Elections of the New Pope for UK2 Catholic Church
United kingdom2
08-04-2007, 06:25
Today Pope John VII died in his bed at the age of 102 years old.The election of a new Pope has come.The candidates are:
Bishop John Paul:
Lead the fight for civil rights of catholics in United Kingdom2 in the 60's.Was named a saint by the Catholic Church by saving 3,000 people in the civil war of Northern Ireland in 1950.
Cardinal Benedict
Help saved the Catholic Church in the 45's during World war II.Helped create 123 fundraisers to help the poor and the homeless.
Cardinal Albino
Protected Her Majesty during riots to make Catholic the state religion in 1934.Blessed Pope John VII on his death bed.
The Scandinvans
08-04-2007, 06:49
OOC: You little scampy you also started one: http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=522721;)
United kingdom2
08-04-2007, 06:52
OOC:I know but it was time for our pope to die so i could start the thread.
08-04-2007, 06:53
Why would the UK have a CATHOLIC church?!?
United kingdom2
08-04-2007, 06:54
OOC: You do know that there's only one Pope and not one for every nation on Earth right?
United kingdom2
08-04-2007, 07:08
OOC:This is UK2's national pope and this is not IRl.
08-04-2007, 07:16
STILL, Irish Identity revolves in many ways around catholicism. With the UK having a Catholic Church, possibly in communion w/ Rome,your entire N.Ireland IRA war thread is invalidated for the most part.
OOC: Unless you recognize only the Pope in the Vatican than you're not really Catholic and thus basically Anglican (similar to Catholics theologically, but don't answer to the Vatican). Individual nations have Cardinals or Bishops, not Popes.
United kingdom2
08-04-2007, 07:17
Interview with Pope candidate Bishop John Paul.
Jim:Hello your holy father,how are you today
John Paul:I'm doing fine thank you.How are you today.
Jim:I'm very well holy father.I've some questions for you.Why do you think you will make a good Pope for the catholic citizens of this nation.
John Paul:I well i have worked very hard to protect civil rights of catholics and i have tried many times to bring peace between catholics and protestants.
Jim:Another question holy father before we go.if you do became Pope what is the first thing your do.
John Paul:The first thing i would do as Pope would try and end the civil war and violence that is currently going on in Northern Ireland.If all people join together we can end this battle.
Jim:Thank you Holy father for joining us this morning and answering our questions.
United kingdom2
08-04-2007, 07:19
OOC:I don't really care.It's not in real life and FreeDemGov that war is because of the IRA(Irish Republican Army wanting Northern Ireland to be part of Ireland). So don't try and get facts mixed up.
Newer Kiwiland
08-04-2007, 07:21
OOC: You do know that there's only one Pope and not one for every nation on Earth right?
OOC: There's only one Roman Catholic Pope.... maybe there's one for UK2 Catholic Church :p
Like the Orthordox Pope, you know.
United kingdom2
08-04-2007, 07:22
OOC:Yes it's my country you don't need to follow real life things.And i know there's only one pope in REAL LIFE.
The Sith Clan
08-04-2007, 07:23
If you want a pope go ahead and have one! It's your country right?
OOC: I suppose you're also unaware that Holy Father is ter of address reserved solely for the Pope and for "Pope candidates"? Also, Cardinals (Bishops are ineligble I believe) don't campaign for Pope, they are nominated and elected in secret by their peers in the College of Cardinals. All of which you'd know if you knew anything about Catholicism.
United kingdom2
08-04-2007, 07:25
OOC:I know would you stop YOU DON"T NEED TO FOLLOW EVERYTHING IN REAL LIFE.And stop with the OOC posts everyone.
OOC: There's only one Roman Catholic Pope.... maybe there's one for UK2 Catholic Church :p
Like the Orthordox Pope, you know.
OOC: Which is why he's the Orthodox Pope and not the Catholic Pope.
He can have all the Pope's he wants, but they won't be Catholic.
The Sith Clan
08-04-2007, 07:28
Perhaps in real life. But how they do it in UK2 may be different.
sorry for this ooc post.
United kingdom2
08-04-2007, 07:29
OOC:I"M NOT A HE and I'm A SHE AND THIS POPE IS THE POPE OF UK2 People and he is catholic so stop making ooc posts.
08-04-2007, 07:32
You guys are ELECTING the Pope?
Via democratic elections?
We're in! Let's check the candinates!
Bishop John Paul: Guy's a saint, so I can't vote for him. He's supposed to be dead, no? Guy also has a delusion of graunder, thinking he's a savoiur of 3,000 people. A civil rights leader though.
Cardinal Benedict: Wait? There was a World War 2? I sort of lost track of World Wars after the first 50...Something to do with AMG, right? Anyway, I wonder how he saved the government, maybe he went and led a military campagin. 123 fundraisers...wow, that's a lot.
