black panthers nationalized white bunisesses
Black panthers2
08-04-2007, 04:27
today in black_panthers2 its a glorious day for all black people. president mugabe has declared that all white busineses including farms and shops are to be nationalized and given to blacks. the whites living in houses worth USD 1000 or more are to be taken to tempary camps to be stored until mugabe thinks up something to do with them (hint :mp5:)
over 100000 whites have been Interened in Consentration camps across the country. An white caught on the street must surrender or will be shot by the black panthers army wich was deployed on satturday.
also we are building consturction of aircraft carrier PBS (proud black ship) "ZIMBABWE" to combat the white threats from overseas. our airforce is consists of 14 french rafaels stolen frmo a french airbase. if you attack we will defend our naiton at all cost.
Black panthers2
08-04-2007, 04:30
riots in the capital of New Orleans as a white man was shoot by police forces ealrier today. the man was killed becuase he refused to hand his car keys to a black police offficer. over 1000 whites are rioting and the police are cosnidering using vx gas to stop the relbellion. what do you think they shoul do?
08-04-2007, 04:31
The Grand Imperium of Whyatica
The Grand Imperium strongly denounces the genocidal tactics of "President" Mugabe of the Black Panthers. His communist leanings and violent racist rhetoric make him not fit for the country, and the Grand Imperium is considering intervention to end the genocide. President Mugabe has twenty-four hours to return all property seized from the minority whites and end the genocide before severe action will be taken.
Black panthers2
08-04-2007, 04:32
whites stormed the police staiton today. police offficers arrived with automatic weaponry and there was a heavy battle. many whties where killed but only 3 officers were killed. at least 100 whites were killed and 4 offficers.
it is now madnatory for whties to report to Consentration camps. The goverment is angry and it has said that any white on the street will be shot. militia army police are enforcing this.
Black panthers2
08-04-2007, 04:33
The Grand Imperium of Whyatica
The Grand Imperium strongly denounces the genocidal tactics of "President" Mugabe of the Black Panthers. His communist leanings and violent racist rhetoric make him not fit for the country, and the Grand Imperium is considering intervention to end the genocide. President Mugabe has twenty-four hours to return all property seized from the minority whites and end the genocide before severe action will be taken.
PREISDENT MUGABE will never surrender to you you empirealist scumm. we will deffend our nation until the bitter end!!!
three whites accusing of raping a black girl have been killed without trail to show the grand imperiium we mean busisness.
Black panthers2
08-04-2007, 04:35
(OCC:if you invade me please let me win so i can look good ok? tx)
08-04-2007, 04:35
Dontgonearthere is of course deeply concerned with the situation, and although it may seem out of control, we strongly discourage the deployment of weapons of mass destruction against civilians. Moral reasons aside chemical nerve agents are quite deadly, and VX gas by its nature would render the entire city uninhabitable for some time.
Dontgonearthere would, if permitted, be obliged to deploy regiments of its own internal security forces (The VCB, 'Internal Security Force') in order to assist in stabilization of your city.
If race is an issue, there are several non-'white' regiments in Dontgonearthere's security apparatus.
Dontgonearthere must express its unhappyness with the situation in your nation. We feel that it would be best if you allowed our security forces to assist your own before things spiral out of control.
We also strongly advise against the use of 'concentration camps'. Such terminology only upsets people in the international community.
Black panthers2
08-04-2007, 04:37
at least 150000 whites are rounded up and are in camps. president mugabe warns there are at least 150000 left. be prepared he says to all citizens, to deffend yourselves if neccesary.
in one of these camps.
"there ar orders from the president himselves!"
"we should use ' the weapon ' to kill 100 whites to test it on them an to calbriate the weapon."
the camp commander orders 100 whites to be put in a room where theyre given anthrax lased with water. within 5 hours they are all dead.
Black panthers2
08-04-2007, 04:38
Dontgonearthere is of course deeply concerned with the situation, and although it may seem out of control, we strongly discourage the deployment of weapons of mass destruction against civilians. Moral reasons aside chemical nerve agents are quite deadly, and VX gas by its nature would render the entire city uninhabitable for some time.
Dontgonearthere would, if permitted, be obliged to deploy regiments of its own internal security forces (The VCB, 'Internal Security Force') in order to assist in stabilization of your city.
If race is an issue, there are several non-'white' regiments in Dontgonearthere's security apparatus.
its ok theres no need president mugabe has managed to bring the country under control the whole naiton is rallying around the president.
08-04-2007, 04:38
The Grand Imperium
It is obvious that decisive action is needed to end the Black Panthers genocide - and as such, the Whyatican Empire is prepared to deploy it's military to end the genocide and bring peace to the region, if President Mugabe does not surrender himself within twelve hours. We warn the Black Panthers not to trifle with the Whyatican Empire, for we are quite powerful. Liberty must be restored to the minority groups within the Black Panthers.
Black panthers2
08-04-2007, 04:40
The Grand Imperium
It is obvious that decisive action is needed to end the Black Panthers genocide - and as such, the Whyatican Empire is prepared to deploy it's military to end the genocide and bring peace to the region, if President Mugabe does not surrender himself within twelve hours. We warn the Black Panthers not to trifle with the Whyatican Empire, for we are quite powerful. Liberty must be restored to the minority groups within the Black Panthers.
get stuffed is what presidet mugabe has say to you. we have over 100000 men in our army and army is bigger than that of white empirealist state like uk france and russia. if you attack we will stop you in your tracks and counteratack over the border and take control of your country. then life wont be pleasants for your whtie populaiton. you have to think abot the possibilities of that before war..
we are mobisling our air force in acse a strike is neded on whyactica. our 30 rafaels are raedy to take off an our paratrooper divison of 5000 parasoldiers is ready to attack. over 500000 militia have gun sand are fortifiying the cities in case of an whyactican attack.
08-04-2007, 04:41
In view the current actions of the Black Panther government, Dontgonearthere must second the declaration of the Whyatican Empire, and will assist in whatever way it can to stop this madness.
Dontgonearthere military command is willing to open communications with the Whyatican military in order to coordinate better in this matter. We would prefer to avoid engaging Whyatican forces instead of our mutual target.
08-04-2007, 04:41
From the Office of Chairwoman Erika Kars
President Mugabe, while I respect your nationalist themes, your actions concern me. You seem to be going a bit overboard, considering the use of VX gas, passing judgement without a fair trial. At this point I'm actually going to have to agree with my Whyatican counterpart (Well there's something new), and ask you to cease and desist from breaching the inborn human rights of your own citizens. If you really feel the need to get rid of all the non-persons of color in your nation, Illior could send several ships to pick them up and have them emigrate to other nations. If instead you insist on killing all of them, well then, your little carrier that you're building won't be around for much longer. Yes, we know about that, and we know about those Rafales too, ooo so scary, BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU, you have twenty-three hours and fifty minutes to comply from the whyatican deadline.
Ghost Tigers Rise
08-04-2007, 04:41
All I have to say is
Black panthers2
08-04-2007, 04:43
From the Office of Chairwoman Erika Kars
President Mugabe, while I respect your nationalist themes, your actions concern me. You seem to be going a bit overboard, considering the use of VX gas, passing judgement without a fair trial. At this point I'm actually going to have to agree with my Whyatican counterpart (Well there's something new), and ask you to cease and desist from breaching the inborn human rights of your own citizens. If you really feel the need to get rid of all the non-persons of color in your nation, Illior could send several ships to pick them up and have them emigrate to other nations. If instead you insist on killing all of them, well then, your little carrier that you're building won't be around for much longer. Yes, we know about that, and we know about those Rafales too, ooo so scary, BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU, you have twenty-three hours and fifty minutes to comply from the whyatican deadline.
ok. we wont stand for this empirealism. we will stop you if you attack us but mugabe is a peaceful man and want sto make a deal. we will give you 100000 of our whties and we can keep the other 75000.
Your nation embodies all that Tolvan opposes in this world, racism, oppresion, and socialism are affronts to the basic dignity of humanity and must be stamped out. However, we have no interest in sheeding Tolvanic blood in your miserable little country at this time, but we would like nothing more than to see your sad excuse for a government fall. To this end the Commonwealth of Tolvan will begin immediate arms shipments to any anti-governemnt forces we deem reliable. Should any Tolvanic citizens or property be lost through any action of your nation, your military will ease to exist, your government will fall, and your president will die. You have been warned once, you will not receive such a courtesy again.
Tyler Hutchins
Prime Minister
Commonwealth of Tolvan
08-04-2007, 04:45
Please stop. We're willing to pay you money for the white people in your nation to come and live with us. :(
-Reich Foreign Ministry-
-Lucianus, Granate. Kleinheart Palace-
"Sir, the Nation of Black Panthers has declared a list of racial anti-White laws in there country are forcing them into Internment camps/ shooting them on sight. It would seem that their county has gone to hell in a hand basket. What is our course of Action?" A Military Official asked the King.
