NationStates Jolt Archive

possible threat found

27-03-2007, 22:26
There was a nazi stand planned for today but was fortunetly stopped but some public people have said this might be the beginning of a upcoming incedent. They are suggesting there might be an upcoming nazi rally and there is the possibility there might be another holocoust. At any chance this happens Greston is calling upon the world to help put an end to it.
27-03-2007, 22:36
Open Statement from Lord Titon, Head of Kolvokian Ministry for Foreign Affairs Regarding Developments in Greston

Rest assured, should your nation be subject to an uprising of the disgusting or deluded fanatics who purport themselves to be National Socialists, Kolvokia will be glad to render unto you whatever aid we shall be able to in order to put down the aforementioned uprising.
27-03-2007, 22:41
While we disagree with Fascim, we will condemn any move by Greston to do any "genocide" of undesirable ideologies, including fasicm or national socialism, unless the fasicsts pose an actual, milistraitic threat. We do believe in freedom of speech and assembly...and we do not believe a protest or a rally counts as justification for such a crime that, ironically, the fasicists has been accused of doing themselves.
27-03-2007, 22:47
Comentary from random foreign office official caught by a CFPM reporter working on a documentary about the rise of an international nazi movement.

" Well if they want to protest let them do it, as a general rule those members of a free society who feel the atraction of nazism tedn to like feelign opressed and so havign thier rallies banned jsut encourages them. So if you just leave them alone they tend not cause much trouble. Oh sure they will block some bridges, get involved in high speed car chases involving members of a rhythm and blues band and overly prolonged falling through the air sequences and shout thier usual offensive nonsense but most people are actually quite effective at filtering them out. Naziism will only gaina foot hold when your antion already has problems and will only get truely powerful when your nation is up a creek without a paddle, in which case you might as well let them take power as they have a track record of sorting out a nation's problems."
28-03-2007, 08:55
Trollskog supports the Fascists and will attempt to stop other countries interfering. Free speech is legal.
28-03-2007, 09:13
"Let them hold their rally. Just have police nearby in case it gets out of hand. That is the true nature of a free country, to let their people do what they want, but keep a watchful eye on them in case they break any laws."

- Random Shazbotdom Government Official
28-03-2007, 16:14
Official Statement from the Honako Commission

We support your decision to halt this Nazi rally. Though we feel as if you are over reacting by exclaiming their may be another ‘holocaust’ as most nations have Nazi’s in their country.
28-03-2007, 16:28
Just let them speak their minds. It'll allow them to vent their frustrations without resorting to violence.

-The Dictator of Darkana