A diplomatic row (Attn TWSP) Open
Clandonia Prime
09-03-2007, 00:34
Clandonian Parliament, Prime Ministers Question Time
The Clandonian Nationalist Party leader Conrad Zackin, was giving Prime Minister a grilling. Lucky to be even allowed to speak after a spout of racist shouting against a Jewish member of the Tory party....
"Mr Speaker, it is my question be put to our so called Prime Minister and Minister for Defence on the pathetic result in Zanski! Never have I seen such a weak government, a fine act to rush towards another nation threatened by the Bolshevik red menace but then sit idly by as a communist nation threatens to sink our ships and insult the Clandonian people! This is an outrage! We must go to war!!!!"
"Order! Order, Order!!!!" Cried Mr Thomas Carter the Speaker of the House.
"Mr Sistilin, if you could answer the Right Honourable Gentlemen's questions..."
Sistilin stood at the dispatch box,
"Thank you Mr Speaker, on the case of Zanski for the sake of wider diplomatic relations we did not strike communist forces. I have taken the Hood sinking question very seriously and will be sending a diplomatic communication to our embassy in The World Soviet Party to forward to their government. The case of Zanski is over for now, we saved a free people from the imperialistic war warmongering socialists. Now I will recall the task force back to Clandonia to patrol the Haven seas as part of obligation of the KBFOH Pact."
"I bring news of the Questerian election, money support has helped to rebuild our army divisions and Sir. Matthew tells me the King William defence network is nearly complete meaning an attack from Midlonia would be suicide. I am also pleased to announce the development of the Lord Class Battleship which by the order of His Majesty the King will add to the mighty Royal Navy."
"Here here, Long live the King!"
Came the cheer across the benches, the uneasy look on some of the Clandonian Labour MP's.
"I also show you the scenes of a brutal communist army officer of The World Soviet Party, using artillery on civilians in Eurasia! And now they threaten to sink our navy, paying for the video of drowning Clandonian servicemen! If they do not apologise over that I will order that all diplomatic ties be cut and for economic sanctions to be placed!"
"Here here!" Came the reply from the Tory side, as they backed their leader. Then came the bell, the ending of the parliamentary session as the MP's filled off to luncheons and meetings with advisor's and media teams. The live TV crews in Speakers Hall reporting live on the latest happenings, a diplomatic crisis against some country called The World Soviet Party, many Clandonian's had never heard of the country since this week.
Official Clandonian Response
Diplomatic communication to the government of The World Soviet Party:
His Majesty's government is concerned over the recent world events particularly in Zanski where your government response was more than undesirable. The threatening of the Royal Clandonian Navy is a grave insult to the United Kingdom. I request you retract this statement and issue an apology from your government and from the Global Alliance of Socialist Nations over its criminal actions in Zanski against ACTO and Sovereign League allies.
We hope you will respect this communication otherwise diplomatic relations between Clandonia Prime and The World Soviet Party may be soured.
Prime Minister David Sistilin
As the Prime Minister finished writing the letter, it was sent to the Clandonian embassy in TWSP for forwaring to the Soviet government, they now awaited the response. If they didn't get what they wanted, orders were prepared for all Clandonian embassy staff to leave and for travel warnings to be placed, relations would be severely damaged from this salvo of harsh words by some muppet in the Soviet government. "God help diplomatic relations if they continue this childish communication, nations have gone to war on smaller grounds." The Prime Minister muttered, going back the pile of papers and red government boxes on the desk.
The World Soviet Party
09-03-2007, 01:20
Official Clandonian Response
Diplomatic communication to the government of The World Soviet Party:
His Majesty's government is concerned over the recent world events particularly in Zanski where your government response was more than undesirable. The threatening of the Royal Clandonian Navy is a grave insult to the United Kingdom. I request you retract this statement and issue an apology from your government and from the Global Alliance of Socialist Nations over its criminal actions in Zanski against ACTO and Sovereign League allies.
We hope you will respect this communication otherwise diplomatic relations between Clandonia Prime and The World Soviet Party may be soured.
Prime Minister David Sistilin
Official Diplomatic Communique
To: Prime Minister David Sistilin
From: President Alejandro Aszenmil
Wait, what?
Alejandro Aszenmil, President of The World Soviet Party.
Clandonia Prime
09-03-2007, 16:56
Official Diplomatic Communique
To: Prime Minister David Sistilin
From: President Alejandro Aszenmil
Wait, what?
