Operation Sunfall [Earth II]
30-03-2007, 12:40
Hirgizstan City, Cape Verde [CV], Commonwealth of Hirgizstan
"So we've been at DEFCON Three for some time now, correct?" The Fuhrer asked this question, despite already knowing the answer. He sat at the head of a black walnut table that was polished to a high shine. He could see his reflection, and see the reflection of the Joint Chiefs, the SECDEF and the SECSTAT.
The Joint Chiefs nodded, there was five of them, each representing the combat oriented arms of the COH military, all dressed in their uniform suits. All had awards on their chests, denoting medals and campaigns and wounds, everything you needed to know about their career on the left side, plus a black name tag and citations on the right. Military efficiency, it couldn't be beat.
The Fuhrer spoke again, "Good, good. Our forces should therefore be at the readiness we need them at. This will make it easier for us. Now, should I announce this publicly to the world or keep it quiet...for now at least. Its not like they won't notice once we start to move everything. What do you think?" The Fuhrer looked expectantly at the SECDEF and SECSTAT. Both looked at each other.
The SECSTAT began, "Well, naturally the TOA has discussed what we'll be doing, but the publicity issue has not been talked about. In my opinion we shouldn't advertise this right now. I will send memo's to our allies, get their opinions about publicity. But like you said sir, its not like they won't notice."
The SECDEF, a quite bespectacled man of few words, simply nodded in agreement.
The Fuhrer sat back, running his hands over the front of the manilla file stamped 'TOP SECRET-EYES ONLY' in heavy black. Everybody present had an identical copy in front of them. In small letters at the right hand side it simply said 'OPERATION SUNFALL'.
OOC: The above is 'SECRET IC'.
New Mexico and Arizona
The mobilization was simply huge. Vast columns and formations of tanks, armored vehicles, trucks and lighter vehicles moved like giant lizards across the desert, sending plumes of dust and sand as high as the heavens.
A whole Army was on the move, which meant over 400,000 soldiers were on the move. The massive roads and highways of the Commonwealth had been built and repaired and rebuilt with the military in mind. Hopefully the day would never come when they had to use the roads for defensive operations, but it was always good to have highways and byways that could take the strain of hundreds of heavy tracked and wheeled vehicles moving about on them.
The smaller Hirgizstanian highways were 8 lanes across, the larger being 14 lanes. The military used one whole side of most of the roads and highways, all heading south. Civilians gawked at the mass of military might heading past them, only a concrete median barrier separating their cars from the hulking tanks and armor. Some civilians stopped by the side of the road and cheered the soldiers on, others tooted their horns in appreciation and received waves and smiles from the soldiers, most of whom wore boony hats and expensive designer sunglasses they were able to buy at military discount prices.
South was the direction they were headed, to the Mexican border.
Airborne and Air Cavalary forces from Arizona and Utah were headed in another direction though, going through the Empire of Layarteb to the Gulf of Mexico, the other side of Texas, where they would meet with allied forces arriving in the hot, picturesque waters of the Gulf.
Siberia (Yakutia)
It was interesting for the 29th Army soldiers (Corps 290-295) to see the Cottish reservists, the Home Guard, mobilising. Few COH soldiers had ever operated in combat with the National Guard, Reserves or even the BDF. They trained with them all the time, it was necessary. But to prepare to go into combat, to go to war with them, that was another matter.
So it was a matter of interest to observe a reservist force in full swing. Hirgizstanian soldiers, moving about alongside their Cottish allies, tried out their Cottish, often dissolving into pigeon English from both sides and gigantic guffaws at things gotten wrong. In war they would simply use their translators, but it was interesting without them.
Yakutia was cold, but getting slightly warmer. Most Hirgizstanians were not from cold climates, although the Winter Warfare Centre at Fort Hood, near the huge Mount Hood in Oregon, got quite close to extremes during the months it operated and put Hirgizstanian soldiers through their paces. But all Hirgizstanian forces in Siberia were 'specialized'. They didn't rotate like some other units, they stayed there on permanent bases so they could become expert in Arctic warfare in the frozen wastelands of Russia.
The whole of Siberian Cotland seembed to mobilizing. As Hirgizstanian troops trundled through small villages and big cities they constantly saw Home Guard personnel and other forces rallying civilians and generally mobilizing a society for war. It made many wonder was the same happening at home.
Ruweis, Roman Dubai
Ruweis had become basically a military city. It wasn't in Hirgizstan, it was in the Roman Empire. It had become the second Hirgizstanian base in the Gulf, besides the huge Naval port at Bandar-E-Lengeh. Ruweis was more army oriented, although it did have a sizeable naval prescence. It had grown after becoming the designated base from which the COH could continue its anti-insurgency operations in Dubai after the Romans officially took over after the Gulf War.
The Gulf War had been pure and unadulterated success. It was military brilliance, distilled to an art form. Between Cotland, Hawdawg and Hirgizstan a terrorist state threatening the middle east and the wider world had been brought to its knees and utterly destroyed in a matter of weeks. Tens of thousands were killed, with the allied losses barely numbering 500 and Hirgizstanian KIA's being below 60.
After major combat operations had ended with the destruction of Abu Dhabi, an aggressive anti-insurgency operation was undertaken in what was the biggest part of Dubai, which was now part of Rome. Most of the insurgents not dead had fled from the coast and from the nutcases in Spizania to take revenge on the Hirgizstanians who had literally levelled their main city.
Of course what the Islamist nutcases didn't forsee was the ferocity with which the former Elephanti citizens reacted to terrorists on their soil. Hirgizstanian transitional forces organized peoples militia's and rewards for terrorists brought dead or alive. It had taken a few months, and after a number of massacres of people in various places at the hands of the terrorists, including the murder of 12 young children in a rural school, the insurgency had finally been beaten with the capture of a number of its key leaders, those that had fled Abu Dhabi.
They were executed in Ruweis.
So it was from this city that screamed military success that Hirgizstanian forces began to mobilize in the Persian Gulf. Other enemies now arose, more disgusting, misled, idiotic and dangerous than any Islamists. But Operation Sunfall would show them the folly of their ways.
Negev Airbase, Negev Desert, Cottish Israel
The time for which the Cottish forces had prepared for quite some time now was finally at hand. Standing in collumns near the lumbering shapes of the various types of transport aircraft, equipment and personal weapons strapped tightly to the sides of the men, with jump helmets on their heads and heavy parachutes on their backs, the men of the 65. Fallskjermdivisjon listened as their division commander, a generalmajor dressed in the same jump equipment as his men gave the final pep-talk. Operation Sunfall, a joint operation which the division had trained for for a long time was ready to get underway, and the 65. was to be the first Cottish forces to be deployed in this global operation. The pep-talk ended with the General reciting the pledge of allegiance to the King and the fatherland.
"Tro mot Konge og Forfatning, lydig mot foresatte, rettsindig, hederlig og hjelpsom i all sin ferd skal enhver Cottisk krigsmann med alvor og nidkjærhet strebe å tilegne seg de ferdigheter og egenskaper som kreves hos en god soldat, samt villig og nøyaktig etterkomme de gjeldende forskrifter og de befalinger som i tjenestens medfør blir gitt ham. I farens stund skal han når det kreves villig ofre liv og blod for Konge og Fedreland. Dette sverger jeg, med den allmektige Gud som mitt vitne." [Faithful to King and Constitution, obedient to superiors, just, honorable and helpsome in all his actions, every Cottish warrior shall with seriousness and dedication strive to aquire the skills and knowledge that is demanded in a good soldier, and to willingly and accurately obey the regulations in force and the orders which in the line of duty are issued to him. In time of peril, he shall when demanded willingly sacrifice life and blood for King and Fatherland. This I swear, with God almighty as my witness."] The generalmajor said solemnly, to which the 12,360 men of the 65. Fallskjermdivisjon replied with one resounding voice.
"Dette sverger jeg, med den allmektige Gud som mitt vitne! Gud bevare Kongen og fedrelandet!" [This I swear, with God almighty as my witness! God save the King and the Fatherland!]
With their solemn oath restated, the men were ready to begin participating in Operation Sunfall, the great TOA operation that would leave the world trembling. With the General dismissing his men, the various company commanders then began to shout out orders, namely which of the many planes the men were going to. While there were twenty-two Para divisions in the Cottish Army, or eighty-eight battlegroups of 1,545 men each, the movement of an entire division at once had never been conducted before. The largest force that had been moved had been a Brigadekampgruppe, which consisted of four battlegroups. This was twice as big, and needed twice the aircraft. The prime movers would be the C-12/J Super Hercules, the C-11/B Super Globemaster, and the relatively new but massive C-15/A Kondor. The personnel would mostly be transported in the Super Hercules' and Super Globemasters, with the division's 1,464 vehicles being transported in the Kondors. It was going to take several hauls to get the entire division to where it was needed, but the Cots would still be able to place two and a half battlegroups on the ground in the first wave. With more than three thousand, eight hundred combat-ready soldiers, that made for a fighting force that was highly capable of holding its ground until reinforcements would be arriving.
Twenty minutes after the oath of allegiance had been finished, the first of the transports took off from the airbase in the Negev desert in Israel, moving into a holding pattern to wait for the other aircraft to get on their wings before the group as a whole began travelling towards the southeast.
Caribbean Sea
The majority of the Cottish 2. Flåte had put to sea from their bases in Saint Lucia and Barbados, and were now forming up into three large battle groups off the Lesser Antilles. The northern-most group consisted of the two Odin class fleet aircraft carriers HMS Tor (R 102) and HMS Sleipner (R 122) with the HMS Tor as the flagship, three Mexia-II class battlecruisers and a substantial escort of three Heimdal class guided missile cruisers, seven Indefatigable class destroyers, two Nådeløs class air defense frigates, and sixteen Smertebringer class frigates, as well as the two Scorpion class submarines that protected the battle group, codenamed VARG, from other enemy shipping and submarines. Its role in this operation was to provide air support for the other two battle groups.
The centermost battle group was centered around the massive Ormen Lange class battleship HMS Barbados (B 50), and contained the majority of the amphibious ships in the form of two of the Odin-II class amphibious carriers and six of the Wilson class transports, carrying the men and equipment of the 3. Kongelige Marineinfanteridivisjon. For escort, the battle group which had been codenamed TIGER for this operation had the two Mexia-I class battlecruisers of the 2. Flåte, four Heimdals, five Indefatigables, three Nådeløs' and twenty Smertebringers, and three Scorpions. The primary role of this group was to escort the Royal Marines to their landing sites and to provide support for the land operation.
The southernmost battle group was codenamed GAUPE, and centered around the Ormen Lange class battleship HMS Sankt Lucia (B 51). It's role was to harrass enemy shipping and, if necessary, to reinforce the other two groups. With an escort of one Mexia-II class battlecruiser, two Heimdals, four Indefatigables, one Nådeløs and nine Smertebringers, GAUPE was the smallest of the groups, but still very deadly and a potent foe.
All three groups steamed northwards with varying speeds, but never under 20 knots, towards their first checkpoint on the relatively long journey to the Gulf of Mexico, which lay off Jamaica, operating at heightened alert. The ships were supported by the six Forsyner class fleet resupply ships of the 2. Flåte. Operation Sunfall was underway for the Fleet as well.
In Siberia, Operation Sunfall was initiated with the full mobilization of all military troops stationed in the Siberian Realm. The 3. Flåte and 4. Flåte in Magadan and Yakutia respectively were placed on highest alert and put to sea quickly, the 2. Armé of 300,000 men in Yakutia and the 7. Armé of 178,000 men in Magadan started mobilizing, and the six reservist armies of 350,000 men each began activating its men through the use of the public broadcast system. Throughout the Siberian Realm, men of all ages stopped whatever they were doing, changed into uniforms, got into their cars and drove to the rendezvous area for his battalion. Within four hours, the 16. HV-Armé and 31. HV-Armé in Magadan and the 25. HV-Armé, 28. HV-Armé, 29. HV-Armé and 30. HV-Armé in Yakutia would be mobilized and ready for action.
The entire concept of the Home Guard was for territorial defense and limited offensive operations abroad, relying on a massive force of well-trained reservists instead of a massive force of not quite as well-trained regulars. This way, the Cottish military could use the money it saved on having to equip the ten and a half million man strong Home Guard with the state-of-the-art that the smaller, one and a half million strong regular army was equipped with. The Home Guard was still a capable fighting force though, well trained and well equipped, although not as well as the regular Army that all members of the Home Guard had been part of at one point in time though.
In addition to the ground and sea mobilization, the Royal Cottish Air Force's aircraft in the numberous air bases were scrambled and the air defense sites went on a heightened state of alert. The air bases were also prepared for incoming allied reinforcements, as those were expected to arrive shortly.
In short, the Siberian Realm, and the entirety of the Realm of Cotland for that matter, mobilized. Why, very few outside the political and military leadership of the October Alliance nations knew. The world would know soon though. Very soon...
Voronej, Kremlin
"Товарищ президент, Котландцы мобилизируютса."
[Comrade president, Cotlandians are mobilizing]
"Я слышал, это не означает нечего хорошего. Все войска передвинуть на наши граници с Котландом и Хиргизстаном. Так же передайте слово нашим союзникам пусть мобилизируются. Я не ожидал что ОА сделает этот шаг так быстро, но сегодня мы готовы защищать нашу Родину больше чем когда либо. Все глаза на границе, если Котландцы пересекут 25 километровою не-военную зону открывать огонь на поражение."
[I heard, this isn't good. All armies are to be moved on the borders with Cotland and Hirgizstan. Also give word to our allies they should mobilize too. I did not expect the OA to take this step this soon, but today we are more ready to defend our Motherland then ever before. All eyes on the borders, if the Cots cross the 25 kilometer demilitarized zone open fire.]
"Будет сделано товарищь президент."
[It will be done Comrade President.]
Message to the Realm of Cotland
We would like an explanation for your recent mobilization of forces towards our borders. As I am sure your reconnaissances shows you we have taken similar steps to insure that any attempt at invasion of our land by you or your TOA allies will fail. We are rather infuriated by TOA's willingness to create this high tension situation for no reasons. If war is infact what you wish then we will meet you and we will defeat you and then we will be talking to you in a much less polite manner, however at this time an explanation is all we wish, you are highly advised to oblige.
-Igor Stepanov
President of Russian Federation
The bear once again has awoken, it stretched its paws as far as central mexico, the Russians were moving and earth trembled. Thousands of guided missile batteries were now looking at the Cots and Hirgistanies from across the border, the barrel of gunpowder was ready, all it needed was a spark.
Operation Sunfall, H+2 hours, 17 minutes
The phone in the Prime Minister's office rang only once before the aide yanked the black phone violently from its cradle, stopping the ringing immediately. He held it to his ear and listened intensely for a few seconds before returning the phone to its cradle more carefully as he looked over to the Prime Minister and assembled cabinet.
"Herr Statsminister, mobiliseringen i Sibir er fullført. Alle avdelinger er herved klare til strid. I tillegg har russerne oppdaget oss slik som vi forventet, og de mobiliserer selv mens forlanger å vite grunnen til mobiliseringen." [Prime Minister, the mobilization in Siberia is completed. All units are hereby ready for action. Additionally, the Russians have detected us just like we anticipated, and they're mobilizing their own forces while demanding to know the reason for our mobilization.]
"Send dem svaret vi formulerte tidligere. Intet mindre, intet mer." [Send them the reply we drafted earlier. Nothing less, nothing more.] Rothsky said, looking up from the dossier outlining the operational goals of Operation Sunfall.
"Javel herr Statsminister." [Yes Prime Minister.] The aide said before picking up the phone again to relay the orders to the propper authorities.
Encrypted Communiqué
The activation of our military forces within the Siberian Realm are part of a classified military plan. The forces in question are not directed towards the Russian Federation, and their operations does not involve the Russian Federation. Should these operations be altered in the future to affect the Russian Federation, rest assured, you will be notified.
In addition, we would like to remind the Russian Federation that the forces in question are well within the boundaries of the Cottish Realm, and thus are considered to be an internal affair. We remind the Russian Federation of the Realm's stance on matters of the Realm's internal affairs, see § 30 of the Protection of the Realm Act ("The Realm considers all actions it undertakes within its borders protected under our sovereignty. No foreign power, whether friendly, neutral, or hostile, is permissible to interfere with internal affairs of the Realm of Cotland, regardless of actions. Any interference will be met with serious repercussions."). We appreciate the Russian Federation's adherence to this internationally accepted legal act.
The Cabinet
The Realm of Cotland
30-03-2007, 23:09
Operation Sunfall hinged on every member to do their part but the Empire had a significant part to do. Layartebian naval assets and air assets had geared up and turned the Caribbean Sea into a maximum security prison. Naval ships and submarines surged from their bases along the edges of the Caribbean Sea in Venezuela, Central America, and North America. ASW aircraft were on constant patrol and the SOSUS net was being watched overtime. Fighters took up constant patrol and stacked up high and low. Aircraft were loaded with anti-ship missiles while others were loaded with ground attack munitions. They geared up for war and they geared up for total defense.
In the North Atlantic, Layartebian naval vessels on constant patrol were surged to significantly larger amounts. Aircraft on patrol were doubled and Layartebian military assets on Iceland, Ireland, Greenland, the Azores, Bermuda, North America, and the Atlantic Republic were turned upside down with warning. Layartebian aircraft and naval vessels were put to the air and to the sea. They flew and sailed their patterns, effectively closing off the North Atlantic. The SOSUS network was running overtime and should anything attempt to pass through any of the channels between the UK and the mainland, Ireland and Iceland, Iceland and Greenland, or through any other passage southward, into the Atlantic, it would be heard. Advanced attack submarines were hiding in the depths of the blackened seas of the North Atlantic and moved slowly, quietly, ready to stalk their prey, if any should come.
Overseas, elements of the Layartebian military that were deployed in Cotland, North Germania, Hirgizstan, Soviet Bloc, and Hawdawg territories were riled up. They were ready to go to war and they were ready to defend the territories where they were deployed. Layartebian military units, though in foreign territory, were under Layartebian rulers and they were under Layartebian authority, to a degree. There, they would defend the territory and the land as necessary.
Every facet of the Layartebian military was up, running, and geared for battle. Units had been surged throughout the entire Empire as the REDCON system was upgraded to REDCON 3 status. The military was ready...
That was the Layartebian contribution to the plan. The gear up of forces was met with Hirgizstani and Cottish deployments right off the bat. The Caribbean sea, the North Atlantic, and throughout the greater nations of the October Alliance, everyone was ready to go. Now came the next step...
Kremlin, Voronej
Igor read the Cottish reply.
"Лож, толбко лож....кроме ОГС нету некого которого ОА зачислила б в свои враги....мне надо поговорить с другими членами ОГС...но сначала...."
Lies, nothing but lies...there is no one except the GSO that TOA would count as an enemy...I must speak to other GSO members at once...but first...
Igor picked up his phone.
"Какая ситуация на границе?"
What is the situation on the border?
"Товарищь Президент всё идёт как было спланировано. Сейчас на границе с котландом более милиона солдат и резерв в потора миллиона скоро будет на месте. Мы смотрим на Котландские небеса, если они запустят ракеты или их самолёты начнут атаку мы будем знать, мы унечтожим их и ответим в десять раз более сильным ударом, у нас есть несколько десятков тысяч пусковых установок которые могут атаковать любую точку в Якутие и Магадане. В Мексике у нас целая пятая гвардия плюс почти милион людей из регулярных войск. Мы смотрим на Лайартеб очень бдительно наши подлодки в Карибском бассейне готовы для охоты, так же система защиты воздуха подготовлена. Под вашим приказом я послал три тысячи кораблей к Емену штобы поддержать наши силы в ближней азии, полной атки они ревыдержат но продержатся долго и врагам кровь пустят. Такова ситуатция."
Comrade President all is going through according to plan. Right now on the border with Cotland we have more than a million soldiers, a reserve of one and a half million will be on position soon. We are watching Cottish skies, if they launch missiles or their planes start an attack we will know, we will destroy them and respond with a ten times more powerful strike, we have several tens of thousands of launching platforms that can reach any target in Yakutia or Magadan. In Mexico we have a full fifth Gvardia plus almost a million soldiers from regular forces. We are looking at Layarteb very well our submarines in the Gulf of Mexico are ready for a hunt, also the air defense system is ready. Under your order I sent three thousand ships to Yemen to reinforce our forces in the Near East (Middle East), they won't be able to repel an all out attack, but they will hold for a while and will cost the enemy a lot of blood. This is the situation.
Thank you.
Igor hung up, the bear was ready for the demon, the wait for TOA's action has begun.
Soviet Bloc
31-03-2007, 03:39
Caribbean Sea
The flight deck operator aboard the RNS Vinterov scanned the deck, ensuring the flight line was clear of personnel before lifting his hand, palm outwards, towards the waiting aircraft. Each finger dropped until the index finger remained, in which case he lunged forward, pointing forward and skyward, signaling both the pilot and the electromagnetic catapult operators. The E/F-63K jerked forward, followed by an azure flame, and lumbered into the dusk air before quickly joining its circling squadron mates. The four aircraft, an E/F-63K and her F-63K escorts, leveled into their flight formation before streaking west, towards Central America, into the fading sunlight. Only deep blue streaks of engine exhaust were still visible.
They would meet up with a land-based E/B-177A Coldun electronics warfare/signals intelligence/electronics intelligence aircraft and her two F-63K escorts before proceeding to stake a few miles off the territorial waters of the Russians. The scope of their operations would undoubtedly change, depending on what, or if, the Russians reacted. But as it stood now, the small group sought only to disrupt local communications and gage the Russians’ response, if they even went that far. A more concentrated effort would, likely, take place later, after Operation Sunfall’s full deployment.
Their support fleet had, only hours later, arrived in-theater in the Caribbean Sea, attaching itself to the much larger Cottish and Layartebian fleet forces in the area, relying heavily on their extensive fleet defense capabilities, especially Layartebian anti-submarine systems. The Seventeenth Expeditionary Fleet [17EXFLT] had no attached submarines, but did have, according to Operation Sunfall deployment programs, an attached amphibious assault group, the Fourth Amphibious Assault Group [4AAG], with its own Torrent-class Arsenal Ship. The arsenal ship, according to their doctrine, idled itself nestled amongst escorts. From the air, or above the sea, for that matter, it was invisible. It had no cloaking, no magic shield, but instead used the water as its best defense from the current fleet’s most-likely adversary: a strike from the air/surface ship. The arsenal ship was crammed full of explosives, various rockets and cruise missiles, and if hit, could not only eliminate a significant portion of the amphibious assault group’s offensive firepower, but potentially take several other ships with it. Thus, the arsenal ship had been designed to be submergible, to a depth of only a couple dozen feet, but enough to protect it from most air- or sea-launched anti-shipping missiles. Nestled amongst escorts, it was also protected, for the most part, from submarines, but if the ship was struck, and managed to explode, the sea would buffer the detonation and its effects from its nearby escorts, if they were close enough to be threatened.
The remainder of the fleet, a fairly miniscule medium carrier, the RNS Vinterov, acting as its command ship, was composed mostly of escort material… Newly purchased Cottish frigates and destroyers provided the bulk, along with heavier warships, and several support vessels. An amphibious assault ship led the 4AAG, along with its own pack of frigates, destroyers, an arsenal ship, and support vessels. For the moment, the assembled group operated on their own agenda, however, working alongside the current October Alliance deployments in the region and conforming to any additional needs the two additional national forces required. A second expeditionary fleet, the Twelfth [12EXFLT] was steaming from port in Louisiana and would arrive well before morning.
A similar expeditionary fleet, the Sixth [6EXFLT], idled on the other side of Central America, in the deepwater eastern Pacific. Their only flying sorties were fleet defense and air superiority operations and drills.
The Armed Republic was also deploying across the globe, the most noticeable likely being the Cottish Siberian territories. The airborne division that had been there in the last ‘confrontation’ with the Russians, and before the land switch, was still there, and again, mobilizing for combat. Maybe, this time, they could really test the ST-47K1 Aray.
Another expeditionary fleet, Second Expeditionary Fleet [2EXFLT], made its way towards the Indian Ocean.
In the Armed Republic areas of Texas, aircraft had been scrambled for potential operations in the near future. Only time would tell if and when everything went according to plan.
Soviet Trasa
31-03-2007, 04:29
The Trenskian Council naturally panicked with all the military activity near his own territories, the Council met via Computer-Video Link in their private offices where all was controlled by the members of the council.
In 6 different locations of Trensk, 6 members logged onto their Computer systems and activated the Video-Link to eachother, 5 screens pop up on each of theirs, depicting the shadowed faces of their compatriots.
The leader of the council, a 50-60 year old man by the sound of his voice started it off.
"The Forces of Hirizgstan in Siberia, New Mexico, Arizona and Ruweis, Roman Dubai appear to be mobilizing, this is not acceptable." he boomed while another, a younger man sounding around 25-30 spoke next calmer then his leader.
"Indeed, Cotland is most likely has done the same in their territories, we cannot identify the target if there is any or their intentions, the Trensk Security Network has been unable to gain that information nor hack into the Computers of their forces." he calmly stated, immediatly after a Female, younger, most likely 25 years old and quite annoyed growled out "Indeed, i have just received a report that our old friend Layarteb has mobilized forces in Hirizgstan, North Germania, Hirgizstan, Soviet Bloc, and Hawdawg, our forces would not beable to withstand such a force if they attack Trensk, what of you General, any information?" she asked sarcastically, not really expecting an answer.
A 42 year old man sighed and spoke up, trying to remain calm in the face of the annoyed woman.
"Listen, i'v just gotten back from my inspection of the Estonia defenses, they will hold for awhile if they DO attack, but not forever, fresh troops just out of training have been sent to all borders and have begun to dig in, the Airforce has been notified to Stand By, this is quite troublesome..." the last part he whispered to himself.
The other members declined to add anything, leaving the 50-60 year old to speak once more.
"We shall wait and see what happens, if they so much as twitch in our direction then go to Status Black." he ordered firmly.
Status Black was the equilivant to DEFCON Three in Trensk, with that he nodded and they all signed out once again...
Encrypted Response to the Realm of Cotland
Do not think we are blind, we see quite clearly that TOA's armies are closing around our lands all over the globe. An act unprovoked and beyond reason, this unneeded rise of tensions only shows to prove the true evil nature of the October Alliance. This will not stand, if you attack us we will fight back and so will our allies, the free nations of the world will realize the true threat that TOA represents and will join us. Your reign of terror will end, your oppression will end, the world will once again be free. The GSO was created to keep the peace through diplomatic channels that have backing of a vast military force but there can be no diplomacy with evil men, evil is beyond any human reason. We will play your game, we will wait for your strike, but do not expect us to flinch then the time comes for me to order an attack and bring death to hundreds of thousands of your people. You are only fooling yourself if you believe that your actions are propelled by some higher moral ground, and people of less cruel nature, people of reason, they will see it and your plan will fail. For now, we wait for you to finish your motions, to finish your game; fate of the world depends on the outcome of it and yet such foolish, dark souled man play it, how sad, how truly sad. May your children one day forgive you for what you are doing.
-Igor Stepanov
President of Russian Federation
31-03-2007, 16:16
Caribbean Sea
The Caribbean was one of only a handful of places in the world that the COH had no military prescence in. There was really no point in the Caribbean as it was patrolled heavily by the ILN. But with Operation Sunfall, it was required that a Hirgizstanian Naval prescence be present. Thus the 27th Carrier Battle Group (11th Fleet) had set sail from the picturesque port in Wilmington, North Carolina, to make their way south into the warm and welcoming Caribbean waters.
There it was like Fleet Week in Layarteb City, grey naval vessels were everywhere from TOA countries. It was a sight to behold. Tourists on the shores of the various tropical islands waded into the sea or stood on the beach watching the ocean and the armada's of steel and iron that floated past.
The 27th CBG was fairly large for a single Battle Group, consisting of four submarines, three SSN's and two SSBN's, a Reagan Class Carrier, a Vampire Class Carrier, all their defense and support ships, plus two Missouri Class Battleships and three Torrent Class Arsenal ships, which with ARSB's compliment would bring the total to four, and even more if the Cots and Layartebians decided to deploy theirs.
All in all the massive amount of ships arrayed in the area was a spectacle for tourists, sailors themselves and would hopefully send the enemy quaking into their flimsy battlements.
31-03-2007, 18:29
The plan was working well thus far. "What does it look like in the Caribbean?" The Emperor asked the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of the Military. The briefing was attended only by the Joint Chiefs and the ministers of Intelligence and Defense. "I'd like a full situation report, if you please."
"Well sir. We've got nearly two hundred warships operating on top of and underneath the surface of the Caribbean Sea. Submarines are moving around quietly and skillfully, keeping well below their tactical silent speeds. Our SOSUS network, as usual, is having difficulty tracking them but that is the intention. At the same time we are certainly have difficulty tracking the Russian submarines in full. Their Cartenga class submarines are well designed but they do not outclass our own. They go in and out of our contact scopes as they pass near the sensors. We have enough of a network laid in the Caribbean Sea though that we can effectively track them wherever they go. Most of them are operating in their own waters but they've moved out into the Caribbean Sea as well. Our submarines are not necessarily stalking them yet as we are tracking them on the SOSUS."
"Alright. Begin track then. Have our submarines remain in defensive positions and track any Russian submarine outside of their territorial waters. Have our ASW destroyers and frigates begin ASW operations and make sure that we know, at all times, where they are. If we cannot find them, push them to where we want them. Understood?"
