NationStates Jolt Archive

Forming a Union

09-03-2007, 01:16

A dark and stormy night reigned over these small and insignificant islands in the south seas of RPM, it was the perfect cover for the native people of the neighboring islands who had been viciously attacked by other nations as well as their own civil unrest. Apparently being protected wasn't good enough for the world they had to be independent and sovereign to get any respect. Using the stormy weather, delegates beached up on Aurora, the home of Shino who was kidnapped from the island, it wasn't known if she was dead or alive but she was respected among the neighbors and they know this is what she would desire.

"Quite! All come to order! Good, now we are here to begin discussion of becoming an independent nation state. It's clear we are all incapable of each being autonomous and individual, therefore Sir Yasha has a new plan for us."

Yasha stood up, he was the leader of Animalpolis which too was attacked but not nearly as brutally as the others which were shelled and bombed. He was unlike all the others, he was part animal, wolf-dog specifically. "As this has shown, it is obvious that alone we are that, alone. Our so called protector has failed in protecting us, we are on our own. I have learned from observing international nations, they don't usually interfere in the sovereign affairs of a nation. If we all unite under one, as a set of United Island States, we can protect each other."

Storms of applause and protest.

"Silence!" The president of the chair said. "Now this compromise is the best for all of us, and we will vote. Aurora to what do you vote?"


"Hoshino Island, to what do you vote?"


"Stilleståndö to what do you vote?"


"Corona to what do you vote?"


"Animalpolis to what do you vote?"


"This motion clearly passes. Now moving on to our last topics, adoption of a currency. The majority proposal seems to be a credit good for all islands as a multicurrency, all those in favor of this motion please state."

Each one of them stated, passed again. Through the night the resolutions passed and failed. The adoption of a Government, political system and a national military. But day break was soon, each of them returned to their respected places, untill the next evening.
to their respected places, untill the next evening.
09-03-2007, 03:39
OOC: Is the information concerning the new union, especially the fact that it has formed, available to other nations?
09-03-2007, 03:44
I'm pretty sure there is going to be more to come
10-03-2007, 19:50
Nightfall had come again, everyone one meet up on Aurora to dicuss the newly drafted constitution and to declare independence. Of course they could be slaughterd by RedTide2, and no one would help them, because no one helped them before. All leaders were bitter of the United Nations and all other alliances, no one was more bitter than Yasha was the most of them all.

"Military wise we are at a great disadvantage. We were lucky, we drove the mysterious soldiers out of Animalpolis but we won't be so fortunate again."

"Shino would have wanted to resolve this peacefully."

"Shino isn't here. She's more than likely dead by now."

"Stilleståndö can't possibly take much more from anything." The voice belongd to Schala who would acend to the Kingdom Throne. of Stilleståndö (more commonly known as Truce Island) Since the military coup things have gradually gotten worse.

"You aren't the only one who's sufferd, Schala. Hoshino was shelled just as much as you!" Yasha said grumpily.

"Funny I don't recall Animalpolis suffering much. Shinto Preists have been hung on Truce and Hoshino!"

"Quite! Now this bickering is pointless. The idea is to create United Island States not devided. I say we go with a decleration then people will recognize us as sovering."

"We need to think do we want any international relations? I say Isolation is the best solution for us."

"If we gain some allies we can stay safe. Our combined GDP's isn't even that of a large 3rd World Country." Schala said.

"Do we wan't any sort of business to come and expoloit us? Animalpolis sure doesn't want it, we won't have it."

"It is possible to have relations with out commerce, and it is possible that we can have a one way exchange with embassies. The soil isn't firm enough to support large buildings or anything but our usual villiage huts."

"Your all assuming that anyone wants to. Remember no one stopped the shellings or the bombings. No one stopped the knights from haning your religious leaders, no one stopped the Metas from resuming. The way I see it, the world can drop dead."

"Stop it now!" Schala said.

"You and Shino have always been foolish idealists your talks about uniting the islands, becoming on the world stage."

