Tolvanic Elections
Commonwealth Press
BRAYTON - Preperations are underway for Tolvan's upcoming parliamentary elections. 237 of the 250 incumbent MPs will stand for re-election this year. Unlike 2003's elections (Tolvan's first free elections) the 2007 elections will feature serious competition for Prime Minister Douglas Shaw's Nationalist Party. Finance Minister Tyler Hutchins has assumed the position as leader of the Conservative Party and would stand to take the Prime Minister's position should the Nationalist Party fall. The Conservative Party is challenging all 250 seats in this year's elections, including 197 seats held by the Nationalist Party incumbents as well defending their own 42 seats. The remaining seats are held by minor parties. Current opinion polls show the Nationalists and Coservatives running within three percentage points of each other, with the Conservatives typically enjoying the lead. Minor parties are standing 107 candidates to challenge for 31 seats and 11 minor party incumbents will attempt to defend their seats against serious competition from the major parties.
List of parties standing candidates:
Nationalist Party (current government)
Conservative Party
Libertarian Party
Green Party
Progressive Party
Socialist Workers Party
Communist Party
Purity Party
At present only the Nationalists. Conservatives, Libertarians, and Progressives hold seats, though several former Progressive MPs are running as Greens for this election. None of the minor parties is expected to claim more than a handful of seats.
Current opinion polls:
Nationalist Party - 40..4%
Conservative Party - 43.5%
Libertarian Party - 7.4%
Green Party - 3.1%
Progressive Party - 3.4%
Socialist Workers Party - 1.1%
Communist Party - .7%
Purity Party - .5%
More on this to follow.
OOC: Feel free to comment or endorse parties.
The empire of Gataway endorses the Nationalist Party and will donate 2.6 million dollars towards their campaign
From The Standard:
Nationalist Party
Limited involvement in foreign affairs
Limited and regulated immigration
Opposes UN membership
Free trade
Improving the military's defensive capabilities
Privatised health care
Pro-gun rights
Opposed to abortion
Supports capital punishment
Limited federal government, with more power at the provincial level
Conservative Party
Increased involvement abroad
Limited and regulated immigration
Opposes UN membership
Free trade
Improving the military's expeditionary capabilities
Privatised health care
Pro-gun rights
Opposed to abortion
Supports capital punishment
More power at the federal level
Libertarian Party
No overseas involvement
Strictly regulated immigration
Opposes UN membership
Free trade
Reduce the size of the military
Privatised health care
Pro-gun rights
Supports abortion
Supports capital punishment, but with more limits
Less power at all governmental levels
Green Party
Increased diplomatic involvement
Favors UN membership
Supports "Fair trade"
Major reductions to the military
Universal health care
Pro-gun control
Supports abortion
Increased governmental power
Opposes capital punishment
Strongly supports enviromental causes
Progressive Party
Increased diplomatic involvement
Favors UN membership
Supports "Fair trade"
Major reductions to the military
Universal health care
Pro-gun control
Supports abortion
Opposes capital punishment
Increased governmental power
Socialist Worker's Party
Increased diplomatic involvement
Favors UN membership
Supports socialist economic system
Increased defensive role for the military
Universal health care
Pro-gun control
Supports abortion
Supports capital punishment for some crimes
Increased governmental power
Communist Party
Increased diplomatic involvement
Favors UN membership
Supports fully communist economic system
Increased defensive role for the military
Universal health care
Pro-gun control
Supports abortion
SUpports capital punishment for some crimes
Increased governmental power
Purity Party
Relations only with nations with white populations
Only allow white immigrants
Opposes UN membership
Free enterprise with extensive protectionism
Privatised health care
Pro-gun rights
Opposes abortion
Increased use capital punishment
Decreased governmental power
Loss of suffrage for all non-whites
The empire of Gataway endorses the Nationalist Party and will donate 2.6 million dollars towards their campaign
Though we greatly appreciate Gataway's support for our campaign, Tolvanic law does not allow for foreign campaign contributions. Thus we must respectfully decline your generous offer, though we thank you for your endorsement.
Douglas Shaw
Prime Minister and leader of the Nationalist Party
Commonwealth of Tolvan
01-04-2007, 06:38
OOC: Really like the top three. Is there to be a poll?
01-04-2007, 06:44
We endorse the Socialist Party, and hope it will be able to improve its fortune in the upcoming elections.
OOC: Really like the top three. Is there to be a poll?
