Diaspora 21 NPC thread (version 2, closed)
Galveston Bay
05-03-2007, 20:28
This is for interaction for NPCs, and for me to post budgets for major NPCs.
This is not were you make your claims (that thread will come later).
Major NPCs in Diaspora Sector
Galveston Bay tech level 13
Cynthia Tech level 11
Minor NPCs (ongoing)
Major NPCs in Sol Sector
Terran Federation
Dayan (1 major world, 4 Billion people, tech l3)
Mejii (1 major world, 4 Billion people, tech 13)
Major Alien races (in contact)
Vegan Polity (15 worlds, tech level 11, Sol Sector)
Droyne Worlds (3 worlds, tech level 11, all in Aldeberan Sector)
Other significant entities
Catholic Church (still based in Vatican in Rome officially, but administratively is mostly at Prometheous/Solomani Alliance/Alpha Centuari/Sol Sector
Earth nations (a few like Mexico, Brazil, Nigeria, Egypt still remain although really under Solomani control)
Greenpeace, based out of the Solomani Alliance and has significant influence in the politics of that star nation. Branch offices can be found on any world in the Diaspora Sector that has good or better civil and political rights.
Interstellar Red Cross/Red Crescent, based out of the Solomani Alliance, and also has powerful influence.
Important note
NPC defenses
Worlds that are Tech level 9 - 12 and have a population at least B or greater will have a space navy, PD units, and lots of defense battalions. They may also have mobile ground units like divisions and brigades.
Worlds that are tech level 8 or lower will have defense battalions only if they are least population size C
Worlds that are tech level 9 -13 that are size C will have a small space navy, and some defense battalions.
Galveston Bay
05-03-2007, 20:29
NPC Economic information
I will be using the nations below as templates for the various NPCs because I simply don't have time to do 30 plus builds each week
2300 budgets (prebuilds for GB and Cynthia are different as their income was different last week when originally computed)
New Cynthia
GDP $67.914 Trillion
Population 2.285 Billion
Tax rate 15%
Military Budget: $3.433 Trillion
Commerce Budget: $996 Billion
Galveston Bay
GDP $218.104 Trillion
Population: 5.114 Billion
Tax Rate: 16%
Military Budget: $3.698 Trillion
Commerce Budget: $4.034 Trillion
Offplanet income:$7.204 Trillion
New Shiron (you will meet them soon enough, also works for most of the big powers in the Sol Sector)
GDP $204.471 Trillion
Population: 5.369 Billion
Tax rate: 16%
Military Budget: (using 3% of GDP figure) 6.134 Trillion
Commerce Budget: (using 2% of GDP figure) 4.089 Trillion
Planets that are size E are worth one outpost in economic value
Planets that are size D are worth one factory in economic value
Planets that are size C are woth ten factories in economic value
unlike outposts and factories built on non earth like planets, these planets because they have a population already in place and infrastructure of some kind are worth more. In other words, a garden world provides its full earnings value if within 6 hexes of its controlling world, 50% if 7-12 hexes, 25% if 13-17 hexes, and 10% if 18 -24 hexes.
Larger planets, if placed under you control, allow you to use 20% of their GDP for your own military and commercial spending.
Type A military forces (rich class B worlds)
Military budget 200 Billion, Commercial Budget 200 billion, Offplanet income 250 Billion
Generally democratic nations with low government spending and not a lot of incentive
To spend more then absolutely necessary. Also have a lot of slack in the economies and can mobilize if threatened to increase their defense budgets if need be.
2 Destroyer squadrons
5 Scout squadrons
3 Fighter wings
2 PD units
2 Lift infantry divisions
50 defense battalions
1 military shipyard
5 outpost (generally 1 on their moon, remainder in gas giant systems)
Type B military forces (average class B worlds)
Military budget: $95 Billion Commerce budget: $90 Billion Offplanet income: $250 billion
Generally Democratic or Democratic Socialist nations with less effective economies which forces them to move into space sooner
1 Scout squadron
3 fighter wings
1 PD unit
3 Lift Infantry Divisions
100 defense battalions
1 military shipyard
5 outposts (generally 1 on main planet moon, rest in gas giant moons)
Type C military forces (poor class B worlds)
Military budget: $45 Billion Commerce budget: $50 Billion, offplanet income $50 billion
Frequently Socialist or non Democratic nations with issues with corruptions or systemic inefficiency
10 interface squadrons
1 fighter wing
1 PD unit
1 lift infantry division
100 defense battalions
1 military shipyard
1 outpost (generally on main worlds moon)
(tech level 8 or less worlds instead of space units have to actually buy their spaceport which replaces their shipyard, and have 5 air assault divisions with helicopters, 100 defense battalions, and 5 atmospheric fighter wings) IF balkanized, these forces have varying degrees of readiness, training and efficiency and may not work together well in a crisis.
Galveston Bay
05-03-2007, 20:31
MAJOR NPC defense forces and infrastructure
Deseskha /Cynthia (Sector F)
Settled by Christian and Mormon Christian backed settlers from North America during the late 21st Century. Still strongly religious in a Protestant way but isolationist, content to remain in its home system. This however may be changing as the Zealot Party has gain considerable power, and that party wants to ensure it has unrestricted access to other planets and their populations in order to spread the word of God through preaching and good works. Tech level 11.
Cynthian infrastructure and Defense Forces
Home system infrastructure
16 outposts (1 for each moon of main world, each gas giant moon, each asteroid belt and terrestrial planet). Cynthia does not maintain outposts in any star system but its own.
3 orbital starports (home world), 1 orbital starport (Desekha 6)
3 orbital shipyards (home world)
Defense forces
10 Base stations (2 around each outer world)
40 Battleriders (organized into 8 squadrons, based at home world)
60 fighter wings
20 assault shuttle wings
100 interface squadrons
20 missile boat wings
4 planetary defense units (home world)
6 armored brigades
30 Marine battalions
Cynthian forces are designed to make an invasion extremely hazardous and such an invasion force will require a very powerful fleet indeed to be successful.
Galveston Bay
Republic of Texas (ooc Galveston Bay)
Iiselu/Galveston Bay (home system)
Outpost worlds under Texan control
Fuji / Fuji 2 (main world) and Fuji 7-2 (outposts)
Moncton/Moncton 7 (outpost)
Iqorr/Iqorr 7-1 (outpost)
Whereitsat/Whereitsat 8-1 (outpost)
Ebekhar / Ebekhar 10-1 (outpost)
St. James/St Marks (main world) (outpost)
Gecko/Gecko 8-1 (outpost)
Elusive / Elusive 9-1 (outpost)
Geonia / Geonia 2-1 (main world moon) and Geonia 10-1 (outposts)
Tavara / Tavara 6 –1 (outpost)
Helena / Helena 11 – 1 (outpost)
Domo / Domo 5 (outpost) this planet was settled by Christian groups, notably the Amish and similar groups, who wished to live simply, as well as Environmentalist groups from North America and Australia who wished to live lightly on the land. It is a balkanized world with a very small central government that merely coordinates land use and land ownership. The Texas government has a treaty to provide military protection in exchange for use of the local starport.
