Sharina Factbook Version 2.0 (Diaspora 21 RP)
In the first half of the 21st century, Japanese and Swedish industrialists, intellectuals, and engineers saw the coming catastrophe of Earth and the Fifth Ice Age. However, their cries fell on deaf ears in the politic arena as the politics were driven by corporate greed and religious fundamentalism. They went to work funding a private expedition towards the stars in hopes that they will be able to save humanity. Eventually, they managed to create a small fleet and set out in the great unknown.
The colony fleet was staffed with as many industrialists, engineers, and intellectuals as possible, as it was agreed that a new colony would require hard work and intelligent management of its resources, as well as developing potential new technologies. After traveling through space for what seemed like an eternity, the fleet arrived at a star system known as "Poldepi" by 2073. The star system was named "Poldepi" as a testament to the high hopes and expectations of a new society to soar above petty differences and work together towards a solid future. Once the first fleet vessels landed on Poldepi III, the group of industrialists, engineers, and intellectuals decided to found a new civilization named "Sharina" with the goal of enriched life, expanding human knowledge, learning everything possible, and empower people.
Sharina faced difficulties at first, as the enviroment and ecology of Poldepi III was different from Earth's. Three decades passed before the Sharina people could truly expand and exploit the planet to its fullest. With plentiful land, lush flora and fauna, and gentle terrain, rapid waves of settlers began migrating out from the city of Polda. Within a century, every corner of the planet had been colonized, and dozens of cities were constructed. Fifty more years passed as the Sharinan people worked tirelessly to expand their cities and infrastructure, particularly farms, universities, mines, factories, and transportation networks.
The Sharinans reached for the stars a second time by 2212, nearly 140 years after planetfall. The expeditions set out to explore the star system, and discovered several more terrestrial planets, gas giants, and other stellar objects.
By 2240, Sharina was contacted by the New Shiron explorers, and Sharina learned of the other various powers in the galaxy. New Shiron established an embassy on Sharina for diplomatic purposes, but Sharina chooses not to contact other civilizations until it was ready to do so. This discovery would galvanize the Sharinan people for the next forty years, as the civilization geared up towards the goal of venturing outside of its star system. Continual growth, consolidation of the star system with colonies springing up on the terrestrial planets, rapid technological advances, and the gearing up of the space industry took place during this period.
By 2290, Sharina finally had sufficient resources, production capacity, and knowledge to begin construction of a true space-borne fleet. It would be one of the busiest decades in Sharinan history, with unprecendented rapid construction and industrial expansion. Sharina could not wait any longer, since Sharinan astronomers discovered several star systems nearby and Sharina did not know whether enemy or friend may exist within these nearby systems. Sharina quickly claimed these nearby star systems and established colonies there with dozens of large scale facilities, outposts, and factories to spread the Sharinan civilization abroad.
By 2300, with several star systems under Sharinan control including Palastrup, Naknek, Szeged, Pequot, and Rouen, Sharina decides to strike out even further as word begins to filter in of other substantial civilizations undertaking their own phases of expansionism and claims.
More history to be added later.
The Sharina Technocracy
National Data:
Government Type: Technocracy.
Formal Name: The Sharina Technocracy.
Informal Name: Sharina.
Citizens: Sharinans.
Capital Star System: Poldepi.
Capital: Polda.
Head of State: Grand Technocrat Rand Veristek.
Official Language: Sharinan.
Official Religion: Atheism.
Ethnicity Groups: Swedish + Japanese.
Population (2300 est): 5.55 billion.
Politic Data:
Star Systems: 12.
Chicago System
Frock system
Hammett System
Kennebunk System
Naknek system
Palastrup system
Pequot System
Poldepi System
Szeged system
Zokku system
531-210 System
572-108 system
More to be added as the RP progresses.
Sharina utilizes a blend of Technocratic ideals with democratic ideals to create a governmental system that blends the best of both government modes.
Sharina grants freedom to its own people. The Sharinan people are guanatreed basic human rights, civil liberties, and do anything they may desire. The degree of freedom resembles the extensive freedoms enjoyed by the people of the former United States of America, Canada, Britain, and other major democratic powers. The only situations such freedoms may be infringed upon is when national-threatening situations such as plagues or total war occur. Essentially, it comes down to the "Greater good of the many outweighs the needs of the few", which is scientifically sound.