Cardinal Albino: Catholicism declared State religion? Then how in the world could John Paul fight for civil rights for Catholics? Thought they have too much civil rights. Guy also acts as a bodyguard...might be a tough military guy, unsuited for ruling a small tinpot church.
You know, none of the candinates sound appealing. Any write-in candinates?
United kingdom2
08-04-2007, 07:34
Pope Elections committee
Nope just these candidates.Just vote for one that you thing has made a strong movement in UK2 history.
OOC:I"M NOT A HE and I'm A SHE AND THIS POPE IS THE POPE OF UK2 People and he is catholic so stop making ooc posts.
OOC: I'm done arguing with you. Maybe if you put a little effort into your posts and stopped producing such shitty threads, people would be receptive. Not that you'll listen, but good luck and have fun with your national Pope thread.
United kingdom2
08-04-2007, 07:40
Cardinal Benedict will be having a interview with us at BBC at noon so still turned and you can send in questions that you would like to ask each pope candidate.
The Scandinvans
08-04-2007, 08:00
OOC: You little scampy you also started one: http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=522721;)OOC: I know, but I am just joking around with you.:fluffle:
OOC: I'm done arguing with you. Maybe if you put a little effort into your posts and stopped producing such shitty threads, people would be receptive. Not that you'll listen, but good luck and have fun with your national Pope thread.OOC: Yes, his thread is a litte uonsound, but he is still refining his rp style as I have seen him become better over time.
United kingdom2
08-04-2007, 16:06
Interview with Pope candidate Cardinal Benedict,
Hello everyone today we are having a interview with Pope candidate Cardinal Benedict.
Emily:Hello Holy Father How are you today.
Benedict:Thank i'm good.Emily how are yourself.
Emily:Thank you Holy Father.I have a few questions for you.If you were elected Pope what would you do to help change catholic church.
Benedict:If i'm elected Pope i will re-build the many churchs that will destroyed in 1600's.I have plans to unite the catholic church with Queen Elizabeth III.
Emily:Thank you Holy Father.But Queen Elizabeth is Anglican,how could you unite both religions.
Benedict:Will if i am elected my first duty is to meet the Queen and unite both churchs so that all kinds of religions don't need to be prosecuted against the their religion.
Emily:Thank you holy father for you answer.We are running out of time so good luck.And thanks again for visiting us.
OOC:I know your joking with me.
08-04-2007, 16:24
(OOC: Everyone who's criticising UK2, look at this article (http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/index.php/Roman_Catholicism) on Catholicism in NS.)
United kingdom2
08-04-2007, 16:28
OOC:So my country can have a pope.
United kingdom2
08-04-2007, 16:44
This afternoon Cardinal Albino will be here for a interview.Remember you can ask questions for the pope candidates.And one monday is the great debate between all three of the pope candidates so send in you questions now.
United kingdom2
08-04-2007, 17:48
Today Cardinal Albino has joined us today for an interview during the pope elections.
Alex:Hello Holy Father how are this afternoon.
Albino:I'm during very well Alex.
Alex:So Holy Father If you got elected as Pope what would you do first.
Albino:The first the thing i would do if i was elected as Pope would not make the catholicism the country's state religion.It would causing rioting and war if i did that.This country has many religions and i couldn't do that to them.
Alex:Holy Father what will you do about the catholics and protestants schools in the country.
Albino:I will join them but i will speak with her Majesty about it first.Both religions need to work out there problems with we want this country to be united.
Alex:Thank you Holy Father for answering our questions.Good luck with the Pope elections.
08-04-2007, 18:03
(OOC: So I can post questions but I'd have to wait till tomorrow for a reply?)
United kingdom2
08-04-2007, 18:11
OOC:Yes tomorrow is the debate.
United kingdom2
09-04-2007, 02:17
Pope Elections committee
Cast in your vote today or tomorrow.The voting will end Friday.
United kingdom2
09-04-2007, 03:14
Tomorrow is the Pope elections debate.So prepare your questions for each pope candidate.The debate will last for about an hour and after it you can vote.
United kingdom2
09-04-2007, 07:40
Pope election debates have started.send in your questions now.After an hour of questions the pope candidates will start a full debate.
OOC:Will answer them when i sign back in.
09-04-2007, 08:19
Kahanistan had suffered an invasion from Doomingsland, (http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/index.php/Operation_Silva) a hardline Catholic monarchy notorious for its human rights abuses, religious intolerance, and imperialism. As a result of this invasion, the people had been displaced from their home in the Middle East to Haven. The cruel practices of Doomingsland ensured that almost all Kahanistanians, even the most devout Catholics, hated them. The occupation of the Negev Desert meant that anti-Catholicism was on the rise on the right wing among many politicians.