"Silence Yasha! Don't forget I'm in charge of this convention thus the decision rests with me. I herby decerte that we offically declare our independence. Schala, write the delceration. If we die, we die free, not as Soviets, Kanamians, Anuiens, Stevidans or any other, but as Islanders of the United Island States. If Shino is alive, let's make her proud and let's fulfill her dreams."

Decleration of Independence, of the United Island States of A.H.S.C.A.

For many years our islands have been devided by race, language culture and more recently conflict and war. Today we still have our individual languages and cultures of each island, but we have decided that united we can be strong. Devided we can fall.

We belive that our truths are self evident that we may observe diffrent cultures, though we may come from different countries and speak in different tongues, observe diffrent culture practices, we may even be diffrent specices nonthe less our hearts beat as one. The islands have relied on protection of a proxy but now we have come out on our own. We have appreciated the time of help by our proxy neighbor and the protection but the time has come to now breakaway with out the fear of conflict regariding poltical spite-Such has been the patient sufferance of these Islands; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

They have refused to reconize us under any international law; they have slaughterd our people without thinking twice;

they have marched onto our soils and deemed us under their controll;

they have taken our trusted leaders, they have made no promise of freeing us, they have violated our trust in our protector, and the world has shown no care.

They have forced us to quarter their soldiers, to protect them from the wrath of nature, they have had their soldiers abducted our citizens and murderd our children; Constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands

And have Protected them, by a mock Trial from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States

They have abridged our inalienable rights as humans and non humans alike.

They excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless loyalists of the past whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions;

In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A global defence alliance, whose character of inititave is thus marked by every act which may define Tyrants; unfit to be the ruler of a free people;

They have been warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. They have been reminded of the circumstances of our settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred. to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.

We, therefore, the Representatives of the United Island States of Aurora;Hoshino;Stilleståndö;Corona, and Animalpolis; Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Islands, solemnly publish and declare, That these united Islands are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States, that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to any proxy party, and that all political connection between them and the states that have so violated us, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. — And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

Our Grand Duchess Shino

Shino; Joyvan Norrison; Kristen Norrison


Yukiko Kimura; Koji Himura; Yahiko Tanazaki; Nyamo Kurosagawa

Stilleståndö (Truce Island)

Schala Laez; Janus Albin; Antonia Reinfeldt


Ayla Tural; Kino Tural;


Yasaha, Miko Jirad, Ichigo Momoiya; Himeko Kurosagawa; Koh Yuu; Kyoko Soma; Haru Yamazaki; Yukari
10-03-2007, 19:56
Nightfall had come again, everyone one meet up on Aurora to dicuss the newly drafted constitution and to declare independence. Of course they could be slaughterd by RedTide2, and no one would help them, because no one helped them before. All leaders were bitter of the United Nations and all other alliances, no one was more bitter than Yasha was the most of them all.

"Military wise we are at a great disadvantage. We were lucky, we drove the mysterious soldiers out of Animalpolis but we won't be so fortunate again."

"Shino would have wanted to resolve this peacefully."

"Shino isn't here. She's more than likely dead by now."

"Stilleståndö can't possibly take much more from anything." The voice belongd to Schala who would acend to the Kingdom Throne. of Stilleståndö (more commonly known as Truce Island) Since the military coup things have gradually gotten worse.

"You aren't the only one who's sufferd, Schala. Hoshino was shelled just as much as you!" Yasha said grumpily.

"Funny I don't recall Animalpolis suffering much. Shinto Preists have been hung on Truce and Hoshino!"

"Quite! Now this bickering is pointless. The idea is to create United Island States not devided. I say we go with a decleration then people will recognize us as sovering."

"We need to think do we want any international relations? I say Isolation is the best solution for us."

"If we gain some allies we can stay safe. Our combined GDP's isn't even that of a large 3rd World Country." Schala said.

"Do we wan't any sort of business to come and expoloit us? Animalpolis sure doesn't want it, we won't have it."