Galveston Bay infrastructure
Outsystem outposts 14
Outsystem orbital star ports 14
Outsystem orbital naval bases 14
14 Light transport groups (express mail and passenger transports)
14 Courier groups (express mail couriers)
(for game purposes, this courier network brings in the equivilant of 14 factories worth of income for the Republic of Texas)
In system outposts and facilities
Galveston Bay/Hollis (moon) 1 outpost, 1 factory
Orbital Starport (Nassau Orbital Starport)
5 Orbital Shipyards (orbiting home world)
3 military shipyards (on Galveston Bay)
Liselu 2 (Martinez) 1 outpost, 1 factory
Liselu 3 (Ryder) 1 outpost, 1 factory,
Liselu 4 (Walker) / Higgins, 1 outpost, 1 factory, 1 orbital starport,
Liselu 5 (Phong) / Garcia, 1 outpost,
Iesula Jump gate (same price and maintenance cost as an orbital starport)(earns equivilant of 10 factories of income from merchant traffic to and from connecting gates)
Texas Defense Forces
Texas Star Navy
Patrol Fleet
28 Light cruisers, 14 DesRons, 14 ScoutRons, 42 Interface squadrons, 28 marine battalions organized into 14 base flotillas
Mobile Fleet
20 Improved Battlecruisers, 5 Heavy Battlestars organized into 5 BatRons (each with 4 BC2, 1 CVA, 5 fighter wings, 5 interface squadrons, 1 assault shuttle wing, 1 marine battalion)
Exploration Fleet
10 ScoutRons, 10 heavy cruisers
Home fleet
8 Heavy Monitors (defending home world and Jump Gate), plus 24 fighter wings, 48 interface squadrons, 8 marine battalions aboard the monitors
Texas Marines Corps
60 Marine battalions (including 24 with the fleet)
Texas Army
10 Armored Brigades
100 defense battalions
Galveston Bay
05-03-2007, 20:32
Second Generation Colonies
During the early 23rd Century, population and social pressures on the older colonies led to migration to unsettled worlds throughout human space. Among the colonies settled are a number of worlds in the Diaspora Sector. These colonies are much less heavily populated then the older colonies, have a lower tech base, and are less industrialized and are still frontier worlds in many ways. All of these worlds have populations in the 100 – 200 million range, and are tech level 8 or 9.
Subsector F
Messier/Messier 4
French Canadian settlers from the Sol Sector, settled in 2210. Tech level 9, has a starport but no orbital facilities. Well known for its singers and song writers.
Atabano/Atabano 1
This garden world has not been officially settled, but is home to several thousand independent settlers who have trickled in over the last 20 years.
Shelagyote/New Iceland
Settled by settlers from Prometheus in the Sol Sector, with the majority being people of Scandic descent originally from Norway, Iceland and Lappland. This planet is noted for its extensive ice caps, and harsh winters in the latitudes closer to the poles. Also well known for its vodka, who many consider the best in human space. Tech level 9
Iris/New Iris
Settled by dissident Mormons from Cynthia and elsewhere in human space who believe and practice polygamy. Tech level 9
SubSector J
St. James/St. Marks
has amino acids opposite of Earth based life, and has not been deemed worth settling as of yet. Galveston Bay had a base here. The Pricecutter Company (based in Galveston Bay) has a base here as well, and uses the world as a stopover point for its fleet of cargo ships. Population is 40,000, clustered in a small town near the Equator. Warships from Galveston Bay frequently stop here to refuel and take shore leave as well.
Gegaasha / Maya
Settled by Mexican Indian colonists from Mexico and former Central American nations during the 2220s with assistance from Galveston Bay and the Solomani Alliance. Well known for its native wildlife, which bears remarkable similarities to Earth around Miocene Geological Era. Tech Level 8
Nani / Kathmandu
Settled by people from Nepal after they were forced to fleet from their Himalayan home during the 22nd Century as a result of the latest Ice Age on Earth and live for many years as refugees in India. Since their arrival in the Diaspora Sector this planet has rebuilt the famed Ghurka regiments of historic fame and now rents them out to friendly nations. At this point, the Solomani Alliance and Galveston Bay have been the only ones to so far make arrangements with them (a Ghurka lift infantry division is on Momo as part of the Texas Army there)
Bezan/ Bezan 2
This planet has not been settled as of yet as it has its most advanced land dwelling organisms are particularly pervasive mold and lichen colonies, while the seas are still in the Cambrian Age. It is however ripe for potential terraforming which will take 20 years and cost $10 Trillion to carry out (essentially transplanting acceptable earth type organisms on that world). Greenpeace is on record opposing such an attempt.
This planet has not been settled as it is home to prolific natural life forms reminiscent of Earth during the early age of Dinosaurs and particularly aggressive disease organisms as well. Outposts and other structures on that planet will cost twice as much as normal due to the stringent anti disease and anti predator measures required.
Peqout / Hoth
An intensely cold world, with most of the planet covered in ice sheets or frigid oceans. Only the equatorial regions are hospitable to life, and settlement has been limited to a few hundred thousands particularly hardy people from Earth (mostly of Inuit stock). Recently claimed by Sharina. Tech level 8.
Subsector B
Toxey / Cachelot
This planet, with no significant land masses and very few islands (largest is about the size of the island of Hawaii on Earth) has an extensive and prolific biodiversity and is home to the Toxian Whale, a whale like creature about twice the size of Earth’s Blue Whale that behaves and looks like a really big Sperm Whale. What it eats is unknown. A few small settlements have been established by settlers from other parts of human space, but this planet has no central government and is not yet claimed by anyone.
Ridge / Costner
This planet is much like Toxey, except its life forms are for more primitive, being reminiscent of Earth’s Cambrian Age. A few small settlements are present and is otherwise similar to Toxey/Cachelot.
Stanton / Montana
Settled by North American colonists from the Solomani Alliance and former United States in 2215. Well known for its beef cattle exports, which are in fact a local species that taste very much like steak and look a lot like a Bison. Tech level 9.
Arkhaapar / Novy Sibr
Settled by Russian colonists from the Solomani Alliance and from Earth in 2216, and well known for its fierce nationalism. Novy Sibr is tech level 11, as it had considerable investment from the very start.
Gate / New Palau
Settled by Polynesians from the Solomani Alliance who sought to recreate the life they had before the environmental catastrophes on Earth. Tech level 9, settled 2215.
Mixem / Judea
Settled by Orthodox and other conservative Jewish settlers from all over human space in 2214. Tech level 9.
Jesicar / Hibernia
A first generation colony that nearly failed as a particularly nasty plague wiped out nearly 75% of the population not once but twice before a antidote and vaccine for the Hiberian Pox was finally developed in 2213. However the catastrophe limited the planet to a population similar to 2nd generation colonies and it is tech level 9.
Collectively, Hibernia, Judea, New Palua, Novy Sibr, and Montana are known as the Jesicar Cluster and the cluster is the thickest cluster of garden worlds in Human Space.
Zeeland / Tostig
Settled by Scandinavian from the Solomani Alliance in 2240. Tech level 9
Galveston Bay
05-03-2007, 20:34
SubSector K
Mogumba / Nabib
A sparsely settled world of a few thousand people from various parts of Human Space. The severe lack of water over most of the planet makes it marginally suitable for colonization in any case.
Maadura / Midori
Settled by utopian idealists from the Solomani Alliance in 2217, and since that time has had several changes in government and then the planetary government collapsed. Now balkanized, with several planetary nations claiming the right to represent the planet in interstellar affairs. Tech level 7 as investment has been slow since the collapse of the government in 2220 and collapse of the political movement that spawned its settlement in 2219.
Thicket / Mesa
Sparsely settled just as Mogumba for essentially the same reasons.
