NationStates Jolt Archive

The Lost Servants of the Emperor! (FT Intro Open)

21-03-2007, 23:34

Hansia Prime a world that was once part of the Imperium of Man. This lonely world was like all human worlds was quickly incorporated by the Emperor’s Space Marines. The fearsome Adeptus Astartes upon meeting the local inhabitants quickly “dismantled” them of their wayward beliefs and converted them to the true light of the God Emperor of Mankind. This harsh lesson in the divinity of the God-Emperor forced the Hansian people to become fanatical followers of the Emperor. Hansia Prime eventually started to form its own Imperial Guard Regiments calling themselves the Hansian Crusaders for their fearsome tactics against the heretics and other enemies of mankind.

The Hansian Crusaders eventually meet an enemy that was determined to bring down their perfect record, The depraved followers of Chaos. The Chaos Legions began a terrible assault against the Hansian home world attempting to incorporate them inside the cursed Eye of Terror. The unstable power of the warp descended upon the Hansia Prime. The foul demonic forces of Chaos had touched the soil of Hansia.

The PDF and the 1st Hansian Crusader Regiment lead by High Field Marshal Sarin De’Grasse attempted to mount a stiff resistance against the foul powers of the warp. The sight of mass fire tactics and suicide bayonet charges against the fearsome Chaos Terminators that advanced toward the Imperator-Governor’s Palace.

The battle was long and drawn out and millions of Hansians had been slaughtered just to by time for refugees to evacuate from the doomed world. The High Field Marshal Sarin De’Grasse decided to pull one last counter assault against the hated fiends of Chaos. The Crusaders advanced upon the Chaos positions determined to remove them from their world or die trying.

The Crusaders launched a massive three prong assault against the Chaos forces. The sight was magnificent as Regiment after Regiment in unyielding faith in the God-Emperor fought the mutated forces of chaos in hand to hand. The Hansian’s screaming at the top of their lungs, “The Emperor Protects!” This massive assault was well coordinated with Vox channels blaring orders to junior officers. The Hansian Commissars held the faith together by example and execution not allowing a single soldier to retreat. This well planned assault caught the Chaos Legions by surprise and they rushed to send the majority of their forces to crush the assault.

This massive fanatical attack however was a massive distraction for a Kill team to use the diversion to get behind enemy lines. The Kill team was made up of two Imperial Vindicare Assassins and five Hansian Storm troopers of the elite 1st crusader regiment. These brave men snuck behind the Chaos lines and began to pick off Chaos leaders weakening their hold to the massive portal that connected Chaos to Hansia Prime.

The sudden and very bloody assassination of the Chaos Sorcerer leading the invasion broke the connection to the warp portal. The Chaos reinforcements were caught off and the battle was finally going on the side of the Crusaders. The warp storms however did not dissipate and Hansia Prime was pulled into the void….

This terrible fate engulfed Hansia Prime and the Hansians pleaded to the Emperor to protect them from this terrible fate of being destroyed by the ruinous powers of Chaos. The Hansians belief that the Emperor in a moment of mercy and shielded them from the Daemons and other foul warp fiends that would have descended upon their world. His divine power cast out the ruinous powers still on the planet and saved his servants from a fate far worst than death. This miracle came at a steep price and Hansia Prime was cast into the Immaterium. This terrible journey for the planet ended very quickly with Hansia Prime thrust out of it home star system and brought into a completely new dimension.

It had to be a one in a million shot but such is the power of chance. Hansia Prime was luckily held by the gravitational pull of the local sun of the new star system it entered. This allowed the freezing temperatures to reduce back to normal allow the weakened and tired Hansians a chance to rest and rearm. They tried to get a hold of Segmentum Command and Holy Terra to announce their victory over the ruinous powers but they did not receive any communications back.

The Hansians were abandoned in this strange new Galaxy. They did not have access to the Imperium and thus the Imperial Navy and the Adeptus Astartes were no longer accessible to the Hansian Crusaders. The Imperator-Governor Ian Delmorte and declared that the Emperor had sent the Hansia Prime to this Galaxy to begin the great expansion of man into this unknown and mysterious Galaxy.