Alejandro Aszenmil, President of The World Soviet Party.
Official Clandonian Response
Your government threatened to sink one His Majesty's Ships, particular to the Hood class. If your government continues to make these pathetic threats and to insult the Clandonian government then diplomatic relations may be harmed. The threatening of thousands of Clandonian servicemen is a disgrace, we will issue a travel advice for Clandonian nationals visiting The World Soviet Party to watch for their personal safety following these latest incidents.
Prime Minister David Sistlin
The World Soviet Party
09-03-2007, 17:15
Official Clandonian Response
Your government threatened to sink one His Majesty's Ships, particular to the Hood class. If your government continues to make these pathetic threats and to insult the Clandonian government then diplomatic relations may be harmed. The threatening of thousands of Clandonian servicemen is a disgrace, we will issue a travel advice for Clandonian nationals visiting The World Soviet Party to watch for their personal safety following these latest incidents.
Prime Minister David Sistlin
Official Diplomatic Communique
To: Prime Minister David Sistilin
From: President Alejandro Aszenmil
Oh, that!
No, we werent threatening to sink the Might Hood, we just asked for a video of it when it does (if it ever does, anyways).
Alejandro Aszenmil, President of The World Soviet Party.
Clandonia Prime
09-03-2007, 19:21
Clandonian Foreign Office 1700 Hours CCT
The strikes of Big Billy (The large Clock Tower), only half a mile away as the Clandonian government shut down for another weekend. MP's making their ways home back to constituencies across the country. Several vehicles pulled up outside the Foreign Office, out stepped Lord Sea Admiral Miklanov, his Special Boat Service bodyguards flanked him into the building. The place was closing up, cleaners were hoovering the lobby area as the last civil servants left after a hard week of shuffling papers. The Admiral and his entourage walked down the corridor towards to the private offices. Knocking on the door of Sir Philip, Clandonian Minister for Clandonian Embassy's.
"Come in. Ah Peter good to see you old chap."
"The same to you, hows life in government suiting you?" Spoke the Admiral, gesturing for his guards to leave the room.
"Its a bit of a change from the Marines, the pays good and working for Sistilin is nice, good chap, one of the best leaders we've had in a while."
"The situation around the Soviets trying to sink our Hood, was this true or is it just some newspaper getting their facts wrong?"
"We aren't sure, all the Soviets are sending is a pack of lies according the CPISF. The fact is, either way requesting a video of sinking Hood is an insult to the nations of the Sovereign League, which the Questerians have mostly sold the Hood to."
"Why did you want to speak with me?"
"There were rumours of communist forces shadowing our fleet, I want all logs and sensor readings from your ships. I'm not saying were are going to war, I just want our citizens and embassy staff of such a vile country. Over this weekend I will be ordering the embassy to pack its bags, I will also deploy RCPAF to assist in the evacuation. After their war crimes in Eurasia and the terrorist support against Zanski, I hope the world shuns them so much so that even the GASN no longer will rush to the defence of such a vile and evil nation. Care for a drink Peter?"
"Oh yes that would be jolly nice, better make it quick as I have to get back to Danskeran by 2100."
"So hows the missus...."
The World Soviet Party
09-03-2007, 19:54
OOC: So, this is it?
Clandonia Prime
09-03-2007, 20:17
OOC: So, this is it?
OOC: No I'm doing one of my little newspaper posts now.
Clandonia Prime
09-03-2007, 21:30
Government orders evacuation of all Clandonian citizens in The World Soviet Party
Royal Clandonia Prime Air Force C-130K's deployed to evacuate Clandonian nationals
From the New Clanon City Times
Front Page
In a shock new revelation over the latest diplomatic crisis between Clandonia Prime and The World Soviet Party, the Tory Liberal government ordered all non-essential Clandonian citizens to leave TWSP immediately on order of His Majesty's government. The Prime Minister announced on Friday evening that the embassy in TWSP would close and that all Soviet citizens in Clandonia and its colonies would be given three days to leave or they face imprisonment. In a press conference around 2000 Hours CCT the Prime Minister said that the 134th Long Range Air Transport Squadron and the 51th Squadron of RCPAF Regiment would be deployed to assist in the evacuation.
