Vetakan Invasion of The Fighting Stars (Open)
Official Dominion of Vetakan Diplomatic Message:
To: All Nations
From: Vetakan Foreign Affairs
The Dominion of Vetaka hearby formally announces its Invasion of The Fighting Stars in direct response to the Launch of a Nuclear Weapon at Vetakan Shores. The Dominion of Vetaka is not a violent nation and has no hidden imperial agenda. We will not be annexing TFS we intend to remove the current govenment and leadership to ensure Vetakan Safety. The Vetakan Second Battlegroup has been mobilised and will be deployed immediatly. We hope for little bloodshed. All aid in this matter is welcomed.
Yours Vetakan Foreign Affairs Scarlet Rogers
OOC: The Vetakan Second Naval Battlegroup:
- Vetakan 2rd Naval Fleet - 300 Ships
- Vetakan 2rd Army -250,000 Combat Forces
- Vetakan 2rd Air Force
21-03-2007, 19:27
Unlike our Vetakan allies, we WILL be annexing part of the nation. At the moment, it seems to be a 50/50 split with Animarnia, but we're willing to let others who share our cause take some share of the pie. To add to the Vetakan forces, we will be dealing with the ground-based war; a taskforce of eight hundred thousand is currently en route to the unlucky nation. This is accompanied by two thousand Beast MBTs, one thousand Behemoth II HBTs, and five hundred Impact MLRSs whose crew have been taken from the original taskforce, leaving a total of just under seven hundred thousand foot soldiers.
[Check the DMG Military thread for some information on the Beast, the Behemoth II and the Impact, they supply all of our military equipment.]
The Black Agents
21-03-2007, 19:31
With nothing more then the single luanch it was appearnt that the leadership of the nation called the Fighting Stars was a violant and destructive leadership and must be dealt with ASAP. The Black Agents where rare this day and age. They had become very selective of their marks and would only kill those who have a blackened heart. It was so that the Fighitng Stars leaders where infact Black hearted. The Nation would never know they where even there...
Fighting stars Capital city:
The New of the Vetakan Moblization had reached the Fighting Stars capital as it was in every news paper and new channel in the city. It was the talk of the town, as they say. But the town talk was only Intel as far as Agent 12 was concerned. He had a mission, one that promised a bounty of 30,000,000 USD. It was a simple enough target and he was permitted to use force against any Starian Military that stood against him. FOr now he had to find a place to stay and set up....
Helgan Naval Base was the mother of all bases in Vetaka it was here that the quick mobilization of the Second Battlgroup was being prepared soon the Battlegroup would set sail for the shores of The Fighting Stars to remove the oppressive regime and stop any further Nuclear Attack.
The Supreme Commander of the 2rd Battlegroup was to be Chief Naval Admiral Charles Hornblower supported by Chief Ground Commander Ted Harling. The Vetakan 2rd Battlegroup wasn't as big as other armies of other nations but it was well trained, well manned, well armed and well equiped. As the Battlegroup set sail in perfect formation it was such a proud day not just for the Admiralty but also for the Soilders and Sailors they felt proud to be Vetakan.
OOC: I have enough land all I care about is stopping Nuclear Weapons.
21-03-2007, 19:41
After the unprovoked attack on your nation, The Democratic Republic of The Eagleisles pledge their support to you war effort.
Deployed Forces:
46th Infantry Division (A): 250,000 soldiers (incl.. Ballistic Missile Defences)
252,386 Squadron (AF): 36 Fixed Wing Aircraft (JSF, Eurofighters)
2nd Eagleisle Fleet: IES Illustrious (Battle Cruiser)
IES Juggernaut (Aircraft Carrier)
Financial Contribution: $250million
The above forces are at you disposal.
If extra reienforcements are required please contact me.
Grand Duke Telev
The Grand Duke of The Democratic Republic of The Eagleisles
Commisioner of Military Forces
OOC: Your not gonna let that nuclear weapon get through to your capital I hope, the whole attack was just stupid and not thought about and it would be good if the slavery conference could go ahead without a bomb being dropped.
Official Statement from the Honako Commission
We fully support your war effort. Though as much as we would like to offer troops, we feel it is unnecessary considering the amount of strong nations involved in the war effort currently. We hope everything goes smoothly.
21-03-2007, 19:49
After the unprovoked attack on your nation, The Democratic Republic of The Eagleisles pledge their support to you war effort.
Deployed Forces:
46th Infantry Division (A): 250,000 soldiers (incl.. Ballistic Missile Defences)
252,386 Squadron (AF): 36 Fixed Wing Aircraft (JSF, Eurofighters)
2nd Eagleisle Fleet: IES Illustrious (Battle Cruiser)
IES Juggernaut (Aircraft Carrier)
Financial Contribution: $250million
The above forces are at you disposal.
If extra reienforcements are required please contact me.
Grand Duke Telev
The Grand Duke of The Democratic Republic of The Eagleisles
Commisioner of Military Forces
[You've only got a population of 6 million, and a defence budget of 2 billion. You may want to trim those numbers a bit.]
OOC: Honako the Conference is still going ahead im waiting for Strator to finish his presentation and I intercepted the Nuclear Missile
Vetakan 2rd Battlegroup Military Communication:
Accept OBSAT Uplink: Y/N?
The Vetakan 2rd Battlegroup intends to attack the South of the Nation and land its intial Strike Force on the beach codenamed: Blaze. South of the Port City of Stardom. From their the force will secure the Port and Airport and build up its forces for the march on capital.
We suggest a Nation or Nations attack to the north in order to divide the Defending Force.
Yours Supreme Admiral Hornblower
OOC: Honako the Conference is still going ahead im waiting for Strator to finish his presentation and I intercepted the Nuclear Missile
OOC: OK, thanks - I didn't know you'd intercepted it. : )
Official Dominion of Vetakan Diplomatic Message:
To: All Nations
From: Vetakan Foreign Affairs
The Dominion of Vetaka hearby formally announces its Invasion of The Fighting Stars in direct response to the Launch of a Nuclear Weapon at Vetakan Shores. The Dominion of Vetaka is not a violent nation and has no hidden imperial agenda. We will not be annexing TFS we intend to remove the current govenment and leadership to ensure Vetakan Safety. The Vetakan Second Battlegroup has been mobilised and will be deployed immediatly. We hope for little bloodshed. All aid in this matter is welcomed.
