NationStates Jolt Archive

The Red Storm – Rebellion in Mer des Ennuis – Attn. Wanderjar et al.

Mer des Ennuis
18-03-2007, 17:31
OOC: Please keep all OOC items to the OOC thread, found here. ( to join, please use the OOC thread.

March 5th
Mer de Noms – Press Room
“…and so it is for these reasons that I have asked Mr. Krzysztof to inform the senate on the contents of this bill. Communism is a stain on our society, the product of philosophers with no sense of reality, and a stain that must be removed with utmost prejudice. In the coming days and weeks, the red menace that has killed millions in ThePeoplesFreedom and Eurasia will be wiped from our nation.”

March 7th – 04:00
Ville des Lumieres – Police District 4, Precinct 9

“We have been ordered to combine with teams from 8, 4, and 1 on this take down” spoke Captain Julie Arkin, head of the Precinct’s SWAT teams; the 20-odd members of whom were in various states of readiness in the briefing room. “Our target is Johan Blin of the Workers’ Liberation Front. He is believed to be extremely dangerous, and is responsible for most of the union strikes, fire bombings of Precincts, the attempted murder of Director Alexander Ioan (of the Economic Policy Department). The order to seize him comes directly from Director Tomas Swietoslaw (Of the State Security Administration), and we are to take him alive at all costs. Any questions?”

“What have we found from recon?” asked a Sergeant.

“We have tracked him to this room here” she said, pointing a laser at a schematic on the briefing wall, “and we believe that there are guards in these spots. Furthermore, we believe that he has a laundry list of informants and lookouts; we’ll be making this a quick in and out; no more than 5 minutes. Your Lieutenants have their assignments. Any other questions? Good, load up, we move in an hour.”

March 7th - 05:00
“Looks like we got a scout over there” remarked one of the heavily armored officers, peering out the one-way mirror of the armored van cruising down the street; disguised remarkably like a postal truck; referring to a man with a walki-talkie. Three blocks back, another armored van disguised as a painter’s truck was also heading towards the target. Within a minute of the two assault elements breaching the building, a half-dozen HV-4 Goshawk Helicopters were tagged to sweep over the area, rapidly inserting additional forces. Two plainclothes snipers and their spotters were on location; there were no roadblocks.

The driver called out.

“30 seconds till we deploy, everyone check ammo!” called the driver.

“Rodger” came the replies, followed by the actions of 10 rifles and shotguns being worked.

“All teams, this is Alpha, deploy in 5… 4… 3… 2… move!” called out Captain

The van screeched to a halt, and the 10 men poured out.

“Marksman have green lights” came the order over the com. Sniper fire broke out, dropping the few armed civilians who had dared raise their government-issued M16’s. The point man of element 1, bearing a SPAS-15 shotgun, blew a breaching round into the door, splintering the lock. The two elements entered, guided by IR signatures beamed to them via satellite and onto a HUD, and swept the area, subduing the communists who weren’t armed. They moved rapidly, into the building.

Outside, the secondary elements were standing in the street. It was quiet.

“Think anyone knows we’re raiding them?” Asked an armored officer. His question was answered by gunfire from a window. “Taking fire! 7 o’clock!” he shouted as the fully automatic fire sprayed the street. Several officer returned fire at the flashing window. More gunfire, bearing the distinctive crack-crack-crack of m16s, sprayed into the street from other buildings, most of it inaccurate. A single loud “bang” came from down the street, followed by another a second later. An officer fell, bleeding from the chest.

“This is Team Golf, Officer Down. Taking heavy fire. We need some support. Over” called one of the officers, taking cover in the van’s body. Another officer was hit, by a large-caliber bullet.

“We have a second officer down!”

“Rodger, ETA 20 seconds”

“This is Alpha team, package located. Extraction in thirty-seconds.”

A wave of six HV-4’s swept over the tall buildings, pummeling any flashes with rapid auto cannon fire. One descended ahead of the building long enough for Alpha Element to throw their black-bagged prisoner into the opened door. The helicopter lifted off with the element.

“All teams, evacuate the area.”

The vans sped off, their helicopter escorts occasionally strafing civilians who were firing wildly at the police.

March 7th - 16:00
“Alright you piece of shit, you’re off to the Restricted Isles for the rest of your miserable life” Captin Arkin spat at Johan Blin, who was sitting quietly in his cell. By order of Director Swietoslaw, the Precinct’s interrogators had not worked him over.

“Uh, Captain?” One of the Patrolmen had entered the holding area, he appeared to be shaking.

“What?” She asked.

“There are protestors outside.”

“Show me.” She said, giving a harsh look at Blin, who had a smirk on his face.

The precinct was surrounded by at lest 10,000 people; the arrest of a communist leader had spread quickly in the already far left city.

“Alert the directorate of this situation.”

A squad of men in the standard BDU of the Home Guard pushed through the mob, most of whom were armed, and knocked on the door.

“Who the hell might you be?” She asked.

“I am Colonel Haynes of the 2nd Assault Battalion of the 3rd HG Division.”

“Good Colonel, you can help us disperse these reds before something bad happens.”

“I’m afraid I cannot do that. My orders are to procure the release of your prisoner.” The tone of his voice told all.

“Am I to presume that this will be by force if necessary?”

“Yes.” One of the soldiers whispered into an ear piece. In the distance, a modified ZSU-23-4 Shilka armored vehicle appeared, its quad guns rotating at the station.
The captain felt most of the blood drain from her face. Traitor she thought.
She exchanged a look with her fellow officers, who were standing guard at the entrance.
They knew what to do. Turning her attention at the colonel, she said coldly “Death before dishonor.” In an instant, she and her friends drew their large L-26 pistols, and fired. The traitorous colonel dropped to the ground with his squad.

“Johnson!” she called at the radio room, moments before 23mm fire turned her body into a sieve, “We are under attack by the Homeguard, we are losing Mr. Blin!”
Mer des Ennuis
18-03-2007, 17:31
Across the continent, General of the Homeguard and Arch Arsonist Adam Wincenty, sat in his office in Mer de Noms, down a floor from the office of the deceased Carpathia Ziemowit, who was the figurehead of an almost personality-cult in Mer des Ennuis.
His cavernous office, as the rumor went, featured a cavernous war room with direct link ups to nearly every facility in the country, direct lines to several international leaders, and an armor rivaling a battalion-level depot. No one had stepped foot into since the great leader’s death. Wincenty was going over reports of various uprisings around the world, in a well appointed yet small office by comparison to the room above his, when his secretary buzzed him.


“Directors Swietoslaw and Mykhaila are here to see you.”

“Send them in.”

The Directors of the State Security Administration and the State Department entered his office. Tomas Swietoslaw was quite possibly the coldest man in the country, his grey hair and steely eyes reflected a man who was willing to kill or imprison anyone who dared threaten the state. Klara Mykhaila, on the other hand, was a young woman in her thirties recruited from the Diplomatic Corps.

“What can I do for you today?” asked Gen. Wincenty.

“Sir, there is a situation.”

“You seem nervous Tomas… what is it?”

“Sir, the precinct holding Johan Blin, who was awaiting transfer to the Restricted Isles for imprisonment, was assaulted. He is a free man as of now.”


“We have confirmed reports of a mob surrounding the building, which was overrun. All officers are believed to be dead. There is one other thing: An Homeguard ZSU-23-4 was spotted firing at the building, and the officers reported that a Homeguard detachment was assaulting their positions.”

“How verifiable is this?” the general asked, a hint of rage growing in his voice over the idea that HIS direct subordinates would betray his government.

“We have attempted to raise the Generals of the Ville des Lumieres Guard, to no avail. We have unconfirmed reports of a massive assault on Ville de Deplorent’s Governor’s Mansion. We have been unable to contact him, nor raise any of the city’s guard divisions.”

Wincenty grew suddenly and terribly pale, and his mind began racing. Ville des Lumieres and Ville de Deplorent were both about as left a city as could be allowed in Mer des Ennuis. Communist sympathizers populated the cities of Ville de Bruit, Ville de la Vie, and Ville d’Espoir. A rebellion in either Lumieres or Deplorent would certainly spread. His voice was eerily calm.

“Gentemen, kindly inform Gen. Wojtek and Adm. Andrei that we are in a state of war. Ville des Lumieres and Ville de Deplorent are in a state of rebellion. Deplorent must be crushed immediately before any international forces can intervene and threaten the capital. Alert GAG. Marjana and Gen. Stefan of the situation; recall all fighters and bombers from the two cities. Begin tactical bombing of Guard facilities in either city at dawn.” He paused, taking a deep breath. “Deplorent must be crushed at all costs. I want at least an Army assaulting the city in three days.”

“Yes, sir” replied Dir. Mykhaila, who was furiously scribbling notes down on a pad.
“Immediately sir” replied Swietoslaw.

They left in a hurry.

Wincenty swiveled his chair, and looked out the large, 20” thick window shielding his office from the outside. It took a minute for guardsmen to begin hustling into ranks, and a few heavy weapons appeared. The building would be even more of a fortress by nightfall. Storm clouds were moving in; the forecast called for a deluge. The most powerful man in the country turned towards a map of his own country, drew a knife, and flung it. The blade landed squarely on the dot marked “Ville de Deplorent.” He sighed; his country was at war. The Red Uprising had begun.
H-Town Tejas
18-03-2007, 18:03

Nobody in the Tejano government ever called Miguel Arroyo Kataoka by his real name. It wasn't because it was hard to pronounce or anything. Most Tejano government officials were Latino or Japanese, and could easily utter the words "Miguel," "Arroyo," or "Kataoka." No, instead, it was customary to call him "the Rebellion guy."
Why, do you ask, was Miguel Arroyo christened "the Rebellion guy?" Well, it had to do with the job he had held ever since 1998. H-Town Tejas had supplied Communist guerilla movements spanning the world with weapons, funds, special forces and other covert personnel, and on occasion direct military aid. And, when the PRH-TT supplied said stuff, Arroyo was in charge of it. He coordinated the ships, planes, and the third-party arms dealers they did it through. He decided, with the help of the military leaders in the country, if it was worth it to send anybody over there. And it kept him busy. Arroyo was by no stretch of the imagination a very old man, he was only 37, but he looked a lot older. His black hair, always greased back, was already turning gray, and he had to bust out the hair dye to conceal it.
This latest job was in a country called "Mer des Ennuis." It was, apparently, a military-focused dictatorship, and uprisings in two of its cities had been sparked by the arrest of a Communist leader. Being the revolutionary, Arroyo couldn't help but give it some notice, and Chairman Nagaraku seemed to agree. While he and the military agreed it wasn't time for overt intervention yet, along with the funds and weapons to the rebellion, the FET (special forces) and other covert ops would be deployed there.
Taking a swig of shouchuu, Arroyo began to finalize the whole operation. That only took a half a minute at best, signing a bunch of papers. Almost immediately after he had finished signing the papers, he chugged down the rest of his alcoholic beverage and left the Buró de Defensa building. Before long, he was at the firing range, right across from it.
The firing range was small, but that was fine, because next to nobody was allowed in. Arroyo flashed his government ID, put on goggles and ear protection, and picked up a folding-stock AK from the weapons rack. He put in a clip and cocked the gun back. Took him back to the days of the Civil War.
Arroyo walked over to the target, put the fire selector on semi-automatic, and aimed at the "Brain" zone on the target. Thinking back to the reports on Mer des Ennuis, he managed to picture one of their government soldiers in the place of the human-shaped target.
"Viva la revolución," he heard himself mutter, before putting a bullet perfectly through the head of the imaginary soldier.
19-03-2007, 16:53
Ville des Lumieres- March 8th -23:00

Vetakan SIS Agent Ling-Pi had been sent to the nation of Mes Des Ennuis and in particluar the area surrounding the city of Ville des Lumieres because intel suggested members of the previous Vetakan Dictatorship whom where now wanted on various charges where hiding out some where in the Ville des Lumieres area of the nation. She had arrived some 4 days prior to the night and she had felt the tension of the nations politics as soon as she had exited the plane. What she had witnessed today had shocked her 10,000 Communists had surrounded a building and all hell had broken loose. She had been that shocked that altough her Orders from Vetaka where to find the criminals and leave she had pressed her Encrypted the Distress Beacon (EDB) and gone under in 24 hours of cool time which was standard protocal in simple terms she was now in hiding. The Vetakan Security and Intelligenc Service had decided not to inform the Mes Des Ennius of the mission because they were unsure as to whether it would be accepted. As the 24 Cool time was about to end Ling secured her room and began to set her Laptop up connecting it to her encrypted Phone she was about to link up Via Sattelite with VSIS Headquarters in the Vetakan Capital of Theeb. As the countdown timer hit Zero right on que the Laptop began displaying the Incoming Caller sign she activated the encryption and the scrambler and answered as the various security protocals and authentications where completed a voice came through her Headset:

"Ling this is Cmd Barrett Can you hear me?" came the Commanders Voice in Vetaka.

"I can Cmd" replied a nervous Ling

"Whats the Situation?" replied the Commander

"Im sorry to cause Alarm bells Sir but the city has been taken over by Communists and Communist Sypathizers I have witnessed the destruction of the Police Station and much of the city is now under their control and worse still Sir I believe elements of the Army are supporting the Communists. Telephone lines haven't been cut but I do belive they are being monitored. Request orders Sir?" replied Ling

"I see Ling ill need to update the President and ill be in touch your orders for now are to remain on Cool Down and monitor the situation from your position." replied Barrett

With that he was gone and Ling was once again alone she as very well trained and well experienced but somthing about this situation she hated.