Daridda / Daridda 2
This rather cool planet at the very edge of the life zone of its star system has been lightly settled because more desirable real estate exists elsewhere. However, some useful minerals have been found and nearly 400,000 settlers from all over Human Space have made their homes here. Claimed by Sivo / Ato-Sara and likely to remain under its control.
Subsector G
Raymore / Raymore 2
This planet was originally settled by colonists from Haiti and Santa Domingo in the first generation of settlement. A catastrophic volcanic event occurred within 5 years of settlement, creating a global winter that resulted severe hardship, leaving the population vulnerable to a plague that eventually killed 90% of the settlers and their descendents. A few hundred thousand people now live on the planet, and the tech level is 6. The world has since returned to more normal climatic conditions.
Shanii / Miranda
This planet has recently (2250) been settled by colonists sponsored by the Catholic Church but financial support for the project fell apart and the 1 million settlers are now looking for assistance elsewhere. Initially they approached Galveston Bay, but government inaction delayed a decision. The world was recently claimed by Bazalonia, which caused the Texas government to indefinitely table any plans for further assistance. Tech level 4.
Kandom / Kandom 3
Originally a 1st generation colony world, but the Slovenian and Croatian settlers quickly began fighting with each other, and this left them vulnerable to the planetary ecology that produced a rather nasty plague that wiped out 80% of them. A few thousand people still live on the planet. Drugs from Galveston Bay have eliminated the plague danger. Tech level 4.
Subsector C
Tiasle / Tawhid
Settled by the Druze religious sect in 2225, and at the far edge of Human space. Tech level 7
Neefi / Neefi 3
With almost no land (a few scattered islands), settlement has been limited on this world but in 2218 a group of settlers from the Solomani Alliance made it home. Since then, a major project to bring Whales and Dolphins to the world has been a major success, and their culture has thrived. Only 10% of the population is human, the remainder are Dolphins who with human help are now able to communicate with Humanity. Tech level 9.
Hervestia / Vestia
This planet was originally settled by pagans worshipping modern Wicca in the 2220s, and has since become a major destination world for those who have those beliefs. Also a major headquarters for Greenpeace in the Diaspora Sector. Tech level 11.
Suffren / New France
Settled by French speaking settlers from the Solomani Alliance who have vowed that France will rise again. Also home to a major university and the Patriarch of the Catholic Church in charge of the Diaspora Sector. Tech level 11.
Backman / Germania
Settled by German speaking settlers from the Solomani Alliance who have vowed that Germany will rise again. Tech level 11. Well known for its superior beer.
Galveston Bay
05-03-2007, 20:36
Sector I
Cod / Almada
Settled by Portuguese speaking colonists from Europe, Africa, and South America in 2218. Tech level 8, and one of the few places in the Diaspora where cocoa beans grow (other exceptions are Galveston Bay and Amestria)
Vigo/ Basque
Settled by Basques in 2218, along with a sizeable number of North Americans. Tech level 8. The lack of water has severely limited settlement to a few hundred thousand, as has limited capitalization from the original sponsors.
Jene / Gonder
Settled by Ethiopian settlers in 2218. However, under capitalized and immigration was severely limited. Only 1 million currently live on the world. Tech level 9
Six Gun / Mackanzie
This extremely old world is tectonically dead and erosion has worn down most of the land that was above sea level. Only a few scattered small islands remain above water, although nearly 30% of the world is shallow seas suitable for underwater development.
Thus far no settlement has occurred aside from a few hundred independents from local systems.
In its entirety, the systems above, along with Zekhesii are known as the Zekhesii system.
Hannah / Shannon
Settled by English speaking Caribbean settlers in the initial 1st generation of settlement. However, a couple of generations after settlement a large asteroid hit the world, wiping out most of the settlers. The atmosphere was naturally tainted by dust for nearly a century afterwards. In all, only a million people live here now, and tech level is 5.
Jinchi / Herbet
A low priority world in terms of settlement, as water is scarce and better real estate is available. A few thousand settlers live in the single city located near the planets north pole. The locals jokingly call the planet Dune.
Rouen / Katanga
Settled by French speaking settlers from Africa in 2217. Tech level 9
Sector E
Settled by Russian and Ukrainian settlers in 2218 from various planets in the Sol Sector.
Tech level 9.
Settled by English speaking colonists from the Solomani Alliance and Galveston Bay and founded by a noted computer software company for the poor seeking a fresh start.
Settled by Afghanis evacuated from Earth in the late 22nd Century as conditions in the mountainous regions of that country became unbearable. Now tech level 9.
Subsector A
None of the planets in this subsector have been settled except for Larisa
Larisa / Edessa
Settled in 2219 by settlers from Galveston Bay and recently became independent. Was exceptionally well capitalized. Tech level 12. Essentially the extreme edge of human space and end point for the Texas Express Mail system.
Galveston Bay
05-03-2007, 20:37
SubSector L
Sittahr / Hindustan
Settled by Indian colonists backed by the Indian government and Indian business in 2218. Tech level 12.
Settled by Polish settlers from the Solomani Alliance in 2219, tech level 8.
Settled by Australian settlers in 2218 sponsored by the national government in Australia.
Tech level 11. Edge of human space in this area and also the end point of the Texas Express Mail system.
SubSectors H and D
None of the planets in these two subsectors have significant settlements except for the following:
A few thousand settlers from various planets in the Sector have made a home here but no planetary government yet exists. Tech level 5.
Galveston Bay
05-03-2007, 20:38
Sector M
Settled by colonists from Zaire in 2220 sponsored by the Solomani Alliance. Well known for its rather fierce animal life, very similar to Earth in the Jurassic Era.
Settled by colonists from Arabia who fled from traditional Moslem rules and restrictions in 2219. .
Tulane/Bryn Mawr
This extremely arid planet has few settlers, only a few hundred living in a single settlement on the north pole.
Domo / Domo 5
This planet was settled by Christian groups, notably the Amish and similar groups, who wished to live simply, as well as Environmentalist groups from North America and Australia who wished to live lightly on the land. It is a balkanized world with a very small central government that merely coordinates land use and land ownership. The Texas government has a treaty to provide military protection in exchange for use of the local starport.
Settled by settlers from various planets in the Sol and Diaspora Sectors sponsored by Greenpeace and other groups. Tech level 9.
Thinly settled by a few thousand settlers seeking to escape the rest of humanity. The extremely dry climate and lack of water make this world not particularly desirable.
This world has not been settled as its life forms are reverse amino acids to Earth derived life forms and it hasn’t been worth the trouble to settle it.
A 1st generation colony world settled by Dutch, German and Danish colonists and now tech level 12.
The above portion of space is known as the Domo Main
Settled by colonists from Indonesia and Malaya assisted by the Solomani Alliance. Tech level 9. This planet has become a cosmopolitan trade center due to its astrography.
Guderian/Carl’s World
This world was settled by colonists sponsored by an extremely rich individual who named the sun after his family and the main world after himself. Colonists must buy stock in the planetary corporation that runs the planet or become sponsored. Tech level 9.
Carl had a partner, who was a bit less vain, but otherwise this planet is very similar in the origin of its colonists. Tech level 9
Settled by colonists from Dunne in 2219. Tech level 9.
Sector N
Sparsely settled because of its extreme aridity, with a mere 200,000 living on the poles.
Prosser/ Harmony
Settled by colonists from all over the Solomani Alliance in 2210 and notable for its specialty agricultural exports. Tech level 10.