"It is possible to have relations with out commerce, and it is possible that we can have a one way exchange with embassies. The soil isn't firm enough to support large buildings or anything but our usual villiage huts."

"Your all assuming that anyone wants to. Remember no one stopped the shellings or the bombings. No one stopped the knights from haning your religious leaders, no one stopped the Metas from resuming. The way I see it, the world can drop dead."

"Stop it now!" Schala said.

"You and Shino have always been foolish idealists your talks about uniting the islands, becoming on the world stage."

"Silence Yasha! Don't forget I'm in charge of this convention thus the decision rests with me. I herby decerte that we offically declare our independence. Schala, write the delceration. If we die, we die free, not as Soviets, Kanamians, Anuiens, Stevidans or any other, but as Islanders of the United Island States. If Shino is alive, let's make her proud and let's fulfill her dreams."

Decleration of Independence, of the United Island States of A.H.S.C.A.

For many years our islands have been devided by race, language culture and more recently conflict and war. Today we still have our individual languages and cultures of each island, but we have decided that united we can be strong. Devided we can fall.

We belive that our truths are self evident that we may observe diffrent cultures, though we may come from different countries and speak in different tongues, observe diffrent culture practices, we may even be diffrent specices nonthe less our hearts beat as one. The islands have relied on protection of a proxy but now we have come out on our own. We have appreciated the time of help by our proxy neighbor and the protection but the time has come to now breakaway with out the fear of conflict regariding poltical spite-Such has been the patient sufferance of these Islands; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

They have refused to reconize us under any international law; they have slaughterd our people without thinking twice;

they have marched onto our soils and deemed us under their controll;

they have taken our trusted leaders, they have made no promise of freeing us, they have violated our trust in our protector, and the world has shown no care.

They have forced us to quarter their soldiers, to protect them from the wrath of nature, they have had their soldiers abducted our citizens and murderd our children; Constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands

And have Protected them, by a mock Trial from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States

They have abridged our inalienable rights as humans and non humans alike.

They excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless loyalists of the past whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions;

In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A global defence alliance, whose character of inititave is thus marked by every act which may define Tyrants; unfit to be the ruler of a free people;

They have been warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. They have been reminded of the circumstances of our settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred. to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.

We, therefore, the Representatives of the United Island States of Aurora;Hoshino;Stilleståndö;Corona, and Animalpolis; Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Islands, solemnly publish and declare, That these united Islands are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States, that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to any proxy party, and that all political connection between them and the states that have so violated us, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. — And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

Our Grand Duchess Shino

Shino; Joyvan Norrison; Kristen Norrison


Yukiko Kimura; Koji Himura; Yahiko Tanazaki; Nyamo Kurosagawa

Stilleståndö (Truce Island)

Schala Laez; Janus Albin; Antonia Reinfeldt


Ayla Tural; Kino Tural;


Yasaha, Miko Jirad, Ichigo Momoiya; Himeko Kurosagawa; Koh Yuu; Kyoko Soma; Haru Yamazaki; Yukari
11-03-2007, 17:50
A man ran through the halls with recent news that had leaked out into the foreing media. "Madam Vice Minister! You need to see this."

Decleration of Independence, of the United Island States of A.H.S.C.A.


"Were just as suprised."

"I'm fearing retaliation...."

"If GDI truly retaliates, it will be the long chance to prove them guilty. They have made quite a few refrences to them."

"How long ago did you recive this?"

"About 20 minutes ago. Copies have been flying out to all international media."

"Well I hope this has better feedback, hopefully now someone will give two shakes about them. I better get in contact with Elenore she's going to want to know about this. Wait a second, how am I going to tell them that Shino signed it when Shino is still abducted?"

"Search me, they must have done it for symbolic purposes."
11-03-2007, 18:18
Decleration of Independence, of the United Island States of A.H.S.C.A

The Nuu-Chul-Nulth National Assembly had heard international reports of these five small states coming together to form a much larger nation of A.H.S.C.A and declaring independence from a larger nation called RedTide2. Thusly there was much debate within the National Assembly to see if Nuu-Chul-Nulth should get involved with accepting this federation or union as an independent nation.