Vetakan Security and Intelligence Service HQ, Theeb, Vetaka:

After and emgerancy Video Link up between the Vetakan High Command and the Vetakan President it was decided that the best course of action was to inform the legally appointed Govenment of the Mes Des Ennius of the current situation and of the possibilty of Battlefield Intelligence from a Vetakan Agent within the city.

Official Dominion of Vetaka Diplomatic Message:

To: Mes Des Ennuis Political Leadership
From: Vetakan Foreign Affairs & Vetakan Security and Intelligence Service

Subject: Urgent Message

Good Morning and I am sorry that you have had to read this in the early hours of the morning however I must inform you of a grave situation if you are not already aware of it. Around 24-36 hours ago we understand the city of Ville des Lumieres has rebelled against your current political rule and is now under the active control of Communists. I am afraid we know of this because a Vetakan Security and Intelligence Agent hunting wanted Vetakan Political Criminals was in the city at the time and has witnessed it for herself. It is also my sad duty inform you that elements of your Armed Forces or Stolen Army Equipment was used in the intial uprising.

The Dominion of Vetaka would like first to apologise for not informing you of our investigation operation. We would also like to inform you that since our Agent is now trapped within the City she might as well provide you with Intel from the city. Would you be willing to work with us to provide you with Intel? I would also like to inform you that we understand the sensitivity of the situation and as such are treating it as Classified. I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours Vetakan Foreign Affairs Secretary Scarlet Rogers
20-03-2007, 02:47
Communist Rebellion - Mer des Ennuis

Agents in the region of Mer des Ennuis reported civil unrest today, instigated by a Communist group in the city of Ville des Lumieres. As Mer des Ennuis is a large market for Whyatican goods, a Communist takeover of the region would prohibit corporate profits in the region. As well, a Communist MdE could prove to threaten it's neighbors with Communist takeover, further inhibiting corporate profits. As the Grand Imperium has friendly relations with Mer des Ennuis, intervention is recommended. It is believed that the revolution is instigated by several divisions of Ennuisian "Home Guard", their equivalent of a home defense militia. MdE government forces are slow to mobilize, and may lose much ground to the communist rebellion before their forces can mobilize and attack the rebels.

Without foreign intervention, it is likely that the regions in question will continue to be held by the communist rebels for some time. However, large Communist states are mobilizing to intervene, and we cannot presume anything regarding their intentions. We must support the capitalist government of Mer des Ennuis and prevent another nation from falling to Communism.
Spit break
21-03-2007, 02:59
March 9th
07:30 Zulu
ZAFT Intelligence Office deep inside Gibralter Military HQ

The Chairman of the PLANT Region Supreme Council, and the National Defence committee Chairman along with some of ZAFTs top generals, and admirals had assembled in a briefing room about to hear information about a communist rebellion in Mes Des Ennuis. They looked around at each other, they were at a round table, with screens in the middle and in front of each one of them. It had a light coming down from above and the room was mostly blue. The intelligence officer walked up to a table "Good morning, In the past few days there has been the start of a communist rebellion in Mes Des Ennuis, This rebellion does threaten both the balance of power in tthe region and the stability of the region as a whole, these are intelligence photo of whats going on......" he continued on for several minutes untill his presentation ended. The two Chairmans and even the high ranking ZAFT officers were surprised "Those damn communist bastards, they keep trying to take more and more power from freedom loving people" One General said "We already have intelligence that several communist nations might make a move, we need to decide what we will do and move before they do" the NDC chairman said. Lieutenant General Andrew Waltfeld looked over to him "Sir if I may suggest, we need to move on this with a iron fist, show other we are not messing around, we could have forces there within 48 hours after there government approves us coming in, that is if we mobilize now" The General told the rest of them. They all continued to discuss for roughly a hour before they made up there mind. They all then left the room and went there seperate ways, most of the generals and the NDC chairman (one General Nelles) went up to the joint operations room and the first thing out of Nelles's mouth was "Commander bring all forces to Condition Orange, prepare our forces to move out now" was his order to the base commander.

To:Mes Des Ennuis
From: PLANT Regional Council

We have become aware of a communist rebellion in your nation, we wish to aid you in getting rid of these rebels. If you permit it we will dispatch forces immidiatly to aid your government.


Gilbert Durandal, Chairman of the PLANT Region Supreme council


General Daniel Nelles of the National Defence Committee
21-03-2007, 03:41
The Widget Party, led by Joshua Widget, had little political momentum on which to rise up. The leading party, the National Republicans, dominated the politics of Errikland, with the People’s Democrats coming in behind and various minor parties, among them Widget’s, exerting some influence over their own little spheres of local politics, but not holding much influence on a national scale.

Widget’s party was especially disadvantaged, however, in that it didn’t have any solid platform. On foreign policy, the National Republicans, once the dominant imperialists, had shifted with national will to a standpoint of comfortable and moderate isolationism; the People’s Democrats had a death grip on the anti-Imperialist vote, and supported government financial aid for poorer nations. Domestic policy was nearly as polarized: the National Republicans favored laissez-faire government policy economically, with what little government power in existence lying with the provincial and local governments; the People’s Democrats were, once again, the opposite.

There was little room for Widget, who didn’t really care that much what it was, so long as it got his party in power.

However, this day, while snooping through legally classified intelligence reports from the last twenty four hours, that he found what he knew could catapult him to power. And he decided to run with it.


It was later, after Widget and his supporters ran a rousing lightning campaign across the media, reminding the Errikan people of the horrible atrocities of communism and spelling out the doom of the people of Mer des Ennuis and the surrounding nations if the Empire did not intervene, that the ruling National Republicans were forced to act. Polls showed public support for intervention would shifting rapidly, and anyone who did not support some sort of action was sure to be demonized in the eyes of the crucial section of the voting public who looked to the media for information.

And right before the damned elections.


Secret Diplomatic Communiqué
To: The Government of Mer des Ennuis
From: The Errikan Empire

Our informants have recently given us information regarding your current situation, and we would like to come to your aid in this time of need. We shall begin to mobilize our forces, and, if you are interested in our aid, please contact us.



“Mer des Ennuis?”

Colonel Thomas Jones eyed the information he had just received carefully. His whole career had been led by decisive action in service of the Empire, and this escapade, at first glance, would seem to be nothing but the next chapter of that. However, he had his doubts about the current situation.

“They are an island nation . . .”

“I know what Mer des Ennuis is, Lieutenant. I was asking for a little more than that.”

“Of course, sir. They are experiencing a Communist revolt which threatens the stability of the entire region. We have received orders to support the survival of non-Communist Mer des Ennuis.”

“I can read,” he chuckled, “What I really wanted from you is a reason why we are getting involved here.” The Lieutenant, a thin man in his mid twenties, straightened up before answering.

“The Errikan Empire must stop the threat of communism. It is an infectious disease, which, if unabated, will continue to infect and spread until at our very doorstep. If we stop it now, we weaken it later, sir.”

“Very good, Lieutenant,” Colonel Jones said, dropping the papers onto his desk, “I cannot argue with most of that. However, it is not consistent with our current policies. Wanderjar, one of our greatest and most beloved allies, professes communism. We maintain relations with them, do we not? We do not wipe their existence from the face of the earth?”

“No, sir, we do not.”

“Correct. And that is not purely because of allied loyalty or the stability of Wanderjarian communism as opposed to most others. The government ultimately must do what is best for the Empire; it must pursue action which strengthens the Empire. And I do not see how the interests of the Empire are invested here, at least if we limit our activity to helping prop up the current regime.”

“If we do not intervene, the entire region may be destabilized, sir.”

“Of course, Lieutenant,” he said, realizing that this conversation would not bring any change to the situation; he could only hope that his leaders would see the opportunity for a true expansion of Errikan interests in this situation.
21-03-2007, 03:52
March 9th
18:39 Zulu
Mer Des Ennuis Waters near Ville De Lumieres

The CHV Kiev the pride of the Czechalrussian Navy silently lurks the waters near Ville De Lumieres. Her captain Admiral Kuznetov watches the coastline through his high power binoculars.

A man walks up to him in a Czechalrussian Naval Uniform, he speaks to the Admiral in Russian "Sir should we begin the landing?"

Kuzentov replied "Not yet, but prepare the landing craft to launch at any give moment".

"Yes sir!" he replied, and saluted and hurried away.

Not to far away a Czechalrussian Communications ship disguised as a Tanker prowls the waters as her crew begin jamming radios in Ville De Lumieres with the Czechalrussian national anthem in preparation for the massive amphibious landing. Near by Czechalrussian Naval vessels prepare to launch a attack on military installations in the area, crippling their ability to counter attack.

. . .
Mer des Ennuis
21-03-2007, 06:18
OOC: Leocardia: I told you flat out in the planning thread that landing troops in Le Vide would not be allowed. Furthermore, there is no way you'd mobilize troops over night, and have them ready to land on my shores. This is why we have an OOC thread. I suggest you retcon the post. If not, I'll treat it as an attempt at an invasion.

Also, as a side note, I will be inserting a few posts in, time-line wise, before most of these mobilizations and offers occured: I need Communist rebels to seize the coastal defenses around Ville des Lumieres (for farily obvious reasons), and I need Ville de Deplorent Occupied. While I realize this is bad form, I did not expect so many posts between the initial posts and wanderjar's response (who has TGed me telling me a post will appear from him soon).
21-03-2007, 06:50
The Final Soviet, Beneath the Green Tower, the Village, the Island of Portmeirion, Burha Talab, Raipur, Chhattisgarhi Soviet State, Indian Soviet Commonwealth of Beth Gellert


"Affirmative, comrade speaker."

"So resolved. The Communist League will make the revolution in Mer des Ennuis its primary object of support."

Sunk inside the little island at the centre of this famous lake in ancient Raipur, a chamber is held by billions to be the brilliant red ruby in the coveted crown of global democracy.

All around hand red flags, masonry is etched with words of revolutionary wisdom, and hand-carved busts remember figures so varied and controversial as Brennus, Bose, Boadicea, and Bakunin.

Hundreds of comrades sit with democratic mandates, giant Geletian Celts and saree-wrapped Bengalis, all aware of their accountability to referenda-enabled recall should they mis-represent the general will.

"It would be wise" says one Indian man, his voice slightly muffled by a fair immitation of the drooping moustache style favoured by his Celtic comrades, "to be reserved in our support until we have all proper information to hand. The Seven Sisters States recommend the use of Wing-In-Groundeffect vehicles to deliver liason sections and supplies to Ville des Lumieres immediately we are appraised of the means and needs of revolutionaries there.

"Prior to this it ought to be a matter of revolutionary security that Indian Soviet involvement in the issue remain hidden from the world."

An initial vote approves the comrade's proposal, and a GSIC (Gelert Sentinels Intelligence Co-operative) team is assembled for dispatch to Mer des Ennuis aboard several difference commercial flights by several difference national and private carriers. The four men and women travel on foreign passports, all being legitimate holders of dual-citizenship.

Comrade Marios Marojôsy Ravelomanantsoa travels by his place of birth, the Malagasy Republic that Soviet India once saved from imperialism. Comrade Ffion James uses her Welsh-born father's ex-patriot status to attain a British passport, and her place of birth happens to be a Llanelli, just not the one in Wales. Comrade Clifford Allsop is apparently from Wyclyfe, a little-known Soviet-backed state adjacent to Iansisle's Gull Flag Republic. And Comrade Jean-Marie Deschamps self-identifies as French, he just happens to spend most of his time in Pondicherry.

The quartet of Sentinels fly unarmed save for their own feet, fists, teeth, and training, but all have satellite phones able to operate on the closed Soviet orbital network. The demi-Indians are to proceed to areas of radical agitation and make contact with their new comrades. Their task is to establish relations and to relay home a report on the material needs of the revolution in Mer des Ennuis.

In the Indian Ocean, meanwhile, that great Soviet lake, from Goa to Galle, from Patna to Delhi, and from Colombo to Peshawar, thousands of Celts and Indians travel as members of the Commonwealth Guard, all joining comrades at Porthmadog, the vast shipyard and military port in Chennai-Madras, where a huge Soviet fleet is assembling for, "oceanic patrol".
21-03-2007, 06:52
OOC: I'm not doing anything wrong am I? This is my first RP.
Mer des Ennuis
21-03-2007, 08:37
OOC: Nope, and we should keep these OOC comments to the OOC thread. Just be aware that any surface ships you have in the area are probably being tracked, and could take Khan-class missile strikes from over 1,000 NM away; Ville des Lumieres's shore defenses will have been seized (sans missiles, which would be destroyed) by the time your forces would even get there.
Mer des Ennuis
22-03-2007, 01:53
“Sir, Generals Stefan and Marjana are here to see you.”

Adam Wincenty had been waiting for the generals of the Air Guard and the Air Force to arrive with a working battle plan. As of yet, the Army was rapidly attempting to mobilize as many rapid-reaction forces as could be mustered.

“Welcome Generals. We will pass on formalities. Is your plan ready?”

