A Call to Arms to Destroy The Dominion of Vetaka (Open)
The Fighting Stars
21-03-2007, 14:10
Coalition of the Willing:
Join the Coalition of the willing to Destroy the The Dominion of Vetaka for to long now Vetaka has been a nosey neighbour in the Domestic Affairs of nations now they lead the way in "The Moral Fight" against Slavery. Who are they to say Slavery is wrong? Who are they to say a nation can't trade is people?
The Vetakan people cry out for Liberation from the oppressive regime of the Wright Govenment. I call upon all nations Allies and Enemies of Vetaka to join together invade the nation and remove the the Oppressive Govenment.
Coalition of the Willing:
The Fighting Stars
The Transylvania
21-03-2007, 14:13
Anybody that join this little group will be targeted by the United Dominion. Don't mess with a Commonwealth state. Understand? ~ The Count.
Two things
1) you obviously do not RP a lot
2) don't attack it while I am there
3) I do not know how to count
4) but that guy from sesame street does
5) go ask him how to count
The Fighting Stars
21-03-2007, 14:19
Strator, Vetakan Zone of Occupation, 01:00:
A silent Sniper lays within the bushes the wind blows over his head the usual patrol was about to round the corner a block of C4 was secured within a nearby Bin. It was a beautiful night the Vetakans rounded the corner as they passed the bin the Silent Sniper pressed the button the Device exploded blowing the Vetakans Sky High body parts where scattered all over the place the Humvee was now overturn and fire had taken hold around it. The Silent Sniper watched a wounded Vetakan ran from the flames as he did the Sniper fired the poor soilder was dead before he had hit the floor. The Fight had begun.
Any act of war agains the Dominion of Vetaka will be seen as an act of war agains the Republican Monarchy of Granate. Remember this well, for we are not enemies to be trifled with. Our nation is large and our army is strong. You are no match for us. Stand down now and give up your idealistic crusade.
Andrei Kleinheart
Please refrain from starting a war in my country because then I am going to have to destroy you, and this will be the first battle where I am not out numbered in, so just don't.
*Smashes a large tree branch on the fighting stars proverbial head*
The Fighting Stars
21-03-2007, 15:07
Vetaka, Newman Island, Helgan Naval Base:
The Speed boat was ready it sped towards the Flagship of the Vetakan Second Naval Fleet the VDFNS Freedom a huge NORAD Class Superbattleship the Speed Boat was remote control and was packed full of High Explosive as it sped towards thr Freedom the NORAD radar would pick her up as a missile but it would be to late. It hit the huge ship the explosion was deafening and the ship rocked to one side screams shouts and alarms could be heard as sailors rushed to Emergancy Duties the wave of Terror was about to begin.
New Reman
21-03-2007, 15:10
Device exploded blowing the Vetakans Sky High body parts where scattered all over the place the Humvee was now overturn and fire had taken hold around it Counting other people's losses now? C'mon, I'm rather new around here and even I know about not doing that.
To: The Nation of The Fighting Stars
The nation of New Reman looks down upon acts of terrorism. Though we doubt our help will even be necessary in your defeat, we will gladly stand by to assist Vetaka if they request our assistance. Our air force is amongst the largest and finest around and shouldn't be taken lightly. There's several countries that've spoken up against you that could easily defeat you on their own including New Reman. With us all working together, you pose merely an aggrivation...an itch that must be scratched and little more. We suggest you take careful consideration and assessment of the situation and simply back down now while you still have the opportunity to do so.
The Dept. of Diplomacy: New Reman
The Dept. of Defence and Military Action: New Reman
The Fighting Stars
21-03-2007, 15:18
Flight 567- The Fighting Stars to Vetaka
The Flight had not been cancelled because the flight was operated by an independant company however the Flight was about to co-inside in a massive Terror wave across The Dominion of Vetaka. As the flight approached the Helgan Airport a 6 man terror team seized control they threw the plane to the left and into a path towards the Helgan Tower a huge Skyscraper.
They put the plane to full power and flew directly into the side of the tower the destruction was total.
