liberals: 25 Seats
Socialist: 5 Seats
Secularists: 12 Seats
Non-Citizen Rights: 4 Seats
Republic: 4 Seats
Democracy Now: 6 Seats
Merchant: 8 Seats
Peoples Rights: 15 Seats
Unionists: 4 Seats
Leftists: 2 Seats
Federals: 3 Seats
Environmentalists: 1 Seats
Constitutionalists: 7 Seats
All For One: 3 Seats
The Scandinvans
16-04-2007, 02:06
Immigrate Deportation Numbers:
So Far:
To Come:
Immigrants that shall Lose Visas:
The Scandinvans
16-04-2007, 02:08
OOC: After here it is okay to make commments/responses.
16-04-2007, 02:31
OOC: After here it is okay to make commments/responses.
OOC: Cool.
IC: We note your recent election results, and congratulate the victorious party; though we cannot support some of your policies, most notably laws regarding who can marry whom, we admire your commitment to preservation of your nation's cultural identity. Additionally, we were curious about your party's policies on other issues, such as economy and foreign matters.
The Scandinvans
16-04-2007, 02:38
OOC: Cool.
IC: We note your recent election results, and congratulate the victorious party; though we cannot support some of your policies, most notably laws regarding who can marry whom, we admire your commitment to preservation of your nation's cultural identity. Additionally, we were curious about your party's policies on other issues, such as economy and foreign matters.OOC: To note in the Opening of Africa thread we have expanded into South America so now come and claim some of those delicious Latino chicas.
IC: Regarding our foreign affairs targets we in favoring of using the armed forces of the Empire to keep order in the smaller nations of the world when they either under attack internally or externally.
As for our economic we are in favor of having a more free market economy with foreign companies run by Europeans to enter the country and also expanding the job market and securing the future for our descendents. Though we are pro-business we shall endeavor to preserve the natural beauty of the Empire and in expanding the current number of national and provincial parks to include some of the remaining ‘true’ wilderness of the Empire.
Party Chief
Reginald Stenik
16-04-2007, 03:09
OOC: To note in the Opening of Africa thread we have expanded into South America so now come and claim some of those delicious Latino chicas.
IC: Regarding our foreign affairs targets we in favoring of using the armed forces of the Empire to keep order in the smaller nations of the world when they either under attack internally or externally.
As for our economic we are in favor of having a more free market economy with foreign companies run by Europeans to enter the country and also expanding the job market and securing the future for our descendents. Though we are pro-business we shall endeavor to preserve the natural beauty of the Empire and in expanding the current number of national and provincial parks to include some of the remaining ‘true’ wilderness of the Empire.
Party Chief
Reginald Stenik
OOC: I personally prefer the Aryan (Nordic, not Indian or Iranian) ladies, but I will look into that
IC: We fully respect those stances, as they are far from dissimilar from our own. On a side note, Errikan companies, most notably Weapson and major subsidiaries, would like to open business in your nation; they will fully respect your enviornmental laws as they do our own. Also, should you be interested, agricultural exporters could provide you with agricultural products, most notably food stuffs, at very low prices (we are currently on the verge of overproduction).
The Scandinvans
16-04-2007, 03:26
OOC: I personally prefer the Aryan (Nordic, not Indian or Iranian) ladies, but I will look into that
IC: We fully respect those stances, as they are far from dissimilar from our own. On a side note, Errikan companies, most notably Weapson and major subsidiaries, would like to open business in your nation; they will fully respect your enviornmental laws as they do our own. Also, should you be interested, agricultural exporters could provide you with agricultural products, most notably food stuffs, at very low prices (we are currently on the verge of overproduction).OOC: I basically like all ladies equally, but since I am a pure Nord, esintially, I see it as my duty to have pretty little children who do not tan well.;) Yet, in all essence I am the product of selective breeding in my family, mine sadly was a praticoner of genetic superiorty for a while in the form of choosing suitable White people to produce so unfourantely my family will not let me marry someone whom is not smart, though races does not matter anymore. To note I do see it as my part to prove the Germans wrong that there will be blonde kids outside of Finland in the next century.;)
IC: We fully agree to allow your people to import weapons into the Empire, though we discourge the sale of weapons capable with armor piericing capablities though, otherwise feel free to sell away and the military may well look into your supplies after some research and testing of your products.