"Yes sir. We will begin that phase of operations. In so far as our allies are concerned, Hirgizstani, Cottish, and Soviet Blocian vessels are all operating inside of the Caribbean Sea. We have a barrier set up. If anyone tries to get into the Caribbean from the Atlantic we'll know it and they'll have to pass through our territorial waters and vice versa. The Panama Canal is closed to non-merchant shipping and any unrecognized nationstate or a member of the GSO is currently banned from using the canal, civilian or not."
"Good. Good. I'm glad to hear that."
"Furthermore. Our aircraft on patrol in the Caribbean Sea are running well with almost a 98% sortie success rate. Some minor malfunctions grounded a few flights but nothing serious. Russian air activity within their own territory in Mexico has increased significantly and satellites show that they are matching our moves one for one. Our mobile missile units and tactical rocket regiments in Central America are currently in hiding and under camouflage so we're safe with them thus far. If we didn't know where they were sir we wouldn't be able to find them ourselves."
"This I like."
"With regards to the Pacific Ocean, particularly to the west of Mexico, it is more or less the same. Most of our military is mobilized sir and we'll be at full mobilization status in just one week. In one week we will be able to go forward with our plans sir."
"Excellent. And what of the North Atlantic and the remainder of the Pacific Ocean?"
"Well sir, the North Atlantic is effectively closed from the north. Naturally the barrier to the south isn't as secure but we will know what goes in and out through our SOSUS network. We've spent a lot of money on that project and rightfully so sir."
"With regards to the Pacific Ocean. We've increased our presence significantly but we do not have the same strength there that we have in the North Atlantic. Even so, if the Japanese make any moves we'll know it. We've got Hawaii and Nauru locked down and we've got active patrols at key points of the Pacific Ocean. In the Indian Ocean it is the same. The Andaman and Nicobar Islands as well as Sri Lanka are launching patrols constantly. Our forces in the Middle East are poised and ready just as well."
"Good. Good. Keep me informed and keep a close eye on the movements of the Russians. What do we know about any intelligence channels?"
"Well there is increased communication between GSO members but as far as decryption and interception that is less successful. Rightfully so. I doubt they could intercept or decrypt our own communications. We're monitoring it closely."
"Excellent. Well then shall we convene another time?"
OOC: Eh Lay, a bit of a problem, my subs wouldn't really need to get anythere far so they would be traveling at silent speed so your SOSUS claiming to be able to track them is absurd. I really would like some sort of OOC explanation about this whole situation, this is rather unexpected.
Mexican Autonomous Province of the Russian Federation East Coast Naval Command Center
A Mexican officer was explaining the situation to his Russian superior, they spoke english it would take some time before Russian became the second language in Mexico.
"The Layarterbians are moving in, sir, we have spotted several of their submarines with the long range sensors installed on our aircraft carriers. I took the liberty of readying coastal DR-13 launchpads, we have about 2000 of them, more then enough to wipe out the Layartebian fleet. Parts of the 3rd engineering flotilla are laying out mines along the perimeter of our territorial waters. As such we have pulled all our submarines inside our territorial waters at this point with only a few ballistic submarines lying in wait outside completely silent to the enemie's sensors. It is as the president said, should war break out and should the bear start loosing to the demon the demon must still pay dearly for the evil he has done. We are also targeting Cottish and Hirgizstany warships and the guys in the air defense are watching the sky, should the bastards fire one missile and we will know and unleash hell on them. We have already started evacuating civilian personal from the coastal cities."
"Alright good, return to your post, another report in two hours. Anything changes you let me know ASAP."
31-03-2007, 19:47
OOC: I am saying that I am tracking them in and out, not a constant track. If you get close enough to a sensor you can be heard. Note I said the same for mine. It's like a stealth aircraft, if you get close enough to the radar you'll be seen but I do want to know how a long-range sensor on an aircraft can spot a sub?
OOC: I said aircraft carrier. And can somebody explain to me what the hell is going on?
31-03-2007, 19:53
OOC: Pushka, the plural for Hirgizstan is 'Hirgizstanian'.
31-03-2007, 19:58
OOC: I forgot to add this in the post above sorry. Typo, how are they being spotted by long-range sensors on aircraft carriers. That deserves some clarification? Is it SONAR, magnetics. SONAR if it's passive isn't going to do much unless I get super close to your carriers and I'm not and magnetics works for maybe 400m on an aircraft and who knows with a carrier, that's a lot of metal? Hirgizstanian...sorry Hirg.
There were four targets for the next step of the phase. Marine forces were ready but they still needed last minute training to hone their skills before battle. There was also the necessity to practice before the battle. There were four countries all joining together and though they were all linked by the October Alliance they all were sovereign. Kinks had to be worked out prior to battle, just to make sure that everything went off without a hitch. Four amphibious landings were to be done in northern Campeche, southern Vieques Island off Puerto Rico, southwestern Jamaica, and Little Cayman Island. The four landing points would receive Cottish, Layartebian, Hirgizstanian, and Soviet Blocian forces over the next forty-eight ours in mock amphibious landings.
OOC: Pushka, the plural for Hirgizstan is 'Hirgizstanian'.
OOC: We don't like you, take it as a derogatory term, please do.
OOC: I forgot to add this in the post above sorry. Typo, how are they being spotted by long-range sensors on aircraft carriers. That deserves some clarification? Is it SONAR, magnetics. SONAR if it's passive isn't going to do much unless I get super close to your carriers and I'm not and magnetics works for maybe 400m on an aircraft and who knows with a carrier, that's a lot of metal? Hirgizstanian...sorry Hirg.
There were four targets for the next step of the phase. Marine forces were ready but they still needed last minute training to hone their skills before battle. There was also the necessity to practice before the battle. There were four countries all joining together and though they were all linked by the October Alliance they all were sovereign. Kinks had to be worked out prior to battle, just to make sure that everything went off without a hitch. Four amphibious landings were to be done in northern Campeche, southern Vieques Island off Puerto Rico, southwestern Jamaica, and Little Cayman Island. The four landing points would receive Cottish, Layartebian, Hirgizstanian, and Soviet Blocian forces over the next forty-eight ours in mock amphibious landings.
Here are the devices and sensors of the Indestructible Class aircraft carrier:
The Indestructable has an onboard SONAR array, capable of searching through the mixed layer. However, for under the layer searches it also has the TB-2016, used in the Macabee Leviathan class SSN, which is rolled from a seperate compartment, and is long enough to sit right on the deep sound channel axis, giving the SONAR a full read, leaving no shadow zone. The power of the Macabee SOANR systems has been applauded before, and the Elusive is a testament to it.
The Indestructable is also given the same SONAR system which the Rommel was equipped with. The Poseidon SONAR system, which is capable of detecting louder shipping at up to one hundred kilometers away at the right circumstances, and advanced submarines at a maximum range of ten kilometers, burning through anechoic tiling quite easily. The Poseidon is considered one of the better SONAR systems used presently. The Poseidon is also programmed to detect the “black hole” effect which submarines using MHD have; making it easier to detect MHD propelled submarines.
The Indestructable also has a new thin line towed array called the TB-163, which is three times as long as the Indestructable itself, using thousands of hydrophones to detect submarine presence at up to forty kilometers away (ca. 28 miles). The TB-163 uses a strong steel line to ensure that it doesn’t snap, although this could be potentially dangerous to the crew if its used stupidly. The Indestructable also has another towed array called the TB-87 which focuses on shorter distances, using powerful hydrophones to detect close enemies.
Macabee ships use the MRT-1 RADAR system to detect enemy aerial assets anywhere from 120 kilometers minimum to 700 kilometers maximum; depending on the circumstances, stealth levels, and altitude. The MRT-1 use a very powerful super computer and several screens to detect, filter, and portray enemy aerial assets. Based of the TENEX SPY-6 this well built system is, again, one of the better ones in use around the world, and provide the Macabees with a reliable early warning system.
Additionally, Macabee ships integrate the MRT-4 RADAR system which was built to focus on sea-skimmers. RADAR radio waves are able to catch both missiles and other objects, such as waves, and filter what is a wave, and what is a missile; and quite easily, and through regular technology. Simply, by using a supercomputer and C based program, the computers can detect range, vector, and velocity – hence, it can distinguish what is a missile or aircraft, and what isn’t. A wave doesn’t last at the same altitude, velocity and vector for ever – the wave falls short quite quickly – while a missile lasts in the air for quite a while (of course). Hence, it wasn’t too difficult to design a system capable of picking sea-skimmers up.
Finally, the Macabee ships include an MLT-1 LIDAR system which as a range of about 250 kilometers (165 miles). The MLT-1 uses regular LIDAR to detect range, Doppler LIDAR to detect velocity, and DIAL LIDAR to detect chemical composition. The newer Gaussian LIDAR system used by Macabee ships has two charged plates placed parallel to each other, one charged negative, the other positive. This in turn begins an electrical current. The Gaussian system doesn't work on reflected waves. Instead, it relies on electrical impulses, rendering current anti-LIDAR techniques inefficient and obsolete.
Now you really think that your subs are best in the world and are invisible through magic you certainly posses but thats not how Im going to RP it. You haven't eve come up with a proper write-up for your subs I bet and just because you put a number down on a stat sheet doesn't mean that is feasible.
31-03-2007, 20:12
OOC: My submarines are certainly not within 10 kilometers of your carrier. Just because I don't have a write up yet doesn't mean anything. I don't have a write up on most of my stuff because I haven't necessarily had time, patience, or desire to do them. A stealth submarine moving at under 8 knots would have to get close even to that thin line array as well and I'm not necessarily shadowing you yet so no I don't see how you could see them. As far as the hydrophones for the SOSUS network, there are so many of them laid in the floor of the Caribbean Sea that it's hard not to roll over one but that's why I said intermittently, which is totally different then fully tracking them. All you do is take a bunch of intermittent readings and you can plot courses, speed, etc. Triangulation is a fun thing.
[OOC: I'm sure Hirg will agree with me when I kindly ask that we keep all OOC chatter out of this thread. IC posts only. Thank you.]
Somewhere in the Siberian Realm
The ten men, all in their late twenties to mid thirties stood in a circle, talking as they were waiting for further orders to come from their company commander. They had arrived here half an hour ago, having gotten the mobilization orders first from the public broadcast system and then from the automatic telephone warning system that had called and only spoken the pre-arranged code phrase that signalled that the mobilization order was genuine. That had been all it took to get the men to quickly change into the uniforms, lock out their personal weapons from the weapons locker each reservist had at home and kiss their family goodbye before they left for the rendezvous area, which in this case was the town plaza of the town. A full battlegroup of infantry, two thousand, five hundred and seventy men who all came from this town of twelve thousand, were primarily responsible for defending it and the surrounding municipality from outside aggression, but could also be used elsewhere within the confines of the Siberian Realm.
Many people looked at the men as they passed, some coming over to chat a little with them, wondering what was going on and wishing them good luck. Some families also showed up at the rendezvous area, offering their loved ones and their squad warm coffee to help the men against the cold. All in all, the small and sleepy town was suddenly alive with action as a sixth of the town's population dressed up in the green uniform of the Home Guard and reported to do their duty for not only their King and Fatherland, but also for their homes and families, which was an equally good motivation factor to get the men to do their job and do it well, as they were trained to.
Eventually though, the respective unit's vehicles, mostly M65A1 Arrow armored personnel carriers and M64A1 Shadow light mobility vehicles, arrived and the men had to say goodbye one last time and mount up inside the warm and well-protected Arrows and Shadows. Eventually, the orders arrived as well, and the battlegroup moved out, eventually linking up with the three other battlegroups that formed the brigade, which in turn linked up with the second brigade and the tank battlegroup that formed the Home Guard division.
The same scene was taking place all over the Siberian Realm, with fathers, brothers and husbands leaving the warm safeties of their homes to venture out into the unknown when their country needed it. The two point one million reservists that were called up complemented the five hundred thousand men of the regular army that were stationed in Siberia, and the one million airmen and sailors that also defended the Siberian Realm. Co-ordinating with the civilian emergency response agencies, the federal police force KRIPOS, the civilian National Police, to some extent the paramilitary Border Police, the Emergency Medical Response organizations, the various fire brigades and the other institutions of the civilian infrastructure, the military quickly mobilized and prepared for the defense of the Siberian Realm.
Caribbean Sea
The sight was a very impressive one, looking at it from the skies. A Ormen Lange class battleship, almost half a kilometer long, flanked by a battlecruiser just over half its length, two guided missile cruisers and a one hundred thirty meters long air defense frigate along the flanks to the aft, using their powerful sensor suites to keep a vigil eye of the airspace. A mighty force for sure. A bit further out, forming a screen a few kilometers away from the main force, the four destroyers formed a second line of defense and complemented the cruisers with their own powerful RADARs. Furthest out, a total of nine frigates, of which two were on detached duty, formed a picket line and the first line of defense a total of sixteen kilometers away from the main force. The two detached frigates were operating independently ahead and aft of the main group, using their powerful bow-mounted ASHES Mk.II sonar suites to listen for any potential submarines lurking out there.
The journalists looking out the window from the S-30/A Trofast anti-submarine aircraft launched from the aircraft carrier HMS Tor two hours prior were catching it all on their memory cards, observing Stridsgruppe GAUPE as it steamed towards the coast of Jamaica, nine hundred kilometers away. Off Jamaica, Stridsgruppe GAUPE would join up with allied ships and continue to play its part in Operation Sunfall. Tommorrow, the images of the proud battleship HMS Sankt Lucia and its escorts would be in the morning news and papers. Perhaps more information would be disclosed about the increased military activity throughout the globe too.
OOC: My submarines are certainly not within 10 kilometers of your carrier. Just because I don't have a write up yet doesn't mean anything. I don't have a write up on most of my stuff because I haven't necessarily had time, patience, or desire to do them. A stealth submarine moving at under 8 knots would have to get close even to that thin line array as well and I'm not necessarily shadowing you yet so no I don't see how you could see them. As far as the hydrophones for the SOSUS network, there are so many of them laid in the floor of the Caribbean Sea that it's hard not to roll over one but that's why I said intermittently, which is totally different then fully tracking them. All you do is take a bunch of intermittent readings and you can plot courses, speed, etc. Triangulation is a fun thing.
They are within 250 kilometers though I am rather sure of that. Plus my standard tactic up to this day has been to place a shit load of sonar and hydrophone buoys in my territorial waters and international waters close to my territorial waters. As I stated recently all my submarines except a few dormant ones are now inside of my territorial waters. I haven't stated that I am tracking any of your submarines or that I have spotted all of them, I have spotted a few and that is all I have said. That is all I will say on this subject, OOC chatter really must end. And please somebody explain to me the reasoning for this? Cot get on aim.
Mexico City, Armed forces of Mexican Province high command
"Hello gentlemen, many of you are my comrades from the Russian military and many of you are our Mexican friends. Excuse me for my poor English but it will have to suffice. The situation is this, the nations of TOA are assembling in the Caribbean sea, they are amassing quite a force, our defenses are more then capable of taking out their whole pitiful fleet with one strike, thousands of our long-range missiles are locked on to the above the surface ships of the enemy and are ready to launch. However even with that we have a permanent border with Layarteb and Mexican province is much less defended then our Siberian mainland. We have many men and much equipment, we will be able to destroy almost any single nation but if all four of them attack at once we will crack. Our Japanese friends I am sure will lend us some support unless they have to worry about the on goings in the Pacific ocean, but that is being taken care off....
Pacific Ocean, 140 kilometers south east of the Chukotka coast
The Russian navy assembled quite an armada 50 Indestructible class aircraft carriers, 3000 T-0 Tsaplia flying boats all armed with long range Kh-54M-VRPB cruise missiles, missiles boats, logistical ships a whole armada of 1456 vessels, the whole Pacific fleet was assembled and was heading for Japan, ready to protect their comrades in case of the OA attack.
*will finnish later, got to run*
31-03-2007, 21:12
OOC: 250 kilometers? You realize the MLT-1 is an atmospheric detection system for aircraft and surface vessels right? In water, LIDAR has an effective range of maybe 1 - 2 kilometers. In those 1 - 2 kilometers it's SO much better than SONAR it isn't funny (I use LIDAR instead of a high frequency SONAR most times, though I fit a HFS in case I need it). It's great for detecting mines, torpedoes, small objects, that sort of stuff but it's so short ranged it isn't that useful underwater. SONAR is the best because water is an amazing medium for sound transmission. Your SONAR is more effective at longer ranges than LIDAR is. In the atmosphere it is very effective but water is a whole different medium unto itself. And your best SONAR is a towed array, which will give you that 40 km maximum detection but not against a quiet submarine moving at silent speeds. Most towed arrays, though they are so good because they are upwards of 1 km behind the submarine do have a problem though (they cannot see in a 30° arc forward because of the propellar. By the way, how have you placed all these sensors in the Caribbean without any RP'ing of it, not even that much time in the Mexican territory (not enough to even transition to begin to speaking Russian there), and in seas that are actively patrolled up and down, left and right by me. Seems a bit like godmodding.
When the amphibious landings began the generals in the JOC were looking over a very different document. It was a map of North America and listed on it were just four red, dashed circles. They represented the range of the MGM-223 Harvester, the IRBM in service with the ILM. The Luna wasn't listed as its range was just too large for the small map but, with just four launch points in Cuba, Yucatán, Campeche, and Mississippi, the entire area of Mexico could be blanketed. In reality, there were sixty-four launchers in Layarteb, sixty-four launchers in South Eastern Virginia, thirty-two in Ynoga, and thirty-two in Raef. That was a total of one hundred and ninety-two launchers, which could all be moved within range of Mexico. There were the same number of Luna launchers too and those were deployed on both TELs and trains, making them nearly impossible to find. There were 3,168 Luna silos throughout the Empire as well, most of them in South Eastern Virginia, Dnalkrad, and Layarteb and all of them were within range of Russian territory. Naturally, the Russians had similar silos and systems set up, that was a given.
http://www.theforsakenoutlaw.com/Graphics/Nation-States/Role-Playing/Operation%20Sunfall/northamerica-missilerange-small.jpg (http://www.theforsakenoutlaw.com/Graphics/Nation-States/Role-Playing/Operation%20Sunfall/northamerica-missilerange-large.jpg)
Sensors noted that few Russians vessels were operating out of their territorial waters, which put them right where they were wanted. Layartebian vessels were careful not to get too close to Russian territorial waters as they could be detected by whatever sensors they had deployed within the bounds. For now, the focus was on the amphibious landings.
In the Pacific, the Russian Pacific fleet and all its size was moving, probably towards Japan. They couldn't tell yet, it was too early but its size was something that was immense, 1,456 vessels but their mainstay was the T-0, a flying boat that was more vulnerable than the carriers. Moving on the water, at high speeds, it is easily detectable because of the noise it made moving at those speeds. In the air it was stealthy, much stealthier than it was on the water but that wasn't a problem for the powerful synthetic aperture radars deployed on the fleets, which could see even the B-4s and B-7s of the ILAF.
31-03-2007, 21:15
Peurto Princessa Naval Base, Peurto Princessa
This would be the first time the Confederate Navy had put a large surface naval force into the Pacific Ocean during time of war, and it was too be some force, it was pased around two of the largest warships in the Fleet, the massive Sword-Class Battleships, Durandel was the flagship of Admiral James Letherman, while the Excalibur was the flagship of the Commander, Confederate Navy, Pacific Ocean, known in CSN Jargon as COM-CON-PAC. The two massive battleships were each almost five hundred and eighty metres long, and armed with 8 32"/62 L122 Naval Rifles in two quadrouple mountings, both forward. They also wielded 12 Type 332 135mm Quick Firing DP Guns and numerous 57mm Automatic Cannon Mountings. They were amongst the most powerful warships in the world.
They would be escorted by a force of three Battlecruisers, in the Valiant-class, four Lancer class heavy cruisers and eighteen destroyers of various types, in addition the fleet was joined by two Indestructable class carriers, including the Indestructable herself.
All of this fleet was escorting eighteen armed transport vessels, holding nearly fifty four thousand troops of the Confederate Guard, the best fighting formation available to the confederacy.
It was time to take back what was rightfully theres, the fleet supposudly steamed towards the base at Port Royale in Antarctica, but nothing could be further from the truth. It was time to return to Baker
31-03-2007, 22:41
Newport News Naval Base, Newport, Oregon, Hirgizstan
Newport News was a huge Naval installation, dedicated to two CBG's. A number of ship-building companies were also located there, never without work.
The enemy build-up in the Pacific was already anticipated, thus one CBG had already left for Waikiki, where COH Marines had a large base. The other CBG would leave shortly after.
A ship or whole fleet leaving base was a joyous affair, with tickertape parades, bright national banners, marching bands and thousands of people waving off the sailors from the piers. It was tradition.
The enemy were threatening the very lives and wellbeing of those same Hirgizstanian citizens, the disgusting hordes with their morally bankrupt society and aggressive ways. Soon they would no longer threaten the stability of the Commonwealth and the world at large.
Caribbean Sea
The Marine MEU based in Wilmington participated in full with the planned landings across the Carribbean and South America. Naturally joint-TOA training operations were fairly common, but the scale of this operation was simply huge and perhaps for the first time Marines go to see what the might of the TOA nations militaries were like working together.
The landings would be good practice.
Arizona and New Mexico
The decision had finally been made and it was truly historic. The Hirgizstanian National Guard was rarely mobilized for war. It trained at different times during the year but no National Guard unit in the COH had ever been mobilized for 'Combat Operations'.
But it was just like the training. Soldiers with families and careers and business' simply got a phone-call or heard on the news that they were to 'Report To Base Immediately'. These 'civilian warriors' simply downed their tools or walked out of offices or closed up shop, went straight home, donned their BDU's, grabbed their rifles and reported to their home base.
Their home bases were often just areas allocated to them on larger active military bases, so the bustle in AZ and NM was fervent, the early summer heat already baring its teeth.
The National Guard were well trained, well equipped and ready to face down any direct threat to their country and their families. An oft-repeated mantra in the regular military didn't escape them, 'A bear is solitary, slow and stupid, a Wolf is smart, fast and part of a strong pack. Wolves kill bears.'
Watching their enemies closely the Federation was gearing up for war, the Organization of National Defense called upon all men between ages of 22-40 who were not enrolled in the military to report to the closest OND facility to receive their uniforms, weapons and be assigned to one of the numerous units. The OND program put the military strength of Russian nation at some 20 million, the OND servicemen all at one point served in the army but were put through drills with their unit all the same once they were assigned. OND had anti-aircraft weapons, armored vehicles, trucks, mines, heavy mortars everything they needed to cooperate with the 5 million strong regular military force present in Siberia and Chukotka. The situation with Yemen and Mexico was a little more tricky, it would take years for OND to establish any sort of sizable influence. However things were substituted by claiming help of ex-war lords who quickly became loyal to the Federation government and were put at command of the Mexican Provincial Self-Defense Corpus. The Corpus was 9 million men strong had good reputation with the local populace and was armed with some of the best machinery Federation military could offer. Yemen was left only protected by a million strong military presence composed of regular troops as well as a whole 5th Gvardia, in addition 200 ships and 80 attack submarines patrolled its coast. What was left was the islands Juan de Nova Island, Mauritius, Mayotte, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands all had a sizeble expeditionary fleet protecting them, a total of 1000 ships split between the four islands a force that was created just for its purposed from parts of first and second antarctic fleet that replaced the units that were taken from its ranks. In addition all islands had a number of missile batteries that were capable of long range strikes. The Baker island was in the process of being once again enlarged, the Russians have returned to their land and they started fortifying it, long range missile batteries was the first step followed up by a network of sea mines. The South Pacific Defense Front was a unit composed of 900 ships and 1200 T-0s if anyone would make an attempt to take the island from the Federation way would find out what the long ranges of Kh-55M-VRPB and DR-13 Chert were worth. The Federation was ready for anything and it was only going to get better as Federation's allies started contributing to the effort.
Somewhere along the Mexican coast
Two men in uniforms were walking down the coastline, the sand was white as pearls, the sun was raining light on their heads. One of them had the markings of a General, the other of a Polkovnik (Colonel). The General bowed down to the water and touched the cold surface he rose up and looked at the blue sky.
The Colonel got a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and took one out. The General gave him a detached look.
"Курить вредно Полковник."
[Smoking is bad for you Colonel.]
"Извеняюсь товарищь Генерал."
[I apologize comrade General.]
The General smiled.
"Шучу, дай мне тоже одну."
[Im joking, give me one too.]
The Colonel handed him a cigarette and they both lit them up. The General pointed towards the horizon.
"Ты знаешь Полковник где я щас?"
[You know Colonel where I am right now?]
"Да товарищь Генерал, Мексиканский Залив."
[Yes comrade General, Mexican Gulf.]
"Нет, нет, нет...я сейчас у себя на даче в Крапивино. Сейчас лето, тепло, мои внуки играют во дворе, завтра рано утром я возьму их на рыбалку..."
[No, no, no...right now I am at my summer house in Krapivino. Its summer, its warm, my grandchildren are playing in the yard, tomorrow in the early morning I will take them fishing.]
The Colonel looked at the General puzzled.
"Да ладно тебе Полковник, нам старикам надо мечтать о спокойстве, война это дело юнцов....."
[Common Colonel, we old folks need to dream about the peace and quite, war is the business of the young.]
The general picked up a shell that washed up on the beach.
".....война идёт я это чуствую своими костями. Волки, демоны....все хотят кусок медведя...медведь селён и умён и он не с ними и поэтому они думают что он против них. Они думают что они могут порвать медведя наша судьба доказать их не правату...."
[....war is coming, I can feel it with my bones. Wolves, demons...all want a piece of the bear....the bear is strong and smart and he is not with them and that is why they think that he is against them. They think that they can tear apart the bear, our fate is to prove them wrong...]
He tossed away the shell and once again looked at the sky.
"Как всё таки красиво, эх жилиб все мирно, детей своих любили так нет....слижком глупые, слижком дерзкие....ну ладно Полковник звони своим пора ехать на базу ещё очень много не зделано...перед тем как всё это законтчитца скажи своим детям что ты любиш их, скажи от этого многое зависит."
[How beautiful it is here, eh if only we all lived peacefully, loved our children but no....too stupid, too arrogant...alright Colonel call your guys its time to return to base still a lot of things to do....before all of this ends tell your children that you love them, tell them that a lot depends on it.]
A military jeep rolled up and both officers got in the engine roared and the car began on its road to the near by military base.
Something was happening at the Russian Federation nautical border in the Mexican gulf, thousands of buoys were being dropped into water from numerous bombers all along the line of the coast. All the buoys were fitted with the latest in passive sonar technology, this action would be repeated several times over the next few days in order to establish an impenetrable net all along perimeter of the Russian Federation waters. Nothing would sneak in unnoticed and the hunter subs patrolling the territorial waters would destroy anyone who would violate the Federation sovereignty.
01-04-2007, 02:12
"Sir, the Russians have begun to fill their territorial waters with sonobuoys." The Admiral of the Navy began. "This is to be expected though. They are mostly within their own waters. We have reports of several of their submarines having snuck out into the Caribbean Sea and we've picked up some intermittent contacts here and there. They're stealthy submarines sir so unless they're real close to a hydrophone array we aren't going to hear them."
"Understood. That's certainly something we can't do anything about. What about their land forces?" The Emperor curiously asked.
"Well they've moved a significant amount of them to the border sir." The General of the Army added.
"What about the North Atlantic?"
"Sir, they're staying out of it for now." The Chairman began speaking.
"Good. Good. Maintain the current patrols. How are the amphibious landings?"
"They are going well sir. We are working out a lot of kinks. When the time comes that we'll have to act, we'll be set and ready."
"Good. Good. Well what else do we have?"
"Aside from the massive fleet moving through the Pacific, little has changed. They've bolstered all of their positions and it seems like the Spizanians put to sea. They're moving out of Puerto Princesa and headed for Antarctica as it seems for now. We'll have to watch them closely. We certainly know that they are not involved with the Russians, not after Baker Island but it is interesting to see where they stand and what their intentions are."
"Have any details of the plan leaked?"
"No sir. None at all. We're in the dark about this as are our allies."
"Good. Good. The Russians are a cunning people and a worthy adversary but they are all too predictable. What have our satellites picked up?"
"Well. The Mexican coast is ready to receive a massive landing force, that's for sure. We've got divisions of Marines in the Caribbean Sea but Russian forces in Mexico are outnumbered. They just haven't had the time to do much."
"Good. Serves them right for sticking their neck in a part of the world where they don't belong. Continue..."
"Sir. Well they're rebuilding Baker Island."
"Baker Island is an easy target. It's of little concern. We can wipe the whole island off the map with an Imsdal strike and a Voodoo strike. What they did to the Spizanian garrison there is little to what the Imsdal will do. What can we expect when this thing happens?"
"Well it is evident that the Russians will go right to nuclear weapons sir. Regardless of our unwillingness to use them they will not keep such a war conventional. By all means, they will be going right for the throat. We will have, in an instant, unleashed World War II and I doubt we'll survive."
"No. I agree. How can we keep the Russians from going nuclear?"
"Aside from preemptively neutralizing their ICBMs, SLBMs, air launched missiles, et cetera? Nothing really."
"Which isn't an option. There's no way they can all be neutralized."
"Certainly not. What assurance do we have?"
"Little sir. They know we'll respond with nuclear weapons and perhaps they assume we'll strike with nuclear weapons first rather than conventional forces. A nuclear option isn't in our best interests but neither is it in theirs. It is a possibility that they will wait for a nuclear option before they use theirs. We just don't know."
"Alright. Well. What we need to do is figure some things out first. Are we ready to conduct the launch?"
