Crusade against Communisim [ATTN: NC, Semi-open]
The PeoplesFreedom
15-04-2007, 20:25
Kork Naval Base, The Peoples Freedom
All around the port, men were busy loading up the massive ships for the upcoming invasion. Horns blared everywhere, and loudspeaker constantly screamed orders for the dock masters. Thousands of forklifts and pickups ferried boxes of supplies into the heavy transport ships. For an army to be successful, one must have logistics, and logistics are annoying sometimes. Many soldiers and Marines were playing the "Hurry up and wait" game. Some had been told they were going to board more than eight hours earlier. Other groups got into their ships much earlier than they were told. Eventually though, everyone would be boarded. Out in front, was the large armada that would ferry the troops to the enemy country. They would make sure the unarmed transports wouldn't sink and the men would arrive safely. Three Million men were a lot of mouths to feed, and many thousands of tons of supplies would accompany them. Other ships, meanwhile, loaded up with heavy tanks and artilley and various other things. Finally, twelve hours later, the Armada of transport ships left port.
Saint Peter's Mountain Complex, The Peoples Freedom
" Alright, 3...2...1... fire weapons." The General said.
With his order, many thousands of weapons fired, they would knock out the enemy communication sats, reducing them to a world war two type army. 2,000 ASAT's were fired, and more were ready to come up if there were more enemy sats. It would make it that much easier to destroy the enemy army.
(3) Carrier Task Forces of:
2x X-19 Class
1x Atlantis Hyper Carrier
15x Econ Class
10x Leon Class
8x Ion Class
6x Heg Class
4x Duke Class
10x Squid Class
12x Shark Class
15x Octopus class
1x Freedom Class
50 Infantry Divisions
4 Marine Divisions
10 Armored Divisions
5 Mechanized Divisions
5 Air Assault Divisions
The PeoplesFreedom
15-04-2007, 20:43
erm... can i join this? I cant find an OOC thread or anything.
OCC: Me and NC haven't decided on how many people can join on either side. TG him.
15-04-2007, 20:44
erm... can i join this? I cant find an OOC thread or anything.
15-04-2007, 20:47
OCC: Me and NC haven't decided on how many people can join on either side. TG him.
who? Full name plz
The PeoplesFreedom
15-04-2007, 20:51
OCC: Oh my Lord, A plane just crashed by my house. Here is the name: North Calaveras
North Calaveras
15-04-2007, 20:53
The peoples republic of North Calaveras
The PeoplesFreedom
15-04-2007, 20:54
what!! are you serious
OCC: Yes, I have a airport right next to my house. But lets stop the OCC clutter, if we can
North Calaveras
15-04-2007, 20:55
nice touch "CRUSADE" against communism
North Calaveras
15-04-2007, 20:55
what!! are you serious
15-04-2007, 20:58
may i join, North Calaveras? I don't mind which team. And how big was this plane? Is it on fire?
The PeoplesFreedom
15-04-2007, 21:01
OCC: Guys, see OCC thread.
North Calaveras
15-04-2007, 21:02
Red Alert
Radar man(I know sounds funny): Sir we losing stalites
General Brutis: What, do yuo know where its coming from.
RM:yes sir i have the coridnts orders?
GB: Order 3 of our typhoons to launch there war heads(NON NUCLEAR) on that sight.
North Calaveras
15-04-2007, 21:03
sure i guess you can are you a communist?
15-04-2007, 21:06
It is with pleasure that we, the New Prussian Empire, accept this call to arms against the enemies of our allies. They shall fall, as all others, before our iron fists. We are the raging hammer of God sent to dispatch those who would oppress the freedom loving people of Earth. You have my full military and political support as always.
~Lord Baker of the New Prussian Empire of Wanderjar
North Calaveras
15-04-2007, 21:24
The preimeire stood out on the balcony while the military parade crossed by while the anthem played
instead of stalin its kash
The PeoplesFreedom
15-04-2007, 21:37
TPF Fleet
All around the fleet, men were scrambling to get into their assault craft. The Four Marine divisions would be landing, supported by numerous guns of the fleet and aircraft. The Marines were trained for this, ready for it, ready to kill. They climbed into the assault craft. Amphibious tanks, hovercraft, and various other crafts would storm the beaches. Sailors manned the heavy guns of the fleet, ready to pour shells at the enemy. Because of the hovercraft, armor support would be ready to help the Marines in their conquest. Missiles also prepared to slaughter the enemy. Numerous AWACS aircraft looked for the enemy on the ground and in the sky, and in the water. Finally, the assault craft left their mother ships. The invasion had begun.
North Calaveras
15-04-2007, 21:39
This is Diane Wethers, our great leader Kash Wilson is about to give a speach.
The preimere stood out on a balcony with a micro phone.
KW: My people we are going to be invaded by a capatilst demon, we must muster all the strenth in our bodies and hearts to repel him. I know you are scared but you must remain calm.
The peopls armed police arrive and surround the crowd.
KW: We will fight till the end when our hammer and sicle falls, we will fall, but we will fall together. If we win our nation will be hailed as an example of great lenins dream.
Crowdes cherring Viva Kash(im not spanish)!!!
North Calaveras
15-04-2007, 21:45
Comrade air base
Airman: sir reports indicate they got birds in the air
Generals davis: Send them a wake up call scramble 100 MiG-21 and 60 MiG-29.
The planes lifted off the red star shining.
The PeoplesFreedom
15-04-2007, 21:49
AWACS aircraft, Shining Liberty
" Sir, we have contact. RADAR reports 150 enemy planes or so headed our way."
" Alright. Alert the CAP patrols and the fleet, they will take care of them."
Command Center aboard the TPFS Trinity
" Admiral, AWACS reports that 150 planes are headed our way. Should we engage?"
" Yes. Order the CAP patrols to intercept them and order the AA destroyers and cruisers to fire at them."
With that, more than 300 missiles launched from the destroyers and cruisers tubes, and more than 150 aircraft from the CAP left to destroy the MIGs. Additionally, fifty cruise missiles were launched at the enemy air base to shut down its operation.
North Calaveras
15-04-2007, 21:58
MiG-pilot:Here they come boys get a lock and launch.
Buttons were switch and the humming of the rabar commenced.
they could now see thee aircraft.
MiG: they got sams evade reapeat evade.
40 MiG-21 exploded from the brutal impact of the missles cutiting into the fighter formation.
The MiGs launched there missles and prepared to dog fight with the MiGs cannon.
The PeoplesFreedom
15-04-2007, 21:59
CAP Patrol, in the Air
The planes soon launches four long range missiles at the enemy, and then accelerated, preparing to launch short-range missiles before using their guns.
