A new dawn (MU Foundation, ATTN Regionmates, Open)
Nuevo Italia
12-03-2007, 02:57
*Credit goes to Cravan for newspaper template.
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The Mediterranican Union
To provide Liberty, Power, and Prosperity to the states of Mediterranica
Military Branch
Article I:
Location within Mediterranica
Each member state must have a land border within 3,000 miles of the continents of Mediterranica. Any state with a colony with a land area greater than 1,500 square miles within the region may join.
Article II:
Mutual Defence Agreement
Should a member be invaded, all member states shall provide any and all means neccessary to assist in countermeasures and to come to the other member's side.
Article III:
Offensive Interest Agreement
Should a member state choose to invade another state, the member must be invading for a. basic human rights violation or b. act of war for the alliance to declare intervention neccessary. Should it be deemed neccessary, states should (if at all possible) render assistance. Otherwise it is purely optional. Continued lack of support may result in expulsion.
Economic Branch
Article I:
Location within Mediterranica
Each member state must have a land border within 3,000 miles of the continents of Mediterranica. Any state with a colony with a land area greater than 1,500 square miles within the region may join.
Article II:
Common Currency
All member states adhering to this part of the constitution must adopt a common currency, name to be decided later. It will not recquire international currency conversions, and states may also keep their own currency as a seperate note.
Article III:
Open Trade
All members must allow somewhat open trade with other member states, in an attempt to further development.
Humanitarian Branch
Article I:
Should a member face revolution, drought, depression, or any sitution needing aid, fellow members must give aid, monetary or military, no matter how large or small.
Article II:
Economic Development
In an effort to increase regionwide growth, member states should donate money, supplies, etc. to less developed members.
Article III:
Border Relaxation
In an effort for further integration, members should allow some immigration within their nation. Border checks can still exist, but should be less extensive and have checkpoints on both sides of the border.
Legal Branch:
Article I:
High Council
The first two members in addition to Nuevo Italia shall recieve permanent seats on the High Council, which declares war, expels members, and alters the constitution with a 2/3 vote.
Article II:
Low Council
All members make up the lower council. It proposes alterations, etc.
Article III:
The MU has an "optional" view on revolution, states should stay neutral before the council decides which side to take.
Article IV:
Partial Membership
Nations may choose to adhere to only several branches or articles, they will be known as partial members.
Article V:
MU Flag
In an effort to retain culture, it is purely optional to wave the MU flag below the national one, though is encouraged.
High Council:
Nuevo Italia
Lower Council:
All Members
Nuevo Italia
Partial Members:
The Silver Sky
Ra And
Trading Partners:
12-03-2007, 03:06
(OOC: Assuming my colony in Medit is applicable)
Diplomatic Message from Supreme Minister David Du'Font to Nuevo Italia
Despite our presence within the Mediterranica Region we feel that too many of the MU's policies go against our own national identity, we will thus not be joining in this union but we will recognise its authority and existence and we hope that it will not contend to sovreign Toopoxican territory in Mediterranica.
Supreme Minister David Du'Font.
Nuevo Italia
12-03-2007, 21:42
TO: Toopoxia
FROM: Roma Foreign Ministry
We acknowldege your refusal to join, but please bear in mind, the MU is not designed to take away identity, just give strength and prosperity.
Good Day,
Antonio Gordivici
Antonio Gordivici
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Nuevo Italia
12-03-2007, 22:03
(You may join even if you're not part of the region officially, just claim that you have a border near Mediterranica.)
Nuevo Italia
12-03-2007, 22:51
(If you want to be a part of the regional map, join the region, we'll add you soon.)
Offical Imperial Diplomatic Message
After much consideration the Emperor and supreme council have agreed to this charter and wish to join this Union with the other fine nations of the region
The Infinite Empire of Yallak
Official Imperial Transmission
To: Antonio Gordivici, Roma Foreign Ministry
From: The High Council of Arrandin
Unfortunately, after reviewing the constitution of the Mediterranican Union, the Imperial Government has determined that a large majority of this charter is in blatant contradiction to the principles and constitution of the Infinite Empire of Yallak. Therefore, I cannot fully accept this invitation.