"Hmmm, it seems their 'President', more like Psycopath, is not fit for rule. But we can't act immediately without incuring some sort of International Ire. Hmmm they seem to be crazed and have killed people to show the mean business. The only course is to launch 3 Cruise Missles at military Targets in their nation to show we mean business. Oh and tell them we did and why. Don't forget the Ultimatum." The King said without showing his true emotions.
-Granatian Submarine in the Granatian Sea-
"Captain on deck!" An Ensign yelled. The crew stood at attention waiting for the captain to sit down. He did without much fuss and the crew began their preparations for launch.
"Targets: 3 Military Installations in the Black Panthers. Warhead: Minimum. Allowance: Granted. We are green for a Launch, Captain." A Crew member said. The captain did wait long in giving the launch the Go from him. The crew braced themselves as three of the Subs Cruise Missles left their pods one after the other. The Missles were racing towards their targets in the Black Panthers.
Diplomatic Communique to the Black Panthers
We are appalled at your lack of decency towards your fellow man. By the time you have read this message, three Cruise Missles will have been launched towards your nation to show you that we mean business. You have 24 hours to cease you actions or further Cruise Missle Strikes will take place.
You have been warned.
The Scandinvans
08-04-2007, 04:49
The Scandinvan Parliment has hereby mobilized two hundred legions, one million soldiers, to aide the White population of Black panthers2 unless if the White population be allowed to immigrate to our nation, imported_Illior, Tocrowkia, or another nation in their entirety of those willing to leave.
As well, we are ready to invade your nation unless if you 'allow' our nations to oversee the migration of thw White population from your nation and if you attack them, under one of our supervision, the Scandinvan Empire shall be forced to act and will be forced to invade your nation and install a new government.
You have tewnty hours to give a response before we will be 'forced' to act with our full military capabilities and launch an invansion of your nation.
Emperor Olaf IV
The Shakal Empire admires the nationalism displayed by your people and government. However, we shall not stand for any form of genocide. Our Empire consists of over a dozen nationalities that all exist equally.
The Shakal government will side with Whyatica on this matter. As of now the military is responding to the matter and will move whenever the Whyatican military moves so will ours.
OOC:You might as well give it up now...
08-04-2007, 04:57
From the Office of Erika Kars:
President Mugabe, I can see you're a reasonable man, but I suggest sending the other 75,000 as well. I've got five aircraft, a nice slow bomber, and 4 slower escorts on their way to send that carrier of yours to Davy Jones's locker if you don't let the rest of them go.
Teril AFB
Captain Jake Heinrich was looking over his preflights as he was getting ready to leave, his aircraft was GS-42something Bomber nicknamed the "n00b5m45h3r 0f D00M!", was getting ready to take off. It would be an eight hour flight to Black Panthers 2, and after that, well, off to the Cravanian Nude beaches to get some ass.
Imperial Department of Foreign Affairs
The Libertarian Empire strongly backs our allies in Illior and Whyatica, and as such demand that their terms be met within the alotted time or military action will occur.
We hope you meet these demands. Else our collective foot will be up in yo' hizz-ass.
Let liberty reign!
Louis McHenry
Louis McHenry
Director of Foreign Affairs
08-04-2007, 05:02
The Grand Imperium of Whyatica
It is obvious to the Imperial Parliament that "President" Mugabe will not see the voice of reason - only force can deter dictators such as he, and the Grand Imperium is certainly willing to use it. We thank the peoples of Shakal and Illior for lending a word in support, but the conflict has gone beyond mere words. Now, the 9th Carrier Battle Group and the 33rd Marine Division will be shortly deployed to Black Panthers, to pacify the destructive policies of this government and bring peace and sanity to the region. To the oppressed of Black Panthers, help is soon coming and liberation is at hand.
The Imperial Parliament of Whyatica
Colombo Island Naval Base, Colombo Island
Rear Admiral Elliott Osborne heard a vague beeping in his head, on the bridge of his aircraft carrier - and he said, "Main Screen Turn On."
The face of Grand Admiral Arthur Branch appeared on the screen, and Osborne cried out, "It's you!!!"
"How are you gentleman?!" the Grand Admiral said, and the rest of the bridge flinched. Branch and Osborne were friends, and this sort of roleplay was common among them. The Captain of the ship audibly sighed, and received a glaring look from Admiral Osborne.
"Anyway, Rear Admiral. New orders for you and your fleet - you are to deploy immediately to the nation of the Black Panthers - don't worry, I've provided coordinates, the nation seemingly popped up out of nowhere - and pacify the government by any means necessary. I've ordered a Marine division to accompany your fleet."
"Aye, sir." Osborne said, tempted to spin around in his swivelly command chair a bit.
"Now, move out. A bunch of other nations are salivating to take out this nation, and we have to get there first." The Grand Admiral commanded, turning off the feed.
"Aye, sir.." Osborne said, giving himself a quick spin and saying, "You heard the man. Set course and get everyone ready to leave."
The Commonwealth of Tolvan is willing to accept up to 10,000 of your white refugees. Refusal of this offer would be most unwise on your part.
Tyler Hutchins
Prime Minister
Commonwealth of Tolvan
OOC: Given that the nations allied against you can deploy more troops than your total population, I'd calling it quits.
08-04-2007, 05:14
En Route over some random Ocean or other, or sea, who the hell knows or cares? It's just a shitload of water
Jake was sitting at the controls, waiting for his Copilot to arrive, he had to take a dump soooo badly. That morning he'd had about five cans of Boston Baked beans, and he could feel his colon swelling. His copilot had been in the can when he got on, and he heard a female voice yelling out of it. Probably another freakin dyke, he thought. On his last flight, He'd been stuck with the butch of all butches, Maria Pratsovaskijakavania. He heard the cockpit door open and he closed his eyes, as if he was asleep. He'd already turned the autopilot on, and he had no will to talk with some butch bitch more than necessary. As he heard the seat next to him squeak, he felt his bowels move, and he let out one helluva SBD, the thing lasted 10 seconds, and in an airplane with stale air, that would mean hell for his copilot. He heard year start coughing, and he heard her pull her mask on, with satisfaction, he shifted over, and in the process accidentally opened his eyes. They stayed open. His copilot wasn't the Butch bitch he thought she was. Sitting right next to him was a Buxom Blonde goddess!
"Sir, the Whyatican forces have just begun moving." The attendant told the Chief Of Staff Fredrick Mannstein.
"Good." He said non-chalently. "Send the Ragnarok and the 3rd fleet." With that the Shakal fleet set out for an intervention. When Mannstein was left alone he shook his head. "Im so bored with these interventions. When will a war come along to replace these endless slaughterfests."
TO:Black panthers2
From: The Angaorian Department of State
as the president of are country is black we cannot agree with what u are doing and u must stop all action taking against the white people or face military action
North Calaveras
08-04-2007, 06:41
This is outragueos the Communist party of North Calaveras demands the black panthers to stop this genocide and return the country to its former ruler. Do you think this would fly with the other nations, your a Fascist one race dictatorship.
The Scandinvans
08-04-2007, 06:45
(OCC:if you invade me please let me win so i can look good ok? tx)OOC: Sorry, to say this the newer nations have a tendency to be overrun if you commint these kinda of acts and considering the big guys fields armies in the tens of millions they will not let you win as we have been known to just destroy an entire nation with nukes. Sorry.:(
North Calaveras
08-04-2007, 06:49
The peoples Republic of NC will act with military action on this fascist nation.
The peoples Republic of NC will act with military action on this fascist nation.
The Shakal Empire is essentially facist...
The PeoplesFreedom
08-04-2007, 06:52
The peoples Republic of NC will act with military action on this fascist nation.
OCC: And we will have military action on you for thinking that if you are facist you automatically commit genocide.
08-04-2007, 06:55
You know, if this guy was serious (which seems doubtful, considering his OOC 'Let me win so I can look good' message', but meh), you've most likely scared him off. I know if I were new and 20 people came after me I wouldnt be too happy either.
Just my opinion, of course.)
North Calaveras
08-04-2007, 06:55
Im not a fascist im a Communist. I dont kill people because of the colorof there skin or there beliefs. and anyways shakal you said your people are of many natioals but you say you are fscist?
The PeoplesFreedom
08-04-2007, 06:57
Im not a fascist im a Communist. I dont kill people because of the colorof there skin or there beliefs. and anyways shakal you said your people are of many natioals but you say you are fscist?
OCC: You obviously do not know what Fascists believe in. They believe in their race/nationality as the superior one, but that doesn't mean they kill all others. Stalin killed more people than Hitler, for the record.
North Calaveras
08-04-2007, 06:59
But he didnt do it because of there skin color and he didnt believe russians were a superior race and although he did kill alot alot of those were enemy prisoners.