Official Communication to The Empire of The Fighting Stars
The Federation of Aunesia demands an immediate revocation of this declaration. Any attack upon the Dominion of Vetaka will be met with swift retribution by ourselves and our allies. You have six hours to issue this revocation.
Andrew Short
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
OOC: You are godmodding by RPing what is going on in another nation. Stop at once unless you want this thread and yourself ignored.
Van Luxemburg
21-03-2007, 15:40
The Grand Duchy of Van Luxemburg, Official Diplomatic Statement
The Grand Duchy is utterly disgusted by the idea of slavery being legal, and we support Vetaka in their fight against Slavery. Therefore, we condemn this declaration made by 'The Fighting Stars' and their 'Coalition of the Willing'. Van Luxemburg cannot and will not take military action against this dubious group calling themselves 'Liberators of the Oppressive Regime'. The Ministry of Internal Affairs has placed 'The Fighting Stars' on the list of Terrorist Organizations, and will place any member of this faction trying to enter Van Luxemburgian territory under custody. We will not tolerate any actions took by 'The Fighting Stars' to hurt civilians of Van Luxemburg, Vetaka, or any other nation.
Jens Blom
Interim Minister of Foreign Affairs
(OOC: As said before by several people, it's godmodding to RP other people's losses.)
To The Fighting Stars,
Recently Londim and Vetaka were involved ina dispute which was solved diplomatically. Should The Fighting Stars and any other nation for that matter attack Vetaka then you will answer to Londim. Do not start a war against nations that are far larger than your own.
President Roberts,
The Democratic Republic Of Londim.
21-03-2007, 16:34
When you tried to attack Vetaka before, we were absolutely prepared to curbstomp your nation with hellacious fury. We'll do it to you and we'll do it to every nation who joins your sordid little campaign. We don't speak softly, we bypass that bit and just carry a fucking huge stick instead, so drop your idiotic, unrequited "feud" lest you be hit by it.
New Reman
21-03-2007, 16:44
To: The Empire of the Fighting Stars
We warn you one last time to stand down and revoke your threats. If you do not, the nation of New Reman WILL take dramatic and drastic actions. It is not at all outside of our ability to reach your country with our airforce. Any more provocation from you and we will send a small group consisting of five fighter bombers to fly over your capitol. They will simply make a highspeed, low fly by to signal a warning to your nation and to demonstrate our abilities. They will, however, also be armed with live nuclear warheads. Should you attempt, and in fact be successful at downing one of these aircraft then surely the warhead will detonate upon impact with the ground in close proximity to, if not within, your capitol city. However, to be clear...if you do not fire upon them, they will not fire upon you.
We recommend you heed these warnings and simply stand down before such actions become necessary.
The Dept. of Diplomacy: New Reman
The Dept. of Defence and Military Action: New Reman
Official Statement of Honako Commission
If you attempt to attack Vetaka whilst our delegate is at a slavery conference there, Honako will join any fight against you. Vetaka should be commended for what they have done in the slavery situation not attacked for it.
The World Soviet Party
21-03-2007, 16:56
What all the guys against you said.
OOC: Yeah, Im lazy, so?
21-03-2007, 17:21
I will join the coalition of the willing. I pledge the Seventh Infantry Division of the Federal Army of Undbagarten to the cause.
The Black Agents
21-03-2007, 17:31
7 looked over the screens as footage of moblization and some small conflicts started up. 7 hung his head low and said.
" This war was over before thee first bullet was fired."
OOC: Right....... What is it with noobs and attacking me?? For your sake im ignoring your Terror Attacks.
Official Dominion of Vetaka Diplomatic Message:
To: The Fighting Stars
From: Vetakan Foreign Affairs
The Dominion of Vetaka gives you 12 hours to revoke your Decleration of war against us. Failure to do so will result in a Vetakan Military response against you and anybody whom marches under your Banner.
Yours Vetakan President Roxanne Wright
The Black Agents
21-03-2007, 17:34
OOC: why bother with full scale military action... use us. We will get the job done.
21-03-2007, 17:35
Do to reconsideration, and the upcoming civil war, the Federation of Undbagarten withdraws all aide to The Fighting Stars.