However, the Empire is open to trade with our neighbours in Mediterranica and as such will be willing to join the Union as a partial member adhering ONLY to Economic Branch, Article III.
Lord Balor, Emperor of Yallak
Nuevo Italia
14-03-2007, 03:01
New Map (http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u12/evilitaliandude/Mediterranica-4-2.png?t=1173837353)
Nuevo Italia
14-03-2007, 20:19
Secure Communication
TO: Gataway
FROM: Roma Foreign Ministry
We are delighted to see a new member, we look forward to years of friendship!.
Good Day,
Antonio Gordivici
Antonio Gordivici
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Secure Communication
TO: Yallak
FROM: Roma Foreign Ministry
We are very excited about your nation's choice to adhere to the third branch, but we hope you consider joining at least the military branch in addition. Our nations share a very long border, and the support of one's neighbors often determines the outcome of a war. We hope you reconsider, but are still excited.
Good Day,
Antonio Gordivici
Antonio Gordivici
Minister of Foreign Affairs
OOC: Heh, you're very welcome for the newspaper template. ^.^
Nuevo Italia
14-03-2007, 20:52
*Gives Cravan Cookie*
NewEST Map (http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u12/evilitaliandude/Mediterranica-5.png?t=1173900974)
Hey Crave, want to join? I'll give you a colony here if you want.
Nuevo Italia
14-03-2007, 22:01
Bumpistani Insurgents!
:eek: :mp5: :sniper:
The Silver Sky
14-03-2007, 22:40
[Official Message]
The Armed Capitalist Republic of The Silver Sky
For reasons that we are unable to disclose, The Silver Sky wishes to only join as a partial member, abiding only by Economic Branch, Article III.
The Infinite Empire of Yallak
Official Imperial Transmission
To: Antonio Gordivici, Roma Foreign Ministry
From: The High Council of Arrandin
For now we cannot. Perhaps in time, once we have stronger relations with those amongst the Union. Until that time though, you can be sure our shared border will remain secure.
Lord Balor, Emperor of Yallak
Nuevo Italia
15-03-2007, 14:30
Secure Communication
TO: The Silver Sky
FROM: Roma Foreign Ministry
We are happy to see another ally. We look forward to a bright future.
Good Day,
Antonio Gordivici
Antonio Gordivici
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Secure Communication
TO: Yallak
FROM: Roma Foreign Ministry
We are still happy at your choice to adopt the economic branch, and hope that one day you may grow closer to your neighbors so much as to join fully.
Good Day,
Antonio Gordivici
Antonio Gordivici
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Nuevo Italia
15-03-2007, 14:31
The Imperial Democracy proposes the following names for the currency:
The Medicana
The Mediterranican Credit
The Medica
Nuevo Italia wishes to see others votes before voting itself.
18-03-2007, 14:45
To: Antonio Gordivici, Roma Foreign Ministry
From: The X Council of Aliquantus
After revising the Mediterranican Union constitution Queen Artifacta has decreed that the Queendom of Aliquantus will not fully accept this invitation. The union would render some of our traditions illegal; therefore, we agree to trade with and defend our regional partners but must decline a full membership.
Lady Coventina, International Affairs and Defence Minister.
To: Antonio Gordivici, Roma Foreign Ministry
From: Ra and Federation Foreign Relations Ministry.
After reviewing the charter carefully, the Federation has decided to join as a partial member, adhering only to the following:
Economic Branch, Art. III.
Humanitarian Branch, Art. II & III.
Von Iffer
Minister of Foreign Relations.
TO: The High Council of The Mediterranican Union
FROM: Roger Stretson, Prime Minister, Grand Duchy of Aunesia
We would like to propose that the members of the Mediterranican Union and the Grand Duchy of Aunesia enter into a Preferential Trade Arrangement, to benefit us all. The Grand Duchy would lower tariff's on the following exports from all member states of the MU:
Manufactured goods
In return, we would request that the following products receive similar lower tariff's:
Manufactured goods
Food (Particularly Dairy products)
We would welcome a discussion on this.
