26-03-2007, 02:06
Coat of Arms
Official Flag
The Czechalprussian Empire
Government Style: Constitutional Monarchy
Population: 2,000,000
Capital: Chernobyl
Military: 1.7% Drafted
Ethnicity: Russian/Serbian
Currency: Ruble
Originally founded in 1507 by Eastern European Nomads as a homeland for which they could flee to, it was known as Czechcerbia.
The Czechalprussian Empire was created on October 7th 1756. Although the nation is rather old it has remained small in size and population. The Empire was founded by Mikhail Vejouslavic and various other leaders. Mikhail was established as the Empire's Czar for the remainder of his life.
Ethnically Czechalprussia is majority Russian and Serbia while there are German and Polish minorities. There has been in the past race riots with middle eastern minorites.
The Czechalprussian Empire does have constitution that allows life,liberty and property not to be taken away in times of peace. This can be suspended in times of war.
Geographically Czechalprussia is a easy land to invade because of the flat terrain and has been invaded multiple time in the past, its soldiers are extremely tough fighters and will fight to the last man. This has prevented Czechalprussia from being conquered in the past.
Czechalprussia have very few natural resources except the large amount of fish in its waters. Vodka is its number one export.
Coat of Arms
Official Flag
The Czechalprussian Empire
Government Style: Constitutional Monarchy
Population: 2,000,000
Capital: Chernobyl
Military: 1.7% Drafted
Ethnicity: Russian/Serbian
Currency: Ruble
Originally founded in 1507 by Eastern European Nomads as a homeland for which they could flee to, it was known as Czechcerbia.
The Czechalprussian Empire was created on October 7th 1756. Although the nation is rather old it has remained small in size and population. The Empire was founded by Mikhail Vejouslavic and various other leaders. Mikhail was established as the Empire's Czar for the remainder of his life.
Ethnically Czechalprussia is majority Russian and Serbia while there are German and Polish minorities. There has been in the past race riots with middle eastern minorites.
The Czechalprussian Empire does have constitution that allows life,liberty and property not to be taken away in times of peace. This can be suspended in times of war.
Geographically Czechalprussia is a easy land to invade because of the flat terrain and has been invaded multiple time in the past, its soldiers are extremely tough fighters and will fight to the last man. This has prevented Czechalprussia from being conquered in the past.
Czechalprussia have very few natural resources except the large amount of fish in its waters. Vodka is its number one export.