Secretary General Yletzvik
21-03-2007, 17:44
We Sicerly hope that the Fighting Stars revokes there decloration of war against Veteka; or they will find out what an overbloated Defence budget can really do; we assure you that you will find our military quite impresive; for a few moments before you die.
The Fighting Stars
21-03-2007, 17:58
B-2 Stealth Bomber:
"Target Locked." called the Operator
"Confirm Target?" replied the Captain
"Target Co-ordinates 01235 034567 Theeb Capital City" replied the Operator
"Request Final Authorization to Fire?" replied the same Operator
"Fire" ordered the Captain
The Nuclear Missile shot away from the Bomber its Target was the Vetakan Capital of Theeb.
21-03-2007, 17:59
B-2 Stealth Bomber:
"Target Locked." called the Operator
"Confirm Target?" replied the Captain
"Target Co-ordinates 01235 034567 Theeb Capital City" replied the Operator
"Request Final Authorization to Fire?" replied the same Operator
"Fire" ordered the Captain
The Nuclear Missile shot away from the Bomber its Target was the Vetakan Capital of Theeb.
(OOC: uh........IDIOT! FUCKING IDIOT. You will be destroyed.)
The World Soviet Party
21-03-2007, 18:00
B-2 Stealth Bomber:
"Target Locked." called the Operator
"Confirm Target?" replied the Captain
"Target Co-ordinates 01235 034567 Theeb Capital City" replied the Operator
"Request Final Authorization to Fire?" replied the same Operator
"Fire" ordered the Captain
The Nuclear Missile shot away from the Bomber its Target was the Vetakan Capital of Theeb.
I tell you all guys, just ignore TFS, he'll go away if we do.
21-03-2007, 18:01
OOC: why bother with full scale military action... use us. We will get the job done.
[We would, but you cost money to pay and we like war too much. Woo business.]
21-03-2007, 18:07
B-2 Stealth Bomber:
"Target Locked." called the Operator
"Confirm Target?" replied the Captain
"Target Co-ordinates 01235 034567 Theeb Capital City" replied the Operator
"Request Final Authorization to Fire?" replied the same Operator
"Fire" ordered the Captain
The Nuclear Missile shot away from the Bomber its Target was the Vetakan Capital of Theeb.
Firstly; you have to RP the bomber being ready and loaded and taking off; then RP its journy to Veteka; then RP it penitrating Vetekan Airdefence; before you get to pop off your nuke.
Secondly; there are diplomats in Theeb from all over the world; some of the most powerful nations in NS have representatives there.
Thirdly; we will turn your nation into plate glass with a full scale nuclear retaliation if you blow up our Vice President who us in the capital.
21-03-2007, 18:13
Be advised that the Empire of Masgtaia frowns upon your unprovoked and illegal attacks on Vetaka. Stand down within two hours or face the consequences.
21-03-2007, 18:29
The United Commonwealth of Kryozerkia frowns heavily upon the actions taken by the little upstart state of The Fighting Stars. We condemn the attacks against the nation of Vetaka. We will not allow for your insignificant nation to attack another. For this reason, our Nuclear MS-Infantry Division remains on defcon 2, ready to switch to defcon 1 upon orders from the Prime Minister's Office. The legislation to put this division on such a high standby point is a remnant of our Cold War Era tension.
You have 12 hours.
Krystal Kane
Right Honourable Prime Minister
Vetakan Air Defence Command Centre, Theeb, Vetaka:
"Shit Red Alert" shouted a panicked Watch Officer as he hit a Red Alert Button
"Nuclear Weapon confirmed by OBSAT Target is Theeb City fired from Aircraft ETA less than 6 Minutes." shouted a short recruit from across the room.
"Activate Theeb Emergancy Siren System. Alert VDFCC and the Conference" ordered the Commander whom had now arrived in the Operations Room.
"Do we have a lock on the Weapon?" replied the Commander.
"Yes Sir OBSAT lock on confirmed. Anti Ballistical Missile is ready to fire from Rogers Mountain Silo. AWAC Alpha 10124 has visual on the target." replied the Watch Officer.
