Parteners needed! Major *secret* project!
To: The nations of the world
From: The Osteian goverment
The Osteian goverment wishes to aquire some new parteners in a project we are currently working on. The programm will take place in Osteia under the supervision of members from each of our parteners designers/guards and heads of the project, everything will be equal.
The requirements being,
1. Defence budget is quite high
2. Willing to participate without question (Once details have been reveiwed)
3. That your nation is fairly large (Not to exclude smaller nations, but money is the key factor here)
4. Willing to participate till the projects end (If not it will disrupt production)
It's simple, and the outcome of this project will benifit everyone involved when it is complete.
All nations interested that will consider accepting the terms reply. If you cheak off after you reply then a message (Via Telegram) will go out immeaditly). IF you are rejected you will be informed.
Thank you,
Minister of defence,
Micheal Harvey
I may be interested do i meet you're requirements ?
pop-387 million
defense budget-36%
I may be interested do i meet you're requirements ?
pop-387 million
defense budget-36%
To: Gataway
From: Osteia
Accepted, you shall receive a message (Via telegram) in five minutes.
28-03-2007, 18:15
Population: 1,606,000,000
Defense Budget (Planning To Increase) : 27%
Is this acceptable?
Population: 1,606,000,000
Defense Budget (Planning To Increase) : 27%
Is this acceptable?
To: Grimwolf
From: Osteia
Everything cheaks off for you but your not very active, if you intend to be let us know and we shall take it into consideration at once,
Thank you
Official Imperial Response
The empire finds this project quite intriguing and could serve to be most beneficial to the Empire and therefor will support this en devour
Official Imperial Response
The empire finds this project quite intriguing and could serve to be most beneficial to the Empire and therefor will support this en devour
To: Gataway
From: Osteia
We thank you for your participation in this project and it will be most beneficial to all those involved. If you could please let us know how much you will be putting into the production of this project that would be great.
We look foward to working with you,
signed, Minister of defence,
Micheal Harvey
28-03-2007, 18:38
Vaguely interested, but naturally we are unwilling to commit to anything without full details.
Official Imperial message Gatawan Armament and Defense ministries
Upon receiving approval from the emperor the empire is devoting 1/2 of its defense budget for 3 months towards this project as well as devoting 1/3 of the arms factories towards research and development for 5 months unless conflict arises..Also several prized engineers have been conscripted into working on the project for its duration
Vaguely interested, but naturally we are unwilling to commit to anything without full details.
From: Osteia
Prepare for a telegram in afew minutes, you cheak off and meet all requirements for this programm.
Thank you,
Signed, Minister of Defence
Micheal Harvey
Vaguely interested, but naturally we are unwilling to commit to anything without full details.
OOC: TG has been sent, i await your reply....
Also Gataway...cheak TG's
St Samuel
28-03-2007, 19:06
The Kingdom of St Samuel is somewhat intrested.
Population: 1.374 billion
Defence Budget: Large
The Kingdom of St Samuel is somewhat intrested.
Population: 1.374 billion
Defence Budget: Large
To: St. Samuel
From: Osteia
It appears as if you are not very active on NS (Given your number of posts), do you intend to be more active in the future?
Signed, Minister of defence
Micheal Harvey
Pan-Arab Barronia
28-03-2007, 20:42
The Authoritative Nation of Pan-Arab Barronia is interested in this project of yours.
Defence Budget: $3,905,364,347,460
We'll be willing to sacrifice half of our budget for 4 months toward this project, in return for a guarantee of major returns when the project is completed.
Population: 4.542 billion
28-03-2007, 21:07
I would do this but i'm currently hosting peace talks at the moment. Which that will take up quite a bit of my time.
St Samuel
28-03-2007, 23:58
To: St. Samuel
From: Osteia
It appears as if you are not very active on NS (Given your number of posts), do you intend to be more active in the future?
Signed, Minister of defence
Micheal Harvey
Yes, we are going to be more active from now on.
we need the JTAT in the world war 3 please come soon
Official Statement of the Federation of Oslea
We are interested in this program, are we too late to participate? Our nation has over 1 billion people, and our defence budget is currently at 19%, but there aren't many nations with a better economy then us. We spend over $1 trillion on defence. Please reply to our request to participate as soon as you can.
Markus Bennett
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Nuevo Italia
29-03-2007, 01:13
Nuevo Italia - 360 Million
Defence Budget - 23%, around 2 trillion USD
The PeoplesFreedom
29-03-2007, 01:17
The Peoples Freedom:
3 billon
defense budget: 30 trillion