The Sharina government is comprised of technicians, scientists, engineers, and people of skilled labor. There is a Hall of Logic, similiar to a Senate, where each state sends two representatives for each of the 15 major fields. The Male and Female Citizen delegates get two votes each whereas the other delegates only get one. The major fields are as follows:
Agriculture, Aerospace, Industry, Energy, Transportation, Computers, Commerce, Infrastructure, Healthcare, Education, Resources, Communications, Research + Development, Male Citizens, and Female Citizens.
Agriculture = All food industries, including farms, slaughterhouses, ranches, food factories (where foodstuffs are produced such as cereals, candy, junk food, etc.)
Aerospace = All matters pertaining to aerospace sectors such as airports and airplane manufacturing, outer space endeavours such as telescopes, space shuttle factories, space station parts factories, and so forth.
Industry = All factories and production centers. This includes automobile factories, toy assembly plants, furniture factories, luxury goods factories, packaging plants, and so forth.
Energy = All energy based sectors. This includes power utility companies, power plants, power line repairmen, and so forth.
Transportation = Covers all public transportation such as highways, interstates, railroads, canals, subways, and so forth.
Computers = Includes all Information Technology sectors, computer companies, computer operators, mainframe systems, and so forth.
Commerce = Focuses on all economic matters of Sharina, including internal and external trade, stock exchange, retail stores, mega-malls, and so forth.
Infrastructure = Encompasses all urban and rural infrastructure which means telephone poles, buildings, street sweepers, street lights, sewage systems, and so forth.
Healthcare = Focuses upon all hospitals, doctors, medicine, and health sectors.
Education = Includes all schools, universities, prep schools, vocational schools, teacher unions, and so on.
Resources = Includes mining sectors, forestry sectors, fishing sectors, and all types of raw resource extraction and transport.
Communications = All telecommunications, internet, cell phone networks, television networks, and so forth.
Research + Development = All research labs, experimental projects, research grants, and so forth. This is important enough to warrant seat-ship in the Hall of Logic, considering Sharina is constantly seeking to improve its technology and efficiency.
Male Citizens = Gives male citizens of every state a voice.
Female Citizens = Gives female citizens of every state a voice.
The Hall of Logic tends to meet twice every week to discuss issues. During emergency situations, the Hall of Logic can meet immediately, regardless of whether they met two times already or not. In addition, the Hall can also meet a third, fourth or fifth time a week if there is a high number of issues that needs to be resolved.
Political decisions are usually decided upon after employing technical and scientific methods. The solution is then analyzed and voted upon by various delegates. An example of a typical science-driven political decision is as follows:
Example 1:
Sharina faces rising oil prices and a looming possibility of oil shortages. Sharinan politicans assemble and debate on the oil crisis, then form scientific solutions to the oil issue. The solutions are arrived at through expertise and scientific method. Several scientists work up a solution to invest more in alternative energy sources such as nuclear power, as Sharina has an ample supply of uranium. Another group of scientists figure out a solution to attempt to invest more research into improving solar power technology. Several other solutions would include ethanol, garbage-into-oil, wind turbines, and so forth. Once all the options have been put forth, a vote is held by all scientists involved to figure out the most optimal solution, with the other solutions as secondary priorities.
The scientists agree via majority upon building more garbage-into-oil plants, as it would solve two problems at once. The first problem being overflowing landfills, and all that garbage will become useful instead of taking up more and more space year by year. The second problem being the oil shortage itself. With trash being transformed into oil, the oil shortage is resolved while reducing the amount of trash filling up in the landfills. A green light is given to the project.
The scientists also decide on implementing construction of several solar power plants in the Mojave desert and several wind farms in the most windy regions of Sharina. These projects will serve as auxiliary power generation sources, and will be built as secondary priority, the garbage-to-oil power plants being top priority.
In a capitalistic society, the corporations and corporate-funded politicans would interfere with any solution to reduce the oil shortage as the corporations will only want to make additional profits and force the customers to pay through their noses. The alternative energy / oil solutions would most likely not occur for decades as a result as the plentiful oil from such a process would threaten the monopoly of the oil corporations such as Citgo, Shell, Texaco, and so forth in addition to oil-funded politicans like the Bush family in real life. In Sharina's system, the solutions would be implemented as quickly and efficiently as possible as opposed to decades of waiting, and without being manipulated by corporations and corporate-funded politicans.
