Syndicate Chronicles (FT, Story)
07-03-2007, 08:26
OOC: This is a story that's going to explain the creation, or at least part of it, of my soon-to-exist FT nation. It's supposed to happen in the past, not present. I really want this to be my story so I'd appreciate it if you didn't post IC. However, since this is my first serious shot at FT, I'd welcome any OC advice/constructive criticism.
07-03-2007, 08:27
OOC: And, yes, it is Star Wars-based, because Star Wars is truly awesome.
07-03-2007, 08:27
[60 BBY, High Council Chambers, Jedi Temple, Coruscant]
As the last of the Council Members took their seats in the room, Master Yoda, the first to arrive, plopped off his own and waddled his greenlittle self into the room's center, with the aid of his cane.
"For attending this meeting, thank you, I do," the lifetime member of the Jedi High Council began. "A disturbance in the force, there is. Causing it, the dark side is, I feel. Attack the very core of the Republic, it does."
"Yes," responded the Korun master, Mace Windu, glancing around the room at the eleven other Jedi Masters seated. "I have sensed it too. The dark side is penetrating everything, the Republic, the Judicial Fleet, the Senate; I even feel it in our very own Order. The government of the Republic is slowly corrupting and the Jedi Order is taking its toll as well," Windu added.
"Allow this Order to be corrupted, we must not," Yoda countinued, as he nodded in agreement.
One of the newly-elected members of the council, Alar Kuhn, spoke up. "If what you are both sensing is accurate, and there is no reason to believe that it is not, then I agree in the utmost that we should not, and cannot allow the Jedi to become dishonorable in any sense of the word," Fisto paused, "but what of the Collection? Surely, if you sense even the slightest inkling of corruption within the Jedi Order, we cannot allow our most powerful and secretive artifacts to remain here, can we?
The chamber was silent for several moments, each member of the High Council lost in the contemplation of what the problems at hand could mean, until Yoda spoke up once more. "Sent off-world then, the relics must be, sent out of reach of the Republic and of the Jedi Order."
"The Collection must be taken out into the Unknown Regions. We must send a group of our most trusted Knights to secretly transport the artifacts and to hide them away in a location known to no-one, not even ourselves. They will have to be charged with protecting the artifacts and, I suppose, training their own later generations of guardians."
Yoda, still standing in the center of the room, enquired "Any objections, are there?"
For several seconds, no-one spoke, Yoda took this as a sign of agreement with the plan. "Decided then, it is. Sent to the unknown regions, shall the Collection be."
07-03-2007, 08:28
[60 BBY, Uscru Entertainment District, Coruscant]
As dusk descended upon the seedier lower levels of Coruscant's Uscru Entertainment District, Alik Mydanil, an old, greying Bothan jedi master, and his human padawan seemingly loitered around the same spot.
"Master, we've been standing here for over an hour, what are we doing?" questioned the young, impatient apprentice.
"Calm down, Caen m'boy, and I'll tell you what we're doing," Allik let out a good-natured chuckle. "I have it on quite a reliable authority that there's a deal going down here. A couple of corrupt Cloud City policemen are trying to illegally sell off some Tibanna gas that they've poached in Bespin."
"Who are they selling the gas to?" the ever-inquisitive Caen asked.
"Apparently a Corellian smuggler. He's probably gonna try to sell it for profit to some Hutt weapons-runner or something."
As Caen surveyed the area, he noticed a group of three human males, fully outfitted in Bespin Wing Guard uniforms. He touched Allik on the shoulder and pointed at the three. Allik nodded and started walking towards the three members of Bespin's finest, as they entered a dirty-looking club, LexRush. Allik and Caen easily past by the two large Bloxian bouncers. Allik and Caen, tracing the moves of the corrupt Bespin police officers, scurried past the dance floor and over to the bar. Caen caught a glimpse of a red neon sign, reading "Exotic Dancing," and almost vomited in disgust, seeing a topless Equani dancing.