North Calaveras
08-04-2007, 07:00
If you think fascism is an actually a good goverment type then how come there are almost NO more fascist countrys?
North Calaveras
08-04-2007, 07:04
dont try and say Communism didnt do that great because it conteneded with capitalsim and still is (CHINA, Cuba, Moldova, North Korea, Vietnam,) lets see your list of fascist nations that still excist.
The PeoplesFreedom
08-04-2007, 07:04
If you think fascism is an actually a good goverment type then how come there are almost NO more fascist countrys?
OCC: I never said it was superior. The point I was trying to make is that fascists do not believe in genocide. Neither do communistd for that matter, it is the madman dictators who do.
The PeoplesFreedom
08-04-2007, 07:06
OCC: Also China is moving further and further away from Communism in the Market aspect.
North Calaveras
08-04-2007, 07:08
true but i woundnt say its moving i would say China has a Comm-Cap goverment system that i think is working very well.
North Calaveras
08-04-2007, 07:09
O so your saying the Shakal empire is a dictator ship.
OOC:I always thought that Facist meant the same as Dictatorship...Anyway, lets not steal the thread...
Unless i get a war out of it.
North Calaveras
08-04-2007, 07:10
yes we should get back to thread. but i dont know if this guy is going to show up again.
true but i woundnt say its moving i would say China has a Comm-Cap goverment system that i think is working very well.
OOC: If an abysmal human rights record and brutal opporession are your thing then yeah the PRC government works pretty well.
North Calaveras
08-04-2007, 07:11
heres a good idea lets declare war on this country come in we can each split it into evens peices for eachother.:)
Free Outer Eugenia
08-04-2007, 07:11
OCC: I never said it was superior. The point I was trying to make is that fascists do not believe in genocide. Neither do communistd for that matter, it is the madman dictators who do.OOC: really? So you generally have entire state apparatuses made up of thousands upon thousands of mustachioed dictators building concentration camps, rounding folks up, forming dictator-only death squads and all that? I didn't realize that there were so many dictators in a fascist state. Imagine that, crowds of poor horrified rank-and-file fascists looking on as a million dictators cheer for mass murder and then go forth and perpetrate it. Those poor misunderstood fascists. And here I thought that fascists generally favor a single dictator and do the dirty work themselves. I guess the actual history of every application of fascism as well as all the fascist theory that has had any following at all has misled me.
Bah. I feel dirty even posting in this thread. It might as well be an RP about a nation of vampiric Jews abducting Christian babies to use in their dark Semitic blood rites.
OCC: Let's not hijack the thread.
EDIT: Oh, so I'm hijacking this thread now? This is about the tenth unrelated OOC post in a row on this thread. You didn't seem to mind those, in fact you contributed to the pile. I do not plan on making another one, hence this edit. And this isn't even a legitimate IC thread. It's racist trolling.
heres a good idea lets declare war on this country come in we can each split it into evens peices for eachother.:)
OOC:I actually meant with you... ;)
The PeoplesFreedom
08-04-2007, 07:16
OCC: Let's not hijack the thread.
North Calaveras
08-04-2007, 07:17
OOC:I actually meant with you... ;) are you serious do you have any idea on how many nations would support me. lol you would be invaded and you would in turn become a communist
North Calaveras
08-04-2007, 07:18
OOC:I actually meant with you... ;)
any ways why should we allow a nation such as the black panthers go on killing people.
North Calaveras
08-04-2007, 07:19
It seams we need to intervine with military action into the black panthers country or at least support white rebels.
08-04-2007, 07:19
If you decide to split a nation amongst you for RP purposes what,if anything, happens to it in NS and how is it prevent'd from further RP? A n00b question, but it has to be asked.
Free Outer Eugenia
08-04-2007, 07:29
If you decide to split a nation amongst you for RP purposes what,if anything, happens to it in NS and how is it prevent'd from further RP? A n00b question, but it has to be asked.
OOC:You can choose to ignore the 'split up' nation in YOUR OWN future rp, i.e. act as if id does not exist as a sovereign state anymore. Much like you don't RP with a nation that is in a different time period. Yay for parallel universes! And be sure to specify "OOC" posts like that one. The very premise of this RP is Trollish as far as I am concerned so I would ignore it from the get go if I were you. Free Outer Eugenia will even provide you it's advanced 'ignore cannon technology' free of charge ;)
Look at this racist cracker's national animal and currency. He's cruising for a bruising. From the mods perhaps. Or maybe this sort of thing is OK with them now.
" Black panthers2's national animal is the kf chicken, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the social welfare cheque."
Black panthers2
08-04-2007, 13:02
occ: get this politics crap out my thread
the black panthers will agree to back down. we want to engage in deplomacy but we will only do this is dontgoonearththere, whyactica, and illior will protect us from the other countrys while where in deplomacy.
what do you want from us for peace?
also if the other countrys invade your armies are not big, your simply weak, we'll smash you and thorw you into the seas.
The Great Britian
08-04-2007, 14:01
Your nation is realtivley tiny, and struggling ecconomicly. I put it to you that your nation is weak and your army, tiny. The Holy Empire of the Great Britian will not stand by and watch you commit these attrocities in the name of your, evidently, mentally unstable leader. Nor will it be dictated to or threatend by a nation such as yourself.
Tobias Drewit
Minister of Forign affairs
Black panthers2
08-04-2007, 14:08
"oh shit" the guard said as the bullet hit his head and exploded inside his brain sending lbood all over he walls of the presdeintial pallaces.
the white ocmmandos known as the "SS volkstormors" had atacking the pallace an had taken control. tehy found mugabe in his offfice writing his book "the anhilation of the whtie race".
"mugabe you are a pig"
"no you are you white dogg"
the white commando aim his gun at mugabes head. the gun is a desert eagle. mugabe thinks on his feet and pulls out a mac-10 fro mhis draw and riddels the commandos body ful of bullets. more ocmmandos come in but mugabe kils them too.
"yes corporal" mugabe said to a guard.
"the army is here"
the army arrived with tanks and beggan to clear up the commandos.
an attempt waws made on prsident mugabes life today. the presidnet is very angry and has personally ordered all whties inth ecity to be arrested and 'taken care of (hint :gundge:)
at leas 5000 whites are killed. this is how. mugabe has decided to unleash his best chemmical weapon the Vx-w strain. (vx-white) this deadly gas effected only whtie people and is takeing its tol on the whitpe opulaiton of the naiton. soon at least50000 whties will die from vx-w.
To: The Government of the Black Panthers
From: Minister P. Sweetwater
Minister of Foreign Relations of the Grand Duchy of Tarlag
The Grand Duchy of Tarlag demands you stop all hostile actions against your white population. You have one choice in this matter return all property to their rightful owners and pay reparations to all injured parties in this matter. If the Black Panthers does this the Grand Duchy of Tarlag will attempt to broker a peace deal with the nations currently engaging in hostilities with your government.
If The Black Panthers will not follow this recommended course of action the Military of the Grand Duchy of Tarlag will also move against you. The choice is yours!
St Samuel
08-04-2007, 14:14
an attempt waws made on prsident mugabes life today. the presidnet is very angry and has personally ordered all whties inth ecity to be arrested and 'taken care of (hint :gundge:)
This is clearly false propaganda by the evil dictator Mugabe in order to find an excuse to kill more innocent people. These killings must stop or im afraid that St Samuel will have to join many the other nations of the international community in stopping the attrocities being committed by Mugabe.
We request that you enter into talks and allow a St Samuel Aid agency move the ethnic 'whites' that you seem to be targeting.
The Great Britian
08-04-2007, 14:18
The Holy Empire of The Great Britian will not stand by and let this genocide continue.
The Holy Empire of The Great Britian will move forces into the area.
Marine task Force hydra, consisting of 3 Trimaran frigates and 4 marine Carriers, each holding 5 heavy assult hovercraft, will move towards your nation and create a blockade.
If your nation does not desist, then we will have no choice but to take "action"
Imperial isa
08-04-2007, 14:25
hearing what was going on in Black panthers2 The Shadow Empire of Imperial sends a message
to presidnet of Black panthers2
if you don't want white's there ship them here
TNS Update
To Stop the Genocide of whites in the new nation of Black Panthers The Ministry of Defense today announced that they will be deploying a task force under Admiral Richard Hatch to stop the ethnic cleansing that seems to have started in this unhappy nation. The following ships will be deployed against the forces of the Black Panthers.
H.D.S. King Tristen ( Island Class CVN)
H.D.S. Black Dragon ( Lancer Class CVH)
H.D.S. Queen Sandra ( Essex II Class CVA)
H.D.S. Invincible (Argo Class BBH)
H.D.S. Grendle ( Alaska II Class BCL)
25 escort ships are included in this task force in addition to four Regimental Combat Teams of Naval infantry.