"We are sir..." Thousands of miles away, in Honduras, a single MGM-223 Harvester TEL sat quiet. In its launch tube was a mighty and powerful missile weighing 60,000 pounds and usually tipped with three 550 kiloton nuclear warheads. With a range of 3,100 miles, the Harvester, as an IRBM, could blanket Mexico in MIRV'd warheads. Each Harvester carried 1.65 megatons of explosive yield with an accuracy rating so high that a 2 megaton bomb landing 1 kilometer away would do equivalent damage to the intended target. It sat quiet at a designated launch point, hidden underneath camouflage but now it was ready to go. The nets were pulled back and the TEL launcher was raised. Once it was fully raised there was quiet. Men scurried away from the unit as it prepared to fire and all of them were safely away when it did. The blast of the rocket and the roar of the launch echoed across the vegetative plain. The IRBM missile arced out and took up an eastly course, heading out, towards the Atlantic Ocean. The launch would definitely be seen by Russian satellites and the missile could be tracked as it raced across the sky, aiming for a target 1,800 miles away, just 110 miles east of Martinique. There were three large targets set up, each one with a diameter of 120 feet long and 120 feet wide. The CEP of the Harvester was 80 feet so, as the three inert warheads detached from the warhead assembly and screamed towards their targets, if they hit they'd definitely hit within the floating targets. Cameras were set up to observe it so the CEP could be accurately measured. The warheads impacted 60, 80, and 100 feet from the intended aim point, which was the center. It averaged out to 80 feet.
OOC: Just clarifying something here? Did you just attack me with a nuclear warhead?
Oh wait, Martinique is a Carribean island. Nevermind. Should I expect anything in terms of EMP or radiation spread? I really don't know if its one of your clean warheads or a regular one but even still that far away a warhead that small the radiation would be absorbed by water long before it reached my nautical border. So I guess I'll respond assuming that no damage was done to me.
01-04-2007, 02:20
OOC: Just clarifying something here? Did you just attack me with a nuclear warhead?
OOC: Reread it papi...You missed some VERY important details.
01-04-2007, 02:23
OOC: Just clarifying something here? Did you just attack me with a nuclear warhead?
Oh wait, Martinique is a Carribean island. Nevermind. Should I expect anything in terms of EMP or radiation spread? I really don't know if its one of your clean warheads or a regular one but even still that far away a warhead that small the radiation would be absorbed by water long before it reached my nautical border. So I guess I'll respond assuming that no damage was done to me.
OOC: Reread it again you missed further VERY important details.
Russian Federation Military Command HQ, Mexico City
"So gentlemen the Demon has showed its claws. They launched missiles about a 100 miles east of Martinique...I really don't understand what their intent is...seems kind of pointless of a provocation move, we received no direct or indirect damage from the blast because there was no blast. Perhaps a failed attempt to scare us? Alright, I reported this to the president, he'll decide what to do. Meanwhile lets talk about assigning the 9 million of our Mexican Defense Corps friends to the coastal positions....."
Official Message from Russian Federation to nations of the October Alliance
We are alarmed by OA military build up all around the globe, do not think us blind, we see it, we see your wish to create a conflict situation. However we are reasonable and if you will wish to show reason as well then perhaps this situation can be averted through diplomatic means. That is all we have to say on the subject, the choice is yours.
-Igor Stepanov,
President of Russian Federation
Kremlin, Voronej
"Ты думаешь они соглосятца?"
[You think they will agree to this?]
Igor looked up at his aide as he heard the question.
"Конешно же нет, им не нужен мир снами, мы слишком сильны....если они согласятца я назову моего следуещего сына Лайартебским именем. Ха ха, давай ждать."
[Of course not, they don't need peace with us, we're too powerful...if they do agree I'll give my next son a Layartebian name. Ha ha, lets wait.]
OOC: Reread it again you missed further VERY important details.
Dude, get on aim, so we can resolve these misunderstanding things without putting up OOC posts with questions and explanations.
01-04-2007, 02:39
OOC: I did not explode any nukes you need to keep re-reading the post until you see the word 'inert' pop into your eyes. It's there and I shouldn't have to point these details out you should be able to read it thorough enough before responding. I mean what idiot would set off 1.65 MT of nuclear warheads just 110 mi from their territory? Can't go on AIM too many spam IMs right now of people trying to tell me what their stupid cat did last night or what nonsensical thing they're doing with their pencil (not metaphorically speaking either a real pencil) today. Now shh more RP'ing less talking..."Got to Run!"
OOC: Aight, I'll edit my post.
01-04-2007, 06:56
Open Communique to the Russian Federation
The Empire has no desire to engage in any trade or foreign relations with the Russian Federation so long as the Russian Federation denounces the Empire as an "evil Empire." There is no conflict situation present at this time and no hostilities have been advanced towards or shown to the Russian Federation. We find the Russian Federations' communique to be unjustified and unwarranted and will continue the status quo.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs
Caribbean Sea
Kampgruppe GAUPE had reached the rendezvous-point with Kampgruppe TIGER, and for the sake of the cameras, the Sankt Lucia and the Barbados, two of the world's mightiest battleships had closed in on each other and assumed formation, steaming west at 25 knots, no more than five hundred meters from each other. The two mighty battleships made an impressive sight, and pictures were being taken from the helicopters, other ships and aboard the battleships themselves. After an hour in formation though, it was time to get on with it, and with a final greeting over the morse light (they natually had radios, but morse lights seemed more appropriate for the kinds of messages the ships passed along to each other), the Sankt Lucia laid her rudder hard to starboard, seperating from the formation in a steep turn that made the massive warship list several degrees. Another impressive sight for the cameras, and with that, the Sankt Lucia rejoined Kampgruppe GAUPE along with its newest addition, the Odin-II class assault carrier HMS Jotunheim (L 020) and the Nådeløs class air defense frigate HMS Pøbel (F 267). The Pøbel would provide the primary air defense asset for the battle group along with the HMS Demonisk (F 249), and assumed formation with the inner core of capital ships as Kampgruppe GAUPE once again resumed course for Jamaica.
Half a day later, and the Cottish battle group made contact with other allied shipping. Forming up with the nearest allied shipping, in this case the Hirgizstanian MEU, and exchanged greetings and tactical information as the Cottish formation merged with the Hirgizstanian, with the Sankt Lucia and the Jotunheim carefully manouvering itself into the center of the reinforced battle group, alongside the Hirgizstanian capital ships. The twelve mighty 635 millimeter main ETC guns of the Sankt Lucia would provide excellent gun support for when the landings were to commence.
On the decks of the ships, the Cottish sailors waved to their Hirgizstanian counterparts, visible on the vast decks of the ships a few hundred meters away. On the flight deck of the Jotunheim, the occational roar of a F-24/C Harrier III taking off for a combat air patrol around the battle group or landing after completing said CAP was all that pierced the silence in the all-nuclear Cottish battle group, apart from the howling winds and the other natural sounds of the ocean of course.
A distance away from GAUPE, a flight of eight F-25/B Typhoon air superiority fighters were in the air, flying towards the Layartebian firing range over the Caribbean Sea to do some weapons testing. Each of the fighters carried a relatively light load of two AIM.11/B Dødsengel long-range air to air missiles, four AIM.14/B BVRAAM medium-range air to air missiles, and four AIM.15/A IRIS-T short-range air to air missiles. About two hundred kilometers away, a flight of drones were flying erratically, making for a difficult target. It took some time to get a positive radar lock on the targets, but eventually they did and, on que, the pilots pressed the trigger on their joysticks.
The aircraft climbed a little as they became nearly six hundred kilos lighter, each firing off two Dødsengel missiles towards two drones each. The missiles lofted to thirty-five thousand meters, dropping off the boosters after a short while and continuing to streak towards the targets at Mach 4.8. As they came closer, the missiles began a steep dive on the target, the small wings and the Mk.202/D guidance package guiding the missiles in close enough for the blast-fragmentation warhead to detonate, sending deadly fragments into the small drones, followed immediately thereafter by the remains of the missile itself.
Of the sixteen missiles fired, fifteen hit their targets with the final missile having a malfunction in the engine, causing the missile to fall to the sea below, disintegrating harmlessly upon impact with the sea. There were still targets in the firing range though, so the Typhoons broke formation and split up into pairs, flying closer and faster. When within range, the various leaders ordered to fire, and another flight of thirty-two BVRAAMs flew towards their targets. Climbing to thirty-two meters, the missiles streaked towards their targets at Mach 4.9 and dove on their targets, this time getting a full score of thirty-two targets downed. Since they were out of targets, it was decided to return to the carrier, the pilots having gotten off more missiles in one go this time than was normal to fire in four months normally. The pilots would leave the observers of various nations to observe in awe how any aircraft threatening the Realm of Cotland were dealt with.
02-04-2007, 00:32
The amphibious landings were going off with great success. There were hiccups, two majors ones that were being resolved and several minor ones. October Alliance forces were learning to work with each other more so than usual. War games were constantly done between October Alliance states and all for that one day where it would no longer be a game. That time was quickly approaching. Operation Sunfall was just the preceeding stage of a greater operation, a greater goal. Siberia and the Caribbean Sea were the major players. The Pacific and Middle East were minor. With the joining of the Spizanian military into an already confusing situation it raised many concerns and issues. Would the grand plan and scheme of Sunfall be thwarted? Would it tip the hat too soon? These were questions that would all be addressed. The IRBM Harvester system was ready and fully operational. Cottish aircraft were honing their air to air skills shooting down drones off the coast of Central America between Cuba and Honduras. Amphibious operations shook four beaches and were concluding. Layartebian forces were nearly fully mobilized and ready to strike. There were still some minor details of coordination that the October Alliance had to work out and one of them was anti-submarine warfare. The Russian Navy possessed scores of advanced attack submarines, some of the most capable ones in the world. So did the Layartebian Navy, though its submarine program was strictly top secret. The world knew only that it possessed Virginia SSN attack submarines and Ohio SSBN ballistic missile submarines. This was possible due to the extensive secrecy around the submarine fleet. They never surfaced and all submarine pens were accessible only through underwater channels. To keep up the ruse, aged Ohio SSBNs manned by skeleton crews would surface every now and then guarded by Virginia SSNs but otherwise none of them ever did.
Hunting nuclear submarines was difficult business. They were quiet, very quiet but not as quiet as diesel-electric or air-independent propulsion systems. They did; however, have the capacity and capability to operate for three to six months without ever coming to the surface. They could sustain high speeds for long durations of time and, when moving at tactically silent speeds, one had to be real close to them to detect them through passive means. Reactor plants made noise but after a few thousand yards, that machinery noise was lost in the oblivion of the deep. Layartebian submarines were fitted with extensive anechoic tiling and the spaces between the two hulls were filled with a special, top secret foam. This foam had several properties. First and foremost, it absorbed sound from both within and outside of the hull of the submarine. Secondly, it allowed for give, especially when the submarine went deep. Lastly, it provided extra insulation as well. Nothing within the submarine was bolted to the hull, it was all bolted through rubber gaskets and other sound absorbing materials. Reactors were manufactured to be as quiet as possible and machinery was kept well lubricated to ensure that nothing echoed out. The adaption of a pumpjet propulsor instead of a conventional propeller or a magnetohydrodynamic drive allowed the submarine to move at high speeds without being heard. Eventually, a submarine could be heard just by the sheer noise the water around it made as it moved.
Layartebian ASW capabilities had grown in leaps and bound since the 1980s. Verrazano class ASW destroyers were outfitted with the most advanced SONAR equipment, including towed arrays and hull arrays. Sea Hawk helicopters carried dipping SONARs, advanced sonobuoys that could descend sensors below thermal layers, and highly capable Mark 50 torpedoes. Frigates and cruisers deployed with these destroyers were more than capable as well. Combined with the SOSUS net laid underneath both the North Atlantic and the Caribbean Sea, it was hard for anything to move through the waters without it being heard. Even the Layartebian submarines, if they got close enough to the sensors, could be heard. The sensors deployed with the SOSUS net were often laid individually or in small clusters. They were made to resemble rocks and other elements of the sea floor, making them harder to detect by high frequency SONARs. LIDAR systems, which worked for up to 2 kilometers in the best of situations would require the submarine to get close enough to the sensor to the be heard so the emphasis was done against HFS. There were still many arrays and sensors that could fool even LIDAR systems.
Now it was set up that another exercise could be conducted before further progression in Operation Sunfall. The test area was a full grid that stretched between 68° and 66° West and 16° and 14° North, a full area of 18,649.32 mi². That was just one part. ASW operations hinted on two areas. That grid would allow for deep water operations with a visible thermal layer. However, another area off the coast of Nicaragua would emphasis shallow water operations. Submarines moving through both areas would include both AIP designs like the Loke class, a joint venture between the Realm and the Empire and advanced attack submarines such as the Hunter and Scythe Flight II.
02-04-2007, 05:12
OOC: You know I have completely forgot about my LGM-199 SLASM missiles and what role they'll play. I'll have to include them next time. Beautiful missiles, made after Yelm wiped Ecuador off the map.
02-04-2007, 16:57
Caribbean Sea
As everyone could see the Marine landings in various places were now well under way, most troops had been landed and the Marines were now doing mostly land-based exercises. Several major problems had arisen and were being dealt with.
Out in the sea itself the amount of allied shipping was spectacular. Anywhere one looked it was wall to wall grey ships. Up in the sky, sometimes buzzing low over ships and islands, were planes from the different TOA nations, all practicing for the big game. The massive Ronald Reagan Class CVN launched plane after plane after plane. It carried 220 aircraft and 20 helicopters of various types, it was essentially a floating air base, dwarfing the next biggest Carrier.
But even dwarfing the Ronald Reagan Class was another ship, the Missouri Class, two of which graced the clear blue oceans of the Carribean. The biggest battleships ever made, they carried twelve 25 inch Guns capable of reducing a shoreline to rubble and debris in a matter of minutes. When their guns fired it was like judgement from the Amighty, enemy soldiers would literally shake at the sound and tremble as the shells tore through the sky toward them.
As well as planes, Helicopters were also out in abundance, practicing all types of ASW. The Russians had a large and sophisticated submarine force that had to be neutralized quickly and effectively. With SOSUS and the myriad of ASW ships, like the Verrazano Class, and aircraft, the Russians subs would be nothing more than giant tombs.
Arizona and New Mexico
The Meggido Line stretched from the western border of Arizona, across New Mexico to its eastern border. It lay exactly halfway across both states. It wasn't a defensive line. In fact few people knew it was even there.
It was in fact home to 100 Jericho 250MT ICBM's and 100 SRBM-50 Midgetman 1.5KT ICBM's. They were simply the tip of an inexorably large iceberg. The Empire had already tested an inert warhead, the COH would not test anything, but it would bring the systems to a Snap Count.
A Snap Count only happend when another nation readied their silo's, their missiles or launched their nuclear bombers. It had never happend before, the closest had perhaps come some years ago when the Russian Federation had collapsed for the first time. And then another close call was the Spizanian incident in Yemen.
So it was with great excitement and some trepidation that the Space Corps personnel entered the Snap Count. The missiles were activated, electrified and fuel was pumped in. Targets lists were finalized and activated. The tops of the silos slid open. With one command the Snap Count would be over and the missiles would erupt from their silos...
But the order never came. The Snap Count was held for a few hours, and then the missiles were stood down. The silos closed, the fuel was drained and the missiles deactivated. It had been a test. There were many like it that happend nearly every week across the Commonwealth, helping to iron out problems with launch sequences and helping to train the personnel who may have to do it for real some day.
The Pacific Fleet has reached the coast of Japan and docked at numerous ports along the shore as as permitted by Federation's GSO ally. Spirits were high many wanted to get back at the Cots for the past invasion of Pushkan motherlands. The fleet did not conduct any exercices, it didn't have too, every plan of attack, every move every soldier made in the time of war was already planned out and memorized to the point there it became a matter of a reflex for then the alarm begins wailing. The fleet dispatched a recoinessance wing further down south to keep track of the OA movements in the Pacific ocean. Staying in the international airspace hundreds of kilometers away from their targets the Russian AWACs were gathering essential data from the OA fleet including photoes and encrypted communications (those that could be caught). Each AWAC was followed by a formation of 8 Mish-11 Ahangel fighters the navalized version that complimented the Maccabee Black Widows aboard the Russian Navy Indestructible class aircraft carriers. Each one was armed with the latest version of RDD missile, the latest one being RDD-128 Strilets, a two stage missile that could travel as far as 300 kilometers giving Russian aircraft plenty of time to shoot down the enemy and retreat back to the safehaven of Japan. Very similar situation could be seen in Mexico although over there the Widows and T-0s dominated the sky. T-0 was a fine aircraft, as stealthy as it could be for its size, fast, maneuverable with water landing and traveling capabilities it was truly a marvel, it had sensors and weapons load to wage ASW, air to ground and air to air combat with the superior range of Kh-54M-VRPB missiles ensuring that the enemy would be hit long before it can spot the T-0. Russian Federation was ready, all that was left to do was wait for the coming storm.
03-04-2007, 03:33
The Emperor sat in his office, reviewing the latest Russian troop movements in Mexico. In attendance was just the Minister of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of the Military. "Where are our soldiers now?" He asked looking over satellite photographs as he stood up from behind his desk and hit mute on the remote. The television went silent and only the roar of the fire was heard over the quiet in the office. The air was still cold, as opposed to the Caribbean, and the fire gave extra heat to the cold, drafty office.
"Well sir," the Minister of Defense began, "the way the border works is simple sir. At the official border for five miles is a massive minefield and then our border control points. From there, the soldiers are no closer than one hundred miles sir."
"What do we have stationed?"
"Right now just a full army group sir. Five hundred thousand men with tanks. The Russians have more than that in Mexico."
"But are they as highly trained?"
"Not at all sir. They're using quantity over quality as a principle sir. Nothing that we can't handle. We have another 500,000 in Layarteb and South Eastern Virginia. We've got 2,000,000 soldiers in the four main provinces, a few divisions in the republics and Raef. We've got a little over 2,000,000 men in the standing army sir. What it's costing them right now to surge their forces is a lot of money. If we surge our forces and mobilize for total war we could have roughly 20,000,000 men in six months."
"That's not an option right now. That's just too many for our necessity."
"It is sir. We need more of them for home defense right now. Our reserve forces number about another 2,000,000 sir but they aren't as highly trained as our army forces."
"What of the Marines?"
"Well we have three divisions in the Caribbean right now, two in the Pacific, and several others around the globe. We could launch such a pummelling strike against the Russian military in Mexico that we'd wipe them out before reinforcements could arrive."
"And what of their logistically, nightmarish, Pacific fleet?"
"That's a lot of ocean to cross. Their fleet would have to pass through range of our bombers, passed a significant number of submarines, many equipped with Imsdal and Voodoo missiles. That's not in addition to what our allies have."
"What would they wind up with when they arrived off the Pacific coast?"
"Little more than a few escorts and submarines that snuck by, nothing that could really be much of a threat sir."
"Good. Good. Alright we're going to step this up. As our exercises and training in the Caribbean Sea continue let's begin the next phase. Split our army forces in Layarteb, Dnalkrad, and South Eastern Virginia and surge the troops in Ynoga to 1,000,000. Move our main forces in Ynoga to 50 miles from the border and bring the remaining 500,000 to within 100 miles."
"Understood sir."
OOC: Eh...my soldiers are very well trained but alright whatever, sugar coat if you will. Well the 1 million regular troops are well trained, the 9 million Mexican Defense Corps composed of a conglamerate of the warlords loyal to the federation and their troops, not so much. Also if you think you'll be attempting to take Mexico from me without drowning in your own blood, you're sadly mistaken, sadly for you that is, but you'll see.
03-04-2007, 03:40
OOC: Eh...my soldiers are very well trained but alright whatever, sugar coat if you will. Well the 1 million regular troops are well trained, the 9 million Mexican Defense Corps composed of a conglamerate of the warlords loyal to the federation and their troops, not so much.
OOC: For an army that's been fighting since 1980 under the Empire and since the early 1960s with the Republic, tactics, training, etc. are really high. Israeli forces maintain their high levels of capabilities and training because they're constantly at war. With the rotation of trained troops and a mandated 2 years of military service for all males, surging is pretty good. I can pull out those who have done their service and stick them back in basic again for refresher courses and they're good to go.
OOC: RF had many a revolutions and uprisings especially during the UCR period, we have military tradition going back to early centuries AD. Also I had a lot of land claims in different parts of the world including Africa, Afghanistan and even Northern California, my troops seen plenty of war. Plus my troops are rather well trained even those that haven't seen much combat, they know very well what to do with the equipment given to them so the quantity over quality doesn't really apply here to any extreme degree, a 23 trillion USD defense budget helps out a whole bunch.
03-04-2007, 04:28
OOC: RF had many a revolutions and uprisings especially during the UCR period, we have military tradition going back to early centuries AD. Also I had a lot of land claims in different parts of the world including Africa, Afghanistan and even Northern California, my troops seen plenty of war. Plus my troops are rather well trained even those that haven't seen much combat, they know very well what to do with the equipment given to them so the quantity over quality doesn't really apply here to any extreme degree, a 23 trillion USD defense budget helps out a whole bunch.
OOC: To which you still do not RP any of the effects of your nation collapsing how many times now and being conquered and ruled during those periods it wasn't around. The morale would be devestated as would the economics, etc. We had one, 26 (27) years ago, which was a popular uprising as it was that definitely turned a failing state into a successful state. Too much chit chat though, we should have either made an OOC thread for this or something.
OOC: Yeah, sorry Cot, Hirg and others. Morale would be high though, stable government now and lets hope for a while plus Russian are ruled by Russians again, the money situation could be explained by a big ass economic stability fund that was kept in gold or whatever. Anyways, I'll stop the chit-chat, if you have any witty comments go on aim.
03-04-2007, 14:16
Ft. Idema, Phoenix, AZ
The conference room was half empty. Six Generals sat around the top of the table, their chairs tilted facing a screen on the back wall that showed the Fuhrer and the Joint Chiefs sitting at another conference table in Cape Verde. The soldiers wore various suit uniforms, the pearl white of the Space Corps, the light blue of the BDF, the dark blue of the HAF, the black of the Navy, the dark green of the Army and the lighter green of the Marines.
The Fuhrer was speaking, 'As I understand it we have 80 Army Corps in North America, three of which are currently deployed in Arizona and New Mexico, correct?' The soldiers nodded, and the Army General in AZ spoke up, 'Those 80 Corps give us 3.2 Million soldiers, 1.2 Million of which are deployed in Arizona and New Mexico, like you said, sir.' The Fuhrer nodded.
'What else have we got down there?'
The Army General in AZ spoke up again, 'We have three Airborne Divisions, including a mechanized one, 3 Air Cavalry Divisions, 5 Army Air Wings, 2 Heavy Armored Divisions and 1 normal Armored Division, plus a number of Army and Space Corps Air Defense units.'
The Fuhrer nodded again, 'What about the Russians, any further word on their deployments?'
This time one of the Joint Chiefs spoke, 'We outnumber their regular military forces, they have only a million or so. Then there are these auxilliary Mexican troops, around 9 Million, not trained much and very primitive. Essentially cannon fodder. Our Army, as you know sir, has never been beaten and never will be. The Russians know they can't win against us in a land war, it is impossible. So they are relying on missiles and other non-engagement weaponry in hopes of keeping our Army from crossing their border.'
The other Generals nodded knowingly. The Hirgizstanian military was not worried about how its ground, or even air or naval forces measured up against the Russians, it was a moot point. The Russians were weak and pathetic. But they did have many, many missiles, some quite advanced. And that was the major problem.
The Fuhrer spoke again, 'How quickly could the front lines of our Army corps be across the Russian border?'
A Marine General in AZ spoke up this time, 'They forward elements of a number of units are 25 miles behind the nearest BDF unit and the border. The Russian missiles will, if fired at our ground troops, hit sand if we move them quickly enough. We also have three Jerusalem Gun's within range, their border will be easily overcome.'
The Fuhrer nodded again and scribbled something in a notepad in front of him. 'Okay, so how many National Guard soldiers do we have in North America?' The Army General in AZ responded quickly, '11 Million, give or take a few thousand. We have a sizeable number of planes aswell in the Air National Guard.' The Fuhrer scribbled something in his notebook again.
He looked at his notes before speaking again. 'Gentlemen, I want 10 Army Corps 10 miles from the Russian border. I want them loaded up and ready to roll at the drop of the hat. Stagger the other corps from Arizona and New Mexico behind them. Sort out the National Guard and other Army units so we have a maximum of forces arrayed on their border. Load the Jerusalem Guns and ensure they are protected. Mark my words gentlemen, the Russians will rue the day they ever threatened us or our allies.'
OOC: Oh Hirgy, an arrogant prick as always, now I wish for your land forces to come to me so I can massacre them, but in the meanwhile....
The movements of the Hirgizstanies did not go unnoticed, the worthless dogs claiming to be wolves started to show their rotten fangs. The bear was strong and ready, and any delusions that the dog might have will quickly disappear as first guns start firing. The Russians were on the move, 500000 strong army as well as 4 million of Mexican Defense Corps came to 20 miles within the Hirgizstanie border and pointed all of its guns at its opponents. The MDC was given all the basic training of the Russian army in the first month of its formation, it was no longe a horde it was now an organized unit that could cooperate very well with the regular forces, and of course there was the Gvardia, 250000 of the best of the best Mother Russia had to offer, the dogs stood no chance they just didn't realize it and that would make their fall that much more spectacular. The reconnaissances showed it well, the dogs had big guns however those guns would not be much help, in a few seconds after they fired they'd be destroyed by a Russian missile. Each enemy position was marked, tracked and locked on to, if the Hirgiez thought that they could avoid getting hit by simply maneuvering they were dead wrong and they would discover that rather soon. And of course Russian armie's greatest weapon the Russian soldier, the best of the best, the one who upholds the ancient law "You come to us with a sword, by the sword you will die." The dog will forever remember and fear the day they were foolish enough and idiotic enough to awake the wrath of the bear for no reason and no goal but self-destruction. The bear was ready, the dog was to be torn apart.
Pacific Ocean
Pacific Ocean was turning into something vicious as the Russians began their ASW campaign. Hundreds of thousands of buoys were being dropped in the international waters, at the same time the T-0s were ready to depart from Baker, Japan and Western coast of Mexico at any moment to drop their deadly VRPK depth charges, a testimony to Russian ingenuity, a depth charge that can track its prey and propell itself towards it at amazing speed of 80 knots. The Pacific was a safe haven for the bear and it would stay this way.
[OOC: Just a quick comment here. Pushka, did you just claim that your semi-trained Mexican militia went from just that (not so well trained) to regular army trained in what in the time context of the RP is but a few hours, a day max? That sounds like a one hell of a godmod to me... [/quick comment]]
"Så Hirgizstanerne har begynt fase tre?" [So the Hirgizstanians have commenced on phase three?]
"Ja. Cirka fire hundre tusen mann seksten kilometer fra grensen." [Yes. Approximately four hundred thousand men sixteen kilometers from the border.]
"Jaja. De Hirgistanerne leker ikke krig." [Oh well. The Hirgizstanians don't play war.]
"Nei det gjør de ikke. Ei heller vi eller noen andre." [No they don't. Nor do we or anyone else.]
"Okey. Neste tema. Hvor langt har vi kommet med S 879?" [Okay, next topic. How far has the S 879 reached?]
On the other side of Mexico, in the Pacific Ocean, a good distance within international waters but still close enough to listen to the Russian naval movements, the Cottish submarine S 879, a brand spanking new attack submarine in the Tigerhai class stalked underneath the waves. The S 879 had been commissioned into the Cottish 3. Flåte, operating out of the highly classified Ola Submarine Base in Magadan, just three weeks prior. She was still getting her wrinkles smoothed out, but she was operational.
The Tigerhai was a brand new class of submarine, capable of completely autonomous operations far from home for up to ninety days without resupply to keep the crew going. The 117 meter long, 11.3 meter wide attack submarine displaced a total of 8,200 tons fully loaded and could dive to a maximum depth of seven hundred meters before the builders refused to guarantee that she'd hold together anymore, or seven hundred and twenty-five meters before she imploded under the immense pressure. Normal operating depth was between three and seven hundred meters though, where her single 115 megawatt and extremely silent CNE-15 pebble bed nuclear reaction powered the pumpjet propulsor that brought the submarine forward to a maximum submerged sprinting speed of 38 knots, a sustained speed of 34 knots, or a tactically silent speed of 16 knots, all while submerged. The reactor also powered the brand new ASES Mark I Sonar Suite that helpe the submarine both listen to and navigate through the dark and cool waters of the Pacific Ocean.
For the twelve officers and eighty-five enlisted men that crewed the submarine, conditions were somewhat cramped but still quite luxurious compared to how it had been in previous classes, namely the Murmansk and Skorpion class submarines. The crew had good food, relatively spacious living conditions with each sailor having either a bunk or a hammock of his own to sleep in, good recreational activities in the form of a Xbox 360, DVDs or a well-stocked library aboard, and bright and nice surroundings (the bulkheads, pipes and what-nots were painted in a soft beige-ish color, helping to make the cramped compartments appear bigger). That didn't stop the crew from doing their duties and keeping the ship at tip-top preformance though. The crew had studied, trained and drilled so much aboard the submarine before departure and for the transit to the western North American seaboard that they were intimately familiar with the capabilities of their ship and their jobs.