North Calaveras
15-04-2007, 22:00
A massive explosion rocked the airbase.
GD: Godammit what was that
AM:Cruise missle sir we cant launch right now, im sendinga construcion team to try and fix it it will be a while. Im routin the fighter in combat when they return to land at Zulu.
15-04-2007, 22:00
The New Prussian Fleet was relatively small for an invasion fleet, a sign of arrogance it could be assumed, as the Wanderjarians felt that a larger force would not be required to eliminate their target.
The Fleet Commander, Admiral Ludwig Godard, was standing aboard the bridge of his Aircraft Carrier, watching through the window down onto the tarmac, where numerous F/A-18 aircraft began to load up and taxi out to destroy the enemy's defenses before the invasion. It would not be too difficult a task.
The enemy was a small nation, population only eighty-five million, thus it was decided by the Government of Wanderjar that only Two Marine Divisions, an Armor brigade, and two motorized Infantry Divisions would be required to take the enemy. Afterwords, if there was threat of an insurgency, more would be sent to deal with them. The ground forces commander, Generalmajor
Walden Mann, a career Wanderjarian Marine Officer. They navigated the some 125,000 Marines into their landing craft, where they would wait until the orders were given to begin the invasion. Meanwhile, the Armor Brigade was being loaded up into specialized landing vehicles, which would allow them to support the Marines immediately once landed.
The Battleships of the Wanderjarian Kriegsmarine began firing Tomahawk Cruisemissiles at Government buildings, airfields, and military installations. Dozens upon dozens were released, round after round. Meanwhile, the ships main guns were aimed at the same targets, and used for long range artillery until the Artillery brigade could be landed once the beach head was secure.
The firepower raging from the Wanderjarian Kriegsmarine was impressive, but what was more so was the Luftwaffe-Marine. As F/A-18 strike craft took to the skies, fifty of such craft in all, they began to head inland, picking military and Government targets as they went. They each had an armament of five smart bombs, which would guide themselves into any target they felt needed to die, and two air to air guided missiles which would clear out any enemy aircraft foolish enough to stand before their might. Enemy armor columns which were being mobilized were instantly engaged, by Wanderjarian Eurocopter Tiger's which were specialized to engage enemy Armored units. These too were launched from the Aircraft Carrier by the dozen, each sent out to hunt enemy armor.
The Flight Leader of the Carrier Air Wing navigated the men to each of their designated targets: the Government Capital building, their Air Ports, and Airbases (Military and Civilian), and their military bases. Destruction of these would seriously hamper their ability to respond to attacks on Wanderjarian and TPF coalition forces.
The day of reckoning had come for these poor fools. They should have never dared stand before the might of the Prussian Empire.
North Calaveras
15-04-2007, 22:05
The 20 more planes burst into flames from incoming:
The MiG-21 and 29 missle conected and torn apart 30 enemy aircraft.
Aboard Typhoon Revolution
Admirlal Ivan: We need to get in there and take out those carries, luanch missle at 1 of the carriers and 4 batleships.
three subs surfaced and opend there luanch bays and opend up 2 warheads each.
The PeoplesFreedom
15-04-2007, 22:07
Aboard the TPFS Trinity
" Sir, looks like an enemy sub has launched missiles at us. Not very many, we can take out all. I have already dispatched some ASW helicopters to kill them, as well.
" Look like you have it under control, good job, Captain."
Thor Laser and CIWS easily destroy the enemy missiles. Four ASW helicopters went to chase the enemy sub.
In the Air
The drones now launched four short ranged missiles each, and then tore apart the enemy with their 20mm vulcuns.
North Calaveras
15-04-2007, 22:24
Revolutioanry Youth 5th regement
2000 Gurillas dressed in camo and leaves jogged forward towards the beach and dug in araound roads and in the forest.
North Calaveras
15-04-2007, 22:26
The radar picked up wandajar aircraft an order was sent to the Tunguska missle/Gun system to open up most were set up in the city but some were camolauged in the jungle.
The radar guided missles and guns opend up on the incoming air cacthing them off guard.
North Calaveras
15-04-2007, 22:28
MiG: were getting hurt bad here sir requesting retreat.
GD: Granted ,the airfield should be done by the time you get back you will have AA cover on your way back.
The migs turned and pushed the throttle full.
Total NC air losses 100 out of the 150 destroyed
Enemy Air losses 30 air losses.
The PeoplesFreedom
15-04-2007, 22:29
MiG: were getting hurt bad here sir requesting retreat.
GD: Granted ,the airfield should be done by the time you get back you will have AA cover on your way back.
The migs turned and pushed the throttle full.
Total NC air losses 76 out of the 150 destroyed
Enemy Air losses 60 air losses.
OCC: Nope. I have only lost 30 planes so far and you must respond to my missiles flying at you.
North Calaveras
15-04-2007, 22:32
The three subs exploded from the anti sub choppers.
The other 7 subs formed wolf packs of two and three.
first three subs went deep and headedd for the carriers and turned off all uneccessart systems.
On The Beach
The 1st Revolutionary guard and the 3erd peoleps army divisoin engaged the landjng troops the snipers pickd of them will the AK-47s fired of shots.
The PeoplesFreedom
15-04-2007, 22:38
On The Beach
Sergeant Mickson was worried, many men would die today, but he knew TPF would be victorious. His Crocodile Amphibious tank slammed onto the beach. The rear door opendend and his squad poured out. Enemy forces were already firing. He watched above him as planes dove on the enemy with guns and missiles. Behind him, his Viper helicopters were coming to support them. His Crocodile's 30mm chaingun fired at an enemy squad. He then moved out of the cover of the Crocodile and engaged another enemy squad with his M-25. Above him he watched in amazement as more planes dropped napalm and cluster bombs at the enemy. They couldn't survive for long.
North Calaveras
15-04-2007, 22:44
Cololne checkove: All artillery units open up on the beach.
The guns unlesh with a eashattering boom!
the planes cut through some of the soldiers. the snipers and AK-47 were starting to take there toll every time the landers opend people were falling over washing the beach with blood.
The PeoplesFreedom
15-04-2007, 22:46
OCC: No, just No. How many artilley is firing, what caliber, and your men should be very nearly decimated by napalm and cluster bombs.
North Calaveras
15-04-2007, 22:50
okay i am firing 100 100-mm field gun M1944 (BS-3) and my troops are retreating into the forest.
The PeoplesFreedom
15-04-2007, 22:53
There was a loud crash by the Sergeant.
" Fuck! Artillery, get down!" He screamed with all his strength.