The Foreign Ministry has again repeated its call for the Black Panthers to follow the course of action that it has laid out. If not the full weight of Admiral Hatch's Task force will be brought to bare.
08-04-2007, 15:40
Royal, or is it Imperial, no not imperial, Demonarchaic, yeah, there we go, Demonarchaic Palace, Illian (Capital city, Duh!) Illior
After hearing about the gassing of the whites in BP2 (Sounds more like a fuel company than a nation), Erika started laughing Maniacally. "Send the carrier to Davy Joneses Locker," She said to her personal advisor.
Somewhere in the skies of who-the-fuck-knows-where, probably over some nameless body of water
Jake sat there staring at the masked beauty, and she finally looked over at him.
"Oh, hello, I'm Lieutenant Jessica Parker, and sorry about the mask, but something smells so rank in here, it's like Oh-Em-gee, so stinky."
Jake didn't hear a word she said, he was entranced by her Blonde Buxomness, and totally enthralled. He totally ignored her talk and continued looking her over, eye-fucking, as some call it. He felt his bowels rumbling, once again, and he unstrappped himself from his seat and got up, with a quick "Excuse me for a few moments."
He walked along the path past the alternate crew quarters where his usual co-pilot (now an actual pilot) was sleeping. He went straight for the head. As he opened the door, a stench hit him. It smelled like something had thrown up a dead body, and then the body had decomposed. He went over to the toilet, with its lid ominously closed. He opened the lid, and BAM! the stench almost knocked him out it was so bad. He held his breath as he looked in the toilet, and the sight was just as bad as the smell. It looked as if someone had shat a watermelon of taco-meat, stewed carrots and peas. He could actually make out the remnants of a chicken wing. The toilet was clogged beyond repair, and it would likely have to be removed once on the ground.
Jake quickly closed the lid, and closed the door and went running out gasping for air, as if he'd just surfaced from being ten minutes under water. Who the fuck could have done this? he thought to himself. He then remembered Miss Jessica had been in here before him, and had taken ages. No, He thought, she's to fuckin hot to take a shit like this, his disbelief even visible in his face, as he walked down the stairs into the bombardier's room, and went and used his head.
He sat down on the toilet, which looked rather clean, and had some nice little classical music playing in it. The music was soon blocked out by a cacophony of noises accompanied by the evacuation of human feces. This specific evacuation looked and sounded like it came out of a movie where some guy had been given an extra-strength Laxitive without knowing it.
The Scandinvans
08-04-2007, 17:46
"oh shit" the guard said as the bullet hit his head and exploded inside his brain sending lbood all over he walls of the presdeintial pallaces.
the white ocmmandos known as the "SS volkstormors" had atacking the pallace an had taken control. tehy found mugabe in his offfice writing his book "the anhilation of the whtie race".
"mugabe you are a pig"
"no you are you white dogg"
the white commando aim his gun at mugabes head. the gun is a desert eagle. mugabe thinks on his feet and pulls out a mac-10 fro mhis draw and riddels the commandos body ful of bullets. more ocmmandos come in but mugabe kils them too.
"yes corporal" mugabe said to a guard.
"the army is here"
the army arrived with tanks and beggan to clear up the commandos.
an attempt waws made on prsident mugabes life today. the presidnet is very angry and has personally ordered all whties inth ecity to be arrested and 'taken care of (hint :gundge:)
at leas 5000 whites are killed. this is how. mugabe has decided to unleash his best chemmical weapon the Vx-w strain. (vx-white) this deadly gas effected only whtie people and is takeing its tol on the whitpe opulaiton of the naiton. soon at least50000 whties will die from vx-w.Offical Imperial Decree:
There hereby exists a state of war between our two nations as of now.
Our forces which were earlier mobilized and now in deployment along your coasts and shall now begin landing on your land and shall therefore be invaded in the common good.
Emperor Olaf IV
Black panther2 coast:
The Lord General now had ordered the landing and now 80,000 troops, with gas masks now, began to land along the coast and were ordered to crush any resistance given and to secure all remaining White populations.
As well, they were ordered to make a beachway for the main force of the Scandinvan Imperial Army which would then march inland and crush the mad tryant whom was trying to kill all the White peoples of his nation and would in turn face death for his crimes if the Scandinvans got to him first.
Black panthers2
08-04-2007, 18:21
A distance from the coast, 1st Artillery Battalion
The battery of 4" artillery pieces lay concealed among the bush of Black Panthers2. Fifteen pieces, guarded by a company of Presidential Guard, were camouflaged and were awaiting further orders. While they were, on their own, not enough to stop the Scandinvan advance they had a weapon on the way that would ensure victory against the foe. In this position they could strike all over the Scandinvan advance and already had their guns aimed at the largest contingent of troops in any one area.
A few minutes later a group of trucks arrived guarded by more Presidential Guard. The Commander of the Artillery unit signed the form and the ammunition was unloaded - weaponized cyanogen chloride shells. They were loaded into the guns and the artillery gunners saluted each other and quietly sang the Black Panthers2 national anthem, before opening fire.
The rapid fire guns could manage six rounds a minute and within three minutes each had fired all their CK shells at the largest concentration of Scandinvan troops. The artillery unit boarded the trucks, and the trrucks took them and the mobile artillery back to a military base.
Mugabe Airbase
Six Rafaels from Number 31st 'Black Devils' squadron had loaded up on CK bombs from Mugabe Airbase and where already in the air when the 1st Artillery had begun their bombardment. The Rafaels covered the ground in minutes and were over the second largest contingent of Scandinvan troops when the 1st Artillery opened fire. Each dropped four 250kg bombs full of weaponised CK.
Meanwhile, all militia are mobilizing. From whe nthe invasion fleet was spotted until now 750,000 militiamen with rifles, machine guns, shotguns, and even teenagers with pistols and panzerscrecks are preparing for the invasion.
There are massive stocks of weapons like CK, which can pass through gas mask filters and such, in Black Panther arsenals. Furthermore, Black Panther scientists, at great costs, have in the past developed the bubonic and pneumonic plague and are planning on weaponizing it, and more pathogenic agents. Black Panthers isn't interested in nukes, but it will defend itself, and will attack other nations, with its stocks of chemical and biological weapons.
Imperial isa
08-04-2007, 18:34
out at sea six TDD-1 wait for orders for the war that was nearing
-Lucianus, Granate. Kleinheart Palace-
"It would seem they are more crazed then we last thought. I suggest a full Cruise Missle Bombardment, with out Air-Force going High Alert to make sure none of them get into our nation. I would also recommend that you announce your support for the Scandinvan Invasion." A Military Adivisor said. The King thought for a moment before answering him.
"Fine, make the necessary arrangements." He said as he stood up and went to the blinds. He opened them slightly allowing the light from sunset stream in. "It'll be dark soon, they'll never know what hit them."
-The Granatian Sea and Coastline 9:14 PM-
The sea was quiet, almost devoid of all life. It was as if the nature of the area had figured out what was going on and had fled to another area. The scene would of been peaceful if it hadn't been for ominous feeling that permeated the region. Anyone passing by that area would of felt a chill of sudden terror run through them without their knowing. Something was happening in this area.
Suddenly, warning Klaxons sounded across the area. They were different then Disaster Klaxons, which were a shrill. These sounded more like a low scream rather then a shrill. The locals knew what it meant. There was going to be a launch of a Military Missle. Just yesterday 3 Cruise Missles were launched from the same area. How many would be launched this time.
This sky was suddenly alight with the tails of Missles. There was atleast 30 of them. Their targets were most likely the Genocidial Country of Black Panthers 2. Military or civilian, their targets didn't matter. They were heading to war. As they just began to leave eyesight, even more missles took off. By the time the last missle took off, 150 missles had been launched.
Official Diplomatic Communique to The Scandinvans
Hello to you, our brothers. We are in full support of your operations in the Black Panthers 2. Currently we are persuing a Cruise Missle Campaign against them and have bombed some of the Military Installations. Should you require further assistance, please don't hesitate to ask.
Andrei Kleinheart.
St Samuel
08-04-2007, 18:51
The Union of Saint Holden regional commitee today announced that they will be sending a naval fleet along with a ground force of 10,000 with further 20,000 on standby.
The fleet consists of:
STS ship John W. Lincolnrose (Bear class super carrier)
STS ship Matthew P. Albercheaqe (Bear class super carrier)
STS ship Harold N. Johnstone (Super destroyer)
STS ship Oliver D. Narcourt (Destroyer)
DCZ ship Green Hawk (Destroyer)
DCZ ship Zipher (Destroyer)
MFC ship Gordon F. Primrose (Destroyer)
SNB ship Barry E. Kelly (Heavy cruiser)
SNB ship Bruce V. Carlise (Heavy cruiser)
ABO ship Ultimate Hope (Missile cruiser)
ABO ship Fury Sword (Nuclear submarine)
Whilst the USH force will not be making any direct attack on Black Panther the fleet will await orders and hope that diplomatic talks will prevail.
