The Naval Arms Race (Europe 1914, open)
Hyperspatial Travel
10-04-2007, 03:33
"And, so you see, Exchequer, we cannot possibly compete with other European powers unless we maintain a more powerful navy."
"A more powerful navy, Admiral?"
It was a peculiarity of the Imperial Cabinet, that they called each other by their titles, or ministries, rather than names. Many were the best of friends outside of the Council, but it was protocol, and protocol was the heart of burueacracy.
"Indeed, Exchequer. Look at it this way. The Waldenburg Navy has a mere ten ships less than us, discounting their minelayers and transports, and ours, of course."
"Will all due respect, Admiral, the Waldenburg Navy is a rusting scrapheap. Their dreadnoughts are not the equal of ours, and their cruisers are not the equal of our destroyers. We could sink it with little effort."
"And our prestige, Exchequer? What of that? If the Illar Empire does not maintain the largest navy in the world, it will lose the respect and prestige it has garnered over the centuries. Would you have me leave the Emperor without pride altogether?"
It was a nerve that had been hit. Each department tried to do its best for the Emperor - it was not a matter of real concern internationally, rather, it was internal rivalry between the ministers that cause this.
"..bloody hell."
"Fine, Admiral. You'll have your funds. How many ships was it, again?"
"Three dreadnoughts, twenty-seven submarines, and six battlecruisers."
The Minister for the Exchequer, Alan Binel, winced. "Bloody hell. We're going to be cutting into our surplus for this year, Admiral. Maybe even cutting it back to a deficit."
"Possibly. But we need the ships, Exchequer. If we don't have the ships, then we'll lose to any trumped-up, rusting navy that decides to come along and blow it ours out of the water.."
Terror Incognitia
10-04-2007, 11:05
"Sir, it's only a whisper at the moment, but we'll soon be able to confirm; looks like Illar is embarking on a major naval expansion."
With the current crisis the cabinet meeting had been rather focussed on the short term, but now it shifted dramatically.
"Any idea on what scale?"
"A few dreadnoughts, more battlecruisers, our source is uncertain about any more but suggests possibly a focus on submarines."
"I suppose all this will be announced in due course...their 'biggest navy in the world' schtick."
"Pretty much. The question is, do we respond?"
The Tyrant considered for a moment.
"Not right now. Just at this moment we remain focussed on land. I suggest you have your people keep updating the plans for dreadnoughts and heavy cruisers, and keep the yards running on current production...which is what, if you'd remind me?"
"Two dreadnoughts, three assorted cruisers and a few smaller ships, though they're more intended as a replacement for older vessels than new build."
"Keep them going, maintain the plans for more, but lay down no new keels. We could afford it, but it would detract from other greater priorities at present."
Waldenburg 2
10-04-2007, 21:19
OOC You have more ships then I do now?
"Sir," Albemier asked nervously, "The telegram says a number of capital warships. I believe it to be over ten keels laid down in the Illarian Empire," The Information minister had been put up to this by Lord Tarrow of the Admiralty, and was playing the part of being terrified of the new Illarain squadron.
Wyatt Von Waldenburg III did not look very pleased either, and the Engineers down here wondered how he always turned up in the right place when things were happening on a massive scale. Around the Emperor foreman shouted for their crews to work faster and sparks filled the gloom as armored plates were riveted togeather on the newly forming hulls. "We can't fight, that maintaining the navy we have is difficult enough. I will not stand ideally by and let Illar drags it's feet over our good name though. There must be some money left ,we will not tolerate anyone challenging our supremacy."
"I had a look in the treasury today, it held the estimates of our government profit, and the money we all ready have. It could be worse, but a dreadnaught at this point in time would be very foolish and considering the Illar can probably build them twice as fast it really is counter productive."
The Emperor looked at Albemier quizzically with his head tilted slightly, "We have a treasury?"
"Yes Majesty, it's by your inner office, and the Solar."
"That was the treasury? I always assumed it was some sort of closet, the servants always seemed to be going in there. I had no idea"
Albemier sighed inwardly, remebering the extreme age of the Emperor, and how easily he had forgot several executions on the grounds of larceny and treason. Felix Von Waldenburg, the crown Prince did not forget, and he had the information Ministry constatnly watching his father for more mistakes, the Imperial family had become rather cold in the last few years.
"My Birthday and coinceidantally anniversary is coming up is several months yes? I'm sure there are going to be celebrations, it seems rather difficult to stop I remember. Cancel them, Wadlenburg will not accept idle fripperies when it's good name is at stake.
"I shall of course do as you command but this will send the wrong image to Europe that we cannot afford an Emperor's birthday, and his anniversary, we could at least stage a parade at least."