The Clandonian Ambassador to TWSP Sir Trevor Stephens was told to pack his bags and round up all Clandonian citizens for evacuation. All airlines were prohibited from flights on the danger that according to intelligence reports, pro-communist rebels were planning to shoot down Clandonian air line flights. In a warning to the TWSP, the Clandonian government warned of 'severe implications' if any Clandonian citizens were harmed. Our senior correspondent in TWSP said the situation was grave diplomatically, Clandonian citizens quickly picking up their belongings while piling onto military aircraft. Looking out onto the embassy garden as the embassy guards, members of the Clandonian Royal Marines burnt confidential papers and destroyed over items.
The ending of diplomatic relations is expected to be a shock after years of improving since the days of Lancers regime when Clandonia and The World Soviet Party were sworn enemies. The Times will continue to bring all the latest up to date information on the current crisis.
The World Soviet Party
09-03-2007, 21:47
TWSP, Clandonian Embassy
A group of APCs formed up in front of the Clandonian embassy, cutting traffic from side roads so as to let the official Clandonian transports move into the airport without problems.
09-03-2007, 21:59
Offical Message from the Socialist Sultanate Duchydom of Franberry
We are saddened to see the breaking of diplomatic ties between TWSP and Clandonia, due to a misunderstanding by the latter country. We hope that this is not a sign that Clandonia is returning to its old self, and the work that has been done, although much is still left, has been ruined. We hope that Clandonia and TWSP can have diplomatic ties again after this little scuffle has been solved.
09-03-2007, 22:29
Official Message From the Zukariaan Empire
TO: Alejandro Aszenmil, President of The World Soviet Party and Prime Minister David Sistlin of Clandonia Prime
FROM: Kaiser Konrad II, Kaiser of the Zukariaan Empire
RE: Diplomatic Problems
The World Soviet Party's leadership has yet to change. What kind of stupid thing to ask for is the video of a supercapital ship sinking? Of an already semi-unfriendly nation? What kind of diplomatic reactions did you expect to get from something of that sort? Were you expecting a hand in friendship? You will have to realize that any problems that arise from these severing of diplomatic ties are your fault. Stupid Commies.
Signed, Kaiser Konrad II
Kaiser of the Zukariaan Empire
OOC-No OOC offense. :P
Clandonia Prime
09-03-2007, 22:46
Prime Ministers House, 2300 CET
At the Prime Ministers country house, a good four hour flying time from the capital, where he came at the weekend to escape the life of government or at least tried to, it was early evening and the Prime Minister was with dinner guests when the armed men entered the room, uniforms of the Clandonian 22nd SAS with the highest ranking officer of the military, Lord Protector Sir Thomas Mathews in full military dress leading the way.
"Prime Minister, there has been a serious change in situation."
"Excuse me ladies and gentlemen, I will be back in just a minute." Picking up his dinner jacket he walked out of the room to his private office.
"Whats going on Tom?"
"Our embassy in The World Soviet Party has just been surrounded by APC's I think its safe to say now they have hostile intentions. An attack on the embassy would be a direct violation of nearly every international law. The situation is serious, the Chiefs of Staff are already in meeting we need to get you back to the your airborne now."
Kirkland Royal Clandonia Prime Air Force Base
The military 747-400 was parked up inside the huge underground hanger, around it teams of engineers were preparing for take off. Regiment soldiers stood on guard. A motorcade pulled up sharply, the Range Rover drew up to the steps and the Prime Minister still in his dinner suit saluted the guard as he ran up the steps.
As the plane took off into the night sky joined by its FB-401 Bird of Prey escorts. In the planes cabinet room the Chiefs of Staff were live on the video phone, shaking around as the plane hit turbulence.
"Prime Minister, this is probably one of the most serious diplomatic offensives to commit, surrounding an embassy is a prelude for war. I advise we go to Defcon 2."
"Do it, right this is it gentlemen we need to prepare for the worst, get me who ever is of senior command in the embassy."
The video link became shakey, as the connection to the embassy dialled up on the secure Skynet system.
"Good evening Prime Minister, I am Lieutenant General Serius the situation is at stands, I've got the place surrounded by at least twelve Soviet APC's and I've still got 200 odd civies in here. My men have no anti-tank weaponry, if they attack we wouldn't last long."
"Your saying, you have no sort of anti-tank weaponry?"
"Yes Sir, the most we have are a couple of G36K's and AG-36 40 mm grenades, not got a lot of ammo either."
The video lead then cut out, due to a satellite error.
"Bloody hell, If we have 200 dead civilians the media and public would never forgive me, let alone my own party." Croaked the PM.