The Scandinvans
08-04-2007, 19:34
Official Diplomatic Communique to The Scandinvans
Hello to you, our brothers. We are in full support of your operations in the Black Panthers 2. Currently we are persuing a Cruise Missle Campaign against them and have bombed some of the Military Installations. Should you require further assistance, please don't hesitate to ask.
Andrei Kleinheart.To our long time friends and allies of the great nation of Granate,
Long have you stood by us know we ask you to help us enforce a blockade of the nation of Black Panthers 2 so as to prevent them from bringing in any arms shipments and we allow for people to bring in food and medical supplies.
We will thank you this support the most as we can handle the rest of the land based military operations.
Emperor Olaf IV
On land:
The Scandinvan Imperial soldiers had made land fall and would fight any resistance offered by the enemy with sheer overhwelming force...
St Samuel
08-04-2007, 19:39
The Union of Saint Holden naval fleet and air force are preparing to start missile and air attacks on millitary installations.
Good luck to the Scandinvans on the ground. Our commanders will be staying in contact with you to avoid any blue-on-blue incidents.
08-04-2007, 19:43
OOC:Scandinavians, if you didn't notice, Black Panthers attacked your troops with CK gas..
The Scandinvans
08-04-2007, 19:55
OOC:Scandinavians, if you didn't notice, Black Panthers attacked your troops with CK gas..OOC: I know I am just doing reasearch on the gas right now seeing if my previosly noted gas masks will do much good against it.
Imperial isa
08-04-2007, 20:02
OOC: I know I am just doing reasearch on the gas right now seeing if my previosly noted gas masks will do much good against it.
OOC i think we need to take out his chemical and biological weapons
The Scandinvans
08-04-2007, 20:05
A distance from the coast, 1st Artillery Battalion
The battery of 4" artillery pieces lay concealed among the bush of Black Panthers2. Fifteen pieces, guarded by a company of Presidential Guard, were camouflaged and were awaiting further orders. While they were, on their own, not enough to stop the Scandinvan advance they had a weapon on the way that would ensure victory against the foe. In this position they could strike all over the Scandinvan advance and already had their guns aimed at the largest contingent of troops in any one area.
A few minutes later a group of trucks arrived guarded by more Presidential Guard. The Commander of the Artillery unit signed the form and the ammunition was unloaded - weaponized cyanogen chloride shells. They were loaded into the guns and the artillery gunners saluted each other and quietly sang the Black Panthers2 national anthem, before opening fire.
The rapid fire guns could manage six rounds a minute and within three minutes each had fired all their CK shells at the largest concentration of Scandinvan troops. The artillery unit boarded the trucks, and the trrucks took them and the mobile artillery back to a military base.
Mugabe Airbase
Six Rafaels from Number 31st 'Black Devils' squadron had loaded up on CK bombs from Mugabe Airbase and where already in the air when the 1st Artillery had begun their bombardment. The Rafaels covered the ground in minutes and were over the second largest contingent of Scandinvan troops when the 1st Artillery opened fire. Each dropped four 250kg bombs full of weaponised CK.
Meanwhile, all militia are mobilizing. From whe nthe invasion fleet was spotted until now 750,000 militiamen with rifles, machine guns, shotguns, and even teenagers with pistols and panzerscrecks are preparing for the invasion.
There are massive stocks of weapons like CK, which can pass through gas mask filters and such, in Black Panther arsenals. Furthermore, Black Panther scientists, at great costs, have in the past developed the bubonic and pneumonic plague and are planning on weaponizing it, and more pathogenic agents. Black Panthers isn't interested in nukes, but it will defend itself, and will attack other nations, with its stocks of chemical and biological weapons.On the Coast:
The Scandinvans intial gas mask, which they had put on before landing, gave them some protection in which they would be able to resist the most dangerous effects of the gas and continue fighting effectively.
Meanwhile, the Scandinvans had brought in tanks and armored vechiles which had now taken the lead of the offensive and they began a spearhead with the still able troops, 40,000 soldiers in total, continued forward and began the attack upon the intial beach positions the enemy had.
At Sea:
The Scandinvan navy launched a massive artillery barrage upon their foes with their big guns and also bombarded their foes with large amounts of missles to bring down the enemy artillery positions in order to give their troops on land their needed protection, though the enemy would definately cause a great deal of casulties.
Aircraft Carriers:
The bombers had now been launched and had been ordered to destroy any enemy position that was in the open or that they could find due to them firing artillery pieces. As well, they were ordered to use bunker bunsters on the enemy defences.
On land:
538 dead
1,214 withdrawn due to sevre exposure
5,916 being treated for gas contact with the skin
The Scandinvans
08-04-2007, 20:05
OOC i think we need to take out his chemical and biological weaponsOOC: Thanks as help would make it easier.;)
Imperial isa
08-04-2007, 20:14
OOC: Thanks as help would make it easier.;)
OOC got six TDD-1 submarines there right now
08-04-2007, 20:21
Still a few stonethrows away from BP2, over some other nameless body of water
Jake was still in the can, recovering from the massive evacuation and attempting to get the toilet to flush it all down. He'd leave a nice little Present for the BP2ians after he launched a few missiles and beat the hell out of those Rafales.
He wandered back up to the cockpit, and looked at his buxom copilot, deciding that he'd fuck her as soon as this damn bombing run was over.
"Check on our escorts before we head in," Jake said as he took his seat and sent the aircraft into full defensive mode, activating all his Radars, LADARs, LIDARS and the rest of the set. His autocannons went on line, and began scanning for any aerial threats.
"Our escorts are all Green, let's send that carrier to hell," Jessica Replied.
The big lumbering hulk of a plane began its run, and started from 20 miles outside the BP2ian territorial waters, looking for those Rafales which Jake knew were near-by.
Aurum Domus
08-04-2007, 20:36
To aid in the overthrow of this oppressive tyrant Aurum Domus will covertly ship 10,000 AK 103 assault rifles and enough ammunition for a small war. We will also send laser targeting systems with which our air force can carry out air strikes.
Imperial isa
08-04-2007, 20:49
twelve SLBM smash through the surface of the sea near Black panthers2 coast
all twelve SLBM ten MIRV Mk-21 W-87 warheads had been programed to target
Black panthers2 chemical and biological weapons storage sites and product plants
The Democratic Elective Monarchy is appalled by the violent human rights abuses going on in the nation of Black Panther Two.
It is also most appalling to see that a predominantly black nation would act in such a fashion, especially in the eyes of our own nation, which has its roots traced back to Liberia and Botswana. It saddens us greatly to see our brethren act in such a heinous action against people because they are a specific skin color.
On that note, the Democratic Elective Monarchy is hereby declaring your nation a sworn enemy of the Empire and is also hereby declaring an all out war upon your nation until it is crumbled to the ground.
May your soldiers rest in peace knowing they fought in a lost war as their dead bodies lay among the streets reeking havoc among the peoples sense of smell as the decomposition begins to set in, as your rivers and lakes flow with the blood of the disgusting pigs that tried to unsuccessfully defend a nation that doesn't deserve the soil it is set upon, and may your children weep as they witness all the bloodshed and limbless bodies sprawled across every inch of your lands.
Lord Governor Jovan S. Norris
08-04-2007, 21:49
The Democratic Elective Monarchy is appalled by the violent human rights abuses going on in the nation of Black Panther Two.
It is also most appalling to see that a predominantly black nation would act in such a fashion, especially in the eyes of our own nation, which has its roots traced back to Liberia and Botswana. It saddens us greatly to see our brethren act in such a heinous action against people because they are a specific skin color.
On that note, the Democratic Elective Monarchy is hereby declaring your nation a sworn enemy of the Empire and is also hereby declaring an all out war upon your nation until it is crumbled to the ground.
May your soldiers rest in peace knowing they fought in a lost war as their dead bodies lay among the streets reeking havoc among the peoples sense of smell as the decomposition begins to set in, as your rivers and lakes flow with the blood of the disgusting pigs that tried to unsuccessfully defend a nation that doesn't deserve the soil it is set upon, and may your children weep as they witness all the bloodshed and limbless bodies sprawled across every inch of your lands.
Lord Governor Jovan S. Norris
OOC: I'd sig that last paragraph if it wouldn't make my sig too long. That can almost compare to things I've read in Kraven's rp's. ;)
Aurum Domus
09-04-2007, 01:45
After much thought during a meeting of the top Aurum Doman generals it has been decided to secretly insert 100 spec. forces to aid rebel forces. This will only happen if a sizeable rebel force comes to be.