For it was not just any job that fell on the Tigerhai class' platter. No, their job was very simple: To kill the opponent before the opponent finds out that you're there! It was a very serious job, a difficult job, but the submarine was equipped for the job. In the sixteen Mark 52 Underwater Vertical Launch System (UVLSTM) cells just in front of the tower, eight UGM.6/A Imsdal hypersonic cruise missiles, two UGM.6/B Imsdal hypersonic cruise missiles, two UGM.40/A Stallion anti-submarine missiles and two UGM.40/B Stallion anti-shipping/land missiles rested unarmed and inert for the moment. Of course, that could all be changed with the turn of a key and some commands entered into the touch-screen display in the command center (Conn) of the submarine. They were the primary long-distance attack weapons of the Tigerhai, giving it land attack capability. For more self-defense oriented combat missions though, the Tigerhai had six 533 millimeter torpedo tubes in the bow of the ship with fifty weapons of various types stowed in readily available magazines. The loadout of this Tigerhai, the S 879 had thirty-four Mk.68 Sjøorm heavy torpedoes, twelve UGM.5/C AMESM anti-shipping missiles, and four Mk.70 LEMOSS decoy torpedoes designed specifically to mimick the engine sounds of a Tigerhai class, only a hundred times louder than the real thing. It was designed to draw attention away from the real submarine, and it was so well thought out that no one even found out it wasn't the real thing before it was too late. Even Cottish submarine skippers who should have known better fell for it, every time! It was just too realistic to be fake. Should the Tigerhai even fall under attack from either a surface vessel, submarine or aircraft, a LEMOSS would be deployed immediately to draw attention while the real submarine snuck out of the danger zone. Additionally, the Tigerhai class had four internal reloadable twin-barrelled counter-measure launchers and twelve external single-barreled ones, letting the Tigerhai deploy targets that would generate a lot of commotion and cavitation in the water, thus creating sounds that would attract away any torpedoes fired at the Tigerhai.
Of course, for such a scenario to unfold, it had to be heard first, and the engineers that had designed her had made sure that wouldn't happen. For starters, the Tigerhai had a double hull, with the external hull being coated in a ten centimeter thick rubber-like substance that absorbed sound waves, making it way more difficult for the SONAR waves to detect the submarine. Additionally, between the external hull and the inner pressure hull, a foam-like substance that served to isolate sounds from within minimized sound even further. The silent pumpjet propulsor and reactor system ensured that very little sound was generated to begin with, and some 98 % of that sound again was absorbed by the substance between the hulls, and the remaining two percent had to get past the 10 centimeter thick layer that absorbed sound. To top that, nothing aboard the submarine was bolted directly to the hull but rather through rubber gaskets and other sound absorbing materials. All crewmembers wore soft sneakers that further minimized sound, and the decks were also coated with a thin rubber-like substance, making it somewhat soft and comfortable to walk and stand on. Furthermore, when the ship was at Ultrasilent Condition (UC), no talk or sound-making activity was permitted, personnel not on duty were confined to their bunks, preferably asleep so they wouldn't make noise, and no communication between people on duty would be done unless absolutely necessary, and then only through whispering. A Cottish submarine at UC was as silent as in the proverbial grave, and the Tigerhai was no exception.
The S 879 was stalking off the coast of Russian Mexico, well within international waters, at UC, listening to the Russians as they carped-bombed the international waters with sonarbuoys, including in the area where the S 879 was located. Even though the ship was at UC and moving at a slow 4 knots, just enough speed to maintain the depth which was currently 350 meters, listening to the surrounding waters with its ASES Mark I SONAR suite. The risk of detection was ever growing as the Russians deployed more and more sonarbuoys, and the skipper of the S 879 caught himself pondering over how much it had to cost the Russians to deploy so many sonarbuoys at random, considering the cost of just one buoy! They ranged from a few hundred dollars to several tens of thousands of dollars, depending on what kind of buoy you were getting. They had to have spend tens of billions of dollars to do this, and to what avail? You had to have a guy listening to each buoy for a long time to hear if anything made a sound, and even then you had to cross-match it with another buoy and, unless the ship was running at flank speed directly under the buoy, you got a potential submarine contact! To the experienced submariner, the waste of so much money seemed pointless, but then again, the Russians weren't known to make many clever moves, at least when it came to naval matters.
"Nei, dette får være nok. Det er på tide å avsløre overraskelsen. Få oss førti meter og hev ESM-antennen." [I've had enough. It's time to blow the surprise. Get us to forty meters and raise the ESM-antenna.] The skipper whispered. His order was acknowledged by a quick nod from the diving officer and the orders relayed quietly. Within a few seconds, the S 879 began rising slowly and silently from its dark and relatively safe position at 350 meters to the new depth of 40 meters where the black shape of the submarine might be spotted from a plane above if the lookout knew exactly where to look and had a sharp eye. Within five minutes, the submarine was in its new position and had raised its ESM antenna, taking a peek at the electronic surroundings. There was an aerial contact due east, something which seemed logical given that the distance to Russian territorial waters was some fifty-nine kilometers. The skipper nodded to the silent report.
"Takk. Avblås ultrastille. Okey, jeg hater disse ordrene, men ordrer er ordrer. Få oss til overflaten. Rolig." [Thank you. Cancel Ultrasilent Condition. Okay, I hate these orders, but orders are orders. Take us to the surface. Smartly.] The skipper said in a normal voice, looking around. "Ha luftvernlaget og utkikker klare til å gå opp i tårnet. Når vi er ved overflaten setter du kurs 110 i halv fart til vi kommer til innen tyve kilometer fra russernes territorialvann. Deretter følger vi en kurs som tar oss paralellt med russiske territorialvann med tyve kilometers avstand før vi kommer til layartebiansk farvann. Der kontakter vi de layartebianske marinefartøyene og identifiserer oss før vi drar til Panamakanalen. Har alle forstått ordrene?" [Keep the air defense team and lookouts ready to enter the conning tower. When we're at the surface, plot course 1-1-0 at half speed until we come within twenty kilometers from their territorial waters. Then we'll follow a paralell course that keeps us twenty kilometers from the Russian territorial waters until we reach Layartebian waters. There we will contact the Layartebian naval vessels and identify ourselves before heading for the Panama Canal. Does everyone understand the orders?]
Everyone did, no questions asked. The orders had arrived directly from the High Command, who had decided that the show of one of the fleet's three Tigerhai class submarines so close to Russian territorial waters might be as good a reminder of Cottish military might as a missile regiment having a test firing of their missiles. The reasoning was sound. If a single Cottish submarine could get that close, what kind of damage could it do if it came to hostilities? At such a close range, a single submarine could cause a great deal of damage.
Less than a minute later, the conning tower of the Tigerhai class submarine S 879 broke through the clear blue water and came into contact with air for the first time since slipping out of the underwater submarine pen at Ola three weeks prior. The conning tower was followed shortly thereafter by the rest of the dorsal side of the submarine, the two manouvering planes at the bow sticking proudly out from the side. The submarine had a menacing look, all black and shiny in the clear Pacific sun, and unless the people on the Russian aircraft were completely blind, they couldn't avoid missing it. Nor could the Cottish allies, who had gotten a tip to be watching those co-ordinates closely on their satellites by the Cottish High Command a few hours earlier. No explanation had been given to the allies, but their analysts would have something to drool over when they took a look at the images. It was the first time the Tigerhai class had ever made a "public" apperance, as its existance up to this point had been a closely guarded secret.
As soon as the submarine was on the surface, the hatch to the conning tower was opened, letting the lucky sailors that were in the ladder on their way up get a smell of fresh sea air instead of the recycled air they had been breathing for the past three weeks. It wasn't long before the skipper and a number of sailors of various ranks were present in the conning tower, dressed in raincoats as two men behind them set up one of the two Wizard short-range surface to air missile launchers the submarine had, as per standard operating procedure when operating on the surface in potentially hostile waters. Soon, the submarine was reaching half speed, nine knots, a knot above its surface tactical silent speed, and moving towards the Russian Federation at a heading of 1-1-0. In both the conning tower and in the communications section of the Conn, the submariners were waiting for the Russians to detect them, all to the silent cursing of the skipper. Oh well. At least he would get to visit Jamaica on this cruise. That was, unless the Russians had an itchy trigger finger...
OOC: I said they received a month of basic training and were formed into units, thats all I've said.
Mexico City, Russian Federation Military HQs for the Mexican Province
General Ryabkin the man in command of the Russian Forces disposition in Mexico and the same man who gave his right hand man, Polkovnik Nikitin a deep speech about the meaning of war and life only a few days earlier was now sitting in his black leather chair, surrounded by other military officers, as well as MDC commanders one from each branch/corps regiment employed in Mexico. The air conditioner was working double, the temperature was hot, far too hot and gentle for what the rugged, tough Siberian skin of the officers was used to.
"Alright gentlemen, still speaking english in here as a courtesy to our Mexican friends. What is the situation?"
The Naval Intelligence officer rose up to make his report.
"Comrade General, we spotted a submarine moving towards our territorial waters. The buoy net is not complete yet so we only were able to spot it then it surfaced. However although we didn't see them, they didn't see us. I got two subs trailing it, the Cots, and we are definite that its the Cots, the uniforms of the sailors who got on deck were Cottish; the Cots should see our subs now they switched from tactical speed to keep up, the Cots should know not to do anything stupid. If they attempt to fire their missiles it would take less then a minute to put a torpedo up their ass, they won't be able to unleash their whole load. In the meanwhile the project Triton is becoming operational, 30% complete now it should take several more weeks to achieve its full potential. The tax payer's money is being well spent, the buoy's are armed with the latest in hydrophone technology and electro magnetic identification, they send their data to the satellites that send it to our VRPB HQs on the mainland, there the data is analyzed by UM-XII super computers that can recognize the noises made by submarines as well as human noises placing the sound data through hundreds of filters, they will be able to spot enemy submarines for miles, especially near our territorial waters. The Pacific is ours, it will be quiet entertaining to see the TOA's disappointment then they suffer for thinking otherwise. That is all I have to say, a written report is coming up, a copy will be sent to the mainland HQs and will get to the President."
"Thank you, alright, watch that submarine, if it does anything foolish, blast it. "
"Yes sir."
Aboard Alexandr XIIth, "Cartagena" Class Attack Submarine
"Теперь они должны нас заметить товарищь капитан."
Now they should spot us comrade captain.
"Отлично пусть боятца. Торпеды готовы?"
Great, let them be afraid. Torpedoes are ready?
"Хорошо, держите ту скорость котороя нужна чтобы держать дистанцию."
Good, keep the speed needed to preserve the distance we have from them.
"Так точно товарищь капитан."
Yes sir comrade captain.
Alexandr XII as well as Oleg VII were both trailing the Cottish sub staying 10 kilometers behind it ready to attack if the situation called for it.
04-04-2007, 04:48
The Emperor sat in his office, reviewing the latest Russian troop movements in Mexico. In attendance was just the Minister of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of the Military. "Where are our soldiers now?" He asked looking over satellite photographs as he stood up from behind his desk and hit mute on the remote. The television went silent and only the roar of the fire was heard over the quiet in the office. The air was still cold, as opposed to the Caribbean, and the fire gave extra heat to the cold, drafty office.
"Well sir," the Minister of Defense began, "the way the border works is simple sir. At the official border for five miles is a massive minefield and then our border control points. From there, the soldiers are no closer than one hundred miles sir."
"What do we have stationed?"
"Right now just a full army group sir. Five hundred thousand men with tanks. The Russians have more than that in Mexico."
"But are they as highly trained?"
"Not at all sir. They're using quantity over quality as a principle sir. Nothing that we can't handle. We have another 500,000 in Layarteb and South Eastern Virginia. We've got 2,000,000 soldiers in the four main provinces, a few divisions in the republics and Raef. We've got a little over 2,000,000 men in the standing army sir. What it's costing them right now to surge their forces is a lot of money. If we surge our forces and mobilize for total war we could have roughly 20,000,000 men in six months."
"That's not an option right now. That's just too many for our necessity."
"It is sir. We need more of them for home defense right now. Our reserve forces number about another 2,000,000 sir but they aren't as highly trained as our army forces."
"What of the Marines?"
"Well we have three divisions in the Caribbean right now, two in the Pacific, and several others around the globe. We could launch such a pummelling strike against the Russian military in Mexico that we'd wipe them out before reinforcements could arrive."
"And what of their logistically, nightmarish, Pacific fleet?"
"That's a lot of ocean to cross. Their fleet would have to pass through range of our bombers, passed a significant number of submarines, many equipped with Imsdal and Voodoo missiles. That's not in addition to what our allies have."
"What would they wind up with when they arrived off the Pacific coast?"
"Little more than a few escorts and submarines that snuck by, nothing that could really be much of a threat sir."
"Good. Good. Alright we're going to step this up. As our exercises and training in the Caribbean Sea continue let's begin the next phase. Split our army forces in Layarteb, Dnalkrad, and South Eastern Virginia and surge the troops in Ynoga to 1,000,000. Move our main forces in Ynoga to 50 miles from the border and bring the remaining 500,000 to within 100 miles."
"Understood sir."
Ah hem...
OOC: Alright although I think it'd be easier for all of us to just post our ORBATs.
While preparing for an attack from the north the Russian military command was also looking to the south, Layarteb was moving and it did not go unnoticed. The decision was made to place 300000 troops of the regular army reinforced with some 4 million from the MDC. The missiles and shells were locked and loaded and targeting enemy positions. The aircraft all over the region were ready leaving no opportunity for the enemy to even hope for air superiority. A 100000 troop quick response reserve was kept along the eastern beaches as well as the remaining 1 million of the MDC troops, the possibility of TOA fleet actually landing on the coastline was considered a mild one at best, they would of course try but the long range ground to ground missiles doubling as coastal defense systems and the Russian submarines would be able to massacre them rather easily.
"Kontakt! SONAR kontakt, avstand ti tusen meter, peiling 2-7-0! Klassifiserer kontakter som to bekreftede ubåter. Kontakter designert som SIERRA 14 og SIERRA 15." [Contact! SONAR contact, range ten thousand meters, bearing 2-7-0! Classifying contacts as two confirmed submarines. Contacts designated as SIERRA 14 and SIERRA 15.]
The voice of the twenty year old SONAR operator loomed through the Conn, bringing the otherwise silent Conn to a frenzy of activity. The executive officer of S 879 immediately came over to the SONAR operator. Behind him, the weapons team were already busy plotting the data from the ASES Mk.I SONAR suite into the CSWG Mk.II Weapons Guidance computer, getting a lock on the targets. The men were well drilled, something which was only natural given the fact that they had been rehearsing this drill for the better part of a year, first in simulators on shore, and then finally in the last three weeks at sea. So far, they had "sunk" eleven merchant vessels and two potential submarines (or whales) without anyone ever knowing it.
"Hva har vi?" [What have we got?] The XO asked when he got over.
"To kontakter, ubåter. Etter det jeg kan høre og ifølge dataen så har vi to ubåter i Cartagena-klassen etter oss. Russiske. De går fort nok til å bli hørt." [Two contacts, submarines. From what I can head and according to the computer, we've got two submarines in the Cartagena class after us. Russian. They're moving fast enough to be heard.] The operator replied with a whisper, listening closely to the reactor sounds of the two Russian submarines. He had already made sure that the sounds were being recorded so that they could identify the submarines later. Every submarine has a unique reactor sound, and that sound could be used to identify the specific submarine that were following them if one had a previous recording of the same reactor sound, a good ear and some intel that actually gave the ID.
"Okey. Greit. La oss skremme dem litt. Tre aktive ping, rettet direkte mot dem. La oss vise dem at vi vet nøyaktig hvor de er." [Okay, fine. Let's give them a little scear. Three active pings, aimed directly towards them. Let us show them that we know exactly where they are.]
The SONAR operator smiled as he pressed the appropriate buttons on the touch-screen LCD display before looking up.
"Klar." [Ready.]
"Gjør det." [Do it.]
The operator pressed the small quadrant in the lower right corner of the display marked "AKTIV SONAR". The computer did the rest, sending the command at the speed of light down along the thin fiberoptic cables that were used to transmit all the data throughout the submarine all the way to the bow section, where the high-frequency active SONAR array that had a range of up to thirty kilometers became active. Less than half a second later, three very high-frequency sound waves were emitted from the SONAR array, travelling at the speed of sound through the water directly towards the two Russian submarines. The sound waves made contact with the two submarines, making the submariners inside the Russians subs hear the distinguishing loud-pitched pinging sound, three of them, as the sound waves made contact with the metallic hull of the submarine and were deflected back to the S 879 immediately. A scary sound that no submariner ever wanted to hear, because it usually meant that they were as good as dead.
When the returning sound waves was recieved in the array, the computer quickly calculated the distance and heading to the contact, giving an extremely accurate location for the two Russian submarines. The new information was transmitted quickly back to the SONAR station in the Conn, where the SONAR operator got the exact location, depth, speed and heading of the Russian contacts. The disadvantages were that the Russians now knew the exact position, depth, speed and heading of the S 879, but they already knew that so the Cots hadn't really lost anything.
The Russians had now been duly warned that the Cots knew their exact location in terms of position, depth, speed and heading, although those latter two could be changed relatively easily. Doing so would mean that they weren't directly stalking the Cots anymore though. However, what the Russians didn't know but that they could guess was that the new data was also piped to the CSWG Mk.II Weapons Guidance computer, which plotted the data into the weapons that had been loaded into the six forward torpedo tubes and to the two ASW Stallions in the Mk.52 UVLS tubes. The Cots had four Mk.68 Sjøorm heavy torpedoes, one Mk.70 LEMOSS and one UGM.5/C AMESMs loaded in the torpedo tubes. The Sjøroms were designed to be able to engage targets behind the submarine, having a smart weapons guidance system that not only gave the Sjøorm a 360 degree attack capability, but also re-attack capability, which allowed the torpedo to double back and try to attack again in case it missed the target the first time.
The Cots wouldn't engage unless fired upon first though. So, having warned the Russians that the S 879 was well aware of their presence, the submarine reached the 20 kilometer marker and altered course. This was as close as it would get to the Russian territorial waters, at least for this time around. It was now a six hour leisure cruise to the Layartebian territorial waters.
Aboard Alexandr XIIth, "Cartagena" Class Attack Submarine
"Товарищь Капитан, они нас засветили."
Comrade Captain, they pinged us.
"Я не глухой...пусть светят сколько хотят, компютеры записывают информацию на них, в следущий раз так далеко они незамечеными не пройдут."
Im not deaf...let the ping as much as they want, the computers are recording their information, next time they won't get this far unnoticed.
"Они меняют курс."
They are changing their course.
"Пусть меняют, нам приказано за ними следовать пока они не уйдут от наших вод на 90 километров. Курс держать следуя за ними, пока всё."
Let them change it, we have orders to follow them until they are 90 kilometers away from our territorial waters. Keep the course following them, thats it for now.
05-04-2007, 01:22
"Sir, the Russians have reinforced their border." The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of the Military said as he entered the Emperor's office. "What do you want to do?"
"Nothing yet. This is good. We're stretching out their troops left and right and we're still static. Good for us. What is this business about a new Cottish submarine?"
"Something entirely new. We didn't know about it until one surfaced off the Russian coast. Perhaps it's a prototype or the lead boat in the class but it's definitely a wonderful looking submarine, from our satellite pictures. Frigates and destroyers operating near its surface area were surprised as well. They expected it to be a Russian submarine and what a surprise they got. The Cottish have now communicated, to us, that the Russians have two submarines in tow on them. They're probably cataloging information."
"I don't know how. With all the sonobuoys they dropped they probably have half their navy listening to them. Computers can only do so much. I doubt anyone would want to give up an attentive ear to a computer. If it's the case then I doubt we'll have any trouble sneaking in as computers can be fooled all too easily."
"Understood sir. The submarine is on its way to the Panama Canal, we are told."
"Good. Let's keep an eye on it for now, just to make sure that the Russians don't do anything."
05-04-2007, 14:54
Yakutia, Siberia
Naturally the 29th Army (Corps 290-295) was not the only COH force in Yakutia. The large Joint Forces base in Suntar also had an entire AEF present, as well as one Air Cavalry Division and an Armored Division.
Naturally the Hirgizstanian forces were outnumbered heavily by the Russians, as just west was their homeland. But the Cots homeland was Yakutia and they would not give it up. They were rapidly activating forces all over Siberia, the air was electric with the talk of war.
The five Corps of the 29th had already moved out of Suntar and had headed west towards Mimy along the highways and railways, the only places not covered in spring snow. Mimy was basically a staging post, around 125km from the Russian border. From there the 29th would split up into each of its Corps and spread out along parallel lines closer to the border, ready to stream across at a moments notice.
OOC: Just to mention Nero is moving 750000 of his troops into my territory to help me out, he posted it on GSO forums but forgot to do so here I guess.
Nvm that until he posts it.
05-04-2007, 18:30
The force moving from Peurto Princessa to Port Royale was not the Only Confederate Naval unit preparing to move, the entire fleet was on rotation, and this brought a huge force of some seven hundred and fifty frigates, cruisers and destroyers, with three aircraft carriers in support, into a similar area to the other force, as it was supposedly heading from Porte Royale to Peurto Princessa as part of the standard fleet rotation, meanwhile another force was preparing to sail from Ras Tanura to Porte Royal, the papers claimed, presumabely to make use of the enormous maintainance yards located there.
It was all highly irregular, but then so was the entire world these days.....
Kremlin, Voronej
"Хиргизстанцы двигают свои войска к нашим границам в Якутии."
Hirgizstanies are move their forces to our Yakutian border.
"Идиоты, пусть двигают, у Котландцев правильная идея они около границы войска неставят знают что мы их быстро унечтожим поэтому и остаютца глубже в Якутие там у них есть шанс. Ладно, продолжаем ждать, не долго осталось, скоро будем их уничтожать."
Idiots, let them move, the Cots got the right idea they don't put their armies near the border they know that those would be eradicated quickly, thats why they have them deeper in the Yakutian territory there they have a chance. Anyways, we'll continue to wait, not much time is left, soon we'll be destroying them.
In the Siberian theatre of operations, otherwise known as the Siberian Realm, the activity was still pretty high. The Cottish forces had deployed into three "fronts", one to the west, between fifty and three hundred kilometers from the Russian border where a whole HV-Armé of 350,000 combat troops had deployed along with several corps' of the regular army. To the east, another front stretched from the northern coast of Yakutia down to the border between Yakutia and Magadan before it continued down to the southern shores of Magadan, manned by almost a million men from both the Home Guard and the regular Army. The final "front", the southern one, covered the southern border and defended the southern front from any potential aggression from there.
In the air, fighters flew BARCAPs and training sorties, conducting operations almost identical to those that would be used in case of real war. Operation Sunfall was an excellent chance for the Cots to perfect their air combat skills. A-28/C Hammer close air support aircraft were conducting highly realistic training exercises in conjunction with the ground forces, sweeping in low in a steep angle, firing off their M303A1 six-barreled Avenger thirty millimeter auto-cannons at the mock targets and dropping the 250 kilogram bombs and the CRV7 unguided rockets at the antiquated tanks and targets that were the targets. F-20 Enforcers and F-25 Typhoons were conducting operations in the air, firing missiles at target drones and bombing ground targets, and training air to air combat in conjunction with allied AWACS and allied aircraft, all assigned to the TOA Extreme Arctic Warfare Training Centre (EAWTC).
All over Siberia, the Cottish forces were busy conduction exercises in preperation for war. Some of the units had already firing more rounds in the two days the operation had lasted than they had in the entirety of the last year, and their accuracy showed that the extra hours at the firing range paid off. One unit in particular, Kampgruppe (Fallskjerm) 3, 2. Brigadekampgruppe, 23. Fallskjermdivisjon, 6. Korps, 2. Armé was at the training range, getting ready to conduct joint exercises with the Hirgizstanian Air Cavalry division in a firing range in Magadan, some 300 kilometers from the Hirgizstanian base in Suntar in Yakutia. The orders were issued to the Hirgizstanian unit an hour earlier, and it was expected that the Hirgizstanian unit would arrive shortly. Their orders were simple: Reinforce the Cottish battlegroup and fend off the enemy, in this case a regiment-sized unit of joint TOA special forces that were simulating a Russian paratrooper battalion. The scenario said that the Cottish paras were dug in inside a village and in dire need of assistance, and that the Hirgizstanian unit was the closest unit that could assist. For the purpose of the exercise, all units involved had been deployed the Cottish improved equivalent of MILES equipment and smoke grenades instead of the normal hand grenades, but apart from that, normal tactics were to be used. For now, the Cots just waited for the Hirgizstanians to arrive.
[OOC: TAG Hirg! You're it!]
05-04-2007, 20:30
The operation was a simple one, a common one. But a necessary one all the same. A Cottish paratrooper unit had got themselves pinned down in a village their Russian counterparts had attacked. They were about to be surrounded by a pincer movement and needed immediate assisstance. The closest allied unit was the 2nd Brigade of the 11th Air Cavalry Division.
In reality the village was a built-up training area at a Cottish training base. The 'Russian Paratroopers' were TOA SOF dressed up as like as they could get to the actual Russians. MILES gear would be employed as per SOP.
The village was designated Objective Alpha. The Hirgizstanian helicopters would have to put down on the rooftops and flat areas in the village if they stood any chance of reinforcing the Cots before they were overrun. Landing at a safer LZ and tabbing all the way to the village on foot would take too long. Thus a Full Arms Hostile Landing Action (FAHLC) would have to be employed.
An FAHLC was the most extreme and dangerous of all Air Cavalry tactics. It meant putting helicopters in the crosshairs of multiple AA weaponry and small arms, while expecting the pilots to put their troopers on the ground. In the past the various Attack helicopters would attack enemy positions and allow the bigger transport choppers to set down. The same would now happen, but since the advent of the FAHLC the AH-53 Serpent had been designed and built. This virtual helicopter fortress now gave the troopers and transport slicks a much higher chance of a successful landing because what enemy soldier would be dumb enough to try and expose himself attacking a slick when a helicopter the size of a truck and armed like a tank was bearing down on him?
It would be a relatively short flight, only 300 Kilometres. The entire 2nd Brigade had just over 7000 men, of course not all would be nodded in the exercise, but all 160 AH-1Z's, 16 AH-94A's, 8 RAH-95A's and 3 AH-53's would be employed. An E-5A Bateleur and an EC-130H Rivet Fire CCM (Communications Counter-Measures) aircraft would fly overhead in concert with similar Cottish units, the E-5A to monitor and track the battle and the EC-130H to provide a jamming blanket to try and counter-act the non-heat activated Anti-Air weaponry.
However, one of the 'slick' UH-60's in the brigade would also carry an experimental prototype of the missile and ship-based 'Big Blue' system, which was a missile countermeasure device. It would hopefully be able to track and lock all friendly signals and locations, and then provide incoming enemy missiles with millions of alternatives, thereby nulling their effect by sending them haywire or in the wrong direction.
Thus the 2nd Brigade lifted off from the huge Hirgizstanian base at Suntar, and headed up toward the Objective Alpha.
OOC: TAG Cot...Now you're it. HA!;)
By the way Pushka, what is the make-up of your border areas with people lik Cot and myself? Is there like fences, mines etc? I don't think you've mentioned it yet.
OOC: No where are no mines or fences at the border itself those are usually pointless, they limit your own forces ability to cross the border into enemy territory. Now about 30 kilometers (50 for Yakutia) away from the border, thats there in event of wars mines will be deployed by civilian and military engineering brigades, they also got some very big artillery and MLRS guns, basically if I come under attack and my enemy overwhelms my troops stationed at the border (25 km away from the border in the case of Yakutia) I'll draw the enemy deeper into my territory there their supply lines can be cut and they can be surrounded and destroyed.
The squad was blocked up inside a two-story building that appeared to have been a normal family house once upon a time. That was in the past though, as it had been commandeered by the Cottish paras a few hours ago and was currently the subject to relentless enemy suppressing fire. Fortunately, the building was made of concrete, enabling the paras to hide from the impacts of the enemy bullets and return fire, sticking their rifles out the windows and using the SOLDAT-2000 personal fighting suite to find the targets without needing to stick their own heads out and expose being shot. It enabled for the paras to hold out longer, but the disadvantage was that the enemy was equipped with similar equipment, leading to a modern version of trench warfare.
The loud crack of the squad marksman's L119A3 Marksman Battle Rifle (MBR) upstairs signalled that another enemy was down, having been taken out by the heavy 7.62x51mm round that the marksmans version of the venerable L119 Battle Rifle that the paras were equipped with fired. The squad leader, an oversersjant with ten years experience, of which six with the paras, smirked. The korporal behind that rifle was a skilled marksman, having been tapped immediately after basic training and offered a chance to serve as a marksman instead of a normal rifleman. The promotion and subsequent increased pay as well as the increased status made the offer a very attractive offer for the soldier, who had accepted right off the bat. Now, nine months and five jumps later, here he was, sitting in a cold concrete building, taking out attacking special forces that posed as Russians. How crazy the world had become, the oversersjant thought as he reloaded his L119A2 Battle Carbine with a fresh double twenty-round clip and looked around. With him in what had to have been the living room were the other three men of his fire team, three privates, all armed with carbines identical to the sergeants weapon, of which two had L107A2 Grenade Launchers mounted under their carbines. Two of them, privates Olsen and Bjørnsen were busy shooting at the people who advanced against this building, which was on the left flank of the occupied area, a hundred meters from the battlegroup command post.
