Invasion of Nuevo Italia's Colonies (MT)
Soulforge Cathedral
17-03-2007, 22:12
Capitol Mesa, Soulforge Cathedral, 0930 hours
"Gentlemen, I've decided that after our recent victory over the Mechanists, it's time for a baptism by fire. While our army numbers in the tens of millions, we need to test their skill. As such, I've concluded that a minor invasion is in order. There are some islands held by the Republic of Nuevo Italia some three thousand miles from here. They have come to my attention, as they would work well as a deep-water base for both military operations and commercial ventures."
The man who was speaking wore a masterfully tailored grey suit, and had carefully kept dark hair. He sat at the head of a mahogany table in a dimly-lit rectangular chamber. The group he was addressing sat along the table, and all wore similarly fine clothing of various styles.
"Mobilize divisions five through eight of our foreign legion, and provide appropriate naval equipment. The Dyparaxa Research Corporation is going to war."
Just ouside of Nuevo Italia's Colonial Waters, 1100 hours
A fleet of warships approached from the east, stopping just outside of the territorial waters. The fleet consisted of some twelve frigates, four destroyers, two carriers and four troop transport vessels. All bore the triple hexagon markings of the DRC. While preparations were underway upon the vessels, a signal was sent to the islands nearby.
Your early-warning networks have likely picked up the fleet now anchored just outside your waters. As such, you now likely know what you are up against. There is but one reason this message is being sent:surrender. The islands you currently occupy are of value to the Dyparaxa Research Corporation, and so your presence here is a problem. If you evacuate these islands within three days time, then no bloodshed will be necesarry. If, however, you refuse to accept these terms, then the populace of these islands will be forcibly expelled in a manner non-conducive to future uprisings. Before you respond, however, know that the DRC is willing to commit more troops to this effort if need be. We will take this island. We await your surrender.
17-03-2007, 22:23
[ooc: is this an open thread?]
[OOC: * Crave cracks his knuckles.
Looks like I will be getting some action, after all. =D ]
Ghost Tigers Rise
17-03-2007, 22:35
[Mind explaining how exactly you sent a fleet three thousand miles in an hour and a half? Or, if you didn't, explaining where exactly you stated that fleet was within an hour and a half of the Nuevo Italian islands in question?]
OOC: (I'm assuming 1.5 hours off the coast of the Nuevo Italian island chain...)
Soulforge Cathedral
17-03-2007, 22:49
OOC: Sorry, I probably should've put a date. It's not 1100 the same day, the earlier section was just for background on why exactly I'm there. And yes, this is an open thread.
OOC: Sorry, I probably should've put a date. It's not 1100 the same day, the earlier section was just for background on why exactly I'm there. And yes, this is an open thread.
[Ah, that explains it then. I'll delete my OOC posts, they're just cluttering up the thread now.]
Soulforge Cathedral
17-03-2007, 22:57
The most northeasterly island, along with any others too small to be seen on the map located next to it.
Edit: Yes. The Grecalo Islands
17-03-2007, 22:58
map of mediterranica:
Now as you can see Nuevo Italia has lots of islands, anyone understood which ones are invaded???
edit: you mean Grecalo islands?
17-03-2007, 23:11
(OOC: staying nuetral in dis, for fear of getting arseraped :P gonna watch though.)
17-03-2007, 23:12
Gohr Air Force Base, Vanaheim, Aequatius Secundus
The first flight of B-12A Vanquisher bombers lifted off the tarmac of the base as they joined the rest of the wing as it assembled in the sky before setting a course over the ocean as they initiated their mission. The wings swept forward as they prepared for a sustained cruise to their area of operations.
To: Fleet Admiral Jesus Garcia, TSS Navy
From: Aequatian Republic Joint Chiefs of Staff
It has come to our attention that your forces have an airbase within the area of operations. Our bombers will be conducting strikes within the area and will require a base to operate escort flights and recovery of damaged aircraft.
18-03-2007, 00:42
Queen Artifacta is aware of The Corporate Domain of Soulforge Cathedral's intentions, seeing as though this is a colony; action will only be taken if we are invited by the Republic of Nuevo Italia to assist them.
Nuevo Italia
18-03-2007, 01:13
Briano Sicilo was sitting in his office, thinking. What to do now? Everything was going fine- stocks were way up, the Senate did things his way, military was growing... and along comes some corporation wanting a major port and economic center. He knew what he had to do, or the public would never forgive him. He'd had the Senate's approval... It was time to fight!
TO: The World
FROM: Roma Foreign Ministry
We hope you like pain, Dyparaxa Research Corporation. You'll be in a lot of it. We'll destroy your fleet, and anything you send at us. Then you go down. HARD. At this time we issue a formal Imperial Declaration of war upon The Dyparaxa Research Corporation.
Good Day,
Antonio Gordivici
Antonio Gordivici
Minister of Foreign Affairs
20 Hell Fury Strategic Satellites were slowly gliding over the Corporation's fleet. These 2 billion dollar playthings were the stuff of dreams for any Nuevan General. They were purchased fresh from Phoenix Dynamics, and could knock out an entire navy like a fly. Any sign of anti-sattelite weapons, they'd be off...
In port, the Fleet of Sir Grecalo was preparing for battle. In whole, they numbered:
10x Ultra Class BattleCarriers-
1x B-69 Skymaster Stealth Bomber
50x F-27 Haste Fighter
30x F-33B Phoenix Interceptor
10x EC-14 Donkey AWACS
15x B-9 Vexore Bomber
12x AH-4 Zealot Light Attack/Observation Helicopter
12x Norad Class Super Battleships
10x CGN 56 Xero Class Guided Missile Cruisers
10x LHA-1 Hornet Class Amphibious Assault Carriers
100x FFG-1 Monitor Class Semi-Submersible Frigates
20x Lancer Class Dreadnaught-Destroyer DD-120s
2x Spartan Fleet Defense Blimps
3x Trojan II Class Rigid Airborne Aircraft Carrier- 14x F-27 Haste Fighters
Every ship was stocked and ready to go. The sailors eyes burned with pride and desire for victory, as their fleet was prepared to engage the enemy. On the ground, the army was preparing should enemy troops land...