“Yes, Sir. We have isolated most of the S-400 and THAAD launchers via satellite.” General Jacek Stefan was a general from before the reformation, from before the automation scheme. Since then, he had devoted his time to perfecting his knowledge of the Island’s missile systems, in addition to his other areas of responsibility. “The Khan missile silos haven’t suffered an attack yet, and we believe we can launch them. Destruct sequences have been initiated, should Homeguard attempt to attack them, and the defense guns have been firing at targets of opportunity; mostly command structures. We are working on the same for Lumieres.”

“Good. What is the plan.”

“Sir, The AirGuard has readied 250 F-35s and 100 F-22s to begin air dominance missions, as well as bombing runs on the area defense systems.” General Marjana was a youngish blonde who had joined the AirGuard. Her career spanned from early tours on the Maritime Guard’s R-11s to long range bombing runs. After the reformation, she succeeded in maneuvering her way to the top. “These runs will be supplemented by a much larger force of 3,000 SuF-7 Nightmares to aid in Wildweasel type suppression. Being much more expendable, the F-35s will act as bait.”

“After that, Sir, heavy bombing runs will begin against guar… er… rebel positions; barracks, HQs, the city’s power plants, etc. These will be supplemented by heavy artillery barrages from the shore defenses. We are allotting 350 SuB-5 Sonic bombers for this. EW will be accomplished by 25 SuE-1 Scanners. AC-130u Gunships will loiter over the area after the initial raids in lieu of Strikecat attacks.”

“Civilian Casualties?” asked Wincenty.

“Minimal. We cannot consider the citizens of Deplorent to be Civilians after this; either they are fighting the rebels, or they are enemies of the state.”

“I agree, screw the Senate. When can we begin?”

“Sir, all you have to do is give the order.” Responded Gen. Marjana.

He tapped his fingers lightly on his desk.

“Agreed. Commence the attack.”


March 8th - 0000

With the order given, Planes for airbases took off with eerie efficiency. Only 20 aborted takeoff due to diagnostic issues. Amid ICBM launches from either coast of the massive bays feeding Ville de Deplorent, massive 30” guns fired, heaving shells measured in tons 75 kilometers into the city, destroying building and traitor alike. Flying in formations of 5, F-35s streaked at sub-mach speeds; their computer systems keeping them linked. At 300 k/m from their targets, large S-400 missiles, streaming ghastly somniferous trails, sought out targets. The Guard must have panicked; for 75 of the jets suffered hits for over 250 missiles fired. JDAMs flew, guided by satellite into their targets, illuminating the city.

Minutes later, with artillery shockwaves bordering on earthquakes, the higher-performance Nightmares lived up to their namesake, their computer controllers flinging bombs at vehicle semi-sized or larger. Still, nothing matched the awesome power of the Sonic Bombers, which unloaded tons of bombs on hardened guard targets, including a T-12 demolition bomb with “Blow Me” written on it that landed directly on the 1st Ville de Deplorent Guard Division’s HQ.


All of the aforementioned bombing was broadcast in Technicolor, and played on one of many sub-screens from a rather-large projection screen. The generals three had been joined by a sleepless Gen. Kaspyr Wojtek, head of the Armies of Mer des Ennuis. The four gawked at the reconnaissance display of the entire city. Much of it was aflame as their former brothers and arms smoldered.

“Sir, this was the right choice. Lumieres will fear the same fate, and will likely surrender, least they face total destruction. I also come with good news: The 18th Army under General Bogdan Iwo has reported that they will be able to march at the first break of daylight on Deplorent from Ville de Dieu. Their own RQ-9 survelance indicates that the backbone of the rebellion there has been cut.”

“Thank you Kaspyr.”

General Stefan, who had answered his encrypted cellphone, suddenly grew pale.

“Sir, we have reports coming in from Ville des Lumieres’s Shore defenses. We’ve lost the static guns. Stormhammer crews are not reporting in, and we received 5 distress calls, all of whom have failed to report in.”

“And the Khan batteries?”

“Scattered contact reports. Recommend all ordinance is destroyed immediately.”

The thought of over 100 ICBMs falling into the hands of traitors was too much to bear. “Destroy them.”

“Yes, Sir.”
H-Town Tejas
22-03-2007, 03:59

Another "civilian ship" also floated off the coast of Lumieres; this one, apparently, a Tejano ship loaded down with processed food. And, up top, it was indeed loaded down with a bunch of ramen noodles made in the PRH-TT. However, that was not all it was doing. 50 FET troops had been sitting under the deck. In stealth gear and all, they were to, in the dead of the night, get into Lumieres to help the rebel Home Guard and the Communists.
Lieutenant Ernesta Vương, in charge of the platoon, inserted a clip into her MR-444, shoved it in its holster, and cocked back her AK-104. Its serial numbers and other markings that would indicate its origins were filed off.
"Huh. That's fucked up," Ismael Trejo, the communications guy, said, "Some shit is jamming us."
"Es los fascistas!" Pedro "Joker" Trejo, Ismael's twin brother, said. Nobody laughed.
"I don't give a shit what it is," Vương said, after she had given Pedro a chance to hear that silence where you were supposed to hear laughter after you had told a joke, "We need to make landfall without the government troops seeing us. If those coastal defenses don't fall neatly into our comrades' hands, we don't send them any supplies. So, let's help make sure they do. Get to the rafts, let's move!"
And they did, and the rafts left the ship. After changing its course, which ran as close to the shore as it could get without grounding itself and drawing too much suspicion, the ship began to head off into open ocean to its intended destination, which was Tejas. Meanwhile, the FET-carrying rafts quietly made their way towards the shore...
Mer des Ennuis
22-03-2007, 06:21
OOC: This would put the blockade in place on March 11th

March 8 – 0430

“Sir, you look like hell.”

“I’m sure I do Admiral.”

The Woman General Adam Wincenty was talking to was the Admiral of the Maritime Guard Katica Neza. The rest of high command was likely sleeping somewhere in the capital; most having flown in from their respective head quarters. Admiral Andrei spent the greater part of the night mobilizing half of the navy; 30 battle groups totaling some 2,505 ships with 105 dreadnaughts of various sizes, but they would be unable to leave the massive docking facilities of the Ports of the Three Cities for some time. For now, the Maritime guard was all that was available.

“I have finished conferring with my Admirals. We can steam 3 groups out of the range of the defense guns of Ville des Lumieres to institute a blockade in two days time. The water will be a bit much for the LCS, but they’ll manage. My admirals would like to remind you, however, that should any significant forces arrive, with only 144 F-35s in service, they will be mauled, and will take high casualties.” She handed Wincenty a thin folder, outlining the form of the initial blockade, as well as various vital statistics.

“I am aware of this Admiral. In response to your reservations, let the Admirals know that they are authorized to fire first; we are in a state of war. Furthermore, if possible, you will have air support from the western seaboard, and any long-range support that the CBGs can give you in advance. Admiral Andrei informs me that the first CBG will arrive on scene in a week. Can you hold the line with three fleets for now?”

“Yes, Sir, I believe we can, barring a full-scale attack fleet.”

“Then Godspeed Admiral, We’ll be banking on you.”

“Blood and Honor.”
Spit break
22-03-2007, 19:40
08:00 Zulu
Gibraltar Military HQ
Run way two

A group of C-17 Globemaster III's were sitting off to the side of the run way being prepped. A group of tanks were being loaded into two of them, Type II Linear tanks, though the only thing Linear about them is a small electromagnet that only increases the speed of the shell by a small amount. It wasn't like the Linear Artillery which had a massive generator to propel the shell at high speeds, but since this was a battle tank they can’t put a massive internal, or an external generator on it with out effecting the tank. The type II tanks had two barrels and were a heavy tank. A group of Dread fire vehicles were also being loaded. The Dread Fire was more or less ZAFT's answer to the humvee, it was armoured and had two heavy machine guns. The sun was just rising on the base, the morning light reflecting off the water and a light breeze moving through the trees.
Blackhelm Confederacy
22-03-2007, 21:44
Word of the Communist uprising in Mer des Ennuis soon made its way to the office of Claudius Griffincrest. If the communists were to succeed, it would most likely have ill effects to Griffincrest, as the company had many stations and plants throughout the country. The Board of Directors was soon called to a meeting in the Boardroom, high above Paradise City. The meeting was to decide whether or not to support the Ennuisian government, but the result of thr meeting was a surprise to everyone.

Commander Ivan Ruslan, a native of Mer des Ennuis turned Griffincrest mercenary after a dishonorable discharge, had a suggestion about midway through the meeting. Rather than support either side, they would appeal to both while secretly funding a third party, a Corporate Party. The third party would wait for the right time to the winning strike soon after one side declared victory, all the while covertly disrupting things for both Communists and Nationalists. They would then topple the new victors as they attempted to rebuild. When it was all over and the corporatists were in power, Commander Ruslan would than take over as President of Mer des Ennuis.

And so it was settled. The first group to decieve would be the Nationalists and their allies. Jack Phoenixclaw, Chairman of the Griffincrest Board of Investors, typed out a message to the Ennuisians and the others telling them that Griffincrest did not want to see another nation fall to the godless communist swine, and that the 56th Infantry Division has been dispatched to assist in the goal of driving the Red Menace out of the nation. Within hours, the men of the 56th were being piled onto ships and sent out to sea, ready to face their next foe.

OOC: No bullshit, you guys would have no idea about the 3rd party. You don't have any spies or bugs in the Boardroom.
23-03-2007, 07:54
Leocardian soldiers were ready. Stiffed to the shine the general desired. It was a major campaign to show the world what Leocardia's military forces have and what they can do. With the millions of soldiers in Leocardia's armed forces, it was a while they've engaged a full-scale combat. Not all of them have real enemy combat for years, only a few which have been sent out as peacekeeping missions or aids from an invasion. There was really no real threat for Leocardia's powerful wraith.

The navy was also bulked into it's readied path. Tens of hundreds of new ships were deployed into action, but were never used in naval combat. The crew were inexperienced in real combat, only in exercises. From the last wars with Mer des Ennuis, it was an unpleasant war, inflicting both sides with nothing as the benefit. The ships were upgraded, and waxed the decks to keep the ships looking brand new. The seas were blood warm, it had always been.

Not just the navy, but the Leocardian Army of Elites. New special elite groups are being created, and the guns of rust were thrown into the recycle bins. A rapid modernization underway, and now half the infantry has the upgraded equipment. Armor divisions were just another obstacle, but they were the least important, due to the fact of the high technologies it holds, with the airforce. Defences were important, but Leocardia's aims were the deployment/moblization ways of how their soldiers got into the enemy shores. They needed more slick ways to get through, it was too easy to lose lives out in the open. They just needed to find a way...
Clandonia Prime
23-03-2007, 08:35
The stealthy Super Danskeran had just moved into the waters of Mer des Ennuis, officially they were not even meant to be anyway in the region government orders were orders. On His Majesty's secret service the orders were to put ashore eight members of the Clandonian Special Air Service. Part of the so called Philips Doctrine for Clandonian military assets to be deployed in the global fight against communism.

The submarine was rigged for red, as the vessel surfaced to periscope depth the captain met the troops in his ready room along with the senior CPISF intelligence officer. The leading SAS officer stood up, his G36KC slung on his shoulder, a red beret set on its side in the typical Clandonian way, being an army team on a submarine full of sailors had been hard, having to put up with a week of sly insults tof

"Captain, we will be disembarking as soon as we get within 20 miles of the coast, I don't want you to risk getting court by either side. Officially the government hasn't endorsed this matter."

"Yes we know, according to my orders they are 'in the process' with the civil service in Whitehall that could take another week."

The men laughed, the increasingly bureaucratic civil service had been allowed to form a trade union, complaining over pension rights with a few old communists they had protested in Parliament Square last weekend.

The submarine had slowed down to 'silent' mode running on ten knots in the depths to avoid detection. The rigid inflatable boats stored on the access hatch ready for the teams to be put ashore. The plans in Clandonia had been drawn up for a deploy of two thousand personal perhaps a fighter squadron if the situation escalated, for now the special forces would asses the threat after which official diplomatic ramblings and military orders would decide what the Clandonian response would be.
The Silver Sky
23-03-2007, 21:16
[OOC Notice: Will be without internet until sunday, no time for deployment post, just assume some ships and troops are on their way.]
24-03-2007, 07:03
Comrades Marios Marojôsy Ravelomanantsoa, Ffion James, Clifford Allsop, and Jean-Marie Deschamps may not be typical Commonwealthers, but for the sake of their under-cover role that is no bad thing. Two-metre Geletian Celts tend to stand-out in a crowd.

Supposedly visiting Mer des Ennuis and merely unfortunate to have arrived just as conflict was kicking off, the quartet travel independently of one another as they attempt to reach Ville des Lumieres and make contact with the rebels. Sentinels, experienced in every environment from the streets of Kolkata to the forests of Madagascar and the mountains and flood planes of the sub-continent, the Sovietists certainly expect to find their way in, even if they are unarmed and uncertain of the identities of the potential comrades they wish to meet.

So long as Cliff can keep from whistling the Red Flag as he goes, the four ought to arrive presently.

Off Chennai (formerly Madras), Soviet India

The Commonwealth Oceanic Guard is widely regarded as the nation's junior military branch. It is dwarfed by the Militia and a mere third of the Air Guard's regular size.

