NationStates Jolt Archive

Assault and Battery [FT] (closed)

Axis Nova
28-02-2007, 00:18
The stars... as usual, they're there. Many different people, nations, species, and civilizations pass back and forth between them, headed to many different places.

Today, the place of interest is NG-5446: a relatively backwater mining colony on the outskirts of the Galactic Empire. It's been under surveillance for some time, by the Axis Nova Space Forces. While usually, such a target isn't an option, the... -provincial-... nature of the planet and the system it's in have convinced the upper brass that an attack attempt should be made.

The intent is fairly simple: a smash-and grab operation. Blow up anything that can be used to get word of the attack out, carry off anything useful, and kill the survivors.

Around the dusty brownish-red planet, a number of orbital facilities float quietly in space; most of them are dedicated to the intake, processing, packing, and exporting of raw material from the planet's surface below.

Given the low priority of the planet for the Galactic Empire, the defenses are quite light: only a few Carrack-class cruisers, some older-model TIE units, and a single old Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser are in evidence. While more than sufficient to fend off any common pirates, what is coming to call today is far worse than just pirates...

The system has been scoped out in detail for several months. Stealthed recon drones, enshrouded in Mirage Colloid, have scoped out the system's defenses, such as they are, and analyzed their daily patrol patterns, and the location of all the important facilities have been mapped and calculated. Most of the drones have exited the system on ballistic trajectories, and have been recovered and had their data analyzed... all except one, which is keeping station 20 kilometers off of the local Imperial command post.

This drone suddenly drops it's Mirage Colloid, and begins emitting a powerful beacon signal. Normally this would be a problem, as such drones are meant to remain undetected.

However, when the beacon is meant to ensure the accurate opening of a large scale jump point, this is rather irrelevant.

A split second after the beacon activates, a shining point of light appears in space, rapidly expanding into a giant, blue, swirling tunnel to nowhere. From the tunnel, as from a great distance, five black silhouettes rush outwards, slowing to a relative stop as they exit hyperspace, revealing themselves as two Hyperion-class cruisers, two Nova-class dreadnoughts, and a single Omega-class destroyer: a fairly standard small battlegroup.

The reason for the precision of the jump soon becomes apparent, as a few seconds after the point closes, the hulls of the five ships seem to ripple and fill in, their phase shift armor activating and causing the greyish metal to shift to a darker black. Their Mirage Colloid distortion jammers power up as well, enshrouding the ships in a cocoon of sensor-dampening particles.

On board the bridge of the ANSF El Dorado, Captain Thomas Sterling takes a deep breath. He is the man ANSF Command has put in charge of this mission and this flotilla; despite his command of one of the most powerful space vessels the ANSF can construct, he, like most of the ANSF, hasn't seen any real combat before. Still, he has a good record, and is well trained.

As he adjust the straps holding him into his command chair, he raises his voice.

"All ships, launch your Euclids. Power up all defensive systems, keep Mirage Colloid distortion jammers at full power. Weapons, destroy that station immediately."

"Roger that, sir. Gunnery Control, power up forward beam cannons. Commence power core insertion."

"Forward beam cannons online. Firing on hostile station, designated Lambda."

The ten heavy beam cannons mounted on the front of the Omega-class destroyer are intended for use against capital vessels; really, they're rather overkill for a station such as this. However, they WILL get the job done quite quickly.

The weapons of the other ships power up as well, aimed at the same target, and a visible green-yellow glow appears at the barrels of the beam cannons as their capacitors build charge. A split second later, all five ships fire all forward mounted weapons at the station, massive ravening green-yellow beams streaking outwards...
Axis Nova
28-02-2007, 12:17
bump for US
Unified Sith
03-03-2007, 20:23
“Have the miners replied to our communiqués yet commodore?” Captain Melthos asked coldly. “They have had more than enough time to fill this weeks quota.” The aging officer turned towards the grandiose bridge windows and glared at the mining installation scornfully.

“They have yet to confirm any details yet captain, all we are receiving is vague transmissions about an internal explosion to their fusion reactor, though commscan reports no unusual energy surges within the past twenty four hours.”

“It seems they are attempting to purposefully delay us commodore, do you agree with this assumption?”

“The evidence would most certainly point that way sir.”

“I agree.” Melthos said as he clasped his hands behind his back as all loyal Imperial officers do. Like a statue he simply remained quiet and still, staring out at the barren rock of an installation. “Send in the stormtroopers commodore, these delays are needless.”

“The miners may object to our presence on their station sir.”

“The miners are expendable captain, we can always have more dispatched from Mon Calamari if it suits the palace. Tell captain Khloth that I anticipate the ore docked and loaded within five hours, and commodore, send over a technical team to offer assistance with their reactor, I would like to avoid such delays in the future.” The commodore nodded to the bridges communications officer to have the orders relayed.