Example 2:
Another example would be medicine. Sharinan scientists discover a cure for cancer within the field of embyronic stem cell research. Sharinan leaders assemble and discuss the ramifications of the situation, and decide upon establishing "fetus farms" to greatly increase the availability of fetuses for cure "harvesting" and other research applications such as organ regeneration and the like.
In a capitalistic society (take the real life USA for example), there would be a lot of debate, shouting matches, and general dissension about the embryonic stem cell research. Some people would lobby to have it banned and there would be a lot of religious-backed protests and disruption of the process. The whole ethical and moral dilemma would tie up the propsal for many years, thereby dooming millions of lives that would have been saved or enriched (regenerated organs) if not for the multi-year-long tie-up's of the proposal.
Sharina would choose to pursure embryonic stem cell research wholeheartedly after discovering the vast benefits of such an effort. Moral questions such as "Is the fetus alive?" are discarded as new questions establishes itself- "How many lives will be saved and enriched by this effort? How many people will enjoy better living standards as a result?". Thus, stem cell research or other moral / ethnical / religiously controversial projects would be undertaken without any delay, and protests aganist such efforts are generally dismissed for the "greater good of the many".
Example 3:
A third example. Sharina is experiencing a completely new plague or a genetically engineered biological attack that could concievably wipe out 3/4 of its population. A Sharinan is found who is immune to the plague, and doctors discover that an cure / vaccine for the plague could be synthesized from the Sharinan. However, for this to occur, the Sharinan may have to sacrifice his own life. The government decrees that the Sharinan is to be "harvested" for the cure to the plague, thereby saving the entire Sharinan population.
Within a capitalistic society, the plague would continue and the nation would vanish as hundreds of millions of people die. This is because the person who is immune would not sacrifice his own life to save the civilization, and there would be no force or voluntary action taken to ensure the survival of the nation. The rest of the nation dies off while the immune person argues for his / her right to not sacrifice his / her own life in the courts, wasting valuable time (and the judge and jury probably would die of the plague in the meantime).
(I will add more stuff later)
Sharina employs a revolutionary mode of accounting, called Energy Accounting. The unit used in Energy Accounting is coined an energy-credit, which is labelled as "Diamond" within Sharina. Currently, one "Diamond" is equalivent to $1.8 USD (United States Dollars).
An energy-credit, sometimes called an energy certificate, is an unit which would account for the Energy used by Citizens in a Technocracy. Unlike traditional money or currencies, energy-credits cannot be saved or earned, only distributed evenly among a populace. The amount of credits given to each citizen would be calculated by determining the total productive capacity of the technocracy and dividing it equally. The reason for the use of energy-credits serves to ensure equality among the Technocracy’s citizenry as well as prohibit a spending that is beyond the productive capacity of the technocracy.
However, the theory was somewhat flawed, therefore Sharina added several concepts to the system. The most significant is the "Ranking" system, which is used to encourage people to actively seek employment and serve as incentive for the citizens to excel at their fields. The "Ranking" system is described in more detail below.
Rank S (1+) = +10% energy credit per S level on top of Rank 1. S-1 means +10% energy credits, while S-10 means +100% energy credits on top of Rank 1.
Rank 1 = +100% energy credit distribution.
Rank 2 = +75% energy credit distribution.
Rank 3 = +50% energy credit distribution.
Rank 4 = +25% energy credit distribution.
Rank 5 = Average energy credit distribution.
Rank 6 = -25% energy credit distribution.
Rank 7 = -50% energy credit distribution.
Rank 8 = -75% energy credit distribution.
Rank S = Citizens such as Einsteins, Stephen Hawkins, Leonardo Da Vinci, and so forth. S-10 is extraordinarily difficult to obtain. The only people to ever attain S-10 is Rand Veristek, Edward Witten, and John C. Mather. Rank S-1 can be reached by those who work in their fields for 25 years or more.
Rank 1 = Generally scientists and technicians that have served in their fields with exemplary conduct for at least 20 years.
Rank 2 = People who have served their fields for at least 15 years.
Rank 3 = People who have served their fields for at least 10 years, or made an impressive discovery. Additional impressive discoveries by the same person will bump the person up to Rank 1 or even into the S category.
Rank 4 = People who have worked within their professions for at least 5 years.
Rank 5 = People who just graduate college or university, and begin employment in their fields.
Rank 6 = People who graduated high school and are employed.
Rank 7 = Children in general. Their income is added to their parents income.
Rank 8 = Unemployed and homeless people in general.
