A New Face For The Golden Bunny [Open, All Tech]
Official Announcement of the Cute Bunny Burger Corporation
For many years, while the CBBC has been seen by many as one of the fastest growing service industry company in the world – a title which is likely undeserved by us – we have not been welcome in many nations where populace does not like fast food, and perhaps even bans it outright.
But today, the CBBC opens a new chain of locations – a chain that is directed towards those young people that do not necessarily like fast food. We present, with no further ado, the Cute Bunny Café – a world-wide system of cafés oriented towards the young – university students, teenagers, and so forth.
While quality coffee and tea are already available in practically any CBBC branch where this is legal, the Cute Bunny Café chain will now orient itself fully towards coffee and tea (yes, before you ask, Cute Bunny Burger Corporation is a licensed Stossel Tea distributor!), as well as quality cakes with lots – and we mean lots – of chocolate in them!*
We are pleased to announce to our shareholders that the CBBC is already operating 100 Cute Bunny Cafés in Liberty-City.
Thank you all – and may the sun never set on the Golden Bunny!
*Different kinds of cake are actually available.
OOC: As with my other corporate threads, just post how many of the café’s are opened in your nation. Most of the café’s are going to be operated on the franchise system rather then owned by CBBC. If you want to post some form of criticism of the Bunny, go for it.
Notes on the Coffee: It is good, better then, say, Starbucks, but not OMFG AMAZING, except for the really expensive brands, which, being OMG EXPENSIVE, are of course much better.
27-03-2007, 12:50
You are welcome to go into Swilatia, and open a test-run of 100 branches.
Official Wagdoggie Offer to The Golden Bunny Cafe Chain
Although I may be both a communist and a were-tigress, and off to Alexandrian Ptolemais soon for their trade conference so that "Market Socialism" can get good representation as a school of economic thought besides; I can say that a test run of 1,500 branches (100 each for our thirteen state capitals and their metropolitan areas, plus an extra 100 for the capital Tailville DR and our second-largest city Port Butsky) would be easily allowed. Since time is indeed money, your required staff may arrive as soon as convenient and begin setting up the necessary construction and hiring immediately.
In fact, any need for authorization is really perfunctory just so long as corporate taxes are paid and unionization rights are respected; come on in I say! Unlike some other "Reds" out there, we're serious when we say that "loyal capitalists" exist and private enterprise is fine just so long as the State can compete fairly, in the same free-and-fair market as everyone else. And if the market will support this trial opening, as I believe it will since we have many enterprising young intellectuals and rising businessmen (State or Private sector) who need a better cafe, then who knows how much our two countries can stand to profit together in this venture by supplying said affluent demand?
Sincerely and Eagerly,
Celine Longtail
Deputy Party Secretary, Wagdoggie People's Revolutionary Party
Secretary of Commerce, United Socialist States of Wagdog
Balkan Peoples
27-03-2007, 14:53
You have our permission to set up three franchises in our capital. If they are successful, we will consider allowing more in our other cities.
27-03-2007, 15:13
Skibereenian Minister of Commerce
The track record of CBBC is outstanding. Popular, and healthy(well, meeting actually cleaniless standards consistantly) makes the CBBC's new venture must welcomed in Skibereen, to add to this that an opportunity for it to expand by way of franchise makes more appealing to Skibereenian small business owners.
One a slight matter of legality.
It is against the law for any establishment in the nation of Skibereen which operates under the name(s);Bar, Public House, Pub, Commons, Common House, Bar and Grill, Bistro, Coffee House, Shoppee(where prepared food is sold), Shop(where prepared food is sold), Lounge, Grotto, Pit, Hut, Den, or any other commonly accepted designation of an establishment which specializing in gourmet/specialized/customized food and/or beverages to not serve alcoholic beverages.
We hope that this issue will not be a sticking point.
We welcome a seed group of CBC's of 5000, but they must upon the first open business day sell some type of alcoholic beverage.
The Sith Clan
27-03-2007, 15:21
The Sith Clan government welcomes this company into their lands. Government officials (who are not controlled by other corporations) voted on it and no more than 50 cafes, untill it is seen to be profitable.
ooc: let it be known that the incredibly greedy [and incredibly in-control] Sith Foods corporation controls 99.9% of all food businesses in the Sith Clan.
This will either effect you in a way that the people want a new type of food, or cofee whatever, and it ends up being very profitable, or the people will be afraid to try new things.
Message to Skibereen
The alcohol will be provided. Are there specific kinds required, or are beer, vodka, and champagne fine with you?
Status Report:
Allanea – 100 branches
Swilatia – 100 branches
Wagdog - 1,500 branches
Skibereen – 5,000 branches
The Sith Clan – 50 branches
Balkan Peoples – 3 branches
Total: 6,753 branches
West Ariddia
29-03-2007, 12:52
Businesses are freely encouraged to set up in West Ariddia. We're pleased to report the Cute Bunny Café now operates 67 cafés throughout West Ariddia, and is flourishing.