The Present……

The World of Abraxis…..

The Abraxians were a peaceful world that had lived far out in the outer reaches of the Galaxy. These colonists from Earth had long lost contact with other human systems. This isolation had made the Abraxians more peaceful and they built their technology around farming and exploration. They failed to foresee the possibility of war and violence. This naïve belief would serve to be their down fall.

The 1st Hansian Explorator fleet made by the newly created Adeptus Mechanicus from the surviving tech priests that lived through the great purge found Abraxis by purely accidental chance of the warp. The Explorator fleet immediately sent word back to Hansia Prime that a human world had been discovered. The message was received by High Field Marshal Sarin De’Grasse and he sent the word to Imperator-Governor Ian Delmorte. The Imperator-Governor decided to send an Inquisitor to set up first contact.

The Hansian Inquisitor was sent to Abraxis from Hansia Prime to be the representative of the Imperium of Man. This meeting however lead to immediate confrontation when the Abraxians refused to submit to the divine will of the God-Emperor. This utter lack of conviction and belief in the Emperor forced the Inquisitor to request that a force be sent to subdue the heretic world of Abraxis.

The 58th Hansian Crusader Regiment had finally unloaded all their troops and vehicles onto the world of Abraxis. This 50,000 man regiment under the command of Colonel Larkin began to advance upon the first city. The Abraxians were a stubborn people that had spurned the God-Emperor’s divine love and mercy. They had to punished for their foolish Heritical beliefs.

Colonel Larkin stood before his troops and gave a grand speech, “Men of Hansia, We have been sent here to be the advance force for this great crusade against the depraved heretics that live here. We have beaten the unholy Legions of Chaos in open battle. We have never faced defeat in open battle and now the Emperor himself has charged us with a most glorius task. We are to convert and conqueror this galaxy in his glorius name. We shall advance upon the Abraxian hertics and convert them by our words or by our las guns! We are the Crusaders we shall never fail!”

The men cheered their colonel as he left to take his position in the command section of his HQ. His men quickly assembled to their platoons and squads and marched from the open field outside of their advance base towards the nearest Abraxian city. The men waited as the Basilsks rained their terrible shells down upon the city's defense shield. The bombardment was also added by mortars and cruisers raining down laser barrages from orbit. The shield was easily broken and the Crusaders advanced upon the city with their las guns at ready. The goal was to occupy the city and kill those that resisted this occupation. The religious temples and sights not dedicated to the Emperor would be demolished by the armored columns of the advancing Leman Russes....
22-03-2007, 05:55
22-03-2007, 10:20
Halle Iesu
22-03-2007, 10:29
The Halle Iesu Craftworld's farseers are watching the runes detailing the mon'keigh of Hansia with great interest...
22-03-2007, 12:44
The local Abraxian civilians watched in utter bewilderment and horror as 58th continued it’s advance inside their city. The infantry platoons were leading the advancing forces followed behind by the chimera transport tanks carrying several Armored Fist squads. The Sentinels walkers squadrons were along the each side flank of this force preventing the Infantry from being flanked by any potential enemy forces in the area. The Leman Russ was at the very back to provide fire support

The Abraxians had long lived as a peaceful society that relied on their police to enforce law and order. The local Abraxian police had long suffered tax cuts and less funding to pay for better schools and increase the wealth of the local politicians. This meant the only defense of this city was just a few stun batons and beam pistols. The Abraxian police officers came upon the advancing Crusaders via their patrol hover cars. The flashing lights and sirens shrilled against the sound of marching feet and the churning of tank treads across the rubble of the damaged buildings that had been demolished in the preliminary artillery barrage.