Settled by Ukrainian, American and Czech settlers and is a first generation colony world dating to 2159. Tech level 10.
Prestwick/Prestwick 3
This is an extremely young world with only a few islands and has extreme vulcanism. Life is still very primitive, mostly algae and slightly more complex organisms. Not considered worth settling as of yet, although some corporate operations are ongoing from other nearby systems.
A 1st Generation colony originally settled by the Italian government. Tech level 11.
Sector O
Settled by Greek and Macedonia settlers in 2210. However, ethnic and religious conflicts have plagued the planet for the last 50 years and it is now balkanized. Tech level 11.
This water world, with only a few dozen islands, has a few thousand settlers from nearby Tygger.
Pekhuraa/New Azania
Founded by a South Africa and settled primarily by Zulu and English settlers from that nation. Large numbers of settlers also from other English speaking African and Caribbean nations. Tech Level 11
Sector P
Settled by colonists from all over the Human Space and originally founded in 2219 by the Roman Catholic Church. Tech level 10.
Another reverse amino acid world, with a large diversity of life and a cat like species that has exhibited signs of intelligence and civilization at the level of Homo Erectus. A treaty between the various star nations in the Sol and Diaspora Sectors has resulted in this planet being declared off limits to human settlement except for occasional visits by scientific teams.
A reverse amino acid world similar to Smythe but no signs of any native species. Has not been settled as its on the edge of human space and not considered worthwhile.
Another first generation colony world settled by Scandinavians and Canadians. The ecology minded government has kept population growth to the level of a 2nd generation colony world and its tech level is 13.
Galveston Bay
05-03-2007, 20:40
Shironi (as yet uncontacted)
more to be added when information becomes available
Galveston Bay
05-03-2007, 20:44
unknown race in Massila Sector
information to be provided when it becomes known
06-03-2007, 09:00
The Abbassian Emirate Contacts the Regional Comunities and their respective leaders on Dinklewater and makes the neccessery initial arrangements to begin a process of recognizing them as an official and formal territory of the Emirate.
Poznan has been claimed by the Imperium. Can I get their information, in case they need to be... persuaded.
Peqout / Hoth
An intensely cold world, with most of the planet covered in ice sheets or frigid oceans. Only the equatorial regions are hospitable to life, and settlement has been limited to a few hundred thousands particularly hardy people from Earth (mostly of Inuit stock). Recently claimed by Sharina. Tech level 8.
The Sharina Technocracy would like to make formal inquiries into the process of asslimating the people of Pequot / Hoth into the Technocracy, as the Sharinans feel a certain kinship to the Inuit / Eskimo people. Possible proposals include meeting with the Eskimo leadership, incentives to settle Pequot / Hoth, beneficial assistance to the Eskimo people, integration of the Eskimos within the Sharinan populace, and so forth.
Sector I
Hannah / Shannon
Settled by English speaking Caribbean settlers in the initial 1st generation of settlement. However, a couple of generations after settlement a large asteroid hit the world, wiping out most of the settlers. The atmosphere was naturally tainted by dust for nearly a century afterwards. In all, only a million people live here now, and tech level is 5.
Jinchi / Herbet
A low priority world in terms of settlement, as water is scarce and better real estate is available. A few thousand settlers live in the single city located near the planets north pole. The locals jokingly call the planet Dune.
Rouen / Katanga
Settled by French speaking settlers from Africa in 2217. Tech level 9
Malkyer has claimed the above systems (ooc: and constructed an outpost and naval base in Hannah during the pre-build), and wishes to enter talks with the planetary governments (or regional governments if no unified planetary government exists) concerning the formal entry of said states into the Imperial Commonwealth.
Lesser Ribena
06-03-2007, 15:53
The Atabano system has been absorbed into the Star Empire of Lesser Ribena (OOC: In pre-builds was not aware of it), an outpost has been established there alongside a naval base protected by 18 orbital fighter squadrons, 3 PDUs, 6 Garrison divisions and 5 monitors permenently. It is the homeport of the Fifth Battlestar Group. Any settlers present will have been warned of the impending annexation and given free travel to any other planet along with all their belongings courtesy of the Imperial Navy, those who wished to stay have been given full citizenship of the Star Empire, the planet has been honoured by it's own seats on the senate an unusual move given its small population.
Approaches are made to the Shelagyote system (New Ireland) asking whether they would like to become an official part of the Star Empire with a significant representation on the senate and full citizenship or free travel offworld for all inhabitants. Benefits are protection by the significant Imperial Navy, especially given the location of a naval base and fleet homeport nextdoor in Atabano. The inhabitants are promised significant investment over the next few years in terms of factories and outposts. The planet will only be home to territorial forces (reserves) raised from amongst their own people if foreign troops would be an issue. Furthermore the system can be a special administrative region and maintain the current status quo of tax rates, social provision etc if required. Finally if that doesn't work the Fifth BSG will lurk near the system and look threatening.
07-03-2007, 00:58
2290-The Parthinian Federation begins talks with the leaders of the Raymore2 Government about possible protectorate status and incorporation into the Federation. Benefits to the Raymorian people would include self-government under the supervision of the Federation and heavy investment.
Plans are also made to colonize the nearby sectors of Feeble and Bifirs.
2300-The Parthinian Federation makes contact with the Jesicar Cluster Governments about possible incorporation into the Federation. Benefits would be similar to that given to the Raymorian people. A good-sized fleet also approaches the area.
Another feeler is sent to the Governments of Backman and Vestia, along with New Iris with similar deals.
Ottoman Khaif
07-03-2007, 02:10
Semaachii / Eddo
Settled by Japanese settlers from Mejii in 2219 and allied to its home world. Tech level 12. The Japanese have built a jump gate in this system.
GB I belive Semaachii is the homeworld of Rodenka..just its a player world then to NPC.
Malkyer has claimed the above systems (ooc: and constructed an outpost and naval base in Hannah during the pre-build), and wishes to enter talks with the planetary governments (or regional governments if no unified planetary government exists) concerning the formal entry of said states into the Imperial Commonwealth.
We may have a serious problem, then.
I have essentially maxed out the Rouen system with my prebuild as it's only 2 hexes from Poldepi. Thus I have outposts, factories, naval bases, shipyards, etc. already there plus a significant naval presence.
EDIT: The same can be said for Pequot which is 2 hexes away from Poldepi, and I maxed out Pequot with my prebuild as well (factories, outposts, et. al.)
OOC: Consider the Malkyeri claims to Rouen dropped in the face of the existing Sharinan presence (and superior local naval strength). I'll edit it out of the relevant posts over the next few minutes.
OOC: Unaware that New Iris was an NPC when I did pre-builds there.
IC: The Kilani Federation has already constructed facilities in the New Iris system, including a military base and multiple outposts. At current, it is being protected by the Outer Rim Fleet, consisting of 10 CVLs, 8 CLs, 10 DesRon Squadrons, 10 ScoutRon squadrons, 3 CGs, a single battle cruiser, 10 transports and 15 Orbital Fighter units. The military base on New Iris is currently under the protection of two marine battalions, a lift division and four PDFs. The Federal military does nothing to the local population and stays out of their way. They allow the Mormons to do as they like and do not request taxes or military service from them.