Yours Vetakan Foreign Affairs Scarlet Rogers
OOC: The Vetakan Second Naval Battlegroup:
- Vetakan 2rd Naval Fleet - 300 Ships
- Vetakan 2rd Army -250,000 Combat Forces
- Vetakan 2rd Air Force
To: Vetaka
From: Wagdog
We're glad you're welcoming aid this time. With luck, together we can make such an example of The Fighting Stars that such attacks upon you will cease. As is, they've declared against us anyway with their nuclear attempt against Theeb and endangering our delegation at the conference. Here is what we feel is appropriate to commit, considering our ongoing and uncertain war against New Nicksyllvania, and is already underway...
Wagdoggie First Fleet:
2 Ul'yanovsk CVN (one newly-commissioned)
2 Kiev CVS
4 Kirov CGN
20 Udaloy II DDK
17 Berezina supply ships
20 Ivan Rogov assault ships
45 Neustrashimy frigates
10 Akula II SSN
Wagdoggie First Marine Division
~8,000 Personnel
50 MLI-84M IFVs
50 TR-85M1 Tanks
50 TABC-79 Armored Cars
200 TAB-80 APCs
40 2S19 SP Howitzers
40 9K58 MRLs
40 2S6M SPAA
40 SA-11 Gadfly operational SAMs plus support vehicles
40 SA-12 Giant strategic SAMs plus support vehicles
~100 MAZ-543 Heavy Trucks
~200 Ural-4320 Standard Trucks
~200 UAZ 469 Jeeps
Elements from all seven Red Army Air Forces, including 70 Tu-160M Blackjack-B strategic bombers (10 newly-inducted); presently armed with a mix orf conventional cruise, antiship, and antiradiation missiles, and on alert for launch as soon as the fleet is in position. They shall be ready to strike as soon as air superiority is achieved.
As requested, we move out to attack a northern port of your indication. That seized and garrisoned, more can arrive from our mainland to support your efforts; at least one Field Army's worth (five divisions, or a Reinforced Corps in most nations' terms) by D+7 days.
21-03-2007, 20:33
Encypted Mesage
To Veteka
From: Animarnia Defence Minister Matthew Cartwright
Our Airforce has already Taken off; and will be engaging targets in the Fighting Stars within ours; our navel task forces have been mobilised and we are mobilsing a ground invasion force but it is more likely that yourselves and the McPychovillian army will see most of the initial ground combat with Animarnia providing air support; so if your troops need airstrikes don't hesitate to ask
New Reman
21-03-2007, 21:29
To All Nations in the Area:
New Reman has sent a squadron to send a warning to Fighting Stars. However, all things considered we will turn them back and simply offer any assistance and air cover we can provide for advancing nations should it be necessary. We did not forsee things escalating so rapidly.
21-03-2007, 21:31
Prime Minister Harrison of the Masgtaian Empire hereby offers Vakatan the second Battle Squadron of the Grand Fleet of the Imperial Masgtaian Navy to aid the fight against the dangerous despotic Fighting Stars regime.
This squadron comprises 4 15'' gunned battleships. In addition, Masgtaia has declared war on Fighting Stars and the Imperial Masgtaian Navy has impounded all Fighting Stars shipping in Masgtaian ports and initiated offensive sweeps in waters surrounding Fighting Stars.
To Vetaka,
We have had our disagreements in the past but now I extend the hand of friendship. You have our full support in crushing Fighting Stars and any allies of theres. Our military is already prepared and 2 battle fleets are being sent to the area. Air support is on hand as are all soldiers. Fighting Stars chose the wrong people to attack and they shall know about it.
President Roberts,
The Democratic Republic Of Londim.
21-03-2007, 21:48
To All Nations in the Area:
New Reman has sent a squadron to send a warning to Fighting Stars. However, all things considered we will turn them back and simply offer any assistance and air cover we can provide for advancing nations should it be necessary. We did not forsee things escalating so rapidly.
If you send us your IFF Codes; we will relay them to our Airgroups and Navel Ships in the area so you are not engaged; We will have a KC-135 Fuel Tanker in the Area soon taking off from Al Remain Airbase that can offer your planes a free tank of gas; and you are more than welcome to conduct air operations with us against the Fighting Stars and be welcomed on our Carriers when they arrive.
21-03-2007, 22:05
It was a rainy afternoon, the Prime Minister was in his office, not working, there hasn't been much to do lately, peace - that something rarein our world. Almost slipping in a trance, when he suddenly saw his secretary walk in.
"Sir, a group of nations including Vetaka, Animarnia, Wagdog, and McPsychoville just declared a state of war on The Fighting Stars sir, our response?"
"Whats the allegations?"
The secretary spoke again,"A failed nuclear strike on the Vetakan soil sir, our delegates were in Vetaka at for the anti-slavery conference. Sir, we can't just let this slide. Shall I call the cabinet to activate SEFCOM (Sendersdale Expeditionary Force Command)?"
The Dominion of Sendersdale and Greater Colonies
- Global Address from the Prime Minister -
The Senderlian government appauled and shocked by the actions commited by The Fighting Stars. The Senerlian government is in full support of Vetaka and allies. The Senderlian government is has deployed:
Senderlian 2nd Expeditionary Force
2nd Kings own Rifles
12th Senderlian Highlanders
1st Kings Army Rangers
3rd Princess Cecilia Senderlian Light Infantry
5e Régiment du génie de combat
1er, 2e, et 3e Bataillons, Royal 22e Régiment
1st, 2nd, and 3rd Battalions, The Royal Senderlian Regiment
The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) of Sendersdale
Sendersdale Guards
1st Regiment, Royal Senderlian Horse Artillery
2nd Regiment, Royal Senderlian Horse Artillery
5e Régiment d'artillerie légère du Senderlian
4th Air Defence Regiment, Royal Senderlian Artillery
Combat Engineer
1 Combat Engineer Regiment
2 Combat Engineer Regiment
4 Engineer Support Regiment
5e Régiment du génie de combat
The Royal Senderlian Dragoons
Lord Strathcona's Horse (Royal Senderlian)
12e Régiment blindé du Senderlia
50 Naval Vessels as transport, and escorts.
Total Strengh: 60 000
The Senderlian government is willing to help by sending the 2nd Senderlian Expeditionary Land Forces. We are willing to help quell the violence, and bring order back from chaos. The Senderlian naval vessels and aircraft on board have been mandated not to fire unless under direct a threat. We don't need to overdo something for a nation that small.