Ah well, He supposed, I guess different beings have different tastes,
Caen and Allik pulled up to the bar and both ordered a drink from the Equani tender. The two Jedi sat there, both acting as if they were taking large sips of their beers, though neither really were. They both knew to stay sober on the job, the pretense of drinking however, gave them some form of cover. The Bespin security guards approached a human, probably the Corellian. Allik waited several minutes to give the criminals a false sense of security. Eventually, both Allik and Caen jumped off of their stools and, in the club's dim light, calmly walked over two the four men. As the Jedi master and his apprentice simultaneously drew their lightsabers, one purple, the other orange, Allik let out a big grin and spoke to the smugglers "I think you'd better come with us." The four men initially put up some verbal resistance, but Allik easily overpowered their minds, using the force, and within the hour, the three corrupt Cloud City security officers and the Corellian smuggler found themselves being locked into a prison cell by two Jedi Knights.
"A job well done," Allik noted, with satisfaction.
"Yes master, that was quite fun. What are we going to do next?" youthful Caen asked, hoping for some more action before the day was through.
"Well, I'm thinking we should head over to... Actually hold off on that, I'm recieving a transmission on my comlink," Allik cut off and held the comlink to his mouth.
"Master Mydanil," Allik's Hush-98 crackled, "This is Master Windu. How soon can you get to the Jedi Temple?"
"Oh probably thirty minutes or so," came Allik's response.
"Okay, good. I have an assignment of extreme importance for you."
07-03-2007, 08:28
[38 Minutes Later, Temple Spire, Jedi Temple, Coruscant]
"Okay, so let me make sure I've got my facts straight, Master Windu," started Caen. "You want us take these dusty old relics out into some random, uncharted, unexplored space, hide 'em somewhere, and spend the rest of our lives with them?"
"Well, yes, Caen, That sums it up quite well."
"Well that just sounds like a bundle of fun," Caen sarcastically grinned.
"Well, do you think that you're not fit to handle the assignment?" Windu asked
"Oh no, I'm ready to whatever needs to be done," replied Caen, suddenly remembering his place within the Order.
"Good, then. Allik, any questions?"
"Just one, Master," Allik responded, "Why are we being chosen to guard the Collection and not some group of Jedi more suited as a guardian?"
Windu's forehead creased as he formed a reply. "Allik, the Collection is comprised of some of the most powerful, most dangerous artifacts, that need to be held in complete secrecy. It's not about who can fight the best, it's about who we can trust. We've appointed you and four other master-padawan teams that we feel are the most trustworthy in the order. You'll be lead by Alar Kuhn. Are you ready to get on your way?"
"Sure, we'll just pack up then get down to the hangar."
"That sounds good, you'll be taking a Consular-class Cruiser called the Allegiance. It's one of the ambassadorial types, not a Judicial Starfleet one, so be careful, it won't be armed."
07-03-2007, 09:21
[60 BBY, Jedi Temple Hangars, Coruscant]
Caen and his master, Allik, hiked past the groups of starfighters and larger transport ships, as their boots clanged against the metallic floors of the Temple Hangar. They approached the only Consular in the bay and stepped through the open doors, where they were greeted by their fellow Jedi. "Ah, Master Mydanil, I'm glad you're here. These are the other Jedi that will be part of our group," Alar Kuhn, the Jedi who was commanding the group said. "This is Master Amadeus and his padawan, Kylen; over here is Master Faraan and Gredon, I'm sure you remember them from the Nebula Front incident; This is Master Renik, his padawan, Orrus, is probably the only Mandalorian jedi alive; Finally, I know you've worked with these two several times recently, Master Kerryl Androcia, and her apprentice, Seira Remnus."
The Jedi greeted one another and spent a while discussing their mission. Only several minutes later the nine resolute, but not-unhappy, Jedi Knights took off on the Allegiance, leaving their home on Coruscant behind forever.
"So, what now?" Caen wondered aloud, talking to nobody in particular, as he helped man the vehicle.
"Well, we pretty much just fly straight I guess, until we reach the unknown regions," was nearby Seira's response, as she smiled at him. Caen blushed and looked down, he had met Seira on quite a few occasions now, they had worked together without problem. When he found himself and her in a purely social situation though, he felt weak and had this strange burning sensation inside of him. Caen knew he wasn't supposed to feel like this, not about anyone. It went completely against the Jedi Code. He didn't dare tell his master, or any other being, for that matter. He couldn't.