In the kitchen, the machine gun team had set up their L116A2 light machine gun, which fired the same 7.62mm round as the carbines of the fire team, sending deadly sprays of fire against the Layartebian special forces team that tried to get them out of there. The LMG and the loader's L119A2 did a good job keeping the enemy's heads down, along with the occational 40mm grenade fired from the loader's grenade launcher.
Upstairs, the marksman team and the anti-tank team had set up shop, taking every shot they got. The marksman with his L119A3 and the spotter with his L119A2 were in one of the bedrooms, firing out the windows at anyone approaching. The scene was loud, confusing and horrifying, with the smell of gunsmoke and cordite hanging thick in the air, joined by the occational pop of a smoke grenade, which simulated a fragmenation grenade, and the supporting fire from the few 60 millimeter mortars deployed near the command post just helped with the confusion.
Almost one thousand, five hundred fifty Cottish paras had been deployed in or around the village, with the majority of the "surviving" troops, some eight hundred of them, deployed in the buildings that formed the perimeter of the occupied area, which had a radius of some three blocks. The fighting was going on in every building, with the buildings in the center housing the temporary command post and the medical aid station. Mock wounded poured in, and in the upper floors and outside in the spring snow, hundreds of "dead" paras sat, smoking, drinking coffee and talking, trying to keep warm. Among the remaining warriors, ammunition shortage was becoming a problem. The fight had been going on for the better part of eighteen hours, and the men, while being some of the best conventional forces in the world, were all tired, weary and in need of ammo to keep fighting. Was there any wonder the battlegroup commander had requested immediate assistance?
As the two men that made up the anti-tank team in the building emptied the last rounds in their double clips and drew their carbines back behind cover, the sound of flapping rotors could be heard. Could it be another one of the enemy helicopters? As the sound came closer and the source could be seen, the private began cheering. It hadn't been one of the Layartebian helicopters. It was a Hirgizstanian attack helo! Reinforcements had arrived, and the word was passed along quickly. With reinforcements, the combined forces could finally start pushing the enemy out of the village. Since the beginning, this had been a defensive fight. It was about time to take over control of this battle and begin kicking some special forces ass!
06-04-2007, 12:42
The flapping rotor blades the Cottish soldiers heard was the sound of slicks transporting the 1402 men of the 1st Regiment, 2nd Brigade, 11th Air Cav. The sounds of their blades echoed off the steep and hard Siberian steppes, rattling their sound back off the hard packed snow and ice.
The Cots probably expected to hear those blades get closer, but they didn't. Instead the first units to cross Cottish lines were RAH-95A Shadow's, which as ARSB designed Recon aircraft were very stealthy and had a futuristic rotor with no tail rotor. That meant they were nowhere near as loud as a normal rotary craft. They whined overhead instead of tearing like a normal helicopter, their blades travelling faster and producing less noise. The lead Shadow radioed to the Cots, "Para One, Para One this is Silent Wind Lead, crossing your position. IFF and AWACS show heavy enemy prescence closing fast on your position, hostiles all sides. There are a few vehicles too, light armor. We're moving to engage, you need assistance just holler, Cavalry at your service. Silent Wind Lead, out."
Behind the apex of Shadow's trailed the sleek AH-94A Stalker's, and behind them travelled a gaggle of noisy but well armed and fast AH-1Z's. Off to their flanks sat the AH-53 Serpents.
Imaginary Missiles streaked from launchers and blank bullets flamed from barrels of high powered cannon's, their MILES lasers hitting targets in buildings in front of the Cottish positions. Small Arms fire was incoming thick and fast, the MILES systems on various aircraft flaring up indicating hits. A couple of radar guided AA missiles were launched, but the experimental Big-Blue system seemed to do its job. But as the AH-1Z's joined in the fray, taking fire missions from the Cots, more than a few fell victim to heavy MG fire and Heat-seeking missiles. They simply gained altitude and bugged out of the fight. In reality they'd be smoking wrecks on the ground.
Behind the wall of fire laid down by the Hirgizstanian attack formation the slicks carrying the 1st Regiment tore in behind the Cottish positions and flared into hovering landings, some hovering above flat roofs, some landing on the ground and others deploying zip lines. The UH-60L's were not the only troop carrying transports, the air was torn up by the jet powered ARSB designed MV-87KG Dragon's, which looked incredibly futuristic compared to the rather ungainly looking Blackhawks. The MV-87's hovered steady, their jet streams blurring the air with heat. A couple of those and some UH-60's fell prey to heat-seeking missiles and just over 1000 of the 1st Regiment's soldiers made it to the ground.
As the gaggle of transport craft took off back the way they'd come the Air Cavalry soldiers charged into the battle alongside their Cottish compatriots. Some of the Cots had run out of ammo and Hirgizstanian soldiers threw them side arms and PDW's, getting them back into the fight. Helicopters buzzed overhead, the AH-53's shaking the foundations of the houses every time they flew low, the air tearing apart as their 30mm GAU's opened fire, and then the steady crack-thump-crack-thump of their 25mm Bushmaster Cannon's.
IFF and AWAC's showed the enemy falling back under heavy fire. It was up to the Cots whether or not to press on the advantage or get the hell outta dodge.
Department of Defense
Cheif's of Staff Assembly Room
Stockholm, Sweden
Prime Minister Gordon Wells sat at a large oak table in front of his joint chiefs of staff. After a long uncomfortable pause he finally began to speak.
"Can anyone in this room explain to me why we were not at a readiness state that would have allowed us to participate in operation Sunfall?"
When no answer came forth, he answered himself.
"I will tell you what I believe, I think since I took over the position of Prime Minister the Department of Defense has been chasing its tail. Ineffective policy after policy combined with an overall lack of discipline from the top down has filled the DoD like a disease. The solution to curing a disease is to take out the cause of the problem. Defense Minister Smithe would you rise."
The Defense Minister slowly stood up at the opposite end of the table.
"I don't know any other way to sugar coat this, your performance has been extremely disappointing, you are terminated as of now. You will relinquish your credentials at the front desk and your personal items will be boxed and sent to your home address. Good Day."
Smithe started to respond, but the cold stare PM Wells shot him made him think twice.
Wells motioned for his security detail.
"Take him out of here. I don't want the poison of his inefficiency to infest this room anymore."
As Smithe exited in an abrupt fashion Wells then turned his focus on the remainder of the group.
"Gentlemen, Rear Admiral Fines has been working behind the scenes to ensure that our Navy is at least capable of maintaining some degree of superiority at sea. I haven't seen much from you. You have until the morning to have plans on my desk for the improvement of our readiness capabilities or you will suffer the fate of Defense Minister Smithe. Have I made myself clear?"
A resounding "Yes Sir." filled the room.
"Very well you are all dismissed." And so the room cleared as each general moved briskly to begin the monsterous task assigned by the Prime Minister.
06-04-2007, 20:14
The High Military Command, Kirov, Kirovian Republic.
"The Federation is in some real tight positions here, TOA military movements and such have been mental threats all across the world. No reports of actual ingagments but we can expect them soon and if the federation is assaulted the GSO charter will need to be inacted and we do not have the resources for an all out confrentation at this moment. Sir, the council has decided to move in advanced and send over 170,000 troops to the siberian front to aid federation troops."
Kurstrovitz leaned forward in his chair at the head of the table, around him sat twelve military officials all dressed up in general uniforms. He sighed deeply then spoke.
"Yes, that works. What is the report from the camps?"
"64,000 have enlisted and over 820,000 remain imprisoned to use as our labor force. They have refused to enter our army and so they will be forced to work for it. The production of the MiG-71 will begin soon and we can begin to produce prototypes for the new weapon our engineers have designed."
"Then fine, thats good. Generals, tonight we begin what will most likly be the struggle for this entire planet, those men enter the federation border and that mean we enter into any conflict that results in the federation being attacks. Reinforce our trainlines, begin the assertive operation toward cotland build up the forces on the Kirovian border and tell them to prepare for anything. Anymore suggestions."
"Yes, sir. We have also come to an agreement on sending a 60,000 men company into pantheaa, we can orginize operations from there."
"Thats fine, then lets begin. Issue the orders and have our men entirly moved by this weeks end."
"Yes Sir."
The generals all stood and saluted with a sence of honor toward there great leader as he saluted back and left the room. They all lowered there hands and then began to talk amonst themselfs with a large map of Russia and all the USR trainlines and other transportation routes.
A whistle blew loudly, nearby that a plane made its final turn toward a large exiting ramp. The ramp was pushed into position and the plane's door opened, hundreds of troops exited the plane all uniformed with weapons shouldered. They were all smiling for a crowd of other USR soldiers who stood on the long train waving and motioning for them to hurry up. These were soldiers of the 2nd Army which had officially pulled out of Lame Bums territory, these men had signed up for another 4 year duty after Kurstrovitz announsed the USR's intentions on aiding the Federation under the GSO charter.
The soldiers lined up for the train and began to enter, the train so far held 30,000 men which for its second trip it had delivered 80,000. Other smaller trains delivered men to Siberia all toward a specific unknown camp the USR was in the proccess of building. This camp would be the USR HQ in the Federation held siberian territories and it would house 90,000 of the 170,000 men. Other camps would be built along the border under Federation dictation since it was their border they would be protecting.
The train lurched forward and left the station behind leaving an empty station expect for a few cleanup civilians who brushed the loading platform. The airport basically right next door was rather small, as well as it being military ran, janitors would have been a surprise to see working in such a place. These people were smiling as they were not just civilians, this was there given job from Antriv Officials (Antriv Prison Camp) and this would be the only way they would be able to leave the camp without being shot.
At Antriv and other camps things were changing drastically, the prisoner force was being treated with respect now and given two meals a day instead of one. Buildings began to go up for production lines and the prisoners would become the labor force for the USR's new military weapons and items that would be placed into military weapons.
The United Soviet Republics would soon become ready for war within the year and with its new MiG-71's in production they could get rid of MiG-29's that kept there air force in the past. Next to that the secret USR weapon in production would evolve the world into a new age, or so the soviet engineers expected.
In the basement of a four-story building, the battlegroup command post had been established, a number of soldiers moving back and forth with messages and maps, while a small group of soldiers stood around a makeshift map table, not more than a couple of wooden boards placed over some chairs to let the men place the maps and plan the next moves over. Three officers were busy placing the positions of the various platoons and squads on the map along with the latest reports on the enemy positions. The battlegroup commander, oberstløytnant Eriksen looked at the positions one more time and sighed. His battlegroup was trapped and being slowly taken out by the enemy, one by one. The bright side was that the paras weren't going down without a fight, and it was estimated that for every ten Cottish paras that "died", six to eight enemies fell as well. They were still in a tough spot, and the reinforcements the oberstløytnant had requested two hours ago still hadn't arrived. If they didn't arrive soon, he would have no choice than to surrender what remained of his unit to the enemy. In reality, no Cottish unit had ever surrendered to an enemy, regardless who. It was a massive legacy to live up to. It was at this, the darkest hour, that the call that gave the Cots new hope arrived.
"Silent Wind, this is Para One. Understood. Deploy your men along the south-eastern flank, have the ground commander to report to the command post immediately upon arrival. Para One out." A radioman replied. The tension that had been in the command post had been removed, and the officers found new strength to begin to plan a counter-attack.
Along the "front", the fifteen platoons that had been held as a tactical reserve were called up to prepare to counter-attack. One of these units, a rifle platoon belonging to Geværkompani C got out from the building where they had taken up refuge and bolted over to the landing Hirgizstanians. A few Cottish sergeants were shouting in deep strong voices and with a rather graphic language for the Hirgizstanian infantry to get the f*** into buildings and wait for further orders. Each Hrigizstanian company would be attached to one of the Cottish para platoons, reinforcing the company.
The Cottish para rifle platoon consisted of four squads, where each squad consisted of a four-man fire team armed with four M119A2 Battle Carbines and two L107A1 grenade launchers, a marksman team with one L119A3 Marksman Battle Rifle and one L119A2 Battle Carbine with a L107A2 grenade launcher attached, one anti-tank team where the two men had an L119A2 and a L121A1 LAW-75 disposable anti-tank weapon each, and finally the two-man machine gun team where the gunner had a L116A2 Light Machine Gun and the spotter had a L119A2 with a L107A2 attached. In total, the squad consisted of ten men and was capable of autonomous operations alone if needed. They were far more effective if used in platoon-sized units though, where more advanced tactics could be used. Four squads under the command of a fenrik or løytnant made up a platoon, and could give the enemy a serious headache if used properly. The men of Geværkompani C all got into the building where the Hirgizstanian companie they were attached to were assembled, with the company commander, an experienced Cottish kaptein gathered the Hirgizstanian officers to brief them on the situation.
"Gentlemen, welcome to Magadan. Currently, we have a force estimated to consist of some one hundred Layartebian, one hundred Hrigizstanian and two hundred Cottish special forces pounding on our door, wanting to get in. This battle started with one thousand five hundred fourty-five effectives on the friendly side. We are currently down to seven hundred nineteen, so my thanks to you for dropping by. What I want is for one Cottish platoon to be attached to each of your companies, and then for us to begin a counter-attack against the enemy, here." The kaptein pointed on a tactical map on his PDA. "In effect, we're going to attempt to break out and, if successful, conduct a pincer manouver that will trap the enemy forces. Once we've encircled the enemy, we tighten the grip and root them out. We will need all the helicopter support we can get, because the enemy has helicopters and UAVs of their own, as I'm sure you experienced coming in. Be advised that we have soldiers in every building from here," Again, he pointed to the map and drew an imaginary line that made into an rectangular form, pointing out the Cottish positions. Then, he pointed out where he wanted the Hirgizstanian companies to begin manouvering. "Make no mistake gentlemen. The enemy is highly trained and equipped, and he will adapt to our every move. He has for the past eighteen hours, so keep that in the back of your minds when you advance. I understand that you have light armor. We will need it to support our men and to make a feign, drawing the enemy's attention away from the real push. When can you be ready to move out?"
07-04-2007, 03:59
Elements of the 2nd Air Force and 2nd Army in Cottish controlled Siberia had been activated ages ago when Operation Sunfall began. They had moved from various positions and safe points to forward deployed positions, alongside Cottish forces. With the Spizani navy on the move in the Pacific Ocean there was more than enough mayhem and chaos going on in the world to make the entire situation that much more confusing. With Cottish and Hirgizstanian forces conducting readiness exercises with a trapped Cottish paratrooper unit being surrounded by "Russian paratroopers" the Empire was about to enter the foray. The paratroopers were TOA SOF forces, 96 of whom were members of the Layartebian military. A Hirgizstanian brigade was on the move to reinforce the Cottish positions but the OPFOR had a surprise for them.
The roads to the village had been booby trapped with mines and choke points had been created by dropping debris in the way, particularly trees and rocks that would force reinforcements into funnelled areas, which were lined with explosives. To deal with the helicopter threat, the OPFOR would have positions set up throughout the area, particularly in the trees where they could launch surface-to-air missiles from concealment. Since the missiles were fire-and-forget, the OPFOR could fire their missiles and run away for cover. They were just training rounds but they would be able to at least give an audible warning that the helicopter had been shot down.
Using AD-142 Yastreb weapons, supplied by the Cottish military, the OPFOR moved in small groups of four. They had split themselves off to be mobile, fast, and small. They took every precaution for cover that they could and kept their trigger fingers quiet unless they had a shot. Equipped with MILES gear, the soldiers would know if they got hit and they carried other MILES equipment with them, such as rocket launchers and grenades, all of which were harmless but would set off MILES gear for their respective areas of damage.
When the sound of Hirgizstanian helicopters appeared overhead, the OPFOR unleashed. They locked on with their MANPADs from concealed positions and let loose. For every helicopter they downed, they doubled the chaos factor. With more and more friendly forces being circumvented to secure crash sites and get the wounded out and to medical treatment, the OPFOR could advance. They knew that they couldn't shoot down every helicopter and they didn't want to, they wanted to bottle up the forces so that they could move freely. They aimed for the big transports, which couldn't get out of the way fast enough but took aim at various attack helicopters as well. With so many helicopters in the air, it was hard not to miss with IIR guided weaponry.
As the OPFOR, which consisted of 400 TOA soldiers advanced against a numerically superior army of 700+ the real battle began. OPFOR were entrentched just as well as the Cottish paratroopers but they were on the offensive. They would have to move against fortified Cottish positions and move against them sharply. They couldn't move too fast without giving away their position so they moved under camouflage, with ghille suits and their painted rifles. They moved against the target area in a semi-circle, a wide one that allowed them to put the enemy on three fields of fire at once. The rear was exposed but that was what some of the Layartebian SOF and Hirgizistanian SOF were for, they would move into defensive positions to the rear and just wait, wait until they could move up as well. With 80 of them to the rear and 320 to the front, it was now a battle of tactics...
07-04-2007, 16:29
The Hirgizstanian Officers finished the quick huddle with their Cottish counterparts. They had all the info loaded into their Land Warrior equipment from emails and were on their way. Reports kept coming in of transport choppers dropping like flies. The constant sound of mini-guns tearing the very sky could be heard both through the radio and outside.
There were 10 and one half company of COH Air Cavalry on the ground, just over 1000 men. Each Company was tagged with a Cottish platoon and each moved to each others positions, fanning out into the maelstrom of fire that was the village. Every building seemed to pour and take fire while the buzz of helicopters overhead drowned out everything every few seconds.
The overall Hirgizstanian Commander was a Colonel from Libya. He was co-ordinating the link-up with Cottish forces and listening to the transport craft bug out south. They had guns on them and would be back up if needed. Sixteen had already been downed by enemy fire and the half company of 50 men had already been designated as S&R (Search and Rescue-all Air Cav troopers are trained in S&R and CSAR tactics) Company and were organizing rescue missions with a platoon of Cots. Naturally, since it was only an exercise, the 'dead' helicopters were not actually downed, they were flying to a designated 'put-down' area, but the S&R squads would simply move to the positions and go through the motions as if it were real.
The TOA SOF were putting up a helluva fight. They were now outnumbered by around 3:1. The Air Cav had brought with them 120mm, 80mm and 60mm Mortars, as well as AT and AA missiles. The mortars were immediately set up and the heavy whump-crunch-boom from the three calibres could be heard as the shells went up over the village and crashed down among the 'Russian paratroopers'. A couple of SOF UAV's had been taken out and now Air Cav Cypher's were up in the air, a couple of them with MG's.
So far the 'Russian paratroopers' had not brought in their aircraft. Intel and AWACS overhead showed they had helicopters south of them, but they didn't seem to be trying to enter the combat zone. It would be foolish anyway. So far only four AH-1Z's had been downed, with no other attack aircraft being hit. The AH-53's could take a serious amount of punishment and in testing had taken multiple Stinger AA hits to the sides and underside without loss of flight.
Thus those huge behemoths of destruction led the charge against the paratroopers hiding on the small roads outside the village. It didn't take a Clausewitz to know that if the Cots and Hirgizstanians tried a break out and/or an attack the SOF would try and cut them down from their sneaky hiding places. So they had to be killed in those hiding places or chased out into the open. Two of the three AH-53's had huge pods of 130mm FFAR's on the four wing pylons, plus 1000lb Napalm bombs carried on the underside bay. They weren't, of course, real missiles or bombs, just MILES based proxies that would 'kill' anyone within a certain area with the system.
Thus on the outskirts of the village, braving AA missiles and heavy small arms fire two AH-53's swooped in fast and low, like gigantic overgrown eagles, 'firing' their missiles and eventually 'dropping' the Napalm bombs. If that didn't kill or chase out the SOF from their hiding places then nothing would.
Cot: I don't have any light armor with the Cav troops, they rely on aircraft for transport etc. I think you mis-read a bit in the previous post, it was about enemy light armor. Might not have been clear.
Off South America
The S 879 had been on the surface for a substantial period of time now, far more than was normally allowed as per standard operating procedure, but the mission the submarine was out on wasn't exactly standard either. For the past six hours, the SONAR operators had been monitoring the Russian submarines, and they were now getting to the point on the charts that Russian territorial waters ended and Layartebian territorial waters began. It was just off the coast of Chiapas that the Cottish submarine suddenly started making a hard turn towards the coast, beginning a dive and slowing down. The submarine quite litterarily disappeared into oblivion as it slowed down to way below its tactical silent speed, becoming yet again a black hole in the water that no passive SONAR could detect.
Once submerged, the S 879 turned slowly to a south-southeasternly heading, moving directly for the Panama Canal. It crept down at a slow speed of seven knots for about forty minutes before the SONAR operator finally reported a surface contact moving quickly in their general direction. From the sound of it, it was a small naval vessel of some sort. That piqued the skipper's interest, so he ordered the submarine to slow to five knots and climb a few meters to periscope depth. The age of periscopes were a long-gone era though, as the Tigerhai class was, as all Cottish submarines were, equipped with a so-called photonic mast instead of a periscope. The photonic mast consisted of a series of cameras that sent a variety of live pictures, both normal television pictures, infrared, and thermal imaging, directly down to a nineteen inch flatscreen LCD monitor in the Conn so that not only the Captain could see it, but also the rest of the officers that made the decisions aboard the submarine. The officers all smirked when they saw what the infrared sensor saw, especially when the zoom was increased. A Layartebian Raef class patrol corvette was apparently out looking for them, something which told the Cottish submariners that the Layartebians had a listening system out there on the ocean floor that had to have picked them up. It was something the Cots had suspected for some time now. They didn't have an exact fix though, something which again confirmed that the Tigerhai class was a submarine type to be reconned with. While the skipper observed and considered the situation, one of the junior officers was sifting through the datafiles the Cottish had on Layartebian warships, trying to find out what damages the corvette could do to the S 879 if it mistook the submarine for a Russian. It was as the officer feared, because he immediately took the portable databoard over to the skipper and got his attention.
"Layartebiansk Raef-klasse. Beskytting: en sytti-seks millimeter kanon, to AMESM-utskytere, to tre tjue-fire millimeter torpedorør samt tjuefire VLS-celler. Vi mistenker at skipet er utrustet med ASROC. Anbefaler på det sterkeste at vi identifiserer oss til dem som vennlige." [Layartebian Raef class. Armament: one seventy-six millimeter cannon, two AMESM launchers, two three twenty-four millimeter torpedo tubes as well as twenty-four VLS cells. We suspect that the ship is equipped with ASROC. Strongly recommend identifying ourselves to them as friendlies.]
That changed the mood in the Conn instantly. The Cottish were well aware of the Layartebians skill in the game called anti-submarine warfare (ASW), and the potency of their ASW weaponry. The VL-ASROC was a weapon that the Cots had imported and employed aboard its surface warships for anti-submarine warfare, and it was a highly deadly weapon. If the Layartebians got the wrong idea...
"Takk. Ta oss til overflaten umiddelbart." [Thank you. Take us to the surface immediately.]
The order was acknowledged, and less than half a minute later, five kilometers on the side of the corvette, the S 879 broke through the water surface and came to a rest on the surface. The corvette immediately reacted and turned to face the submarine, its cannon being trained on the Cottish sub. Twenty minutes later, and the nationality and mission of the Cottish submarine had been confirmed and it was free to continue on, pressing on towards the Panama Canal underwater at various speeds. Sometimes, it moved at speeds that barely kept it level on its depth, sometimes it moved at the maximum sprint velocity of close to forty knots, sounding like a freight train on the Layartebian SOSUS network.
Less than a day later, and the submarine had reached its preliminary destination: the Gulf of Panama. Here, the submarine rose to the surface once again and moved into position, taking aboard a pilot that was escorted to the conning tower immediately with an armed escort following every step the civilian pilot made. The payment for passage had already been wired from the Cottish Treasury to the Panama Canal authority, and the submarine had its papers in order. The S 879 drew a lot of attention from the spectators as it moved through the canal at a rapid speed, clearing the locks at Miraflores, Pedro Miguel and finally the Gatun locks without incident. Sending the pilot off with the warmest thank yous, a crew cap with the submarine's designation, logo and motto embroided on in gold, and a complementary bottle of Scotch as a thank you for a job well done, the S 879 steamed out of the Panama Canal, clearing the coast before she dove into the Atlantic Ocean, moving quickly into the Caribbean Area of Operations. Her destination: Jamaica.
Getting into position, the allied Cottish and Hirgizstanians sync'ed their watches to begin the counter-offensive. A small force consisting of two platoons would make a diversionary feign to the east, near a boulevard that left both sides with precious little cover, while the main force would attack along a broad front, stretching two blocks. The order of the day was clearing and occupying every building, a job the Cottish were well trained in. About fifteen minutes before the counter-offensive began, there was a brief lull in the fighting as newly delivered ammunition and water, courtesy of the Hirgizstanian Army was issued to all defenders.
It was the proverbial silent before the storm, as fifteen minutes later, all hell seemed to erupt along the front lines as mortars and gunships began systematically clearing a hole. The smoke hadn't even had time to settle before the allied soldiers stormed out, moving crouched and with weapons to their shoulders, covering all angles while friendly snipers kept on the lookout for enemy forces. The Cottish and Hirgizstanian soldiers bolted across the streets, firing a few rounds into windows to keep a potential enemy down while another one unpinned a grenade and tossed in the window, waiting for it to 'explode' before the rest of the unit stormed in to clear out the building. Resistance was expected, and it was expected to be hard.
[OOC: Hirg, Lay, tag - you're it!]
08-04-2007, 17:29
OOC: I'll wait for Lay to post, no need for me to do anything more yet.
08-04-2007, 19:54
Layarteb City
The Emperor and his staff were gathering up important documents from an earlier meeting when the Minister of Defense came into the room. "Sir. I've got good news."
"What is that Minister?"
"Sir. Our forces are at full, operational readiness. We're awaiting orders to deploy the Foreign Legion."
"Very good. Very good. Deploy the Foreign Legion to positions along the Mexican border and the Siberian border. They'll be among the first to go into battle. They'll be going in through paradrop and HALO insertion, correct?"
"Yes sir."
"Good. With this we can upgrade our REDCON status to 2."
"Yes sir."
"And lastly. I want to be on my yacht in the Caribbean Sea. When this goes down I want to see it first hand."
"Sir. That wouldn't be wise. We need to get you to a secure site. The Caribbean will be a hotspot. If the Russians find out that you are there they will most certainly be firing at you. The closer you are to battle the more likely a target sir."
"Well I'm not going to run and hide in some bunker in the middle of West Virginia if that is what you are implying. I will not sacrifice the people of Layarteb City or Layarteb in general while I scurry away and hide."
"Sir. This isn't a sacrifice."
"No. Then what is it?" He paced around the table. "I'm leading them to slaughter here. There will be a nuclear retaliatory response. As such so too will we respond."
"Yes sir."
"So then what is it if we are not sacrificing them?"
"Sir. If the Russians find out you are in the Caribbean or in Layarteb City they may escalate to a nuclear option quicker because it is a guaranteed kill. If you cannot be found, they may think twice, knowing full well the counter-attack."
"Go on."
"That is why, sir. I propose we move you to site R in Pennsylvania. It is more than adequate at protecting you and the chain of command sir."
"Very well. How is our missile defense shield?"
"Active and ready to defend us. Abbadon ships are in the Caribbean, Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans, ready to swat down Russian satellites."
"Good. Well then. It's time we moved." An MV-24B Bulldog would fly him out of Layarteb City into the wilderness of Pennsylvania within thirty minutes.
The most capable weapon that the OPFOR had were their UAVs. A dozen RQ-11s were flying around along with a high altitude RQ-4 Global Hawk, giving them a perfect view of the battle below. Commanders watched in real-time as blue helicopters were downed and all sixteen of them moved away. They were going to clog up blue forces and hopefully well. Blue attack helicopters were the biggest threat though but they could be downed easily. AH-99 Anasazi helicopters, playing the role of Russian attack helicopters would move in stealthily and begin to engage the AH-1s flying around. OPFOR gunners had already locked onto blue UAVs and shot several missiles at them, revealing their position, although they moved immediately thereafter, the missiles tracking against the UAVs, which had no ECM and no flares. When the AH-53s came down for swooping roles it was perfect. The behemoth helicopters had evaded or taken MANPAD hits and survived quite well, which was a perfect distraction on the outskirts and main OPFOR moved up, into positions throughout the village.
When the counter-offensive began it was almost like a trap. A few of the OPFOR had stationed themselves in "almost" exposed positions, drawing fire and returning fire as well. Two were "killed" by a grenade and two other were "wounded" by bullets but, all together, the remaining 18 were fine. They were merely watching, taking pot shots through suppressed weapons. They'd fire and move, fire and move. Blue artillery, which consisted of mortars, came next but they were easy to dispense with since the OPFOR were constantly on the move. They would draw in the blue forces, into an area where they were almost completely surrounded. OPFOR hid everywhere, careful not to open fire until everything was set and ready. The twelve men protecting the rear of the village were quiet as well, hiding underneath shrubbery and ghille suits. Another twelve, dispatched to the east, had reported contact with a small group of blue forces, two platoons worth. The blue forces were good but not that good. They were sending their men on a wild goose chase to try to divert from the action plan. The twelve OPFOR sent to investigate would only sporadically engage them and only from their flanks, forcing them to slow down or turn around. With air support coming in, in the way of AH-99s and RAH-70s, it would be a matter of time now.
08-04-2007, 21:44
The AEWCC operators looking at the screens covering the Siberian village where the operation was being carried out all had an immediate sense of urgency, but were calm and confident, as any AEWCC operator should be, especially when relaying vital information to engaged forces.