Despite its size, any nation lauching it's nuclear missiles without such a reasonable excuse threatens world security and peace. This is something that the Senderlian government cannot tolerate.
Aurum Domus
21-03-2007, 22:10
The Armed Republic of Aurum Domus is always looking to help a fellow friendly nation out. But if we help you maybe you can give us a precious metal or gem mine or an oilfield once you have destroyed this country? We are currently embroiled in the Honako conflict but we can send you 500 bombers and 500 fighters to help with your attack, we already have aircraft carriers in the area. Please respond ASAP if assistance is needed.
The Fighting Stars
22-03-2007, 00:03
[B]TFS News ChannelB]
I am Edward Van Dan reporting Live from Parliment Row home of the Prime Minister of The Fighting Stars a large crowd has gathered outside to seek news of unconfirmed reports that Prime Minister Tim Jones has been removed from office in a Coup following the attempted Nuclear Strike on the Vetakan Capital of Theeb and the following Military Action by a number of Nations.
The Nuclear Strike caused international outrage against The Fighting Stars we understand Prime Minister Jones was removed from office by a number of Armed Forces Commanders we also understand that Parliment could be suspended within a few hours............
^^ Troops push the reporter off Camera ^^
Ladies and Gentleman of The Fighting Stars. Nations of the World I am General Gardener of the Fighting Stars Army. I would like to confirm reports that Prime Minister Tim Jones has been forcibly removed from office and placed under arrest. We have also suspended Parliment and invoked Martial Law over the nation.
This is a direct message to the coalition of allied nations advancing on the nation. The Fighting Stars has no will to see Bloodshed as a result I hearby Surrender to the Coalition of Forces.
OOC: I surrender
Aurum Domus
22-03-2007, 00:32
OOC: Wow that was anti climatic, do I still get a gold mine?
22-03-2007, 00:34
OOC: Wow that was anti climatic, do I still get a gold mine?
I'm Typing up a Treaty ;) I can make provisons for you to get a gold mine
OBSAT Military Communication:
Accept OBSAT Uplink: Y/N?
To: All Allied Combatants & All Commands
From: VDF Command
The Vetakan Foreign Affairs Department can confirm the Removal of the TFS Leadership and the Surrender of the nation. Vetaka has no desire to pursue annxation of Land. We leave it up to the Allied Nations to formulate a Treaty. All we ask is some form of Compensation and an Official Apology from the TFS.
End Transmission
OOC: Ill let you do the treaty please can you write in some form of Compensation for Vetaka
22-03-2007, 01:01
Animarnia puts forward the following Treaty to be ratified amongst the coalition of the willing and Signed by the Fighting Stars governmen.
The Fighting Stars Treaty of Surrender
Weapons of Mass Destruction
Point 1: The Fighting Stars will surrender All Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Weapons to the Coalition forces immediately upon Coalition marines entering the nation. Failure to do so will result in total destruction
Point 2: All means, materials and facilities capable of producing Weapons of Mass destruction will be surrendered to the Coalition.
Point 3: The Fighting Stars shall not produce, Procure, Buy or possess weapons of mass destruction. This includes as "gifts" from other nations
Point 1: The Nation of Fighting stars will maintain no more than Fifty (50) Warships and these must be under 15,000 Tons of displacement each. This includes submarines. The Excess will be divided amongst the Coalition forces evenly
Point 2: Ballistic Missile Submarines, Orbital Artillery, and Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Silos and delivery systems will not be maintained, produced or procured by the Fighting Stars. The Excess will be divided amongst the Coalition forces evenly except Missile Silos, which will be destroyed
Point 3: The Fighting Stars Military will not exceed 500,000 Men (Including Support) this comes to around 83,000 Combat Troops. The Excess will be disbanded into civilian life or reserve Corp and may only be activated in the event of a defensive unprovoked war. All Excess Weapons, equipment, Body armour etc will be divided amongst the coalition forces evenly.
Point 4: At no time will the Fighting Stars Maintain, Procure, Purchase of operate an excess of 1000 armoured Vehicles (Including Tanks, IFV's, MRLS, Artillery, and other support vehicles). The Excess will be divided amongst the Coalition
Point 5: The Fighting Stars Airforce will be limited to 500 aircraft including AWACS, Refuelling tankers and support craft and the procurement, operation, maintenance and purchase of heavy or stealth bombers is prohibited.
Point 6: The Fighting Stars will not under any Circamstance engage in offensive warfare
Point 7: Animarnia, Veteka and McPsychoville will maintain Airbases inside your nation that will be considered sovereign soil. These will have oversight and inspect the Fighting stars Military frequently to ensure you abide by the terms of the treaty
Point 1: the nation of nation of Fighting Stars will pay $1 Trillion Universal Nation States Dollars of reparations to each nation in the Coalition. This will be paid over a period of years.
Point 2: The Coalition will take 25% of All natural resources to be split evenly amongst coalition members
Point 1: The Fighting Stars, will surrender Prime Minister Tim Jones to the nation of Veteka at once for trail on charges of attempted genocide.
Point 2: the Military Government will allow free and fair election as soon, as is possible given the situation
Point 3: The Government will render a full appology to Veteka for the unprovoked attack.
Point 1: This Treaty will be reviewed in 25 years (25 RL days)
Point 2: Breach of any of these terms will result in total destruction
You have Eight Hours to render your decision.
(OOC: Anything the Coalition wants to add on?)