"FIRE" replied the Vetakan Commander
Miles away from the Air Defence Command Centre high up within the Rogers Mountain Range an Anti Ballistical Nuclear Defence Missile Silo Opened and fired a Missile. Guided by an OBSAT lock the missile ascended to its preset course and sped towards the incoming nuclear missile.
"How long till impact, Does AWAC still have a visual? Where will it impact?" ordered the Commander
"3 Minutes to Impact, AWAC still has Visual and OBSAT triangulates impact to be just off the Coast. We have diverted the Navy to the impact point." replied the officer
3 Heart Stopping Minutes later after watching the various Screens...............
The Anti Ballistical Missile found its target and smashed into it the Nuclear Weapon failed to detonate and the debirs fell into the cool Ocean. The action was met with Joint Screams of joy from multiple Command Rooms across Vetaka the threat had been averted and Vetaka Defended but the Vetakan Response was about to begin.
OOC: OBSAT is a Air Defence and Communication System that was designed to detect and avert Nuclear Strikes. It links all Vetakan Forces together and allows Allied Nations from International Alliances such as the Dominion Commonwealth to talk to Vetaka TG for more details.
New Reman
21-03-2007, 18:48
Vorenus Airbase; 1300 hours:
The flight teams had already been placed on a standby, now the orders came in. It was time to display the country's mighty airforce capibilities to an upstart rogue nation. The jokes were dry and failed attempts at masking the concern of the pilots with their crew chiefs. If things went as planned, this would simply be a flyby...but things rarely go as planned, and there was no telling how such an unpredictable and irresponsible country would react. Further more, the pilots were full aware of the payload their fighter/bombers were equipped with...only adding to their tension. Should one of them have the misfortune of not making it home, then surely an entire city would be taken down with them and war inevitable. No time to think of such things now, though. This would be just another routine flight....
By 1400 hours the small squadron was in the air and en route for their intimidating fly over of the Fighting Stars capitol. Another couple of hours, the team would refuel mid flight before starting the 2nd leg of the trip that would take them over potentially hostile territory.
Marcus kept his mind occupied during the flight. The F-16mkII was a nice aircraft. With a larger wing surface than the more common F-16, the design team had unexpectedly stumbled upon the ability to cruise at supersonic speeds, a feature New Reman was prepared to exploit fully, though not in this exercise. Marcus laid his head back, and tried to enjoy the flight as much as possible.
21-03-2007, 18:59
The Animarnia Military went to defcon two as satellites picked up the nuclear launch against Vetaka and subsequent interception; the nuclear alert forces were put on the highest they could be save for actually being authorisedto launch. a term internally called "hand over the big red button" by missile command.
"This is Animarnia Defence Command to Veteka; our screens are telling us that a nuclear missile was just launched against you and intercepted" the female voice spoke. "Can you confirm this?"
21-03-2007, 19:04
"Oh, for fuck's sake," shouted Captain Wellwood, slamming the phone down onto its receiver in rage. His secretary poked her head around the door nervously - she was right to be nervous, when he got angry the Captain got violent.
"Sir? What's happened?"
"My fucking vacation's gone down the tubes, that's what. TFS launched a nuclear missile at Vetaka, we've got to mobilise against them."
"Very well sir," the secretary said, leaving hastily. There had been a contingency plan in plan in case of a TFS attack on Vetaka since they'd made their original threat, and it meant that full force would have to be brought to TFS. Picking up her own receiver, she dialed the internal number for the Lieutenant.
IC Animarnia:
OBSAT Uplink Confirmed:
"Animarnia Defence Command this is Vetakan Air Defence Command. Confirmation of Missile Intercepted. No Nuclear Destruction"
21-03-2007, 19:07
"Oh, for fuck's sake," shouted Captain Wellwood, slamming the phone down onto its receiver in rage. His secretary poked her head around the door nervously - she was right to be nervous, when he got angry the Captain got violent.
"Sir? What's happened?"
"My fucking vacation's gone down the tubes, that's what. TFS launched a nuclear missile at Vetaka, we've got to mobilise against them."