Debate was on the fact that

1) Nuu-Chul-Nulth was a small indigenous nation in itself that would want to support more indigenous nations once they popped up around the world.

2) They were a growing small nation that did not need to cause international isolation if it accepted a union that was unacceptable to other world leaders

3) The threat of invasion but much bigger powers if acknowledging this new nation was the gravest threat.

However, late into the eveing when debates were closing down in the National Assembly a vote was held. The vote was to recognize this A.H.S.C.A as an independent nation. The vote was successful in the camp for recognizing A.H.S.C.A as an independent nation/union by a 75-23 margin.

Nuu-Chul-Nulth recognition of A.H.S.C.A Declaration:

To the union of A.H.S.C.A we the Nuu-Chul-Nulth people and nation would like to be one of the first to acknowledge your independence from the nation of Redtide2 and would like to welcome you into the international community as a partner in the world community. Thusly, if you ever need assistance or if you would like to exchange embassies in the future the Nuu-Chul-Nulth nation would be happy to open up an embassy on your soil. And ensure successful and prosperous relations in the future.


Elder Mariksiuk Mannis
Foreign Ministry Diplomat
11-03-2007, 18:40
AHSCA thanks you for your support. Techinically we weren't apart of RedTide2, untill we were conqured by them and their allies. We were under protectorate status but now we are calling to be free. We are sure our protector nation will grant us freedom and independence but it's the four others we are fearing. An embassy is a tempting offer but keep in mind it would be crude compared to most modern and industrialized nations. Thank you once more, we hope for freindship in this cold and crule world.
11-03-2007, 18:55
OOC: This seems pointless to me, declaring a union which im sure Redtide knows nothing about. If someone does try to send military force to take the islands from RT2 then you can expect massive warfare, possibly enough to bring HD2 into the war of the Golden Succession to supply forces from Stevid/IH to defend the islands from any Kanami interference.

And on a side note, it has often been at the back of my mind that Kanami has puppets which we are not told about, due to several reasons, although i have no hard evidence of such actions. However i will not hold back from IGNORING kanami and co. completely should there be reason to believe this much.

In fact i am 100% Kanami owns AHSCA at least, but there is no reason why you should be allowed to RP the people of the Island, they are in no way under your control or influence anymore, and your simply using a puppet nation as a way to attack myself and my allies.


Hotdogs2 declares this "Union" illegal and stands by Redtide2, these Islands are a threat to regional peace (that region being the very one i inhabit) and the islands were taken for. Should ANY interference occur from foreign powers, especially Kanami and their allies, they will be dealt with severely.

This call of independence is illegal and has no backing from RT2. As far as HD2 foreign allied, peacekeeping and observational forces are still on the Islands and we have seen no democratically elected government. We suggest nations ignore these calls of independence, until governments are elected on these Islands democratically with the full support of the people then no such decisions can be made.

There is NO evidence of any democratic process so far, and so HD2 makes it very clear these islands are not independent of RT2, and will not be until they are under no threat of Kanami or their allies.

We also point out that most of indigenous people killed in the warfare were in fact militants, who killed the many civilians on the Islands, rather than any coalition forces sent to end the bloodshed due to Kanami's inactivity and complete failure to defend and protect the Islands, instead bringing war and death. There were some unfortunate incidents when civilians had to be made an example of, and although HD2 disagrees with this, they were at the time the most appropriate action available to ensure no further bloodshed. All other civilian deaths were caused by militant malicia whom were armed due to Kanami's poor control over weapons in the Islands.
11-03-2007, 19:05
The Principality of Kurona

The Principality heby recognizes the southern islands a united union of sovering states, and thus do herby decrets them so. Kurona also reminds these islands are not, nor were theyever under the controll of the Dictatorship of RedTide2, the United States of IndpendentHitmen or the The Republiclan Nation of Hotdogs2. It's as their delcration so stated you all have refused to recognize them under any international law, you have violated their trust, you have terspassed onto their soil, you can no longer hide behind the cloak of soveringty, when you so can not grant soveringty your self.