"No Heinrich, I'll be nintey years old in three weeks, I think Europe will allow me a little sick leave. Perhaps we should return our attentions to my new fleet. As you say and also concured by Lord Tarrow large scale Battlships woul be foolish. I beilive in my simple mind that perhaps submarines are the answer, they seem to be indetectable, and though mostly unproven can over 150 of them miss in one go?" He laughed raspily before continuing. I believe it's costs around 220,000 Osmas to produce one yes?" The formen nodded they had congragated as the Emperor began to speak of something these men understand. "I believe an additional 15 would complement our fleets. if Illar builds Battlships will shall build submarines, if Illar builds submarines we shall build destroyers, if they build destoryers I'm afraid were out of ideas." He stopped, grinning before looking around at what the Palace shipyards had been doing, trying to patch yet more holes in the old Steam Frigates 40 years out of date. "Sell those to, what ever you have to do to raise the money, it is time we stop cilinging to the past and open our minds to the Glorious new future." He walked away sending engineers hurtling to make the ships look presentable and unload them on the first merchant they could find.
OOC I might as well take the stance of Germany early if were to have an arms race.
10-04-2007, 22:03
Pi sat at her desk and re-read the orders again. and again.
reports of major naval buildups, obvious comments to the effect of the Reich not having a hope of competing one for one...
and a direct order to bring the Leviathan project up to full speed again, staggering use of production facilities for continuous upgrades on each and every 'ship. construction of the current run was to be brought to a halt as soon as an advanced design was ready. the next run was to be scrapped completely in favor of improved models, and swordfish had had a definite increase in construction priorities.
given that the Reichgone wanted Leviathans capable of sinking battleships.... this could be interesting.
ooc: hah! i justify the bigger airships development :D
"So that's about everything from my department, George", the Minister of the Exchequer informed the Prime Minister. "The tax increase should cover all additional expenses that are rising from the naval overhauls. Honestly, I agree with you that it appears that we're doing this at an oppertune time if what Walter has to say is true." The Prime Minister considered this for a moment before turning to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. It was a strange thing about Bautzen, that the face of Bautzens foreign diplomacy, also happened to lead the foreign intelligence service, as most people don't think of spies as making the best diplomats. But, the Prime Minister thought, he had never found issue with any of Walter Amis' work, so he might be a little too quiet, Lord knows these cabinet meetings are bad enough without another beaurocrat trying to force his opinions down everyone esle's collective throats.
"Yes Walter," he said can you give us more information on the apparent naval race going on between Illar and Waldenburg?" "Well," the Foreign Minister slowly began, we don't have much information on it right now, especially in the case of Waldenburg, but the short version is something is definently going on. My sources have reported that Illar has laid down around 10 or 15 large keels, say battlecruiser, or dreadnaught size, and some reports say that they are constructing over 20 submarines. Now, that in itself is interesting but doesnt overly effect us, because we could never take them on to begin with... The interesting part is Waldenburg's response. Now this is where things get murkey. Normally we would have predicted them to lay down several dreadnaughts to try and keep up with Illar, while maintaining the present, preposterous, size of their fleet. But they didn't do that, instead we have seen evidence that they are constructing several submarines, and selling off some of their old screw frigates, presumably to pay for them."
The table sat in a stunned silence for a moment, none of them expected Waldenburg to respond sanely, they had expected them to keep up with Illar tonne for tonne, or go bankrupt trying.
Finally, the Chanceller of the Exchequer looked up from a piece of paper he had begun writing on furiously while the rest of the cabinet was trying to comprehend what they had just heard. "Ingenious, he mumbled." "Whats that Walter?" the Prime Minister said. Walter Amis looked up from his paper with a grim look on his face, he turned to the Minister of War and said, "Andrew, how much does a submarine cost around $200,000, correct?" The War Minister turned to him, "I'd have to look it up for exacts but I expect thats close." "Absolutely brilliant, the Exchequer said again." "Walter excuse me for having a merely mortal brain, but what ARE you talking about," said the Prime Minister. "What have they done that is so bloody brilliant."
"Well sir, think about it for a moment, everyone in Europe knows that Waldenburg is stretched to the limit trying to finance that preposterously sized navy of hers, correct?" The Prime Minister nodded, "Well," Walter continued, "we have to assume that eventually they would reach a breaking point. Apparently they have reached it, I expect that they realize that they cant afford more Dreadnaughts, and so they are going to try and outbuild Illar in submarines, or at least maintain a numerical advantage so when, and I mean when, push comes to shove they dont even have to risk that decrepit pile of shit they call a fleet to sink Illars; when everyone in Europe knows that they'll lose. Instead they'll hit them from below the waves. I would expect that they could build as many as 30 subs provided they sell those old frigates, and decide to tighten the belt back home."
