Emperor overthorwn!
Tyler VanStone
16-03-2007, 18:25
This is Tom minisnik! pavia news
People of pavia rejoice! The hated emperor Vanstone Has imprisoned! The coup Took place early today, As the emperor was meeting with members of the interlink, over 500 soldiers stormed the imperial ministry of defense,amazingly no one was killed,The glorious coup was led by General Watts head of the imperial armed forces.
We take you know to pavia square where general watts is adressing the public!
{watts} People of pavia The nightmare is over The emperor is deposed! His reign of madness is OVER! {people cheer} This change of leadership has come not a moment to soon!
The emperor has brought war,death,persecution, He cared not for the people of this nation! He cared only for his dream of a totalitarian state!
To The communist forces occupying our coast....I have a Gift for you! The man you hate so much Mr.VanStone himself......{A man in a suit with a black bag over his head is brought the podium.
Democracy will return to this great land! your freedom, your imprisoned family members,your History shall return, This time to stay.....My only regret is I did not depose him the day he took power!!!!{The people cheers!
Moantha Today
Page A Two, Bull's Eye Column
Rupert Bull
Ahh. Sweet democracy is in the air. In a thus far bloodless coup (and I fully expect that to last another thirty minutes or so), the military armed forces of Pavia have overthrown the apparentally hated emperor, and replaced a rule by might with... well, frankly, they haven't made clear what they intend to replace his reign with, besides a kind of vague promise that whatever it is will be democratic.
According to a Pavian news source, the Emperor, a Tyler VanStone, 'has imprisoned'. Whom has been imprisoned by him remains unclear, but it seems that he will be handed over to the conquering- that is, liberating- forces of the GUSN.
What lies ahead for Pavia? And, more importantly, what happened to that missing been?
[Open Message]
From: The Avisronite Department of State
Democracy is far overrated. While it is better than a police state, the ignorant masses almost always end up controlling the intelligent people. The LFA suggests implementing a system whereas citizens are tested for intelligence and general knowledge of current events and their votes given more or less power based upon their scores.
The World Soviet Party
16-03-2007, 21:52
Official Diplomatic Communique
To: Pavia
From: The World Soviet Party
We'd like to congratulate you and your people on getting rid of that tyrant. Of course, we'll take him and judge him, if your people wish so of course.
So, where do you want the trial to take place? Pavia, TWSP, Wanderjar, etc.?
Just let us know, a ship of us, The People's Ship "Mars" is currently en route to pick him up, or deliver the judges should you decide to judge him right there.
The United Island States of AHSCA congradulates you on your quest for freedom in your nation. It's is a gift that must be held on to, before you know it it can be lost. We wish you a bright future
[Open Message]
From: The Avisronite Department of State
Democracy is far overrated. While it is better than a police state, the ignorant masses almost always end up controlling the intelligent people. The LFA suggests implementing a system whereas citizens are tested for intelligence and general knowledge of current events and their votes given more or less power based upon their scores.
Official Wagdoggie State Department Statement Regarding Emperor Van Stone's Ouster
Although we unconditionally support and congratulate the oppressed masses in this victory against reactionary and fascist despotism, appearances of Bonapartism aside in General Watts' case aside for the sake of charity at this point, we also agree in the narrower sense with the Libertarian Federation of Avisron's words of caution. If allowed to sink into mere inchoate populism or (worse) corrupt vote-buying, without a sound theoretical and economic basis, democracy alone is vulnerable to a repeating the sad cycle of cheated hope and violent betrayal that saw the despotic "Emperor" Van Stone nearly ruin his own nation. We don't propose anything quite so... mechanistic as what the Libertarian Federation suggests, but the idea of giving the education system a greater political role does have merit in our eyes nonetheless; and is a matter worth further serious study, on our own and every other nation's part.
Judge your tyrant how you wish, wherever and to whatever sentence he has justly earned. As free and progressive peoples, we stand behind you and shall not tolerate any attempts to reduce you again to subjugation. Whatever assistance you request, state it and it shall at least be considered by my government. You are very lucky, people of Pavia, for such as this to happen so relatively soon into your days of pain, and such an inspiring opportunity must not be allowed to go to waste.
Sincerely in Solidarity,
Rilir Alárion nós Carthir
Secretary of State, United Socialist States of Wagdog
*KFC comes and pwns all of Tyler VanStones nation*
what are you going to do about your nation now, you cannot rename it, thats why I have not let Strator be overthrown.
17-03-2007, 03:20
Rillorian Diplomatic Directorate, Rilloria City
We must inform the interim government of Pavia that while they may be proud of their coup, it will not last if a communist-centered government is to lead. The people of Pavia need a strong single ruler if they are to succeed as a nation. The Chancellorship of Rilloras offers it's solemn support to Emperor Vanstone, the legitimate ruler of Pavia. If you do not reinstall the proper government, Rilloras will be forced to take further action including the possibility of military involvement. That is all.
Vice-Chancellor Sjurn,
Vice-Chancellor of Foreign Affairs
17-03-2007, 03:22
The Federation of Undbagarten congradulates your nation for a bloodless coup. The loss of life is horrendous in most military coups. The Federation is officially offering its military aide and economic aide if needed.
Dude, can I actually send KFC to cause some havoc?
17-03-2007, 06:30
To: General Watts, Pavia
Re: Recent Coup deta
Encryption: None
It is the wish of the Divine Emperor, His Eminency, Lord Bacchus, Master of All Realms, that good fortune be upon the re-birthing of the nation of Pavia. It is with a heart of friendship and a continued dedication to global stability that we will be deploying the Third Fleet of the Imperial Navy to just outside Pavian waters.
The battle group will be charged with monitoring the transition to democracy, ensuring there are no human rights or legal abuses and a swift change-over to free and open elections, in addition to preventing de-stabilising factors.
Providing that the new Pavian government acts in a reasonable and good faith manner, this could be the beginning of a great era for democracy and The Commonwealth wholly supports that.
Lady Nicoletta Baccheus
Crown Princess of Rotovia
17-03-2007, 16:23
High Chancellor's Palace, Rilloria City
High-Chancellor Keirsk sat idly in his throne room. The double doors burst open and Vice-Chancellor Sjurn stormed in and came to a crisp, parade-drill attention and saluted.
"Yes Vice-Chancellor?" asked Keirsk.
"My Lord, the situation in Pavia worsens. Rotovian naval forces have been spotted surrounding the coastal regions." replied the Vice-Chancellor, still at attention.
"And what of the rightful King of Pavia, what is his fate?" the High-Chancellor leant forward.
"That is up to the Pavian rebel forces sir."
"Well, we cannot have that. Send a communique to Marshal Androv and inform him to use whatever means he can to rescue the legitimate ruler of Pavia."
"As you command your Chancellorship." Sjurn snapped a salute and did an about turn, storming out of the chamber.
Communique to Marshal Androv, Commander of Imperial Special Operations Unit
Your Unit has been tasked with rescuing the legitmate King of Pavia from a rebel compound. Our spies have included information regarding the King with this communique. Do not respond. That is all.
Vice-Chancellor Sjurn
If any assistance is need in the resuce, I shall help
18-03-2007, 20:39
why the hell did you just bump this???
19-03-2007, 14:42
I'm just trying to move it up so people keep this RP going, that's all.
20-03-2007, 09:00
OOC: Can you please use the out of character tags when you are not RolePlaying.