OOC: Wait... what type of ships (American, Custom Designs, Storefront, etc.?) are you bringing along? Will post total plaes with those carriers soon...
Nuevo Italia
18-03-2007, 02:09
Aircraft complements now up.
SC, I still need to know the types of ships or the basic specs...
I'll make an OOC thread.
The Horned Rat
18-03-2007, 02:15
The Under-Empire was a buzzing hive as of late.
Ever since the end of the Kobold-War a vast amount of territory had been taken, but more had been stolen from the skaven. This did not sit well with the Council, but there was very little they could do about it at the moment.
The beginning of the Unseen War was a blessing in disguise, it gave them a chance to consume that which had been stolen from them by the Dominion and Great Forge.
But this affected their generaly foreign affairs of conquer, enslave, and burn any non-skaven.
The country of Nueva Italia had been tossed around by a few of the higher-up Warlords as a potential target seeing as their new allies of the DRC were sending a force there.
Since a massive military operation was being planned in the Under-Empire however, they wouldn't be able to crush their target of choice beneath their jackboot's heel with a sea of soldiers. Instead they'd send their elite soldiers equipped with the newest technology.
A Pudite Surface Fleet, also known as a Light First Contact Fleet to the skaven, was comandeered for the hostile action.
Host-Marshal, which is the human equivalent to a Lieutenant General, Osklith, was put in command of the 57th Corps. The compliment of Clanrats had been replaced with Stormvermin divisions instead including another Brigade of Deathvermin. The slaves were still maintained because disposable canon-fodder was a staple of skaven society and strategy.
Once the pieces were assembled, the fleet set sail on the long journey...
OOC: sorry about quality, I'm multi-tasking at the moment and I'm still "WHEEEEEE!" from watching 300 earlier today. Ship numbers/types for the fleet will be acquired soon, I just gotta dig it up...
18-03-2007, 02:22
Diplomatic Message from Governor Kaernie (Mediteranicca Region) to The Horned Rat
If it would make your attacks run smoother we would be willing to allow access by your forces to Toopoxican ports and refuelling areas, so long as you do not attract too much foreign interest and that you do not release this information.
Governor Kearnie
The Horned Rat
18-03-2007, 02:30
(obviousley in reply to Toop)
Your proposal is intriguing, however this mission is not of subtelty. However, what should happen if we "attacked" one of your such centers which was conveniently abandoned due to a health-hazard. However during this incident you're unable to reach our government and demand a release of the facility. Once our objectives our complete, an offical apology is given and we withdraw from said facility.
Host-Marshal Osklith
18-03-2007, 02:38
(obviousley in reply to Toop)
Diplomatic Message from Governor Kaernie (Mediteranicca Region) to The Horned Rat
We mean no offence when we say that we would rather not surrender one of our own ports, the evacuation of residents from an affected area would cost too much and we would lose much trade on the area, however, should you require more fuel or logistics our offer stands.
Governor Kaernie
The Horned Rat
18-03-2007, 02:46
OOC: Replying to someone in this thread...two guesses as to who >_>
The Under-Empire is fully willing to foot the bill. Our coffers tend to be limitless when the need arises. However we will ponder your offer for now rather than act upon it. The Council will remember your positive actions.
Host-Marshal Osklith
18-03-2007, 03:06
Diplomatic Message from Governor Kaernie (Mediteranicca Region) to The Horned Rat
This may be however we are still unwilling to surrender one of our ports for any length of time, though we have the best interests of this invasion at heart and wish your nation well in its future endeavors.
Governor Kaernie
((OOC: Mah deployment.
2x Valiant BBN
1x Illustrious CVAN
4x Erschoff DDGN
2x Wolfe DDG
6x Mason FFGN
4x Meyers FFG
4x Blowpipe SSN
2x Ocean II SSN
Links to all of the above can be found here. (
Add in the proper amount of logistics ships and you have the group. I'll also draw up a land OOB if it comes to that, but that won't be large at all.))
Task Force Italia was at full steam as the group cruised around the tip of southern Eurasia towards Nuevo Italia, the CINS Kestrel, an Illustrious-class carrier, at its center. Fanned out around it were her escorts, and a magnificent sight to be seen as the Imperial Naval Ensign flew high on each warship. The group was just a few hours away at this point, and continuing on steadily.
Rear Admiral Jacob Keyes stood atop the bridge of the Kestrel, watching the status screens dilligently as satellite recon took in every minute detail of enemy movements. His hands were deep in the pockets of his navy blue pea coat, and a pipe filled with tobacco hung from his lips as he gazed at the live feed of the enemy fleet. The white cap atop his head hid most of his silver hair .
The roar of a patrol of two naval Banshees taking off filled the relative silence of the bridge, and he turned to watch as their afterburners lit up while they were catapulted from the deck. Flight crews worked frantically to prepare a second flight for launch, appearing to be ants to Keyes from his position. He returned his gaze to the screens mounted above the bridge windows. It wouldn't be long now.
Imperial Department of Foreign Affairs
It has come to our attention that the empire of our ally Nuevo Italia has come under siege from foreign corporate forces. As such, the Libertarian Empire hereby pledges that not one inch of Italian soil will be ceded to the Corporate forces. Task Force Italia is currently en route to the area of operations from our fleet stationed out of Eurasia, and Army and Marine deployments are currently being prepared to mount for a defense in the unlikely event that allied naval forces fail to stop the Corporate advance.
Should it be required, the Empire is willing to bring in further support to bolster allied forces in the region. The Imperial Military is at the disposal of the Italian government, which guarantees an allied victory.
We suggest the Corporatists turn back, lest our forces actually have to show you true Imperial might.
Louis McHenry
Louis McHenry
Director of Foreign Affairs
The Silver Sky
18-03-2007, 03:29
Skyian First Expeditionary Armada, Enroute to Jupiter Colony, 750miles Off The Grecalo Islands
A vast armada of 1045 combat ships and a single SRNS 'Kraken-Class Siege Dreadnought traversed the waves south into the Mediterranica region to join the 5th Fleet in the invasion of the Toopoxian Colony of Gallia. They were coming with millions of troops and thousands of aircraft.