A citizen with a 1000 Diamond income would have the credit income adjusted by rank as follows.
Rank S-10 = 3000 credits.
Rank S-5 = 2500 credits.
Rank 1 = 2000 credits.
Rank 2 = 1750 credits.
Rank 3 = 1500 credits.
Rank 4 = 1250 credits.
Rank 5 = 1000 credits.
Rank 6 = 750 credits.
Rank 7 = 500 credits.
Rank 8 = 250 credits.
So a household with two parents who are Rank 3, and has three children would get a total of 3000 credits for the parents (1500 per parent), and 1500 credits for the children (500 per child) for a total of 4500 credits.
The huge benefit of this system is that even the homeless and unemployed will be able to feed themselves and afford at least rudimentary housing. The huge wealth disparity such as Hollywood is eliminated, while the harder people work, the more "money" everyone ends up having. This comes from two methods- raising the person's rank through tenure or extraordinary accomplishment, or raise the national energy reserves through hard and efficient work (either doing work or spending work money on things).
(I will add more stuff later)
Military Declaration of the Sharina Technocracy
Population of the Technocracy of Sharina: 5.45 billion.
Military Budget: $40.4 trillion. ($40,400,000,000,000)
Available manpower in Active Duty (1%): 53,500,000 personnel.
Sharina's Military Branches:
The Sharina Guardians (Army): 21,200,000 personnel.
The Sharina Samurai (Marines): 1,000,000 personnel.
The Sharina Star Navy (Navy): 2,660,000 personnel.
The Sharina Engineers (Logistics): 640,000 personnel.
Sharina Guardians:
44 Planetary Defense Units (1.65 trillion maintainence)
200 Garrison Divisions (150 billion maintainence)
80 Lift Infantry Divisions (450 billion maintainence)
100 Armor Brigades (1.125 trillion maintainence)
Total: 3.375 trillion maintainence.
Sharina Samurai:
100 Marine Regiments (1.125 trillion maintainence)
Total: 1.125 trillion maintainence.
Sharina Star Navy:
200 Fighter Wings (1 trillion maintainence)
100 Assault Shuttle Wings (250 billion maintainence)
100 Interface Shuttle Wings (10 billion maintainence)
80 ScoutRon (400 billion maintainence)
50 DesRon (2.25 trillion maintainence)
60 Missile Boat Squadrons (1.2 trillion maintainence)
25 Missile Cruisers (1 trillion maintainence)
30 Heavy Battlestars (6.75 trillion maintainence)
20 Battleships (6 trillion maintainence)
Total: 19.86 trillion maintainence.
* = Modifications are classified.
Sharina Engineers:
100 Medium Transports (500 billion maintainence)
50 Heavy Transports (500 billion maintainence)
10 Heavy Tenders (100 billion maintainence)
Total: 1.1 trillion maintainence.
Sharina Military Deployments:
Sizable forces have been deployed to Pequot and Rouen systems. Their purpose has yet to be determined.
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Detailed Information on Star Navy:
Gadfly Star Fighter
The Sharina Technocracy has realized the need for fighters to serve as patrol and quick response unit to small scale threats such as piracy or minor hostilities within space. Drawing upon the knowledge and the tactics prevalent in the late 20th and early 21st centuries with the aerospace industry and the useful military applications of small combat craft, Sharina has developed the Gadfly Fighter. It is equipped with energy and missile weapons to respond to any threats, and the Gadfly has some of the most sophisicated communication equipment to enable efficient coordination of multiple Gadflies aganist large targets. These fighters are the fastest ships of the Sharina Navy, and live up to its namesake by harassing larger ships and decimating minor threats en masse.
Small Size Ship Chassis
Owing to the large economy of the Technocracy, the possibility of piracy is guanatreed. In addition, the Technocracy realizes that there are likely to be other hostile powers that may be probing Sharina's defenses. The necessity of couriers also became apparent owing to the great distances between stars. Therefore, the Technocracy went to work designing and building an all-purpose small size chassis that could be used as a template for three classes of warships. The small chassis incorporates the smallest jump-capable engines, agile standard engines, modules for sensors or weapons, and respectable armor rating for such a small class of chassis.
The Discovery class Corvette places a much heavier emphasis on sensors and agility than the Plato class Destroyer. The Discovery ships are primarily used in scouting and courier duties, and are generally used as an extra set of eyes and ears for any major Sharinan fleet. The ships can only dish out or withstand damage roughly half as much as a Plato, owing to the reduced armor scheme and the lower amount of weapons modules.
