NationStates Jolt Archive

Peltapavloski Embassies (MT, Leftist Nations may apply)

01-04-2007, 10:39
Official Diplomatic Communique

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth of Peltapavlosk has now formerly opened to dealings with foreign nation-states across the world. Following the new Foreign Policy set down by the Senate, we would therefore like to welcome the establishment and exchange of embassises between the Commonwealth and other states of a Socialist and Communist standpoint. Capitalist nations shall be dealt with through the Capitalist Nation Diplomatic Consulate under the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

Ronaldo Macintyre
Foreign Affairs Minister
01-04-2007, 16:02
The Indian Soviet Commonwealth of Beth Gellert is keen to be amongst the first to embrace the revolution in Peltapavlosk. Soviet Consuls will be elected to serve terms relating to that nation, if accepted, and space in Portmeirion Village upon The Island in Burha Talab lake in Raipur will be laid aside for an embassy from the same.

Many Sovietists think that the abolition of currency at this stage in Peltapavlovsk's revolution is premature, the Indian Soviet Commonwealth still using its own shillings while the likes of Pol Pot's Kampuchea immediately disregarded currency and failed horribly. Certainly profit sharing, wage caps, and the like are in place in Soviet India, but if Peltapavlosk can pull-off its dramatic step, India wants seriously to be on hand to observe the method and means!
The World Soviet Party
01-04-2007, 17:42
We are interesting in an embassy exchange, is there any form or quiz we must fill to apply for one?

You can apply for an embassy in TWSP, in our Embassy Thread (In sig).
02-04-2007, 11:10
We thank the Indian Soviet Commonwealth and TWSP for their interest in establishing embassies within our nation. Please fill in the enclosed details and return as soon as possible:

Name of Ambassador:
Number of Security Forces:
(n.b. Maximum of 50 personnel, 3 (non-tracked) vehicles)

With regards to the queries engaged by the Indian Soviet Commonwealth regarding an abolition of our currency, we would be delighted in allowing officials to examine our economic plans. As a preliminary point, we refer officials to the Economic Law of the Commonwealth's Declaration of Fundamental Law, found HERE, which explains a manner of system whereby the wage labour system is exchanged for a system of certificated needs, allowing each citizen equal access to the resources of the Commonwealth in return for an exchange of labour into the economy.

Ronaldo Macintyre
Foreign Affairs Minister
Norf Korea
02-04-2007, 12:42

To:The Commonwealth Of Peltapavlosk

The Democratic People's Republic Of Norf Korea, led by The Great Leader, The Sun Of The Nation, And Of Mankind, congratulates the proletariats of Peltapavlosk on their revolution and in throwing off the shackles of imperialist capitalist oppression.

The Democratic People's Republic Of Norf Korea, led by The Great Leader, The Sun Of The Nation, And Of Mankind,makes a formal request to form diplomatic relations with Peltapavlosk to form a bond of unity in strength.

Name Of Ambassador: Rhee Bak Park.
Number Of Security Forces: 50, 3 Vehicles.

In Turn,The Democratic People's Republic Of Norf Korea, led by The Great Leader, The Sun Of The Nation, And Of Mankind,makes the formal offer of an Peltapavlosk embassy to be based in The Democratic People's Republic Of Norf Korea, in Seoul with the limited security personnel being allowed being 30, and three vehicles, non-tracked.
Socialist States Union
02-04-2007, 23:23
The Socialist States Union would be glad to send an Ambassador to Peltapavlosk and increase diplomatic relationships. We would also like to invite Peltapavlosk to install and Ambassador and his/her family in the SSU.

Name of Ambassador: Vassili Lutanov (Former Commissar of Foreign Affairs)
Number of Security Forces: 15, part of the Program of Diplomatic Security (PDS), 3 Vehicles.


Nicloai Petrovsky
Commissar of Foreign Affairs
Socialist States Union