The enemy helicopters were actually Layartebian attack choppers, simply playing the role of whatever equivalent the Russians had. They were stealthy and produced very low RCS'. That meant that an older model of AWAC's would have had trouble picking up their signal, especially in the steppes of Siberia. But since the E-5 Bateleur AWAC capabilties had been completely transformed. The E-5 was not AWAC but AEWCC (Airborne Early Warning & Command and Control), and its sensors and equipment were at the cutting edge.
The OPFOR helos were picked up by their heat signatures and some other sensors before being placed into targetting computers. That was then disseminated over the COH Battle Network, also connecting with the Cottish equivalent of the system. That basically meant that BLUFOR soldiers and helicopters received detailed information on OPFOR helos. BLUFOR carrying AA equipment readied themselves and were able to track their targets in real-time with feeds from the AEWCC.
A couple of BLUFOR UAV Cypher's had been downed now, they were taking fire from concealed OPFOR positions and so they were taken out of recon mode and thus they flew up to higher altitude. Enemy UAV's couldn't really be heard, they were using an RQ-4 and tiny hand-launched RQ-11's. Naturally, BLUFOR had similar small hand-launched models, but with AEWCC and Cypher's about there was really no point in launching them.
The most vulnerable BLUFOR helos were the AH-1Z's. They were basically the latest evolution of a design going back to the early 1960's. However, the 'Z' model was vitally improved, with completely new rotary system, turbines and fly-by-wire controls. The only problem that remained with the design was it was un-stealthy. The engines poured out heat and the frame did not lend itself to have a low RCS.
But the COH pilots were trained to perfection, to be one with their machines. Backing this training was also numerical superiority. Instead of just one or two or three AH-1Z's, each Cavalry brigade had access or around 160 AH-1Z's. The reason being was that they were cheaper and quicker to produce than their more stealthy counterparts, and indeed had been proven in countless battles and wars. Thus the 1st Regiment had brought with them 149 AH-1Z's, nearly all of the Brigade's AH-1Z choppers.
It was an understatement to say OPFOR were attempting to bite off more than they could chew by sending out their small contingent of choppers. Each AH-1Z had eight Stinger missiles (as well as 8 TOW missiles, something unprecedented in AH-1's before the Z model, which brought bigger and more durable wing pylons capable of carrying 8 missiles each), which weren't exactly sophisticated, but were Heat-Seeking and 'did the job' as it where.
So the AH-1Z pilots received their target's over their screens, and the 140 or so that were left began to engage the OPFOR helos, getting closer. They were taking fire, the OPFOR helos were more agile and probably had better weaponry, but they didn't have one thing...numbers. Thus for every AA missile OPFOR helos fired, four were fired back at them.
From the ground the light show above was spectacular. The beat-swish of the rotor blades of so many helicopters was defeaning enough on its own, but add to that the raging gun battle in the village, the cannons firing blanks overhead and the mortars firing at the moving OPFOR. It was a helluva battle, and it was only training, the Russians stood no chance against such professional and determined forces.
On the ground itself OPFOR were opening fire from different positions, exposing themselves, perhaps a little too much. Needless to say they were cut down by overhwelming BLUFOR fire. But as the exposed OPFOR drew fire and drew BLUFOR closer and drew their attention away, heavy fire erupted from once silent positions. OPFOR had been feinting, drawing BLUFOR to a certain area before opening fire.
The one thing BLUFOR could rely on was steady and accurate mortar fire as well as more guns and ammo than the enemy had. Cottish and Hirgizstanian troops burst through houses and gardens, charging through rooms, taking fire and giving fire for all they were worth. Soldiers 'died' on both sides in the maelstrom and the blank firing helo cannon's echoed off the concrete buildings, adding to the buzz of battle.
OOC: Question, how can a helicopter produce low RCS? It has big ass moving rotor blades on top of it. Propeller aircraft have huge RCS, why wouldn't same go for a helicopter?
09-04-2007, 00:49
OOC: Question, how can a helicopter produce low RCS? It has big ass moving rotor blades on top of it. Propeller aircraft have huge RCS, why wouldn't same go for a helicopter?
OOC: Actually a helicopter can be stealthy. Here's a comparison between the Commanche and the Kiowa Warrior and Apache.
The AH-1Z would probably lower the radar signature over the AH-1W but that's really about it. The Anasazi woud be slightly lower than the RAH-66 Commanche. The Stalker would probably be the same as the RAH-66 Commanche, maybe a little lower too.
To lower the RCS of a helicopter it's the same as a jet. You use RAM, composites, use sharp lines and what not, hide ordinance, angle the rotor blades different, hide compressor blades, etc. A helicopter will never be as stealthy as a jet will be but it can get pretty damn hard to see...
@ Hirgy. The RQ-11 Raven is handheld and really small (small enough and light enough to be thrown into the air and lauched). The RQ-4 operates in excess of 65,000 feet, out of the reach of helicopters.
Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean
Six Cadiz class SSBNs were slowly making their way through the water, they were moving far beyond their tactical speed and determined to reach their final destination undetected. Each one carried aboard twenty-two ballistic missiles with a total of 4400 Kt of nuclear yield producing weapons on each submarine. Their destination was a secret known only to a few, three hundred miles off the eastern coast of US. Their mission to destroy the Layartebian mainland in an event that the upcoming war goes bad for the GSO. Only a few hundred miles away from their targets Layarteb would be engulfed in flames before they knew what hit them and way before they could do something about it. Similar units were dispatched towards the mainlands of all TOA nations, they would keep their distance, stay undetected and strike then the moment comes.
09-04-2007, 16:18
OOC: My bad Lay, wasn't sure what the RQ-11 was. I know what the Global Hawk is, didn't know what height you had it at. Will amend that part of my post.
OOC: Hey Hirgy, where exactly is your capitol?
09-04-2007, 20:03
OOC: COH Capital is Hirgizstan City, formerly Praia, Cape Verde.
OOC: COH Capital is Hirgizstan City, formerly Praia, Cape Verde.
OOC: so just off the coast of africa, good, good, easy to take out.
Hawdawg Naval Station
SOSUS Command, Southern Pacific
Suva, Fiji
The young Petty Officer sat studying the multi-monitor network. The BATSAD system along with the strategically placed SOSUS network focused on the choke points and various other routes most potential threats took when crossing the Pacific. Suddenly without warning a large disturbance passed listening station ZH-73. Too large for a school of whales it had to be a group of submarines. Large ones, moving in a group was almost unheard of and at the speeds they were traveling they definitely had a task at hand. The PO studied the Satellite Data taken from the charts this morning and compared it to the large vessel traffic stationed off Japan. It was clear something was amiss. He quickly assigned a target number (ZULU ALPHA 1)with speed bearing and range and alerted his commanding officer. BATSAD was consulted and a single ORCA Flight IIB SSGN (SSGN HOBO) in the proximity of ZH-73 was sent to investigate.
Aboard the SSGN HOBO
As the flash message was relayed from the SATCOM link in the towed array to the COMM Room and then on the the Bridge Captain Keyes studied the message.
"So they want us to track this blip, eh? I'll bet its a pack of whales again. Those damn SOSUS jockeys send us on more wild goose chases. Very well, Navigator plot us a course to intercept ZULU ALPHA 1, take us to 200 feet and increase speed to flank, if it happens to be Boomers making a run for the coast, we will catch them is short order."
The Navigation Officer calculated the necessary data in the NAVCOM computer and keyed the necessary coordinates into the ACS (Advanced Course System). Almost like a well-trained dancer, The HOBO banked starboard about 12 degrees, dove to 200 feet and began to give chase to a projected dot on the 3D BATSAD monitor. Soon enough they would know what they were chasing.
960-Bit Encryption
To: Hirgizstan, Layartebian, Cottish Forces
From: Hawdawg Naval Station
SOSUS Command, South Pacific
Suva, Fiji
Potential Hostile contact designated ZULU ALPHA 1 detected at SOSUS station ZH-73. Attached is range, speed, and projected course. Be advised we have dispatched the SSGN HOBO to investigate.
OOC: Yeah Haw, Im gonna call that a god mod, Pacific Ocean is a big ass place, those subs are traveling way below their tactical speed, the chances of you seeing them are minimal so how about you delete that post?
OOC: Yeah Haw, Im gonna call that a god mod, Pacific Ocean is a big ass place, those subs are traveling way below their tactical speed, the chances of you seeing them are minimal so how about you delete that post?
Uh, you had two subs magically appear behind Cot's subs and your calling my post a god-mod? In case you haven't looked I have had a large presence in the Pacific for quite some time now. I have an incredible amount of listening stations all over the floor of the ocean plus you have (6) submarines moving together towards a target, individually they might be able to slip by but together they would make a signature that would sound like a tractor-trailer driving by. The post stands.
Uh, you had two subs magically appear behind Cot's subs and your calling my post a god-mod? In case you haven't looked I have had a large presence in the Pacific for quite some time now. I have an incredible amount of listening stations all over the floor of the ocean plus you have (8) submarines moving together towards a target, individually they might be able to slip by but together they would make a signature that would sound like a tractor-trailer driving by. The post stands.
Cot made his sub magically appear near my border, so what? If my subs can't track his sub moving at tactical speed it is only fair that his sub can't track mine that are moving at the same speed and I didn't even challenge him then he started tracking my subs with SONAR while unsubmerged thus making a hell lot of interference noise for his SONAR to work through. And thats bullshit, either way, its 6 submarines and its still bullshit. In any case, they'll slip through your SOSUS nets very soon and there is no way you can claim that the SONAR installed on your subs can track them, neither can you know their final destination. Drop the bullshit, delete that post.
10-04-2007, 04:53
Uh, you had two subs magically appear behind Cot's subs and your calling my post a god-mod? In case you haven't looked I have had a large presence in the Pacific for quite some time now. I have an incredible amount of listening stations all over the floor of the ocean plus you have (6) submarines moving together towards a target, individually they might be able to slip by but together they would make a signature that would sound like a tractor-trailer driving by. The post stands.
OOC: Yeah Haw, Im gonna call that a god mod, Pacific Ocean is a big ass place, those subs are traveling way below their tactical speed, the chances of you seeing them are minimal so how about you delete that post?
Alright, Alright, let's not get in a tizzy here. I did, for reference find that Hawdawg deployed some SOSUS around Fiji and PNG back during the Macabee/New Caledonia thing.
Papua New Guinea
The Emergency message WAPITI was sent to all Pacific facilities and Fighter patrols increased over New Guinea and Fiji. Instantly men and material began to follow established protocol for emergency war preparations. The Air Force was first to act, as they normally had several wings of Fighters on constant alert for Air Patrols. One flight of F-78KD’s (The Diceman Wing) rolled down the east runway at Fighter Base-17NG. Within minutes the group of 96 planes was bearing east towards the embattled Tuvalu. The group kicked in the Afterburner and settled in for the short flight. Advanced Radar Sites in Fiji showed a major Air Battle erupting over the Island. The pilots weren’t sure what they would encounter, but the full array of weaponry they possessed in this phenomenal aircraft made them a formidable opponent to what lay over the horizon. P-3D Orion's patrolled in an expanded arc, scouring for Caledonian vessels.
The sleepy 7th Fleet began to slowly creep out into the open Ocean some 5 Ocean Class Carriers complete with the compliment of support Frigates, Destroyers, Guided Missile Cruisers, the venerable Ragnarok Battleships and Supply Vessels began to bellow smoke, preparing for a move towards Tuvalu. The 8th MEF would prepare for departure, but they would have to wait for at least 48 hours due to logistical issues on several of the Sacramento Class Prepositioning Ships attached to the Naval Units within the MEF.
All along the coast of Papua New Guinea SOSUS data was being collected at remote bouy locations and being forwarded to the Operations Center (CENTCOM LIMA). The information was then passed on to the Fiji Operations Center (CENTCOM MALLET) via the satellite network overhead. The SOSUS ring around Fiji bristled with data as the supercomputers handling all the information strained to keep up. The exchange of this data between Commands was vital to establish a battle picture. As an added precaution, both Operations Centers had the ability to “hack” commercial satellites and exchange data should wayward anti-satellite missiles take the Hawdawg Military SATLINK system offline.
Now as far as the rest of the SOSUS net, I don't know if that's been RP'd elsewhere, I'm not searching through all 700 E2 posts but the SOSUS does exist there, for definite, and I am sure it's been expanded. To the fact that I am not looking through the RPs, it's a game of give-and-take.
As far as 6 submarines going, I did fail to look at 6 in a group. By themselves, submarines moving at 8 knots, especially advanced & stealth SSNs, when at deeper depths, are VERY hard to detect unless they get very close to a hydrophone array of a SOSUS net. With that in mind though 6 of them moving together, in a close pack, means a lot of moving water and noise. Stealth F-117s don't fly together, they fly individually, spacing themselves out, because, together, they're a large radar target versus by themselves, they're a small target. Battlegroups don't usually travel that close to each other either because it's more noise and more efficient coverage if they spread out a lot.
Would I call either of these things a god-mod? No. The Cottish sub, the Russian subs, the SOSUS, the 6 pack, none of that's really a god-mod. A god-mod would be the plan that you said on AIM Push about just blowing up your territorial waters to blow up SOSUS and then not RP'ing the massive economic disaster from a complete lack of fishing for 1,000's of square miles...
Now, concerning SOSUS and your submarines and their "eventual" destination. I do hope you are aware that the SOSUS net within the North Atlantic Ocean is significantly more sizeable than the real-life one deployed by the US during the Cold War. It's hydrophones are made to look like rocks and what not and blend with the ocean floor bed. A lot of $ was poured into that project (almost $1t by now) so it's no slouching system. Individually or by a pack, there's a REAL good chance they'll be detected. My own submarines are detected by the net there and there's no way into or out of the North Atlantic without running over or coming close to a hydrophone array.
Now concerning actual detection of hydrophone arrays. They sit on the ocean floor and are thus VERY difficult to detect. Active SONAR will get confused on the ocean floor as it echoes and so will passive SONAR as other sounds echo. This is why submarines may "bottom" themselves to evade a contact or a torpedo. Rocks, etc. all reflect sound waves and can really mess up SONAR. High Frequency SONAR as well can have trouble though it can, sometimes distinguish shapes and what not but I don't think with resolution good enough to tell if something is an array. It's better suited to navigation (to avoid rocks and stuff) and finding floating mines and what not. Plus HFS and active SONAR are active systems so you'll be heard by other arrays and submarines and ships and what not listening in as you search for the arrays so it defeats the purpose of "stealth" incursion. LIDAR could maybe give great resolution but it is so short ranged that if you get close enough with it to actually see an array you're close enough to be heard. It's kind of like the MAD detterant. You might be able to spot a few and stop a few but overall you won't win.
10-04-2007, 05:45
With recent military involvement in former GSO territories of Siberia and Fuji. The Grand Duke of Pantheaa has agreed to deploy troops in one of theatres of operations. Foreign troops do not belong into any of those territories period. The recent action of these nations are simply just another attempt to grab a piece of GSO away from its rightful owners. This is a warning, expect Panthean airforce to deploy in a day or two along with infantry.
(OOC- hey at least i didn't blame TOA)
12-04-2007, 00:31
Encrypted Communique
Receipiant: The October Alliance
Sender: The Empire of Layarteb
Subject: Operation Sunfall
Operation Sunfall is nearly complete. Our forces have acheived maximum readiness. Our enemy is alert and it knows that we are coming. The battle date is set and our plans cannot be altered. Our forces have trained and drilled. We are in unison and we are all ready. We have held the enemy on for long enough, long enough for our enemy to hang himself. We have achieved our objective with Operation Sunfall and the sun has fallen. Now it is time to move into Operation Rising Sun. Like a fireball raising up towards the heavens, Rising Sun will usher in a new dawn for relations between our alliance and our enemies. Never again shall our enemies dream of encroaching upon sovereign territory. As determined and as imagined, it is time for our final meeting. The location shall be the Caribbean Sea, between the islands of Cuba and Hispanola. Please make arrangements to fly into Isla Tortuga off the northwestern coast of Hispanola where we shall convene on the Sonne class yacht and begin our plans for Rising Sun. Gentlemen, this is a great day, it is the beginning of the end for our enemies and now is the best time to act.
The Emperor
....Countdown Initiated....
Encrypted Message to GSO members
The final battle is coming comrades. It is the time of the final confrontation, the good versus the evil, GSO vs. TOA. Our enemies have no respect for such words as peace, to them it is only a shield that covers up their true intentions, they are the thief, the coward that has stolen land of countless peoples they have oppressed, they have attacked with no provocation and a day draws near then all of it will end. We are the beacon of light that shines on the world, they are the darkness that is attempting to consume it. On the day then guns start firing and our sons and daughters take their heroic journey we will stand ready. We the free nations, the proud nations we will stand up together and we shall not let the evil pass. TOA is a cancer that must be cleansed by a holy fire us carrying the torch. Be ready comrades, God is with us so who can stand against us?
Igor Stepanov
President of Russian Federation
12-04-2007, 01:55
OOC: The Emperor's Yacht (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=508609) has information about the boat.
Isla Tortuga was a long island with a massive naval base to the southwest. It just so happened that on the north coast, the Emperor's yacht was berthed. It was the Sonne class and it was a beautiful specimen of a boat. Launched in November 2006, it was first occupied by the Cottish King and his new bride during their honeymoon. Now it would host an October Alliance meeting in between Cuba and Hispanola. It didn't have far to go but it would pass through a net of defense so thick that not even a bird could get in without being see. A pair of Loke class SSs were sitting in the water already, armed with torpedoes and anti-ship missiles. SOSUS arrays were all over the area and that was all for the underwater contingent. On the surface, around the two islands and the inlets into the Windward Passage was an entire Carrier Strike Group and inside of the Windward Passage was a Heretic FFGN and an Unforgiven CGN, both of them providing an air defense bubble around the entire passage. October Alliance leaders would be arriving shortly and the Sonne was ready to go. The Emperor had already taken his place aboard the yacht and its ten crewmen were at their stations, ready to receive up to thirty-six guests. BG. Delaney and his men of Force Falcon Team One were on board to provide security and the respective leaders would be bringing their own bodyguards.
Three hours after the Layartebian communique had been recieved, a highly secretive flight took off from Gardermoen airbase in the dead of night. The V-16/A Kongeløve climbed rapidly to its flight altitude 26,000 meters up and kicked in the afterburner, increasing speed to Mach 2. Its escort of four F-25/A Typhoon air superiority fighters did the same, moving at that high speed for the majority of the four hour trip to Saint Lucia, slowing down only to meet an allied refueling aircraft off the Azores to have enough fuel to make it to Saint Lucia.
Landing slightly over four hours after taking off at Castries Airbase on Saint Lucia, the Kongeløve taxied over to the air base's VIP terminal where a number of high-ranking officers were waiting along with a small honor guard. All they had been told was that a very important person would be visiting them for a short period of time, and that they had to be present at the airbase at this time. The type of aircraft used and the escort it had gave the officers a hunch of who the VIP could be, but it was still a slight shock when the King, dressed in the uniform of a Navy admiral stepped off the aircraft. After salutes and exchanges of plesantry and mild ass-kissing from the officers, the King proceeded to the VIP quarters where he caught a few hours of sleep, waking up when the revelie was supposed to chime. Due to the base being on hightened alert though, no revelie was sounded as at least 40 % of the men were already on duty.
The events for the next few hours were as follows. A military breakfast with the senior officers of the base, all of whom were honored to have the King as their guest; a surprise inspection of various units on the island; presenting ten soldiers with awards for their good work as soldiers, loyalty to their superiors, merittious behaviour, et cetera; and a short meeting with the governor of the Caribbean Realm. With all that being done, the King boarded the waiting C-30/B Trofast cargo aircraft that was to take him to the aircraft carrier HMS Tor which was currently operating off Isla Tortuga.
The flight wasn't a very long one, but it was still an impressive flight for the King, especially as the Trofast flew over vast naval formations, formed up around battleships, aircraft carriers or amphibious transports, a good number of which were Cottish. It only helped to prove to the King that bringing Cotland into the October Alliance was a wise decision. Eventually though, the Trofast began its final approach to the aircraft carrier, and two minutes later, the King stepped off the cargo aircraft after having thanked the crew for the nice flight, only to be met with the sights, smells and sounds of an aircraft carrier in operation. He looked towards the bow, where two F-25/B Typhoon navalized air superiority fighters were preparing to take off, their afterburners on full and the nose-wheel firmy attached to the electromagnetic catapult. Fascinated, the King watched as the two aircraft suddenly began moving forward at great speeds, covering the few meters to the edge of the bow and climbing steeply towards their flight altitude. Having watched this, the King finally diverted his attention to the officer that urged his King to follow him to the relative safety of the superstructure. Agreeing, the King followed the officer over the flight deck and into the superstructure, taking off the safety vest and ear protection before following the officer further though the maze of corridors, ladders and hatches, constantly followed by the various officers and NCOs shouting out at the tip of their lungs for anyone nearby to come to attention and the sight of Cottish youths, most not much older than nineteen standing in a firm attention, a lot of them saluting their King as he passed. This was answered by a smile and a salute in return from the King as he passed.
Finally, the King reached the bridge where the same procedure followed. The officer yelled out the order to come to attention and a series of salutes followed before the King was escorted to the battle group commander, a rear admiral's state room where refreshments, sandwiches and coffee awaited. The King spent some time discussing the operation and how the battle group had preformed before it was time to get going. He was escorted back down the maze, followed by the admiral and the eight men of his personal bodyguard detail, and back out onto the flight deck which was now experiencing a lull in operations. The single grey-painted H-23/B Merlin helicopter awaited on the flight deck, its rotor spinning and the three Rolls Royce RTM 322 engines on idle, waiting for the passengers to take their place in the cabin that could hold up to twenty-four passengers. There were only eleven passengers that were to fly to Tortuga this time, the King, the eight bodyguards and two aides, so there was plenty of space in the cabin. The crew chief briefed his passengers on the emergency procedures and ensured that they were securely fastened before he gave the go-ahead. With that, the engines were crancked up to max and the helicopter took off from the flight deck, passing the various ships in the carrier group as the helicopted headed towards Tortuga at 310 kilometers per hour, the maximum speed. The HMS Tor was only about sevety kilometers from Tortuga though, so the Cottish helicopter which had made its presence very clear on the joint operations radios would be at the yacht's location in less than fourteen minutes.
As it closed in, the ten thousand kilogram aircraft slowed down and eased its way towards the yacht, guided in by the crew on the yacht. Its presence was clearly heard all over the ship as the flapping of the five 18.6 meter long rotor blades made a mighty sound. The Cottish pilots were highly skilled, and it didn't take them much effort to skillfully manouver the helicopter into a hover just a few centimeters above the helicopter pad, which they knew couldn't support the full weight of a Merlin. So, they hovered, keeping steady at the exact same position so the King and his entourage could disembark safely. Once they had disembarked, the helicopter immediately took off again, climbing to a more sensible flight level and returning to the carrier. It would be back to pick up the King when he wished to disembark.
Moving through the familiar setting of the Sonne - he had spent his honeymoon aboard this ship a few months back - the King finally entered the room where the Layartebian Emperor awaited. Smiling, the King casually tossed his white uniform hat onto a table and held out his hand, shaking that of his Layartebian counterpart.
"It's good to see you again my friend. How are you?"
12-04-2007, 10:23
Broadsword Class Submarine Independance - Somewhere in the Far Southern Pacific
The Submarine had been deployed two weeks earlier, with a full load of launch canister for Khan-class Anti Shipping Missiles, and was preparing to initiate the first test firing of the missile under combat conditions. The missile was not fired from submarines using a conventional SLBM tube, the sealed launch canister was simply pushed from the launch tube by a low powered rocket motor exhausting into the tube, once this occured compressed air cylinders attached to the canister inflated several bouyancy ballons which pulled the canister to the surface and orientated in launch end facing upwards.
As the submarine accelerated to twenty knots and cleared the firing area, the missile initiated its automatic firing sequence, target coordinates had been uploaded to the canisters onboard computer before it had been jettisoned from the submarine, and now they passed into the missile itself.
Ten seconds after the canister broached the surface, the cold start system ejected the missile and pushed it to a height of one hundred and fifty metres, where its main rocket engine lit and pushed it onto its ballistic trajectory towards the target range some 7800km away. The recoil from this even forced the canister under the water, flooding its interior before it bobbed back up the surface, the computer in the canister then gave its final command, it deflated the bouyancy balloons and the canister began to sink on its final trip to the ocean floor as the missile achieved its exoatmospheric ballistic trajectory.
OOC: Noone has ever seen this missile before, you wont know what it is and you wont have any idea who launched it, however you should be able to work out it is heading for an area of ocean in the pacific that is currently occupied by several confederate warships
12-04-2007, 15:17
Isla Tortuga, Empire of Layarteb
The flight had been relatively short. Several hours just, instead of the huge length of time it would have taken if the Fuhrer had been flying from Hirgizstan City.
Instead he was flying from Phoenix, Arizona, where he'd just given a speech to a massive gathering of National Guardsmen on their way to the front. It had been a rousing moment, with Veterans lined up with active soldiers on the stage, the Fuhrer wearing his VA Cap and bomber jacket. Tanks sat on either side of the podium and after a flypast by the Air Force's Black Wolves Demo team, the fuorore of the crowd was at a boil, just ready for the Fuhrer to give his speech.
It hadn't lasted all that long. The Fuhrer was not one to ramble and the famous 'Fuhrer roar' only lended itself to shorter, sharper and straight-to-the-point speeches.
In any case the E-4B (Fuhrer-1 [AIR FORCE ONE]) had been escorted east into Texas and down to the Gulf before heading for the Carribbean. Four F-15L Super Strike Eagle's accompanied the huge HAI 747. It was a striking plane no matter which angle one viewed it from, painted red and black with the COH Sun, machete and star in bright yellow and 'AIR FORCE ONE' along the side, with the Fuhrer's Crest over the doors.
Isla Tortuga was a huge ILN base in the Carribean. It was the middle of the afternoon when AF-1 touched down. The sun was high and glinted off the many panes of glass at the base. The Fuhrer always loved visting a TOA country because personal transport and overall security was taken care of. So that meant taxpayer credits weren't wasted on bringing the Fuhrer's three helicopters, area security team, limo, Fuhrer Guard Response Force and all the other things he needed when travelling in a non-TOA nation.
But of course an ILN helicopter was waiting on the tarmac near where AF-1 had taxied to. The Fuhrer was welcomed aboard, wearing a comfortable suit with no tie, with his five Fuhrer Guards.
The helicopter didn't take long to reach the north coast. In the sparkling blue waters, surrounded by a couple of naval vessels, sat the impressive looking Sonne Class Yachet, the Emperor's Yacht. The white behemoth sported all manner of amenities and the Fuhrer had yet to see it up close or even step aboard.
The helicopter touched down on the anchored ship and was met by a smartly dressed crewmember who mouthed 'follow me, sir', his hair being tossed about in the helicopters rotor downwash.
Once inside the Yacht the crewman welcomed the Fuhrer and he dismissed his Guards, they would wait elsewhere, the Emperor always had good security with him.
The crewman led the Fuhrer to the room where the Emperor was. The crewman walked off and the Fuhrer stepped inside. Standing talking to each other was the King of Cotland and the Emperor himself. They smiled upon seeing the Fuhrer, and they all shook hands warmly. The Fuhrer greeted each of them, "How are you my friends?"
12-04-2007, 15:53
OOC: Now that's a pretty darn good system Spiz...
12-04-2007, 15:59
Secret IC, Test flight of the MiG-71
The engines began a lulled roar, very quite compared to even the stealthiest of fighters. The black paint shinned dully in the sun as the plane made its way out onto the runway. It was a secluded area, in the central of the republics and so this flight would remain the tightest kept secret in the USR. It was the first time an officially made USR plane would take off and fly, the first time to see if soviet engineers had what it took to develop weapons like this. And so they waited as the pilot inched the plane outwards then was given the go ahead and pushed the throttle out. The plane began a loud roar, this would be the loudest it would sound as it screamed forward and lifted its nose up then its tail followed. The plane was airborne and the many military officials and engineers let their breaths go.
The plane had left the runway with relative ease and the pilot was now taking it up into the sky for its second test. Once at the right altitude he would begin to spin it, twist it around and turn tightly all to see if this plane could match against its many enemies in the world. And as it slowly passed the tests the final would be given.
The pilot began to settle the plane and he pressed a single button on a far left screen that went blank then appeared back with a picture. The picture had on top of it coordinates that were to be followed and as the planes computed these coordinates the pilot flew the plane to the right altitude, low enough for the plane to cause damage to the ground but high enough so that the ground could no fire back. From here he was flying low enough to launch the rocket to the specified coordinates and get the results the team wanted.
With radar running only a small vibration was picked up, a blip of dust on the screen then suddenly nothing as the rocket tore through the air and blew to pieces the listening station. The plane pulled out from the low flying situation and flew back to the runway so the pilot and his plane could be celebrated.
12-04-2007, 16:07
The Emperor greeted the Cottish King with a smile. "As always, a pleasure your Highness. I'm glad to see you were able to make it out here, considering the circumstances. We'll have a lot to discuss but not until everyone is here. Cigar?" He opened up a humidor full of Cuban cigars. On the docks, the men of Force Falcon Team Two stood with their weapons off safety and in their hands. Anyone coming aboard would have to go through them. He led them into the main greeting area of the yacht, a small room with soft, thick piled, tactese nylon carpetting and plush chairs, many imported from Eurasia. Both the Cottish King and the Emperor were seated, discussing their respective significant others, the Cottish King asking the Emperor when he was to be married. He laughed, "Oh I'm too old for marriage." He said with a sip of scotch. "Marriage is for the young. I devote 28 hours of my day to the Empire, I couldn't imagine the arguments I'd get in if I forgot to take out the trash." He laughed.