OOC: Not sure yet, the Conservatives are going to win ICly and given NS demographics the Socialists and Greens would get a lot more votes than they would realistically in Tolvan (which is patterned after my own libertarian inspired, conservative leanings).
the angaor government pledges 5.9 million to the Conservative party
Honako would like to pledge it's support for the Green Party or Progressive Party to win this vote.
The New Market Order
01-04-2007, 21:12
Deep inside the Ministry of Peace a decision was made to so disorder within the Tolvan nation. Therefore the sum of ten billion credits was transferred to the accounts of the Tolvan Communist Party, and a message was sent to the Tolvan Conservative Party
There are forces in the New Order which depended upon your party winning this election, and to help you in this task we would like to provide assistance in the form of party organizers. Our organizers will be able to increase your party’s public image significantly and will almost guarantee your election with a majority government.
H-Town Tejas
01-04-2007, 21:35
The People's Republic of H-Town Tejas endorses the Communist Party, although we shall also endorse the Socialist Worker's Party should they win. However, neither will receive money donations, as money has no place at all in politics.
Mikel Aritza, PRH-TT Foreign Minister
the angaor government pledges 5.9 million to the Conservative party
OOC: Tolvanic law forbids monetary donations from foreign sources, which you would know if you read the thread first.
The New Market Order
02-04-2007, 00:19
OOC: The Transfer from the Ministry of Peace to the Communist Party was done via a Swiss bank account, from a numbered account. No one could trace the funds to a non-Tolvan citizen.
Tolvanic Broadcasting Corporation Breaking News
"This is Brian Sanders reporting for TBC News. In a stunning turn of events of the Conservative Party has made a much stronger showing in the 2007 elections. With 97% of the vote counted, the Conservative Party is projected to have garnered nearly 51.5% of the vote. If these numbers hold the Conservatives will hold 131 of the 250 seats in new Parliament, giving them a plurality and removing the need for a coalition government. The incumbent Nationalist Party performed far below expectations, taking just 38.5% of the vote and 98 seats. The remaining 11 seats are split between three minor parties. New Prime Minister Tyler Hutchins is expected to announce his choices for a new Cabinet by week's end."
"For TBC News this Brian Sanders signing off, we will now return you to coverage of the Tolvanic Rugby League."
Complete results:
Conservative Party - 51.5% (131 seats)
Nationalist Party - 38.5% (98 seats)
Libertarian Party - 4.1% (10 seats)
Progressive party - 2.5% (6 seats)
Green Party - 1.9% (5 seats)
Socialist Workers Party - .8% (0 seats)
Communist Party - .5% (0 seats)
Purity Party - .2% (0 seats)
04-04-2007, 05:59
OOC: Not sure yet, the Conservatives are going to win ICly and given NS demographics the Socialists and Greens would get a lot more votes than they would realistically in Tolvan (which is patterned after my own libertarian inspired, conservative leanings).
OOC: Ah, nice to see that I have another political brother in here. Was beginning to get a bit lonely :D
The PeoplesFreedom
04-04-2007, 06:08
OOC: Ah, nice to see that I have another political brother in here. Was beginning to get a bit lonely :D
OCC: Conservatives... FTW.
04-04-2007, 06:19
OCC: Conservatives... FTW.
OOC: Yes! *high fives*
Not so lonely now.
The PeoplesFreedom
04-04-2007, 06:23
OOC: Yes! *high fives*
Not so lonely now.
OCC: To many dam libs on General... *Grumbles* Tg me, so we may make a an alliance for NS that has nothing to do with our OCC beliefs... :fluffle:
04-04-2007, 06:26
OCC: To many dam libs on General... *Grumbles* Tg me, so we may make a an alliance for NS that has nothing to do with our OCC beliefs... :fluffle:
OOC: Right ;)
Commonwealth Press
BRAYTON - With the shocking results of last week's elections giving the Conservative Party a plurality rule, soon to be appointed Prime Minister Tyler Hutchins released the list of his favored Cabinet today. Though many of the members have yet to formally accept, and confirmations, thought to be a mere formality given the Conservative dominace of Parliament, this is likely the shape of the new Tolvanic Government.
Minister of Foreign Affairs - Charles Richards
Minster of Defence - Blake Townsend
Minister of Finance - Carter Boles
Minister of Commerce - Roger Burke
Minister of Education - Ann Tinsley
Minister of Health - Dr. Chan Lo
Minister of the Interior - Peter Scott
Minister of Natural Resources - Sullivan Lassiter
Minister of Energy - Robert Drake
National Intelligence Director - Scott Moore