The Plato class Destroyer incorporates more weapons modules at the expense of sensors as it is designed to eliminate light enemy vessels and serve as a much heavier patrol duty than the Gadfly fighters. A swarm of Plato's could concievably defeat a larger warship if coordinated well. The Plato is also used as screening vessels in any major fleet action as their weapons are potent for their small size.
It has been argued within the Sharinan military that there was a need for a torpedo boat in the cold reaches of space, given how effective torpedoes were in naval battles of the 20th and 21st centuries. Thus the Galileo came into being. Designed to spew out dozens of missiles in rapid succession, these ships pack a more surprising punch than most would expect from such small starships. However, the heavy missile firepower comes at a cost of fewer energy weapons and no jump engines.
Newton class Carrier:
The Sharina Technocracy developed the Newton class Carrier in response to the Expansion Program, and as a chassis that could transport essential Gadfly Fighter squadrons to cruical battles in deep space or move the fighters between propsective star systems. The Newtons were designed to withstand as much punishment as a Plato class destroyer, but the Newton's onboard Gadfly Fighter squadrons gives the carrier an edge over the Plato in battle. In mock wargame battles, there were several instances where a Newton carrier managed to seriously damage or cripple two Platos in a two-on-one battle. Overall, the fire support and the onboard fighter squadrons makes the Newton a valuable asset to have in any major Sharinan fleet.
Medium Size Ship Chassis
Based off the experience used in developing the smaller vessels, the engineers of the Technocracy realized that they could build larger vessels that could mount even more firepower and armor. These are the first true capital ships of the Technocracy, designed to survive situations where many a small ship would not. The Medium Size Chassis has similiar weapons moduality as the Small Size Chassis so that ships may be repaired and built more quickly and practically.
Military strategists within the Technocracy debated about what type of larger vessel to construct, and the first of the two Medium class vessels that were produced would come to be known as the Edison class Light Cruiser. These vessels were designed as heavier versions of the Discovery class corvettes, with many similiar duties such as escort, patrol, exploration, and so forth. The Edison is not generally used as courier ships due to their size and speed. The Edison, however, can outfight any small sized starship without much difficulty which is generally a beneficial thing in explorationary missions. Many a pirate, outlaw, or rogue have been surprised by the toughness and tenacity of the Edison.
The second ship class to be designed as a Medium Class starship is the Relativity class Strike Cruiser. These powerful vessels have nearly twice the firepower and armor of the Galileo missile boats, and skilled commanders use the massive missile bays to great effect. Even large warships may fall victim to the enormous barrages of firepower the Relativity may dish out. It is not uncommon for the Relativity to unleash barrages of a hundred missiles in an all out attack which strikes fear into the heart of the enemies of the Technocracy. These vessels are also ideal for planetary bombardment of military installations should the occasion arise.
Transport Class
The Technocracy saw the necessity of a vast network of transports to sustain its economy and influx of raw resources, particularly off-homeworld. Thus, engineers went to work on creating the Transport Class. The result was remarkable after a decade of study and research. The Transport Class may carry commerce goods, be converted into a tanker for extra-long missions, transport military units to other star systems, and bring much needed supplies to every corner of the Technocracy. The Transports ensure that the Sharinan economy runs smoothly and is well supplied like an oiled machine. Needless to say, there are many hundreds of these versatile vessels throughout the reaches of the Technocracy. Without these workhorses, there can be no Technocracy, period.
Large Size Ship Chassis
With the considerable experience gained from building the Newton, Edison, Relativity, and Medium Transport vessels, the Sharinan engineers and strategists felt they could go one step further, pushing the very limits of current Sharinan technology. The effort culminated in the largest Sharinan vessels known to mankind, the Large Size chassis. Two classes of vessels were developed with overwhelming firepower and protection, and are Sharina's first true command ships.
The massive Provost class Armored Cruiser has unparalleled protection, capable of shrugging off damage that would otherwise destroy small fleets of destroyers or frigates. Likewise, the Provost has substantially upgraded beam weapons than its precedessor, the Edison. The Provost also has the capacity of carrying its own battalion of marines for boarding missions. The Provost has an impressive array of communication arrays, which enables it to coordinate fleet-wide actions, and has ample protection to ensure that any admiral or prized strategist are not easily lost in battle.