The Fuhrer arrived shortly thereafter and the Emperor stood. "Ah Fuhrer. Good to see you again. I trust you know the company?" He laughed and opened the cigar humidor. "Cuban?" He offered and they sat back down, the conversation continuing but trailing off further.
The King stood, taking the puffing cigar from his mouth with his left hand while shaking the Fuhrers hand with the other one.
"Fuhrer. It's good to see you again." The King said before sitting back down in the comfortable chair. "You know, this chair reminds me of the one Premier Nasir had in his reception hall during my recent visit to Ankara. You wouldn't happen to have borrowed his furniture designer, would you?" The King said with a smile, continuing to smoke the cigar, sip the scotch offered by the Emperor and talking.
Eventually, the King mentioned, "So who are we missing? The Kagan, Prime Minister Wells, and the Reichschancellor? I doubt that the latter will be appearing today though. When I talked with him last, in my own wedding reception, he said something about a series of assassination attempts on him and other higher-ranking Germanians."
12-04-2007, 18:43
The Fuhrer accepted the cuban and settled into the exquisite Eurasian made chair. A little table sat to the left with a box lighter and cigar cutter. The Fuhrer used both and was soon enjoying the scent of the hand-made cuban.
He had a glass of 20 year old Irish Whiskey and sipped it between puffs. It was smooth, with a bit of an edge plus a subtle finish that left a glowing heat.
The Fuhrer was dissappointed to hear the Reichschancellor was probably not coming. The two Fuhrer's got on splendidly, especially considering their titles were identical, only in North Germanian the prefix was 'Der' instead of 'The'.
"Indeed, it will be a shame if the Reichschanellor cannot come, but in any case it will be good to see The Kagan and Prime Minister Wells, both of whom I haven't seen since your wedding." The Fuhrer held up his glass and saluted the King, "So how is married life finding you, your Highness?"
12-04-2007, 18:52
Fleet Missile Testing Range, North Pacific
The missile that had been fired by the Independance was targeting the decommisioned Vanguard-class battleship Port Royale. Armed with 12 18" Mark 9 ETC Naval Guns in three quadrouple turrets, the two hundred kilotonne battleship was an impressive sight, but it had reached the end of its life, and now was going to end its career in a way far more exciting and impressive than anything that had happened in relation to it during its long and relatively uneventful service life, and there was a squadron of destroyers and radar vessels gathered around the ship, albiet at a safe distance, with there helocopters in the air waiting for the event. Its Weapons systems had been fully stocked with missiles and ammunition to simulate a combat loading for a service warship underway. Its CIWS was set to automatic and its Surface to Air Missile systems, some of the most advanced in the world, were being controlled by remote cable from the destroyer Dauntless, which was stationkeeping with the ship approximately four miles away, in addition the ships were taking a random course through the notional box of the missile range at a speed of twenty five knots, challenging the missiles guidance computers.
The missile was on its ballistic approach vector and was about to reenter the atmosphere about three hundred kilometres short of the target area, but this was not some guidance error.....
The missile hit the atmosphere and deployed a ribbon chute, pulling approximatley fifteen gravities of deceleration for a substantial amount of time, after it had reached the Hypersonic velocity range, it detached the expended rocket motor and deployed its folding wings and MAS PP49 restartable mutli outlet liquid fuel motor, switching its flight from that of a ballistic missile to that of a cruise weapon, operating in the high sub-mach 5 enviroment.
At this point the Port Royale Surface to Air Missile systems became operational, they were unable to interfere with the Ballistic Stage of the missile due to the fact it had occured atleast 300km away, but they were able to use normal missiles to deal with the cruise missile that now approached them. It acquired the target and deployed three Surface to Air Missiles, that accelerated to past mach 4 straight towards the target. But the closing velocity was just to great, and the surface to air missiles were unable to intercept the target with a closing velocity approaching mach 9. (thats a pretty much impossible intercept to make reliably, with things like the Immsdaal or my Deathstrike, you have to mass fire and hope you get it in the storm of fragments) In addittion the missile closed the range in under five minutes, an unheard of approach velocity. As it reached approximately fifty kilometres out, it fired its final stage rocket motors and accelerated to its impact velocity of mach 11.8. This rendered the SAMs and CIWS completely useless, even though they commenced fire, the missile hit the ship less than a second after entering the effective range of the 35mm Gatlings.
The missile struck the port side of the Port Royale, within a metre of the designated point, directly below "B" turret, approximately two metres above the waterline. The turret itself was blown out of its mounting and into the water by the detonation of the primary shaped charge, this also denuded approaching 4% of the ships visible port armoured belt mass. The penetrator then breached the ships "B" Turret Magazine space and struck the volatiles (shells and propellant charges) stored there. The pentrator then exited the hull on the starboard side approximately eight metres above the waterline, after passing through what had been the officers mess.
The magazine detonated shortly afterwards under the effects of the secondary phosphorous incendiary charge. The Magazine temperature sensors registered temperatures in excess of five thousand kelvin just prior to the detonation.
The explosion ripped off the Port Royale's bow and broke her back, she sank within minutes, if a full crew had been aboard, it is doubtful there would be a greater survival rate than experienced by the crew of HMS Hood during its final engagement with the Bismarck.
All of this was recorded by the escorting ships, and ofcourse by any sattelites that happened to be watching at the time of impact..........
12-04-2007, 19:53
The Emperor sat back with the cigar and listened while the Cottish King went on about his marriage when an aide walked into the room. "Sorry sir. If I may?" He interrupted and the Emperor stood and joined him in a small room adjacent to the sitting room. "Sir. The Ministry of Intelligence just picked up a launch warning on a satellite. The angles are bad I'm told but something rose up to the surface and then a missile was launched."
"Has it a target?"
"No sir. It's still in flight sir. This information is minutes old."
"Rose to the surface you said?"
"Yes sir. I'm told by the Minister that it was not a conventional SLBM, per say."
"What else do you have?"
"Nothing sir."
"Report to me when you do and where its headed." The Emperor returned. "Gentlemen. I'm sorry to interrupt but our satellites just picked up a missile launch in the South Pacific. Perhaps from a submarine we do not know, imagry is not yet processed but angles are bad. It's still in flight. Its trajectory is undisclosed but it isn't coming to us or Hawaii, for that matter. My Ministry of Intelligence will keep watching it." He returned to the chair and picked up his cigar and took a puff.
Voronej, Kremlin
Igor was in his Kremlin office looking over the intelligence data on the OA movements. Suddenly his phone rang, head intelligence officer Anton Rozov on the other side.
"Товарищь президент мы засекли взрыв ракеты на севереТихого океана."
Comrade President, we detected a missile explosion in the North Pacific ocean.
"Кто запустил?"
Who launched it?
"Скорее всего спизанцы, мы следим за их движениями, у них был как минимум один корабль в регионе."
Most likely the Spizanians, we tracked their movements, they had atleast one ship in the region.
"Следите лучше, что у нас спутников нехватает? Полный рапорт ко мне через два часа."
Track better, what have we run out off satellites? (sarcasm) Full report to me in two hours.
"Слушаюсь товарищь Президент."
Yes sir comrade President
Igor hung up.
The Russian forces all over the world weren't sitting still. In Siberia planes were up in the sky 24/7 one squadron changing the other, while patrolling the border ready to provide superior air cover for the troops on the ground the Russian pilots carried out systems checks as well as weapons testing with several military polygons pounded by air to ground missiles and phantom VRPB air targets appearing on the Russian air craft displays that were being taken down with air-to-air missile from the variety of ranges. On the ground troops were drilling as they have always been with combat exercises and combat drills going on from dusk till midnight giving the soldiers only 8 hours to sleep. Same thing was going on on the other side of the globe in Mexico and in Yemen. This was nothing out of the regular, this were simply the standard procedures Russian military carried out in the peace time without pausing. The Russians were ready.
12-04-2007, 20:19
OOC: South Pacific (missile launch) & North Pacific (target)...Not sure how you'd know it was them until the missile actually impacted its target or is this post after it's launched & hit?
OOC: South Pacific (missile launch) & North Pacific (target)...Not sure how you'd know it was them until the missile actually impacted its target or is this post after it's launched & hit?
OOC: Yeah its after his post about hitting the thing so its after the actual hit.
OOC: Spiz so what is the range of that missile of yours?
12-04-2007, 20:57
OOC: 7800km at maximum range, and technically its not mine, but my DPR for it extends to Earth II, and im the only one with it on Earth II, so thats my reasoning for noone else having seen it
12-04-2007, 21:03
OOC: 7800km at maximum range, and technically its not mine, but my DPR for it extends to Earth II, and im the only one with it on Earth II, so thats my reasoning for noone else having seen it
OOC: Missiles are very easy to conceal from the public eye so there's definitely a plausibility for no one knowing what it is.
OOC: 7800km at maximum range, and technically its not mine, but my DPR for it extends to Earth II, and im the only one with it on Earth II, so thats my reasoning for noone else having seen it
OOC: Thats quite the range, what is the size of it? Can I see the write up? But yeah sure, no problem, ICly I don't know what it is.
12-04-2007, 21:11
There you go
12-04-2007, 21:32
OOC: Big mother flower but I've always liked that missile. It's ZMI at his best.
12-04-2007, 21:43
OOC: Big mother flower but I've always liked that missile. It's ZMI at his best.
That it is, and now quake before my naval might :cool:
12-04-2007, 21:54
A few minutes went by and the conversation in the sitting room changed several times over but when the aide came back, they all knew that something had happened. The Emperor, once again, excused himself and stood up to speak with the aide, who was the only aide on the boat, in fact. He was a high ranking aide within the government and was privy to vast amounts of knowledge and information since he was, often, in direct contact with the Emperor. "What do you have for me Thomas?"
"The missile has hit a warship in the Northern Pacific. It's a Spizanian warship. It looks like they have a new missile and it was a test of the system."
"How powerful?"
"Whole battleship gone in a single shot."
"As powerful as the Voodoo. Alright thank you." He returned to the sitting room and lifted his glass. "Gentlemen, a Spizanian warship was just sunk in the North Pacific. That missile appears to be theirs and it rivals the power of the Voodoo."
That it is, and now quake before my naval might :cool:
OOC: Where did you buy em?
12-04-2007, 22:30
The might of #draftroom
13-04-2007, 07:43
Kingdom of Pantheaa
Somewhere in Ryazen, 4:00 PM
"What makes the Green grass...GROW!"
"BLOOD!, makes the green grass grow!"
Responded the 300 men of the 762nd Infantry company as they stabbed their bayonets into plastic dummies. The small band of men were just a small portion of the much bigger deployment that included almost all of Pantheaa's combat divisions. Some 200,000 men in all were based near or on the small northern camp. Ironically a camp that was built by Cotish forces for army training when they were occupying this land. The troops were of course preparing for war. A war that would be like no other. For once Panthea wasn't fighting alone...she had allies and strong ones at that, and wasn't going to disappoint them. And for once Pantheaa was on the side of good as oppose of being a rogue
The training was intense. It included PT (physical training) at 5 am in the morning. Soldiers always hate PT! Nothing sucks more then to have to do push ups and sit ups and a 2 mile jog before chow. The early morning after PT was spent in classroom. Identifing friendies as well as enemies, Medical classes, radio classes, as well as how to handle EPW's. It was all a re-hash from basic training. After-noons were spent on the rifle range. Then finally back into the class room after 6 for demonations training. If their is one thing that the Kungsarme learned from its war with COH, is that the enemy has always been and will always be unprepared on how to deal with IDE's. In fact, in the years after the ill fated COH war, Panthean forces have studied and master the best way to use conceal and use IDE's on the enemy's forces. Why go after the enemy on the frontline when you can wreak havoc on their supply line?
But for a every vetern solider as well as green private. The daily rountine would be a blair to them. As of 12:00 am last Thursday, every soldier in the Kungsarme was placed on "Standby" yesterday for what maybe a prologue for WW3. Generals in the kingdom as well as around the world are hundled around their satelite sonars...eagerly waiting to who would make the first move. It would be a chess match that would involve real people and real places. It would only be a matter of time before the phone rang at the Northern Training Camp and the Knight-General gave the "all go" for the invasion. Planes were already lined up on the tarmac. It only take an hour for the transports to file up on fuel and soilders and be in flight toward the north.
Pantheaa's target was Siberia. If the TOA made any kind of military action against Panthean's allies. The Pantheans would move to support Russian forces near siberia.
Panthea would support all allies in Siberia. The Japenese as well as the Russia Federation in repealing any attacks within its borders. At least 200,000 men would participate in invasion to ensure that the land stays within GSO hands. Mostly light airborne infantry supported by fighter-bombers of the Panthean Royal Airforce.
It was just then that the small band of soldiers were interpreted by a large thunder from the east. The sound of jet engines. The men looked to the east and cheered at the lovely sight before their eyes. 12 Sabel A's....which were bought from the Kingdom of Cotland flew low and over head. As they passed the field of men they turned slightly to the north in the direction of Siberia. They already on their way to Siberia. To allied territories to be exact, where they will re-fuel and arm themselves for the first strike against TOA, that's of course if TOA was bold enough to strike first. Having rebuild itself in the last few years, the Panthean airforce was no longer a laughing stock of the world. Equip with Mish 11's and Typhoons (both of whom were also on their way to the warzone) the Panthean royal airforce was a force to be reckon with.
Of course the upcoming dogfight in the sky as well as bombing of TOA foreign invaders would be just an appetizers. The real main course would be the Pantheon airbone troops, including the men of the 762nd who will drop from the sky, defeat the enemy and come home to a plethora of fans and horny woman. The glory is what made life as a solider great.
13-04-2007, 12:48
The Fuhrer shook the whiskey round in his glass. There was no ice in it, just a few fingers of the honey colored liquid. The fumes wafted up and melded with the fine cigar smoke that lingered in the room. His mind was going through the capabilities of the Vodoo, imagining a whole ship just destroyed by one missile. That was a hell of a capability.
"Gentlemen, it appears to me that when the Spizanians gave up Baker Island in the aftermath of their nuclear folly, perhaps we wrote them off as any sort of power? I have no intention of ever recognizing them or anything, but I certainly think we may have underestimated them."
90 kilometers off the coast of Russian Federation Yemenese Autonomous Republic
"Всё готово?"
Everything is read?
"Да товарищь капитан."
Yes comrade captain.
"Начинаем тестирование."
Lets start the testing.
Aboard "Admiral Plesevsky" Grospek class Heavy Guided Battle Cruiser things were moving. The newly delivered Khan cruise missiles had to be tested, they were expensive pieces of technology and the Federation needed to know that they were worth their price.
Seven hundred kilometers away, about one thousand kilometers off of African coast an abandoned Illium class Destroyer was parked in the middle of the ocean, numerous unmarked intelligence ships forming a perimeter 30 kilometers around it their sensors ready to observe the spectacle.
The Khan cruise missile was placed in a launcher on top of the deck of the ship, the final count down has begun.
"Один, Пуск!"
One, Launch!
The missile took off towards its target with VRPB software running in its CPU it was predicted that it would land right onto the mark but only time would tell.
14-04-2007, 03:48
OOC: Just curious here Push how Mac went from saying 20 months to instantly having them?
"The truth to war is to never underestimate your enemy. Always assume he is more powerful than you are and that he knows your tactics. Do this and you'll win each and every time. The Empire has not recognized the Spizanian nation but more because they have never approached us for any sort of recognition nor are we too sure that they don't see the Empire as an ultimate threat to them. We have not recognized the Soviets either but the reasoning behind that stems from their unyielding history as a conquered people and we believe their spat of independence will be short lived. The Russians too, it is only a matter of time for the Russian people. They've been conquered and collapsed many times over. The Layartebian people have been strong for almost eight hundred and fifty years. We've had our share of problems but we're, by no means, a faltering people.
"Gentlemen. I am told that our colleagues from Hawdawg and Soviet Bloc will be arriving shortly. Can I offer anyone a refill?"
Carribean Sea
Mexia Class Battlecruiser HMS Teague
Prime Minister Gordon Wells had arrived via his heavily modified CH-61 Atlas Heavy Lift Helicopter hovered on the rear deck of the HMS Teague as the flight crew monitored the various sailors refueling and preparing the helicopter for its departure. The strain of the long distance flight and change-over, not to mention the termoil with the firing of Smithe was working on Gordon. Soon he would be in the good company of the other nation heads of his closest allies, but that was still an hour away. After his Helicopter was refueled on deck a quick salute to the captain and they were off again, destination the Isle of Tortuga, or more specifically an escort warship located close to the Yacht. PM Wells didn't want to land directly on the Emperor's Yacht, he preferred to make a less splashy entrance. After an hour, the skilled pilot hailed the closest naval escort to allow them to land. On deck of the Layartebian warship, Prime Minister Wells greeted the awaiting military escort and waited to be shuttled to the skiff that would take them to the Emperor's Yacht.
OOC: Sorry for my tardiness, weather was really bad here tonight spent the evening dodging the hail stones.
14-04-2007, 04:59
Carribean Sea
Mexia Class Battlecruiser HMS Teague
Prime Minister Gordon Wells had arrived via his heavily modified CH-61 Atlas Heavy Lift Helicopter after a long flight into Houston Intercontential Airport. The strain of the long distance flight and change-over, not to mention the termoil with the firing of Smithe was working on Gordon. Soon he would be in the good company of the other nation heads of his closest allies, but that was still an hour away. After his Helicopter was refueled on deck a quick salute to the captain and they were off again, destination the Isle of Tortuga. After an hour, the skilled pilot hailed the closest naval escort to allow them to land. On deck of the Layartebian warship, Prime Minister Wells greeted the awaiting military escort and waited to be shuttled to the skiff that would take them to the Emperor's Yacht.
OOC: Sorry for my tardiness, weather was really bad here tonight spent the evening dodging the hail stones.
OOC: Don't worry it's going to hit me just as hard (maybe without the tornadoes) but we're getting inches upon inches of rain and all sorts of coastal flooding. Sunday is going to be a fun day.
The Emperor stood and greeted Prime Minister Wells as he approached the sitting room inside the yacht. "Prime Minister. How are you feeling this afternoon? I trust you know our esteemed colleagues. Is there anything I can offer you, cigar, drink?"
OOC: Just curious here Push how Mac went from saying 20 months to instantly having them?[/i]
OOC: Its called fluid time, thats how most (Mac's too) if not all storefronts work. I haven't said I have received the full load that I ordered yet (10k), right now I only have a few that Im gonna use for testing but say by tomorrow or day after yeah I'll say I have all of em.
14-04-2007, 05:06
OOC: Yes I understand fluid time but you only bought them after seeing Spiz test them and what not so yeah I just don't see how they can apply already. Fluid time does have its boundaries.
OOC: I don't think Spiz waited any substantial amount of time between buying them and using them himself. In any case, yeah I guess I should push the mark then I have them all till say next Tuesday.
Prime Minister Wells smiled as the Emperor greeted him.
"Thank you Emperor, I would love a cuban and a glass of that lovely El Presidente Brandy. You can read me like a book sir, the trip here was a little rocky but alias I am hear to bask in the glorious presence of such esteemed company in a truely magnificently spendid environment.
I would like to aplogize for the recent lack of participation by the Republic, I had a heart to heart meeting with the Joint Chief's of Staff and it was decided before I left for this meeting that Defense Minister Singent Smithe would no longer be employed as the head of our great military. I have assumed all control of operations and I have the JCS working up a readiness plan as we speak. It is unacceptable in my eyes that we could not be actively engaged in this exercise with such high stakes at hand. But I didn't come to rail about the evils of my housekeeping items, I came to learn the methodologies and reactions we picked up from this exercise."
Prime Minister Wells began to draw on his cuban, as he sipped his brandy and took a seat amongst the group.
OOC: Testing right now, will have all of em by start of Rising Sun, all I have to say on that. Why hasn't he used em against me at the Baker?
14-04-2007, 05:20
OOC: Actually I remember reading about Spiz having them ages ago. He could definitely provide the time when he did buy them but I know they weren't on the order of days.
"I'm sorry to hear about the recent turn of events in your cabinet. I am sure it's for the best but I don't think any apologies are necessary. We each have to ensure that our own people and borders are secure first. Without security there we cannot have security here."
Soviet Bloc
14-04-2007, 05:31
Spanning only a little over half an hour, the flight from Louisiana was short and not entirely eventful. The Khagan, Viktor R. Dokhturov, had seen the scenery plenty of times before, but the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean always had a special place with him, mostly due to the region’s crystal blue waters. Nothing in the Armed Republic mirrored it, except maybe the ‘sky-blue’ waters of Minnesota, but they didn’t compare in size or scope. He spent the majority of the flight observing the relatively calm seas below and the occasional warship, or fleet, as they passed near some other nation’s fleet, probably Cottish or Layartebian, as he didn’t recognize the vessels. The flight was aboard one of his executive VC-216s, small and modest compared to his other aircraft, and the aircraft of other nations. But, he preferred on moving in low-key, hence the small executive jet and sparse, distant escort of just two aircraft, both actually F/A-77As, which hadn’t “officially” entered service yet. They flew at a distance of several dozens of nautical miles. The Khagan’s security was never in question, especially with such a massive allied presence in the Gulf and Caribbean.
The VC-216 made a wide right hook as it arched over a representative vessel of the Armed Republic Navy before returning to its heading towards the Layartebian air station on Tortuga, arriving only minutes later. His bodyguard contingent was light, just two men from the DSS, who were, for all intents and purposes, unarmed. On the ground, he met with his Layartebian escort and guard detail, who’d ferry them to the Sonne aboard a helicopter. He would’ve taken an Armed Republic helicopter, but the Armed Republic’s only helicopters in the region were tied up in current operations and unavailable for diplomatic transport. It was only a few more minutes before the helicopter was making its final descent towards the Sonne. Dokhturov grinned and turned to one of his counterparts, ”That’s a damn nice boat; I might have to appropriate some funds for a new fishing yacht… I mean boat.” The guard chuckled as the helicopter touched down, ”Boat would definitely sound ‘cheaper’ to the people…”
As the rotor disengaged and the turbines cut out, the door opened and a Layartebian officer greeted him and his guard detail. The Khagan and the two DSS agents dutifully followed the officer as they navigated passageways through the lavish yacht. Dokhturov couldn’t help but grin and imagine himself with one of these. He was snapped back to reality when the officer from Layarteb informed him they’d arrived at their destination. ”Oh,” he stammered, ”Thank you.” He gave a few quick knocks on the door to alert them of his presence before he opened the door, simultaneously dismissing his bodyguards. He gave a curt nod to the gathered October Alliance leaders before openly greeting the two standing heads of state, the Emperor of Layarteb and Prime Minister Gordon Wells of Hawdawg. ”How might you fine gentlemen be?” He glanced at his watch before offering each of them a handshake, ”Guess I’m fashionably late?” He made sure not to exclude the other two leaders, and gave an acknowledgment nod to the two seated leaders, one from Hirgizstan and the other from Cotland.
OOC- Also sorry for the lateness, we've been waiting for the frost to go out, and it appears it may just do that this weekend so we've been busy prepping for planting.
14-04-2007, 05:50
"Ah it's good to see you Khagan. It's been some time has it not? I'm glad we can see you here this afternoon along with everyone else. It's a shame the Reichskanzler can't be here today or take part in this operation. The Fourth Reich is a turbulent nation right now and we must do everything we can to support them in this time but that is something we'll save for later. Shall we begin in a few minutes? We'll be using the main sitting room below deck as we head out to sea, under the protection of the Imperial Layartebian Navy. Our goal here is to dicuss what happens when Sunfall ends and Rising Sun begins." The Emperor finished his scotch and put the glass down eager to hear everyone's response.
14-04-2007, 06:00
OOC: With regards to Spiz having the Khan, here's from the Wiki article. This is the revision history and I pulled this (http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/index.php?title=Khan_Class_Missile&oldid=199511) from August 1, 2006. He had it way back then...
Soviet Bloc
14-04-2007, 06:01
Dokhturov nodded with the Emperor, agreeing with his statements on North Germania and the Reichskanzler. As the Emperor finished up speaking, Dokhturov was the first to speak up, "Well, I'm fresh off the chopper, so whenever we're ready, I'm ready." Personally, he was quite interested in how these operations would progress from here, especially how the Armed Republic would be involved.
OOC: In any case, there is an unspecified amount of time that will pass between Sunfall and Rise of the Sun, unless you specify it just to be difficult, between those two threads fluid time works. In the meanwhile having 5-6 of these missiles as an initial shipping for testing is not that big of a stretch.
14-04-2007, 06:06
OOC: In any case, there is an unspecified amount of time that will pass between Sunfall and Rise of the Sun, unless you specify it just to be difficult, between those two threads fluid time works. In the meanwhile having 5-6 of these missiles as an initial shipping for testing is not that big of a stretch.
OOC: Actually we do have a time frame worked out for Sunfall to Rising Sun. It's offsite right now but it'll be revealed in the meeting.
OOC: And in case, by Sun Rise I'll have all those missiles
14-04-2007, 15:23
OOC: I don't think Spiz waited any substantial amount of time between buying them and using them himself. In any case, yeah I guess I should push the mark then I have them all till say next Tuesday.
I bought my first six thousand Khan missiles on the 17th of May, 2006.......... I bought my DPR on the 29th of August of that year.....
And do you have any idea just how heavy those missiles are, you cant just strap onto the deck of the ship, a hundred tonne missile canister would most likely fall through an unprepared deck as soon as it was elevated into launch position.
I bought my first six thousand Khan missiles on the 17th of May, 2006.......... I bought my DPR on the 29th of August of that year.....
And do you have any idea just how heavy those missiles are, you cant just strap onto the deck of the ship, a hundred tonne missile canister would most likely fall through an unprepared deck as soon as it was elevated into launch position.
OOC: Thats why you reinforce the deck and thats why I picked the Grospek class to do it.
15-04-2007, 05:53
OOC: Actually the Grospeck class is a small ship really. You could mount them as TELs and get a few maybe 4 on there but you'd need a MAJOR refit to do it. You'd also have to take out guns and most of the weapon systems leaving you with really just a few CIWS. The Khan can only be fired vertically because of cold launch and you'd need at least 20m of space between draft and deck to mount them in the hull if you didn't do TELs. Launcher would weigh probably double the missile, empty because it's made of DU and what not. Sorry but I have to call "BS" on that one. Talked it over on the mIRC draftroom chat session so I definitely didn't come out with this by myself.
OOC: I only had one at this point.
15-04-2007, 07:21
OOC: Just letting you know that you're probably better off designing a whole "new" class bigger than the Grospeck to support the Khan and TEL's are probably your best way of going unless you build the tubes into the superstructure and length the size of the superstructure.
OOC: I'll figure something out, maybe reinforce aircraft carrier decks and convert some of em to Khan carriers, in any case Shockhound II missile that Gospek fires has a pretty good range, almost 700 kilometers.
15-04-2007, 07:45
OOC: I'll figure something out, maybe reinforce aircraft carrier decks and convert some of em to Khan carriers, in any case Shockhound II missile that Gospek fires has a pretty good range, almost 700 kilometers.
OOC: Yes it does. A carrier would work you can put a LOT of them in there and the carrier would need to take a lot to be sunk if it's a supercarrier. That's a pretty good idea.
The afternoon was a beautiful one for the citizens that were left in Yarkutsk. This city of three million had seen more than fifteen percent of its citizens, half a million men mobilized into the war effort as a consequence of Operation Sunfall and moved away from the city. Even though there were constant news broadcasts showing highlights of the exercise, mostly soldiers conducting combat operations with high success and skill, or showing the people back home that they were well and happy and proud to do their to defend their homes, the families that were left at home still missed their loved ones. It had been six days since the sudden mobilization orders came, and little information had been given to the civilian population.
At the outdoor market in downtown Yarkutsk, people looked up from their shopping when they heard the distant sounds of music. As it came closer, the music became clearer and the people could hear what kind of music it was. The sounds of a Cottish military march blazed through the streets and plazas, making people look up and flock into the street where the police were busy keeping the streets clear. The reason quickly became apparent as collumns of battle-dressed soldiers marched past, following the Cottish flag and the band that marched. The men belonged to the HV-Korps, upwards of forty thousand reservists assigned to the defense of the city who had been withdrawn from the city five days ago and not heard from since. Now, they were back and marching through the city triumphantly, smiling as they marched steadfast and proudly through the streets, to the music of the band and cheering from the civilian bystanders. Many saw their loved ones or friends in the collumns of men, and cheered them on.
The parade lasted for about two hours and saw the troops march through the city before they returned to their newly erected camps outside the city. All over Siberia, the reservist forces stood down their readiness and returned to their primary areas of operations to provide defense for their areas. For the past five days, the entirety of the reservist forces in Siberia had trained hard, honing their skills and learning new ones. They had fired hundreds of rounds each, they had blown up stuff with the new weapons in the Cottish arsenals, and they had trained in advanced infantry manouvers. In the past five days, the men had seen more action than they had for the entirety of the past year, and they were better soldiers as a result of it. It had cost the Cottish a pretty sum of money to get it done, but it was well worth it.
The regular forces remained on a high alert in their mobilization positions, not moving away from their positions. With several hundred thousand men available, the Cots provided a credible defending force alongside the Hirgizstanians, Soviet Blocians and Layartebians.