Galveston Bay
07-03-2007, 06:04
rules on what happens to occupied or absorbed NPC worlds will be posted this week as time permits
Most of the NPCs contact will take a couple of months to make decisions before getting back to you in any case
07-03-2007, 06:28
Suffren / New France
Settled by French speaking settlers from the Solomani Alliance who have vowed that France will rise again. Also home to a major university and the Patriarch of the Catholic Church in charge of the Diaspora Sector. Tech level 11.
Officials from the Amestrian New France (ooc: there are two planets named "New France") branch of the Roman Catholic Church contact the Catholic Headquarters on Prometheus and request that a second Patriarch for the Diaspora Sector be established on Amestrian New France, in the Napiiresha System. The Suffren Patriarch would oversea sub sectors Narquel-Pasdaruu and the Napiiresha Patriarch would oversea sub sectors Ebasha-Khulam.
Meanwhile, the Amestrian Ambassador to Suffren New France begins investigating the University (ooc: to find out what it would take to build a competing institution on Amestrian New France).
Settled by Polish settlers from the Solomani Alliance in 2219, tech level 8.
The Amestrian Republic contacts the Government of Asena and politely asks if it is interested in an alliance.
The Amestrian Republic contacts the Government of Poznan and politely asks if it is interested in an alliance.
Any chance I would hear about that... just what are you trying to do Amestria...
07-03-2007, 10:58
Any chance I would hear about that... just what are you trying to do Amestria...
Settled by Polish settlers from the Solomani Alliance in 2219, tech level 8.
OOC: (sigh) I mistook Poznan for the primary world of Asena rather then a separate system. Artitsa, I have edited my IC post and changed Poznan to Asena.
08-03-2007, 00:00
"Cynthia of course claims all systems within jump 2 of its world, and will not accept another star nation simply claiming them either. "
Haven demands that Cynthia drop its claim, pointing out that most of the nations within jump 2(which includes the Havenite homeworld) have already been developed by Haven(in the prebuild).
08-03-2007, 01:14
SubSector L
Sittahr / Hindustan
Settled by Indian colonists backed by the Indian government and Indian business in 2218. Tech level 12.
Settled by Polish settlers from the Solomani Alliance in 2219, tech level 8.
Settled by Australian settlers in 2218 sponsored by the national government in Australia.
Tech level 11. Edge of human space in this area and also the end point of the Texas Express Mail system.
OOC: How large are these NPCs respective militaries?
Galveston Bay
08-03-2007, 01:38
The Abbassian Emirate Contacts the Regional Comunities and their respective leaders on Dinklewater and makes the neccessery initial arrangements to begin a process of recognizing them as an official and formal territory of the Emirate.
Dinklewater is willing to accept this, as long as they are not forced to become Moslem
Galveston Bay
08-03-2007, 01:40
The Sharina Technocracy would like to make formal inquiries into the process of asslimating the people of Pequot / Hoth into the Technocracy, as the Sharinans feel a certain kinship to the Inuit / Eskimo people. Possible proposals include meeting with the Eskimo leadership, incentives to settle Pequot / Hoth, beneficial assistance to the Eskimo people, integration of the Eskimos within the Sharinan populace, and so forth.
the people of Hoth are willing to join Sharina as a subsidery world after having a vote.
Galveston Bay
08-03-2007, 01:47
Malkyer has claimed the above systems (ooc: and constructed an outpost and naval base in Hannah during the pre-build), and wishes to enter talks with the planetary governments (or regional governments if no unified planetary government exists) concerning the formal entry of said states into the Imperial Commonwealth.
Hannah and Herbert both accept entry (and the people on Hannah like the money your sailors spend on shore leave).
Katanga however is NOT willing to join anyones empire, but is willing to discuss allowing Sharina to having basing rights on its outer planets with your fuel shuttles and contracting civilian shuttles from Katanga providing the fuel your naval base would need. It is also willing to allow shore leave privilages. It also might also be willing to discuss a defense treaty.
It would be happier however if Sharina and Malkyer came up with an agreement that allowed both nations to have naval bases in the outer system and the planet Katanga itself remained neutral, as well as all system space within 1 AU of the star.
Sharina, you DO NOT have any installations of any kind on the garden world Katanga, so redo your budget. They are tech 9 and wouldn't have stood for that. I realize I posted NPCs late and I apologize, so I am giving you a do over essentially
Galveston Bay
08-03-2007, 01:53
OOC: Unaware that New Iris was an NPC when I did pre-builds there.
IC: The Kilani Federation has already constructed facilities in the New Iris system, including a military base and multiple outposts. At current, it is being protected by the Outer Rim Fleet, consisting of 10 CVLs, 8 CLs, 10 DesRon Squadrons, 10 ScoutRon squadrons, 3 CGs, a single battle cruiser, 10 transports and 15 Orbital Fighter units. The military base on New Iris is currently under the protection of two marine battalions, a lift division and four PDFs. The Federal military does nothing to the local population and stays out of their way. They allow the Mormons to do as they like and do not request taxes or military service from them.
New Iris is willing to sign a defense treaty formalizing the arrangement and is willing to provide shore leave privilages, and civilian contractors to provide food and other services (this will make the outposts you have worth full value instead of partial value because of distance). Your responsibility would be to defend New Iris and not interfere on that world.
Galveston Bay
08-03-2007, 02:00
Officials from the Amestrian New France (ooc: there are two planets named "New France") branch of the Roman Catholic Church contact the Catholic Headquarters on Prometheus and request that a second Patriarch for the Diaspora Sector be established on Amestrian New France, in the Napiiresha System. The Suffren Patriarch would oversea sub sectors Narquel-Pasdaruu and the Napiiresha Patriarch would oversea sub sectors Ebasha-Khulam..
The Holy See says thanks, but no. One Patriarch per Sector at this time (he is a quasi Pope in effect because of distances)
Meanwhile, the Amestrian Ambassador to Suffren New France begins investigating the University (ooc: to find out what it would take to build a competing institution on Amestrian New France)..
the applied research centers in the economics rules
The Amestrian Republic contacts the Government of Asena and politely asks if it is interested in an alliance.
It is willing to consider it, although doesn't feel particularly threatened by anyone at the moment.
Galveston Bay
08-03-2007, 02:01
OOC: How large are these NPCs respective militaries?
Poznan has 50 defense battalions
the other 2 have space navies, PD units and small armies (details to come later)
Hannah and Herbert both accept entry (and the people on Hannah like the money your sailors spend on shore leave).
Katanga however is NOT willing to join anyones empire, but is willing to discuss allowing Sharina to having basing rights on its outer planets with your fuel shuttles and contracting civilian shuttles from Katanga providing the fuel your naval base would need. It is also willing to allow shore leave privilages. It also might also be willing to discuss a defense treaty.
It would be happier however if Sharina and Malkyer came up with an agreement that allowed both nations to have naval bases in the outer system and the planet Katanga itself remained neutral, as well as all system space within 1 AU of the star.
Sharina, you DO NOT have any installations of any kind on the garden world Katanga, so redo your budget. They are tech 9 and wouldn't have stood for that. I realize I posted NPCs late and I apologize, so I am giving you a do over essentially
Sharina points out to the Katangans that if other nations were allowed to refuel and resupply within the Katangan space, it would allow the other nations to strike directly at the heart of Sharinan space, the homeworld of Poldepi. Sharina cannot allow that scenario to occur.