"Admiral Sutherland, sir, one of the frigate pickets intercepted a message from a Corporate Alliance member nation to Nuevo Italia." Said a Comm Officer from his post on the Kraken's Bridge. Admiral Sutherland nodded and looked over the message from his console.
"Forward it to Fleet Admiral Garcia, also, tell him we'll be making a side stop on our way to Operation Jupiter, also alert the air forces in Eurasia for sorties, we should be able to eliminate this first fleet from what radar reports, but any others will be up to the Eurasian Garrison, and leave some Braach's in the area and have the bases prep the land based Khans." Said Admiral Sutherland.
Naval Base SMJC-I, Jupiter Colony, Skyian held Mediterranica
Fleet Admiral Jesus Garcia walked up the stairway to the bridge of his 'Hyperion'-Class Assault Dreadnought, the flagship of his 545 ship fleet based in Jupiter Colony, he had been ordered to go ahead and commence with the operation. He had also received a message from the Aequatian Military and forwarded a response.
Encrypted Ground Wire Message
To: Aequatian Republic Joint Chiefs of Staff
From: Fleet Admiral Jesus Garcia, Skyian Republican Navy
You have permission to base aircraft within our base in the country of Eurasia and Jupiter Colony near where the Corporate Alliance Operation is taking place. Let it be know that my military is about to engage in action against the Toopoxian Colony of Gallia and will be unable to send fleets to assist with the operation, we ask you send some sort of fleet to keep the enemy from hitting our colony. Aircraft from Eurasia will be put aside to assist in your operations however.
He also sent a message to the nation of ZMI asking for assistance as the 'Hyperion'-Class pulled out of harbor and towards Yallak's coast. All across the colony air defences were being brought online, OTH-B radar sites were being activated, giving the colony views into Gallia and over The Grecalo Islands. The colony would be a fortress.
Encrypted Ground Wire Message
To: Zepplin Manufacturers Defence Force
From: Fleet Admiral Jesus Garcia, Skyian Republican Navy
On behalf of The Silver Sky Government and Military I would like to contract the defence of Nuevo Italian's The Grecalo Islands and our Jupiter Colony. We would send forces ourselves but have already dedicated forces to an offensive operation, so far we just require you to defend Jupiter Colony from fleets from the Dyparaxa Research Corporation and their Corporate Alliance allies. You may use already established naval and air bases are your own base of operations in defence of our colony. Your mission objectives may change however.
What do you say?
Another short message was sent to Cravan allowing them to use bases in the area.
First Expeditionary Naval Armada
All across the fleet preperations for a first strike were being made, hopefully it would be the only strike needed against the fleet. Hundreds of fighters and strike bombers lifted off to join already established combat air patrols while frigates and destroyers brought their RADARs online and moved closer to the troop transports.
Four 'Ravager'-Class Dreadnoughts turned their Surface Wave Effect Radars on the DRC fleet, illuminating them from over what would usually be the radar horizion. They also were being fed data from satellites overhead, which were orginally intended for Toopoxia. The fleet was small so only 10 Khans from each ship would be fired a total of forty Khan-Class Heavy Ship to Ship Missiles ( would be fired at the enemy fleet, and considering a single Khan with it's 5950kg of HMX is capable of sinking a 200k tonne battleship it would make short work of the carrier fleet.
Their four hypersonic anti-missile interceptors and thick skin could help the missiles surive, as does it's Mach 11.8 sea level closing speed.
They would rue the day they met the Khan.
OOC: <<< all my military ORBATs and tech.
((OOC: XDDDDDD! Ignore the fact that I posted my fleet was far awayB, I just realised Eurasia is RIGHT THERE. And thus I already have a fleet deployed to the region, including the CINS Espada del Imperio, a Hood-class SDN. Consider Task Force Italia the first force breaking off from my main fleet. I'll keep the rest of them on the other side of Eurasia till I need them.))
Nuevo Italia
18-03-2007, 04:04
Now, everyone likes to show a bit of muscle, but we must try to keep it small scale (on all sides) for now...
18-03-2007, 04:51
Samuel Jorgensen walked out of the situation room. As commander of the navy, he and his staff had gone through the situation many times. Luchamos had just returned to normalcy after the times of troubles (OCC: ie just had it ressurected) and many in the government did not wish to get involved in an armed struggle, but he thought otherwise and had convinced the Supreme Chief as such. The NPL were going to war.
To: Roma Foreign Ministry
From: Supreme Chief Oliver Peterson
We dennounce this act of agression and offer our support against this foe. I am sending our 2nd Fleet and the 1st Marine Raider Division to the area. We realize this force might be considered small compared to forces currently in the area, however they are strong and will not flinch in the face of enemy fire. Our force will arrive as soon as it can.
18-03-2007, 10:50
Official statement:
Empire of Olmedreca supports Nuevo Italia. Naval mobilization has started. Nuevo Italia and its allies are allowed to use Olmedrecan ports and airfields for operations at Grecalo islands.
Foreign Minister Lembit Tuleplaneet
18-03-2007, 11:17
[CENTER]A vast armada of 1045 combat ships and a single SRNS 'Kraken-Class Siege Dreadnought traversed the waves south into the Mediterranica region to join the 5th Fleet in the invasion of the Toopoxian Colony of Gallia. They were coming with millions of troops and thousands of aircraft.
(OOC: N-E-U-T-R-A-L, NUETRAL!!! Though ye obviously wanna destroy purely for the hell of destroying me, sigh, fine but i'm kinda busy fighting away Monarchists)
18-03-2007, 16:29
"Mr. President, it appears that the war has already started."
"Hmm, send our fleets to The Grecalo Islands at once."
"Yes, sir."
"This should be quite interesting"
the United States fully supports Nuevo Italia's claim to The Grecalo Islands. We will defend that claim as such, Nuevo Italia has Cookesland's armed forces' full backing
Secretary Steven Andolor
18-03-2007, 17:02
(OOC: goddamit, sighs, well I can do nothing to stop this, are those missiles headed my way?)
The Silver Sky
18-03-2007, 17:11
[OOC: No, any attacks against you will be posted in your civil war thread, those are against the DRC fleet.]