09-04-2007, 02:22
Metzuda, Capital of Havenic Kahanistan
Dozens of nations had deployed troops to the rogue People's Republic of Black Panthers. Yet not a single Kahanistanian soldier had set foot there, and Kahanistan had a reputation of being interventionist.
This was not good.
Kahanistan had a reputation to keep, one it could ill afford further tarnished after being displaced by Doomingsland. Therefore, two Emmanuel Goldstein class heavy battleships weighing eight hundred thousand tons each, in addition to several dozen smaller cruisers, submarines, smaller battleships, aircraft carriers and other warships, set course for Black Panthers.
A lone Naram-Sin ( heavy bomber was also deployed, its stealth aimed at keeping it undetected until ready to strike, and its huge missile loadout more than capable of protecting its large crew from any enemy fighters that moved on it. Loaded down with bunker-busting JDAM's and HARM's, and enough AMRAAM's to shoot down an entire wing of fighters, this plane alone would leave Black Panthers defenseless in its wake against the advance of the ground forces.
This bomber was about eight hours from Africa; the fleet would take nearly a week to arrive.
Mer des Ennuis
09-04-2007, 02:30
Open Announcement
From: Adam Wincenty
Mr. Mugabe, your head, my pike. Now.
As of the end of this announcement, there is a $5,000,000 bounty for the confirmed head (literally) of Mr. Mugabe. The bounty for a still-breathing Mr. Mugabe is $50,000,000. Please deliver to your nearest Ennusian Embassy or military outpost. Payment in cash.
-Adam Wincenty
General of the Home Guard
Arch Arsonist of Mer des Ennuis
"Fear Ensures Loyalty!"
In Les Trois Villes, 5 Khan-Class missiles were re-armed with 5 2.5 megaton "Blue Dawn" nuclear warheads. The intent of this was quite obvious: In 2 days, Black Panthers 2 would be given a choice: repent, or be destroyed.
The Scandinvans
09-04-2007, 02:42
SnipOOC: Wait, I am landing soldiers there and you are launching a nuclear attack?:(
Just joking, but be sure to target the enemy positions very deep inland as I am on the coast right now.
Mer des Ennuis
09-04-2007, 02:46
OOC: Well aware; i'd just high-altitude airburst the nukes, ensuring a beautiful aurora followed by a massive EMP. The Capital, on the other hand...
Imperial isa
09-04-2007, 02:47
OOC: Wait, I am landing soldiers there and you are launching a nuclear attack?:(
Just joking, but be sure to target the enemy positions very deep inland as I am on the coast right now.
OOC too late i launched nukes at chemical and biological weapons storage sites and product plants
09-04-2007, 03:08
Three ambassadors arrived from FreeDemGov.
They demanded to see the President offering many new chemicals to be of use to him. Including poisons and such at cheap prices to be deleviered right away for the battles now incurring on their territory. At the prices offered this seemed like a deal.
Little did Mogabe know that the only person collecting easy money would be the FDGE.
The leader of the group, Agent F. Orange, along with Agents Gore and Deeth walked through to the Presidential Palace. Agent Orange convinced the President to meet seperately with him. While Mogabe left for the bathroom Orange slipped a chemical known for enducing a coma.
Within 5 minutes after coming back and taking the shot was on the floor. Orange knocked on the back of the door inducing Gore and Deeth to throw the flashbangs and hose down the guards with streams of bullets.
At this point the Agents swiftly carried the presidents body out, walking fakely and machanically into their helicopter.
The agents landed in Ennuasia(sp?) a few hours later at the international airport their. They immediately proclaimed who they were to Ennusian authorities who had the money wired to FDGE.
Little did they know what was to come...
OOC: I hope I didnt overplay my hand.
But I guess I did ;)
Mer des Ennuis
09-04-2007, 03:15
OOC: Did you mean "Ennusian?" As in the Pacific Island chiefly populated by Polish and Russian refugees from WW2/Cold War, or did you mean "Ethopia", the nation populated by Marklarians and Starvin' Marvin?
09-04-2007, 03:17
OOC: Did you mean "Ennusian?" As in the Pacific Island chiefly populated by Polish and Russian refugees from WW2/Cold War, or did you mean "Ethopia", the nation populated by Marklarians and Starvin' Marvin?
OOC: LOL I misread, will edit sorry.
To: All Force Commanders attacking the Black Panthers
From: Admiral Richard Hatch, Commander Task Force 12
H.D.S. Invincible
As per my Governments orders my task force will commence attacking Black Panther units. Our first targets will be their airfields and any aviation support units. secondary targets will be any heavy gun batterys that could be using chemical warheads. Any intelligence that can be provided on the secondary targets would be helpful.
I plan to maintain my naval infantry as reserve that will only be landed if needed. If reinforcements are needed by any nation attacking the Black Panthers I will order an appropriate sized force in. As for our naval assets the 18.1 inch guns of the Invincible and the firepower of my task force will be at call of any nation landing troops. My only request is that a exchange officer be provided to help prevent any friendly fire incidents.
36 SU-33ns, 12 Sea Harriers, and 12 A-10n aircraft headed inland to attack the Black Panthers main airfield.
100,000 Grand Imperial Elite Guard soldiers were en route to Black Panthers Two along with a heavy artillery unit and one tank unit. They shall arrive at the coast in ETA 3 hours from now.
The European Islands
09-04-2007, 06:30
From the office of Joseph Arnarson, to the Black Panthers
I am appalled by your mass execution of people of white skin color. I thought ever so many generations of prejudice, your people would know better to do this, but not you've given the signal for more blind hate. Upon hearing about your insane witch hunt on the news, I immediately deployed the Alpha Task Force. They are armed with six M1 Abrams tanks, one-hundred foot soldiers, five carrier choppers, four APCs, and five more battle choppers. They have the full assistance of the European Islands Airforce. They are en route to your nation via a fleet of helicopters and chinooks. We will not stand by and watch innocent people being mass murdered.
Joseph Arnarson, President of the European Islands, 2007
OOC: I'd have started in this war, but it appears a little one sided, so I don't think I'll bother.
But hey, black panthers2,
From whe nthe invasion fleet was spotted until now 750,000 militiamen with rifles, machine guns, shotguns, and even teenagers with pistols and panzerscrecks are preparing for the invasion.
That is more than 10% of your nation (and that's not even including logistics!), and with an economy like yours, I'm wondering where you get all this fancy-pansty military equipment, because you can't make it yourself. According to, you should have about $4,071,020.92 for today's military budget (and it would've been slightly less yesterday) and, quite frankly, that's about enough to buy a few planes, but that's about it.
The Scandinvans
09-04-2007, 07:00
OOC: I'd have started in this war, but it appears a little one sided, so I don't think I'll bother.
But hey, black panthers2,
That is more than 10% of your nation (and that's not even including logistics!), and with an economy like yours, I'm wondering where you get all this fancy-pansty military equipment, because you can't make it yourself. According to, you should have about $4,071,020.92 for today's military budget (and it would've been slightly less yesterday) and, quite frankly, that's about enough to buy a few planes, but that's about it.OOC: Also, is there a golden rule new nations cannot have nukes, chemical, or biological weapons till they are a month old if they do not buy them?
OOC: Also, is there a golden rule new nations cannot have nukes, chemical, or biological weapons till they are a month old if they do not buy them?
OOC: Hell, I wouldn't know, I'm too new :P
But yeah, that would make more sense than letting some young nation splurge on a new "OMFG N00K!!!!1111"
Terre Nationale
09-04-2007, 07:05
OOC: Hell, I wouldn't know, I'm too new :P
But yeah, that would make more sense than letting some young nation splurge on a new "OMFG N00K!!!!1111"
Sup :D
Sup :D
Nada, I'm just catching up on forumization. Are you taking part in this massacre too?
Terre Nationale
09-04-2007, 07:10
Nada, I'm just catching up on forumization. Are you taking part in this massacre too?
Nah, can't stand new RP'ers like this. So, got any new enemies?
Nah, can't stand new RP'ers like this. So, got any new enemies?
Not yet, I haven't been online much recently (as you could probably tell), so I haven't had a chance to provoke many people. But as the week progresses, I'll get someone bugged enough they invade.
And I'm not as bad as that, am I?
Terre Nationale
09-04-2007, 07:20
Not yet, I haven't been online much recently (as you could probably tell), so I haven't had a chance to provoke many people. But as the week progresses, I'll get someone bugged enough they invade.
And I'm not as bad as that, am I?
As what? Black Panther?
Black panthers2
09-04-2007, 14:46
OOC: I'd have started in this war, but it appears a little one sided, so I don't think I'll bother.
But hey, black panthers2,
That is more than 10% of your nation (and that's not even including logistics!), and with an economy like yours, I'm wondering where you get all this fancy-pansty military equipment, because you can't make it yourself. According to, you should have about $4,071,020.92 for today's military budget (and it would've been slightly less yesterday) and, quite frankly, that's about enough to buy a few planes, but that's about it.
