Global Stability Organization [Earth II]
Since the fall of Voronej Cooperation Organization the world has been unipolar with the TOA being one ultimate axis of power on our planet. If peace and stability are to exist in our world this can not be. A stable, bi-polar world must be established in order to ensure that earth is not controlled by one alliance block and that the interests of all nations are protected. As such Russian Federation like it has so many times before has decided to take action. We the people of the Russian Federation and myself personally invite all nations who do not find this uni-polarity to be beneficial to unite under the banner of the Global Stability Organization. We will allow delegates from any willing nation to come to Voronej and discuss with us issues such as the neccessity of GSO to the stability of the world. If we do nothing we all fail, so the strong must act.
Igor Stepanov,
President of Russian Federation
Global Stability Organization Charter:
I. The members of the GSO upon joining pledge to support each other against armed intrusions of any nation or alliance on the territory of the GSO member.
II. The members of the GSO will not be obligated to aid a member nation in the case that a member nation is the aggressor in the conflict.
III. The members of the GSO will support the government a member nation was under during the signing of the charter in case of a revolution inside of the member nation.
IV. The members of the GSO pledge to not attack each other under and circumstances and resolve whatever issues through diplomatic means.
V. Any member of the GSO may propose to add or remove a clause from the charter (does not include the first 5 clauses that are permanent). The members of the GSO will vote on modifying the charter if need be with an unanimous vote needed for the said modification to proceed.
VI. The members of the GSO pledge open trading relations with other members of the GSO including military and civilian products.
VII. Members of the GSO will cooperate militarily and create a single cooperative system that will integrate all of the militaries of the member states and bring them to a single standard.
VIII. The members of the GSO will have to vote unanimously on a candidacy of a potential new member that can be introduced by any existing member state. If a unanimous decision is reached the candidate nation will ascend to the GSO status.
Pending Applicants:
Russian Federation [Pushka] (founder)
Soviet Socialist Republics [Nerotika] (co-founder)
Pantheaa (co-founder)
The Empire of Japan [Pyschotika] (co-founder)
Somewhere in Cotland
Secret IC
"Russerne har opprettet enda en allianse pakt." [The Russians have established another alliance pact.]
"Jasså? Hva er det denne gangen?" [Really? What is it this time?]
"Global Stability Organization. Hehe. De forsøker å overgå Oktoberalliansen enda en gang. Når skal de lære?" [Global Stability Organization. Hehe. They're trying to top the October Alliance again. When are they going to learn?]
"Hva med aldri. Okey. Vi får vel holde et øye på den. Få over Olsen og noen av de andre som pleide å overvåke VCO. Og sjekk med tolvte direktorat hvordan det går med snikmordplanene mot russiske topp-ledere." [How about never. Okay, I guess we'll have to keep an eye on it. Get Olsen and some of the others who used to watch the VCO over here. And check with the Twelwth Directorate how the assassination plans on Russian top officials are coming along, just in case.]
"Det skal bli." [You got it.]
Vesti News Channel
interview with Igor Stepanov,
Kremlin, Voronej
Natalia Repova was anxious to begin the interview that was to be a milestone in her career as a reporter. The interview footage was to be worth millions of rubles since it was the first time President Igor Stepanov agreed to have a private interview since he gained his post. The topic of the year was the Global Stability Organization, the GSO that Igor Stepanov began and that was to bring justice and peace back to the TOA controlled world.
He entered the room and set on a brown leather chair opposite that of Natalia's. Taking a sip of water from the glass that stood on a table beside him, he leaned forward towards Natalia and told her that he is ready. She nodded and signaled to her camera man, he counted off from five and the
tape started rolling.
Natalia: "Во первых я хочу поблагадорить господина президента за это интервью, от канала Вести и себя лично. Очень приятно знать что наше государство нечего не прячет от народа."
[First of all I would like to give thanks to Mr. President for this interview, from channel Vesti and from myself personally. It is very pleasant to know that our government is not hiding anything from our people.]
Igor nodded and smiled at the camera.
Igor: "Без гласности не может быть демократии. Не надо меня блогадорить граждане должны знать правду это их врождёное право."
[Without glasnost there can be no democracy. There is no need to thank me, citizens must know the truth, that is their birth given right.]
Natalia: "И всё равно спасибо. Я хотела бы начать с главного. Организация Глобальной Стабильности, ОГС...какая цель у данного альянса?"
[And still, thank you. I would like to begin with the most important item. The Global Stability Organization, GSO....what is the goal of this alliance?]
