NationStates Jolt Archive

Marijuana Export Now Available in Large Quantities

22-03-2007, 23:30
Today the President of AnalFissure, Alexander Brock made this announcement in an offical AnalFissure commune to any interested nation.

Many large enterprise cannabis corporations line the coast of the decent sized island known as AnalFissure. Marijuana cultivar is one of the prominent industries of this small nation. It is quite an abundant natural resource that is a controlled substance and is available to any citizen over the age of 16 to purchase, and is legal for any citizen to be held in small amounts. With this knowledge, and with such sizable natural forests of the substance which easily sustains the nation of AnalFissure as a whole, they as I would like to extend this gift to any nation whom chooses to ally and open free trade with AnalFissure for a rediculosly cheap price of 2,000,000 USD Per Metric Ton.