OOC: I agree Ill RP an IC response in abit
22-03-2007, 01:24
OOC: I agree Ill RP an IC response in abit
k,k. wish Strator would post so we could move the slave summit along dododobedo..
The Transylvania
22-03-2007, 01:24
Official Message form His Royal Badass
It looks that my forces aren’t need in this. Best of luck in taking this terrorist regime down for their coward’s attack on a Commonwealth state. One thing though, send me their leader that is, if he doesn’t kill himself as his nation is being pwned.
Damn, I missed it already. Rats, I would have though the nation would have put up a war before they gave up.
~ The Count
The Fighting Stars
22-03-2007, 01:39
The Fighting Stars hearby accepts the terms set out under the Treaty of our Surrender. The Fighting Stars hearby and formally apologies to The Dominion of Vetaka and to the Internaional Community for attempting to Destroy an International Conference against Slavery.
We hearby enact all terms set out under the terms of our surrender we also await the arrival of Vetakan Transport to remove Prime Minister Tim Jones for trial.
Yours TFS Provisional Govenment
Aurum Domus
22-03-2007, 02:21
I'm Typing up a Treaty I can make provisons for you to get a gold mine
OOC: So do I get my gold mine or what?
Although our government will accept our share of the reparations payments in cash, we fear that taking resources from The Fighting Stars strikes us as overbearing and cruel. Either devolve our forfeited share to the transitional government, as we would prefer so that they may more easily pay their monetary reparations and have a better economy, or else divide it up among yourselves. We prefer mercy in this matter, but agree that Prime Minister Jones must stand trial for his murderous attack and has left his nation in hardly a position to ask for anything from us.
Also, to the Vetakan Government, are our forces necessary in this anymore as far as you can tell? We stand ready to airlift in Red Guard occupation units wherever you feel them needed, but our ongoing conflict has intensified and we must return our fleet elsewhere if it is at all possible. Can this be done?
22-03-2007, 03:51
Although our government will accept our share of the reparations payments in cash, we fear that taking resources from The Fighting Stars strikes us as overbearing and cruel. Either devolve our forfeited share to the transitional government, as we would prefer so that they may more easily pay their monetary reparations and have a better economy, or else divide it up among yourselves. We prefer mercy in this matter, but agree that Prime Minister Jones must stand trial for his murderous attack and has left his nation in hardly a position to ask for anything from us.
Also, to the Vetakan Government, are our forces necessary in this anymore as far as you can tell? We stand ready to airlift in Red Guard occupation units wherever you feel them needed, but our ongoing conflict has intensified and we must return our fleet elsewhere if it is at all possible. Can this be done?
It is our postion that launching a nuclear attack against an innocent, free nation hosting an international cofrence filled with international Delegates including our vice president and your wife was overbearing and cruel. perhaps next time they will think before they act; the Prime minister could not posable have acted alone in this perhaps this lesson will teach the people of the Free Stars to think more carefully who they put into office at the next elections.
But you are of course free to do as you wish with your share of the reperations including refunding it to Tthe Free Stars; we have no control nor do we seek to control this.
(OOC: Yah; as Per Economy Point 2; you get your gold mine)
New Reman
22-03-2007, 04:02
Animarnia, we appreciate your offer. We've went on ahead and transmitted our codes to be safe. Thanks for the gas and please let us know how we can repay you in the future for it.
22-03-2007, 07:36
Aside from the airbase clause - we have little need for an airbase, it would be much preferred if we would be granted a sea and ground base in order to quell future uprisings - we have few problems with the treaty.
Vetakan 2rd Battlegroup, 100 Miles off TFS, 16:00:
Admiral Hornblower was just about to leave the Bridge when his Comms Officer called to him:
"New Orders from Command Via OBSAT Admiral" shouted the Comms Officer over the din of the Bridge he walked to meet the Admiral as he approached him and the officer handed him a Folder
All of his Main Command Staff where on the Bridge so rather than calling a meeting he simply shouted over the Bridge so that all may here.
To: VDF 2rd Battlegroup
From Vetakan Defence Force Central Command
Admiral Hornblower split Fleet following Protocal 210. You are to Command 1 Fleet to TFS to ensure Treaty Compliance the other Fleet is to be under your Rear Admiral Becketts Command and is to deploy to Wagdog to aid in all Wagdog Operations. Rear Admiral Beckett will have Operational Command of the Fleet however Overall Command will be with Wagdog and verified by VDFCC.
For Vetaka!!! For the Dominion Admiral!!!
OBSAT Encrypted Communication (Level 5)
To: Wagdog First Fleet & Wagdog Central Command Body (OOC: Unsure What you Called it
From: Vetakan Defence Force Central Command
You have shown an unwaviering support for Vetaka over the years and your deployment to TFS has not gone unoticed as a result the Vetakan 2rd Battlegroup has been ordered to spilt into two seperate fleets. The Orignal 2rd Fleet is to continue to TFS to ensure and support the new TFS Govenment. The newly formed 5th Vetakan Battlefleet is to if possible catch up with and form up with the Wagdog 1st Fleet or deploy to Wagdog in general. Under this deployment Vetaka would retain Operational Command of the Fleet however Wagdog would command the force in terms of where it was to deploy and who it was to fight a detailed spec of the 5th Fleet is attached to this message. Vetaka will do all it can in terms of International Diplomacy to help and is commiting 1 Billion in cash to aid.
We are with you.