"Very well sir," the secretary said, leaving hastily. There had been a contingency plan in plan in case of a TFS attack on Vetaka since they'd made their original threat, and it meant that full force would have to be brought to TFS. Picking up her own receiver, she dialed the internal number for the Lieutenant.
OOC: Want some Help? we can share the new colony land 50/50? thats if we don't nuke the damn thing to plate glass of course
21-03-2007, 19:09
OOC: Want some Help? we can share the new colony land 50/50? thats if we don't nuke the damn thing to plate glass of course
[Sure, why not? Just hold the nukes for as long as possible, there's a force of eight hundred thousand men just mobilised on their way to the FS shores.]
21-03-2007, 19:17
Due to the unprovoked attack on the Dominion of Veteka; the Animarnia government has for its first time in history decided to declare full and total war upon the Fighting Stars. as we speak; Carrier Strike Group Alpha and Beta, As well as the 1st and 2nd Battle group are being mobilised for engagments with the Fighting Stars.
The Orders slowly filtered down from the highest Echelons of the government; declaring war without congressional approval was going to be a nightmare for President Friedman. Admiral Kara Pentaguast head of the Animarnia Maritime forces gave the orders to steam out of port on route to the Fighting Stars; it would take them 2 days to get to the Fighting Stars at full speed but they would be closely followed by Carrier Strike Group Beta. They would join up with the two Battlegroups before heading out to The Fighting Stars as one fleet.
The Anthibious warfare groups would follow after that; as Marines and Army units all over Animarnia were being tapped for deployment. Meanwhile at the Lilica Airbase B-2 Sprit stealth bombers were being loaded with Fuel Air Explosives; and F-117A Stealth fighters were being loaded with HARM Anti Radiation missiles and Paveway III Laser guided bombs. Several fighter wings were activated and B-52s' were tapped for re-deployment to Al Remain Airbase where they would be loaded up for carpet bombing missions.
Animarnia was Going to war.
Carrier Strike Group Alpha and Beta
2 x Empire class Carrier
4 x Inviceable Class Aircraft Carrier
48 x Daring Class Destroyer
19 x Ticonderoga Missle Cruiser
32 x Harrigate Class Frigate
8 x Trafalger Class Attack sub
Heavy Battlegroup (1st and 2nd)
12 x Iowa Class Battleship Refits
8 x Lord Class Heavy Battleship
14 x Orca Class Heavy Battleship
18 x Ticonderoga Missle Cruiser
24 x Harrigate Class Frigate
14 x Thunder Class Guided Missile Cruiser
30 x Search Class destroyer
6 x Hunter Class Submarine
Airwing (form CSG)
288 x ASF-08 Spirit Dragon
318 x F/A-35 Talon Fighters
30 x UH-67 SeaHawk
30 x HMA1 Merlin ASW
21-03-2007, 19:19
This is an official warning from the Democratic Republic of The Eagleisles , cease hostilities against The Dominion of Vetaka immediately. Or i shall be forced to refer you to the United Nations, and possibly deploy military resistance.
This is your Final and Only Warning
The Grand Duke of The Eagleisles
Commisioner of the Military Forces
The Black Agents
21-03-2007, 19:19
The Black Agents have taken a vested interest in the conflict. As such We have placed a Insignit Contrastikc on the head of the Leadership of the Fighting stars.
This is an official warning from the Democratic Republic of The Eagleisles , cease hostilities against this nation immediately. Or i shall be forced to refer you to the United Nations, and possibly deploy military resistance.
This is your Final and Only Warning
The Grand Duke of The Eagleisles
Commisioner of the Military Forces
OOC: Who are you on about? cease hostilities against TFS or Vetaka?
Clandonia Prime
21-03-2007, 19:30
Official Clandonian Response
It is by the order of His Majesty's government that the nation of The Fighting Stars cease its actions or face war against the United Kingdom. The attack on the Clandonian Sovereign League ally of Vetaka will not go unnoticed, nuclear weapons have been brought in and our bomber systems have begun preflight countdowns. Vetaka has done the world a great deal in helping eradicate the slave trade, we support them in any provocation of war onto their enemies.