Princess Tomoyo Mikanu
11-03-2007, 19:07
*Press Release from the Elizibethanian News Agency*

We, the Popular Assembly Network of Elizibethania (PANE), recognize the independence of this new nation. the PANE believes that it is right of every people, whether they be governed under the auspices of Capitalism or governing themselves through directly-democratic real communist structures, to be free to determine their own destiny and balks at any attempt to rob the peoples of the world of this right.

Therefore, we therefore put forward to the international community a proposal, in the event of any kind of military action against AHSCA, to apply economic sanctions upon the nation of RedTide2 to punish them of violating the national sovereignty of these independent and sovereign islands.
Granade Turquesa Isla
11-03-2007, 19:12
The most serne republic of Granade Turquesa Isla recognizes the United States of A.H.S.C.A. and congradulates them fully. GTI had too once fought for it's independence, from the Spanish Empire. One more quest to end imperialism! Viva la reveolution!
Magic Sorcery
11-03-2007, 19:21
Empire of Magic Sorcery

The Empire of Magic Sorcery recognizes the the United States of AHSCA as a full and sovering nation, and shall endure and enjoy the same rights and privladges as any nationstate.
11-03-2007, 19:25
OOC: My OOC issues have not yet been answered, although i find it funny how other "nations" seemed to know how this was going to be announced to the world. dodgy
Granade Turquesa Isla
11-03-2007, 19:40
OOC: Were not exactly ones to answer them are we. I don't get what you mean by we "knew", (as implying we knew this in advance) it's right there black and white, a decleration, it never said secret, it never said private, it doesn't say intro, doesn't say closed it doesn't say anything that prevents anyone from posting, and as I've read in the rules, Players are allowed to have as many nations as they like so deal with it and quite cluttering with ooc posts if you have a concern TG the nation.
Emerald Springs
11-03-2007, 20:21
The Kingdom of Emerald Springs congradulates the southern islands for becoming a free state. We recongize their indepencence
12-03-2007, 16:57

I'm pretty sure there is going to be more to come

OOC: They knew this was going to be announced. Further more, there are no rules about having multiple nations, but using puppet nations in an RP is largely regarded as wrong and against the rules of RP, unless it has been stated previously that this is going to occur and agreed by other RP members.

So i am assuming Kanami owns this new "union", but we have not been told, and the issue i have here is that Kanami has no right, ICly or OOCly to create such an union, it is in fact up to RT2.

I am very close to ignoring this thread, if i had any sense i would have from the start, everyone who has posted here is, to my knowledge, allied to Kanami
16-03-2007, 22:55
16-03-2007, 23:01
Official Diplomatic Communication to The United Island States of A.H.S.C.A

Greetings and Salutations,

On behalf of the peoples of the Grand Duchy of Aunesia, I would like to extend the hand of friendship to your nation, and your citizens. The Grand Duchy of Aunesia hereby recognises The United Island States of A.H.S.C.A as an independent sovereign state, following our respect for the ideal of self-determination.

In order to expand, extend and improve our relations, to the benefit of both our fine nations we would be honoured to enter into an exchange of embassies, to this end, please find our details below. We would warmly welcome an embassy of yours in our capital, Strando (


- Andrew Short
- Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
- Grand Duchy of Aunesia

.:: Embassy Information ::.
Full Nation Name: The Grand Duchy of Aunesia
Political System: Democratic Elected Grand Duchy
Name of Leader: Grand Duchess-Elect Elizabeth Rolands
Alliances: The Sovereign League
UN Member: No

Head of Diplomatic Mission: Ambassador Brian Alexandrou
Family in accompaniment: No
Details: N/A