The Prime Minister considered this for a moment, then said "Andrew?" "Its possible sir, and if the Emperor finally got some sense I cant think of any other move they could make. "Walter's right sir, its brilliant." "Well," the Prime Minister said, "then I want our new construction done a soon as possible, between this and the German affair a war is almost certain to break out. And if it reaches us I intend for us to be ready in all aspects..."
OOC: I'm not directly involved but it would make sense that I would be watching this closely given the current temultous state of things elsewhere.
12-04-2007, 21:33
Lord Protector Belisarius III mused at his desk. Reports from intelligence said Illar was going to upgrade it's naval forces, and other nations where going to follow suit.
Belisarius pondered this turn of events for a while. After sending for the head of the navy, he made his decision. The Byzantium League, lacking any overseas empire that could be greatly threatened by the Illar's buildup, nonethless needed to expand their fleet. More Levithan Class Dreadnoughts would need to be called up to protect their coast, and to keep their land safe.
OOC: gotta protect the coast
Hyperspatial Travel
08-05-2007, 10:59
"And the new ships are constructed, sir. The Empire stands just short of having 500 ships. And Exchequer is screaming, I believe. Right down the hall. And tearing out his hair. Your request for.. more dreadnoughts did not go down very well."
"Well.. yes, but such an expenditure is vital. Can't he understand that?"
"Oh, he understand it, all right. Just doesn't like it."
The Admiral chuckled. "More dreadnoughts, yes. But he'll be glad to know that the money gained from the German removal of their tax on their little strait has been immense - cheaper goods means expenditure falls. Of course, all that new money has to go somewhere..."
08-05-2007, 11:15
ooc: tell me if any of these numbers are silly. I'll adjust them as necessary.
report from project leviathan, for the Reichgone's eyes only, delivered by hand by the project's resident RES agent.
progress is being made. adjustments to charge and projectile shape render the shell capable of penetrating five centimeters of amour from the outside edge of effective range, discounting the detonation it's self. this modification has application across a broad front, and it is recommended for all 75mm shells from now on.
various small adjustments to the gun have given an additional hundred meters range. due to their nature, these are probably unworkable for ground based guns in field conditions.
improvements in optics allow for greater accuracy.
over all cost increase borderline trivial.
17 Levithans complete at this time. remaining 3 suspended pending completion of current design, intended to mount additional armament. expect construction to begin within the month.
new design expected to mount larger guns. may be capable of indirect fire and broadside attacks.
From: President Alexi
To: Hyperspatial Travel
Kansiov would like to pay 30 Million Kansiovian Dollars in return for Blueprints of the Hull and guns of the ship. We know this money is of more importance to you and to us, showing kindship between both Nations.
Hyperspatial Travel
08-05-2007, 11:29
OOC: Errr... which ship?
Hyperspatial Travel
08-05-2007, 12:38
OOC: Out of curiosity, why would you want battlecruisers? They're designed for colonial empires, and they're certainly not something you'd use as the mainstay of your fleet.
OOC:We only want the Blue prints for 30 Million Kansiovian Dollars. These prototypes will be redesigned on the Kansiovian models. The money will be donated to fund further research in your Naval Arm's race.
Terror Incognitia
08-05-2007, 14:21
"And I say to you gentlemen, with the Conference in Warsaw hanging in the balance, we must postpone a decision on new naval construction!"
"I thought we had decided not to embark on new naval construction at all."
"That was the initial decision. However, a combination of an easing of landward tensions, and the new designs for 'super'-dreadnoughts...have re-opened the question."
"I think the strategic and economic concerns that led us initially to reject more naval construction still hold true."
"Opinion noted. However, we should recognise that the diplomatic scene is still substantially uncertain; every major power faces multiple threats, and of all the major powers, bizarrely we are the one that feels most secure."
"Which is why we should not encourage more naval construction."
"Illar has three more dreadnoughts; they have six new battlecruisers. This gives them sufficient to take on both our navy and that of another major power with reasonable odds of success."
"What!? Are we planning on attacking Illar now?"
"No! But you should know damn well that our planning assessments call for one major ally if we are to fight Illar."
"So what if one major ally is not enough? Not enough to allow us to seize and hold Suez, to fight off Illar in the Eastern Med?"
"Then we cannot fight Illar."
"Precisely. In which case we cannot call their bluff, either, but will be forced to back down if we ever come into opposition against them..which given the volatility of the situation, is all too depressingly likely."
"Very well. What is the Admiralty's proposal?"
"To continue ignoring battlecruisers - they are meant to fight enemy cruisers far from home, and we still don't need that role. And to lay down a class of two 'super'-dreadnoughts, to be called Salacia and Tethys. Main battery of twelve 13.5" guns, thicker armour belt, the works."
