NationStates Jolt Archive

OOC: Is Typing Long RP Posts Useless?

31-03-2007, 06:45
(Note, the below is satire.)

I've been looking around and I realize that huge RP posts about character's motivations, having internal debates amongst themselves, and losing lots of people seem to be "obsolete". I usually assume that if you type a very long RP post, you can go and make people like you, and if so, you can win wars. Back 2 years ago, when I made a topic in NS, I see:

SilentScope001: [long post detailing military invasion]
Enemy Nation: Wow. Awesome long post. You know what? You're so awesome, I'll surrender. I cannot compete with such RP goodness. seems to me that=

SilentScope001: [long post detailing military invasion]
Enemy Nation: I block it with my Anti-Military Invasion Technology. I also bomb your territory.

Wow. The Enemy Nation does have an Anti-Military Invasion Technology, and it works, not overpowering at all. And he bombed my territory so effectively, how can I counter it? He wins the war, and my huge long post on military invasion fails. Not only that, but I suffer econmically thanks to the military invasion. I spent so much time and RP points on my long post detailing my military invasion, and if the Enemy Nation counters it with less RP points, it becomes ineffective. Now that the Enemy Nation bombed my territory, I lose big-time...unless I made an Anti-Bombing Run Technology. Too bad I spent so much RP points on RPing the military invasion that I am unable to come up with the effective defense shield, which is such a shame.

So, does that mean that we should adopt to a new level of warfare within NS, where we basically state what we are going to do, and avoid long, drawn-out RP posts that waste time and energy? I know they are fun, but they are ineffective, and if you want to win wars, you should spend as little amount of time and effort as possible with ineffective strats like RPing.
31-03-2007, 06:48
[I wish I could satire things like you. x_x]
The PeoplesFreedom
31-03-2007, 06:48
[I wish I could satire things like you. x_x]

The Sith Clan
31-03-2007, 06:48
Haha... well I like long Rp posts. Anti-Military weaponery shouldn't be allowed then. If you make a thread don't allow this "Anti-Military weaponery"
31-03-2007, 09:00

Any excuse :P
31-03-2007, 10:27

Bring back NS Newbtopia!
31-03-2007, 10:55
Long posts are far from obsolete. In fact, they make things more interesting...unless of course this is satire?
31-03-2007, 11:50
(Note, the below is satire.)

Suffering from a bit of selective reading, Southeastasia? :p
31-03-2007, 12:57
Beware, there is much OOC in this post

I usually am doing loads of things on my computer at once so I can never manage to write a long post, but I would rather them then:

"I am going to war with you"

"My troops are better than yours"

" My planes bomb you"

"I have AA guns"

"No you don't"

"I do too!"

"I send in my ships to attack you"

" Okay fine, I lost"


"I send a nuke at you"

"aww damn"

It just takes out the fun, I am still pretty bad at RPing cause I am relatively new, I barely ever read entire posts if they are more than 10 lines long, But I try to when I have the time, long posts are a sign of class (or too much free time). If needed to make sure everybody keeps up, add a little overview at the bottom of every post that is a paragraph (can even be one line long) or so long with the wor "OVERVIEW" above it in bold. Another problem with post length is when people write posts a line long with a readable content next to nil.

"Ih vae bmobed uoyr naiton wit ha nkue"

TRANSLATION: I have bombed your country with a nuke


I think that long posts are good for keeping the good in NS. A vital key to NS RPing is that most posts are educated and well written.

I have trailed on a lot and strayed from the point but I am not going to re-write it so I am sorry if you had to endure the overwhelming OOC. The good thing is that this is a "Short post"
31-03-2007, 13:18
@Silent- Great satire, i've been seeing quite a bit of this recently as a matter of fact, perhaps not to that extent, but the ammount of poor RPing has risen, i remember the days when it was just Seph i could complain about lulz.

@Strator- This is all OOC you know :P. Also on the subject of not reading posts fully, if you haven't read them all then don't reply until you know everything that was posted, because if not you begin to lose major parts of the RP. There is also no rush in RPing, rushing RPs loses detail and is exactly what the last paragraph of Silents post covers.I put your name in bold so you didn't have to read the rest ;). I joke, i joke :)
31-03-2007, 13:58
ThatisallverywellandgoodbutOOCpostsarenotmeanttocoverthatamountofspaceinII,soIneededtoaddthat,Itissm alltoseeifyouarereadingwhatIamtypingandwhatIamtypingisverymuchfromhenceonverycoordinatedrandomnessas itcannotberandomasitispredeterminedandfollowsapatternbutisaseldomusedfrasinginsuchandsuchspeaking... orsotospeak,themainproblemwithtypinglikethisisthatIjustdonothavethehabbitofpurposefullymakinggrammat icalerrors,itjustdoesnotcometome,butIammakingyourlifealotharderandthatisgoodbecauseifyoudecidedtobes adanddecodethis,Iwilcallyoureallysadandstufflikethatorsotopeakonceagain,soIbetyouarereadingthisandth inking,"shouldIhavethelastlaughandbesad,orshouldIjustletthemanwin"AveryphiloosphicalquestionforonewhoeatskrautsImustsay,indeed

How do you like to read all of that post?
31-03-2007, 14:14
Nothing is more painful than when you have only a couple minutes to check the forums, are elated someone replied in a thread, just to find out its a page and a half of someone's internal conflict.... lol satire is fun.
Teraq Reborn
31-03-2007, 14:16
ThatisallverywellandgoodbutOOCpostsarenotmeanttocoverthatamountofspaceinII,soIneededtoaddthat,Itissm alltoseeifyouarereadingwhatIamtypingandwhatIamtypingisverymuchfromhenceonverycoordinatedrandomnessas itcannotberandomasitispredeterminedandfollowsapatternbutisaseldomusedfrasinginsuchandsuchspeaking... orsotospeak,themainproblemwithtypinglikethisisthatIjustdonothavethehabbitofpurposefullymakinggrammat icalerrors,itjustdoesnotcometome,butIammakingyourlifealotharderandthatisgoodbecauseifyoudecidedtobes adanddecodethis,Iwilcallyoureallysadandstufflikethatorsotopeakonceagain,soIbetyouarereadingthisandth inking,"shouldIhavethelastlaughandbesad,orshouldIjustletthemanwin"AveryphiloosphicalquestionforonewhoeatskrautsImustsay,indeed

How do you like to read all of that post?

Completely irrelevant. That was intentionally written to be difficult to read.
Balkan Peoples
31-03-2007, 15:43
Here's an idea-let's all buy weapon's and ACTUALLY fight it out!

Also, I get the feeling that I should change my signature, as it's irrelevant OOC.
Balkan Peoples
31-03-2007, 15:44
No, wait, I can disable it.