"Prime Minister, we need to play a two tone message, tough military response and still use the diplomatic route. I say will mobilise our strategical bombers."
"Short of glassing them, where is our nearest fleet?"
"No where near, a good 7000 miles away, they aren't prepared for a situation like this either. At the airbase there are 200 members of 51 Squadron of RCPAF Regiment gunners, they are the best bet if we could seize the main city airport."
"Lets try the diplomacy route first, General prepare our bombers."
Official Clandonian Response
It has come to our attention that you have surrounded our embassy in Red City. This intention is believed to be of the hostile manner, you are risking all out war now for this idiotic attempt. If any Clandonian civilian or soldier is killed then every ship sailing with the TWSP flag will be sunk.
Prime Minister David Sistilin
Red City Airport, Clandonian Imperial Airlines Maintenance Hanger
At the Red City airport, Clandonian Regiment soldiers geared up preparing to take the main terminal area. They were lightly armoured in para gear, G36K's, pistols, grenades and combat body armour. A moustached officer stood up, removing his maroon beret he donned the MK-36 helmet
"OK men, I know this isn't really what we have been trained for but this is on the orders of the King. The Clandonian embassy has been surrounded by Soviet APC's, there are Marines and civilians trapped inside. I think its safe to assume that they wont get out without injuries, on the orders of His Majesty the King, relayed by the Prime Minister we are to seize the main terminal building."
"Huzzah! For King and Country!" Shouted the men, donning their gear and locking and loading they awaited the go ahead, little did those young men know they were likely to be the first casualties of war.
The World Soviet Party
09-03-2007, 23:16
Official Clandonian Response
It has come to our attention that you have surrounded our embassy in Red City. This intention is believed to be of the hostile manner, you are risking all out war now for this idiotic attempt. If any Clandonian civilian or soldier is killed then every ship sailing with the TWSP flag will be sunk.
Prime Minister David Sistilin
Official Response
I thought it was clear that the APCs and troops were sent to protect the Clandonians on their way to the airport, not attack them. We are merely providing an escort and cutting traffic so your people may get there as fast as they can, unharmed.
If you wish so, I'll tell my troops to go back to their bases, and free traffic, but, the News said that there's heavy traffic expected once the route is clear.
Clandonia Prime
09-03-2007, 23:29
OOC: TWSP, TGs if you please.
Clandonia Prime
10-03-2007, 00:41
Classified Air Force Base, Northern Clandonia
"Thank God for that, have our bombers recalled there's no need for that today thankfully." The Prime Minister took out a small silver hip flask, wiping his brow of sweat his dinner suit crumpled and dusty from moving around in the past hours.
"I will order our bombers to return, Peace in our time.... well at least for the next few hours."
"Better tell the chaps on the ground to not go gun ho, you know those regiment types they can get a bit trigger itchy."
Red City Airport
"Stand down men, looks like our great leaders managed to pull it off peacefully!"
"Long live the King"
Clandonian Embassy, Red City
As the APC's moved away, people felt a lot better. The nervous soldiers stood down. The sounds of crying children, it was time to get moving as the fleet of Range Rovers and various people carriers ferried the remaining military and civilian Clandonians away to the airport through the busy rush hour traffic.
The ambassador looked across to his family, his daughter and son asleep in their mothers arms as the convoy moved towards the airport, back to Clandonia they would go to a stable lifestyle. He knew he would get a stable job in the Foreign Office what with his previous military experience and twelve years as being an ambassador in various trouble spots. Remembering his loaded pistol, he applied the safety to his Glock 30 pistol before returning it to the shoulder holster, he had not told his wife had taken up arms. If the embassy was stormed he would fight as many of the communists as possible, he knew his wife and fourteen year old daughter would be abused. He and his son would be shot if they were lucky, after seeing the brutal communist killings during the first Clandonian civil war during his childhood.
The convoy zipped its way through the city streets, passing cars and traffic jams with their diplomatic plates. The convoy finally reached the airport, driving in through the air freight entrance where the Clandonian Imperial Airlines hanger was with the two C-130K's.
"What are we doing with the vehicles, we wont get them on with this amount of people. These aircraft aren't configured to carry this number of people."
Asked the load master of one of the C-130's.
"Why didn't they send the right ones then?" Asked the ambassador, anxiously looking at the group of evacuees that he was responsible for.