The Hansian Crusaders upon seeing the Abraxian police prepared to open fire with their las guns. The Heavy weapon crews also began to quickly assemble their Autocannons and Heavy Bolters to begin raining instant death and destruction against the approaching vehicles. The Abraxian patrol cars halted in front of the advancing Hansian Guardsmen. The Abraxian police lead by an overbearing officer, a large muscled lieutenant. This foolish Abraxian had the nerve to come up to these battle harden soldiers and demand that they surrender and prepared to be arrested for several crimes ranging from illegal arms possession to property damage.

The Hansian sergeant laughed and ordered his men to fire. The lasguns burned through the Abraxian’s police uniform. His body was burned in multiple spots from various point blank shots through the chest and head. His face and body would not be recognizable from the burned flesh and cooked cloth uniform. The Abraxian police took cover behind their lightly armored vehicles and began to return fire with their beam pistols.

The short and simple fire fight was over in a few seconds. The majority of the platoon laid suppressing fire as one squad of ten veterans quickly flanked to the right of these pathetic resistance forces. The flanking squad struck from the right causing the inexperienced Abraxians to flee or be cut down from the cross fire of the Crusaders lasguns. The Autocannon and Heavy Bolter were up and ready firing at the abandoned patrol vehicles blocking the way for the 58th Crusader Regiment. The Crusaders now took the city quickly and efficiently. They systematically occupied block by block purging all those foolish enough to resist the will of the God-Emperor. The city suffered greatly as police stations and city hall were occupied and became the new HQ for the 58th.

In a matter of minutes, The rest of the planet would be alerted of this attack. The word had spread via communication channels (before they were jammed and destroyed by the occupation force) and from several hundred refugees that had managed to escape the occupation of their home city. The President of Abraxis was alerted of the situation and realized his people did not have a sizeable force to combat these barbaric savages that had already taken one city in less than a days time.

The orbital satellites in orbit had reported that the Hansians had ships in orbit of Abraxis but the Abraxians had never realized that these people would resort to such an attack on their planet. This sudden demoralizing blow would only worsen once they realized that the Crusaders had more regiments heading toward their planet and at least a squadron of Cruisers from the make shift Hansian Battlefleet.
The Ctan
23-03-2007, 00:32
“Nais,” Ranisath said, his inhuman senses allowing him to easily detect the Eldar behind him.

“Ranah,” the warlock acknowledged, dropping to one knee. Officially she was the ambassador of the Tor Yvresse craftworld to the world of Duat and its C’tan master. Unofficially, she was rather closer to him. A C’tan who had once been very different – her reply, a word that had not been heard, in the sideways jinked timeline of the future past from which the Hansians had come, for sixty million years, meaning ‘My Lord’ in the ancient language of the Necrontyr, came easily to her, now.

“You asked for me?” she said.

“Yes… I thought it may interest you,” he said. My sources,” he said no more, fond of the Eldar as he was, now, it was nonetheless on an infinitely paternal and patronising level, “tell me that there’s a new world of people apparently from the true ‘Imperium of Man.’ I thought you might like to join me on a visit.”

“A visit, Ranah?”

“Yes… My… other flagship.”

“Other flagship?”

“The Arkhan Land… You might find her interesting. But I’ll leave it a few days first. Don’t want to appear premature… I might take Maturin with me. Just in case I need to ear-bash someone there…”


OOCness: Offhand, if one’s not familiar:

Nais: Eldar Warlock from the currently non-extant (though the player showed up two days ago, and it should be rezzed soon) craftworld of Tor Yvresse. Her not screaming in horror and running like hell in the presence of a C’tan is a long story. Mostly related to....
Ranisath: Essentially a good, cuddly, snuggly, C’tan. Currently in charge. He was the Deceiver, way back, but a few years of various RP things have altered him beyond recognition in most respects – but not all, as you shall soon see.
Inquisitor Maturin Ralei: A main character from Black Library’s Xenology background book. Yep, he has a cast iron reason for being in my nation. Can’t say more without spoiling it.
Mechanicus Explorator Vessel Arkhan Land: Obscure ancient fluff. More on that later.
24-03-2007, 04:36
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