My nation isn't one day old. Its a few decades old and its collected this weaponry as those decades have passed, and inherited it from colonial rulers before that. According to nstracker, The Scandinvans couldn't even have an economy, let alone a military, with his 100% tax rate. I don't see you whining about him. I don't care for your tracker or your military budgets. FreeDemGov, I'm going to ignore your post about sneaking into my Presidents Palace and somehow poisoning him and somehow managing to get his body out and to a helicopter that somehow wasn't intercepted or shot down.
Before I post more I would like some basic info about all your nations so I can launch my terror attacks.
Terre Nationale
09-04-2007, 14:50
My nation isn't one day old. Its a few decades old and its collected this weaponry as those decades have passed, and inherited it from colonial rulers before that. According to nstracker, The Scandinvans couldn't even have an economy, let alone a military, with his 100% tax rate. I don't see you whining about him. I don't care for your tracker or your military budgets. FreeDemGov, I'm going to ignore your post about sneaking into my Presidents Palace and somehow poisoning him and somehow managing to get his body out and to a helicopter that somehow wasn't intercepted or shot down.
Before I post more I would like some basic info about all your nations so I can launch my terror attacks.
{OOC: Oh my sweet mother of God. He improved like a 100%... Jesus Christ, bravo Black, bravo. :eek:}
My nation isn't one day old. Its a few decades old and its collected this weaponry as those decades have passed, and inherited it from colonial rulers before that. According to nstracker, The Scandinvans couldn't even have an economy, let alone a military, with his 100% tax rate. I don't see you whining about him. I don't care for your tracker or your military budgets. FreeDemGov, I'm going to ignore your post about sneaking into my Presidents Palace and somehow poisoning him and somehow managing to get his body out and to a helicopter that somehow wasn't intercepted or shot down.
Before I post more I would like some basic info about all your nations so I can launch my terror attacks.
OCC: First off most people on the boards follow nstracker for comparing their budgets and economies vs. other nations. That seems to be a fact of life on this message board, so if you want to RP here please accept it. As for the arms you posses I really do not have a problem with it. Right now in Africa you can buy an AK-47/74 for about $25 USD so you having a 100,000 or so in not out of the question. Light anti tank weapons can go for as little as $200 USD. As for the poison gas depending on what you are using a kid in a high school science lab could make a fair amount of gas.
As for the Terrorist attacks good luck. Tarlag is a large group of Islands made up of 5 major Islands and about 100 smaller ones. We have a large and powerful navy that patrols the regional waters. and a fairly large air force and Army. Our racial make up is
55% White
20% Japanese
15% Arabic
10% Jewish
So good luck trying to sneak people in. Also If either a gas attack or nuke goes off in Tarlag we will respond in kind.
OCC: First off most people on the boards follow nstracker for comparing their budgets and economies vs. other nations. That seems to be a fact of life on this message board, so if you want to RP here please accept it. As for the arms you posses I really do not have a problem with it.
((OOC: There is no set in stone method to RP your economy. Although NSTracker or NSEcon (when it was alive) are the norm, I know of some who use spreadsheets to plan out their own budgets, and some others who's RPing style is unique enough that they don't necessarily use a calculator-based economy.
What matters is the RPing. Statistics and monies can come later.
Also, to whoever said that new nations absolutely can't have WMD: Although it is frowned upon, there's nothing we can do to stop it. So you'll probably just have to live with it.))
Imperial isa
09-04-2007, 15:36
So good luck trying to sneak people in.
OOC same as i'm a closed nation and so are my three neighbours
Aurum Domus
09-04-2007, 15:42
OOC: If you even threaten my nation I will level it with so many nukes you won't even be able to count them, assuming you survive of course. Which you won't.
Mer des Ennuis
09-04-2007, 16:20
OOC: I'm a large Island with several smaller islands (map at of mer des ennuis.gif). We are currently undergoing a rebellion, so the military is already on high alert. We, honest to god, have more fighters/bombers/aircraft than your nation has trained soldiers). Good luck trying to get in. I give you two days to surrender before the 1st nuke airbursts over your capital (high enough to cause a nice EMP field, not low enough to kill anyone).
The Grand Imperial Navy was just inside Black Panther Two waters, approaching the shoreline towards the Scandinvan location. The Scandinvans had been alerted ahead of time of the Maraquean arrival, as to not surprise them and end up in friendly fire.
The Maraqueans made landfall just south of the Scandinvan location, with sixty tanks and heavy artillery heading the way, along with 100,000 Grand Imperial Elite Guard troops. The Scandinvan's had warned of bio chemical agents being used against them so the Maraqueans came donned in hazmat suits especially made for warfare, with easy maneuverability.
The Maraquean Grand Imperial Navy begun a massive artillery barrage towards the breaches of the enemy where the Scandinvan's were, to help them along in their battle seeing as they were not adequately protected from the gases.
At the same time, the Grand Imperial Navy was moments away from air raids upon known miliary installations across Black Panthers Two, and would also take out any other facilities the Maraquean Intelligence Agency found.
All major Maraquean cities were put on alert of terrorist attack even though the possibility of such an attack even succeeding were slim. The terror alert systems were being tested, and the bomb shelter alarm systems were set and ready to go off at a moments notice.
The Grand Imperial Elite Guard were a unit of the Grand Imperial Army, the arm that protected the Lord Governor from harm, and this time they were called to duty in foreign lands. They were not afraid of death, and did not show any empathy towards others. They say this is because of the secretive training exercises they go through in the dark woods of northern Maraque. They are sworn to never tell what goes on, but whatever it is can't be good, because just a mention of it makes a soldier cringe and the hair on the back of ones neck crawl.
09-04-2007, 19:15
OOC: I don't care what Black Panthers2 says I will roleplay as if I received the money, unless Mer des Ennuis or Scandinavians or another estabilished player has a problem with it. I dont plan on using it to finance guns or anything, just to pay off my debts with the money I have promised nations in trouble. I think I still owe money to several nations which this won't pay off, still about half will have to be covered by my new economy. I just wanted to make it realistic the monies I have promised several nations
Black panthers2
09-04-2007, 19:17
Why would they give you the money if you didn't give them my president?
Imperial isa
09-04-2007, 19:22
OOC: I don't care what Black Panthers2 says I will roleplay as if I received the money, unless Mer des Ennuis or Scandinavians or another estabilished player has a problem with it. I dont plan on using it to finance guns or anything, just to pay off my debts with the money I have promised nations in trouble. I think I still owe money to several nations which this won't pay off, still about half will have to be covered by my new economy. I just wanted to make it realistic the monies I have promised several nations
OOC will you don't have the money as Mer des Ennuis has to RP handing it to you so your god moding
The European Islands
09-04-2007, 19:41
OOC: If this topic doesn't get back on track, I'm reporting it to the mods and asking them to delete it. Make an OOC thread for this.
Imperial isa
09-04-2007, 19:45
OOC: If this topic doesn't get back on track, I'm reporting it to the mods and asking them to delete it. Make an OOC thread for this.
OOC Black panthers2 ask for infor on our Nations so it is partly on track and it up to
Black panthers2 if they want a OOC thread not you or me
09-04-2007, 20:00
OOC will you don't have the money as Mer des Ennuis has to RP handing it to you so your god moding
OOC: Well, if you want to put it that way...
I hadn't used NSTracker so I promised too much money and overestimated the size of my economy...I could pay the money using that now but it would take away from it severally which would result in shocks that should hurt my economy but it won't be fair that NStracker wouldnt accomedate so my nation would look better than it is. I'm just leveling the playing the future I won't make such n00b mistakes. I hope this is allright with all.
Imperial isa
09-04-2007, 20:15
OOC: Well, if you want to put it that way...
I hadn't used NSTracker so I promised too much money and overestimated the size of my economy...I could pay the money using that now but it would take away from it severally which would result in shocks that should hurt my economy but it won't be fair that NStracker wouldnt accomedate so my nation would look better than it is. I'm just leveling the playing the future I won't make such n00b mistakes. I hope this is allright with all.
OOC i do find not all NS calculators are the same
and a lot's of things don't accomedate for all of us but we put up with it
i've said my part i wait and see what the others say
an have a look at this
Mer des Ennuis
09-04-2007, 21:30
The bounty hunters were kneeling in the courtyard of the embassy, located overseas from the main islands. Their hands were in flexible cuffs and disarmed, as a security precaution.
“Hey tenent! Better check this out!” called one of the guards, his DR-83 trained on the nearest hunter.
“What is it Sergeant?” He asked.
“They claim that they have President Mugabe in their custody… this man.”
“Take him in.” A pair of guards escorted the captive in. The Lieutenant kneeled down, and looked up at the suits.