Sadly to say though agricultural imports into the Empire are not needed as we export huge amounts of food due to the fact about 5 percent of our population are still farmers and our Empire does not feed imports at all.
Party Chief
Reginald Stenik
16-04-2007, 04:36
OOC: I basically like all ladies equally, but since I am a pure Nord, esintially, I see it as my duty to have pretty little children who do not tan well.;) Yet, in all essence I am the product of selective breeding in my family, mine sadly was a praticoner of genetic superiorty for a while in the form of choosing suitable White people to produce so unfourantely my family will not let me marry someone whom is not smart, though races does not matter anymore. To note I do see it as my part to prove the Germans wrong that there will be blonde kids outside of Finland in the next century.;)
IC: We fully agree to allow your people to import weapons into the Empire, though we discourge the sale of weapons capable with armor piericing capablities though, otherwise feel free to sell away and the military may well look into your supplies after some research and testing of your products.
Sadly to say though agricultural imports into the Empire are not needed as we export huge amounts of food due to the fact about 5 percent of our population are still farmers and our Empire does not feed imports at all.
Party Chief
Reginald Stenik
OOC: Yeah, it's nothing against them, I just find the pigment challenged girls more attractive. I had not heard that thing you mentioned about the Germans, however.
The Scandinvans
16-04-2007, 04:38
OOC: Yeah, it's nothing against them, I just find the pigment challenged girls more attractive. I had not heard that thing you mentioned about the Germans, however.OOC: I am challenged in pigment, though I do tan, which goes away in a few weeks. Here is the link though:
16-04-2007, 04:43
OOC: I am challenged in pigment, though I do tan, which goes away in a few weeks. Here is the link though:
OOC: Being recessive does not mean that it is any less likely to be passed on, it just means that it does not show in the presence of other, more dominant, genes. This means that, though the frequency of visibility will go down, it will still be passed on just as much.
The Scandinvans
16-04-2007, 05:05
OOC: Being recessive does not mean that it is any less likely to be passed on, it just means that it does not show in the presence of other, more dominant, genes. This means that, though the frequency of visibility will go down, it will still be passed on just as much.OOC: I know it was more of a joke though. To state though I just like proving Germans wrong.;)
16-04-2007, 05:10
OOC: I know it was more of a joke though. To state though I just like proving Germans wrong.;)
OOC: I see :D
The Scandinvans
16-04-2007, 05:18
OOC: I see :DOOC: Good, good, man do I have a tendency to start a good liitle OOC chat.
16-04-2007, 05:24
OOC: Good, good, man do I have a tendency to start a good liitle OOC chat.
OOC: As do I. They are quite enjoyable, so long as you are not stealing someone's thread :p
16-04-2007, 05:25
Norsefire?! Didn't V blow up your parliments...!? :eek: :eek:
-Reich Foreign Ministry-
The Scandinvans
16-04-2007, 05:42
Norsefire?! Didn't V blow up your parliments...!? :eek: :eek:
-Reich Foreign Ministry-Nope, we just chose the name Norse First in order to have our name be literal to our cause.:D
OOC: As do I. They are quite enjoyable, so long as you are not stealing someone's thread :pOOC: Me steals my own thread.
16-04-2007, 05:50
In all seriousness, while the Reich firmly maintains that the Tocrowkian ethnicity is superior to all others, Norse peoples included, we applaud this effort to maintain the racial purity of your nation. We wish you luck.
-Reich Foreign Ministry-
The Scandinvans
16-04-2007, 06:01
In all seriousness, while the Reich firmly maintains that the Tocrowkian ethnicity is superior to all others, Norse peoples included, we applaud this effort to maintain the racial purity of your nation. We wish you luck.
-Reich Foreign Ministry-We thank you as we are planning to expand our laws over non-Europeans to preserve our culture and people further so as to secure nation for our children and all of their descendents in which they can be proud of their lineage and have a culture not tainted by other peoples’ cultures.
Party Chief
Reginald Stenik
16-04-2007, 10:36
Olmedreca wishes to congratulate Norse First for winning parlamentary elections. We have succesfully preserved our own Fenno-Ugric culture by keeping immigration practically non-existant and we suggests same method to Norse First.
ooc: I assume that those Norse First guys have nothing aganist my Fenno-Ugric people(mainly Estonians and Finnish).