Cottish TV News Report
The images of Sabertooth main battle tanks rolling down a battered field, firing their cannons while manouvering, supported by Dragoon infantry fighting vehicles and Skjold anti-tank vehicles along the flanks, complemented by a pair of low-flying Hammer close air support vehicles and some Reaper attack helicopters firing their cannons and missiles at enemy positions seen blowing up in the distance rolled over the Cottish television screens at the six thirty news that evening. The segment of the Cottish Army vehicles that well and truly devestated the enemy position served as the opening for the news report that was first in the news that evening.
The image shifted to a beautiful female reporter, dressed in a warm parkas with a signal-yellow vest marked PRESS.
"Vi er ett eller annet sted i Jakutja, i det Sibirske Riket. Bak meg øver Hærens tretti-fjerde infanteridivisjon på å nedkjempe og tillintetgjøre enhver fiende som vil prøve seg på å invadere Riket, og som dere ser så kan de jobben sin meget godt." [We are somewhere in Yakutia, in the Siberian Realm. Behind me, the Army's thirty-fourth infantry division is practicing defeating and destroying any enemy force that would try to invade the Realm, and as you can see, they do their jobs well.]
The last segment was complemented by a mock tank that blew up in the distance, its turret flying high into the air before landing upside down next to the burning hulk it had been part of a few seconds previous.
"Den tretti-fjerde infanteridivisjon er del av den andre armé, som er hæravdelingen som er hovedansvarlig for landforsvaret av Jakutja. Arméen teller rundt tre hundre tusen soldater, hvorav rundt førti prosent er vernepliktige soldater som avtjener sin atten måneder lange verneplikt her i det kalde Sibir. Vi har snakket med noen av dem om hvordan de opplever denne militære styrkefremvisningen som for tiden pågår rundt om i verden. [The thirty-fourth infantry division is part of the second army, which is the army unit that is responsible for the ground defense of Yakutia. The army numbers roughly three hundred thousand soldiers, of which some forty percent are drafted soldiers that's serving their eighteen month national service here in the cold Siberia. We've talked with some of them, and asked them about their opinions of the military show of force that is currently taking place throughout the world.]
Next, a pair of soldiers stood in front of the cameras, looking serious with their helmets, SOLDAT-2000 enhanced fighting equipment and dirty uniforms. Beyond the dust and dirt in their faces that showed that they had been in the field and been soldiering for a while, the cameras showed a pair of nineteen year old babyfaced boys. Yet, at the same time, the determination and self-confidence in their eyes showed that these boys were not only men, but also soldiers.
"Hvorfor er dere her?" [Why are you here?] The reported asked.
"For å forsvare vårt folk, vårt fedreland og vår konge mot utenlandske krigshissere." [To defend our people, our country and our King against foreign warmongers.] One of the two answered quickly and confidently, without hessitation.
"En rosverdig oppgave. Kan du fortelle meg hvem de utenlandske krigshisserne er?" [A commendable task. Can you tell me who the foreign warmongers are?]
"Enhver som forsøker å angripe det suverene territorium som tilhører Cotland, eller dets interesser." [Anyone who attempts to attack any sovereign territory that belongs to Cotland, or its interests.]
"Og hvor langt er dere villige til å gå for å forsvare landet? Jeg mener, er dere villige til å gi livene deres?" [And how far are you willing to go to defend the country? I mean, are you willing to give your lives?]
"Ja, det er jeg. Dersom det kreves at mitt liv må gis for seier, så gir jeg det gladelig for mine våpenbrødre og for mitt fedreland." [Yes I am. If my life is needed to provide us victory, then I'll gladly give it for my brothers in arms and for my country.]
"Det samme går for meg." [The same applies for me.] The second soldier said.
"Hva synes dere om de globale operasjonene som foregår for tiden? Hvem tror dere de er rettet mot?" ["What do you think of the global operations that are currently taking place? Who do you think they're aimed towards?]
"Jeg har ingen problemer med at myndighetene viser verden at de ikke skal kødde med Riket. Hvem de er rettet mot? Sikkert de russiske sauepulerne på andre siden av grensen, men det er bare synsing fra min side altså." [I've got absolutely no problems with the authorities showing the world that they shouldn't mess with the Realm. Who they're aimed towards? Probably the Russian sheepfuckers on the other side of the border, but that's just speculation from my side.]
The image shifted to a Dragoon pulling to a stop and the armored hatch in the back opening up to allow the eight troops inside to disembark. The men got out quickly, weapons at the ready and moving quickly into positions while being covered by the Dragoon and its thirty-five millimeter chaingun. As the soldiers stormed into the building, the camera panned out to show the reporter again.
"Som dere kan se så er soldatene våre godt trente, ved godt mot og forberedte på å gi alt for å forsvare oss mot enhver fiende. Tilbake til studio." [As you can see, our soldiers are well trained, well motivated and prepared to give everything to defend us against any enemy. Back to studio.]
Caribbean Sea
"I believe that regardless of how we conduct Rising Sun, the world will be surprised." The King said matter-of-factly, extinguishing the butt of the cigar in the crystal ashtray. "What I'm curious about is how we're going to break the news to them."
Voronej, Tsar Oleg's Square (main city square)
The sun was looking over the main city square as troops of the First Division of the First Gvardia were marching down the street. Hundreds of their relatives and spectators were lined up at the sides. The unforgettable war time classic Saint War (http://download.sovmusic.ru/m/saintwar.mp3) could be heard for miles as its sounds flew over the soldiers, inspiring them in their duty to protect the motherland.
First came the march of the officers:
Followed closely by their subordinates:
Once the parade was over the troops would change into their combat uniforms and their trucks would take them to their positions around Voronej. The parade was heavily televised, Igor Sorov a reporter for the "Pervye" channel was commenting on the on goings of the march.
"Наши парни идут, они знают какова их цель, защита отечества. Котландские агрессоры не ступят на нашу землю. Правда векок за нами, добро ещё один раз должно остановить зло и в этом наша цель, наша отчизна. Котландские свиньи будут остановлены!"
Our guys are marching, they know their goal, protection of the fatherland. Cottish aggressors will not step on our soil. Truth of the ages is with us, the good once again must stop the evil and that is our goal, our destiny. Cottish swine will be stopped!
15-04-2007, 21:40
The meeting room was lavishly decorated much like the sitting room on the main level. Below deck and accessible to both the Emperor's on board cabin and office, the meeting room was covered with tactese nylon carpetting again, a rich colored, soft fiber that could last in excess of 20 years, with heavy traffic, so long as it was properly maintained. There was a beautifully decorated, wooden table in the middle of the room, surrounded by comfortable, high-back, leather, executive chairs. A flat screen television was at one end of the room and it was entirely sound proof. The pair of glass doors that led into it were shut behind them and locked. They were thick enough to withstand many calibers of bullets, at short range. The Emperor's office and cabin were just on the other side of the doors, in a sort of lobby area with more ornate furniture. "Gentlemen. Please be seated. We'll have lunch brought in to us in a few minutes. I would just like to say that Operation Sunfall ends with us. When our meeting is concluded, so will Operation Sunfall. Rising Sun will take over...within one week's time."
With Japanese government collapsing and thus ending its participation in the GSO the 1st Pacific Fleet that was charged with protecting the allied land has started moving. Its heading were the Kuril Islands newly acquired Russian territories a place that the Federation could use to effectively cut off Cottish Magadan from access to the larger Pacific Ocean. Although there were a few spots on the map that did not qualify as Russian Federation territory but rather international waters those spots could be quickly blocked by the massive 1st Pacific Fleet while Sakhalin island and Komchatka Oblast would make a perfect staging point for such an operation. An establishment of a sophisticated seabed Hydrophone system was soon to follow until then the T-0 Tsaplia already started dropping passive SONAR buoys in the area.
In the meanwhile the first batch of 6 boomers already made it to the Indian Ocean soon they would be in position to launch their deadly cargo at the enemy.
The news of the new Russian holdings in the Kuriles wasn't such a big concern for the Cottish. Of course, there was the danger of the Russians attacking and risking enclosing the 3. Fleet, but that was a concern that was easily calmed with a bit of simple computer programming, namely in the five hundred and ninety-five coastal defense missile batteries that were established in hidden positions along the coast of Magadan. Their construction had taken place under the cover of the anti-satellite system and under the protective cover of the Siberian forest that covered that territory, so the risk of the Russians knowing was minimal.
There were two different types of batteries. The first was the static sites, which consisted of a variant of the venerable strike-length Mark 51 vertical launch system employed in Cottish warships in hardened silos under protective camoflaged covers that shielded the sites. The static sites housed approximately eight hundred extreme-range cruise missiles of the types Imsdal or Voodoo, and was crewed by a maintenance crew of some eighty soldiers. The missiles were controlled and fired from the area control center. Around 60 %, or three hundred fifty-seven of the batteries were static.
The second type was the mobile sites, which were all over Magadan. These batteries consisted of twenty-four mobile launchers, each holding up to four extreme-range cruise missiles, twenty-four missile transporters, which carried up to two reloads per launcher, two command vehicles, twenty support trucks, eight APCs and twelve tactical trucks carrying the soldiers assigned to defend the site, a pair of short-range air defense vehicles, and a towed communications array. Some three hundred troops manned each of the two hundred thirty-eight batteries.
All of these batteries were linked up to the sector control center, and a number of the sites' extreme-range missiles' targets were reassigned to the new Russian threat in the Sea of Ohthosk, which was a Cottish domain. One of the first things the Cots did was to deploy a vast array of its own SOSUS-equivalent listening system in both Cottish territorial waters and in international waters, which would enable them to listen to anything that moved in the Sea of Ohthosk. As far as the Russians were concerned, the Cots would respect their 20-nautical mile territorial claim, but not much more than that. There was some one thousand kilometers between the new Russian claims of Sakhalin and Kamtchaka, giving the Cots and the 3. Fleet plenty of leeway in the Sea of Ohthosk.
The Cottish 3. Fleet consisted of some eight aircraft carriers, four battleships, four battlecruisers, six amphibious carriers, and hundreds of submarines and escort vessels, all of whom patrolled the Sea of Ohthosk and the western Pacific Ocean. If needed, elements of the 6. Fleet in Alaska, the 7. Fleet in the Indian Ocean, the 4. Fleet in the Laptev Sea or even elements of the Naval Reserve Fleet of some two thousand seven hundred older warships could reinforce the 3. Fleet. Additionally, the Air Force could conduct offensive operations against the Russians if they started a war, punching a hole through the Russian barrier. It would be no problem for the Cots to deliver a vast amount of destruction to the Russians or any other aggressor for that matter.
15-04-2007, 23:58
It would be no problem for the Cots to deliver a vast amount of destruction to the Cots.
I see a slight problem with this
[OOC: Fixed. Thanks Spiz. :)]
Prime Minister Wells was the first to speak up.
"The collapse of the Japanese government seems to have hardened the resolve of the Russians for sure gentlemen. They are already moving to isolate Cottish Magadan. While I have no doubt the Cottish static defenses would strike a substantial blow to any ship-borne assault on the region, this important intelligence needs to be added to this report. What have your respective INTEL units gathered to share with us gentlemen?"
Wells turned to his counterparts anxious to here there input.
16-04-2007, 15:52
"So, what exactly have we done so far?" asked a military uniformed officer to the room full of other high ranking generals and officers.
"All plans have been made, Kurstrovitz will be asked to give final statements and his official seal by the end of this evening and we will begin the final operation." Responded a man at the head of the long table in the center of the room.
"Then it has not been approved of yet? You know we cannot take on something as powerful as this without approval."
The room turned into loud chatter from all around as the men argued with each other, finally the head stood and spoke.
"Quite damn you! Listen whether he approves or not this council has made up its mind, we continue with the operation as scheduled...Now then, everyone understands?" He asked with a unison nod from everyone.
"Good, commander give the breakdown now." The general motioned toward the man to his right who stood and laid down several papers along with a folder with the words Operation: Dissipating Sun
"Now then, the Cots have more then had to expect a counter measure along the Perm and Kirovian border preparing for any threat of invasion. What they don't know is that we have been transferring very high powered missile assault units along with recommissioned rocket trucks all along those borders. The numbers are in those papers and by nightfall we will be prepared entirely."
The man drew a breath and let the information sink in then spoke again.
"Now, units from the 31st Airborne will be the potential striking force. Once the rockets and missile launch they will be in the skies headed over the borders, it will be difficult for them to be shot down but we do risk the chance of a rocket or missile from our side hitting the planes. Though its something we do not want to happen we have no other choice but to do so, this risk must be taken. Once the 31st drop in we will deploy out 35 of the new MiG-71's covered by a defensive force of 83 MiG-29's which would almosst deplete our air forces of the 29's. This will all happen in the three territories to the west, the northern border will be bombarded with the same force but will not be invaded. That will draw enemy forces from the three territories to protect something that is not in danger."
He once again drew a breath, knowing every word he spoke and knowing what they meant for the future of this country.
"Now once the air and ground have been covered we will mobilize the NLOS-C's for artillery support, we have 320 NLOS systems available after we transfer some to the federation and so they will be used. They will be covered by heavy armor units and mobilized infantry units transporting in APC's. We have set positions for them and because we expect almost all large cities and towns to be crawling with cottish troops and people we will attack those. The targets have already been chosen and so read the remaining I have not told you and inform yourselves. Tomorrow will begin the rest of our days."
(This is all secret IC, please do not pretend like you even know anything about this plan or anything about what is happening. Im just letting your OOC selves know what I will be planning on doing.)
16-04-2007, 18:24
The Fuhrer had settled into the new room and new chair well. It was all well appointed and plush, plus the promise of lunch sunded very good.
The Fuhrer listened intently as Prime Minister Wells spoke. It prompted the Fuhrer and the other guests to dig out their personal communications equipment, in the Fuhrer's case it was a highly advanced PDA-like machine.
He drew up the latest Preliminary CIA Report on the collapse of the Japanese Empire. The Fuhrer remembered that a few years ago this would have been a major blow to Hirgizstanian interests as they were quite well invested with the Japanese. But since their turn to terrorism they had been nothing but trouble. The report outlined who was likely to move in and take what land, and satellite intelligence reported more Russian assets moving into the Pacific to shore themselves up. However, apart from the increased Russian activity the collapse of the Japanese Empire was good news for the Commonwealth. Their prescence on islands close to Oregon was a big problem, now removed and settled as the Roman's would get those islands. Apart from that the collapse of the Japanese might only led the Chinese to become more resurgent in Asia, and the Commonwealth saw no threat in the Chinese, who were largely peaceful and amicable.
Thus the Fuhrer was the first to respond to PM Wells, "Well, gentlemen, the collapse of the Japanese doesn't hurt the Commonwealth in the least, in fact it benefits us by taking away a Japanese ICBM base close to Oregon. As well as this the GSO has also lost a large member with a big military, a blow they may not recover from. So from a Hirgizstanian point of view, the collapse is not such a bad thing. Naturally I will have to wait for more thorough intel reports, but at the moment I can't forsee many problems. The one major effect of the collapse has been to, as Prime Minister Wells stated, sure up the resolve of the Russians and force them to commit more forces to the Pacific."
17-04-2007, 06:00
"The collapse of Japan," the Emperor began, "creates a vaccuum that I am thankful our friends in Eastasia are filling up with significance. The Eastasians are not GSO lackeys and they are neutral to both of our sides, which I have nothing against. I respect the sovereignty of Eastasia. What I do not respect though is the Russian Federation's drive for complete chaos. Sunfall taught us much. We will use the intelligence we've gathered from Sunfall properly and we will be able to surpass in the future. The entire world has thought us ready to go to war, which means they underestimate us and I cannot think of anything better, any weapon more valuable, than our enemies underestimating our potential. That means they will come at us light and pride will take over them. The steamroller they'll feel will be tremendous.
"The Russians are all too quick to go to nuclear annihilation, which is something we cannot afford, nobody can afford that. We have almost 40 billion people here and they are counting on us, as the leaders of the world, to ensure that the world stays unchanged. The Russians have walked away from the peace conference, which is fitting. They'll never committ to anything where they are forced to think. They cried for peace but when our respresentatives sat down they left. How can you have peace with only one side? If they want war they'll get war but now is not the time.
"We have met our expectations and our necessities with Operation Sunfall and it has concluded. We have all met each other and we have worked out the kinks. When the time comes for war we will be prepared, more prepared than our enemies. We will roll over them but we must never underestimate them, not once, not ever.
"Our actions in Sunfall provoked our enemies to thinking we are willing to throw caution to the wind and get out of control. It means that they think too linearly. Our enemy sees everything in black or white. To them there is no gray. Either we're at peace or we're at war. They cannot fathom anything in between nor can they fathom anything below the surface. This will only work to our advantage. Our enemies will not change but we must, we must adapt and we must overcome. Our enemies have seen our tactics and they have seen our gestures. They assumed incorrectly each and every time, which is careless on their part.
"Gentlemen. I raise my glass to you and to the October Alliance. I raise my glass to the Russian Federation for being classic. Gentlemen. Let Operation Sunfall cease and Operation Rising Sun begin. Effective immediately, the Imperial Layartebian Military will go from REDCON two to..."
The Caribbean Sea
The King smiled. The past week had been an interesting one, but it had also brought the Realm very close to war. It was time for that suspense to end though. He pulled out his cellphone and spoke four words.
"Iverksett Operasjon Rising Sun." [Execute operation Rising Sun.]
"Iverksett Operasjon Rising Sun, javel!" [Execute operation Rising Sun, yes sir!] The General said in the phone a few minutes later as the orders rolled down the chain of command. He looked to the Colonel next to him.
"Send ut ordrene til alle enheter. Rising Sun er i effekt." [Issue the orders to all units. Rising Sun is in effect.]
The Colonel nodded and began issuing the pre-arranged orders, typing the necessary commands into a computer. The rest would be done automatically.
At the front lines, the orders were recieved and the vehicles began revving up their engines, soldiers mounted their IFVs and APCs, and everyone recieved word that Rising Sun was in effect. And then, they began carrying out their orders, driving out of the prepared defensive positions and back to their assembly areas for more organized transport back to their garrisons for some much deserved R&R.
In the air, the fighters that had maintained the constant CAP began returning to their airbases, leaving only the normal CAP left near the border to conduct the standard CAP as if nothing had happened.
On the seas, the Cottish fleets that had put to sea turned and began returning to either their home ports or, as was the case in the Caribbean Sea, to allied naval stations to conduct friendly port visits.
And finally, the millions of reservists that had been mobilized for the better part of a week recieved their orders, which stated that they were free to de-mobilize, having preformed their duty to King, people and country when it was needed. There were many happy people in Cotland that day as the reservists returned to their homes.
In short, the Realm went from BERSTAT-2 which it had been on for the past seven days to BERSTAT-5, the normal readiness level. Operation Rising Sun was, in short, the codename for the de-mobilization process of the forces that had been mobilized in Operation Sunfall, the codename for the largest mobilization exercise in the history of the October Alliance and one that had kept the world holding its breath for a week.
The Caribbean Sea
A few minutes later, the King's phone rang again.
A few seconds later, the King put the phone back into his pocket and smiled.
"Operation Rising Sun has been executed by the Cottish forces. We don't expect any problems with the de-mobilization, and my Generals are expecting us to be at BERSTAT-5 again in twenty-four hours. Now it just remains to see how the world reacts. Who wants to tell them?"
17-04-2007, 14:40
Emperor's Yacht
The Fuhrer smiled at the other leaders before picking up the PDA and using the phone capability. He spoke the same words the King had said, except in English. "Execute Operation Rising Sun.".
Arizona and New Mexico
The MTC3 (Military Theatre Command and Control Centre) in Phoenix had been abuzz since Operation Sunfall began. The giant screens covering the walls had been covered with satellite overlays and all sorts of other information the whole time. But now two of the big screens on each wall blacked out and a message in red came up reading FLASH...FLASH...FLASH- EXECUTE OPERATION RISING SUN. The same message would be broadcast across the whole Hirgizstanian Battle Network, to forces all over the world.
In Arizona and New Mexico National Guardsmen, most at staging points around 50 miles from the border with the Russians, began the ride back to their bases. Convoys stretching for miles were seen on every highway and road, and the regular forces hadn't even started yet.
Closer still to the border the Army Corps were re-grouping, artillery was being pulled back and formations were beginning the long trek back from the dusty border staging posts.
The Air Force, constantly flying CAP's and training CAI missions along the border, began to scale down their flights, bringing aircraft back to their bases.
The only COH forces still on their full alert was the BDF. They had simply continued doing their job the whole time Sunfall had been taking place. They lined the border and kept vigil, Hirgizstans first line of defense. They were there all year, 24-7, and even when the Army personnel and Air Force planes had returned to their bases, the BDF would still be patrolling, ever vigilant.
Hirgizstanian forces in Siberia were doing the same as the Cots, which was first congratulating each other and getting things in order to RTB. The demobilization, in all areas, would not happen overnight. The build-up had been the biggest in history, making the Russians and their GSO allies believe war was imminent.
Pacific and Carribean Sea
Hirgizstanian Naval Forces were also to be stood down. Many CBG's turned back to their normal patrols in the Pacific and the Carribean, and Marines returned to their bases. Some CBG's, however, travelled to friendly ports or back to Wilmington, Waikiki or ports in Washington and Oregon. It would take some time for all TOA Naval forces to stand down from the readiness they'd been at, especially in the tight confines of the island strewn Pacific and Carribean.
Emperor's Yacht
A few minutes after sending word of the operation the Fuhrer received an instant message back from the SECDEF in Hirgizstan City. Operation Rising Sun had begun and Hirgizstanian forces were standing down. The Fuhrer smiled, there was a big sense of accomplishment around the table with the assembled leaders.
"Gentlemen, Hirgizstanian forces are standing down, Rising Sun is in full effect and we have moved to DEFCON 4. I wonder, as the King posed the question, who should tell the world? Naturally they'll be able to see the stand-down, but perhaps the TOA, as a whole, should issue some sort of statement?"
Voronej, Kremlin
Igor Stepanov's personal intelligence officer rushed into the President's Kremlin office and placed a grey folder with words "Особо Секретно" (Top Secret) on its front side.
"Товарищь Президент, Котландия и Хиргизстан демобелезируются."
Comrade President, Cotland and Hirgizstan are demobilizing.
Igor raised his eye brow.
"Это точно? Хмм, ладно, мы будем ждать пока все другие члены Октябарьского Алльянса не зделают тоже самое."
Is that so? Hmm, alright, we will wait until all other members of the October Alliance do the same.
"Так точно товарищь президент."
Yes sir, comrade president.
17-04-2007, 23:40
"Council, I have recieved some news I hope you all find interesting. It seems the TOA forces have begun standing down, or as others may put it demoblizing themselves."
"Whats this mean for our plans."
"Only that their Operations were nothing more then tricks to see how we would react, the bad thing is they were so content on watching the reaction of the Federation they ignored the USR's build up on the Kirov/Kostroma border. Of course it couldn't have been better planned."
"...but High General, about those men in Siberia do we pull them back. Do we begin demoblizing as well."
"HA! You have no mind if thats what you think, of course not. These are our enemies and they prompted this attack. Whether they admit it or not they were the agressors by making such a stupid mistake as that of provoking the russian powers. Cotland invaded us and took our land, we gave up because of the GSO's creation but now we couldn't care less. Our great leader has stated that with the fall of Japan the world needs new powers and so we will step up to fill that position and if it means the fall of Cotland then so be it."
The men continued to discuss after pouring the group of them glasses of Vodka and Whisky. In these recent times Kurstrovitz had taken to not joining his military council in these discussions, he knew what was to happen and would rather be the face of the government instead of its sword and sheild.
17-04-2007, 23:46
The Layartebian Military was staging back to REDCON 4, the normal peacetime readiness. Border guard units would remain static and at their posts until all of the forces had been demobilized and the Caribbean Sea was still teaming with warships and submarines, though they were pulling back from offensive strike positions. The "fake" that Operation Sunfall had portrayed was a success. The enemies of the alliance thought war was a afoot, giving the alliance much needed information about their initial assumptions and what not. Sunfall was an overwhelming success and Rising Sun would be too.
Even though Operation Sunfall was over and the forces were de-mobilizing, it didn't mean that the Cottish weren't taking the necessary precautions. The first forces to fully de-mobilize were the reservists, who returned to their families within 12 hours of the orders having been issued. Next came the regular standing forces, who withdrew to pre-Sunfall positions and readiness. In the case of the southern borders of the Bjornoyan Protectorate, the readiness was the same as it had been since Kostroma, Ivanovo and Yaroslavl had been assimilated back into the Realm.
The Border Police, in their M74A1 CMPLVs patrolled the newly erected border fence, which was a double three meter tall electrified metallic chain-link fence with razor-wire on top which stood in a concrete foundation that penetrated three meters into the ground. Two such fences stood as a clear marker at the border with a ten meter "no-man's land" between the two fences, both on a solid concrete foundation. On either side of the double fence, five meter wide and two meter deep anti-vehicle ditches were placed, with minefields and razor-wire forming the outer perimeter on the USR side. The fence itself ran parallell to the border, a hundred meters inside the Cottish territory, with the closest mines only about five meters from the USR side. Serving as an early warning system, motion sensors and motion-activated cameras were mounted all along the fences, sending the information it provided back to the sector police checkpoint.
The Border Police was a paramilitary organization tasked with maintaining the law in the border regions and serving as a first line of defense in case of invasion, and hadn't seen any alterations in its routines during Operation Sunfall. They weren't a really a part of the military organization, but they did co-operate with the military. This ensured that if someone tried to attack the border, the military would be notified almost immediately and the appropriate course of actions be taken.
Further back, out of range of enemy artillery, elements of the 4. Armé were garrisoned in positions which allowed the forces to quickly deploy to the area where they were attacked, providing the Cottish with forces almost immediately available to fend off the aggressors. These forces could be actively fighting the enemy within thirty minutes of being alerted. Additionally, the reservists could be mobilized within four hours, more than quadrupling the number of forces available to the Cottish. Additionally, ground forces could be forward-deployed from for instance Murmansk within 24 hours if needed. Air support was constantly available, operating out of the various Cottish airbases. SAM batteries were also plentiful, providing a thick, over-lapping net of radars and launchers, as the Cottish had invested greatly in the defense of these new territories.
Of course, these forces had been mobilized during Sunfall and trained as well, and were standing down to normal routines, but they had had their fighting skills honed during the week of extraordinary training they had participated in. They weren't expecting anything, but they were ready for anything nevertheless.
18-04-2007, 06:37
Sitting in his main office with officers, the duke laughed when he heard the news
"COH and Cottish forces are demobilizing"
Even before word spread to the capital, the news and other pro-government channels where showing "Breaking News: Cowardly TOA runs from mother Russia". Other news agencies with international audiences show a more fair and balance view of the demobilization.
Being a student of recent Panthean history, the duke was well aware of the cat and mouse game that TOA plays. This was the same alliance that defended Cotland's attack on Bouvet Island..even though numerous investigations by both the previous regime and this one has gathered no evidence to suggest that Panthean forces provoked Cottish waships in the first place.
"Order all troops remain on standby. Send the Reservists home...but let their commanders know that they can be pulled at anytime. Don't relax gentlemen. Don't put your guard down. This is only a small chapter on what is about to take place."
"Yes sir" his fellow General-Knights and Intel officers responded.
"Keep our airforce ready as well. I want that fighter wing that was headed to Siberia to engage in patrols around our southern border."
"Yes sir" again came the response
"And before i go to lunch today. I need to talk to Yuri Hensel. It seems that numerous threats have been made against my life. I fear my life is in danger and i believe someone in our government is behind it. I need the Royal Police to look into this right away. This country is barely stable with me as ruler, imagine the chaos if the unfortunate were to happen"
Wells waited patiently to finish handling the business at hand, when everyone had finished its business with Rising Sun he spoke again.
"Gentlemen I want to point out a scenario that we as a group need to discuss. When Spizanian Forces launched a full-scale satellite attack on all low orbit communication and military hardware a dangerous situation developed inside our combat command. This attack exposed the achilles heel of all current armed forces, the overreliance on satellite systems for lines of communication and command. When we lost capabilities to effectively have realtime data from the UAE, our decision-making process in Stockholm was severely disrupted. Thankfully we had a general in the field that took the reins and handled himself in a manner that showed reserve and caution. In the end things worked out but if one or two items wouldn't have fell into place my forces in the UAE could have been severely crippled. To alleviate this problem I suggest we establish regional joint command centers in all hemispheres we have territory. Should the unthinkable happen and we loose satellite communications again, we will have staff in place in the region to handle such a crisis. By having a joint facility we can further work to have a seamless autonomous force within the alliance. These joint operation centers could act as a hub for our training needs as well as a command center for our troops in time of war.
I would also like to propose we conduct joint exercise training on some level no less than every two years, preferrably focusing the exercises into each region we have influence. This ensures our forces collectively have experience in all terrains and environments that we might have to defend."
20-04-2007, 03:18
The Emperor was pleased with the idea of a joint headquarters as Wells suggested. "That is a wonderful idea. Joint HQs in our respective territories would be a necessity. We should especially hold several of them in each territory, with different locations. They could, normally, use laser communications to satellites and, should it be required, traditional microwave communication but they should also be hardwired and allow for atmosphere radio transmissions. That bit will be expensive but it will ensure that, should the inevitable occur, we'll be safe. They can be linked together and to our respective capitals and defense networks, allowing us to communicate with each other, regardless of where we are or what is happening in the world. Naturally radio and microwave transmissions are the least secure but we must maintain them in the event of a war. If our enemy has no satellites and no ability to listen to our communications as we have no ability to transmit than even these archaic methods will be safe and secure. Naturally, they should all be linked to a central hub as well."