"And I suppose, given the Admiralty, they have a wish list as well."
"Yes, three more heavy cruisers, and re-fitting three of the older heavies with better engines and re-roling them as light cruisers."
"How busy will that keep the shipyards?"
"Honestly? Not as busy as we'd like."
"Perhaps then, the time has come to offer their services out to others."
In recognition of the fact that many nations lacking our industrial power and shipbuilding expertise have coastlines to protect, Incognitia would like to make it clear that any friendly nation is welcome to order naval vessels from our shipyards.
They are capable of building anything from the smallest patrol craft to the newest 'super'-dreadnoughts, to a standard short only of Illar's...and with fewer qualms about arming the competition.
Alternatively for those in a hurry or on a tighter budget, our navy is phasing out a few older vessels that have been replaced, and these could be sold at an appropriate price.
These consist of our two first dreadnoughts, and three cruisers. The dreadnoughts are a little outdated by the standards of the Great Powers, but still outclass any pre-dreadnought.
"And meanwhile...begin planning. Expect a decision on laying down the super-dreadnoughts within the month."
Donaghadee Golf Club
08-05-2007, 18:23
Dear Sirs
We in the aircraft industry in Nemor are willing to supply reconnaissance aircraft for your new Navies, the aircraft is the ARO
Director Aero Industries
08-05-2007, 22:29
In recognition of the fact that many nations lacking our industrial power and shipbuilding expertise have coastlines to protect, Incognitia would like to make it clear that any friendly nation is welcome to order naval vessels from our shipyards.
They are capable of building anything from the smallest patrol craft to the newest 'super'-dreadnoughts, to a standard short only of Illar's...and with fewer qualms about arming the competition.
Alternatively for those in a hurry or on a tighter budget, our navy is phasing out a few older vessels that have been replaced, and these could be sold at an appropriate price.
These consist of our two first dreadnoughts, and three cruisers. The dreadnoughts are a little outdated by the standards of the Great Powers, but still outclass any pre-dreadnought.
the Navy of the Anj Reich took stock of it's budget and current situation. it could be done. a response was promptly sent.
regarding the sale of old Incognitian vessels, the Reich would like to purchase, at reasonable terms if possible, Incognitia's old Dreadnoughts. it is our intent to scrap the remaining pre-dreadnought in our fleet. perhaps some sort of arrangement could be come to regarding it's dismantling and salvage?
also, the Reich would be interested in, if Incognitia could produce such, a vessel capable of independant operation for extended periods in the pacific, for reconnaissance, suppression, and first response duties. preferably a design that would allow for the replacement of the dreadnought and at least two cruisers in the pacific fleet with three of the new design at no significant loss of over-all effectiveness.
ooc: i'm probably thinking of battle cruisers there, but i'm not entirely sure. the plan is for a reshuffle that would result in those going into the pacific fleet, freeing up smaller ships for the 'transient' fleet, both of which free up large ships for the home fleet. all of which makes my defense a lot less of a headache.
Terror Incognitia
08-05-2007, 23:58
the Navy of the Anj Reich took stock of it's budget and current situation. it could be done. a response was promptly sent.
regarding the sale of old Incognitian vessels, the Reich would like to purchase, at reasonable terms if possible, Incognitia's old Dreadnoughts. it is our intent to scrap the remaining pre-dreadnought in our fleet. perhaps some sort of arrangement could be come to regarding it's dismantling and salvage?
also, the Reich would be interested in, if Incognitia could produce such, a vessel capable of independant operation for extended periods in the pacific, for reconnaissance, suppression, and first response duties. preferably a design that would allow for the replacement of the dreadnought and at least two cruisers in the pacific fleet with three of the new design at no significant loss of over-all effectiveness.
ooc: i'm probably thinking of battle cruisers there, but i'm not entirely sure. the plan is for a reshuffle that would result in those going into the pacific fleet, freeing up smaller ships for the 'transient' fleet, both of which free up large ships for the home fleet. all of which makes my defense a lot less of a headache.
"Our friends in the Anj Reich are the ideal customers. Please inform them that the two dreadnoughts are theirs.
And get Nescia-Smythe Shipyards on designing one of these battlecruisers Illar seems to like so much. That would probably fill their requirement for a first-response vessel."
"That was...quite a successful offer."
"Just send the message."
Please consider the dreadnoughts yours, though obviously payment and transference will take a little time.
As to the new class of ships, a tender has been placed with Nescia-Smythe. If you wish to specify further what you require, please contact them; we are certain that they will be very happy to accommodate your requirements.
10-05-2007, 09:25
ooc: attn: Incognitia, i really need to get hold of you on msn some time soon. whole bunch of things i can't really respond to until we work out some stuff. this thread included if it is to stay... not messed up.