However, the young woman interviewing the papal candidates was not particularly anti-Catholic despite having lost her mother and father to a Doomani chemical attack on civilians rumored to have been incited by cartoons of some sort. It was difficult to get a lot of detailed information out of occupied territory.
Ms. Vanessa Walton, a reporter for Communist Monthly, entered the room. She was a tall, dark-haired woman of roughly average weight and about 27 years old, dressed in a modest business suit like that often seen on female politicians or executives. She introduced herself to the candidates and set a microphone stand among them.
"This is Vanessa Walton, reporting for Communist Monthly magazine. Now, sirs, a lot of people in my nation are extremely anti-Catholic as a result of the Doomani invasion, can you explain to my people, and anyone else who might be interested, what Catholicism is about?"
United kingdom2
09-04-2007, 08:25
Cardinal Albino started to answer the question first.
Catholicism is "the whole body of Christians". The actual extension of Catholicism in this sense varies with the different understandings of what it means to be a Christian.the part of the Latin Church that remained under the Roman obedience after the Reformation", he Catholic or Roman Catholic Church. This definition of Catholicism should be expanded to cover the Eastern particular Churches that are in full communion with the Bishop of Rome, and that the Church in question sees as no less part of Catholicism than the Latin particular Church.
any church as the Anglican claiming continuity with the church before separation into Greek or Eastern and Latin or Western". Churches that make this claim of continuity include not only those of the Anglican Communion, but, among others, the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodoxy, the Assyrian Church of the East. The claim of continuity may be based on apostolic succession, especially in conjunction with adherence to the Nicene Creed. Some interpret Catholicism as adherence to the traditional beliefs that Protestant Reformers denied.Does that answer your question Miss Walton.
09-04-2007, 08:54
The reporter smiled. "That might be a little too detailed for the average layperson," she said. "I didn't understand half of it myself. What... does Catholicism say about converting the unbelievers... its views towards Jews, women, homosexuals... its overall perspective on what we would refer to as civil rights?"
These were major bones of contention on the Kahanistanian right wing, which held a hard-line nationalist ideology bordering on fascism, though racism was rare. The nation had been founded by Jews and only later on become secular and democratic.
09-04-2007, 13:59
Question from a CBC Reporter:
Which one of the three candidates is pushing for peace in Northern Ireland2?
United kingdom2
09-04-2007, 19:19
Cardinal Benedict answered the first question.
Jews, women, homosexuals have civil rights in UK2 Catholic church already.Catholicism has shamed homosexuals and that is not the right thing to do.If i do become Pope one of my duties would let all three of these groups equal in UK2 Catholic.I will not convert nonbelievers because i respect each religions and ways of the people of this nation.
Bishop John Paul answer the second question.
I'm pushing for peace in Northern Ireland.The matter is not about catholics and protestants but about the IRA wanting Northern Ireland to go back to Ireland.Many lives have been losted and i help and try to re-build Northern Ireland send my grief to families who lost love ones in this civil war.
United kingdom2
10-04-2007, 21:47
You can still ask questions to the pope candidates and right now we have a tie so keep on voting.
11-04-2007, 04:55
Ms. Walton nodded her head in understanding. "I see. Most people in Kahanistan would agree with your views on homosexuals and non-Catholics... last question, could you tell them what the difference is between what you believe and what the Catholic leadership in Doomingsland believes?"
She hoped that hearing what Catholics believed from someone who didn't feed sinners to lions or believe that the infidel must be converted or killed might soften some of the less virulent anti-Catholics in her nation.
[OOC: If you don't understand the question, you can get an idea of what she's talking about (and the source of over 90% of anti-Catholicism in Kahanistan) simply by looking at some of Doom's recent threads using the Jolt search function. Handy way to get background info on any nation and determine what nations might be friendly.]
Free Outer Eugenia
11-04-2007, 05:14
Question from FOEnet:
Cardinal Benedict, are you in fact holding two bottles of Olde Kropotkin in this photograph? If so then what is it about Free Outer Eugenian beer that makes it smoother and tastier than all others?
United kingdom2
11-04-2007, 12:58
Cardinal Benedict answered the question.
I can't say anything about that country because i haven't lived there.But if they are converting other religions into catholics then it is wrong to do it.I can't talk much about the Catholic leadership in their country and thats all i can give you.
United kingdom2
12-04-2007, 12:59
Today the United Kingdom2 has a new Pope.Bishop John Paul is now Pope John Paul III.The people of United Kingdom2 thanks the people who voted so they could finnaly get a new Pope.
Free Outer Eugenia
13-04-2007, 10:44
OOC: bah the old coot dodged the question... I mean he wears Prada loafers! He must have access to imported beer.:p