But, being as this is India, the smallest arm of revolutionary militancy still recruits four and a quarter million regular and more than two million auxiliary personnel, and it still controls one hundred and seventy fleet aircraft carriers, eight hundred guided-missile submarines, twelve hundred frigates and destroyers, and, though little experience, plenty of revolutionary enthusiasm and that Geletian disregard for the spectre of death.

So though a grand assembly to behold on the surface, this great Soviet fleet is a swan kicking furiously and without grace below the waves in a frantic effort to propel itself in the desired course.

No less than forty India Class fleet carriers bearing almost two and a half thousand aircraft float on trimaran hulls, a reference to Beth Gellert's old relationship with the once great maritime pioneer of Western Asia, mother of trimaran warfare. With them are the Utopia Class battleships Communism and Anarchism, two dozen Nibiru Class assault carriers attempting to avoid being obvious about their miriad technical problems, and two hundred and eighty Bodkin and Gauntlet Class general warfare and fleet-defence frigates. Forty Hyena Class LPDs add a great deal to the Soviet Marine contribution, but even these beasts are over-shadowed by forty Dwrgi and eight massive Red Dragon Class Wing-In-Groundeffect vehicles, the latter sort each carrying hundreds of tonnes of supplies and equipment along with whole Marine battalions.

Restroation Class submarine tenders betray the sub-surface presence of Anunkai Class SSGN and Ortiagon Class SSK, and oilers, ammunition ships, mine countermeasures vessels, and combat stores ships pass by frequently enough to contribute significantly to sea level rise around the world.

The ships are sleek, beautiful, resiliant, but their crews have elected new officers for the expedition, and between them all there is hardly any combat experience on the high seas.

Raipur is yet to announce an interest in Mer des Ennuis, on any level, ever. But the fleet is going somewhere, and the crews are in high-spirited song.

'Tis the final conflict, let each stand in his place
The International Soviet shall be the human race!
Spit break
24-03-2007, 22:57
The sound of engines roaring echoed through out the bright morning sky as a large formation of C-17's were traveling under the guard of F-7D Spearhead Strike Fighters. They were over the ocean still within the protective net of Jachin Due, which was a large fortress built on a island several miles from the main land. The main fleet was still due to depart in a few hours, both the fleet and the C-17's where heading for Mer des Ennuis. On board one of the C-17's was a unit of the FOF (FAITH operation forces) under the command of Athrun Zala, and the rest of his team most of his team was newbies recently assigned. One of them looked up "So wonder what we will find when we drop" Came the voice from the far end of the C-17, it was Matt Laplante one of the most promising new members of the team "From the last reports we saw, we are dropping in a safe zone but things can change by the time we get there" Replied Miguel Aiman. Athrun looked up at them and the rest of his five man team "Just remember us and the 62nd airborne will land secure the area so the C-17's with the armour can land and drop off the 10th tank platoon, we will then make contact with government forces and come up with a plan of attack along with finding a place for the rest of the force to land" he told them all. They all just looked at him and replied with a simple roger or yes sir.
North Calaveras
25-03-2007, 00:50
You people dont get the meaning of Communism get it Comm Community the people are what really matters not the rich politicians.
North Calaveras
25-03-2007, 00:53
WE will help Soviet India because we have faith in there people and your people will eventually smarten up.
25-03-2007, 06:20
Leocardian ships, docked, were beginning to be packed and loaded with its latest weaponry as well as supplies for the long sail. Gunpowder aroma filled the air, marines coughed. Nothing was so pure. A total powerful fleet was heading to Mer des Ennuis. A mobile naval fleet, as what Admirial James imagined.

"'bouts time tis thang got out of the docks, aye?" James asked his fellow mates.

"Yeah, it's been a while. These ships been dying here, we need them in some action."

"Nay, I think our men will do just fine."

It was the major day before battle... Or was it? The ships were packed with the supplies, and the men were being stocked to their new rooms. Aircrafts on carriers received its last home-based maintence, and the submarines practiced shooting its drone torpedoes. It was the best day for action. Frequent rallies for the troops at home. And Leocardian Pride waved in its flags.
25-03-2007, 07:16
March 13th
07:41 Zulu
Mer Des Ennuis Waters near Ville De Lumieres

Realizing that the Czechalrussian Naval plan to land on the beaches and take the near by port at Ville De Lumieres, the Czechalrussian Naval Vessels where ordered to return to port in Czechalrus so a new strategy could be drawn up.
Beth Gellert
25-03-2007, 07:35
Needless to say, GSIC and the People's Cosmonautical Co-operative had combined to give the Indian Soviets a fair indication of the unexpectedly grand scale of conflict in Mer des Ennuis and also of an apparent desire on the part of Czechalrus and others to involve themselves.

Still unwilling to let the standing government in Mer des Ennuis -and by extension other conservative and reactionary forces- know their intentions, the Soviets now go to some lengths to establish direct diplomacy with Czechalrus in hopes of co-ordinating revolutionary efforts against the international bourgeoise.

Comrade Graeme Igo, known fondly as the Grandfather of the Indian Revolution, hopes to raise The Communist League ( as a tool of co-operation in the struggle in Mer des Ennuis, GSIC agents in the country planning to invite participation by the rebels while Igo invites other national entities to establish embassy facilities in Raipur's Portmeirion Village.

Czechalrus will be the first foreign state to be told directly of India's intention to intercede in Mer des Ennuis, and the Commonwealth Guard suggests that a joining of forces may be of use. India plans to send WIG vehicles ahead of its main fleet to deliver liason officers and military equipment to the besieged coastal city, inviting the conservatives to come out and confront what Raipur hopes will be a combined communist fleet off shore.

Despite talk of co-operation and international communism it will be no secret to anyone aware of Soviet interest and even vaguely familiar with the Indian Soviet system that Beddgelen India does not have imperial ambitions in Mer des Ennuis and, unfortunately for anyone who may, the Indians will certainly back to the hilt any grass-roots Soviet democracy movements in the country.
26-03-2007, 02:50
EIS Republic, flagship of the MDE Expedition Fleet

"I certainly don't have to tell you, Senator Morey, that mobilization is not an instantaneous process," Admiral Randolph said, sighing as he shuffled through his pile of papers, "We have streamlined and organized the process thoroughly, but it still takes more than a matter of seconds to get a full military ground force and support and fleet ready to ship across the sea to a faraway land."

These damned civil servants, don't get military matters. Errikan mobilization was famous throughout the region for its speed and efficiency, with great results in our wars, but it still took longer than those impatient, self-centered pricks have the stomach to handle.

"Don't be coy with me, Admiral, I . . . "

"One moment, Senator, someone else is trying to contact me. Perhaps it has to do with the, you know, military matters that our government pays me to manage."

He pressed the button before any further objection could come from the other end of the line.

"Hello, Admiral. I take it the bureaucrats are keeping you nice and busy?"

"Ah, Colonel Jones, it seems that's all I'm doing lately. Are they keeping you just as efficient?"

"They know not to talk to me," Jones laughed, "I don't hesitate to tell them to f*ck off and move back on to work; I know that we work for the Empire, the Emperor and the People, and not the damned bureaucrats. It would seem that our naval commander is our sole representation to the civies."

"Thank you, Tom, that's very comforting."

"I hoped it would be."

"Anyway, what was it that you needed, Colonel?"

"Nothing, I just figured that you needed an urgent call to interrupt whatever arbitrary civilian vote-monkey was 'ensuring your efficiency'; this urgent call, as it turns out, demands your immediate and undivided attention."


The large-scale mobilization was well underway; the initial task force, the relatively small, elite group of soldiers sent to assess the situation, however, were already just outside Mer des Ennuis waters, awaiting confirmation for entry.
Mer des Ennuis
26-03-2007, 06:24
OOC: Apologize for the delay, will post around 2:00ish EST tomorrow.
Mer des Ennuis
26-03-2007, 21:27
OOC: Czechalrus: Why’d you withdraw? TSS: Approved; CP: Feel free to land south of Ville de Bruit, I have no forces in the area to “pick up” on your men. Just realize you tripped a sonobouy line, and national forces will be after you in 4 in-game days time.

March 8th – 0658

The 18th Army, under the command of the battle hardened General Bogdan Iwo, sat poised to assault the crippled city of Ville de Deplorent, smoldering from a long night of suppression bombing. The Guard divisions there had been caught with their pants down. Of the nearly 2,000 ZSU-23-4 Shilka assault vehicles and 1,500 Nakil 1A1 tanks, only a handful had not been destroyed. Estimates from all-night RQ-9 Reaper sweeps guess that most of the guard battalions had broke. Those that hadn’t were subject to merciless fire. In the distance, a flight of Strikecat CAS aircraft dropped a number of heavy bombs, leaving a small mushroom cloud as they passed.

General Iwo himself stood on top of a M557A3 command post, which in turn was situated on a hilltop, out of the range of artillery fire. A mechanized battalion’s HQ was behind him, ready to coordinate an assault. Scout platoons had begun penetrating the city, and were reporting only sporadic resistance.

“Command this is 358th Air Assault, 11th Air Attack Battalion. Reporting enemy heavy assets neutralized.”

“Rodger that 358-11.” He replied into the headset. The general took one more look at the city, before yelling into the command hatch “We are go.”

Across the horizon, as far as the eye could see, heavy armor and mechanized companies moved out into the ravaged city, while fast movers deployed troops into LZs.

Within 2 hours, the last resistance of the city fell, either from the laser-beam like fire from AC-130 gunships or 30” shells from defense guns. There were no door-to-door fights; most of the traitorous citizens had fled to awaiting forces. Global Tetrahedron Inc. had won an emergency contract, and their security personnel were waiting in hastily constructed prison camps.


To: Scarlet Rogers, Vetakan Secretary of Foreign Affairs
From: Tomas Swietoslaw, Director, State Security Administration
Re: Spy in Ville des Lumieres

Espionage is a capital offense in Mer des Ennuis, unless officially sanctioned by myself. Normally I’d deploy a squad of secret police to eliminate the man in question. Unfortunately, the situation has changed. Your officer has been granted full immunity from prosecution by General Wincenty. Though the information you are passing on to us is old, it is helpful to have third party conformation. Any new information your agent can offer us would be most appreciated. At this time, we have no secure channels to pass information out of the city, and we wish your agent luck. When we take the city, we will pick him up and release him into your custody.

- Tomas Swietoslaw
Director, State Security Admin.
“Fear Ensures Loyalty!”

To: PLANT Regional Council
From: Adam Wincenty
Re: Rebellion

I have met with my Chiefs of Staff, and we have approved a plan for you to land up to 24 divisions, for the time being, in Le Garde-Porte and deploy them to Ville de Espoir to supplement loyalist Guard units. This is effective immediately.

-Adam Wincenty
General of the Home Guard
Arch Arsonist of Mer des Ennuis
“Fear Ensures Loyalty!”


To: The Errikland Empire
From: Adam Wincenty
Re: Rebellion

I have met with my Chiefs of Staff, and we have approved your empire to land up to 24 divisions, for the time being, in Mer de Ville d’Ennuis for deployment to Ville de la Vie to supplement loyalist Guard units. This is effective immediately.

-Adam Wincenty
General of the Home Guard
Arch Arsonist of Mer des Ennuis
“Fear Ensures Loyalty!”


To: The Griffincrest Corporation
From: Adam Wincenty
Re: Rebellion

You must understand that we are somewhat skeptical of Griffincrest involvement in Mer des Ennuis. Though we do not feel threatened by your corporation, you still present a security risk. None the less, we will need help dealing with refugees, or holding off the red menace, if it ever comes. Thus, you have been approved to land two provisional divisions in Le Garde-Porte and deploy them to Ville de Espoir to supplement loyalist Guard units. I hope this is satisfactory for your ambitions.

-Adam Wincenty
General of the Home Guard
Arch Arsonist of Mer des Ennuis
“Fear Ensures Loyalty!”
Clandonia Prime
26-03-2007, 22:13
20 Nautical Miles South of Ville de Bruit

The Super Danskeran unaware that its movement had alerted local forces had now moved in, under the cover of the dark cloudy night it surfaced as shallow as it could get. The commodore had climbed out from bellow, the night breeze blowing as the slick wet black object gleamed from the moonlight.

"Sorry Sir, you can't smoke here just that one cigar could alert them from the heat signature."

"Hah, sorry I'm not used to these black ops.'

"Yeah, we will be off your hands shortly." Glancing to the seven men loaded the two RIB's with the equipment. Clandonian Marines were patrolling the large deck watchful of what else was about on the water and air, it would be madness to get caught now.

"Time to go." Muttered one soldier as he folded the stock down on the G36E screwing on the silencer, glancing at the radioactive illuminated watch dial. At two am local time the two boats departed the ship, the commodore of the submarine saluting his pongo counterpart uncertain if the men would be back alive. They were there to brief the Clandonian Crown government on the local situation to determine the appropriate response, there were troops allocated for such a operation but official diplomatic talks would be required for that.

As the boats approached the shore, the submarine blinked its last two navigation lights before submerging to silent mode running at 10 knots until they cleared the territorial waters of Mer des Ennuis. The boats touched the shallows, crunching onto the pebbles the team leader Sergeant McNab looked at the men he had been give the command, smiling at his section.

"OK boys this isn't a holiday lets get going."