Number of diplomatic staff: 20
1x Trade Attaché
1x Cultural Attaché
1x Head of Consular Affairs
3x Policy Officers
3x Operational Officers
3x Executive Assistants
7x Administrative Assistants

Number of miltary personnel: 10
Specifics: VIP Protection Squad / Marine Detachment

Number of helicopters: 2
Specifics: 1x Super Puma AS 332L2, 1x EC 130 B4 [All unarmed]

Number of land vehicles: 6
Specifics: 4x Volkswagen Phaeton (black), 2x Lexus RX 400h (black)

Weaponry and munitions:
20x SIG P229 pistols
12x MP5KA4 Sub-Machine Guns

Please declare the following...
- Any Ongoing Military Action involving your nation: None
- Any International Disputes involving your nation: None
- Any other relevant information: The Grand Duchy of Aunesia is a crown protectorate of the Questarian Commonwealth
16-03-2007, 23:10
AHSCA thanks you for your support and will submit an embassy application to you via your Embassy Communications Relay
17-03-2007, 02:37
From The Office of The President of the Republic and Lord Chancellor of the Commonwealths

Dear Government of AHSCA,

The Liberal Democratic Republic of Brydog recognize your nation's independence. We hope that you may stay fast through the dangers of the world. We will offer economic aid to your nation if needed so you may not fall before you reach your greatest moment.

Robert Carlson Mannerheim
President of the Republic and Lord Chancellor of the Commonwealths
18-03-2007, 16:08

All relations with the illegitimate self-proclaimed government of The United Island States of A.H.S.C.A are hereby severed. Any and all individuals currently travelling within the Grand Duchy on travel documents from this nation have had their visas revoked, and have 72 hours to make suitable arrangements to depart the Grand Duchy. Diplomatic immunity is hereby waived, and all diplomatic staff likewise have 72 hours to depart the country. Any and all weapons brought into the Grand Duchy are hereby confiscated and shall be disposed of.

That is all.

- Andrew Short
- Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
- Grand Duchy of Aunesia
18-03-2007, 16:17

Official Diplomatic Communique

To: The United Island States of A.H.S.C.A,

We wish you the warmest congratulations on becoming your own independant state, and hope you stay together and strong always. Cookesland would like to offer any help in anyway possible if you ask. Cookesland unilaterally recongnises The United Island States of A.H.S.C.A as a fully independent state

Best Wishes,
Steven Andolor
Steven Andolor
Secretary of State
The United States of Cookesland
18-03-2007, 16:43
OOC: We still are waiting for our issues to be dealt with.

Kanami, note that the islands are not under your control to set up an union and its up to RT2 to sort that kind of thing out.
Red Tide2
19-03-2007, 23:12
Corona NKVD Headquarters

NKVD Colonel Zakhamivisch wasnt a particularly religious jew, but he still whispered a small yiddish prayer under his breath as he read the order. Destpite the fact that the military presence of Corona Island had been kept virtually the same since the ceasefire, the NKVD presence had actually increased. Mostly because they came in upon the ships that brought in supplies for the army units. The single armored division and engineering brigade was still on Corona.

The Coronans had grown accustomed to the DSRT-A(rmy), it was the NKVD they were having trouble with. The military mostly kept to its self in the constructed bunkers and pre-fab military camps. The NKVD, on the other hand, would come in the middle of the night and execute you and your family with silenced weapons just because you said something that may have indicated you were speaking out against the DSRT Goverment.

The citizens had learned to watch their tongues, activities, and body language, but not even that would save you sometimes. Sometimes they would just yank random people off the street to be tortured, executed, and thrown off a cliff into the ocean.

"I dont want to do this..." Zakhamivisch muttered under his breath, so the NKVD Lieutenant behind him wouldnt hear it, "But I must follow orders."

And so he carried them out, all the while thinking: 'And that, is usually how it begins.'

The citizens would awake the next day to something new, NKVD armored cars were on the streets, with fully armed and suited NKVD Agents standing around, with M-50 submachine guns. They would quickly learn that this was a security crackdown... but the reasons were left unclear. If they turned on their radio's or TV's, they would find their signals being jammed.