Yours VDF Supreme Commander Stone
5th Vetakan Battlefleet:
Overall Command: Wagdog Command (Vetakan Verification via OBSAT)
Operational Command: Admiral Beckett (Vetaka)
1 NORAD Class Superbattleships (Operational Flagships)
1 Gerald Ford Class Supercarriers
1 Whirlwind Class Supercarriers
2 Avalon Aircraft Carriers
1 Empire Class Battle Carriers
1 Admiral Class Carrier
1 Vanguard Class Ballistic Missile Submarines (Nuclear Weapons Requires AA)
6 Agamemnon Class Battleships
6 Dauntless Class Heavy Battleships
6 Chieften Class Pocket Battleships
8 Zumwalt Class Stealth Missile Destroyers
8 Arsenal Class Stealth Missile Cruisers
8 Brandenburg Class Stealth ASW Frigates
8 Arleigh Burke Class Missile Destroyers
8 Type 45 Air Defense Destroyers
8 Type 42 Guided Missile Destroyers
8 Type 23 Anti Sub-marine/Multi-Purpose Firgates
8 Type 22 Command & Control Multi Purpose Frigates
8 VDF Interceptor Class Destroyers (FAST Destroyer designed to rapidly chase down vessels by and exclusive to Vetaka. Military Naval Variant)
8 Iroquois class guided missile destroyers
10 Seawolf Class Attack Submarines
1 Mercy Class Hospital Ship
5 3 FFG-63 Tangier Island Frigates (Special Forces)
2 ASDS Advanced SEAL Delivery System
1 Safeguard Class Rescue and Salvage Ships
1 Osprey Class Mine Hunters
2 Supply Class Fast Combat Support Ships
Carrier Based Air Wing: Eurafighter F-37C
Amphibious Assault Force Capacity:
5 Wasp Class Amphibious Assault Ships
5 San Antonio Class Amphibious Assault Ships
5 Littoral Class Combat Ships
20 Jolly Roger Class Combat Ships
20 LCU-2000 Utility Landing Crafts
20 LCAC’s Air Cushioned Landing Crafts
2 AAVC7A1 Amphibious Assault Command and Control Vehicles
70 M-411 Terrier Amphibious Assault Vehicles
10 MV-22 Ospreys (Transport)
30 Seahawk Helicopters (Blackhawk naval variant)
40 AH-1W Super Cobra Helicopters (Naval Attack Helicopter)
Designated Air Support (Vetakan Mainland or Designated AB)
150 F-22 Raptors (Stealth Fighter)
150 F-421 Hermes (Interceptors)
10 Shadow Caster Bomber Support
50 B-52 Bombers (Bomber)
50 A-10 Thunderbolt II’s (Close Air Support Attack Aircraft)
50 B-1B Lancers (Bomber)
50 AC-130 Specters (Fixed-wing gunship)
50 E-3 Sentries (AWAC)
50 E-4 Nightwatchers (AWAC)
50 KC-135 Stratotankers (Refueler)
200 UH-60 Blackhawk Helicopters (Utility Helicopter)
200 AH-64 Apache Longbow Helicopters (Attack Helicopter)
100 CH-57 Chinook Helicopters (Transport Helicopter)
50 C-130 Hercules (Transporter)
50 C-17 Globemaster III’s (Transporter)
50 C-5 Galaxies (Transporter)
Land Forces- 125,000 Combat Forces
Infranty, Cavalry, Mecahnized Infranrt, Armour and Artillery (Primarily Western Technology and Weapons)
Logistics and Support Units
Special Forces Deployment:
- 101 Commando Unit
- 3rd Vetakan Scout Recon & Sniper Force
Nuclear Deployment:
1 Vanguard Ballistical Submarine (Trident Missiles)
- Requires your permission to deploy
- Requires Joint Authorization Via OBSAT to launch from Wagdog, Vetaka and The Transylvania.
Point 1: the nation of nation of Fighting Stars will pay $1 Trillion Universal Nation States Dollars of reparations to each nation in the Coalition. This will be paid over a period of years.
OOC: A trillion dollars to each nation in the Coalition? There isn't that much money in the ENTIRE (real) WORLD. A trillion is about the world's GDP times 200. And this is a tiny newbie nation. How on earth do you expect him to pay it? As far as I can tell, no one suffered a single casualty. After World War 1, when most of Europe was wrecked, Germany only had to pay about 30 billion dollars in reparations to everyone.
Point 1: The Fighting Stars, will surrender Prime Minister Tim Jones to the nation of Veteka at once for trail on charges of attempted genocide.
Genocide? Wtf? :confused:
OOC Perhaps we could love the amount of compensation to 10 Billion each. As for his trial under Vetakan Law he would be charged on:
- Attempted Murder of a Mass Amount of People
- Attempted Destruction of the Vetakan State using Nuclear Means
- Organization, Direction and Implementation of the Terrorist Attacks with the intent to cause Mass Destruction and Destablization
- Investigations would have to be made by Vetakan Security and Intelligence Service regarding Genocide.
aww, I did not have time to attack the fighting stars...
there is currently over 23 trillion U.S dollars in the world (not up to date)
worth in U.S dollars, not actual USD
aww, I did not have time to attack the fighting stars...
there is currently over 23 trillion U.S dollars in the world (not up to date)
Whoops, my value was meant to be as a yearly GDP.
I didn't really think about how large NS economies are, so it wouldn't be that excessive, if you were fighting a year-old nation with a frightening economy, who'd killed about ten million of your troops and citizens.
aight, but can't I bomb the fighting stars a little bit for trying to start a war in my country?
22-03-2007, 13:11
Go ahead, but they've surrendered, and if you bomb them, we will strike back at you.
So please do.
Vetakan 2rd Battlegroup, 100 Miles off TFS, 16:00:
Admiral Hornblower was just about to leave the Bridge when his Comms Officer called to him:
"New Orders from Command Via OBSAT Admiral" shouted the Comms Officer over the din of the Bridge he walked to meet the Admiral as he approached him and the officer handed him a Folder
All of his Main Command Staff where on the Bridge so rather than calling a meeting he simply shouted over the Bridge so that all may here.
To: VDF 2rd Battlegroup
From Vetakan Defence Force Central Command
Admiral Hornblower split Fleet following Protocal 210. You are to Command 1 Fleet to TFS to ensure Treaty Compliance the other Fleet is to be under your Rear Admiral Becketts Command and is to deploy to Wagdog to aid in all Wagdog Operations. Rear Admiral Beckett will have Operational Command of the Fleet however Overall Command will be with Wagdog and verified by VDFCC.
For Vetaka!!! For the Dominion Admiral!!!