The Scandinvans
16-04-2007, 22:11
Olmedreca;12549230']Olmedreca wishes to congratulate Norse First for winning parlamentary elections. We have succesfully preserved our own Fenno-Ugric culture by keeping immigration practically non-existant and we suggests same method to Norse First.
ooc: I assume that those Norse First guys have nothing aganist my Fenno-Ugric people(mainly Estonians and Finnish).We thank you for your sympathy though agree that we have to preserve our people and culture we do believe however that we should keep immigration open so as allow other European peoples to enter our country in order for them to be able to live in a true European culture in the face of the growing diversity of many other nations of the world whom have now abandoned their ancient roots.
Party Chief
Reginald Stenik
OOC: They have no problems with them as they consider everyone born west of the Urals to be European, though this does not include North Africans and Turks.
The Scandinvans
17-04-2007, 01:45
Imperial News Network Broadcast:
“Earlier this week,
The Norse First Parliament had issued a statement that officially bans the renewal of immigration visas to non-Europeans and that when the non-European immigrants visas expire that they report to the nearest Imperial Immigration Center to report in and then be returned to their country of origin if allowed by their home country. As well, they have officially banned the issuing of visas to non-European foreigners. Further, they now have prohibited any current foreign residents with the Empire that are not pure European descent to barred from gaining citizenship.
To this the immigrants have staged several protests in that they believe the laws are inhumane and racist. Yet, the immigrants now lack any strong sympathy within the citizen community and thus their cries and protests are essentially falling on death ears.
Lady Erida out.”
OOC: To note their definition of European extends to all people of pure European descent.
The Scandinvans
17-04-2007, 04:41
Imperial News Network Broadcast:
“Earlier Today,
Riots started in the city as many immigrants have become extremely ‘upset’ over the loss of their potential to become permanent citizens of the Empire. As of now the riots are now under control in the city of Vismar, near the capital.
Though the riots have been not resulted in anyone deaths, there have been a few dozen injuries committed by the rioters as they target White citizens of the Empire whom they view as responsible for their lost futures within the Scandinvan Empire. Added there has been a great deal of damage to vehicles, property, public parks, and a large number of other things as the riots continued to expand.
Now though the Norse First controlled City Committee dispatched the police to arrest all rioters on sight and to deport any non-citizen rioter back to their country of origin without a trial due to them technically not having it if they commit a crime definitely.
As of that the riots have been suppressed and thousands of rioters now face deportation.
Lard Erida out.”
The Scandinvans
18-04-2007, 00:32
Throughout the Scandinvan Empire police officers began raiding the homes of illegal immigrants and the holders of now expired visas as many thousands of people were rounded to be deported all back to their respective countries of origins and if not accepted would be imprisoned in communal communities set up till they could find a country to be their new host.
This had caused some problems, but for the time being no one had stood up to it and all were quite well with it even though the incidents often involved forcing the people out and then in some cases violence was even encountered.
18-04-2007, 00:38
Would ethnic Errikans, being of pure Germanic descent, be allowed to immigrate to and gain citizenship in your nation?
The Scandinvans
18-04-2007, 00:56
Would ethnic Errikans, being of pure Germanic descent, be allowed to immigrate to and gain citizenship in your nation?Yes, as they quite well fit our defination of one of European descent.
Norse First Party Chief
Reginald Stenik
The Scandinvans
18-04-2007, 01:29
OOC: Point statement this group does not endorese genocide or mass murder to achieve its goals.
The Scandinvans
18-04-2007, 22:28
Official Diplomatic Message
The Reformed Democratic State of Naasha extends our congratulations to the winning party, although your views may not conform exactly with our own we still wish you the best of luck in government.
Although both of our nations have changed considerably, with Naasha becoming more centrist and your own government being more right wing orientated, we hope that the fairly cordial relations that have existed between our nations in the past can continue.
Samuel Denhy,
Minister for Foreign Affairs.
The Scandinvans
18-04-2007, 23:20
Official Diplomatic Message
The Reformed Democratic State of Naasha extends our congratulations to the winning party, although your views may not conform exactly with our own we still wish you the best of luck in government.
Although both of our nations have changed considerably, with Naasha becoming more centrist and your own government being more right wing orientated, we hope that the fairly cordial relations that have existed between our nations in the past can continue.