"Huzzah, for the King!" Came the reply, the investigation was now under way.
Spit break
27-03-2007, 00:36
two miles south Ville de Espoir
ZAFT military C-17 convoy

"Alright all of you get ready back there, two minutes to target" The pilot yelled back. Athrun stood up "Alright come on people!" he yelled over the engines. The others stood up and got ready to jump "This is it people it is not a combat jump but be ready" he told them as the hatch opened "alright wait for the light!" he yelled. They didn't have to wait long, seconds later the light turned green "Lets go!, Lets go!" Matt yelled as he made his jump, the other quickly followed. They and the 62nd airborne division jumped into the cold night sky, the icey abyss. Parashoots popped up all over the sky as the troops began to land and the main C-17 formation broke off. When the landed the first order was to sacure the area which was done fast, they then lit flares as markers for the C-17's holding the 10th tank platoon and the 3rd Artilery platoon.
27-03-2007, 06:35
The Leocardian Navy was deployed weeks. And finally, they've reached Mer des Ennuis. A complete force to be able to provide a close supervision on the efforts today. It was a markable ability for the Leocardian media to hear such a news.

"Leader, we have eyes in this conflict. Do you wish to proceed?" A Palace servant asked, as he gave the report paper to Jason.
"Ah, yes. Dump the latest information to the public. I want them to know everything. Perhaps give them information on who's involved."

"Our forces are prepared. Should we keep them there, or can we rest back in home, master."
"No. We let them there."

To: Mer des Ennuis
From: Leocardia's President, Jason Batista
TOPIC: Need help?

I've recently heard from newscast, as well as my reports, that you are under a rebellion. I know we've been at it a couple times, but I'm willing to offer my support in your country. Let it be peacekeeping force to calm down the rebels... How about it? For the sake of your government, as well as our friendship.
Mer des Ennuis
27-03-2007, 22:30
To: Jason Batista
From: Adam Wincenty, Office of the Arch Arsonist
Re: Refugee situation

If you wish to help, you may deploy up to 10 divisions to help reconstruct and ensure the security situation of ville de deplorent. Though major resistance has been smashed, forcible relocation will be extremely difficult.

-Adam Wincenty
General of the Home Guard
Arch Arsonist of Mer des Ennuis
"Fear Ensures Loyalty!"
28-03-2007, 06:14
To: Adam Wincenty, Office of the Arch Arsonist
From: Jason Batista, President of Leocardia

Thanks for accepting our offer. Major resistance smashed? Is it really that bad? Must I need to force my force's way into this? I might as well need to use all my deployed armored helicopters as well... Please make some room for my army's headquarters in your territory, I don't want anymore fuss from people about stealing their lands and calling that an invasion.
28-03-2007, 06:53
Southern Mer des Ennuis

What a country this is. The scorched book kept on the breast of one young comrade escaped from the bombardment contains the assertion that governments must naturally arise either from or over a people, and there can be no doubting that Rousseau would regard the one extant here as very certainly of the latter origin.

It was hard for people to believe as they shuffled towards Ville de Bruit. Dazed and shocked, who could believe that their own government had behaved so brutally on its own soil? In the late C19th certain anarchists had sought to provoke governmental over-reaction by assassinating a few politicians and industrialists. They hoped to make people realise the inherent evil lurking in one nation's aristocracy or the international bourgeois and so spark revolt against them.

It never quite worked. Until in Mer des Ennuis the government lashed out as it had this week. Millions were made convinced revolutionaries in one bloody stroke of fire.

Citizens fleeing in fear, rebels marching in fury, all came across foreigners positioned on the roadside. Some were preaching. Preaching freedom.

Clifford Allsop drew a crowd containing several rebel fighters.

"...freedom from fear has, I contend, been delivered in the razing of Ville de Deplorent. For years the people have bowed timidly before a government that executes its own citizens for daring to be different and vanishes them away to the western islands for being so crude as to object. But when the killing became indescriminate the bourgeois villains removed any motivation for obedience!

"Why bow if they will only drop a bomb on the back of your head, anyway?

"Stand-up, Mer des Ennuis! The world is with you, comrades!

"Those who will fight, let us storm Ville de Bruit! Those who can not, disobay! Let our crowds be fed on tear-gas and plate glass, because the people united is a wonderful thing!

"Citizens of Ville de Bruit!" Allsop was yelling, now, turning half towards the distant city. "Rappeler la Commune des Paris! Stand-up! The revolution's rear-guard approaches, you can be its vanguard! Stand-up, Mer des Ennuis!"

From the back of the crowd a woman shouted, "La Sociale!" and, "Down with the bourgeois! Down with the butchers!" cried another newly-made rebel.

A spectre is haunting Mer des Ennuis...

At sea, to the south

Most of the Indian fleet was still far from Mer des Ennuis. Having cut across the Bay of Bengal it still had many waterways to navigate before reaching this ill-titled Pacific.

But Cordelia suffered few of the fleet's handicaps. Nor did her sisters, Morgana, Creiddylad, and Coventina. Red Dragon Class WIG vehicles, they cruised at more than five-hundred kilometres per hour under power of ten Traedycawr turbofans.

Just a few metres above the surface of the ocean they vented their exhaust below themselves, generating extra lift and reducing their heat signatures, their large hulks shaped elegantly as they slipped stealthily along a cushion of air, bringing eight thousand Soviet Marines with over four thousand tonnes of equipment and supplies to spearhead the Indian intervention.

Ideally they would sneak under the state's radar as they approached the shore, skipping effortlessly over submarine detection nets and out-running any warships that may attempt to intercept the intruders.

"By thunder, the attack better start before we come charging up there. I don't fancy our lads' chances if there's a whole army group waiting around for them."

The pilot's concern was not widely shared by the Marines behind him. These are Indian infantry and (mechanised) cavalry. Most of them are Geletian Celts, scornfull of death and wed to the revolution, apt to join battle bare chested if not wholly nude, hair spiked with lime and rifle spitting precision-accurate 6.5mm fire. The rest are Indians who've had to prove themselves up to that formidable standard, and are doubly committed as a result.

And most of them are full of Geletian wine and opiates, in any event.
Spit break
28-03-2007, 14:51
The waves of the high sea's crashed against the hulls of the ships with a roar. The ZAFT fleet, prepared for full combat was going full speed across the ocean. Dreadnoughts, Battleships, Cruisers, Destroyers, Submarines, and Aircraft carriers were moving to there destination. Three carrier groups and four assault groups total, ZAFT had a vary powerful navy, and with Dreadnoughts a ZAFT fleet turned from a power house to a force you do not want to be at the other end of there guns. The fleet was lead by the Deadalus class Dreadnought Hawk of Endymion under the command of Grand-Admiral Marco Morassim, Air forces commanded by Major General Mu La Flaga, with Lieutenant General Andrew Waltfeld commanding the gound forces. These men were some of ZAFTs top military minds and highly respected and all were decorated war heros. With these men here ZAFT ment business, and they would not go home without victory in hand.
28-03-2007, 23:33
To: The Errikland Empire
From: Adam Wincenty
Re: Rebellion

I have met with my Chiefs of Staff, and we have approved your empire to land up to 24 divisions, for the time being, in Mer de Ville d’Ennuis for deployment to Ville de la Vie to supplement loyalist Guard units. This is effective immediately.

-Adam Wincenty
General of the Home Guard
Arch Arsonist of Mer des Ennuis
“Fear Ensures Loyalty!”

To: Adam Wincenty
From: The Errikan Empire

We are happy to hear of your decision. Our initial force is ready to arrive, and our main force, consisting of twenty d-divisions, are nearly on their way. Could you please send coordinates of the location where you would like us to land, that we may coordinate our actions against your rebels.

Mer des Ennuis
29-03-2007, 19:03
Adam Wincenty was dozing at his desk; the plethora of LCDs adorning his office showed hotspots, expected rebel movements, refugee sightings, and others. A buzzer went off, stirring him from his catnap.

“Sir, Admiral Katica Neza wants me to inform you that the Maritime Guard groups have arrived and have instituted a blockade and their F-35’s are flying picket missions as we speak. Admiral Andrei just phoned in; the 1st Carrier Battle Group is 24 hours from entering the blockade zone, and the 15th and the 20th are 36 hours out as well. Ville de Bruit reports isolated and non-confirmable readings of an object moving at roughly 250 miles an hour, but have dismissed them as being artifacts.”

“Thank you Joyce. Inform Bruit to begin RQ-9 scans in earnest if they haven’t already.” he said drowsily. It was still dark outside, and he hadn’t had more than an hour of sleep in the past few days. “Anything else?”

“Bruit has already begun scans, Sir. They have reported large numbers of refugees sighted, so far they have not uncovered any enemy advances, yet. General Wojtek has reported that mobilization is going slower than expected. He reports that 2 army groups have mobilized completely. Of the remainder, approximately 24 armies have yet to fully mobilize, though there are 16 that are fully ready to begin combat operations. Leocardia’s President is asking for more information, as is Errikland.”

“Allright, have Kaspyr answer them. Don’t wake me for anything for the next five hours. Kaspyr can handle it.”

And with that, he went to a long-awaited sleep.

To: The Errikland Empire
From: Kaspyr Wojtek; General of the Armies
Re: Rebellion

The Navy has assured me that Mer de Ville d’Ennuis has several open docks for you to deploy troops from. Most of your forces will need to self-deploy to Ville de la Vie, though there is some excess heavy rail capacity that we are reserving for you. Exact deployment plans have been forward to you.

-Kaspyr Wojtek
General of the Armies of Mer des Ennuis
“Fear Ensures Loyalty!”
To: President Batista
From: Kaspyr Wojtek; General of the Armies
Re: Rebellion

We have not experienced any form of massive attack in Ville de Deplorent since the city capitulated, and organized pre-attack resistance has taken approximately 85% casualties; killed, captured, or wounded. Approximately 95% of all heavy ordinance has been captured. You may set up corps headquarters on the peninsula to the west of Ville de Deplorent near the costal defense installations.

-Kaspyr Wojtek
General of the Armies of Mer des Ennuis
“Fear Ensures Loyalty!”
29-03-2007, 20:38
This is gonna be a short and non-descriptive post due to stuff with my PC.

Port de l'Est Docks, 1:42pm

Landing Ship NAS Hatama

A gang of ratings launched a line ashore, catching the jetty perfectly.
Soon, a whir of machinery started as the rear landing ramp edged downwards.
A loud clang rang out as it hit a concrete bank, but it surprised no-one.
Everybody had been informed, and knew, that the Antigrans would land sometime.
And here they were.

2:36pm *Music from 'A bridge too far' starts* :)

It had been almost an hour. No activity.
Then, a sound, like a slegehammer hitting a slab of metal.
A few capitalist soldiers, standing on the riverbank, looked on.
The muzzle of a 120mm gun emerged from the eerie blackness, followed by the body of the Marauder main battle tank it was attached too.
Then another.
Then another.
Then another.
Then another.
Soon, a convoy of 6 tanks and several jeeps and trucks had formed, all belonging to the 71st Division.
"Lead Infantry, Disembark.." A distant shout.
About a company of men jogged out from the ship, also belonging to the 71st Division.
Lead by A Lieutenant-general.
The Lieutenant-general.
A fighting Lieutenant-general.
Lieutenant-general Frank Sandrez.
As the other infantry jumped into the trucks and onto the backs of tanks, Sandrez jumped on to the turret of the lead tank, Next to the commander whose upper body was sticking out of the hatch.
Frank slung his MP-47 SMG over his shoulder. He looked behind him, then forward again.
"ROLL 'EM!" He yelled.
The convoy lurched into a forward movement.
Spit break
30-03-2007, 00:13
The Armour began unloading quickly so they could move out. Most of it didn't take long and all but two of the C-17's had taken off and left for home. Those last two were unloading tanks "come on hurry it up" a soldier yelled who was helping to unload the tanks. Type II tanks always took a long time to unload, no one could ever figure out why, it just did. It took about fifteen minutes to unload the last of the tanks; the last C-17's then lifted off and went for home. The troops assembled "where to sir?" a soldier asked Athrun, "North to the city we will meet up with local forces there" he said to them. They talked for several minutes before loading up and heading out, north to the city.
30-03-2007, 22:37
To: The Errikland Empire
From: Kaspyr Wojtek; General of the Armies
Re: Rebellion

The Navy has assured me that Mer de Ville d’Ennuis has several open docks for you to deploy troops from. Most of your forces will need to self-deploy to Ville de la Vie, though there is some excess heavy rail capacity that we are reserving for you. Exact deployment plans have been forward to you.

-Kaspyr Wojtek
General of the Armies of Mer des Ennuis
“Fear Ensures Loyalty!”

To: Kaspyr Wojtek
From: The Errikan Empire

Our initial force shall land shortly, though our main force still needs to travel across a fair distance of sea. They will follow your provided instructions, and their commanders shall work to coordinate strategy with your own commanders.


"We have or landing orders. Move the fleet to these coodinates."

With those words, the commander of the initial landing force sent his fleet to the city of Mer de Ville d'Eunnis.
31-03-2007, 06:02
By now it was becoming evident that India's Great Red Fleet had a particular destination in mind as its vanguard cut into the Pacific. The fleet had picked-up further flotillas from station at Andaman and Nicobar, exercise in the Bay of Bengal, and good-will visits to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, and now represented a significant part of the Commonwealth Oceanic Guard.