OBSAT Encrypted Communication (Level 5)
To: Wagdog First Fleet & Wagdog Central Command Body (OOC: Unsure What you Called it
From: Vetakan Defence Force Central Command
You have shown an unwaviering support for Vetaka over the years and your deployment to TFS has not gone unoticed as a result the Vetakan 2rd Battlegroup has been ordered to spilt into two seperate fleets. The Orignal 2rd Fleet is to continue to TFS to ensure and support the new TFS Govenment. The newly formed 5th Vetakan Battlefleet is to if possible catch up with and form up with the Wagdog 1st Fleet or deploy to Wagdog in general. Under this deployment Vetaka would retain Operational Command of the Fleet however Wagdog would command the force in terms of where it was to deploy and who it was to fight a detailed spec of the 5th Fleet is attached to this message. Vetaka will do all it can in terms of International Diplomacy to help and is commiting 1 Billion in cash to aid.
We are with you.
Yours VDF Supreme Commander Stone
5th Vetakan Battlefleet:
Overall Command: Wagdog Command (Vetakan Verification via OBSAT)
Operational Command: Admiral Beckett (Vetaka)
1 NORAD Class Superbattleships (Operational Flagships)
1 Gerald Ford Class Supercarriers
1 Whirlwind Class Supercarriers
2 Avalon Aircraft Carriers
1 Empire Class Battle Carriers
1 Admiral Class Carrier
1 Vanguard Class Ballistic Missile Submarines (Nuclear Weapons Requires AA)
6 Agamemnon Class Battleships
6 Dauntless Class Heavy Battleships
6 Chieften Class Pocket Battleships
8 Zumwalt Class Stealth Missile Destroyers
8 Arsenal Class Stealth Missile Cruisers
8 Brandenburg Class Stealth ASW Frigates
8 Arleigh Burke Class Missile Destroyers
8 Type 45 Air Defense Destroyers
8 Type 42 Guided Missile Destroyers
8 Type 23 Anti Sub-marine/Multi-Purpose Firgates
8 Type 22 Command & Control Multi Purpose Frigates
8 VDF Interceptor Class Destroyers (FAST Destroyer designed to rapidly chase down vessels by and exclusive to Vetaka. Military Naval Variant)
8 Iroquois class guided missile destroyers
10 Seawolf Class Attack Submarines
1 Mercy Class Hospital Ship
5 3 FFG-63 Tangier Island Frigates (Special Forces)
2 ASDS Advanced SEAL Delivery System
1 Safeguard Class Rescue and Salvage Ships
1 Osprey Class Mine Hunters
2 Supply Class Fast Combat Support Ships
Carrier Based Air Wing: Eurafighter F-37C
Amphibious Assault Force Capacity:
5 Wasp Class Amphibious Assault Ships
5 San Antonio Class Amphibious Assault Ships
5 Littoral Class Combat Ships
20 Jolly Roger Class Combat Ships
20 LCU-2000 Utility Landing Crafts
20 LCAC’s Air Cushioned Landing Crafts
2 AAVC7A1 Amphibious Assault Command and Control Vehicles
70 M-411 Terrier Amphibious Assault Vehicles
10 MV-22 Ospreys (Transport)
30 Seahawk Helicopters (Blackhawk naval variant)
40 AH-1W Super Cobra Helicopters (Naval Attack Helicopter)
Designated Air Support (Vetakan Mainland or Designated AB)
150 F-22 Raptors (Stealth Fighter)
150 F-421 Hermes (Interceptors)
10 Shadow Caster Bomber Support
50 B-52 Bombers (Bomber)
50 A-10 Thunderbolt II’s (Close Air Support Attack Aircraft)
50 B-1B Lancers (Bomber)
50 AC-130 Specters (Fixed-wing gunship)
50 E-3 Sentries (AWAC)
50 E-4 Nightwatchers (AWAC)
50 KC-135 Stratotankers (Refueler)
200 UH-60 Blackhawk Helicopters (Utility Helicopter)
200 AH-64 Apache Longbow Helicopters (Attack Helicopter)
100 CH-57 Chinook Helicopters (Transport Helicopter)
50 C-130 Hercules (Transporter)
50 C-17 Globemaster III’s (Transporter)
50 C-5 Galaxies (Transporter)
Land Forces- 125,000 Combat Forces
Infranty, Cavalry, Mecahnized Infranrt, Armour and Artillery (Primarily Western Technology and Weapons)
Logistics and Support Units
Special Forces Deployment:
- 101 Commando Unit
- 3rd Vetakan Scout Recon & Sniper Force
Nuclear Deployment:
1 Vanguard Ballistical Submarine (Trident Missiles)
- Requires your permission to deploy
- Requires Joint Authorization Via OBSAT to launch from Wagdog, Vetaka and The Transylvania.
OOC: OK.:D I accept, and will split the aid as indicated IC. Could you crossquote this reply into my Colliding Wars thread so I don't spam my own thread (LOLz)? Hopefully this will convince NN to disclose what damage my last strike (in the Zanski Declares War on Communism thread) did to his fleet, since I was aiming for as many carrier and superdreadnought kills as possible before I had to bug out once Questers got serious.
I also have a diplomatic push going on in that thread, trying to convince the world that King Kang Arma's going genocidal now. Hopefully you can back my evidence without getting your Questarian and Clandonian allies too angry; but if you can't, don't risk IC dishonor or worse on my account. I can make my own case if needed, even if it'll be riskier and harder...