“We’re just going to hold you temporarily while we confirm the identity of the man you seized. Standard procedure, you understand.”
The three agents were left against a wall in the shade, under the western guard tower. The guards on the roof of the embassy proper trained a heavy machinegun on the captives. A staffer brought them water. Inside, however, the man was identified as not being the head of state for a rogue nation, and sent to the medical bay.
“Lieutenant Calvy, these men are guilty, at the very least, of kidnapping a foreign national and dumping him on us. For all we know, this could be a setup. We’d easily find them guilty of fraud, conspiracy, and subversion.”
“Yes, director. What should we do with them? They are foreign nationals, some state called ‘FreeDemGov,’ and I’d hate for an international incident to go down.”
“Soldier, they are bounty hunters, and we have no extradition treaties with them, and I don’t think we have any nationals over there that could experience retaliation. You know what to do.”
“Yes, Sir.” He said, terminating the secure line with Director Klara Mykhaila of the International Relations Administration. He hit his com link, “Squads 2 and 3, please report to the courtyard, south west corner.”
The 10 guards were waiting for him, in full dress, standing the three hunters up.
“I have no idea who you think you brought to us, but it is not Mr. Mugabe. I have been advised that you are to be treated as international criminals. Since your nation does not have any diplomatic ties, and since you are guilty of kidnapping a foreign national and attempting to defraud the Ennusian government, you are to be punished with death. Take them to the range and shoot them.”
As the three were being dragged away under the watchful eyes of the wall-top guards, the man who had been kidnapped was presented at the front door.
“Present Arms!” was called out.
“Sir, on behalf of the Ennusian government, I apologize for your kidnapping.”
“You will be repatriated once the chaos in Black Panthers 2 dies
down, if you wish.”
The rapid chatter of high-caliber rounds broke the mid-day calm in rapid, short bursts.
“You are safe now.”
09-04-2007, 22:08
"Don, the agents Blundered and grabbed the decoy. It seems the Panthers were tipped off,"The defense minister said.
"Nuts! Now, I have to find a new Agent Orange! We can't accknowledge the three, or else we will be annihilated by the Ennuasians. They could crush us! Well we will just have to claim we knew nothing of them and offer our sincerest apologies. Meanwhile, Black Panthers2 can't live much longer"
Office of the President
Mer des Ennuis, we woul like to offer our sincerest apologies for the incident. These Rogue acted without orders. We are currently investigating to see if anyone else in our nation was part of this part. We are sorry for this most unjust act and hope there is still room for us to work together in the future when we have common interests.
Don Smith
President, FDG
The Scandinvans
09-04-2007, 22:08
My nation isn't one day old. Its a few decades old and its collected this weaponry as those decades have passed, and inherited it from colonial rulers before that. According to nstracker, The Scandinvans couldn't even have an economy, let alone a military, with his 100% tax rate. I don't see you whining about him. I don't care for your tracker or your military budgets. FreeDemGov, I'm going to ignore your post about sneaking into my Presidents Palace and somehow poisoning him and somehow managing to get his body out and to a helicopter that somehow wasn't intercepted or shot down.
Before I post more I would like some basic info about all your nations so I can launch my terror attacks.OOC: I meant one RL month as the rule is to prevent a newer nation from winning against the older nations by saying something like this," Lolzor, me nukes blw uz captal away and I put my flag in your nation's leader so now iz rulz yur and ur bitches. lo,"
Not saying you would do this as it seems you are a compentant rper, but it is also to prevent the larger nations from getting ticked and blowing new nations away with simple tatical nuclear attacks.
My nation though is basically a pretty free one, though in my capital secret police are everywhere due to the constant risk of a revolt happening, detection devices are placed to keep track of the city, and my Imperial family is basically inaccessible to people not welcome there. Though the rest of my nation, about 96.74% of my population is still pretty open to attack though.
The European Islands
09-04-2007, 22:17
OOC: "The Disputed Territories of The European Islands is a very large, environmentally stunning nation, remarkable for its punitive income tax rates. Its compassionate, intelligent population of 124 million love a good election, and the government gives them plenty of them. Universities tend to be full of students debating the merits of various civil and political rights, while businesses are tightly regulated and the wealthy viewed with suspicion.
It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent, socially-minded government stops and the rest of society begins, but it juggles the competing demands of Education, Law & Order, and Social Welfare. The average income tax rate is 57%, and even higher for the wealthy. A substantial private sector is dominated by the Automobile Manufacturing industry.
People reciting Shakespeare have become a common sight, welfare funding has recently gone through the roof, psychological disorders are a taboo subject, and the government is spending millions on renovating the public transportation system. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. The European Islands's national animal is the Icelandic horse, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the Krona.
The European Islands is ranked 276th in the region and 25,592nd in the world for Lowest Crime Rates. "
Most of our land, except for former Iceland, is urban. Iceland is mostly just grasslands and villages. We have a moderate military, about a handful of nukes, and are against slavery and racism. Our nation was founded when a group of diplomats from all the different European island countries got together and decided it would be best to merge for their safety. We then became a democrat nation. We have police monitoring public areas with security cameras and whatnot, but no secret police or anything like that. Police are also allowed to monitor phonecalls to search for convicts. When convicts are captured, instead of being sent to prison, they're forced to attend rehab. Our largest city is Oslo. First-class citizens pay 100% tax. Inheritance is outlawed. Nudity is frowned upon.
09-04-2007, 22:20
OOC: Umm, my nation is a republic("innoffensive centrist democracy") that i hace recently rp'd as being orbiting space colonies. However, if necessary I think I could temporarily rp it as being islands as that has never been a critical part. God bless alternate universes
Office of the Ambassador
Black Panthers 2,
If you wish to gas our great nation, (you may think we are an easy target being accused of trying to kill your leader and being one of the smaller, newer nations opposing you) our largest city, Holmesburg and my capital, the Judge Learned Hand District are on high alert. Should you do anything to any of our cities we will join the war effort against your pitiful and evil nation.
Our economy, tho one of the smallest of the nations against you is MUCH larger and our nation can afford a much better military. We also have gasses of our own. In short it is not in your best interests for your Evil Empire in Miniature to attack us.
Jon Gracer
State Dep't. Official in charge of Writing to Opposoing Nations
The European Islands
09-04-2007, 22:24
-New Slovakia-
11-04-2007, 06:03
An international crisis usually arises when nations come together under a banner of cooperation to solve a serious problem that either threatens them directly, or indirectly through acts that destabilize or threaten to destabilize established systems. Sometimes, these problems are less serious in a realpolitik sense than the crusaders against them would have anyone believe, but still they are points of contention that require resolution.
The current crisis in Black Panther was an example of a situation that New Slovakia did not take seriously initially, due to its inability to affect the Chalko administration. Yet, now that action had been taken, and weapons of mass destruction utilized on a scale that approached strategic, there was a large consensus within the parliament, and the population as a whole, that something must be done in order to diffuse the situation.
President Igor Chalko paced around his office. Not because the situation was any concern to him, but because it was incomprehensible that such a mess could be created by the actions of a tin pot dictatorship somewhere below the level of trash.
He peered out he window into the garden below, recovering from a brief and sudden cold spill that occurred sometime during the night. The smallest things can still be the cause of great inconvenience he thought, turning around to speak with the stenographer waiting patiently at his keyboard.
"Alright, Joseph, copy down exactly what I tell you."
TO: All Concern Nations And Their Esteemed Leaders
FROM: President Igor Chalko of the Glorious Republic of New Slovakia.
SUBJECT: The Black Panther Crisis
It has come to my attention that the nation of Black Panther has sparked a crisis that has engulfed more than a handful of nations in their attempt to end it. At the same time, it appears that the path to a resolution has been both costly and ineffectual. Weapons of mass destruction have been used by and against both sides, while large scale mobilizations of troops by various powers have also occurred.
The result of this is a loss of life by both sides, and more suffering and oppression against the entire population of Black Panther, especially those that the intervening parties wished to save. The future looks to hold much the same, which is thusly why I propose a summit held in our glorious city of New Novgorod in order to hammer out a real and effective plan in both ending the current crisis, and dealing the the aftermath thereof.
I call upon the nations currently involved, as well as any legitimate delegation from Black Panther herself, to accept this offer, in order to bring peace to the region, and advance the idea of stability to the world.
-President Igor Chalko
"Sent sir." Joseph responded indifferently.
"Good, let us hope our efforts are not in vain."
To: President Igor Chalko
From: Minister P. Sweetwater
Minister of Foreign Relations of the Grand Duchy of Tarlag
Mister President
Representatives of the Grand Duchy of Tarlag will be dispatched to attend your proposed conference.
The Democratic Elective Monarchy of Maraque will not attend such a conference.
Lord Governor Jovan S. Norris