NationStates Jolt Archive

Iusitian and Synnarian Boarder Tentions

15-04-2007, 05:13
"Damn Synnarians... " mutters an Iusitian Sniper as he looks at the boarder encampment from a top a hill. "This is Sniper three nine six, looks like the Synnarians are trying to raid us again. Reinforcements on my position are needed ASAP." The sniper quickly said into his radio.
"Roger that, the 15th Rifle Division is on their way. They're coming with some heavy armor too, heh heh. Over." The radio-channel was cut off. The sniper waited silently, keeping his scope on what seemed to be a Synnarian officer.

A few miles inland, the 15th Rifle Division prepared to move out from a Boarder Military base. Lead by Captain James Hughes, they mounted up on jeeps and left the base, heading the Sniper Three Nine Six's position.
(The 15th Rifle Division moves out)
15-04-2007, 05:46
The small party of Synnarians slowly moved into Iustrian territory. They were armed with outdated weaponry, and used armor that had been stolen from neighboring country, giving them a ragtag, unprofessional look. Several of the men held Synnarian flags in the air.

They were not stealthy in their arrival. They laughed and talked freely, as their officer barked orders at them. Obviously, the group was not worried about being noticed, and, perhaps even wanted this.

SYRINNIAN OFFICER: "Leave no one alive! Take all that you can carry, but don't overload yourselves! We don't want to leave anyone behind."
15-04-2007, 05:55
(For some reason my last reply didn't show up)

The small battalion of Synnarian soldiers moved slowly into Iustrian territories. They were armed with slightly outdated weaponry, and wore mixed jumbles of armor that had been stolen from neighboring countries. This gave them an unprofessional, ragtag look. While several soldiers carried Synnarian flags, the only one with an actual Synnarian uniform was the commanding officer.

They were by no means stealthy in their entrance; soldiers laughed and yelled, while the officer barked commands at them. Obviously, they did not care whether or not the Iustrians heard them. Perhaps, they wanted their prescense to be known.

OFFICER: "Everyone, take all that you can carry! Don't overload yourselves, though. We don't want to leave any men behind because they couldn't run fast enough."
15-04-2007, 06:13
The 15th Rifle Division placed themselves on a hill above Sniper Three Nine Six's position. The sniper was still hiding in the brush.
"Pick your targets... " The Captain said to his men as they aimed their weapons and began open firing down onto the Synnarian forces. The 15th Rifle Division shot in bursts of rounds to make their shots more accurate. The rifle shots rang out throughout the hill country side. Quickly the sniper let off a round towards the Commanding Officer. The Iusitian tanks were pulling around the hill the 15th Rifle Division First and Second Squads were on. The Fourth and Sixith Squad came around from the otherside of the hill while the Fifth, Seventh, and Nineth loop around all the action to attempt to flank the Synnarians even more. The Eighth, Tenth, and Eleventh Squad went towards the rugged Synnarian outpost the Synnarian Raid Party had come from to neutralize any hidden forces.
15-04-2007, 06:26
The Synnarian troops quickly took cover. Several were hit and killed. The officer was hit in the left arm, but he had been trained to withstand extreme forms of pain, and simply grunted, clenching his teeth, as he hid behind a large rock.

The soldiers responded by firing their weapons at their enemies. They did not use short bursts, but instead fired madly without stopping. The sight of tanks did not lessen their morale. They simply cleared the way so several men, who carried rocket launchers, could take aim.

SOLDIER: "Sir, should I radio in for air support?"

OFFICER: "Go ahead. How long will it take for two choppers to get here?"

SOLDIER: "Not sure."

As the call for support was sent out (Synnar did not have a particularly large airforce; it consisted of several choppers and two planes, and most of them had long since run out of fuel), the soldiers in the nearby outpost rushed to their stations. Several scouting parties had warned them of the oncoming attack, and thus, they had a couple of minutes to prepare.
15-04-2007, 18:34
The First and Second squads continue to pin down the Synnarian positions as the Imperial Heavy Tanks moved in. Though, a few men had fallen over wounded, medics quickly took them back. One of the tanks shot at a hill, hoping to cause a small land slide, the other began backing up a bit to shoot directly at the Synnarian position. The machine gunners on both were shooting at the Synnarian position.

The Fourth and Sixith squads neared the Synnarian positions. The ZH12 Assualt Rifle (The Standard Issue Assualt Rifle of the Imperial Army) are equipped with a sharp bayounet. If need be, they could run in and stab them, though it was adviced to use all ammo before doing so.

Meanwhile, the Fifth, Seventh, and Nineth squads came into the boarder encampment and began firing at the Synnarian troops at their posts. An Iusitian soldier readied his N567 'Hellblower' (Equivelent to the Javelin of the US Army. Wikipedia it or something. Basically a rocket launcher) by aiming it at the main building in the encampment.