The University class Battlecruiser boasts even more firepower than the formidable Provost class while not making any sacrifices in other weapons, sensors, hardware, or armor. A single University is capable of raking entire fleets of small vessels with overwhelming firepower, and leaving nothing but burning wrecks in its wake. The University is also even capable of carrying its own fighter wing or a marine battalion. The University is the pinnacle of current Sharinan technology and engineering, and shall remain around for decades to come.
(Pictures to be added later)
Huge Size Ship Chassis
Sharinan engineers have recently developed the largest Sharinan vessels ever known, the "Huge Size" category. Sharina has utilized the extra space and volume of these enormous vessels to great effect, culimating in the development of the Einstein class Heavy Carrier, the Bushido class Battleship, and the Bulk Transport.
The Einstein class Heavy Carrier is essentially a dramatically upgraded, upgunned, and far larger version of the Newton Light Carrier. The Einstien houses nearly six times the internal capacity of the Newtons, allowing for a blistering amount of Gadfly fighters or a combination of other carrier-based spacecraft. The Einstein also boats greatly enhanced stand-alone offensive and defensive strength over the Newton. Enemies will rue the day they come across an Einstein class Heavy Carrier.
The Bushido class battleship is the pinnacle of Sharinan technology and engineering. These enormous beasts of war house sufficient firepower in a single chassis to rival entire fleets of destroyers or even light cruisers. The battleship has garguantan missile batteries capable of decimating a fleet in a salvo, and utter woe to fleets who ecounter a Sharinan fleet employing multiple battleships. The battleships also employ massive beam weaponry, capable of destroying smaller vessels and several medium sized vessels in a single volley. The armor mounted on the Bushidos are the heaviest known to Sharina, and fully capable of withstanding sustained fire for hours. No enemy will live to tell the tale of a scorned Bushido battleship, much less two or three.
The Bulk Transport is a upscaled version of the Medium Transport, capable of carrying at least twice as much material and goods within its vast cargo bays. These transports are capable of ferrying an entirely constructed outpost and a planetary defense division at once. These transports also can ferry thousands upon thousands of tons worth of ore, supplies, finished goods, and so forth across the entirety of the Technocracy. The Bulk Transports are an invaluable addition to Sharina's potent commercial and transport fleet.
There are rumors that even more powerful warship designs are being looked at and developed for the day that the Technocracy achieves the necessary technology and infrastructure to build these beasts of war.
Extra Military Details if Needed:
The Sharinan Army:
The Sharina Technocracy has seen little need for a planet-side military as it has been isolated for centuries from any hostile powers. However, with the first contact with New Shiron and the realization that there may be other civilizations that may seek to invade Sharina, the Technocracy's prestigious engineers and scientists went to work on creating the most optimal Army equipment that modern Sharinan technology could afford. The results exceeded expectations of many and the continued innovations promise to make the Sharinan Army even more formidable in the near future.
The standard infantry soldier in Sharina is well equipped with the best that Sharina has to offer. The infantryman is equipped with a portable rail gun capable of piercing thick sheets of metal ensuring that the infantryman is able to retain his lethality within the evolving battlefield. Engineers have developed a durable armor comprised of two types of fibers including spidersilk and carbon nanotubes. The interior spidersilk mesh provides excellent soft protection and is extremely lightweight, whereas the external carbon nanotube mesh provides protection for the infantry soldier aganist the heavier projectiles that would rip through standard 20th century Kevlar body armor. Some infantry soldiers also carry an multi-purpose shield comprised of similiar fiber mesh as the body armor itself. The shield can be used as a second line of protection in heavy combat zones, serve as riot police shields during marital law, be employed as sleds in wintery terrain, among other uses. The combination of firepower, excellent body armor, and versatile equipment ensures the Sharinan infantryman is ready for anything that comes his way.
Samurai (Marines):
The Technocracy realized that simple infantry may not be sufficient in heavy combat or planetary landings. Drawing upon knowledge and memories of 20th century warfare, the military strategists came up with a revamped Marine system, renamed the Samurai to reflect the code of honor and the prowess of ancient Japanese samurai. The Samurai Corps selects the most skilled infantrymen from the regular Army and incorporates these elite personnel into the Samurai to serve as heavy troops. The standard Samurai soldier can be equipped with a heavy railgun twice as powerful as a standard Infantry railgun aganist fortified positions or a minigun for maximum lethality aganist multiple targets. The Samurai employs a heavier and more armored version of the infantry's body armor. Instead of just two meshes, the Samurai's body armor employs four meshes, effectively doubling the protection for the warrior within the suit of armor. The weight issue is migitated by skillful placement of microhydraulics to help the legs and arms of the armor move, in addition to genetic engineering focusing on body strength and toughness. The Samurai does not carry the useful infantry shield, though. The Samurai Corps follows the Bushido code with several revisions such as the elimination of seppuku (ritual suicide) from the code. With a firm set of values, powerful equipment, and unwavering tenacity, the Samurai Corps ensures that Sharina will not be so easily conquered by hostile powers.