Mere minutes later two squads of storm troopers were abound for the mining station Fidelity. Travelling in the convoys only assault ship the tactical teams had been briefed on what to expect. “Resistance.” Khloth boomed in the demarcation room of the transport. “Will be light. These are slaves and miners, with little to no combat experience. Combat, if it happens, will enter into melee. I want no second guesses, if any of them approach you, kill first ask questions later. We’re on a time limit people, we have five hours to get this ore loaded on to the Punitive, failure is not an option. At the same time, petty officer Naltha and his team will conduct scans of the installations fusion reactor and repair it if necessary.” The lights turned a dark red signalling it time to disembark.

“They are on board the station captain.” The commodore relayed from the holotable. “Several life forms are converging on their position, situation is calm but still dangerous.”

“Order captain Khloth and his team to execute ten of the miners commodore. Have him start with the command staff and work his way down, they have obviously failed their contractual commitments to the emperor and must be dealt with first. Those that remain will have a promotion.” The commodore filtered the orders through the comm. link and paid special attention to several holographic blips as they subsequently faded away.

“Captain Khloth has executed the command staff, the Punitive may begin docking procedures at once sir.”

“Excellent commodore, excellent. Perhaps we will make this delivery on time, though note it in the watches log that we all regretted issuing such a stern disciplinary action.”

“Noted sir.” Commdore Daalin said with an odd smile upon his lips, and rightly so, the miners of this entire sector would now think twice before countermanding a quota from the empire.

“Commodore, I believe I’m picking something up on short range sensors.” Daalin slowly paced over to the command pit and overshadowed the commscan console.

“A sensor ghost from our engine trail ensign?”

“I don’t think so sir, the contact is too large and erratic to be from any of our ships.”

“Commodore.” The captain asked over the bridge noise. “Why have I not been informed of another convoys presence in this system.”

“My apologies captain but I’m currently unaware of any other vessels than our own.”

“Then please explain to me.” Melthos’s tone slowly rose with every word. “Just what exactly these ships are doing?”

“Captain, unknown contact bearing five, three nine, elevation four, two eight. Sensors unable to gain a proper lock on the vessel sir.”

“Vessels ensign.” The captain corrected the crewman. “They are more than one of them.” Melthos continued to peer out of the view port, this time at vague but just visible distant contacts. “Hail them. Send a transmission in Galactic Basic ordering them to stand down and prepare to be boarded.” The captain waited for a few seconds.

“No response sir.”

“Commodore, inform the Punitive to break docking protocols and power up her weapons systems, I want…..” A blinding flash illuminated the bridge as the installation was engulfed in energy and flame. “Commodore, order the other ships in the convoy to prepare for battle, use visual gunnery protocols if you have to. Bring as about to converge on their position. All gunnery ports are to open and crews may fire at will.”

The good commodore quickly relayed the orders between ships. And stood with the captain at the tactical display. “Gunnery ports are open, and we are engaging, range sixty two kilometres.”

“Bring us in closer.” Melthos ordered.
Axis Nova
04-03-2007, 21:01
As the light from the exploding station dies, the hatches along the sides of the El Dorado and the two Novas snap open, and Euclid mobile armors begin deploying into space, their phase shift armor powering up along with their fusion engines as they zip away from the small flotilla and begin forming up into squadrons, advancing.

"All Euclid squadrons except those on the City of Detroit and Eugen deployed, sir."

Captain Sterling takes a deep breath as he studies the tactical display.

"Sensors, what do you have for me?"

"Five hostile targets, sir, configuration unknown. Intelligence estimates that the smaller ones are cruiser-class escorts, designated UN Goblin, and the larger one is the command vessel, designated UN Ogre."

"All Euclid squadrons, commence your attack on the escorts. All other ships, advance. Roma and Caeser, commence your attack on the orbital infrastructure and ground installations. City of Detroit and Eugen, stay in reserve. Gunnery, how long until our forward beam cannons are recharged?"

"Three minutes, 24 seconds, sir."

"Lock missile batteries on UN Ogre and fire. Gunnery Control, keep an eye out for enemy strike craft and missile fire."

Eight armored hatches snap open in the El Dorado, as the small flotilla begins to break up, and eight heavy antiship missiles, high-yield shaped-charge thermonuclear weapons the size of an apartment building, are vomited forth into space, headed downrange towards the Dreadnought. The two Novas begin to lumber towards planetary orbit, preparing to destroy any orbital infrastructure and to fire missiles at the ground-based facilities, while the two Hyperions engage reverse thrusters, backing off into an overwatch position.

The Omega, on the other hand, begins to power it's way forward, the massive ship beginning to accelerate towards it's target.