Now seeing that I don't have any facilities on Rouen, that means I have 37 outposts and 41 factories I need to place elsewhere on top of 400+ outposts and 220+ factories I have to place somewhere (I've maxed out Pequot and Poldepi in my prebuild and still have like 300 trillion leftover to build stuff with, and thats where I got 400+ outposts and 220+ factories from).
SubSector L
Settled by Polish settlers from the Solomani Alliance in 2219, tech level 8.
you're not making any sense!!
These are both different systems in L sector that are on either side of L system.. and I have claimed Poznan and done prebuilds on it, yet I keep hearing nothing... what is their pop and response?!
08-03-2007, 02:44
Parthini;12400175']2290-The Parthinian Federation begins talks with the leaders of the Raymore2 Government about possible protectorate status and incorporation into the Federation. Benefits to the Raymorian people would include self-government under the supervision of the Federation and heavy investment.
Plans are also made to colonize the nearby sectors of Feeble and Bifirs.
What about them?
IC: 2300-The Parthinian Federation approaches the nations of the Jesicar Cluster about a possible alliance and basing rights with the Jesicar Cluster nations.
OOC: Changing what my original queries were due to recently discovered info.
08-03-2007, 02:53
you're not making any sense!!
These are both different systems in L sector that are on either side of L system.. and I have claimed Poznan and done prebuilds on it, yet I keep hearing nothing... what is their pop and response?!
OOC: GB, Asena and Poznan are two separate systems on opposite sides of the L subsector, but they are listed as if they are part of one system... That is kind of confusing.
Poznan has 50 defense battalions
What about Asena?
08-03-2007, 03:04
It is willing to consider it, although doesn't feel particularly threatened by anyone at the moment.
The Amestrian High Parliament votes to send a delegation to Asena in order to negotiate a treaty.
OOC: I'm operating under the assumption that my Government is negotiating with Asena, the garden world just above Napiiresha.
IC: A similar offer of Alliance is then made by the Amestrian Foreign Ministry to the Government of Tazmania.
Galveston Bay
08-03-2007, 06:19
you're not making any sense!!
These are both different systems in L sector that are on either side of L system.. and I have claimed Poznan and done prebuilds on it, yet I keep hearing nothing... what is their pop and response?!
as I told Sharina, because I posted NPCs late, I will allow you to reallocate
bottom line, you CANNOT place outposts and factories and other facilities on an NPC garden world with a population at game start. You also can't place them in a system that has a garden world that is tech 10 or better.
What you do now that play has begun is a different story
In the NPC thread I posted that all 2nd generation worlds had populations in the 100 - 200 million range at game start. Unless otherwise indicated, thats what their population is.
They will negotiate or dell with you now, but wouldn't have before 2300
Right, its not like we knew the NPC stuff until we had all finished our prebuilds or anything. But moving on.
ic: Poznan is contacted stating that the Imperium would like to incorporate it in.
08-03-2007, 08:11
Dinklewater is willing to accept this, as long as they are not forced to become Moslem
The Emirate states that it will allow religous practices of Christianity and Judaism, other so-called religous practices will be frowned upon by the Emirate.
Galveston Bay
08-03-2007, 19:26
NPC Economic information
I will be using the nations below as templates for the various NPCs because I simply don't have time to do 30 plus builds each week
New Cynthia
GDP $67.914 Trillion
Population 2.285 Billion
Tax rate 15%
Military Budget: $3.433 Trillion
Commerce Budget: $996 Billion
Galveston Bay
GDP $218.104 Trillion
Population: 5.114 Billion
Tax Rate: 16%
Military Budget: $3.698 Trillion
Commerce Budget: $4.034 Trillion
New Iris (NPC struggling economy for a B type world)
GDP $1.176 Trillion
Population: 150 million
Tax Rate: 33%
Military Budget: $81 Billion
Commerce Budget: $14 Billion
Dryden (NPC average economy for a B type world)
GDP $1.918 Trillion
Population 150 million
Tax rate: 17%
Military budget: $64 Billion
Commerce budget: $101 Billion
Messier4 (NPC strong economy for a B type world)
GDP $2.274 Trillion
Population 150 million
Tax rate: 6%
Military budget: $91 Billion
Commerce budget: $31 Billion
New Shiron (you will meet them soon enough, also works for most of the big powers in the Sol Sector)
GDP $204.471 Trillion
Population: 5.369 Billion
Tax rate: 16%
Military Budget: (using 3% of GDP figure) 6.134 Trillion
Commerce Budget: (using 2% of GDP figure) 4.089 Trillion
Planets that are size E are worth one outpost in economic value
Planets that are size D are worth one factory in economic value
Planets that are size C are woth ten factories in economic value
unlike outposts and factories built on non earth like planets, these planets because they have a population already in place and infrastructure of some kind are worth more. In other words, a garden world provides its full earnings value if within 6 hexes of its controlling world, 50% if 7-12 hexes, 25% if 13-17 hexes, and 10% if 18 -24 hexes.
Larger planets, if placed under you control, allow you to use 20% of their GDP for your own military and commercial spending.
Galveston Bay
08-03-2007, 20:49
Boyne / Dublin
Settled by Irish settlers planning to recreate their homeland (lost to the Ice Age on Earth) in 2223, and is tech level 9.
NOW a PC nation and thus removed from NPC list
Galveston Bay
09-03-2007, 00:48
MAJOR NPC defense forces and infrastructure
Deseskha /Cynthia (Sector F)
Settled by Christian and Mormon Christian backed settlers from North America during the late 21st Century. Still strongly religious in a Protestant way but isolationist, content to remain in its home system. This however may be changing as the Zealot Party has gain considerable power, and that party wants to ensure it has unrestricted access to other planets and their populations in order to spread the word of God through preaching and good works. Tech level 11.
Cynthian infrastructure and Defense Forces
Home system infrastructure
16 outposts (1 for each moon of main world, each gas giant moon, each asteroid belt and terrestrial planet). Cynthia does not maintain outposts in any star system but its own.
3 orbital starports (home world), 1 orbital starport (Desekha 6)
3 orbital shipyards (home world)
Defense forces
10 Base stations (2 around each outer world)
40 Battleriders (organized into 8 squadrons, based at home world)
60 fighter wings
20 assault shuttle wings
100 interface squadrons
20 missile boat wings
4 planetary defense units (home world)
6 armored brigades
30 Marine battalions
Cynthian forces are designed to make an invasion extremely hazardous and such an invasion force will require a very powerful fleet indeed to be successful.
Galveston Bay
Republic of Texas (ooc Galveston Bay)
Iiselu/Galveston Bay (home system)
Outpost worlds under Texan control
Fuji / Fuji 2 (main world) and Fuji 7-2 (outposts)
Moncton/Moncton 7 (outpost)
Iqorr/Iqorr 7-1 (outpost)
Whereitsat/Whereitsat 8-1 (outpost)
Ebekhar / Ebekhar 10-1 (outpost)
St. James/St Marks (main world) (outpost)
Gecko/Gecko 8-1 (outpost)
Elusive / Elusive 9-1 (outpost)
Geonia / Geonia 2-1 (main world moon) and Geonia 10-1 (outposts)
Tavara / Tavara 6 –1 (outpost)
Helena / Helena 11 – 1 (outpost)
Domo / Domo 5 (outpost) this planet was settled by Christian groups, notably the Amish and similar groups, who wished to live simply, as well as Environmentalist groups from North America and Australia who wished to live lightly on the land. It is a balkanized world with a very small central government that merely coordinates land use and land ownership. The Texas government has a treaty to provide military protection in exchange for use of the local starport.