18-03-2007, 17:16
[OOC: No, any attacks against you will be posted in your civil war thread, those are against the DRC fleet.]
(OOC: that'll make things easier, plus it'll bump my civil war, hooray!!! :P)
Soulforge Cathedral
18-03-2007, 17:35
OOC:My fleet is all of custom design, but as I don't have a scanner and I haven't typed it up yet, think U.S. naval vessels, with considerably more firepower and defensive capability. That is, all of my surface vessels are equipped with state-of-the-art targeting computers, rocket-assisted naval guns, and anti-ship missiles. In addition, they all have Phalanx Anti-Ordanance Mk. II systems to target incoming missiles and rounds, and neutralize them. And wow, I didn't quite expect thousand-ship navies to start sailing all over. (Hence my miniscule fleet)
IC: Jervais, the captain of the DRC Blazer, the capital carrier of the fleet, stood surveying the radar imagery on the bridge. Upon the deck of the vessel numerous planes were being launched, primarily fighter-bombers (Think F-16). Considering the relatively small number of aircraft at his disposal, Jervais knew that the fleet stood little chance of acomplishing their goals. "Sir, reports indicate that our foes have mobilized for war. A number of foreign agencies have dispatched forces outnumbering ours almost 50:1. We only have sixty planes at our disposal, and those we face have technology as advanced as our own." The aid that was speaking wore the grey uniform of the DRC navy, and held a report in his hands. Jervais grimaced as he heard the news. "Order the fleet to fall back to rendevous alpha. Make sure to keep our advance warning systems intact. If they fire on us, I want to know in time to counter it, understood?" The aid nodded and left the bridge briskly. Rendevous alpha was approximately 300 miles away from the Grecalo Island chain, in international waters. "Send a class-A enigma to our home waters. The mission has become...complicated. If we don't get aid from our allies, then the operation is compromised. We need more assistance." The communications officer nodded and started typing furiously into his console. Jervais turned back to the radar screens and frowned again. "Blast. Even if we survive the missiles, and we probably will, we stand no chance against a fleet of that magnitude. Unless..." Jervais's brow crinkled as he thought furiously. "No, that won't work either..." Jervais sighed and turned from the screens again. "Blast it!"
18-03-2007, 18:04
OOC: Could you and everyone else too RP their feeltmovements so that I could roughly guess where they are on map? My actions really depend of it because I have lots of coastline in that area(and i like to do my warplanning on map). For example if that retreat from Grecalo islands to rendezvous point was directly towards Olmedrecan mainland it would cause lot more agressive response then in other cases.
edit: map again
18-03-2007, 18:16
Gallia, Toopoxican Mediteranicca
The people of Gallia awoke, fresh from the previous weekends celebrations and mournings, with the establishment of the Republic many felt new freedoms that they had once rallied for, but many were now dispairing over the recent events in mainland Toopoxia.
IndentGovernor Kaernie was more busy concentrating on the Northern theatre of current warfare, Nuevo Italia, a member of GASN and now a target for CA aggression, not that he would question the motives of the benevolant alliance but this had left the Colony in somewhat of a difficult position, bordered by both the targeted nation and its allies it could do nothing to assist in the conflict but lived in the knowledge that no matter what the region would be afflicted soon.
IndentWhilst motions were made by the reprobatic GASN nations the Toopoxicans moved and readied forces to defend its nation in a worst case, 2 Frigates were shifted towards Gallia and one was put under construction, forts on the Italia border, previously untouched, now bristled with movement, THELs were readied and if conflict were to come the Toopoxicans would be ready for it.
((OOC: About 100mi west of the islands in question, just south of Eurasia, Olm. My large fleet is on the western side of Eurasia, but I don't plan on deploying them anytime soon.))
"They're keeping out further, sir. Currently four-hundred miles from our current position.", one of the sensors operators remarked while watching a satellite feed at his station. Keyes grunted.
"They're well within range. Have two of the Erschoffs up front fire off sixty of their Pikes."
"Aye, sir, relaying the orders now."
On the bridge of the CINS Temult, DDGN-140, Captain John Snowfinch stood with his hands clasped behind his back, taking in the refreshing ocean breeze through his nostrils.
"Sir, orders from the Kestrel.", a communications operator said while rising to hand the captain the telegram. Snowfinch read it quickly, then walked to the internal communications system and picked up the receiver.
"Attention all crew, this is Captain Snowfinch. The Temult is currently undergoing long range combat operations. General quarters, all hands to your positions. Repeat: General quarters, all hands to your positions."
He handed the note to his sensors operators, pointing to a series of latitude and longitude coordinates.
"This is the target zone. Get it on the screen and we'll start picking them off. Fire mission of sixty Pikes has been ordered from the Kestrel."
Within minutes, the smoke plumes rose as sixty BGM-172A ( Pike stand-off high speed cruise missiles rocketed towards the skies from the decks of the two Erschoff-class destroyers, a total of one-hundred twenty anti-shipping missiles. Guided in by satellite, the swarm sped towards the target fleet. Keyes watched via satellite as the Pikes closed in with their targets.
Perhaps that will persuade them to turn back.
Nuevo Italia
18-03-2007, 19:06
Briano Sicilo slammed his fists down on his desk.
"Damnit, Mitchell, I told you what I want done, do it!"
"But- Sir, don't you think that's a bit unneccessary? Moving the hellfires over Gallia seems like asking for trouble."
"Asking for trouble? ASKING FOR TROUBLE! This whole war is 'asking for trouble'. We have a single base on the Toopoxican border, what happens when they decide to move in?"
"All right. What do I tell Commodore Grecalo to do?"
"Have hi-"
His secretary walked in, carrying a stack of letters.
"Sir, these just arrived."
"Fine, Mary. Set them down and go."
He turned to General Mitchell.
"As I was saying, I want those sattellites over Toopoxican soil within the next 72 hours. The fleet's to stand by, they are NOT to leave port as of now. Let the Cravanians do our work for us, with their names they stole from Ace Combat 5, we'll finish these corporate monkeys off. How's the public handling this?"