The Sith Clan
29-03-2007, 13:04
Upon the opening of the 50 Bunny cafes a huge crowds rushed in each and everyone of them.
"The food just taste so much more real than Sith Foods!" exclaimed Maria Miller, manager of the Sith Foods Korriban (capital) branch of the El Armora Franchise. (Sith Foods controls many franchises)
This looks to be a very profitible venture.
Tika Vanu
29-03-2007, 13:19
http://www.nationstates.net/images/flags/uploads/tika_vanu.jpg http://img235.imageshack.us/img235/4855/tvsealsmsy5.gif
Statement: Ministry of Commerce
on: the issue of establishing CUTE BUNNY CAFE commerces in Tika Vanu MCR.
The Most Catholic Republic, wishing to encourage free enterprise within the respect of our laws temporal and spiritual,
AUTHORISES the enterprise known as "CUTE BUNNY CAFE" (origin: ALLANEA) to open four (4) cafés in the Most Catholic Republic of Tika Vanu. Conditions follow. That:
* All employees are to be dressed modestly.
* All cafés shall comply with compulsory Sunday rest day, and shall not open at any time on a Sunday.
* No alcohol is to be served, with the exception of kava (one cup per customer per day) and wine (one glass per customer per day).
May God bless Tika Vanu.
29-03-2007, 17:23
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
We have reviewed your application for opening up your business in Leafanistan, and we have approved it.
We hope your franchise does well in the Glorious Republic.
Status Report:
Allanea – 100 branches
Swilatia – 100 branches
Wagdog - 1,500 branches
Leafanistan - 1,000 branches
Skibereen – 5,000 branches
Western Arridia - 67 Branches
The Sith Clan – 50 branches
Tarasovka - 200 branches
Balkan Peoples – 3 branches
Total: 8,020 branches
30-03-2007, 23:45
After a recent count, 250 Cute Bunny Cafes have benn found in Swilatia.
OOC: just to beat west arridia him/herself to it, it's "west ariddia" not "western ariddia".
31-03-2007, 00:02
You're free to open up shop in Cookesland
West Ariddia
31-03-2007, 15:04
Western Arridia - 67 Branches
OOC: It's West Ariddia, not Western Ariddia. The latter would refer to the geographically western area / islands of the PDSRA, whereas West Ariddia is a sovereign nation. There are 67 branches in West Ariddia, but none in western Ariddia.
Tika Vanu
14-05-2007, 12:22
OOC: Any news on establishing the Cute Bunny Cafés in Tika Vanu?
14-05-2007, 20:32
400 in Swilatia.
The Silver Sky
14-05-2007, 21:40
[Official Message]
Yum Yum Food Services Inc.
After the great sucess of both CBBC franchise and Church's Chicken within our nation, people have been asking for more of a cafe type resturant, we expect demand to be in the billions of people.
Thus we would like to open 1,000 Cute Bunny Cafés within the next four months throughout the nation, and pending sucess, possibly open 10x as many. We hope this is acceptable
Jennings B. Williams
CEO Jennings B. Williams
Yum Yum Food Services Inc.
14-05-2007, 23:11
C-TV CityNews
As the last of those bloody annoying mobile phone ringtone ads finished, a young Asian woman appeared on the television screen.
"Hello and welcome back. I'm Kristi Walcott, C-TV CityNews", she said with a hearty smile.
"Today, I'm here in 3rd Western Boulevard's Eos Mega Mall, where Northland's one-hundredth and twenty-thousandth Cute Bunny Café has just been opened to business. Mister Grasse...", she turned her attention towards a bald, slightly chubby man in his forties, dressed in casual business attire.
"You are the president of Eos Corporation's Cute Bunny Café-division, how are you today?"
- "Fine, fine. Especially fine on a day like this."
"One-hundred and twenty-thousand cafés and growing. Quite a success story?"
- "Well, yes. But we are not anywhere near a leading market share", he smiled nervously. "Yet. It's a highly competitive market out there but the public reception has been good."
"Despite the success in Northland, Mister Grasse, are you worried about global... stagnation of CBC development? Only a little under ten-thousand branches globally when excluding Northland."
- "Well, it is a bit... unusual, so to say", he said, while wrinkling his forehead like always when someone reminded him about this fact.
One hundred branches in Allanea! Jesus... Only one hundred, he thought, biting his lower lip. Someone ought to kick the Allanean executives in the head with a fucking iron boot! Or for that matter, executives in nearly every other country claiming a free economy.
OOC: 120,000 branches = one Cute Bunny Café per approx. 61,300 people. Compare this to Starbucks in the US, it's approx. one Starbucks per 32,000 people.