They would also find wanted posters with two people on them: Ayla Tural and Kino Tural/

Official Statement from DSRT
"In regards to the recent 'decleration of independence' of this... illegitimate state, the Red Tide goverment refuses to relinquish control over Corona island until proper negotiations with Kanami may be carried out. That is all."
End Message
19-03-2007, 23:42
The Dominion of Sendersdale and Greater Colonies
From the office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs

To: The United Island States of AHSCA

The Dominion of Sendersdale would like to congratulate the United Island States of AHSCA into its nationhood. The Senderslian government would like to offer the olive branch of friendship and provide any financial aid, along with a embassy in our capital. (


Caeser Cufzer
Caeser B. Cufzer, PC, KC, MP
Minister of Foreign Affairs
20-03-2007, 01:44
(RedTide2, didn't you get my Telegram? I recall you sent me one asking for negotiations and I thought I had responded to you)
20-03-2007, 16:33
OOC: Don't worry RedTide2, me and Kanami have almost reached a final agreement and a treaty is far off from being formed. We will of course need your signature when the time comes and i'll invite you when the treaty is finally drafted.
Red Tide2
22-03-2007, 01:06
Corona Island, Dusk

The NKVD had been observing the house for sometime, plotting out all possible escape routes, and confirming that their target was in there. Tonight, they were.

Three vans and a armored car belonging to the NKVD screeched to a halt infront of the house. Three squads of NKVD Agents, gripping M-50 Submachineguns and clad in their kevlar vests, sprinted up to the house, keeping out of the way of any windows or doors, while simultaneously being able to cover any doors. Then the helicopter arrived and began to circle, blaring with a loudspeaker.

"Attention! Ayla Tural and Kino Tural! This is the NKVD! You are under arrest! Come out, unarmed, with hands on your heads or we will forcibly enter the building! You have five seconds to comply!"

OOC: Kanami, or whoever AHSCA is, thats your que. Your roleplaying the Turals.
22-03-2007, 01:06
Corona Island, Dusk

The NKVD had been observing the house for sometime, plotting out all possible escape routes, and confirming that their target was in there. Tonight, they were.

Three vans and a armored car belonging to the NKVD screeched to a halt infront of the house. Three squads of NKVD Agents, gripping M-50 Submachineguns and clad in their kevlar vests, sprinted up to the house, keeping out of the way of any windows or doors, while simultaneously being able to cover any doors. Then the helicopter arrived and began to circle, blaring with a loudspeaker.

"Attention! Ayla Tural and Kino Tural! This is the NKVD! You are under arrest! Come out, unarmed, with hands on your heads or we will forcibly enter the building! You have five seconds to comply!"

Kino walked out alone, he would likely be shot for High Treason. He held an AK but threw it down on the sand. He put his hands in the air. And walked towards the spot light.
Red Tide2
22-03-2007, 01:12
The third squad, which was being held as a bit of a reserve force, approached Kino, guns raised and ready to fire. NKVD Agents were not really known for being trigger happy, just ruthlessness.

The head of the squad forced him to the ground and handcuffed him, leading him away towards an awaiting van.

One down, one to go.

"Ayla Tural!" The loudspeaker blared again. "Come out, unarmed, with your hands in the air! You have five seconds!"
22-03-2007, 01:14
"Ayla not here. Gone, very far away."
Red Tide2
22-03-2007, 01:17
The NKVD Agents ignored Kino as the five seconds came and went, they were not ones to leave things to chance. The first and second squads kicked in the front and back doors respectively, then threw in flashbangs. The flashbangs went off and they entered the house.
22-03-2007, 01:22
Ayla was indeed not in the house. Kino having more love for his wife sent her away. "Search all you like. Our hut is empty Ayla is gone. You can just kill me."
Red Tide2
22-03-2007, 01:35
The NKVD Agents filed out of the houses with the same expression that they had when they went in: Monotonous. One spoke to another in Russian.