Three of eight COG flotillas being underway India appears to be sending 420 frigates and destroyers, 3 battleships, 36 light-carrier assault-ships, 60 LPDs, 60 fleet carriers, 60 cruisers, over 3,000 fighter aircraft, 2,000 helicopters, and tens of thousands of marines towards Mer des Ennuis, while 288 SSGNs and 96 stealthy SSKs remain hidden below the waves (if indicated by several submarine tenders on the surface) and seventy-two WIG vehicles are scattered throughout their journey, travelling at far greater speed than the rest of the fleet, laboured by its support ships and the painfully under-powered Nibiru Class light carriers.

As the fleet moved, Raipur still having made no open comment on the situation in Mer des Ennuis, thousands of comrades at sea elected a Fleet Admiral by the name of Gavin ap Ambiglion, one of the more radical and hard-nosed revolutionaries amongst them but posessed of at best modest experience in naval command. Comrade Gavin accepted the honour with some apprehension and nominated comrade Shashikala Siriwardene as his Vice Admiral, and, by a narow margin, a vote approved the Sri Lankan woman's appointment.

Ville de Bruit

South of the city, just off shore, four Red Dragons belched fire as they decelerated and set down in the shallows, passengers and crew joining a collective prayer to the Commonwealth Oceanographic Section on the suitability of this particular part of the Pacific for a water landing by the great beasts.

As doors opened some comrades -mostly naked Geletians- flung themselves into the water and began to swim for shore while most came hurtling out in small speedboats and several mini-WIGs joined the landing operation, flying out from within the motherships carrying machineguns and Soviet Marines. Armoured vehicles too rolled out and began swimming for shore, 37mm cannon able to knock-out many battletanks from a mile away and also quick enough to down low-flying aircraft.

Whether anyone was on the shore at this particular secluded stretch of coast or not certainly didn't seem to impact much on the Indian landing as red flags were flown high and trios of haunting carnyx war horns moaned in the same manner as had sent shivers down Roman spines two thousand years ago.

Further north the rebels themselves approached the city, now joined by a handfull of Indian liason officers, such as comrade Allsop.

Clifford was leading a group of volunteers towards the southwestern approaches of the city, hoping to test the defences and, once the authorities realised the fact of Indian marine landings to the south, create the impression that a combined rebel-Soviet thrust would be made there.

Meanwhile local revolutionary commanders began to co-ordinate their forces into spatial brigades scattered across a large area in the northwest. Major Wilmots* took a leading role in the decision to organise in this fashion and to attempt to hide amongst trees, buildings, and civilian populations until the time came to launch co-ordinate thrusts, saying that even with air-superiority and satellite support the Americans couldn't find an entire Iraqi Armoured Brigade in the outskirts of a much smaller city than this, and the rebels could certianly hide much of what they had, for the short time required of them.

Allsop's handful of partizans, meanwhile, began efforts to cut through wire, detonate mines, and pick-off visible defenders in the southwest, certainly lacking strength enough to launch a full assault.

(*I'm not sure about rebel ranks or MdE names, so I hope that a Major Wilmots is reasonable!)
01-04-2007, 16:22
The tyres on the Antigran Jeep screeched as the rear of the vehicle swung hard to the left.
Captain George McIntryre rounded the steering wheel hard over to the right, then over to the left.
His dirty army boot slammed down on the accelerator, as the whine of the supercharged V6 under the bonnet grew.
"George! George, for christ's sake, slow down!" yelled Corporal Leyland Rogers.
"I almost lost my rifle!"
The Jeep jumped over a raise in the road and landed squarely 50 centimetres below, still doing 70mph.
"Rogers, we gotta get to Sandrez and the advance party before they pack up camp. This is pretty goddamn urgent! The radio ain't workin', and he never beleives anything big over a phone" The Captain shouted over the hum of the engine.

71st Division Advance Party, 20 miles from Le Garde-porte

"OK, Sergeant, pack up the gear, we.."
The jeep, driven by none other than Captain McIntryre, tore off the road, narrowly missing a tent and almost killing a soldier.
It screeched to a halt just a feew metres from the General.
McIntyre half-jumped, half-fell out of the vehicle.
"Sir, message from Division, stuff about the advance, yadda yadda"
Sandrez opened the letter.



Change of plan.
Head to 15 miles NW of Ville de la Vie.
Rest of Division already halfway there there. XV (15th) Corps not far behind.
From there, we plan to make advance with rest of XV Corps on to Ville de Bruit
to defend city if needed.

General Harrod
Mer des Ennuis
02-04-2007, 06:12
“Sir, the Antigrans are mucking around near Ville de Bruit, or at least their advanced armor is. Their command requested it while you were sleeping, and I granted it.” General of the Armies Kaspyr Wojtek sat in one of the wooden chairs in the war room, down the hall from the untouched wooden portal to the former Arch Arsonist’s office. The damn room drew 15,000 watts an hour, yet no one stood in its place. Occasionally, a scooba/roomba could be heard bumping against the door ever so slightly.

“Very good General. Now, about Ville de…” replied General Wincenty, before he was interrupted.

“Sir, President Viktor Krzysztof is here to see you.”

“Thank you, send him in.” Turning his attention to General Wojtek, he said “will you excuse us for a minute?”

The general excused himself with a salute, and opened the door, letting the president of the senate, the only semblance of democracy in Mer des Ennuis, into the office.

“Welcome Senator, how may I avail myself to you?” asked the Arch Arsonist.

“Sir, the Republican Senate has a few questions for you, which we’d greatly appreciate an answer to” the elder statesmen reported, taking a seat across the desk. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to record this so that my secretary can transcribe applicable information for the rest of the senate.”

“Certainly Senator Krzysztof.”

“The Senate is expressing some concern about the refugee situation in Ville de Deplorent. Certainly not all the communists were killed, and the refugees will need living quarters before the city can be fully reclaimed.”

“I’ve spoken with Daniel Czeslaw about this already, and we’ve come up with a plan. General Iwo has expressed a desire to march his army to Ville d’Espoir as soon as possible before we can get an army group to assault the south; we agreed, and the relatively green 43rd Army will take his place. They will construct processing centers, nothing more than encircled camps for interrogation and examination of the refugees we’ve already managed to apprehend. Known communists and those believed to have participated in looting, murder, etc. will be shipped to federal prisions awaiting transit to the Restricted Isles.”

“Surely there will be an excess number of conspirators, what of them?”

“The international human trafficking market is drying up, so we believe we will be left with no choice but to eliminate them.”

“By eliminate, you mean…”

“Yes. We aren’t sure of disposal, but paupers graves will suffice, unless we can find a communist willing to take them into custody. We believe that the Leocardians can aid in clean-up operations around the city. We don’t anticipate any real house-to-house fighting.”

“Arch Arsonist, I can assure you that the senate will support you on this matter, traitors have no place on our soil. Which leads me to our second question: the blockade is in place in the south, but why haven’t we made a move on Ville des Lumieres?”

“We are having some mobilization Senator, plain and simple. The guard is not equipped to take a city, but our allies in this time of need are arriving. The Army is preparing to send a vanguard of a corps to reinforce the guard divisions in preparation for a possible rebel advance and refugee crisis. General Wojtek and I were finalizing some plans before you came in.”

“Ah, I see. I have spoken with the senators from Ville de Bruit, and they unsure of how the city will react if they are assaulted by rebels. Much of the population is still unhappy about the last time Lumieres got uppity.”


The two shook hands, and The Senator left. General Wojtek re-entered the office.

“Sir, Bruit might have a problem. Flybys indicate that there are some Guard units advancing on the city from the west. There are also reports of rebel masses gathering north of the city, and more to the south. We will begin tactical raids on the heavier areas, but they are at least a day out. I’ve informed the 15th corps that they might be forcing their way into a firefight. The 3rd Army Group is reporting full mobilization status; they’ll deploy to Ville d’Espoir in a week, the other AG’s are getting ready for full deployment to the central staging areas.”

“Alert the Guard as well. I want them ready to hold out for as long as possible. Upgrade the martial law status in the city to full alert.”

“It will be done.”
02-04-2007, 08:03
It was time for Leocardian forces to get moving. Destroyers lined up in their readied formation and waited for enemy hostiles. The amphibious ships began speeding away. It was the perfect weather for combat. Cool, not too hot, sunny, and no wind. Q-5D Supersonic Ground Attack Aircrafts were supposed to arrive minutes after Leocardian forces hit the beaches where they expect to receive heavy fire. It was all clear, but looks can be deceiving.

Naval helicopters, supposedly to transfer the observers flew from afar the scene. There, Leocardian observers point out key stragetic points to hit, messaging the soldiers.

"Z-10, Alpha. K-58, take Foxtrot." said a observer for the Leocardian Army Division 16, currently deployed in the situation.

"Z-10 and K-58 10-4."

"Take H-55 as main battle point, all units."

02-04-2007, 11:08
Official Dominion of Vetaka Diplomatic Message:

To: Adam Wincenty, Office of the Arch Arsonist
From: Vetakan Foreign Affairs

Subject: Possible Vetakan Peacekeeping Deployment

After continued Monitoring by Vetakan Foreign Affairs we understand you are currently experiencing troubles. As such I have been authorized by the President to offer Vetakan Military Support in the matter. We understand that a Leocardia deployment has already been made. Vetaka would be willing to match their deployment and work under a Joint Command to aid in the situation.

Yours Vetakan Foreign Affairs Secretary Scarlet Rogers
Mer des Ennuis
02-04-2007, 18:16
To: Scarlet Rogers
From: Adam Wincenty, Office of the Arch Arsonist
Re: Leocardian Deployment
Encryption: Omega-Class Spiral Cipher

I will be brutally honest with you: we do not trust the Leocardians as far as we can throw them. They have proven themselves at every turn in the past to be incompetent at the best, and are no friend of ours. Our alliance with them is out of convenience; hopefully they will prove themselves to be worthy of some form of praise.

I digress. Your nation, on the other hand, has proven itself to be most hospitable and trustworthy. At this time, we need security personnel. Ville de Deplorent has been forcibly put down, but the security situation needs to be iron tight until this little war can blow over. We ask that you deploy up to two corps (20 divisions) to the city for staging, and ultimately to a final peace-keeping destination. Let me warn you: our nation does not tolerate traitors, and we will deal with them with utmost brutality in the future.

-Adam Wincenty
General of the Home Guard
Arch Arsonist of Mer des Ennuis
"Fear Ensures Loyalty!"
Spit break
02-04-2007, 19:36
The advance airborne force had made it two miles from the city, they then stopped. Troops jumped down from the tanks and sat down on the grass, dawn had come, and the sun was rising. Athrun walked over to the radio officer "give me the radio for a sec" he said, the radio officer then gave up the radio. Athrun switched the frequency and sent out a communication to local forces "This is Athrun Zala of the F.O.F. second squadron of the ZAFT military of the PLANT region, government forces we are awaiting instructions over" he then began switching frequencies and repeating the message, hopefully government forces would hear.
03-04-2007, 05:31
Leocardia has finally touched grounds in Mer des Ennuis. The troops scattered among the beaches. There was no one present, but it was still too early to assume these claims. Every squad was assigned to a key stragetic point. H-55 as main point. It was a total of 2,350 Leocardian soldiers, and the first three Q-5 attackers came, and still no sight.

"Captain, no enemy sightings."

"Sure thing. Alert the Mer des Ennuis that we have finally arrived their shores. Tell them to expect us in our designated spot within 18 hours. Oh, and after that... Tell the guys to get our stuff out of the amphibious ships. Quickly!!!"

"Yes, sir."

Captain Forbes was an experienced soldier, fought not only once, but many occasions. He was a teen when he faced naval combat with Mer des Ennuis forces and first engaged with blood during the battle. He knows how much the Mer des Ennuis and Leocardia's relations, and was one of the few to have been picked to lead the army of peace keepers into the Mer des Ennuis as a peacekeeping mission. He has never taken peace so serious as now.
03-04-2007, 14:48
XV Corps Advance Party Main Camp, 2 Miles out of Ville de Bruit

General Harrod, the Commander of XV Corps,looked around.
About 3 hours ago, Sandrez's lot had arrived, and began to set up camp.
XV Corps had arived not 30 minutes after them.
The troops had found several abandoned barns and a rather large hall of some sort, luckily all in a sanitary condition.
Most of the Advance party had unpacked, and were either sleeping in the buildings, the tents, or a small camp about a mile away.
A loud revving sound made him glance round behind him.
An Osiris Light Tank had emerged, followed by several more, forming four in all. Behind that, trailed a truck towing an AD-34 air defence gun. The AD-34 was unusual, as, instead of the gun integrated on to the vehicle, it was towed. This was because of a number of supply and space issues, because the antigrans wanted to mount it on a truck, because it was significantly lighter than a tank. etc.
Since the gun was towed, more space could be used on a large chassis, so the AD-34 carried twin RiS 3 50mm AA Guns instead of the originally planned 40mm RiS 2s.
In rapid fire mode, the twin guns could, between them, fire 375rpm, pretty impressive as the shells were heavy and the autoloader was only a single unit.