The rounds crashed all around him.
Meanwhile, planes soon found the enemy artillery and dropped bomb after bomb of napalm. After it finally stopped, it was reported to HQ that there had been 31 casualties. With the enemy retreating, the Marines began to set up defensive positions. The ships meanwhile began to come with tanks and artillery, and they would be followed by engineers, and then by supplies and divisions.
North Calaveras
15-04-2007, 22:56
you mean to tell me that after 100 artillary peiches go off 31 people died.
The PeoplesFreedom
15-04-2007, 22:56
you mean to tell me that after 100 artillary peiches go off 31 people died.
OCC: Yes, why? Because the men are spread all across the beach, and you are only using a 100mm artillery shell.
North Calaveras
15-04-2007, 22:59
yes but im firing a hundred of them. i
The PeoplesFreedom
15-04-2007, 23:01
OCC: Fine, I will adjust to 100.
North Calaveras
15-04-2007, 23:03
Operation shatter
5000 Redops from the 3erd regiment were going in to meet up with the Revolutionary youth to conduct raids and hit and runs.
The PeoplesFreedom
15-04-2007, 23:05
On the Beach
By now, the massive war machine of TPF had set up numerous medical stations, repair shops, and supply dumps on the beach. But it was open to counter attack. The local commander wanted a twenty five mile deep buffer zone. So the next morning, the 1st Marine division, accompanied by the 31st Armored, set out to create that zone. They were protected once again by air and naval support. Once this zone was secure, the rest of the army could be brought onto to shore, and then victory would be assured.
North Calaveras
15-04-2007, 23:10
The Redops units and REvolutionary youth got reports about the marine incursion. they were to dig in and kill anyone crying to cross them. they would not know defeat because they will be dead.
The PeoplesFreedom
15-04-2007, 23:13
The Marines continued to go across the road. Leading them were a number of robots. The Marines were spread out on foot or in their Crocodiles. The one's on foot huddled by the Panther MBT's. They kept a careful eye on the road. an Ambush could occur any minute. They had pushed inland ten miles, only fifteen more miles were left. They were comforted by the planes flying overhead as well as the helicopters. Two Air Assault divisions were ready to come in a pinch.
North Calaveras
15-04-2007, 23:22
The Revolutioary youth and the Redops opend up. the redops fired with deadly persition. They fired there RPG-7s and and began running to gropp up with another redops unit.
The PeoplesFreedom
15-04-2007, 23:24
"Ambush!" Screamed the Marines.
Numerous men dropped, dead, or bleeding badly. The RPG's did little damage to the Panthers or Crocodiles. The Marines soon returned fire, and the large Panther MBT's fired their weapons into the tree line. The helicopters overhead fired rockets and 30mm cannons into the tree line. Overhead, planes were ready to drop napalm.
North Calaveras
15-04-2007, 23:31
The Revolutionary Youth were torn apart the rockets and machine gun fire. the kids fell down while the adults tried picking them up. 300 youth were killed in the volly.
The PeoplesFreedom
15-04-2007, 23:31
Forest Line
The planes roared in dropping napalm. The Lion SPG's also started to fire Willy peter rounds. The Marines were hoping to start a forest fire. If that failed, however, they prepared to move into the forest. Grim determination was on their faces. The Corpsmen attended to the wounded. Many more were in body bags.
North Calaveras
15-04-2007, 23:35
a formation of 500 Revolutionary Youth put bayonets on there ak and began a charge at the marines fireing as they ran to provide escape for the redops and of Rev youth.
The PeoplesFreedom
15-04-2007, 23:39
Tree Line
The Marines couldn't believe what they saw. The Marines coolly put their M-25's on burst, and starting to mow down the young kids charging them. The Crocs and Vipers lended their weapons, further killing many poor lads. A couple engineers smoked some with flamethrowers. A few got into bayonet range. The Marines overpowered most, but a few Marines were killed from the sheer ferociousness and barbitay of the banzai charge. They received orders from HQ to follow the enemy special forces and eliminate them.
North Calaveras
15-04-2007, 23:48
I have to go i will be on later.
16-04-2007, 01:22
News of the crusade - a term with very positive connotation in Errikan society - against communism had just reached the Empire.
Immediately the Empire released an official statement, a wordy document declaring moral support for the motion, condemning the evils of communist statisms, etc, all the while leaving what real action was to be taken only vaugely hinted at. Though the government was currently hesitant to commit itself fully, opinion polls showed very heavy support for the crusade in the general public. Some action would undoubtedly be taken. It was only a matter of time.
16-04-2007, 01:37
The TPF Marines were quite an effective fighting force, one of the finest the Wanderjarians had ever had the pleasure to work with, as was the entirity of the People'sFreedom military. However, it was known that fighting against the might of the New Prussian Empire was a somewhat different experiance.
They came rolling like the beasts of hell onto the beaches of North Calaveras, they were the Behemoth IIIs, massive Super-Heavy Tanks of the New Prussian Wehrmacht. Though slow, they packed immense and awsome firepower which slaughtered entire legions of Armor in their wake, and were so immense and terrifyingly majestic in their brutality and sheer violence, that all who had the misfortune to fight against them typically fled in terror. It covered a length of almost thirty meters, and a width of sixteen. Its armament consisted of dual 300mm Smoothbore main guns with an auto-loading system, two AI Stinger systems which perpetually scanned their air for enemy aircraft signals, two six barreled 25mm chainguns, one M240 machine gun which was manned by the Commander, and finally a Hellraiser fifty caliber machine gun which was internally controlled as a coaxial gun. It was almost the perfect war machine. Its only flaw was that it was very slow. This however, was not an issue for these four hundred massive war machines, as the Wanderjarian Wehrmacht also deployed to assist it some five hundred HT-106Cs, Main Battle Tanks which mounted a typical smoothbore 125mm Main Gun (on this particular model). They were much faster, and able to defend the rolling fortresses that are the Wanderjarian Behemoths.
They were followed by hundreds of LCACs' (Landing Craft Air Cushioned), these were transports which ferried Wanderjarian Marines from their ships to the battlefield. As the Wanderjarian Panzer Brigade rolled ashore, the Marine-Sturm Divisions would deploy behind them, to kill whatever they left behind, which their Commanders knew would be little.
Above them, Eurocopter Tigers continued their sweeps, firing chainguns at enemy troops fleeing the beachhead, and missiles at enemy armored targets. The battlefield would soon be cleared of the enemy.