Galveston Bay forces
Outsystem outposts 14
Outsystem orbital star ports 14
Outsystem orbital naval bases 14
14 Light transport groups (express mail and passenger transports)
14 Courier groups (express mail couriers)
(for game purposes, this courier network brings in the equivilant of 14 factories worth of income for the Republic of Texas)
In system outposts and facilities
Galveston Bay/Hollis (moon) 1 outpost, 1 factory
Orbital Starport (Nassau Orbital Starport)
5 Orbital Shipyards (orbiting home world)
3 military shipyards (on Galveston Bay)
Liselu 2 (Martinez) 1 outpost, 1 factory
Liselu 3 (Ryder) 1 outpost, 1 factory,
Liselu 4 (Walker) / Higgins, 1 outpost, 1 factory, 1 orbital starport,
Liselu 5 (Phong) / Garcia, 1 outpost,
Iesula Jump gate (same price and maintenance cost as an orbital starport)(earns equivilant of 10 factories of income from merchant traffic to and from connecting gates)
Texas Defense Forces
Texas Star Navy
Patrol Fleet
28 Light cruisers, 14 DesRons, 14 ScoutRons, 42 Interface squadrons, 28 marine battalions organized into 14 base flotillas
Mobile Fleet
20 Improved Battlecruisers, 5 Heavy Battlestars organized into 5 BatRons (each with 4 BC2, 1 CVA, 5 fighter wings, 5 interface squadrons, 1 assault shuttle wing, 1 marine battalion)
Exploration Fleet
10 ScoutRons, 10 heavy cruisers
Home fleet
8 Heavy Monitors (defending home world and Jump Gate), plus 24 fighter wings, 48 interface squadrons, 8 marine battalions aboard the monitors
Texas Marines Corps
60 Marine battalions (including 24 with the fleet)
Texas Army
10 Armored Brigades
100 defense battalions
Major NPC military forces.. note that Cynthia is basically a hedgehog, while Texas has a very powerful intervention capability and defense force. Considerable income from offplanet possessions is included for GB because its been a major powere much longer then the last 10 years
09-03-2007, 05:33
Secret IC: The Amestrian Republic contacts the polity Hindustan and inquires as to whether it would be interested in an alliance.
Galveston Bay
09-03-2007, 06:35
NPC military forces posted at the beginning of thread
Galveston Bay
12-03-2007, 05:33
May 2300
The government of New Cynthia contacts the government of Safehaven regarding improving relations between the two systems.
Galveston Bay
13-03-2007, 19:26
July 2300
Dateline: Solomani Alliance Headquarters, Kampala, Uganda, Earth
"Today, the Alliance Senate ratified a bill that will unite Prometheus, Kwantung, Columbia, Dayan, and Earth into a single political unit known as the Terran Federation. This follows elections on these worlds where the Unification Party, with its platform calling for the unification of all human settled planets into a single political body, made huge gains under the leadership of Pierre DeCastries, the charismatic leader of the Unification Party."
14-03-2007, 09:14
This follows elections on these worlds where the Unification Party, with its platform calling for the unification of all human settled planets into a single political body, made huge gains under the leadership of Pierre DeCastries, the charismatic leader of the Unification Party.
The Amestrian Republics Embassy to the Terran Federation is ordered to investigate Pierre DeCastries, his Unification Party, and send a detailed report back to Amestrian Foreign Ministry HQ on New France (ooc: how old is he, what is his background/ethnicity/religion, does he have a family, what is the ideological foundations of his party, do they think his party will take power, ect.?).
Galveston Bay
14-03-2007, 19:07
Parthini;12400175']2290-The Parthinian Federation begins talks with the leaders of the Raymore2 Government about possible protectorate status and incorporation into the Federation. Benefits to the Raymorian people would include self-government under the supervision of the Federation and heavy investment.
Plans are also made to colonize the nearby sectors of Feeble and Bifirs.
2300-The Parthinian Federation makes contact with the Jesicar Cluster Governments about possible incorporation into the Federation. Benefits would be similar to that given to the Raymorian people. A good-sized fleet also approaches the area.
Another feeler is sent to the Governments of Backman and Vestia, along with New Iris with similar deals.
the general response is what is in it for them as far as the Jesicar Cluster worlds are concerned. Backman and Vestia both politely decline, but New Iris is willing to discuss basing agreement (see this post http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=12404072&postcount=29
on what they are willing to go for)
Your defense department points out that Kilani and Iris are already in talks of a similar nature
Galveston Bay
14-03-2007, 19:09
[QUOTE=Sharina;12404127]Sharina points out to the Katangans that if other nations were allowed to refuel and resupply within the Katangan space, it would allow the other nations to strike directly at the heart of Sharinan space, the homeworld of Poldepi. Sharina cannot allow that scenario to occur.
The Katangan government is very sympathetic to your issues regarding this matter. However, they are also unwilling to revise their decision. In short, they are willing for both Sharina and Malkyer to have bases in an agreement situation, but are not willing to become a de facto client state of Sharina (or for that matter, Malkyer)
Galveston Bay
14-03-2007, 19:14
Secret IC: The Amestrian Republic contacts the polity Hindustan and inquires as to whether it would be interested in an alliance.
After reviewing the situation in the newly formed Terran Federation, and reports from the homeland, Hindustan asks for specifics regarding such an arrangement and indicates strong overall interest.
Galveston Bay
14-03-2007, 19:16
The Amestrian High Parliament votes to send a delegation to Asena in order to negotiate a treaty.
OOC: I'm operating under the assumption that my Government is negotiating with Asena, the garden world just above Napiiresha.
IC: A similar offer of Alliance is then made by the Amestrian Foreign Ministry to the Government of Tazmania.
Both Asena/Poznan and Tazmania/Canberra are asking about the specifics of your proposal.
Galveston Bay
14-03-2007, 19:34
The Amestrian Republics Embassy to the Terran Federation is ordered to investigate Pierre DeCastries, his Unification Party, and send a detailed report back to Amestrian Foreign Ministry HQ on New France (ooc: how old is he, what is his background/ethnicity/religion, does he have a family, what is the ideological foundations of his party, do they think his party will take power, ect.?).
based on a character called Dow DeCastries found in this book
evil grin
Galveston Bay
14-03-2007, 22:50
Secret IC
Galveston Bay begins quietly examining the military potential of the Terran Federation and contacts several other nations in the Diaspora for assistance on this
(ooc: any nation that is a Inoffensive Centrist Democracy, NY Times Democracy or similar type government, including PC nations)
which will be provided some time this weekend but before 2301 starts
15-03-2007, 01:04
based on a character called Dow DeCastries found in this book
evil grin
OOC: Wikipedia does not have much information on Dow DeCastries.
IC: The Amestrian Foreign Ministry continues to wait for its Embassies report.
15-03-2007, 02:03
Secret IC
Galveston Bay begins quietly examining the military potential of the Terran Federation and contacts several other nations in the Diaspora for assistance on this
(ooc: any nation that is a Inoffensive Centrist Democracy, NY Times Democracy or similar type government, including PC nations)
which will be provided some time this weekend but before 2301 starts
OOC: would Left Leaning College Sattes work?
Galveston Bay
15-03-2007, 05:30
OOC: Wikipedia does not have much information on Dow DeCastries.