Behind the AA Gun were a four jeeps, one carrying a SHORAD System and the others carrying MX66 .30 calibre MGs.
This was the advance party's advance party.
"Going down into the city then?" - Harrod.
"Yup. Sandrez gave the order. Just checkin' the place out. We're gonna patrol a bit."
"Good Luck"
03-04-2007, 15:00
To: Scarlet Rogers
From: Adam Wincenty, Office of the Arch Arsonist
Re: Leocardian Deployment
Encryption: Omega-Class Spiral Cipher

I will be brutally honest with you: we do not trust the Leocardians as far as we can throw them. They have proven themselves at every turn in the past to be incompetent at the best, and are no friend of ours. Our alliance with them is out of convenience; hopefully they will prove themselves to be worthy of some form of praise.

I digress. Your nation, on the other hand, has proven itself to be most hospitable and trustworthy. At this time, we need security personnel. Ville de Deplorent has been forcibly put down, but the security situation needs to be iron tight until this little war can blow over. We ask that you deploy up to two corps (20 divisions) to the city for staging, and ultimately to a final peace-keeping destination. Let me warn you: our nation does not tolerate traitors, and we will deal with them with utmost brutality in the future.

-Adam Wincenty
General of the Home Guard
Arch Arsonist of Mer des Ennuis
"Fear Ensures Loyalty!"

Official Dominion of Vetaka Diplomatic Message:

To: Adam Wincenty, Office of the Arch Arsonist
From: Vetakan Foreign Affairs

Subject: Vetakan Deployment

The Vetakan Deployment has just left port and should be on scene within the next 12 hours. Vetaka is bound to this mission by a Vetakan Oath of Loyalty we will not betray a mission

Yours Vetakan Foreign Affairs Secretary Scarlet Rogers
05-04-2007, 03:44
To: Mer des Ennuis
From: Leocardian Deployments
Topic: Arrival

We have finally arrived with our thousand strong. We are within an hour to the destination, and would like to ask if you have any location for us to be stationed. Leocardian soldiers are deployed in here, but we would like to also deploy our International Police, which are highly trained military officers that are assigned as a patrol officer duty. How about it?


Leocardian solders got their equipment and vehicles ready and set off the long road to their destination. The troops were on high alert, for they have entered foreign lands. Experienced high military officials warned their squad that anything and anyone can pop up and ambush them. The sunset arose, and the forces were growing tired. "ONE HOUR!" cried the General from his car, and a message went to Mer des Ennuis.

Leocardian Hunter MBT, aka Type 99, switched their engines to energy hybrid, since there was no combat in sight. Humvees were still occupied by tired men, as well as the machinegunner still trying to lean on a leg. Another group of 4 Q-5s scorched through the skies, hoping to catch some ground combats and to drop their bombs. No enemy, still, and they left in seconds. It was a boring day for Leocardia.
05-04-2007, 04:46
Starting 1048 Bit Encryption....

From The Desk Of Mark Revello, President Of The Imperial Republic of HailandKill (

To: The Leader of Mer Des Eunnuis
From: President Mark Revello


Though our two nations have not had much direct contact in the past, the Imperial Republic’s intelligence division has reported that our nations stand together in, as well agree on things that are important to The Imperial Republic. One of these things I speak about is a shared alliance with The Golden Throne. The Golden Throne is The Imperial Republic’s closest and trusted ally. Seeing as how you are a close ally of The Golden Throne, The Imperial Republic views you as a nation whom we can be friendly with.

In that light, I would like to assist you in the rebellion you are facing. I am sending this in utter secrecy, though, because The Imperial Republic cannot send open military aide to your nation as we are already engaged in a full scale war. However, I can promise some sort of secretive military aid in the Killian Special Forces. I would like to dispatch a unit of these Special Forces to your nation, and though the numbers I send may be small, you can rest assured that these men I send are the best that The Imperial Republic has to offer.

The Killian Special Forces is an extremely well organized and well trained organization in the Killian armed forces. The men in the Killian Special Forces are hand picked and are professionals in what they do. As I said earlier, you can rest assured that these men I am sending will do the job you want them to do.

A Killian submarine with Special Forces is in your area and can be en-route within minutes of receiving the order from you or myself. Enclosed with this transmission are the current coordinates of the mentioned submarines, and a radio frequency you can contact them through. Respond to me or those men if you wish for this aid, and these men.

[Signed]Mark Revello, President Of The Imperial Republic of HailandKill
Mer des Ennuis
05-04-2007, 04:57
Major General Dimitri Boaz, commander of the 351st Armored Division, sat just above the glacis of one of the divisions tanks. He took a long, hard drag of a cigarette. While most officers tried to maintain a clean-cut image, he didn’t give a flying fuck, and wore little more than a green wife-beater and the BDU pants of a combat uniform. A number of jets flew overhead towards the city, still smoking in areas, behind him. Besides the operators of an M777A3 command post and a squad milling around, he was alone. With most of the clean-up being left to lighter forces, he and his armor had nothing to do, except wait for the Leocardians. It wouldn’t be long.

A Leocardian HMMWV pulled up to the small encampment, it’s crew looking tired. He took another drag, and plopped down. Striding casually up to the vehicle, he threw a wax-sealed envelope at the ranking soldier.

“Deployment orders for your CO.” He said soberly, before turning around to have another smoke.

The orders read as follows.

[quote]Thank you for coming in our time of need. We are in the process of clearing out buildings, though they have been filled with mostly refugees. Your men are to set up outside of the city where convenient and assist in sweeps of the city as well as processing of refugees. Communists and those who cause trouble are to be deemed hostiles, and will be transported to separate camps to await exile to the restricted isles. We realize this is boring work, but it isn’t all blood and glory.

-General Bogdan Iwo, 18th Army.


Ville de Bruit

The 8 Generals heading the defense of the city sat in a small conference room; various screens told the inevitable: well over 300,000 rebels and rebel sympathizers were believed to be marching on the city. Concrete barricades acted as roadblocks some 20 lines deep on major thoroughfares, while smaller streets were mined or blocked with dragon’s teeth.

“Intelligence indicates that the 44th Corps is ahead of schedule by 4 hours; they will be here by dusk” reported the General of the 1st Guard Division. “If we hold out long enough, we might be able to beat the rebels back.”

“This cannot be allowed to happen” replied the General of the 7th Guard Division.

Three of the Generals sitting at the table had stunned looks; the Generals of the 3rd, 5th, and 6th.

“Take them” ordered the head of the 2nd. Military police took the three men. “Bring them to the storage room and process them.”

The guards nodded, and dragged them away. 12 rifles reported three times a minute later.

The remaining 5 looked at each other, grim smirks on their faces. The General of the 1st Guard stood at the head of the table.

“Gentlemen and lady, the dictatorship of the proletariat is at hand. Are we satisfied with the loyalty of our forces?” he asked, to 4 stern nods. “Good. Begin ‘Burning Liberty.’”

Artillery Battery 2, 4th Ville de Burit Guard.

The artillery batteries of the 4th guard were stationed in Paradise Square, about a quarter mile from the northern front. The battery consisted of 6 155mm howitzers. The captain stood by the command HMMWV.

“Men, Burning Liberty is a go.”

The soldiers saluted, and loud, earth shattering cracks rang off in the distance, followed by distant explosions. Their guns had been pre-aimed at the 3rd Guard Division’s 2rd armored battalion. Six guns were loaded, and six guns were fired. The captain could hear small arms fire in the distance as unsuspecting loyalists were gunned down. In twenty minutes, five divisions inflicted 70% casualties on the three loyalist units.


Ville de Bruit, 6th Guard Division Staging Area

“Signal 10, we are under attack!”

The surprised voice crackled over the com system, startling Colonel Jay Osterheld. Command had ordered the 6 heavy battalions to the far east of the city to stand by in the event of a heavy thrust into the city. Most of the tankers were idling. Some were playing cards, another nearby tanker smuggled a portable TV in and was watching the news.

“Rodger that, this is 6th Division Heavy, who is this?”

“6th bravo battery, we are pinned down. Requesting immediate reinforcements.”

“Rodger that, who is attacking you?”

The signal went dead.

Osterheld hit the emergency channel.

“All units, this is Col. Osterheld speaking, 6th Bravo Battery reports heavy fire. All units, prepare to move.”

The men dropped what they were doing and mounted their vehicles, many of which were cold and dead to avoid heat detection.

“Able Company, prepare to…”

The noise was deafening: a half dozen vehicles exploded, taking direct hits from anti-tank artillery shells.

“What the fuck?” came a voice over the com units.

“Sir! We have hostiles! 1st Division’s armor is firing at us!”

“All units, return fire! Return fire!” Colonel Osterheld called into the command frequency, drowning out the cacophony of chatter. A flight of a dozen SaAH-33As crested an industrial park, unleashing anti-tank rockets into the vulnerable sides of the neat, orderly rows of vehicles. 70 more massive explosions erupted before the ZSUs could shread the choppers.

“All units, retreat! Osterheld sat in the command seat of his Nakil, still unwilling to believe they had been betrayed.

There was no chatter from outside the unit. They fought off additional helicopter borne attacks, the ZSU’s radar ineffective at picking out the phantom helicopters among the skyscrapers. Each time, more and more tanks were lost. High Command had to know that the wolves had ripped apart the city’s gate keepers. They had to.


Fourty-five minutes later, the city was behind the men of the 6th. The sun had reached its Zenith, and was beginning its slow descent into the west.

“Lieutenant!” cried the broken Colonel at another tank. “What’s roll call?”

“60 Shilkas and 70 Nakils reporting, sir. No sign of support.”

“Christ, barely a battalion of each.” He muttered to himself, before going over the group frequency. “All units, we have taken over 70% casualties. Form up into lose squads, we don’t want to give them an easy target.”

“Sir, look up ahead!” called the gunner.

There was a loose encampment of tents.

“The Antigrians!” he thought.
05-04-2007, 15:32
Antigran Base Camp, Ville de Bruit

"Hey, Mike, wanna cigarette? I mean, we..."
PFC Daiyerson stopped talking as the sound of running footsteps came toward him.
"Daiyerson! For crissakes, Daiyerson!" It was Sergeant McCaud.
"We got an armoured vehicle spotted! Rich and Karrel are back at the post.
Looks like Ennuis markings but i'm not sure and i don't feel easy. Sound the alarm!"
"Fuck! OK, we'd better not go up to them, but we better not missile them either" Daiyerson spat out.
He raced over to his MG emplacement, and found the radio behind the sandbags.
He pressed the red button with 'Emergency' written on it and picked up the mouthpeice.
"Hey! Hey! We need an alarm company out here! Armoured vehicle, possible Mer de Ennuis markings, unsure. Looks like it's one of ours, Possibly.
McCaud's squad is out there, they're not taking any chances"
"Daiyerson? This is Colonel Athez. Alarm is on. In the meantime, see if you can get a positive ID. Talk to 'em, see what the hell is happening. Out"
Daiyerson looked up.
A red light was flashing.
Then he saw the alarm company.
About 50 men were coming out from various tents and buildings, about as puzzled as to what the fuck was happening as the rest.
"Gonna be a loong night"


A crackle came from the camp PA system.
"Attention all personnel! This is Genral Sandrez. Found out what the hell is happening. Ville de Bruit is in conflict. Code Red, defences ready. Tank companies, get your asses into them tanks and report.
Artillery, man the guns around the perimeter.
AA defences, get to it!
Infantry,get into the compound! Uniforms and helmets on, guns loaded and ready! Go! Go! Move!"
The camp erupted in to a new atmosphere of alarm and determination.
Infantry burst out from everywhere,trooping along the sides of the roads, putting on jackets or helmets or loading guns as they went.
Jeeps squealed out from nowhere, crews of MG and AA emplacements charging towards them carrying belts of ammunition and shells, and armoured vehicles rumbled to the perimeter of the camp. They had new orders, as did the artillery, to shell any rebel positions reported.
Generals Sandrez, Harrod, and DeKatra looked out at the buzz that was the camp.
Harrod spoke solemnly. "DeKatra, get to the communication vehicles.
We need to get through to the patrol in the city. Get them out of there"
Sandrez looked at harrod. "Harrod, we...ugh...well...they might not get back. Look what's happening"
"I know. DeKatra, new orders. Get Fifth Independent Armoured to guard their retreat with one, no, make that two..companies of infantry, and about 14 tanks. Get some AA and SAMs there too. Get to it"
"Yes, Sir. I hope the patrol makes it"
Silence ensued for a few seconds before Sandrez whapped on his helmet and grabbed his MP-45.
Mer des Ennuis
05-04-2007, 19:03
Colonel Osterheld sat in the lead tank, a large column behind him. Ahead were men with guns. Aimed at him. The Nakil lurched to a halt ahead of the entrance to the camp.

“I am Colonel Jay Osterheld, 6th Guard Division Heavy units. I need to speak with… uh…” he said, hitting a button on his visor. An overlay appeared on his visor, detailing the Antigrian chain of command. “General Sandrez” he said after a minute. The General appeared a minute later, gun in hand.

“Sir, I am Colonel Jay Osterheld, 6th Guard Division Heavy. We were betrayed, and at least some of the guard divisions are red. We lost over four heavy companies.” He took a breath, and looked over at the city. A small, silvery dot seemed to kiss the bottom of a cloud, before disappearing.

“Shit, Guard Drone.” No one talked. “Incoming!” the colonel shouted, throwing the General underneath the tank as artillery shells fell onto the base. Three more vehicles exploded, taking direct hits from round.

“We have to get the fuck out of here! That was an XM-982 Excalibur round, fire-and-forget if you will. Next barrage will be worse. We need to cover 40 miles minimum before we’ll be safe. There is supposed to be a corps moving in about 200 miles from here. Either way, we have to move!”