Meanwhile, deeper in the heart of the country, F-88 Ghost Bombers flew precision bombing missions as well, hitting RADAR stations, and further destroying enemy military installations, and military movements (Armor Columns, etc). F/A-18 dropped White Phosphorous bombs onto enemy defensive positions. These bombs were filled with the deadly gas, white phosphorous, which exploded into a large white cloud which absorbed anything it touched, completely engulfing the target with the white residue. This, one organic flesh, would eat through the skin, burning it from the body. It was an agonizing and horrific death, one which the Wanderjarians used not out of evil, but for the effect of hopefully coercing a quicker surrender, and ultimately saving lives through one terrible stroke of violence.
The Wanderjarians were born and bred for war. It was a part of the German way of life. They reveled in the conflict and as they marched into the heart of the battle, and the fleeing enemies, they did so with the heir of confidence which only a German has.
16-04-2007, 01:38
News of the crusade - a term with very positive connotation in Errikan society - against communism had just reached the Empire.
Immediately the Empire released an official statement, a wordy document declaring moral support for the motion, condemning the evils of communist statisms, etc, all the while leaving what real action was to be taken only vaugely hinted at. Though the government was currently hesitant to commit itself fully, opinion polls showed very heavy support for the crusade in the general public. Some action would undoubtedly be taken. It was only a matter of time.
Greetings Erriklandian Allies! It has been too long since we have had contact with you! How do your affairs go?
(OOC: Hey dude! Long time no see!)
The PeoplesFreedom
16-04-2007, 01:44
OCC: Good post, but I already cleared the beach. My men are almost ready to begin the main offensive thrust into his homeland. Slash and burn baby.
The PeoplesFreedom
16-04-2007, 01:59
The Beachhead
Now the full might of the military was ashore. More than twenty five infantry divisions had landed, as well as five armored. Perhaps the most fearsome division was the 13th Heavy Armored, like the Wanderjarians, this division was equipped with the fearsome Behmonth III tanks. Unlike their Prussian allies, TPF used them in the fortress buster role, as they were to slow to be used in the breakthrough and encircling that TPF Armored Command liked. There was also other major problem: their weight. They were so heavy that specially designed ships had to ferry them to shore. Not even the strongest bridges could carry them. They could not cross rivers, and could not be flown over them. Thus they had to be snorkeled across, but luckily, most rivers were shallow enough to allow this. One of the most funny projects in all of TPF military history, was the attempted design of a Behomth that could float on flotation cushions. It failed, miserably.They also had a new weapon. The massive Rhino was a 400mm artilley piece mounted on a Behmonth chassis. There was only a few dozen, since they had yet to be proven in combat. Finally, the Army Group rolled out, tanks leading the way while the infantry followed in Dobermen, Crocs, 6 ton trucks, and Crisis Armored Cars. Overhead, aircraft and helicopters provided cover. Even fearsome Dragon tanks accompanied them. The Army Group's job was a thrust straight to the capital. It was to be a quick, clean operation. If the men were ever forced to retreat they were to use the scored earth policy.There were rumors going around that unless the commies surrendered soon, they would encounter a slash and burn policy similar to that of Sherman's campaign in the south. The Air Assault division were also on ready. They were the ultimate flanking and encircling unit, many armored commanders now universally loved the Air Cav, using them in conjunction with their armored divisions. Of course, they were worthless without Air Superiority. But then again, so was their armor. The Army still had more divisions to land, but there wasnt any more room. This Army Group would go first, then the rest would land, and follow in a second Army Group. Most of the military commanders doubted that the second group was needed, but it never hurt to have more than you needed. Many commanders also felt comforted that they were still within the fleet's gun range. Most ship could fling shells 60 miles inland, and the larger guns could fire 90 miles inland. The combined forces of TPF and Wanderjar outnumbered the whole of the enemy's army. This, combined with their superior training, weapons, and tactics, wondered why the enemy hadn't surrendered already. Many came to the conclusion that they must be insane, this fueling their thoughts that the war was a just one to end an oppressive regime.
16-04-2007, 02:42
Greetings Erriklandian Allies! It has been too long since we have had contact with you! How do your affairs go?
(OOC: Hey dude! Long time no see!)
To: The New Prussian Empire of Wanderjar
From: The Errikan Empire
They have gone very well, old friends. How have your endevors served you?
OOC: I know; it is good to speak with you again. You have shifted to the Prussian theme rather than commie? I suppose that grew out of your selection of location in Nova Europa? It is a great choice (my boys Freddie G and Otto von B were Prussians; they were the most awesome of the Germans).
The PeoplesFreedom
16-04-2007, 02:49
News Flash; a Ticker note on TPF News Network
Today NC forces have refused a surrender offer by TPF-- TPF Forces promise brutal violence and unconditional surrender.
North Calaveras
16-04-2007, 02:50
ok ok ok i will surender under my surcomstances though.
The PeoplesFreedom
16-04-2007, 02:53
ok ok ok i will surender under my surcomstances though.
OCC: Nope, Unconditional surrender only now.
North Calaveras
16-04-2007, 02:53
do you agree with our surrender. i will give you the terms if you do.
16-04-2007, 02:59
do you agree with our surrender. i will give you the terms if you do.
Might I advise you, TPF?
Do not accept this without knowing the terms. You have full advantage, and you can press it forward to absolute victory and unconditional surrender of red forces.
The PeoplesFreedom
16-04-2007, 03:01
1st Army Group [Britcher]
The massive First Army Group continued their advance into the enemy nation. They had advanced twenty miles and there had been no enemy attack. Rumors of peace efforts swirled around the unit, but they would worry about that when it was announced. In the meantime, they focused on their task.
North Calaveras
16-04-2007, 03:03
General Davis stared at his men they knew what was next.
General Davis: the enemy has not accepted our surrender,good i dont feel like leaving this picninc alive anyways the president has been chopperd to the maldorian embassy and left me in charge.
General Davis russeld through his papers. then noded when he found
GD: ALL availible divisoins of the peoples army, the peoples armored core, the Revolutioary guard and half of the Redsops will form a wave and we will fight them in one battle. You will have 900 MiG-21 and 200 MiG-29 for airsupport.
the navy will engage the enemy fleet it should be succesful being that most of his ships are transport and carriors. The other half of the Redops will go to the capital and dress civialing style to form an underground incase this dosnt go to plan.
good luck and may god shine on you.
The PeoplesFreedom
16-04-2007, 03:03
Might I advise you, TPF?
Do not accept this without knowing the terms. You have full advantage, and you can press it forward to absolute victory and unconditional surrender of red forces.
OCC: I gave him my terms, he rejected it, now its Unconditional surrender.
The PeoplesFreedom
16-04-2007, 03:04
General Davis stared at his men they knew what was next.