"I don't know, we were already flying near here back from a training mission, I'm guessing that's why. We should get everyone in, its a squeeze but you will have to ditch the cars."
"That car there is a limited edition!"
"Listen mate, we can't take it unless you leave half of these lot behind." Gesturing to the group of people already boarding the planes.
"With this amount of people we will need refuel support as soon as we clear the Atlantic hopefully we can make it to the Clandonian base in Africa." Noted the co-pilot.
"Yeah, just hope that we don't get buzzed at on the way out by fighters, with this amount of people in the back its going to be a bitch to get airborne."
As the last of the troops got in, the vehicles were rigged up with a couple of C4's, the ambassadors limited edition Porsche went up in smoke.
"We're cleared for take off, nothing appears to be on our way besides we are diplomatic so we have priority."
As the first aircraft got into the air, the second was followed close behind wanting to get away quickly in case they were caught on the ground. Just as the sun glinted through the cockpit came the warning sound.
As a media helicopter came into view on the right side as the wing clipped it straight through the helicopters side. The power loss was almost immediate as the plane plummeted back to the ground towards the airport runway. As the second aircraft climbed it to was caught in the spinning helicopter, the tail rotor clipped the cockpit shattering glass into the pilots faces, blood glinting as the plane dropped and came down with its landing gear still up, tearing into the tarmac. The people on the first aircraft were dead on impact, the highly flammable aviation fuel went up in an immense fiery explosion. The second impact began smoking as its fuel ignited, survivors stumbling out as the emergency charges blew the cargo ramp away, injured men, women and children dragged out. There was no hope for those in the second compartment. In total, as a dazed regiment officer ran as an explosion engulfed the second plane, he knew by the singed bodies spread about that the death count would be in the hundreds...
The World Soviet Party
10-03-2007, 01:01
As a media helicopter came into view on the right side as the wing clipped it straight through the helicopters side. The power loss was almost immediate as the plane plummeted back to the ground towards the airport runway. As the second aircraft climbed it to was caught in the spinning helicopter, the tail rotor clipped the cockpit shattering glass into the pilots faces, blood glinting as the plane dropped and came down with its landing gear still up, tearing into the tarmac. The people on the first aircraft were dead on impact, the highly flammable aviation fuel went up in an immense fiery explosion. The second impact began smoking as its fuel ignited, survivors stumbling out as the emergency charges blew the cargo ramp away, injured men, women and children dragged out. There was no hope for those in the second compartment. In total, as a dazed regiment officer ran as an explosion engulfed the second plane, he knew by the singed bodies spread about that the death count would be in the hundreds...
One of the reportes covering the event, appreciated the take-off, the gracefuly planes soaring into the skies, this, until he saw the helicopter.
It's burst into flames! It's burst into flames and it's falling and crashing! Watch it! Watch it! Get out of the way, get out of the way! Get this, Charlie, get this, Charlie! It's fire and it's crashing! It's crashing terrible! Oh, my! Get out of the way, please! It's burning, bursting into flames, this is terrible! This is the worst of the worst catastrophes in the world! Twenty... Oh! Four or five hundred feet into the sky. It's a terrific crash ladies and gentlemen it's smoke and it's flames, now, and the frame is crashing to the ground. Oh, the humanity, all the passengers screaming around here! I told you..., I can't even talk to people, whose friends are on there. I can't talk, ladies and gentlemen... It just laid there a mass of smoking wreckage! And everybody can hardly breathe and talk... Lady, I-I'm sorry! Honest! Charlie that's terrible. Listen folks, I can hardly breathe I'm gonna have to stop for a minute because this was the... the worst thing I've ever witnessed.
The airport's emergency systems had been on high alert, so, not long after the planes had crashed, hundreds of firemen, and dozens of ambulances had arrived to help any survivor.
Still, a plane on fire wasnt easy to control, and though some brave fellas' rushed inside (and some actually returned with survivors), it was clear that the death toll would be high.
OOC: Yes, thats what the guy said at the Hindenburg thing, so?
Clandonia Prime
10-03-2007, 18:52
Prime Ministers House 1700 CET
When the planes had set off it was lunch time, news started drifting in around 1700 hours of the disaster. Having spent the last four hours travelling back from a meeting with his cabinet Sistilin returned to his rural retreat to try and get some rest. In the bedroom the TV was on low volume, the sound of the news alert popped up with the Clandonian News Network reporting of a serious incident in The World Soviet Party between two Clandonian military aircraft. The Prime Minister dropped the cup of Praetonian teat in his hand, clattering to the floor spilling onto the cream carpet.