Samuel Denhy,
Minister for Foreign Affairs.We shall keep our current relations with you the same as we only seek to preserve the integrity of both our people and culture and we currently do not have any qualm with your people and so we shall not break our relations you nor to worsen them. As well, we seek to keep our relations with other nations the same as if we act to hastily we shall receive no benefit from it and we only seek to do things for the benefit and welfare for the people of our nation.
Norse First Party Chief
Reginald Stenik
The Scandinvans
20-04-2007, 01:50
Want some negative comments before my next move.;)
20-04-2007, 13:22
Olmedreca condenms recent immigrant riots. Right to immigrate to foreign state is privilege, and every state has free will to restrict it as they wish.
ooc: only positive comments :p
The Scandinvans
21-04-2007, 00:33
Olmedreca;12562806']Olmedreca condenms recent immigrant riots. Right to immigrate to foreign state is privilege, and every state has free will to restrict it as they wish.
ooc: only positive comments :pWe thank you for your support and in turn we wish to establish stronger relations with you.
21-04-2007, 02:53
We would also like to know if Tocrowkians, being the whitest white color there is, would apply for your definition of 'European', even though we are not, ethnically speaking, European.
-Reich Foreign Ministry-
The Scandinvans
21-04-2007, 03:15
We would also like to know if Tocrowkians, being the whitest white color there is, would apply for your definition of 'European', even though we are not, ethnically speaking, European.
-Reich Foreign Ministry-OOC: You bleach you skin?;)
IC: Yes, are our definition of European extends to anyone whom are fully descended from Europeans or are gentically White.
OOC: I am thinking of White in the context that White Americans are descended from Europeans, though the Norse First party does not believe anyone from countires not descended from European related groups cannot be White.
So in general the definition of White to the Norse First extends to all NS peoples whom evolved in what was esstenialy the NS version(s) of Europe or Europeans related groups.
The Scandinvans
22-04-2007, 07:02
OOC: Quick question how far most I go before some negative comments?:p
22-04-2007, 07:34
About now.
Upon returning from his vacation in Scandinava a short time ago, George learned about the new policies being put into place in Scandinava. George shook his head in disbelief as he read the news. This would be a good time for him to use the newly designed seal...
The Dark Empire of Shazbotdom is disappointed at the news we have recieved from inside Scandinava. Deporting people cause of the color of their skin is close to Nazism and we frown upon this. We cannot believe that the people of Scandinava would allow their government to do this, especially those who are against tyrrany. We hope that the people of Scandinava will realize the big mistake their government is making and start a vote to take the tyrranical leaders out of office.
Thus I, Supreme Emperor George A. Loak, have suspended all travel for Citizens of the Shazbotdom Empire to Scandinava, and am ordering all Citizens of the Shazbotdom Empire to return to the homeland.
The Scandinvans
22-04-2007, 18:55
About now.
Upon returning from his vacation in Scandinava a short time ago, George learned about the new policies being put into place in Scandinava. George shook his head in disbelief as he read the news. This would be a good time for him to use the newly designed seal...
The Dark Empire of Shazbotdom is disappointed at the news we have recieved from inside Scandinava. Deporting people cause of the color of their skin is close to Nazism and we frown upon this. We cannot believe that the people of Scandinava would allow their government to do this, especially those who are against tyrrany. We hope that the people of Scandinava will realize the big mistake their government is making and start a vote to take the tyrranical leaders out of office.
Thus I, Supreme Emperor George A. Loak, have suspended all travel for Citizens of the Shazbotdom Empire to Scandinava, and am ordering all Citizens of the Shazbotdom Empire to return to the homeland.To: Supreme Emperor Georga A. Loak of Shazbotsdom
From: HIM Emperor Olaf IV of the Scandinvans
Good day,
As you know I have tried to rule my people wisely, but I cannot do so if they elect such a radicial government and that is why I planning to use my legal powers to disband the current Parliament and hold elections within the following month to create a government that the people truly have.
Though sadly I cannot directly repeal the laws they created I hope the party consisting of people loyal to me, the Imperialist party, would act and suspend the current deportation of people whom are immigrants. Though by then Norse First party would have managed to deport the greater part of them and the laws regarding closed immigration will stand, though the loyalist party will be able to reinstate immigration from ally states at earlier levels.
HIM Emperor Olaf IV
The Scandinvans
24-04-2007, 02:36
Attention getter bump