General Davis: the enemy has not accepted our surrender,good i dont feel like leaving this picninc alive anyways the president has been chopperd to the maldorian embassy and left me in charge.
General Davis russeld through his papers. then noded when he found
GD: ALL availible divisoins of the peoples army, the peoples armored core, the Revolutioary guard and half of the Redsops will form a wave and we will fight them in one battle. You will have 900 MiG-21 and 200 MiG-29 for airsupport.
the navy will engage the enemy fleet it should be succesful being that most of his ships are transport and carriors. The other half of the Redops will go to the capital and dress civialing style to form an underground incase this dosnt go to plan.
good luck and may god shine on you.
OCC: How far are they from me?
North Calaveras
16-04-2007, 03:06
th ground and air forces are 50 miles away. the ships are 30 miles away.
The PeoplesFreedom
16-04-2007, 03:09
At Sea
" Sir the entire enemy fleet is incoming."
" Okay. Order the fleet into defensive positions. Order the aircraft to return to load up on missiles and such. Order the ground forces to stop until they regain Air Cover. Launch missiles and order guns to engage."
It was quiet, but now there were thunderous booms as a myriad of weapons fired. More than 3,000 missiles rocketed into the sky, and various 8", 12", 18", 20", 24", and 27" ETC guns fired at the enemy fleet. The planes were soon landing, preparing to attack. The subs formed into wolf packs and prepared to attack.
North Calaveras
16-04-2007, 03:11
the slava class ships launched there missless at the enemy fleet while the kiev class batteships unleashed there guns.
The PeoplesFreedom
16-04-2007, 03:12
the slava class ships launched there missless at the enemy fleet while the kiev class batteships unleashed there guns.
OCC: Don't forget to take hits. And, how many missiles are flying at me?
North Calaveras
16-04-2007, 03:18
The ground force was a sight to see like a ocean of red armbands, some of the tanks were fitted with speakers to send propagandsa and others were playing the national anthem
the tanks started to roll while the BMP-2 rolld along with the troops, the airfields were launching as many as they could. Athe last 300 artillery was deployed in the city to hit incomg troops if they were defeated.
North Calaveras
16-04-2007, 03:19
there were 500 missles total i have i think 100 slava class each can fire 7 long rage missles total
16-04-2007, 03:20
The Prussians advanced further, alongside their allies and prepared to support them by destroying the enemy advance. Their tanks would be ineffective against the Wanderjarian Behemoths, and their other forces would have equal luck against the Prussian forces.
It would be a bloodbath. A one sided bloodbath, noted the Ground Forces Commander. All they needed to do was wait for their enemies assault, and then the slaughter would begin.
In the skies, the enemy aircraft were being engaged by the superior F/A-18s. They took to the air from their CV, targeted the enemy MIGs from beyond visual range, fired their loads of Air to Air missiles, and then landed again to reload. Hundreds of missile volleys were fired at the enemy craft, who would be devestated by the Luftwaffe-Marine's finest.
On the ground yet again, however, were the Wanderjarian Gepard Anti-Aircraft tanks. These were converted from Leopard type Main Battle Tanks and refitted with quad-cannons which could blast aircraft from the skies, and dual stinger missile launchers. These in cooperation with the Behemoth's Stinger array would provide a wall of missiles which the MiGs would have a very difficult time breaching.
The Calaverians were doomed in this last ditch human wave assault. It was the end of them.
The PeoplesFreedom
16-04-2007, 03:21
1st Army Group
The enemy was coming and coming fast. The men were ordered to dig in. at the same time, 10,000 artilley guns began firing, averaging ten rounds a minute. With new of the aircraft incoming, the AA Companies of each division deployed. The tanks prepared for a counter-thrust. The Vipers held back with the Air Assault divisions, ready to cut off a retreat. Loudspeakers began to shout out counter-propaganda.
The PeoplesFreedom
16-04-2007, 03:28
there were 500 missles total i have i think 100 slava class each can fire 7 long rage missles total
At Sea
Three Destroyers and two cruisers were destroyed by the enemy missiles. The Thor lasers and CIWS destroyed the rest.
The PeoplesFreedom
16-04-2007, 03:29
OCC: Thank you greatly for your Air Support. for this I grant you this"
North Calaveras
16-04-2007, 03:30
the massive incoming fire power devastated 10 divsions of the peopless army and half of the revolutionary guard 25% of the amore was destroyed.
when the enemy was in range 10 divsions of the peoples army made a bayonet charge(200,000 men) charging as fast as they could while the apcs were on full throttle the battle would try to be hand to hand. the T-72 and T-62 rolled a little slower taking accuarate shots while losing more every second.
North Calaveras
16-04-2007, 03:33
half of the migs were destroyed by the volley of missle,The MiGs-unloaded everything and prepared to dog fight. they would go to the end.
The PeoplesFreedom
16-04-2007, 03:33
OCC: Lol? This is sheer suicide. Do you even have a grasp of tactics?
1st Army Group
The men couldnt believe what they were seeing. They just started firing. Millions of machine guns and rifles fired. The Panthers and behmonths coolly targeted and destroyed the enemy tanks. Their guns couldn't penetrate their armor. More Artilley fired, including MLRS. It was a slaughter.
16-04-2007, 03:37
OOC: Dude! THat video was awsome! I honestly am going to put that on my myspace. I'm not sure why, but I think it is damn cool.
North Calaveras
16-04-2007, 03:37
the charged was slughter but they were so close they would be able to use hand to hand the availible apc unloaderd there troops. the tanks were reduced to 75% destryed and there were 5 divisoins of the peoples army and 10 of the revolutionary with 5000 Redops. they fired there rpgs and droped them switchd to AK-47 with bayonet and got in close and personal the machine guns kille d another 1000 of the troops.
16-04-2007, 03:42
The Wanderjarian Luftwaffe pilots almost felt upset by the sight they saw. These young men being thrown into their deaths foolishly without any regard for tactics or concern for their lives and well being. They dropped numerous white phosphoruous bombs on the human and mechanized waves, engulfing hundreds in white clouds of death which completely melted them before the eyes of horrified Wanderjarians. It was slaughter beyond mention. This day would go down in Wanderjarian history as the worst military slaughter they had ever wrecked to date.
The horror was beyond words, and only once the smoke cleared would its true devestation be revealed.
The PeoplesFreedom
16-04-2007, 03:44
The Slaughter
The men got close, but as they did, the army retreated, and tank came rolling up, crushing the enemy beneath their treads. The Vipers came up, firing rockets and machine guns. Dragon tanks fired their flamethrowers, and Crocs came up, as well as dobermen, using their 30mm chainguns. The behomonths followed, firing gattling guns.
