06-04-2007, 00:27
Ministry of Defence
Official Request for Production Quote
The National Assembly of the Reformed Democratic State of Naasha has voted unanimously to retire its current nuclear arsenal which consists entirely of silo-launched ICBMS due to the extensive costs of maintaining the safety, security and effectiveness of weapons that are unlikely to ever be fired.
As an alternative the Naashan State is looking into the procurement of a submarine based nuclear arsenal which we hope will prove to be more cost effective and safer than a silo based system.
Unfortunately no domestic Naashan corporation has sufficient facilities or technology to fulfill such an order and a committee of the National Assembly has found that it would be impractical for the production of the vessels to be nationalised.
As such, we will be seeking quotes from foreign entities on the production time and cost of fulfilling an order of a total of six SSBNs and three hundred submarine launched nuclear warheads (including the provision of spare parts and replacements for a period of five years).
Entrants should reply with technical specifications of the system they propose as well as estimated production time and total cost. Seperate entries for SSBNs and SLBMs will also be considered.
Official Request for Production Quote
The National Assembly of the Reformed Democratic State of Naasha has voted unanimously to retire its current nuclear arsenal which consists entirely of silo-launched ICBMS due to the extensive costs of maintaining the safety, security and effectiveness of weapons that are unlikely to ever be fired.
As an alternative the Naashan State is looking into the procurement of a submarine based nuclear arsenal which we hope will prove to be more cost effective and safer than a silo based system.
Unfortunately no domestic Naashan corporation has sufficient facilities or technology to fulfill such an order and a committee of the National Assembly has found that it would be impractical for the production of the vessels to be nationalised.
As such, we will be seeking quotes from foreign entities on the production time and cost of fulfilling an order of a total of six SSBNs and three hundred submarine launched nuclear warheads (including the provision of spare parts and replacements for a period of five years).
Entrants should reply with technical specifications of the system they propose as well as estimated production time and total cost. Seperate entries for SSBNs and SLBMs will also be considered.