Let it be known the Clandonian government and people stand with Vetaka.
Lord Protector Philips
Palace of the Revolution, Tailville DR, Wagdog
It was official. General Secretary Carolinus Horridus was NOT amused. First, back during Vetaka's first Anti-Slavery Conference, agents suspected (though not proven, and probably beyond such) to have been Leafanistani Red Mafia in origin had nearly incited war between Vetaka and Londim. And now, yet again an upstart regime in support of slavery was making itself a nuisance to Wagdog. That's it; it is high time these upstart despotisms were truly put in their place... Hence, he wrote the following statement to be issued...
Official Wagdoggie Government WARNING to The Fighting Stars
In case you were unaware, our Deputy General Secretary and my wife, Christine Friedrich, is attending the Pearce Anti-Slavery Conference in Theeb along with staff from my country's embassy in Vetaka. Your attempted nuclear attack on that city, therefore, can only be construed as a declaration of war against Wagdog. We are preparing what retaliation we deem appropriate; but being a civilized nation, unlike your regime apparently, we shall give you time for one of two things to happen.
First, for the Fighting Stars to unconditionally surrender to Vetaka and all allied forces, NOW; and desist in further aggression against the same, for the Fighting Stars' own sake. Or, alternately, for you to refuse and invite the thrashing your government (and we use the term VERY liberally here, knowing your terrorist record) so richly deserves. We suggest the first course of action; since you are quite weak compared to Vetaka as far as we can judge, and your one would've-been ally who could've balanced this (Undbagarten) has seen sense and abandoned you. In short: Give. Up. Persist in this idiocy, and you will just learn after all how powerful we are in our own right. Immediately prior, that is, to your government's summary defeat.
Most Sincerely,
Carolinus Horridus
General Secretary, United Socialist States of Wagdog
New Reman
21-03-2007, 19:49
1700 Hours:
The Reman squadron had just finished refueling and was enroute to the Fight Stars capitol. "It won't be long now", Marcus thought as his grip tightened some on the controls.
21-03-2007, 19:50
Official Communique from the United Socialist States of Labhekistan
My nation officially condemns the foolish attacks on the nation of Vetaka by The Fighting Stars, and we would suggest that you cease hostilies immediately, as dozens of nations are already prepared to go to war with you. Although we are not ready to send military forces at this time, we will pledge our aid to Vetaka should further attacks occur. Although our nations are different, the people of Labhekistan have great respect for Vetaka and their efforts to eradicate the slave trade.
Once again, I would suggest that you cease hostilites immediately, as you will inevitably be destroyed.
Mikhail Grozny
Minister of Foreign Affairs
21-03-2007, 20:15
At airbases all over Animarnia; B-2 Spirit bombers and F-117A Stealth bombers took flight; there black shapes almost mere shadows in the night; the B-2's were laden with Fuel Air Explosives destined for coastal military bases. While the F-117's would be targeting Radar sites with HARM missiles and destroying known Anti Air batteries with Paveway III Laser guided bombs. These were to be escorted by F-4 Super Phoenix fighters and F-22A Raptors
B-52's and B1-B Lancers took off fully laden heading for Al-Ramain Airbase; there they would refuel and wait for the main Air defence to be cleared so they could begin high Altitude Carpet-bombing of Fighting Stars facility's. Meanwhile Orbital Artillery started to slowly move into position over the fighting Stars; within the hour these would rain down destruction in the form of 8foot long tungsten rods anything from Powerplants to Missile silos would be legitimate targets
It would be sometime before the army and marines were mobilised more likely was that the McPsychoville Armed forces would see ground combat first with Animarnia providing masses of air support as it would take the Animarnia Army a month to mobilise a full ground invasion force due to the huge logistics monster which comes with such a large scale invasion. you can't mobilse a 192,000 Marines and all there equipment overnight
Airforce On Route
210 x B-2 Spirit Stealth Bombers
150 x F-117A Nighthawk
340 F-22 Raptors
120 F/A-3 Super Phoenix
Airforce going to staging point
160 B-52 Stratafortress
60 B1-B Lancers