16-04-2007, 03:46
OCC: Personally I think your men would be o de-moralized to continue fighting. Their friends are being blown to bloody stumps. Their organs are hanging out like a pigs.
OOC: Yeah, especially after the massive bombings with White Phosphorous I just dropped, hundreds of men literally melted before them? They'd retreat faster than you can yell the order.
The PeoplesFreedom
16-04-2007, 03:47
OCC: Personally I think your men would be o de-moralized to continue fighting. Their friends are being blown to bloody stumps. Their organs are hanging out like a pigs.
North Calaveras
16-04-2007, 03:48
the troops crwled on top of the tanks and tried boarding them throwing grenades into the barrles(remeber when using armor up close against infantry you should have infantry protecting them) the troops were lit afire but there were still quitte a few left to continut the fight the revolutionary guard was reduced by half.
North Calaveras
16-04-2007, 03:49
occ: ya but what do they have to loose your going to kill them if they surrender slash and burn baby.
The PeoplesFreedom
16-04-2007, 03:51
OCC: I think your men should have retreated long ago man, come on, imagine your closest friends you have in life, and now imagine them ALL dead, their organ hanging, skull fragments and purple bits of brain in their skull.
The PeoplesFreedom
16-04-2007, 03:52
OCC: I haven't said that publicly yet, and even still, the SHOCK, the pure shock of that, would be devastating, you would literally break down, start babbling like a baby, tears streaming down your face.
North Calaveras
16-04-2007, 03:52
you would shoot them if they tried to remember unconditional surrender
The PeoplesFreedom
16-04-2007, 03:53
you would shoot them if they tried to remember unconditional surrender
OCC: Nope. I would take them prisoner. Unconditional surrender means that of your government. We did unconditional surrender with the Germans, and we didn't kill them all.
North Calaveras
16-04-2007, 03:55
The troops dropped there weopns and put there hadns over there heads. tears coming down their eyes because of the bloodbath. General Davis watched picked his beretta up and shot himslef in the head. the end was near.
The PeoplesFreedom
16-04-2007, 03:59
1st Army Group
The area was soon filled with POW's. The TPF soldiers and Marines felt so sorry for these men. They looked at the field, and even they threw up. They would be haunted by this for the rest of their lives. After the prisoners were secured, they offered them warm meals and cigarette. The General then asked for their CO, he wanted to know if the government had surrendered yet. The stench was horrible, and the field was blood red. It was awful. Some TPF troops even cried, other screamed to God, asking for forgiveness. Chaplains were extra busy that horrible day.
North Calaveras
16-04-2007, 04:25
The garrisoned troops flew white flags over the capital and the communist party evacuated to the maldorian embassy.
The World Soviet Party
16-04-2007, 04:35
OOC: What was this all about?
"Boy, these anti-communist crusades sure are getting old"
The PeoplesFreedom
16-04-2007, 04:36
OCC: Unconditional surrender means they surrender to me.
The PeoplesFreedom
16-04-2007, 04:36
OCC: You should have come earlier, hes conquered now...
16-04-2007, 04:37
OOC: Too bad I got in too late to get any action here. :(
The PeoplesFreedom
16-04-2007, 04:38
OOC: Too bad I got in too late to get any action here. :(
OCC: I might still need you if TWSP decides to come to the rescue. It took a week to conquer him. I am calling it the Seven Day's War.
16-04-2007, 04:39
OCC: I might still need you if TWSP decides to come to the rescue. It took a week to conquer him. I am calling it the Seven Day's War.
OOC: Well you can count on me.
The World Soviet Party
16-04-2007, 04:42
OCC: I might still need you if TWSP decides to come to the rescue. It took a week to conquer him. I am calling it the Seven Day's War.
Which I wont.
Because, seriously, why should I?
The PeoplesFreedom
16-04-2007, 04:44
Which I wont.
Because, seriously, why should I?
OCC: Should come to the rescue? Well, aren't you and GUSN the protector of Communists everywhere? Now he is occupied and is going to be turned into a democratic government, and his leaders are going on trial.
16-04-2007, 04:44
Which I wont.
Because, seriously, why should I?
OOC: *shrugs* I'm certainly not going to give you any reasons.
The World Soviet Party
16-04-2007, 04:47
OCC: Should come to the rescue? Well, aren't you and GUSN the protector of Communists everywhere? Now he is occupied and is going to be turned into a democratic government, and his leaders are going on trial.
Protector of communists everywhere?
Certainly not, I prefer him having a democracy over a dictatorship any day, even if the dictatorship is communist.
Also, you just implied I would not stand democracies, which is wrong, since Communism =/= Dictatorship.
I have a democracy, with several parties, and if his leaders commited crimes, then they should stand trial, which they are going to.
The PeoplesFreedom
16-04-2007, 05:10
First Air Assault Division
The FAA division had a new and important order. While the rest of the Army Group was busy celebrating and getting drunk, they loaded up onto their transports. Their job was to surround the Mandolore embassy and force out the commie leaders,and with that, they were off.
16-04-2007, 17:45
The Wanderjarian soldiers were used to massacre, throughout their history they'd seen many such events, Chitzeland's horrors being an excellent example, however this was beyond anything they'd ever experianced.
Thousands upon thousands of burning tank hulks sat cleared out and burning amongst tens of thousands of obliterated Cavarleras soldiers. Hundreds of charred black bodies, blackened beyond recognition, lied silently in the field where they made their final charge.
"Jesus Almighty," Hauptman Wilhelm Mann whispered, staring in horror as the smoke had cleared. And from the mist, dozens of survivors came forth, hands on heads and begging to be left alive.
"It is alright!" A Marine said, moving forward slowly. "We won't hurt you! Guys come on, get medical supplies these guys are hurt!" Several platoons moved forward to evacuate the personnel and remove them to a medical station being constructed at the beach head, along with a make shift airfield which the Kriegsmarine Seebees, Naval Engineers who constructed bases and such for Marine advance parties, were creating.
As the men were loaded onto 5t Trucks which were to take them back to the base, each Marine they passed smiled warmly at them, shook their hands, pat their backs, and gave encouraging remarks. Their Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Luther Adler stood at the head of the line, telling them, "You men are very brave. You were not beaten. Hold your heads high and know that you did what your nation expected of you. We are here to repair your country and help you. You all are brave men, and we respect the hell out of each and every one of you. You will be well cared for at our base." With that, they were taken away to the Wanderjarian camp to recieve medical treatment, and then would be taken home once the war was over.