"Goliath" Planetary Defense Cannon (PDC):
After first contact with New Shiron and learning that Sharina was not alone in the galaxy, the Technocracy looked up towards the stars with a sense of foreboding. A common question at that time was this, "What protection do we have from orbital bombardment?". Thus, the garguantan Goliath PDC came into being. A true Goliath, standing on twelve sets of large tread tracks, the beast is a sight to behold. One eyewitness account during a pirate raid upon Soar II in 2293 illustrates the awesome power of the PDC without question.
"The ground trembled as the giant metallic hulk manuevered into position. Several dozen trees were uprooted as straws in a hurricane. Suddenly everything grew deathly silent as a low hum began resonating from the belly of the beast. The hum grew louder and not before long, a deafening crack is heard for dozens of miles all around. The hulk belched an unholy yellow burst of energy far into the heavens, and the hulk became quiet with its anger apparently satisified. May fortune have mercy upon those poor souls at the recieving end of this Goliath."
(I will add more stuff later)
Sharina Foreign Policy:
Everybody else.
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Detailed Star System Information:
(To be added later)
Other Stuff:
(Extra placeholder space if needed)
Sharina's Current Yearly Build:
Year 2290-2300 Build:
(11 year period build, includes the 10 year grace period and the 2300 year build)
Military Builds:
200 Fighter Wings (20 trillion to build, 1 trillion maintainence)
100 Assault Shuttle Wings (5 trillion to build, 250 billion maintainence)
100 Interface Shuttle Wings (1 trillion to build, 10 billion maintainence)
80 ScoutRon (8 trillion to build, 400 billion maintainence)
40 DesRon (12 trillion to build, 1.8 trillion maintainence)
60 Missile Boat Squadrons (24 trillion to build, 1.2 trillion maintainence)
25 Missile Cruisers (20 trillion to build, 1 trillion maintainence)
30 Heavy Battlestars (45 trillion to build, 6.75 trillion maintainence)
20 Battleships (40 trillion to build, 6 trillion maintainence)
22 Base Stations (11 trillion to build, 550 billion maintainence)
Total: 186 trillion to build, 19.96 trillion maintainence
44 Planetary Defense Units (11 trillion to build, 1.65 trillion maintainence)
200 Garrison Divisions (1 trillion to build, 150 billion maintainence)
80 Lift Infantry Divisions (2 trillion to build, 450 billion maintainence)
100 Armor Brigades (2.5 trillion to build, 1.125 trillion maintainence)
100 Marine Regiments (2.5 trillion to build, 1.125 trillion maintainence)
Total: 19 trillion to build, 4.5 trillion maintainence
Total: 205 trillion to build, 24.46 trillion maintainence
Domestic Builds:
100 Medium Transports (10 trillion to build, 500 billion maintainence)
50 Heavy Transports (10 trillion to build, 500 billion maintainence)
10 Heavy Tenders (1 trillion to build, 100 billion maintainence)
(These transports will be exclusively used by the military)
6 Orbital Spaceports (3 trillion to build, 150 billion maintainence)
10 Orbital Shipyards (10 trillion to build, 500 billion maintainence)
20 Military Shipyards (5 trillion to build, 250 billion maintainence)
10 Naval Bases (2 trillion to build, 100 billion maintainence)
Total: 41 trillion to build, 2.1 trillion maintainence
*Poldepi System:
26 outposts (3.25 trillion investment, 1.3 trillion income, 325 billion
39 factories (19.5 trillion investment, 9.75 trillion income, 1.95 trillion
Military R & D (500 billion investment, 100 billion maintainence)
Computer and Electronics R & D (500 billion investment, 100 billion maintainence)
Genetic and Life Sciences R & D (500 billion investment, 100 billion maintainence)
Jumpgate Research: 5.5 trillion invested (11 years worth of research, started in 2290)
29.75 trillion to build, 11.05 trillion income, 2.575 trillion maintainence
*Pequot System:
26 outposts (3.25 trillion investment, 1.3 trillion income, 325 billion
45 factories (22.5 trillion investment, 11.25 trillion income, 2.25 trillion
1 Facility Package (3.9 trillion investment, 195 billion maintainence)