Within seconds his personal advisor had walked in ordered him to get ready and the low buzz of a Merlin helicopter landing on the helicopter landing pad.
As the Prime Ministers ran towards the helicopter he was greeted by chief of the armed forces Lord Protector Sir Sir Thomas Mathews, saluting him covering his eyes as the backwash from the helicopter blew up dust and material.
"What happened?" Shouted the Prime Minister as they clambered walked aboard from the ramp. The deafening sound as the rotors propelled the aircraft into the air on route to a nearby airbase to get a flight back to the capital.
"We think the Soviets shot them down, His Majesty has ordered that you meet him in New Clanon City as soon as we get there."
"How did the bloody media find out before we did?"
"I don't know, its the information age for you but we are drafting a strong message now. I advise we remain at Defcon 2 and I've ordered the air force to prepare for possible action."
New Clanon City, Kirklington Palace 1900 Hours CCT
King William VII was watching the unfolding events, hearing the tap of shoes along the long marble corridor he turned around to greet his Prime Minister and Sir Thomas.
"Prime Minister, I wish I could meet you in better times what is the latest situation?"
"Your Majesty, two C-130K Hercules aircraft evacuating Clandonian civilians and diplomatic personal were brought down by either some sort of anti-air weapon or there has been a mechanical error. At this stage I think we can say that with the current situation then it might of been deliberate."
"What will be your response David?"
"Sir Philip has been drafting a statement calling for a full investigation, I think we should send Clandonian investigators."
"We should remain strong, show we mean business I'm not letting some communist swine picking through the remains of my dead people. Those bastards killed half of my family."
"I will order a fleet to divert to the area and we are still at Defcon 2 and mobilisation orders have been sent out across the military for the 'just in case' scenario."
The meeting ended abruptly, The Prime Minister had never seen the king like this before. As the motorcade moved through the cities, sirens and lights going to back back to St. Stephen the city residence of the Prime Minister where more emergency meetings were scheduled. The gloomy Saturday afternoon was ended with a streak of lightning across the city skyline and the clap of thunder. The weather described the mood of the people, people stood watching in pubs and taverns, in their homes, in shop windows and at work. As the forty or so million reserves started receiving their orders by special communication, grabbing their assault rifle, webbing and kit before boarding Bedford's to proceed to bases for mobilisation.
The World Soviet Party
10-03-2007, 19:13
Official Diplomatic Communique
To: Clandonia Prime
From: The World Soviet Party
We'd like to extend our condolences to the families and friends of those killed in today's unfortunate accident, rest assured that an investigation will be carried out to find the exact cause of it, and anyone found responsable will be punished to the full extent of the law.
You can send in your own investigators if you wish, this message also carries an attachement with everything we have been able to find out so far.
ATTACHMENT: Accident Files.doc
Alejandro Aszenmil, President of The World Soviet Party.
Clandonia Prime
10-03-2007, 19:13
Soviets shoot down C-130K's, 300 Civilians feared dead
The wreck of the second aircraft which was brought down after the first one
From the New Clanon City Times
Front Page
In a shocking revelation it has been believed that the two C-130K Hercules aircraft that crashed in Red City, TWSP were shot down. Speaking to Times a source at the Foreign Office said there was credible evidence to suggest that one of the aircraft had been hit by a ground to air missile. The reaction of the Clandonian government is unknown with reports tonight of heavy mobilisation of Clandonian full time and reserve forces and the Defcon level raised.
His Majesty King William VII said in a statement by Kirklington Palace sent sympathies to the dead and their families as he visited troops preparing for possible military action. Commentators and analysts say this latest action will prompt quote 'severe consequences' against The World Soviet Party. The diversion of a full Clandonian battle fleet and spotters noting on internet forums that heavy bombers have gone up. Both signs are that a military option may be used if diplomatic communication fails and there is confirmation that the planes were shot down the Soviets. Estimates say that the preliminary body count was 347 people including 122 RCPAF Regiment soldiers, 56 children and 169 civilians including the Clandonian ambassador and his family. It is not known if Clandonian air crash investigators will be sent out, it it is likely the government will not take action without confirmation. Speaking at a party press conference Clandonian National Front Leader, Conrad Zackin called for war to be declared on The World Soviet Party with the full force of the Clandonian military. The Labour called for diplomatic relations to be re-established with the Tories are clearly divided with their leader David Sistilin managing his first major diplomatic crisis.