"The women could not have gotten very far away. Definantly not off the island, given that we have it clamped down. We will keep searching."

Then the only one who knew the local language turned to Kino and said to him, in the local dialect: "Relax, your time will come. It is too early to start begging for death."

Kino was then marched into the back of one of the vans and sat on the chair leaning against the split inbetween the driver and the passenger compartments. The agents sat on the side benches, two of them had their guns on him at all times.

NKVD Corona HQ

The NKVD HQ on Corona wasnt permenant like the ones back in Red Tide, but it was sufficient. Kino was marched into a empty room with a wooden chair, he was sat down in it and his wrists and hands tied down.

Then they walked out, leaving him alone, in the dark.

Then the door swung open and the interrogator walked in, he had two pills, a knife, and a chair. He sat down accross the table from Kino, then spoke in the local dialect:

"I have two things to tell you. First, you are dead... there is no doubt about that, even if we are ordered to leave, you will be executed. But if you cooperate, we will leave your wife alone. If you dont, she will suffer. Secondly, the local who turned your location in has been paid. I just wanted to inform you of that."
22-03-2007, 01:42
"You'll have to find Ayla first. My Ayla has freinds from here to Kanami, she knows many langauges and customs, she'll blend in and disappear and you'll never see her. And you'll never get where I sent her out of me. I'll die before I turn my wife in, to the likes of you scum!"
Red Tide2
22-03-2007, 01:50
The interrogator shrugged.

"We're working on that..." He said, shrugging, "It doesnt matter whether your wife has friends from Kanami right now or not. If she does, they are either sitting in this facility or in Kanami. It is impossible for her to have gotten off. Now when, or if, we pull out and we havent found her... meh, she's home free. But still without the husband she loved."

Then the man sat forward, "Okay, now its time for the choice: The easy way, or the fun way. The easy way? Just tell me where you met, who you met with, and why you signed an illegal document."
22-03-2007, 01:56
"No. That decleration is legal. That decleration will give us freedom. Kino swore oath, we all swore oath, we would never sell each other out. Kino no tell you who else was part of that. Ayla will go on to lead all of Corona, and I will protect her when I reach the after world."
Red Tide2
22-03-2007, 02:05
The interrogator looked at him for a moment, chewing on his lip thoughtfully. Then he said:

"Okay, fun way." The interrogator picked nodded behind Kino, the door swung open and some sort of machine, like the ones you see in hospital to keep people alive, was wheeled in.

Taking the needle at the edge of the hose leading from the machine, the interrogator positioned it over Kino's left arm and pushed the needle in. The pain would be nothing more then a prick. Then the man turned the machine on, some sort of greenish-blue fluid began to pump through the hose.

"That..." The interrogator said, "Is a combination of truth serum and what we like to call 'Hycid'. It increases the sensitivity of your nerves. Should take a minute or two for the Hycid to start working, the truth serum takes longer."

The Interrogator sat back down and began to sharpen his knife.
22-03-2007, 02:10
Kino became very disorented. "No I musn't......" He inhaled sharply "Ayla would never forgive me...." He tried and tried but he could feel the words wanting to just roll of the toung he tried to counter it by saying other phrases in his own tounge "Foshi, masahsi, tutoro" Basically nonsense, random words put together, but how long could he possibly fight it off?

"Scum, villanious scum! Go to the netherworld (their way of saying go to hell) and be damed in the acid pools!" His nerves were going wild.
Red Tide2
22-03-2007, 02:17
"I see its taking its effects..." The interrogator said, giving Kino a cruel smile, "Let us begin..."

He walked over to Kino's right arm, knife in hand, and positioned the knife over the mans wrist... and stabbed, it would just be enough to puncture the skin, both the dead upper layer and the lower layer. Then he began to move the knife back, up the arm, making sure to avoid any arteries.
22-03-2007, 02:20
Kino let out a shriek of pain. His arm was now bleeding and of course the soliders were no fools in avoiding any arteries. He bit his lip