To: President Mark RevelloScarlet Rogers
From: Adam Wincenty, Office of the Arch Arsonist
Re: Killian offer
Encryption: Omega-Class Spiral Cipher

Send what ever you can. You might consider attacking the Ville des Lumieres coastal defense guns. The twenty installations probably are staffed by 100 soldiers each.

-Adam Wincenty
General of the Home Guard
Arch Arsonist of Mer des Ennuis
"Fear Ensures Loyalty!"
Spit break
05-04-2007, 20:42
Athrun stood up from resting against a tank "alright people lets head for the outskirts of the city" he ordered the men under his command. They all jumped onto the vehicles and roled out, some of them were talking of course. It would be about ten to fifteen minutes untill they reached the city not a long trip so no one really did mind, it wasn't like the marchs in the rain they went through back in boot camp, then it started to rain "Any one other then me getting reminded of boot camp now?" a soldier in the middle of the group asked "Oh ya, just no drill instructor grilling our asses" another said. Matt looked up "worse in FOF training, instructors grill you tens times worse, and the training is more brutal" he told them "Now Matt stop scaring them, after all we need them to attempt FOF training, after all we need some one to replace you when you get shot" came a voice from another vehicle, it was Jade Salarus the only female member of Athruns FOF team "You only wish i was gone Jade, then you wouldn't need to come up with excusses when i catch you oggling me" Matt said to her "You want to come over and say that to my face Matt!?" she yelled at him. Matt just started to laugh and so did many others.
06-04-2007, 17:04
"Jesus" Sandrez yelled.
Osterheld stared at him, blank, his only actions to signal his men by hand to get out of here.
"Sandrez, no time, we..."
"Colonel" Sandrez replied "Antigr's army isn't the biggest, but it has one of the best training programs and some of the best equipment. This was once done in three and a half minutes by a division of men from the Airbourne. Now, come on, follow the convoy. ALRIGHT MEN, VEHICLES ARE READY, SHOVE YER STUFF INTO WHEREVER AND MOVE!!!!"
Within one and a half minutes, only a few things were left, mainly cartridge cases and firewood.
Sandrez jumped on to the lead tank, which was already moving, and got his radio.
"Harrod, DeKatra, where are you?"
"Truck near to you. DeKatra's hit, shrapnel in the leg. We got a medic patching him up"
"Fuck it! Out"
He switched frequencies until he reached those of one of Osterheld's radios.
"This Osterheld?"
"Yup. We're at the back of the convoy"
"'Kay. Listen, the Antigran military has designed all of the vehicles, except yours, in this convoy, and, well...even the heavy pieces can do about 44mph. That's the speed we're gonna be going. Hopefully, if we take a non-direct route, they'll not see us, and shell somewhere else. We should be safe in about half an hour, the air force is gonna blow every communist artilery piece in that city. They can as well, new laser bombs. Out"
Sandrez got on his radio again. This time to order the artillery to cover fire.
He ducked as a shell landed near the back of the convoy.
"Hope we get to XV corps soon"
06-04-2007, 21:06
"Captain Forbes," a salute was made before the conversation by a soldier. "Deployment orders by Mer des Ennuis."

Right when he heard the name, he seemingly went back to an energetic man. He took the letter and looked as if he was extremely interested in what he read. "Right... Tell the rest to help start cleaning up the city. Humvees stalled in lookout and soldiers took the shoves and equipment getting the city cleaned. Tell them to do it now."

"Yes, sir."

The two men saluted and the soldier left. Forbes, still in his humvee, went out to Major General Dimitri Boaz for a talk.

"Here's a letter, read it through." He gave a smirk, and walked back to his crew to work on the orders.

Alas, we've made it to meet you. I am Captain James Forbes, and I represent Leocardia's International Armed Police Division 15. I was once the Leocardian soldiers that fought against your nation, and as one of the survivors, would like to set up peace talks as well as making friendships with Mer des Enuis and Leocardia. As a voluntarily offered military force for your standing government, I will say that my men will die for your country.

- Capt'n Forbes
06-04-2007, 21:47
The full Errikan fleet finally entered Mer des Ennuis waters, and now readied to move to land on the mainland.

(OOC: I know, crap post. I will edit it later)
09-04-2007, 16:00
Bad news. Sandrez will have to be flown back to Antigr for an emergency campaign in dephire, which is in a state of civil war. Dephire is our ally, and we need to save him now.
Meanwhile, Sandrez's place will be taken by General Harrod, every bit as competent a leader and soldier.
Spit break
09-04-2007, 20:11
OOC: we will manage


ZAFT's advanced force reached the city and began to move through. There first move would be to make contact with the local commander for government forces. After the found out the situation they would move accordingly.

Le Garde-porte

The ZAFT forces fleet finally arrived to land troops and equipment at the port. Before they could do that they had to get permission from port control to dock. A message from a troop transport was sent out "This is the ZAFT forces transport Vimy requestion docking clearence for our ship and several other transports, over" they would get a response sooner or later.
10-04-2007, 19:51
Ville de Bruit

Sometimes good news hurts. Major Wilmots had planned to advance on the Antigirn positions so that any engagement would be carried out against the people of Mer des Ennuis by foreign forces on their soil and the entire nation would be outraged. Unfortunately the city's guards had revolted in their isolation and probably given reason enough for the place to attract hostility from without. Damn!

Still, now that it was happening, the rebels would have to move in. Get somewhere populated before the airstrikes came in on the surrounding country. Wilmots and Allsop began to send forward parties into the outskirts, hoping either to contact friendly units or scope-out continuing dangers which could be either flanked, or else distracted by the in-coming rebels and attacked from behind by the guard (or vice versa).

Truth be told, Wilmots was largely in control of the probe. He was a national, and he was also afraid that the Indian Sovietists were coming to take-over his peoples' revolution, so when Clifford suggested the approach and said that Soviet forces were coming to reinforce them, the Major virtually threw some of his comrades at the city fringe, making sure that everyone knew that the orders were his.

Allsop was pleased, and, with Wilmots distracted, set to redeploying rebel forces to watch for the approach of hostile aircraft. Likely approaches were to be scouted out as outposts watched treelines, valleys, crests and rises, and anywhere and anything that might shield incoming planes. The rebels had only so-so air defences, and Allsop wanted to make sure that they were in the right place. Passive detection methods would prevail: radars would be turned on intermittantly, turned off, relocated, and turned on again, and where possible different bands would be used each time. Optical, sonic, and infra-red scanning would be employed with careful consideration for what Allsop would do in the enemy's position. This rebel concentration was not looking to be wiped-out as the last city.

To the south

12,000 Soviet Marines with tonnes of supplies measured in four figures already represent one of Beth Gellert's largest ever overseas deployments. In 1989/90 the Soviets had sent a large force to Madagascar to repulse colonial forces belonging to Roycelandia, but that hadn't even come to blows before the enemy backed-down (struck by a mysterious sleeping sickness afflicting only the majority-white colonial troops) and had been, of course, well within the confines of the Indian Ocean rim, Beth Gellert's watery back garden.

Now, with the first four WIGs unchallenged and significant forces ashore, the remaining vehicles were roaring in. Eight more Red Dragons and an impressive sixty of the smaller -but still massive- Dwrgi were inbound, a great chain of flying steel full of more steel and more drunken Celts and tripping Indians. The WIGs would (sorry) keep coming and going at a couple of hundred knots, dropping off men and equipment until somebody tried to stop them. Then decisions would have to be made.

Just twelve Red Dragons had, in hardly minutes, left Mer des Ennuis with 44,000 Soviet Marines, and as Dwrgis brought in further supplies and vehicles they also dropped-off, in dribs and drabs, comrades towards the total of fifty-thousand.

By now the landings would hardly have escaped everyone's notice, but Raipur was still to declare any hostile intent... though it wasn't acting that way.

Above Mer des Ennuis

South of Ville de Bruit the Soviet Marines mustered, the forward detachment entrenching CS-400 Red Sky SAM/ABM batteries and Charioteer AShM units with all haste. This was the part that the Soviets could do well. Perhaps the lack of strategic fighting in recent years left some holes in practical command skills in battle and campaigning, but it also left a great deal of time for practicing with unique Soviet equipment, and its deployment was scarily rapid.

Upon the scene looked satellites of the People's Cosmonautical Co-operative. Here, as over Ville de Bruit and its rebel-infested outskirts, Soviet micro-orbiters -tiny satellites detached from larger 'mothership' objects and with too little power and fuel to remain free for long without crashing into the atmosphere- were closing in on capitalist observation satellites. Once attached to the larger, hopefully unsuspecting bodies, they could remain silently until the PCC resolved to activate them... where upon they might attempt electronic jamming, or simply self-destruct, damaging spy sats or knocking them off course and out of stable orbit.

Such a decision, though, was seen as a big step to take, and the PCC would not act without Final Soviet approval, largely for fear that it might provoke anti-satellite response against equally vulnerable Indian orbiters.
13-04-2007, 14:38
Mer des Ennuis
13-04-2007, 17:27
OOC: i've had some personal issues (like finding what I want to do for the rest of my life) lately; post coming this afternoon.
Mer des Ennuis
13-04-2007, 22:52
“Sir, more bad news. We’ve lost Ville de Bruit to another Home Guard Rebellion. The Air Force is reporting that several satellites have been forced to activate proximity defense systems against drones of some form. We aren’t sure how many have been compromised as of now. We also have evidence that an unknown foreign power is landing troops in the south.”

The glass that Adam Wincenty had been drinking shattered in his hand.

“There is, however, some good news. A loyal heavy battalion and a half managed to escape the city, and they have linked up with the 15th corps, which will be ready to assault rebel positions by morning.”

“How did these troops get here Kaspyr?”

“Recon suggests Ekranoplane-like landing craft. Admiral (of the navy) Andrei has informed me that CBG-2 is being dedicated to anti-landing operations in the south. Any more landing craft will be destroyed immediately.”

“Good General… good. Now, about Bruit…”

“Yes, we do not expect the vanguard to take the city right away. The 2nd Army Group has finished deployment preparations, and will arrive in two days time for a direct assault. We are at 95% mobilization in all three branches.”

“Good, inform General (of the Air Force) Stefan that he may begin suppression bombing of rebel positions.”

“Yes, Sir.”


Somewhere 40 miles north of Ville de Bruit

Specialist Douglas Womack crept through the grasslands towards the rebel outpost, each lunge forward barely disrupting the tall grass. His scout platoon’s IFVs sat cold and idle three miles back; the probes of an armored company. He traveled without a spotter, and now lay prone 500 yards from a rebel communications center.

“Golf Station this is Spencer 5, enemy spotted” he whispered into his headset.

“Rodger that Spencer 5. Incoming in 5”

In silent acknowledgement, he flipped a switch. The area was now lovingly painted in infra-red. Sentries patrolled, not knowing that they were about to be touched in the most gentle of ways.

“Spencer 5 this is Golf Station. Inbound in 15.”

He held his breath, slightly adjusting the sights on his gun. Up above, an Airforce SuA-1 strike cat dropped its cargo of laser-guided 500 pound bombs.

“See you in hell, traitor” whispered Spc. Womack, as he painted the wall of the command vehicle with a sentries head. Through his scope, he could see the silent dance of the panicked guards shortly before they exploded. It was the first of many bombing runs for a long, long night.
Mer des Ennuis
15-04-2007, 08:45
15-04-2007, 11:12
Ville de Bruit

South of the city Soviet Marine forces were engaging in a mad dash the like of which characterised Geletian and Indian warfare for thousands of years. Unafraid of casualties thanks to their warrior heritage and revolutionary zeal, the Soviets move as if they're afraid of missing the action, wasting little time in getting their bearings or recover after the trip from India.

India of course has a fantastic cavalry tradition, and the Geletians' Celtic forefathers were renowned horsemen who rode at lightning pace to battle before dismounting to fight on foot. Little has changed as APCs and ICVs scream across the space between shore and city. Indian Soviet armour on hand is primarily in the form of CAPC-1 Tendwa and CICV-4 Poolee, recent additions to the arsenal rolling along on rubber band tracks and electric transmission. With them variants with anti-mine, repair and recovery, anti-aircraft, anti-tank, medical, ammunition, fuel and other adaptations.

Whenever the Indian forces approach blind turns, built-up areas, or any kind of cover, little Hebawg UAVs are launched from man-portable tubes and sent ahead to scout for potential threats, but, this aside, little care is taken in dashing for the city. The Indians plan to regroup and take stock of their situation only once they are with the rebels.

At sea, Red Dragon WIGs are withdrawn as soon as they are unloaded, leaving only the smaller (but still 150tonne+) Dwrgis attempting to bring more supplies. Amongst the transport WIGs are some outwardly similar machines designated Dwrgi-D, for Defence, armed with Loviatar-S surface-to-air missiles (arguably air-to-air, given the nature of the unusual platform). All cruise at 385kp/h, with a capability to reach 435 if required, and the vehicles have taken to approaching in squadrons of up to twenty, with several convoys a week planned.
15-04-2007, 17:13
Someone post. I haven't anything to post about yet.
20-04-2007, 18:08
24-04-2007, 03:01

About time someone posted.

I keep checking this thread.
14-05-2007, 07:44
24-05-2007, 05:57
So no more?