"Fairly well... they're not very affected unless they were planning a trip on down to The Grecs. *Chuckle* They like it, it's a media sensation."
"And the economy?"
"Doing fairly well for the circumstances. Arms sector going up slightly."
"Let's keep it that way. I bring in too many allies, they call in the CA and the shit hits the fan. Excuse me now, I've got letters to respond to..."
As Briano took out his pen, another 2 Hellfire sattellites moved over Gallia...
Secure Statement
TO: The World
FROM: Roma Foreign Ministry
We appreciate all aid offers, but at the moment, to slow escalation, we request no help outside of current allies.
Good Day,
Antonio Gordivici
Antonio Gordivici
Minister of Foreign Affairs
18-03-2007, 19:11
Diplomatic Message from Governor Kaernie to Nuevo Italia
To our neighbour, we have no intentions of passing through to your territory but we will defend to the death our own territory if you plan otherwise, although we understand the cautious mobilisation of Italian forces we would ask that you do not invade under pressures of your respective alliance and we shall attempt to do the same, we pray that this event can come to a peaceful close soon.
Governor Kaernie..
Let the Cravanians do our work for us, with their names they stole from Ace Combat 5, we'll finish these corporate monkeys off. How's the public handling this?"
((OOC: XD!))
Nuevo Italia
18-03-2007, 21:45
Secure Statement
TO: Gallia
FROM: Roma Foreign Ministry
We will refrain from military action- for now- as long as continued total neutrality is in effect.
Good Day,
Antonio Gordivici
Antonio Gordivici
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Diplomatic Message to Nuevo Italia
As partners in the Mediterranican Union we will assisst you in any way possible however our forces are currently tied down regarding our conflict with Zambistan..Our ports and bases are open to you..we will send further aid at your request..good luck comrade
General Armije-Empiree Hizla, acting Emperor of Gataway
ooc: General Armije-Empiree translates to General of the Empire's Army..a special rank used only in times of war or when the Emperor is away..Nadov is attending the anti-slavery conference.
Alcona and Hubris
18-03-2007, 22:24
Klatchian Coast News
International Incidents of Note
For those of you not paying attention to the rumblings in all of the far off corners of the world, it appears this week that Dyparaxa Research Corporation is currently front runner for the Neo Tyr award.
Dyparaxa apparently decided that they wanted a set of islands in some remote region. Unfortunately for them, the islands happened to already be occupied by Nuevo Italia. So Dyparaxa sent a fairly small taskforce to sweep out the colonists from their homes. International response has been 10:1 in favor of Nuevo Italia's claim. These nations have backed up their responses with enough naval power to remove a small continent from the face of the planet. Against a handful of frigates and one aircraft carrier sent by Dyparaxa.
With the current tactical situation, the Dyparaxa fleet has begun to move away from the islands, obviously in a hope not to be completely destroyed by erstwhile advisaries.
As a personal editorial note, we suggest that the various hostile nations bill Dyparaxa for the costs associated with removing this hostile take-over attempt rather than destroy their pitiful fleet. Remember they are a corporation, and corporation's boards look at the bottom line rather than the death toll.
And to Dyparaxa, we wonder what the hell on those islands were worth so much to cause you to invade them in the first place? Whatever it was you have demonstrated a foolishness only bettered by Neo Tyr's idiot despots who thought invading the Klatch was a good idea. So we have nominated you for the Neo Tyr award. We hope you win, which would mean that your corporate assets are going to be auctioned off by Neuvo Italia.
ooc: Yea i should charge them for my telegram cost...
"This is General Skragg of Dephire. Currently, our forces are on their way back to the mainland. However, they are prepared enough to redirect their attention in the defense of any and all Nuevo Italia Territory and their allies, the GASN. Dephire is currently occupying territory fifty miles south of Corporate Alliance member, Iragia. So this may be a short sortie if they choose to engage. If you need reinforcements, please contact me as soon as possible. You are within two to three days from our present location should you choose to reply within the next six to eight hours. Thank you and good day."
I already TG'd Nuevo Italia, and he ok'd me.
Nuevo Italia
19-03-2007, 03:17
OOC:My fleet is all of custom design, but as I don't have a scanner and I haven't typed it up yet, think U.S. naval vessels, with considerably more firepower and defensive capability. That is, all of my surface vessels are equipped with state-of-the-art targeting computers, rocket-assisted naval guns, and anti-ship missiles. In addition, they all have Phalanx Anti-Ordanance Mk. II systems to target incoming missiles and rounds, and neutralize them. And wow, I didn't quite expect thousand-ship navies to start sailing all over. (Hence my miniscule fleet)
IC: Jervais, the captain of the DRC Blazer, the capital carrier of the fleet, stood surveying the radar imagery on the bridge. Upon the deck of the vessel numerous planes were being launched, primarily fighter-bombers (Think F-16). Considering the relatively small number of aircraft at his disposal, Jervais knew that the fleet stood little chance of acomplishing their goals. "Sir, reports indicate that our foes have mobilized for war. A number of foreign agencies have dispatched forces outnumbering ours almost 50:1. We only have sixty planes at our disposal, and those we face have technology as advanced as our own." The aid that was speaking wore the grey uniform of the DRC navy, and held a report in his hands. Jervais grimaced as he heard the news. "Order the fleet to fall back to rendevous alpha. Make sure to keep our advance warning systems intact. If they fire on us, I want to know in time to counter it, understood?" The aid nodded and left the bridge briskly. Rendevous alpha was approximately 300 miles away from the Grecalo Island chain, in international waters. "Send a class-A enigma to our home waters. The mission has become...complicated. If we don't get aid from our allies, then the operation is compromised. We need more assistance." The communications officer nodded and started typing furiously into his console. Jervais turned back to the radar screens and frowned again. "Blast. Even if we survive the missiles, and we probably will, we stand no chance against a fleet of that magnitude. Unless..." Jervais's brow crinkled as he thought furiously. "No, that won't work either..." Jervais sighed and turned from the screens again. "Blast it!"
Anyones home :(?