Roger Stretson
Prime Minister of the Grand Duchy of Aunesia
Diplomatic Message Gataway Foreign Ministry
It is the View of the Empire that tariffs on all goods be lowered for those having membership within the Mediterranican Union.
Nigel Lums Gatawan Foreign Affairs Minister
21-03-2007, 22:44
Mr. Antonio Gordivici, Roma Foreign Minister: the Kingdom of Aschenhyrst formally petitions to join the Mediterranican Union. we are seeking allies and trading partners within our region. we agree to adhere to the articles of the organizational charter and will seek the guidance of other members in pursuance of the charter and organizational goals. while our nation is equiped with some of the most modern weaponry known to man, culturally we are still in the dark ages. we humbly submit this application for review. Sincerely, Sir Elihu De Armitage, Kingdom of Aschenhyrst-Foreign Affairs Minister
Nuevo Italia
22-03-2007, 03:18
TO: All Applicants
FROM: Roma Foreign Ministry
Aunesia: We are glad you seek to join our union. Tarrifs will be lowered immediately.
Aschenhyrst: We are glad you have chosen to become part of our organization, welcome!
Ra And: We are rejoiceful to see your descision to adhere, but hope you will soon become a full member.
Aliquantus: We are happy to see you join! We hope you soon join fully.
Good Day,
Antonio Gordivici
Antonio Gordivici
Minister of Foreign Affairs
22-03-2007, 03:58
TO: Roma Foreign Ministry
FROM: Luchamos Foreign Department
We request admission into the Union. The Nomadic Peoples of Luchamos wish to strengthen ties with the nations of our region. If admitted, we would vote for the credit. Thank you for your consideration.
Araceli Eruzione, Foregin Secretary
OOC: I never requested admission. I was proposing a Preferential Trade Agreement between the MU member states and the Grand Duchy.
22-03-2007, 17:41
To: Antonio Gordivici, Roma Foreign Ministry
From: Empire of Olmedreca
Empire of Olmedreca wishes to join Mediterranican Union as partial member, abiding only by Military Branch and Economic Branch Article III.
Vesse Põhjakotkas, First Citizen
Nuevo Italia
22-03-2007, 22:23
OOC: Oops... sorry Aunesia.
TO: The World
FROM: Roma Foreign Ministry
Luchamos: Welcome! We look forward to future partership.
Olmedreca: Welcome! We hope you will soon seek full membership.
Good Day,
Antonio Gordivici
Antonio Gordivici
Minister of Foreign Affairs
24-03-2007, 10:58
ooc: btw Nuevo Italia, i suggest to write at first post to partial members which branches/articles each of them has joined so it would be easier to see with whom there is only free trade and with whom there is mutual defence agreement.
28-03-2007, 19:19
the Kingdom of Aschenhyrst wishes to support the adoption of the "Mediterranican Credit" as the official currency of the MU. Sir Elihu De Armitage, Kingdom of Aschenhyrst-Foreign Minister
05-04-2007, 17:20
the Kingdom of Aschenhyrst wishes to inquire about Article II-Mutual Defense Agreement of the MU Charter. Does this article pertaining to mutual defense mention anything of standardization of small arms and/or calibers of small arms. This nation and Gataway, through the LARC Alliance, are bound by charter to have similar caliber weapons. If this area is not covered by article, the Kingdom of Aschenhyrst proposes that the MU Military Branch have trials to adopt a weapons standard. Our arguement in favor of standardization is: In times of war or other civil disturbance and MU members are needed/required to act, standardization of weapons/ammuniton will ease any logistical problems that would arise trying to keep the armed forces of the MU supplied. Weapons from the Kingdom could use ammunition from Nuevo Italia, parts from Gataway could be used on jets from Luchamos. Standardization not only would keep our militaries going in the event of war, but would also help the economies of member nations. We are in full understanding that one`s military is a source of national pride and do not seek to force this issue if the MU membership is greatly opposed to this proposal. We welcome any discussion on this proposal and seek a second on it before bringing the motion to the MU High Council for a vote. Submitted Respectfully, Elihu De Armitage-Foreign Minister, Kingdom of Aschenhyrst