Until then, the Wanderjarian military advanced forward. Bombs still fell on the enemy across the nation. Attack helicopters (Eurocopters) still fired at enemy known fortifications and convoys. Armor columns, what still existed at least, were blown apart when they were found. They would not stop until the Government completely resigned, and even retreating to the Maldorian embassy would not protect them. Naval GSG-9 Operators were ready to storm it....
(OOC: Please TPF, let me handle the Embassy. This is what my GSG-9 is trained and become damn good
The Sith Clan
16-04-2007, 23:07
Emporer Oswald The third looks over the top of his Newspaper at General Vejan.
"Well we are to late to help the North Calaverans, send an apology. Ask if they need any help cleaning up after The Peoples Freedom is finished with them."
"Right away Emporer" Vejan ran off to follow his orders.
ooc: seriously sorry. I wasn't online. I probably couldn't do anyway...
The PeoplesFreedom
17-04-2007, 00:06
OCC: Go ahead and take them Wandy, my men will be ready to provide extra muscle and manpower if you need it. Capture them alive.
The PeoplesFreedom
17-04-2007, 00:20
In the Air, First Air Assault Division
The choppers moved swiftly through the air towards their destination. Numerous Viper helicopters protected them. It wasn't long before they caught sight of the enemy capital city. White flags were being flown on many buildings. Even so, the men on the door guns kept a careful eye on any any citizen that was around. There appeared to be widespread looting. It would keep that way most likely until the bulk over army caught up to them. They had just received word to not storm the embassy. They were to surround it and secure the area. Wanderjar's GSG-9 operators were the one's that were set to actually storm the complex. They soon saw the complex. Most helicopters landed, and men set up defensive positions on all the streets and other areas. Barbed wire, mines, tank traps, machine gun nets, AT crews, and various other obstacles fortified the streets. Many hoped that the mandolores would give up without having to be stormed. Even so, Machine guns, snipers, and missile launchers were set up on the roofs of buildings facing the embassy, ready to destroy it or provide support for the GSG-9.
North Calaveras
17-04-2007, 02:32
I wouldnt take the embassy and take the president, the people love him with all there hearts if you do this the population will hate you with an ironfist.
The PeoplesFreedom
17-04-2007, 02:44
I wouldnt take the embassy and take the president, the people love him with all there hearts if you do this the population will hate you with an ironfist.
OCC: Too bad.
North Calaveras
17-04-2007, 02:50
The revolutionary guards threw the desks up against the windows and barracaded the doors. the peoples army embassy guards put the president in a room and closed the door. they would fight to the death.
North Calaveras
17-04-2007, 02:51
The T-72 bursted through the embassy walls and turned there gun towards an enemy tank and fired.
The PeoplesFreedom
17-04-2007, 02:53
The T-72 bursted through the embassy walls and turned there gun towards an enemy tank and fired.
OCC: I don't even have tanks there, perhaps you should actually read my posts?
North Calaveras
17-04-2007, 02:55
its mine if you read the maldorina embassy sign ups you would see that i have one tank a helicopter a jeep and apc and guards.
The PeoplesFreedom
17-04-2007, 02:56
its mine if you read the maldorina embassy sign ups you would see that i have one tank a helicopter a jeep and apc and guards.
OCC: except you claimed it was attacking one of my tanks, of which I have none.
North Calaveras
17-04-2007, 02:59
sorry it turned towards the AT gun and fired
The PeoplesFreedom
17-04-2007, 03:01
OCC: Also of which I have none. I assume you mean a missile AT site?
North Calaveras
17-04-2007, 03:02
The PeoplesFreedom
17-04-2007, 03:07
At the Embassy
The men were surprised to see an enemy tank slam through the wall. It gun fired, destroyed a missile site. However, three more aimed and fired, easily destroying the tank. Over loudspeakers, the men ordered the president to surrender. The men knew they could no longer wait for the GSG-9 operators, if he refused to surrender, the Army Rangers would have to storm the building.
North Calaveras
17-04-2007, 03:07
you know that you preety much invaded the maldorians country, i dont think he will let you just storm in his country and take eprisoners.
The PeoplesFreedom
17-04-2007, 03:08
you know that you preety much invaded the maldorians country, i dont think he will let you just storm in his country and take eprisoners.
OCC:Yeah, well, too bad.
North Calaveras
17-04-2007, 03:09
The Revolutionary Guard saw the rangers wer going to take the building the chucked grenades out the windows at them. and used grenade luanchers to shoot a couple of tear gas out the windows.
The PeoplesFreedom
17-04-2007, 03:10
The Revolutionary Guard saw the rangers wer going to take the building the chucked grenades out the windows at them. and used grenade luanchers to shoot a couple of tear gas out the windows.
OCC: Dude, learn to read. I haven't stormed yet, I am preparing to.
North Calaveras
17-04-2007, 03:11
i know they saw that they were getting ready to take the building i put were going to take not were trying to take.
The PeoplesFreedom
17-04-2007, 03:12
At the Embassy
The Rangers dropped a block away from the embassy. There, they suited up. They were ready with their M-26 Special Operations Carbine, Type Four body armor, gas masks and various other weapons. They moved up slowly, ready to breach the back. They ordered the snipers to take out the enemy's showing and then ordered TX tear gas inside the building. This Tear gas was odorless and colorless, and was five times more dangerous.
North Calaveras
17-04-2007, 03:14
some of the revolutionary guards choked and callapsed the others ran towards the armory and put on gas masks. They then ran back towards the back waiting for the enemy to bust through the door.
North Calaveras
17-04-2007, 03:15
SG.: FIx bayonets!
the troops cliped on the bayonets to their AKs and waited.
The PeoplesFreedom
17-04-2007, 03:16
Door Breach
The Rangers moved much faster than the enemy could run, put back gas masks and run back. They blew open the door and where in. They shot any body who was shooting at them, but no one else. Mandolrian citizens would not be harmed. As this was occurring, the second Ranger team took a landed on the roof with a chopper.
North Calaveras
17-04-2007, 03:18
The SG and th e 15 Revolutionary guard charged the halls and 5 of themgot shot around the corner. The th SG. Shovede a bayonet up into one of the rangers rips into his heart.
The PeoplesFreedom
17-04-2007, 03:22
OCC: Are you sure you want to charge me? Haven't you learned from WWI? Charging<Automatic weapons.
The Hallway
The Rangers were perplexed to see the men charge them. The Ranger set their M-26's on either two round burst or automatic setting. They fired.
North Calaveras
17-04-2007, 03:23
OCC: its a military tradition of the North Calaverians.
The Revolutionary guard were shot up and the SG. fell back up against a wall blood pouring from his mouth cursing while slowly lossing life.