Emporer Pudu
19-03-2007, 17:44
Pudite Prefecture Two, Port Compound Three-Five-Seven-One, Task Force Zero-Five
The one-hundred and fifty kilometers of coastline presented by the three-thousand and five-hundred and seventy-first naval compound of the Emperor’s Dominions were engulfed in a storm of motion. Hundreds of thousands of tiny Farmer- and Artisan-caste laborers swarmed over the shore, all working toward a common goal; the birth of a great force, and the death of a pitiful nation…
Scattered throughout the waters off the compound, hundreds of kilometers long and stretching dozens of kilometers out to sea, was the combined might of two full battle-fleets of the Imperial Navy. This steel ocean was given the moniker; Task Force Zero-Five, and was placed under the experienced command of the Fleet Admiral Mikhailo Shabai. Beneath him were the captains of over two-thousand and two-hundred combat ships and submarines, not to mention the hundreds of transport and lighter amphibious ships. More than three-thousand ships gathered, two formations emerged; a pair of massive crescents, the depression facing their target; Nuevo Italia.
Fully two Naval Infantry legions, fifty divisions, were loaded into transport ships. Hundreds of thousands of tanks and armored vehicles, supported by thousands of combat aircraft and naval helicopters… One-million soldiers, one nation… one doom…
A short message was composed and sent to the naval commanders of the small DRC task force, as well as the slightly larger Horned Rat’s fleet;
To: Whom it may concern,
From: Mr. White, foreign affairs officer
The Dominion has taken notice of your recent attempts at imperialism, and the overwhelming international response. Although we know both parties here are fully capable of deploying significantly more force than has been shown, it may not now be prudent.
For these reasons, among others, the Dominion has decided to throw in our lot alongside our Corporate Alliance allies, despite our absence from said alliance bloc officially.
As of right now more than three-thousand ships have been dispatched to your aid, may they serve you well and our enemies far worse…
Good day,
Mr. White.
OOC: Sorry for crappy post, 8th block almost over!!
Nuevo Italia
19-03-2007, 21:12
Secure Statement
TO: The World
FROM: Roma Foreign Ministry
We are afraid we must retract former statements, we request allied help as of March 19th, 2007, for fear of CA agression.
Good Day,
[FONT="Garamond"]Antonio Gordivici
Antonio Gordivici
Soulforge Cathedral
19-03-2007, 21:15
The Grecalo Islands
"Missiles inbound!" The communications officer shouted, turning slightly backwards as he did so. "Frack it!" Jervais wasn't particularly pleased. On the radar screens a multitude of iridescent green dots could be seen swarming in. "Engage full AA systems! Detail available interceptors to TAKE DOWN THOSE MISSILES!" As he spoke several explosions could be seen in the distance as missiles were detonated prematurely. However, only so many interceptors were currently in flight, and there was a rather large number of missiles inbound. "Fire the Sea Sparrows!" As he spoke a large number of missiles were launched from the decks of all the vessels in the fleet. Yet again, explosions were seen in the distance, but there were still a multitude of blips on the radar. Jervais closed his eyes as the missiles drew closer. However, once they came within two miles the Vulcan Phalanx Mk II close support systems opened up. These guns were all linked to a sole command and control computer in the capital ship. They systematically sawed through the missiles, but only so many went down. From the viewport Jervais could see as a Pike drew closer...
Jervais twitched visibly as explosions were heard, but he found himself still alive at the end. The chaff cloud dispersed by the automated defense systems had decoyed it at the last second. He quickly resumed a formal stance, so as to not lose face. "Give me our current losses." The officer to whom he spoke opened his eyes and patted himself down before responding. "Uh...sir...we've lost six of the frigates. And... two destroyers. And our other carrier is limping." Jervais rubbed his chin as he thought. "Continue to fall back to the northeast. We're getting more help."
Back in Soulforge Cathedral, Corporate District
"Gentlemen, more nations have intervened than was originally intended. Dispatch the third and fourth naval fleet immediately, complete with necessary force to depopulate the islands. It now seems improbable that we'll be able to hold the island, but at least we can...aquire test subjects. I regret having to operate so immorally, but it seems the international community has given me no choice..."
OOC: Yay! An award! Oh...that's bad. The reason my fleet is a small as it is is that Nuevo Italia wanted to be invaded while keeping it small-scale. Considering that I have a population of five billion, I could have sent a vast fleet with a total military population greater than that of Nuevo Italia's whole nation. However, I wanted to keep it interesting. I wasn't quite anticipating thousand-ship armadas to be arrayed against me. Although, to quote the great filmograph that is Sin City, 'There's nothing better than having your friends show up with a lotta guns' (or ships, in this case)
19-03-2007, 22:25
Port Ostro
Admiral Benson sat in his office on board the NPLS Sakima Command Ship. He heard a knock and his aide entered.
"Admiral, we recieved a message from Command, it appears the situation has changed sir. General Oltorik's marines will be ready to sail within the next two hours."
Grabbing the message, Benson looked over the details. The 2nd Fleet was to set sail with the 1st Marine Raider Division as previously planned.
"Spread the word, make ready the fleet."
He then sent a message off tho Nuevo Italia.
To: Roma Foreign Ministry
We recieved your message and will be enrote within the next couple hours. Once we are underway, I will inform you the content of our fleet and I will place my fleet at your command.
Admiral Benson
Commander 2nd Fleet
The Silver Sky
19-03-2007, 22:35
Skyian First Naval Armada SRNS 'Kraken', Directly In The Path of The DRC Fleet
"Admiral the DRC Fleet has been damaged but is still sailing, and they have change direction right towards us." Said one of the Radar Intercept Operators.
"Good, dispatch four 'Ravagers', 12 'Spiritus Deis' and 18 'Comberths to intercept. I want a TOT barrage from all directions." Commanded Admiral Anderson as he personally relayed a message to a group of Jörmungandr-Class Nuclear Heavy Attack Submarines.
"Yes sir, right away." Responded the RIO.
Front of the Fleet
A total of four dreadnoughts, twelve heavy cruisers and twelve heavy destroyers sprinted ahead of the fleet to and joined into two seperate columns of ships, sailing in a pincer movement around DRC fleet.
The 'Comberth's soon received the order to fire.