The Times will continue to bring you the latest on the situation as it unfolds.
10-03-2007, 19:37
Official Statement from the Socialist Sultanate Duchydom of Franberry
We hope that Clandonia will not seek military action as a response in what seems to be an accident. Even if it is not, Clandonia is in no state to wage war, as long as they keep their feudalist system. What the Clandonian goverment has to do, is to stop behaving like they used to and focus on their populace, rather than on pointless crusades. Clandonia has been invaded multiple times, and has been semmingly given a new goverment, although it has returned to its old ways. It would be good if Praetonia could keep what is effectively their puppet in a more peaceful state, and get it to invest in itself, rather than on 2km long submarines. We hope that TWSP can keep their head on the sane side of things, as it seem's Clandonia has already embarked on a course for war.
10-03-2007, 19:37
Clandonia Prime Prepares for War
Emperor Opposes Clandonian Mobilization
In the aftermath of a tragic accident within the nation of the World Soviet Party, in which a Clandonian civilian airplane was destroyed very likely due to collision with a news helicopter, Clandonia Prime appears to be mobilizing for war against the Communists of TWSP. A Whyatican military analyst noted, "[Clandonia] would be insane to go to war at this point, many of it's people still starve in semi-feudal citystates, and the King wishes to go to war? The King should stop being stereotypically Clandonian and feed his people before he even thinks about going to war."
Clandonia has been a troubled nation ever since the Whyatican annexation of what is now known as Clandón on Imperial maps, as lawlessness inhabited much of New Clandonia before the Kingdom officially joined the Praetonian Commonwealth. With a massive influx of Praetonian money, the infrastructure of New Clandonia began to improve, however, the King appears to be completely indifferent as to the plight of his people within the feudal citystates. The vast majority of New Clandonians are illiterate, barely able to read enough to get to their jobs in industry or agriculture day by day. This fact is in a sharp contrast with Imperial Clandón and Skyian Clandón, where 98% of the population is literate, unemployment is at 2.9%, and the people prosper.
An economist at Miana State University told The Register in regards to New Clandonia, "If [Praetonia] stopped tossing money down that weasel hole, I give them two weeks before it collapses into anarchy. I really do not see any way the Praetonians can get a net profit out of this."
A straw poll taken from citizens on the streets of Miana showed that 75% of respondants believe that the Emperor should demand the demobilization of Clandonia Prime, with 23% opposing, and 2% having no opinion. A second straw poll also noted that the majority of those polled believe that the Emperor should enter talks with the Praetonians regarding Clandonia, and the demobilization of said nation. An unnamed officer in the Imperial Army noted, "The Clandonians can't be trusted to rule themselves - we gave them a bit of leeway the first time we invaded, and look what happened. The Praetonians should either keep them on a tighter leash or cut them loose and let anarchy take over."
Sid Meier, The Miana Register
Clandonia Prime
10-03-2007, 20:18
Official Clandonian Response
His Majesty's government is utterly shocked at this latest incident and we demand an investigation into the cause of such a crash. Clandonian air crash investigators will be sent. We also request the Soviet authorties keep the black box flight recorders for the Clandonian military investigators. More aircraft will be sent to recover the bodies and aircraft wreckage.
The allegations of military force against the Soviets are false, there is no connection to them and the current situation in The World Soviet Party.
We thank you for your co-operation.
Prime Minister David Sistilin
The World Soviet Party
10-03-2007, 20:27
Official Clandonian Response
His Majesty's government is utterly shocked at this latest incident and we demand an investigation into the cause of such a crash. Clandonian air crash investigators will be sent. We also request the Soviet authorties keep the black box flight recorders for the Clandonian military investigators. More aircraft will be sent to recover the bodies and aircraft wreckage.
The allegations of military force against the Soviets are false, there is no connection to them and the current situation in The World Soviet Party.
We thank you for your co-operation.
Prime Minister David Sistilin
"Hello, this is Jonas McAngus for Soviet News, at the airport which yesterday suffered a terrrible conmotion when a Clandonian C-130 crashed into a news helicopter.
So far, over one hundred bodies have been recovered from the crash site, some of these have been stashed and readied to be given to the Clandonian Comitee which will arrive shortly, others, those still capable of being identificated, have been sent to the local morgue pending, well, identification from their relatives.