29.65 trillion to build, 12.55 trillion income, 2.77 trillion maintainence
Chicago System:
22 outposts (2.75 trillion investment, 275 billion income, 275 billion
32 factories (16 trillion investment, 2 trillion income, 1.6 trillion maintainence)
5 Terraformers (12.5 trillion investment, 2.5 trillion maintainence)
1 Facility Package (3.9 trillion investment, 195 billion maintainence)
35.15 trillion to build, 2.275 trillion income, 3.57 trillion maintainence
Kennebunk System:
2 outposts (250 billion investment, 25 billion income, 25 billion
10 terraformers (25 trillion investment, 5 trillion maintainence)
1 Facility Package (3.9 trillion investment, 195 billion maintainence)
34.65 trillion to build, 25 billion income, 5.67 trillion maintainence
531-210 System:
27 outposts (6.75 trillion investment, 675 billion income, 337.5 billion
6.75 trillion to build, 675 billion income, 337.5 billion maintainence
*Palastrup system:
1 outposts (250 billion investment, 25 billion income, 12.5 billion maintainence)
250 billion to build, 25 billion income, 12.5 billion maintainence
Hammett System:
30 outposts (7.5 trillion investment, 375 billion income 375 billion maintainence)
1 orbital shipyard (1 trillion investment, 50 billion maintainence)
8.5 trillion to build, 375 billion income, 425 billion maintainence
*Naknek system:
1 outposts (250 billion investment, 25 billion income, 12.5 billion maintainence)
250 billion to build, 25 billion income, 12.5 billion maintainence
*Szeged system:
1 outposts (250 billion investment, 25 billion income, 12.5 billion maintainence)
250 billion to build, 25 billion income, 12.5 billion maintainence
*572-108 system:
1 outposts (250 billion investment, 25 billion income, 12.5 billion maintainence)
250 billion to build, 25 billion income, 12.5 billion maintainence
*Frock system:
1 outposts (250 billion investment, 25 billion income, 12.5 billion maintainence)
250 billion to build, 25 billion income, 12.5 billion maintainence
Zokku system:
47 outposts (5.875 trillion investment, 587.5 trillion income, 587.5 billion
46 factories (23 trillion investment, 2.875 trillion income, 2.3 trillion
7 terraformers (17.5 trillion investment, 3.5 trillion maintainence)
1 Facility Package (3.9 trillion investment, 195 billion maintainence)
50.275 trillion to build, 3.4625 trillion income, 6.5825 trillion maintainence
231.225 trillion to build, 31.0625 trillion income, 21.9925 trillion maintainence
Net Income: +9.07 trillion
Note 1: Facility Package is comprised of the following:
1 Orbital shipyard (1 trillion to build, 50 billion maintainence)
2 Military shipyards (500 billion to build, 25 billion maintainence)
2 Naval shipyards (400 billion to build, 20 billion maintainence)
5 Shipyards (1 trillion to build, 50 billion maintainence)
5 Starports (1 trillion to build, 50 billion maintainence)
3.9 trillion to build, 195 billion maintainence
Note 2: Star systems with a * besides their name is within 2 hexes of Sharina's homeworld of Poldepi, which means facilities have been placed on these worlds as part of the pre-build. Star systems without a * besides their name have had the infrastructure built during the grace period as surplus / excess (and are transported to their destinations during the year of 2300).
In other words, at start of 2301, all these facilities will be functional in all these claimed and controlled star systems.
Tech Growth:
Start of 2300: 65 Years before Tech 12.
-5 years for being within range of Galveston Bay (Tech 13 nation)
-3 years for high education spending
-3 years for investing into R+D Centers
At start of 2301, timeline is reduced to 54 years before Tech 12.
Research Projects:
Jumpgate Research: $50 billion a year for 20 years.
Currently in year 11 of research as of Year 2300 (research begun in 2290).
Expected completion of research: Year 2310
Important Actions Taken in 2300:
To be added as the year progresses.
(Last placeholder space if needed)
Please post any and all diplomatic, trade, contact, offers, and generally inter-civilization stuff here that concerns the Diaspora 21 RP.