Also, don't hesitate to check my factbook if you need the basic State names and major military HQs (all near cities) to help your deployment in my country. My States are as follows, all alternates of RL places: "Tails Islands"= Solomon Islands including the PNG half, "Revolutionary Guinea"= Papua New Guinea minus the Solomons but plus West Papua, "Pilot"= Palau, "Shoenesia"= Micronesia/Guam/Northern Marianas, "New Coledonia"= New Caledonia, "Red Stanleya"= Samoa plus American Samoa, "Crossfire Islands"= Marshall Islands/Kiribati, "Revolevuji"= Fiji, "Vaniteia"= Vanuatu, "Takeaway"= Tokelau, "Twotimea"= Tuvalu, "Nereid"= Nauru, and "Sleep Island"= Wake Island. You can make up base names; usually just the state capital name with Garrison, Airbase or Harbor tacked on. Just state them and I'll put them in my factbook later as part of my country's canon info.:cool:
Excellent. The Revolutionary Command Council War Office (what others usually call a "Joint Cheifs of Staff") and First Fleet flagship UWS Deng Xiaoping (an Ul'yanovsk CVN, Admiral Jennifer Opalclaw commanding) both confirm OBSAT linkup and data stream. For now, rendezvous with First Fleet and deployment to the edge of Wagdoggie territorial waters to further rendezvous with Fourth and Fifth Fleets, inactive under modernization since before the Strator Campaign and until now, is requested. Together, our own forces shall muster precisely three times First Fleet Strength and more besides (Altogether 6 Ul'yanovsk CVN, 6 Kiev CVS, 2 Stalingrad-Mod CBG, 12 Kirov CGN, 60 Udaloy II DDK, 51 Berezina AOE, 60 Ivan Rogov LPD, 135 Neustrashimy FFG, 30 Akula II SSN and 10 Oscar II SSGN), ready for whatever may happen. Do note, however, that First Fleet may have to deploy on its own to Zansk waters soon given the deteriorating situation there, but for now will act defensively with you as indicated.
Diplomatically, we request your support in drawing attention of the Crown Imperium Questers and their allies to the deteriorating situation in Royalist Zanksi, where reasonable reconnaissance data of ours provides compelling (if circumstantial) evidence that King Kang Arma is engaging in politically-motivated genocide against his country's Zaynite minority. We cannot ask more in good conscience, since we would never ask you to betray your allies by force of arms even to save ourselves. But with your combined status as a Questarian Commonwealth and a friend of ours, we feel you're in the best position to convince the Crown Imperium and its allies of the major public relations disaster they are all courting by continuing to support the genocidal King Kang. We cannot hide what we know, or fail to act on it if the situation demands of us; even if we must act alone. All we ask is of them is their simple withdrawal of support from Kang's regime, so either we and our Aurum Doman allies or the Zansk rebels themselves can capture him and bring him to justice; preferably, justice by international trial in either Aurum Domus or Vetaka, which can be decided in due time. We do not wish to try him ourselves or by the Xanka Red Authority allied with (under?) former President Modi Arma, Kang's own father, since we know how some nations would perceive said trial as a "communist kangaroo drumhead" or worse, and we share their desire for Kang to get the fair and unquestionably-legitimate hearing any accused deserves.
We do not wish you to betray your ties, and will not ask so. If you feel even this diplomatic request of ours is too much, you may refuse it and we shall continue to support Vetaka regardless. In any case, we shall disclose to you via [THIS] encrypted data attachment where your Vanguard can rendezvous with our Typhoons on patrol, as part of an SSBN bastion under our attack subs' escort. With your aid, a sufficient deterrent against the worst Nicksyllvania can conceivably throw at us is possible.
Sincerely in Solidarity,
Mario Illiescu
Secretary of Defense, United Socialist States of Wagdog
OOC: Can you give me a brief update on the Zanski situation?
New Reman
22-03-2007, 14:17
To: McPsychoville
The nation of New Reman would have an interest in purchasing the airbase you recently acquired in the treaty with The Fighting Stars. Please contact us if you're interested in our offer and we shall negotiate a fair price.
The Dept. of Diplomacy: New Reman
OOC: Can you give me a brief update on the Zanski situation?
OOC: Check your TGs, one is there already.;)
22-03-2007, 16:01
OOC: A trillion dollars to each nation in the Coalition? There isn't that much money in the ENTIRE (real) WORLD. A trillion is about the world's GDP times 200. And this is a tiny newbie nation. How on earth do you expect him to pay it? As far as I can tell, no one suffered a single casualty. After World War 1, when most of Europe was wrecked, Germany only had to pay about 30 billion dollars in reparations to everyone.
Genocide? Wtf? :confused:
I did check his NSecomomy beforehand; he can afford it as he makes 1 trillion GDP and we're not asking for it all in one go; so by the time this treaty comes up for review it would have been paied in full as we're not asking for that amout each right away. besides this treaty IS a punishment;
as for atempted Genocide: Nuke attack on civilian capital hosting internationl sumit filled with millions of people; I'd pretty much call that genocide
@McPhyschovill: use your plot of land as you wish. I used the term airbase because it was the first to come to mind; just swap in "Military Base" and it works fine
New Reman
22-03-2007, 19:39
The nation of New Reman, while understanding the desire to punish the Empire of the Fighting Stars for their aggressive behavior is concerned with the nature of this treaty. We point to the punishment of Germany by the Treaty of Versailles after World War I as an example of how such measures can backfire in terrifying ways and lead to a more devestating war.
So while action should be taken against the Fighting Stars for their aggressive behavior, we must all do so together with our heads as well as our might.
The Dept. of Diplomacy: New Reman
22-03-2007, 19:58
The nation of New Reman, while understanding the desire to punish the Empire of the Fighting Stars for their aggressive behavior is concerned with the nature of this treaty. We point to the punishment of Germany by the Treaty of Versailles after World War I as an example of how such measures can backfire in terrifying ways and lead to a more devestating war.
So while action should be taken against the Fighting Stars for their aggressive behavior, we must all do so together with our heads as well as our might.
The Dept. of Diplomacy: New Reman
We find interest in your comparison to the Treaty of Versailles; however point out that the treaty of Versailles faild principally due to lack of enforment on the part of france and the United kindgom.
The Fighting Stars Treaty of Surrender
Weapons of Mass Destruction:
Point 1: The Fighting Stars will surrender All Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Weapons to the Coalition forces immediately upon Coalition marines entering the nation. Failure to do so will result in total destruction
Point 2: All means, materials and facilities capable of producing Weapons of Mass destruction will be surrendered to the Coalition.