Nearly Sixty RGM-101LR 'Fireblast' Long Range Anti-Shipping Missiles began to ripple fire from their VLS tubes, from the farthest ships to the nearest ships, all of this was perfectly orchestrated by the Skyian 'StrikeNet' System, much like the 'SkyNet' and MilNet systems other nations used it's powerful speeds could do nearly anything.
The missiles which has a Mach 3 cruise speed and Mach 4.5 terminal run were much smaller and slower then the Khans, but that ment more of them could be carried.
Submarine Patrol One-Alpha
Twelve Jörmungandr-Class Nuclear Heavy Attack Submarine silently moved towards the enemy fleet at 24 knots, just under their max silent speed. These massive 154m beasts, were inspite, and because, of their size, very silent.
They were also the closest ships to the enemy fleet, merely brushing 120km, they were feed data from satellites via surface radio arrays they towed behind them. Once they were 90km from the enemy fleet, they stopped submerged below the thermocline layer and deployed towed sonar arrays.
The thermocline layer hid them from all but close range active sonar as they began to work through firing cycles, massive 1000mm wide and 14m long torpedoes were loaded into tubes, set to run at 40 knots they had a 100km range.
Within minutes the tubes began firing, a total of twenty-four torpdoes were sent down range, the Broadsword Ultra-Heavy Torpedoes were equipped with active sonar terminal guidance as well as Magnetic Detection and Wake-Homing guidance, allowing them to basically evade all decoys.
CINDER-C, Somewhere in The Silver Sky
President Kara Maddox carefully looked at a message, it wasn't any message, but an intercepted message. In fact, it was a Puduian Message, it had been intercepted in route to the DRC Fleet by ELINT equippment on a 'Swordfish'-Class Guided Missile Destroyer.
Not much of the message had been decoded besides the name and a few words, including fleets. However, basically any friendly message to a friendly fleet usually ment that a few thousand pudite vessels would be departing shortly. And sure enough, they had, Skyian Recon Satellites, which had been in or near position since the Operation: Hallowed Saber, had confirmed a massive movement of Pudite ships.
"Send the 3rd Armada to reinforce our positions in Mediterranica, also, have the 1st Armada and the 2nd Armada send their 'Braach'-Classes to intercept positions, with some escorts, have them strike at the Pudite Fleets as soon as they get into position. Use of the 'Exit Mundi's Conventional Variants has been authorized. Also, place the Unity Guns in Jupiter Colony on alert." Ordered President Maddox.
Soulforge Cathedral
20-03-2007, 00:25
"Sir...a problem." The aid looked at the display before him with sweat gleaming upon his forehead. Jervais turned wearily towards him and nodded. "More missiles. Also, it would appear that our subs have located several enemy vessels, in addition to a sub-surface component. Enough to finish the job." Jervais nodded. "Then it appears we have no choice. The equipment on all of these vessels is to be eliminated. Scuttle the fleet once the engagement begins, though it appears the enemy is willing to do that for us. Combust all documents, and follow standard procedure. The scouting component of our sub fleet is to return to home waters, with our officers, as according to procedure. Our Alvarus-class stealth subs will allow that component to escape, at least. Evacuate the land troops as well, at least as many as we can. The battle is lost, for now." Most of the missiles were destroyed before they reached their targets, but the fleet took further damage in the form another lost destroyer and a carrier, in addition to a cruiser. Beneath the waves Jervais sighed as he drifted away from his men...
OOC: Uh...Craven? Those Pike missiles wouldn't actually work in modern tech. The fastest speeds attained by a rocket at sea level were about Mach 4.5. (Well, at least without exploding) The Redstone missile tests back a few years ago were launched as a test by the U.S. to see how fast a rocket could actually go at sea level. The missile attained about Mach 4.5 before the nose cone melted and dripped back into the fuel, detonating the rocket. Even now, missiles still can't go such speeds with ease. The air resistance at sea level is far higher than that at great altitudes, where most of the speeds of missiles are measured. There is simply too much friction at sea level to allow Mach 5, let alone Mach 16, missiles to function with the technology available at the time of the tests. Even at higher altitudes, Mach 16 is somewhat difficult to attain with modern technology (though it can be done).
Nuevo Italia
20-03-2007, 00:58
OOC: If SC was trying to escape, would everyone hate me if I used those satellites? (They're nuclear, but I won't make you RP a fullblown nuking, I don't much like using them as they tend to ruin RPs)... Not that I would without serious consideration...
The Silver Sky
20-03-2007, 01:28
[OOC: Yes, cause something from the fifties, a time before titanium alloys, super alloys, tungsten and other metals capable of with standing extremely high temperatures and pressures is accurate to measure against capabilities against missiles nearly 50-60 years later (1958 compared to 2010-20).
Also, LOSAT, according to you would not work, as it goes over Mach 4.6. Neither would HATM, which claims to hit Mach 6. Also, trident and minuteman III both regurally hit Mach 23-24.[Trident D5 is made of graphite epoxy, which is light weight, meaning the a missile like the Pike, if made from graphite epoxy, could be reasonably light and possibly withstand Mach 16 at sea level.]]
[I'd like Nuevo Italia to make a remark on my post please...]
Nuevo Italia
20-03-2007, 02:33
Secure Statement
TO: Dephire
FROM: Roma Foreign Ministry
We are sorry for delay. In fact, we would appreciate allied support- many CA nations seem to be mobilizing, we could always use a helping hand.
Good Day,
Antonio Gordivici
Antonio Gordivici
Minister of Foreign Affairs
20-03-2007, 06:17
To: Roma Foreign Ministry
From: Aliquancian International Affairs Ministry.
I am pleased to inform you that X (ten) Council has decreed that your nations strife should be firmly resolved. We have soldiers ready to complement your Special Forces should you ask and a task force awaits deployment to the area should you request our intervention.
Lady Coventina, International Affairs and Defence Minister.
To: Nuevo Italia Allies
From: General Skragg
"Your request for assistance has been acknowledged. Prepare for the Dephirian Forces! We shall make landfall in three days."
((OOC: Take it up with Aequatio, bub. Ain't my design.))