Igor: "Хороший вопрос...севоднешний мир нестабилен, в нём есть только одна всё сокрушающая сила Октябарьский Альянс. Нации которые входят в него...Котланд, Хаудог, Лайартеб, Хиргизстан, Северная Германия и Советский Блок...могут атаковать любую страну и безнаказанно забрать чужую землю. Нету здерживающего фактора и это преводет к страданию и хаосу. На земле должна быть сила которая может сказать стой и Октябарьский Алльянс остановитса. Так же должна быть зона к которой ОА неможет прикасаться потому што если они зделают этот шаг они будут повержены. ОГС создаёт такую зону, нации которые в неё входят будут воевать с любым кто посегнёт на их тереторию или тереторию их союзников по ОГС. Всё это должно быть или нестабильность продолжица."
[Good's world is unstable, in it there is only one all destructive force the October Alliance. Nations that are included in it...Cotland, Hawdawg, Layarteb, Hirgizstan, North Germania and Soviet Bloc...can attack any nation and without fear of punishment take foreign land. There is no preventing factor and this leads to suffering and chaos. On earth there must be a force that can say stop and TOA will stop. Also there must be a zone that TOA can not touch because if they take that step they will be defeated. GSO creates such a zone, nations that are included in it will fight against anyone who attempts to claim their land or their GSO ally's land. All of this must be or the instability will continue.]
Natalia: "Значит ли это что внешняя политика ОГС будет направлена против ОА и в конце концов приведёт к войне между дву мя алльянсами?"
[Does this mean that the foreign policy of GSO will be directed against TOA and in the end will bring a war between the alliances?]
Igor: "Не совсем. У ОГС будут свои интересы, у ОА свои но это незначит што они будут сталкиватца. Цель ОГС сохранять мир, организация будет предотвращать такие не спровоцираваные атаки как не давняя атака Котланда на Советские Социалестические Республики. Тот факт что если такая атака повторится то будет ответная реакция не от одной и не двух а четырёх, пяти наций у которых есть высоко технологичные, хорошо организованые армии, тренерованые сражаться вместе с армиями союзников как один кулак, предатвратит саму попытку подобной атаки. Наше первое орудие будет то што наша сила существует, если это не сработает то тогда мы используем эту силу. Российская Федерация не собираетца прекрощять развивание отношений с Котландом, с Советским Блоком или любой другой нацией в составе ОА которая захочет начать развивать отношения. Если мы по нимаем друг друга и если мы друзья это толко превидёт к ещё большей стабильности и это то что мы хотим."
[Not really. GSO will have its own interests, TOA will have it own but that does not mean that they will collide. The goal of GSO is to keep peace, the organization will prevent such unprovoked attacks as the one that happened not so long ago then Cotland attacked Soviet Socialist Republics. The fact that if an attack like that is repeated then the opposing reaction would come not from one or two but from four or five nations that have highly technological, well organized armies, trained to fight together with the armies of their allies like a single fist; the very attempt of attack will be prevented. Our first weapon will be the fact that our power exists, if that does not work than we will use that power. Russian Federation does not intend to stop developing relations with Cotland, Soviet Bloc or any other nation that is a member of TOA that will wish to start developing relations. If we understand each other and we are friends that will only lead to more stability and that is what we want.]
Natalia: "Спасибо господин президент. Мы прервёмся на пять минут и потом вернёмся к этому очень важному интервью. После перерыва наши зрители узнают больше о внутренней политике России."
[Thank you Mr. President. We will take a five minute break and come back to this very important interview. After the beak our viewers will learn more about the domestic policy of Russia.]
25-03-2007, 01:31
You know the USR stance on the alliance and would like to be presented as a Co-Founder to aide in the beginnings of the GSO. We will begin revising the charter keeping the original intentions intact.
OOC: THis will be replaced with a more official version.
OOC: Check TGs man. Yeah I'll give you co-founder once you're in.
OOC: All co-founders added, all other applicants will first be put into the pending applicants field and voted on than if they pass they will be added to members.
25-03-2007, 02:04
The kingdom of Pantheaa will gladly join in this alliance of economic and military convenience. Having been a victim of countless wars we see this alliance as an opportunity to put us back on the world stage. Tomorrow will be a new morning for Pantheaa. The beginning of the Panthean renaissance.
Although we don't condone the actions of the previous Panthean regime which lead to war with the North Germania, a new alliance will bring order to this world, protect nations from ridiculous land claims, and ensure that all nations get an a chance to have their say in the world community. Finally the people of Pantheaa want those non-GSO nations to understand that you have nothing to fear. I will continue to work with non GSO nations in trade agreements. We support any war against terrorism and drug cartels, and we will engage in peaceful negoations. We prefer peace rather then war, and the GSO grants our small kingdom a chance for a peaceful future.
Vladmier Davion
Prime Minister
Grand Duke Conrad the VI
Ruler of Pantheaa
25-03-2007, 02:51
[OOC: And from the interview with the Russian president, I shall assume that this alliance was formed after the USR-Cottish war. Fluid time is nice. Good luck with it.]
OOC: thx, good luck to you too.