The PeoplesFreedom
17-04-2007, 03:27
OCC: its a military tradition of the North Calaverians.
The Revolutionary guard were shot up and the SG. fell back up against a wall blood pouring from his mouth cursing while slowly lossing life.
OCC: If I were you, I'd drop that tradition fast. Calvary charges is a tradition in the U.S. do you see us doing them?
The Hallway
The Rangers ran up quickly, reloading. The other Rangers from the roof also entered the building. The Rangers in the hall went up to the wondend men, demanding where their leader was. He showed one a syringe. "See this? This will make your blood burn as if you were on fire. It never ends unless we give you the cure. Tell us where your boss is or we will inject you, then you will be in so much pain you will have to tell us."
North Calaveras
17-04-2007, 03:29
The SG. quickly pulled the pin off his greanade on his vest. and his life past before his eyes.
The PeoplesFreedom
17-04-2007, 03:30
The SG. quickly pulled the pin off his greanade on his vest. and his life past before his eyes.
The Hallway
"Damn!" screamed a Ranger.
Two Rangers were down, alive, but wondend. One was critical.
" Get them out! The rest of you lets keep moving!"
The Rangers shot the survivors, and continued looking in every room for the President.
North Calaveras
17-04-2007, 03:33
I wil be on in ten minutes.
North Calaveras
17-04-2007, 03:37
Nevermind i am still on.
North Calaveras
17-04-2007, 03:37
The peoples army guards in the room heard the rangers coming to the door and loaded there AK-47s on full auto and pointed towards the door.
The PeoplesFreedom
17-04-2007, 03:43
Breaching another Room
The Rangers had become annoyed with the repeated door breaching. Rinse, Wash, Repeat. However, they still were careful. They stopped by their latest door. They heard an Ak-47 load. One of the rangers move up and quietly and carefully planted an explosive on the door. Two more men go tear gas grenades ready.
The door exploded inwards, and the two men tossed in the grenades. The men then entered the room, firing extreamly accurate two round bursts.
North Calaveras
17-04-2007, 03:45
The peolples army fired at the door and started caoughting ONe got a bayonet kill and half the others were blown away by the explosion.
The PeoplesFreedom
17-04-2007, 03:46
OCC: For clarification, if your men are not wearing gas masks, they would be one the ground now, nearly passed out. It's tear gas x5. My men are wearing gas masks.
North Calaveras
17-04-2007, 03:48
Okay the men are passed out but it cant be instant knock down they would have time to counter for at least 5 seconds.
The PeoplesFreedom
17-04-2007, 03:49
Okay the men are passed out but it cant be instant knock down they would have time to counter for at least 5 seconds.
OCC: Well yes, if they get gas masks on fast enough. But then while they are getting them on, my men are charging them, shooting them in the head and chests.
North Calaveras
17-04-2007, 03:50
THe president and the communist party went unconsuios while holding his hands up to surredner.
The PeoplesFreedom
17-04-2007, 03:53
In the Room
" We have the Chieftain I repeat we have the Chieftain over. Taking into Custody."
" Uh, Roger, Hotel Two, Chieftain is in Custody, prepare for extraction."
The men went up in the unconscious president, checking his pulse. They flung him over one members back and started to climb to the roof where the chopper was waiting.
North Calaveras
17-04-2007, 03:56
The news reached the NC Crowds gathered waving pictures and images of there leader some crying. The crowds were starting to get dangerous as some of the angered citiziens pushed TPF forces.
The PeoplesFreedom
17-04-2007, 03:59
The helicopter took off, headed towards the base where the president would be spoken to about surrender terms.
The Ground
Squads of men were slowly being extracted. While one left the other squads covered. The mob was growing, but were held back by the barbed wire. If any broke through before they were done evacuating, the choppers would deploy tear gas.
The PeoplesFreedom
17-04-2007, 04:24
A Headline from a News website in TPF
Today, officials have shown a report given the initial surrender terms to be offered, if endorsed by Wanderjar. These are:
1. Resignation of the Communist Party
2. Creation of new Police Force and Military
3. a Nation wide vote for new presidents, congressmen, etc.
4. Reconstruction
5. Trade concessions
6. Construction of a military base.
North Calaveras
17-04-2007, 04:35
i am back.
North Calaveras
17-04-2007, 04:39
Kash Wilson:i will agree with terms 3 4 but, if i agree to the rest what will happen to me?
Kash confidently stared at the officials
Kash Wilson:I have not commited any crimes against my nation, no murders although i admit there was a secret police, they were there to protect me.
The PeoplesFreedom
17-04-2007, 04:42
Back at base
Colonel Harrison stared sharply at the man. He would surrender to TPF's terms or else. He stated very flatly.
" You will agree to these terms."
North Calaveras
17-04-2007, 04:48
Kash Wilson: stared down at the ground at said: I agree to the conditions.
The PeoplesFreedom
17-04-2007, 04:48
Back at Base
" Good choice. We would kill you, but that would start a insurgency, oh my, we don't want that. You are hereby ordered on house arrest. 500,000 of our troops will be the occupiers until our conditions are met. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must inform my men the war is over."
North Calaveras
17-04-2007, 04:48
The new country is call the democratic republic of NC look at my homepage.
The PeoplesFreedom
17-04-2007, 04:53
Back at Base
The Colonel turned back. With a sinister grin he said:
" Oh of course not, we intend to kill every single communist until there is none left."
North Calaveras
17-04-2007, 04:54
Kash Wilson: Colonle!, he said smiling: DO you realy think my surrender and your occupation will destroy communism in the country?
The PeoplesFreedom
17-04-2007, 04:56
Back at Base
Seeing he had won the exchange, the colonel left the president to the MP's while he went to go attend the numerous parties. Yes, he thought, if they dare stand against us, none will be left.
North Calaveras
17-04-2007, 04:57
Kash's face went down to a straight face.
North Calaveras
17-04-2007, 05:04
In the NC capital Cololne pierce met with the Redops in the NC capital.
Peirce: We need to show them we still got power in the country in 5 minutes(it will pass in the next message) when the crowd protestes we will position snipers across from the capital building and kill a colonle and 3 officer to show we arent done yet.
The PeoplesFreedom
17-04-2007, 05:07
OCC: hold on, posting a new thread about occupation
The PeoplesFreedom
17-04-2007, 05:08
North Calaveras
17-04-2007, 05:09
4 of the snipers got into the buildings and wore skimasks. They set up and got there sights on the targets troops.
They fired bam! THE BULLETS cut through the cololne and 3 officers blood pouring from one of the officers necks.