Soulforge Cathedral
21-03-2007, 01:22
OOC:The point I was trying to make with the Redstone tests was that missiles back then couldn't go above such speeds without detonating, and that we haven't gotten missiles to go six times as fast since then. Modern missiles can go faster, but nowhere near Mach 24 at sea level. Both the Minuteman 3 and the Trident D5 are ICBM's, which fly rather much higher than sea level. Modern day ship-to-ship missiles don't go that fast. Here's a link to a rather reliable source of missile speeds for scramjets:
As can be seen in the article, a missile not yet developed is attempting to attain speeds in excess of Mach 6. Considering that the purpose of that missile is to go really fast, I think that the Navy might have considered utilizing technology to make Mach 24 ship-to-ship missiles if they could.
Not blaming you, Craven. Just arguing with Silver Sky. (Though it is nice to see people who actually have a clue about what they're talking about)
From: The Federation of Ra and.
To: Antonio Gordivici, Roma Foreign Affairs Minister.
The Federation would like to offer your nation 10 billion dollars to support your defenses, altough we would like to offer military help the Federation is facing some internal issues right now that im not able to discuss at this moment.
Von Iffer
Minister of Foreign Relations.
The Horned Rat
22-03-2007, 01:15
OOC: *just kind of stops posting*
There's far, far to many people. And I'm being forced to bite a bigger dog on the ass already, so I must bid farewell from my (extensive! <_<...>_>) involvement in this thread...
Emporer Pudu
22-03-2007, 15:03
International Waters, Task Force Zero-Five, Command of Admiral Mikhailo Shabai
The great Pudite fleets were steaming on, mighty marble-white bows smashing aside the blows of an unfriendly sea. Soon, the sea would not be the only foe of their armors. Pudite surveillance satellites were spread extensively, and following the statements and actions of those involved in the Nuevo Italia operation, it appeared a number of small foreign task forces were assembling.
Admiral Shabai was standing on his bridge, looking out over his own battle-fleet from his flagship, the Calypso-class dreadnaught Despite Repentance. Sailing alongside his ship were seven more of that class, each a monster in it’s own right, they would be unstoppable united with their similar eight brethren from the sister fleet.
Shabai had just received word of a series of course-changes occurring around the globe regarding the fleets of his newest foe, the upstart naval arm of the Silver Sky, “Lieutenant, how many ships are we looking at?”
Before him was a large table, with raised sides and a glossy black surface. Hovering above the surface were computerized images of a large number of combat-ships, all recently entered into the Dominion High Intensity Conflict Military Net. As certainties were not yet available, they were estimates based on quick satellite feeds.
“Well, sir,” the Lieutenant seated opposite the table from him, bathed in the light of the LCD screens surrounding his seat, “We’re not yet certain exactly how many ships they have, but common logic tells us that they would only send fleets in our direction if they were of equal or greater numbers,”
The Admiral nodded, “So, do we have an ETA on these fleets?”
“Well, technically we’re not sure they’re even headed our way-”
“They did turn in our direction…” interrupted Shabai.
“True, but we’re not all that’s over here… In any case, though, if we do make contact, we will probably have at least a week, depending on their speed and course. Enough time to get where we’re going, and cause some damage, sir.”
“Good, good. How long until we make contact with their assets in the area?”
“Well, they have about a thousand ships floating around in our way, and we should hit them in about thirty hours,”
“First contact?”
“Yeah, planes and what-not, missiles in range in thirty-one hours, and after that we just close ‘till they sink!” The Lieutenant replied, an excited look on his face.
“Prefect. Just make sure we have our fighter screens up, and we’ll be fine until then. Keep the F-41A’s in guard duty, and send out the Sokol’s and Tengiry’s as soon as possible,”
The officers all snapped a quick salute as the Admiral walked out of the room, boarding the elevator at the center of the command column running through the ship. In thirty hours the Pudite fleet would close to within seventeen hundred nautical miles of the foreign assets, and as soon as they did, this war would begin…
22-03-2007, 21:19
Balsas, Luchamos Naval Command
"Come in." Chief of the Sea Jorgensen said to his door.
"Sir, Admiral Breckinskin reporting as ordered."
"I will keep this short. I want you to go prepare the 1st, 5th, and 6th fleet for sailing. We hope they are not needed, but the Supreme Chief does not wish to be caught flat footed. You will be placed in charge of the mobilizing ground forces as well. Any questions?"
"No sir"
"Then I suggest you get moving, there is much work ahead of you."
1000 Miles South of Grecalo Islands
Admiral Benson looked at his command screen, his fleet was sailing perfectly. They would soon be near the islands, and the marines the were taking were itching to get onto the land.
"MacGregory!" Benson summoned his aide
"Spread the word to the group commanders that we will be passing the East side of the islands, and we will possibly be dropping off the marines before heading out to battle."
"Ay Ay."
Benson had not been into battle for some time, but it was like riding a bike, he would never forget.
The carriers had round the clock fighter patrols over the fleet, and his corvettes were keeping his fleet secure. Then he glanced over to the other side of the display at the massive fleets of enemies and allies.
He pulled up his secure message machine.
To: Roma Naval Command
From: Admiral Benson
My fleet is nearing the islands. Our 1st Marine Raider Division is ready to be deployed onto the islands if so desired. Our fleet is smaller than the others, but are willing to play our part. I ask where is my force of 115 naval vessels needed and marines are needed.
To: All Parties Involved
From: General Skragg
"I hate to say this, but my Emperor has called off all military operations involving Nuevo Italia. My apologies for not being able to help. You have my best regards, Commander to Commanders. Live long and fight strong!"
Hurtful Thoughts
24-03-2007, 04:43
A secratary looked over an 'old' pile of papers, and found an 'Urgent' internal GASN telegram from the new member Italia, which didn't seem right, it must have been some error in the mailroom.
He read the note anyways.
"Potentail conflict with CA, assistance requested in the event of hostilities, conducting peace talks"
So, he pulled a few favors and asked one of the few spy satallites to make a note to check the situation, and everyone was a tad surprised to find sunken ships and craters on the first pass, all readily apparent.
The secretary then decided it was time to inform the Ministers in such a way they didn't look foolish.