Point 3: The Fighting Stars shall not produce, Procure, Buy or possess weapons of mass destruction. This includes as "gifts" from other nations
Point 1: The Nation of Fighting stars will maintain no more than Fifty (50) Warships and these must be under 15,000 Tons of displacement each. This includes submarines. The Excess will be divided amongst the Coalition forces evenly
Point 2: Ballistic Missile Submarines, Orbital Artillery, and Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Silos and delivery systems will not be maintained, produced or procured by the Fighting Stars. The Excess will be divided amongst the Coalition forces evenly except Missile Silos, which will be destroyed
Point 3: The Fighting Stars Military will not exceed 500,000 Men (Including Support) this comes to around 83,000 Combat Troops. The Excess will be disbanded into civilian life or reserve Corp and may only be activated in the event of a defensive unprovoked war. All Excess Weapons, equipment, Body armour etc will be divided amongst the coalition forces evenly.
Point 4: At no time will the Fighting Stars Maintain, Procure, Purchase of operate an excess of 1000 armoured Vehicles (Including Tanks, IFV's, MRLS, Artillery, and other support vehicles). The Excess will be divided amongst the Coalition
Point 5: The Fighting Stars Airforce will be limited to 500 aircraft including AWACS, Refuelling tankers and support craft and the procurement, operation, maintenance and purchase of heavy or stealth bombers is prohibited.
Point 6: The Fighting Stars will not under any Circamstance engage in offensive warfare
Point 7: Animarnia, Veteka and McPsychoville will maintain Military bases inside your nation that will be considered sovereign soil. These will have oversight and inspect the Fighting stars Military frequently to ensure you abide by the terms of the treaty
Point 1: the nation of nation of Fighting Stars will pay $500 Billion Universal Nation States Dollars of reparations to each nation in the Coalition. This will be paid over a period of years.
Point 2: The Coalition will take 25% of All natural resources to be split evenly amongst coalition members
Point 1: The Fighting Stars, will surrender Prime Minister Tim Jones to the nation of Veteka at once for trail on charges of attempted genocide.
Point 2: the Military Government will allow free and fair election as soon, as is possible given the situation
Point 3: The Government will render a full appology to Veteka for the unprovoked attack.
Point 1: This Treaty will be reviewed in 25 years (25 RL days)
Point 2: Breach of any of these terms will result in Measures being taken.
OOC: How about that?
22-03-2007, 20:27
ooc: did i understand correctly that he has 25 years for paying that money?
22-03-2007, 20:28
[It looks like that, $20 billion a year per nation isn't too steep a price.]
22-03-2007, 20:38
To: Vesse Põhjakotkas, First Citizen
From: General Ernst Jääkalju, Head of Military Intelligence
Subject: Short analysis of economic part of proposed peace treaty between Vetaka led Coalition and The Empire of The Fighting Stars
From proposed treaty:
Point 1: the nation of nation of Fighting Stars will pay $500 Billion Universal Nation States Dollars of reparations to each nation in the Coalition. This will be paid over a period of years.
Point 2: The Coalition will take 25% of All natural resources to be split evenly amongst coalition members”
Basic facts:
TFS statistics:
GDP: $532,646,764,650.00
Governmment budget: $311,019,345,000.00
GDP Per Capita: $2,926.63
Unemployment Rate: $23.13%
Number of known members: 11
Coalition demands $5,500,000,000,000 from TFS in period of 25 years. TFS would need to concentrate 71% of their government budget for paying that sum in time. TFS already high income tax(53%) does not leave much room for enlargeing governnent budget. Then we add up TFS weak economical situation and loss of 25% of all national resources we reach to simple solution that peace treaty is, eighter by incompetence or by deliberate decision, completely impossible for TFS to fulfill and any serious attempts to fulfill it will cause economical and social collapse of TFS.
Possible outcomes:
1) Large scale revision of peace treaty by Coalition
2) Collapse of TFS economy which may lead to civil war
Considering the fact that ridiculousness of peace treaty can be undestood with very simple mathematics its obvious that impossible peace conditions are deliberate decision. Some coalition members already stated intention to annex TFS, collapsing its economy and leading country into anarchy can be first step of it. TFS failure to fulfill peace conditions can be used as pretext for future invasion. Coalition military bases in TFS territory are perfect starting grounds for such invasion. Disarmed TFS military will be unable to put up serious resistance.
OOC: It sounded even better with pervious peace treaty version but I found that most text is still relevant even with half smaller reparations. Stats taken from NSTracker.
22-03-2007, 20:48
OOC: It sounded even better with pervious peace treaty version but I found that most text is still relevant even with half smaller reparations. Stats taken from NSTracker.
Sunset Ecomomy Calculatior says they make a trillion GDP per year.
22-03-2007, 20:59
ooc: Then you gotta make sure he uses same calculator. And still it would be 37% of his government budget. You know, his unempyment rate is compareable to real world Mozambique, Mauritania and Botswana. His economy has minimal chanches for surviving such pressure for 25 years, especially as its so unstable(previous government fell really fast). As you demand him to be also democracy he cant use dictatorship goverment which could keep country together by force(oh, and lets not forget disarming his army).
22-03-2007, 21:05
Olmedreca;12457289']ooc: Then you gotta make sure he uses same calculator. And still it would be 37% of his government budget. You know, his unempyment rate is compareable to real world Mozambique, Mauritania and Botswana. His economy has minimal chanches for surviving such pressure for 25 years, especially as its so unstable(previous government fell really fast). As you demand him to be also democracy he cant use dictatorship goverment which could keep country together by force(oh, and lets not forget disarming his army).
he did try to nuke another nation unprovoked. that generally brings bad things down on your country. the alternative is...we turn his nation to plateglass as per the Friedman Doctrin
22-03-2007, 21:11
he did try to nuke another nation unprovoked. that generally brings bad things down on your country.
ooc: I fully agree, just I wanted to point out which are results of treaty if he decides to RP it realistically and isn't extremely optimistic about his economy. As you could read from my SIC intelligence report motives behind harsh peace conditions are easy to see;) .
Btw, im suprized that Vetaka even accepted any nukes from nation with less than 200 million people and weak economy.
Aurum Domus
24-03-2007, 18:38
When my nation officially aquires the gold mine we can create more jobs that would help stabilise the economy. We should also consider aid packages as long as the treaty is followed.