Korvian National Market
22-03-2007, 05:50
Welcome to the Newly Opened Korvian National Market!
When you don't feel like killin', buy something fillin'!
How it works:
Basically, the Korvian National Market sells those miscellaneous consumables for the enjoyment of the elite, the many, or the masses. We DO NOT sell any weaponry: however, we reserve for our customers the right to modify our products to BECOME weaponry.
All payments will be extracted from your choice of either the Commerce, Welfare, or Healthcare Categories.
NOTE: Number of wheels per pack will be changed, effective March 22, 2007.
Our Inventory (Many more will be added as time progresses)
Cheddar [Image HERE (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=521535)]
10,000 USD per 100 wheels
Can be ordered in either Mild(Fresh), Mature(7-9 months), or Vintage(15 months).
Swiss [Image HERE (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=12457125#post12457125)]
10,000 USD per 100 wheels
Can be ordered in either Mild(Fresh), Mature(3-4 months), or Vintage(10 months)
Brie [Image HERE (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=12457968#post12457968)]
10,000 USD per 100 wheels
Can be ordered in either Mild(4 weeks), Mature(3-4 months), or Vintage(7-8 months).
22-03-2007, 07:52
The Republic of Czechalrus Consumables Imports Department
We would like to order;
100,000 Wheels of Chedder = $1,000,000
100,000 Wheels of Swiss = $1,000,000
Total = $2,000,000
*Funds wired in advance.
22-03-2007, 19:52
Czechalrus, your order has been CONFIRMED.
Expect arrival of goods in approximately 1 NS week.
OOC: You copycat! Ahh well...imitation is the highest form of flattery :P
22-03-2007, 22:45
OOC: That is one of the oddest set of coincidences I have ever encountered.
I actually thought about setting this up a long while ago, but I never had seen your storefront before. Whats even odder is the fact that we both sell cheese...
While I apologize for this apparent imitation of your storefront, I'd like to draw attention to the fact that, while you sell weapons, airline tickets, AND cheeses, I sell cheeses and eventually will sell wines, and possibly will extend my inventory to other luxury consumables. Luckily, this sets me apart from your Ministry of Commerce enough for me to justify the continuation of my storefront.
I hope that you are not offended by my decision. Great minds think alike, I suppose, and apparently like minds think of cheese.
OOC: Not at all, lol. I was just drawing attention to the odd coincidence of the cheese factor.
22-03-2007, 23:05
ooc: thats a bit high a price for cheese don't ya think?
22-03-2007, 23:13
The Cheif Provisioner of the Crookfur Royal household would like to express an initial interest in the chedder offered, but before proceeding with any kind of order would need to know quite a bit more about what sort of cheddar is beign offered msot specifically is it a mild of mature cheese? and does it belong to any of the 3 main anglo celtic cheddar traditions?
(i.e. is it irish, scottish or english and is it mild, medium or mature (or better yet extra extra mature)).
22-03-2007, 23:31
OOC to Cooksland:
Yes, it is a bit, but this is also being bought by large governments, rather than individual people, so I had to adjust the prices a bit. Depending on the reaction I get from people, I will increase or, more likely, decrease the price.
From the Korvian National Market to Crookfur:
Concerning the style of cheddar you wish to purchase, I have neglected to add on both the reference page and the inventory listing that you may order the cheddar cheese in three different ages: Mild, Mature, Vintage.
Mild will be shipped as the default if no age is proscribed by the customer, since this takes the least longest to ship. Mature cheese is approximately 7-9 months aged, and we typically have a bit of stock of mature cheese on hand to order.
Vintage cheese is typically aged for about 15 months, and we typically do NOT have this age on hand; therefore, vintage cheese will take another 6-7 months or so before delivery, as we set aside some Matured cheese for further aging for the customer.
This note will be added to the inventory list and the cheddar reference page.
As to it's Anglo-Saxon origins, we follow a recipe that is slightly departed from today's 'official' recipe for Cheddar cheese -- for copyright reasons -- and so Korvian-made Cheddar will taste different from Cheddar cheese imported from the UK or other areas.
We are always glad to hear from our customers and prospective customers, so feel free to suggest improvements that can be made to our recipes, inventory, or pricing. Since we are such a new company, we are still feeling our way through the dairy businesses.
Mer des Ennuis
23-03-2007, 01:00
Sir, have you any munster or provolone?
message From The Desk Of The Splik Lord High Envoy To The Dark Regions Of Morbio
Upon The Wishes Of The Peoples Of Splik And Their Honourable Intentions To Rid The World Of Corruption, Poverty And Oppression I Hereby Request That The Sale Of Cheeses For The Purpose Of Weaponry Be Ceased.
It Is Commonly Known Within Civilized Nations That Cheese Presents A Formidable Threat To World Peace. Mankind Has Yet To Fully Understand Its Power, And Any Attempts To Harness This Can Only Be Described As Highly Dangerous Warmongering.
Our Nation Hereby Offers And Requests An Amnesty For All Cheese Holding Nations To Relenquish This Evil. As A Peaceloving And Democratic Nation Our Peoples Would Be Willing To Take The Global Cheese Stockpiles Into Their Care And Protect Our Planet From This Terrible Satanic Spawn.
Let It Be Known That We Have Made This Great And Burdensome Offer In The Name Of Peace.
Agnostio Debollavo
Private Secretary Of The Splik Lord High Envoy To The Dark Regions Of Morbio