Latest news indicate that the emergency services managed to rescue little over fifteen people from the crashed airplane, and that they were inmediatly taken to the hospital, though two later died from their wounds.
More news as they come, this is Jonas McAngus for SNS"
I don't think I can stress how much I laughed at that.))
Clandonia Prime
10-03-2007, 21:39
A investigation team had been flow out post haste, a C-5 Galaxy with a team of air crash investigators and a further three C-17's to bring back the wreckage and the numerous bodies.
Touching down in Red City, the team was nervous about the reception they encountered, a group of medical staff would go to the hospital to retrieve the dead bodies and bring the injured back, they feared Soviet biological weapons so the injured would face quarantine when they arrived to ensure no harmful pathogenic substances had been transferred.
Encountering the lines of black body bags, they were filled with anger against the Soviets, many still believed that it had been no accident. At home the calls for war were increasing by the hour.
Arriving at the main hanger, the team in NBC suits greeted the last surviving Clandonian officer from the RCPAF Regiment. Looking through their mirrored visors.
"Thank bloody hell you are here, why are you all in NBC gear?"
"This is for containment procedures, intelligence suggests the Soviets may have deployed biological weapons against the survivors. We need to make sure no one is contaminated, you will undergo two weeks of isolation for your own safety."
The scary feeling when a person knows they are in danger of sunk into the officer, he had been in the military when the Clandonian's still possessed active stocks of biological agents and everyone had to undergo training on their affects and usage. The training still went on but nowadays it didn't contain material on how to deploy it, especially on civilians which was a popular military target.
"Where are the rest of the bodies?"
"In the remains of the first jet, there's not much left so I it might be down to the forensic level."
"We suspected that, orders are to not hang around. We are moving the wreckage now we need to be cleared out in two days, I for one do not want to spend my weekend in a communist state."
The World Soviet Party
10-03-2007, 21:48
A group of Soviet officials went down to greet the Clandonians, and then lead them to the wreckage and hospitals. One of them extended his hand at the lead specialist in the NBC team.
"Hello, and welcome to The World Soviet Party"
Clandonia Prime
10-03-2007, 22:37
The Clandonians declined the offer of a hand shake, they would never shake hands with that of a blood stained communist.
"Just take us to the hospital."
"OK team move out, get those lifters to start moving the wrecks in, I want up to date information and a reliable body count."
The teams of men began using heavy lifting gear to move the aircraft wrecks, a chain of men had been loading the bodies into the refrigerated containers for the journey back to Clandonia Prime.
"Fucking communists." Muttered one soldier as he zipped up the bag of a small girl, half of her face burnt away and her hair blackened and bloody.
"The bastards probably raped the bodies, that's what I heard they did in Eurasia." Said another as more bodies were stacked up.
"Yeah, they launched artillery against a bunch of civilians, savages probably shot down our planes."
At the hospital the group were evacuating civilians onto the first C-17 Globemaster III flight for medical evacuees who would be much better in the Clandonian hospitals with doctors that weren't instruments of the state. Rumours had been flying about that the TWSP hospitals were where they artificially impregnated women forcefully to create more children. The Clandonian people had been indoctrinated to hate communists with great pride, installed in education and media influence from a young aid they were fed with not lies, but the twisted truth of what people like the Soviets had done around the world.
The World Soviet Party
10-03-2007, 22:48
The Soviet shrugged.
"I guess you wont be accepting our offer to give you a ride to the hospital, eh?"
He turned and instructed his men to leave the Clandonians alone, the last thing they needed was a stupid quarrel between the salvage teams.
Clandonia Prime
11-03-2007, 01:32
The Clandonian grinned smugly, hidden behind the mirrored visor he clicked a button on his PDA and several armoured Range Rovers rolled out, their four litre engines revving.
"We brought our own rides, besides knowing your poorly managed economic system your nice collectivised transport system would run out of fuel, Seeing as you don't operate the principles of laissez faire and supply and demand."
"Move out men, we have some of our people to pick up."
Inside the vehicles the GPS units hummed into life, locating the required pick up spots. Just in case they met trouble the vehicles did contain weapons, stowed in the cargo compartments. The teams moved out, collecting the injured and quickly stowing them in the spacious boots for the short ride. Back at the airport the first transport had touched off, joined by fighter support as soon as it left Soviet airspace for the flight back to Clandonia.