IC: The Amestrian Foreign Ministry continues to wait for its Embassies report.
or you could read the book.. a Science Fiction classic, and only a couple hundred pages
Galveston Bay
15-03-2007, 05:31
OOC: would Left Leaning College Sattes work?
16-03-2007, 00:18
The haneastic League agrres to assist Galveston Bay
16-03-2007, 12:58
In early 2300, Dinklewater is formally declared a System of the Emirate of Abbassia. Later throughout the month, a fraction of the Crescent Fleet will Arrive in Dinklewater along with Quwat-Al-Barq 1 "Al-Asad", followed by the Personnal ship of his exellency the Emir of the Faithful who will preside upon a great ceremony to celebrate this event. Business Leaders are excited as well as plans for the construction of several underwater production facilities is set to commence.
Originally Posted by Galveston Bay
Secret IC
Galveston Bay begins quietly examining the military potential of the Terran Federation and contacts several other nations in the Diaspora for assistance on this
(ooc: any nation that is a Inoffensive Centrist Democracy, NY Times Democracy or similar type government, including PC nations)
which will be provided some time this weekend but before 2301 starts
The Galvestonian recieve a somewhat positive reply from the Emirate, while the Emirate's attitude is usually of non-interferance in matters outside its realm, the Terran Alliance has caused some uneasiness within the governing body.
The Galvestonians are nervously asked on what exactly is required in full detail.
The Sharina Technocracy contacts Tulane/Bryn Mawr with a proposal similiar to what was proposed to the Eskimos, namely improving living conditions, provide sufficient quantities of water, economic development of Bryn Mawr, protection of the Tulane system from hostile powers, and so forth.
Galveston Bay
16-03-2007, 22:42
The Sharina Technocracy contacts Tulane/Bryn Mawr with a proposal similiar to what was proposed to the Eskimos, namely improving living conditions, provide sufficient quantities of water, economic development of Bryn Mawr, protection of the Tulane system from hostile powers, and so forth.
the people of Bryn Mawr are willing to accept such a proposal.
Galveston Bay
16-03-2007, 22:48
The Galvestonian recieve a somewhat positive reply from the Emirate, while the Emirate's attitude is usually of non-interferance in matters outside its realm, the Terran Alliance has caused some uneasiness within the governing body.
The Galvestonians are nervously asked on what exactly is required in full detail.
The Texas government replies that simply Abbessian assistance through its own contacts in helping to learn what there is to be learned is all that is asked for.
Galveston Bay
19-03-2007, 20:44
Terran Federation forces as of January 1, 2301 (day the various worlds form the Federation officially)
Member nations
Earth tech level 11, population 1 billion
Includes major nations of Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Mexico, Nigeria, Arabia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Kenya, Congo, Azania, Iran, India, Malaya, Indonesia, Australasia, and a number of minor nations.
Alpha Centauri / Prometheus
A triple star system that includes Proxima Centauri
Settled by the European Union the first wave of offplanet settlement and home to 6 billion people as of 2300. GNP is $1,000 Trillion, tech level 13 world. Prometheus also effectively controls Earth in conjunction with Lilike/Kwantung (Chinese settled, also called Epsilon Eridani) and Sebasta/Columbia (American/Australian settled).
Settled by China in the first wave of offplanent settlement and home to 10 billion people including 6 associated colony worlds. GNP is $1,200 Trillion, tech level 12 world.
Settled by the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and the United Kingdom in the first wave of offplanent settlement and home to 5 billion people as of 2300. GNP is $1400 Trillion, tech level 13 world.
Durrakesh/Durrakesh 2
Operated by the Durrakush Calphete, a world founded by Saudi Arabia and dominiated by Wahibi Sunni Moslems. Population 4 billion, tech level 10.
The Terran Federation controls the jump gates at Atalanta, Easter and Sol in the Sol Sector (all class B).
Originally Larmark/Dayan was supposed to be in the Federation but a recall election resulted after the vote to join it and the new government cancelled the agreement. Reaction in the Terran Federation was unhappy as it lost control of the only class A jump gate in the Sol Sector.
Note that Columbia and Prometheus have just reached tech level 13. Meiji and Dayan, also in the Sol Sector have reached tech level 13 as well, but have not joined the Terran Federation.
Combined GDP of Terran Federation (includes all worlds) $630 Trillion
Combined population of Terran Federation (includes all worlds) 30 Billion
Offworld Income $50 Trillion
Defense Budget $40 Trillion
Commercial Budget $63 Trillion
As of January 2301, all forces are tech level 12 except for Durrakesh (which doesn’t have a space navy anyway)
Terran forces are organized as follows:
Federation Guard – defends individual star systems ($25 Trillion)
Federation Star Fleet – patrols space lanes, and is the offensive force
Federation Marines – defends Federation bases and also provides offensive forces ($7 Trillion)
The Federation Guard
Consists of planetary defense forces, ground forces and space forces tasked with the mission of defending the home worlds of the Federation. Tech level varies by world.
Prometheus (all forces tech 12)
This complex star system (with 3 suns including Proxima Centauri), 6 planets and 12 major moons is also the most industrialized star system in Human Space. It also accounts for nearly 55% of the offworld income for the Federation.
20 Planetary defense units (1 for each moon, 2 for each of the 2 terrestrial planets, remainder on Prometheus)
20 Garrison divisions (1 with each PD unit)
100 lift infantry divisions, 25 armored brigades (organized into 25 armies)
20 Fighter wings (1 with each PD unit)
10 Missile Boat squadrons
15 Monitors (refitted to tech level 12 standards and are equal in firepower and defense to a heavy monitor)
in addition, there are 10 orbital shipyards in system.
Columbia (all forces Tech level 12)
This star system is easily defended as it has no gas giants, 3 other terrestrial planets, and asteroid belts (1 of which is very valuable).
10 PD units (2 each terrestrial world, remainder to Columbia)
10 Garrison divisions
20 Lift Infantry Divisions, 60 Armored Brigades (organized into 10 Armies)
30 Fighter Wings
10 Missile Boat Wings
25 Monitors (refitted as above)
in addition, there are 12 orbital shipyards in system
Kwantung (all forces tech level 11)
This star system has 8 planets, including 4 gas giants, and 12 major moons.
25 PD units (1 each moon, 2 each terrestrial world, remainder on Kwantung)
25 Garrison divisions
200 Lift Infantry Divisions, 50 Armored brigades (organized into 50 Armies)
25 Fighter Wings (1 each PD unit)
10 Missile Boat Squadrons
25 Monitors (tech level 11 versions)
This system has 8 planets, plus Pluto, plus 13 major moons.
25 PD units (1 each moon except Luna which has 2, 2 on Mars, rest on Earth)
25 garrison divisions
5000 defense battalions
75 fighter wings (3 each PD unit)
25 Missile boat squadrons
30 Battleriders
This trinary system has 5 planets, 10 major moons, and also defends the binary system of Atalanta and its jump gate (another 6 planets and 4 major moons)
30 PD units (1 each moon, 2 each terrestrial planet, 4 for Atalanta, rest at home)
30 Garrison divisions
500 defense battalions
30 Fighter wings (1 each PD unit)
10 Missile boat squadrons
16 Battleriders, 8 tenders
Federation Marines
200 Marine battalions
20 Marine Regiments
20 Assault Light transport groups
Federation Star Fleet
120 ScoutRons
50 DesRons
20 Courier groups
100 CL
100 CG
40 CA
20 BC2
20 CVA
300 fighter wings
100 assault shuttle wings
5 BB