Status Report:
Allanea – 100 branches
Swilatia – 100 branches
Wagdog - 1,500 branches
Leafanistan - 1,000 branches
Skibereen – 5,000 branches
Western Arridia - 67 Branches
The Sith Clan – 50 branches
Tarasovka - 200 branches
Balkan Peoples – 3 branches
Barentsburg - 160,000 branches
Total: 168,020 branches
Bureau of Market Analysis, Ministry of Economic Development
Market demand estimates provided to us from the Ministry of Economic Development as well as several commodity firms and the Coffee Growers' Association of Vetalia suggest we will eventually be able to support up to 40,000 of your stores.
In addition, we'd like to encourage your company to make its stores as bright and as inviting as humanly (or inhumanly) possible. Ever since that spy movie From Vetalia With Love came out, it seems clear that many foreigners see our cities as humid, hot, and politically charged places focused more on finance, geopolitics and technology than fun and relaxation.
Obviously, supporting a chain like The Golden Bunny would do well to reverse such an impression. Maybe we can get Kosyachenko to do a commercial...but I digress.
Quaestor Vasily Alekseev, Bureau of Market Analysis
15-05-2007, 03:14
Dear Sir/Madam:
The Commonwealth of Australonesia would like to open ten thousand (10,000) Cute Bunny Cafés within our nation's borders. Pending their success in the Australonesian economy and their demand, the Commonwealth would not be opposed to openning up to four times as many franchises.
Yours Faithfully,
Howard Allistair,
Minister of Trade,
Her Majesty's Commonwealth Government
15-05-2007, 11:58
Status Report:
Allanea – 100 branches
Swilatia – 100 branches
Wagdog - 1,500 branches
Leafanistan - 1,000 branches
Skibereen – 5,000 branches
Western Arridia - 67 Branches
The Sith Clan – 50 branches
Tarasovka - 200 branches
Balkan Peoples – 3 branches
Barentsburg - 160,000 branches
Total: 168,020 branches
There should be 400 in Swilatia now. You did not even change it to 250, which was a while ago.
400 in Swilatia.
The Silver Sky
15-05-2007, 21:08
OOC: Don't forget about me.
Status Report:
As the CEO of Cute Bunny Burger, Incorporated and Cute Bunny Cafe, Incorporated, I am happy to provide my esteemed shareholders with periodic reports of the state of our company. Recently, the Cute Bunny Cafe product has sold particularly well, with over 200,000 new franchises established world wide. Interestingly, the appeal of this new product is rather limited in Allanea, where only 1,000 branches exist to this day.
However, we assure you that this line of products will not continue in obscurity. Our experts are already working on new ways to improve the appeal of our new product, and to improve our income and the income of our wonderful clients.
Detailed Status Report:
Allanea – 1,000 branches
Balkan Peoples – 3 branches
Barentsburg - 160,000 branches
Leafanistan - 1,000 branches
Skibereen – 5,000 branches
Swilatia – 400 branches
Tarasovka - 200 branches
The Silver Sky – 1,000 branches
The Sith Clan – 50 branches
Vetalia - 40,000 branches
Wagdog - 1,500 branches
Western Arridia - 67 Branches
Total: 210,220 branches
12-06-2007, 15:07
Official Calizorinstani Offer to The Golden Bunny Cafe Chain:
We offer the Golden Bunny Cafe Chain to open 1,000 branches in Calizorinstan, 2 for each major capital of states, and 1 for every major town.
John Woo
Department of Economics
That's what we'll do.
~~The Cute Bunny Burger Corporation
New Nicksyllvania
12-06-2007, 18:39
The Nicksyllvanian Empire wishes to triple the number of CBBC franchises located in our nation due to massive popular demand. The Imperial Bank will be offering loans with low 2% interest rates to those seeking to start a branch, and continuous growth will be unrestricted.
His Majesty's Loyal Servent, Rambert Bossmann, Lord Chancellor of Agriculture - Distribution Branch
12-06-2007, 19:03
The Imperial Republic of New Vantania welcomes the Cute Bunny Cafe into our nation, and as part of the Foreign Investment Bill of '06 the first one hundred establishments shall be paid for by the government. You shall be allowed to expand freely into the Imperial Republic.
OOC: Lets assume I've already got your fast food restraunts in my nation.
Detailed Status Report:
Allanea – 1,000 branches
Balkan Peoples – 3 branches
Barentsburg - 160,000 branches
Leafanistan - 1,000 branches
Skibereen – 5,000 branches
Swilatia – 400 branches
Tarasovka - 200 branches
The Silver Sky – 1,000 branches
The Sith Clan – 50 branches
Vetalia - 40,000 branches
Wagdog - 1,500 branches
Western Arridia - 67 Branches
Calizornistan - 1,000 branches
New Nicksylvania - 8,600 branches
Vontanas - 200 branches
Total: 220,020 branches