Preceding it, 108 Euclid mobile armors head in towards the small flotilla, rapidly closing on the Carracks. Two squadrons of twelve head for each ship, while the odd one out hangs back as a reserve.
Axis Nova
07-03-2007, 18:28
bump for US
Unified Sith
14-03-2007, 23:55
Communications Burst ~ Registry Number #17374895732739

A holographic form of Governor Valorum hazed into existence upon the bridge of the dreadnought Principle. Tall, thin and robed as per the Imperial way he looked down his nose upon his military servant. "Captain." He snubbed regally. "What on earth is happening above my planet?"

The bridge went silent for a moment as politics suddenly took over the theatre of war. "Excuse me governor." Melthos said as he moved over to the commsan console; flicking a switch without consideration for the consequences he ended the transmission pre-emptively. "Send a formal message to the planet, and Imperial high command, detailing our situation, sensor readings and official and personal logs." A bright flurry of turbolaser fire filled the void behind him as he moved back to the holotable. "Take command of the planetary grid, and have them overpower the alien countermeasure, I want information commodore." Daalin nodded and inputted a series of commands onto his data pad. Several seconds later orbital satellites and planetary based installations began tightbeaming against the enemy vessels. Simultaneously several bright explosions rocked the dreadnought as outdated fission devices detonated in a hail of radioactive destruction.

"Atomics?" Methos remarked curiously.

"Rather large atomics." The commodore added. "Damage reports coming in, the forward sections have sustained light damage, with shields continuing to hold for now. Their dispersal pattern is rather primitive." Another nuclear fireball engulfed the space around the flagship, followed by another, then another.

The sensor grid of the Principle suddenly awoke thanks to the planetary assistance. "Captain, we finally have information on what we're facing. Five warships approximately one point seven kilometres in size, two are descending towards the planet, one matching our course and preparing to engage us." The captain considered the odds for a moment.

"Break off combat." The captain ordered. "Plot in a course for lightspeed, order our support vessels to do the same."

Commscan spoke up amongst the orders. "Governor Valorum is demanding an update captain."

Melthos smiled as he looked down at the planet he so detested. "Warn the governor that he will shortly be experiencing guests commodore, and that we will return shortly, say, two weeks?"

"At once captain."

The orders were quickly relayed through the task force, as the vessels began the computations for hyperspace...
Axis Nova
18-03-2007, 01:42
As the flurry of turbolaser bolts zip across space, a decent portion of them miss-- the MC Distortion Jammers carried by the ANSF vessels are functioning as designed, making the vessels of the small flotilla extremely difficult to target. However, an interesting phenomenon suddenly becomes apparent as the gunners find their range and manage to start bracketing the El Dorado: as several turbolaser bolts strike home, they hit.... something... near the surface of the vessel, something which ripples slightly, before simply curving away into space at an angle from their original trajectory.

On the bridge of the El Dorado, Captain Sterling looks over the tactical displays as the junk spewed into local space by the multiple thermonuclear explosions clears.


"Sir, missile fire against the is ineffective. No major damage detected to enemy vessel-- their shields stopped it all! Return fire was also ineffective and was deflected off our GP. However, they appear to be backing off-- looks like they're making a run for it."

"What about the Euclids?"

"Squadron leaders report their weapons are also ineffective against the Ogre, sir."

"Right. Pull them back, put them in a patrol pattern for now. Roma and Caeser's Euclids are to assist in the destruction of orbital infrastructure. City of Detroit and Eugen, engage Goblin One at your discretion. El Dorado, full speed ahead. Divert additional power to the forward beam cannons-- we need to finish them off before they can escape the gravity well sufficiently to escape."

"Yes sir. Course laid in."

"Weapons control here. Recharge of forward beam cannons will be completed in 130 seconds."

"All hands, this is the bridge. Prepare for acceleration. Repeat, prepare for acceleration."

Captain Sterling takes a deep breath, and exhales uncomforatbly, as the main engines of the El Dorado increase their output, and the sensation of a giant's foot pressing him into his seat.


The Euclids pull back from the Carracks, returining to attend their home vessels; with their weapons currently ineffective, there's no reason for them to risk themselves.

The two Hyperions, on the other hand, are another matter entirely, and they power their way forward from their fallback position, ripple-firing their missile batteries and opening fire with their long-range linear guns as they begin to close in on a pursuit course. The linear guns of the El Dorado open up as well, as more heavy missiles spring forth from their launchers.

Meanwhile, in orbit of the planet, things are proceeding a little more smoothly-- the Roma and the Caeser arrive on station with little incident, and no real resistance (so far) from orbital weapons or from the planet's surface. The two massive ships fire their main engines and begin to orbit the planet... then engage rotational thrusters, pointing their bows towards the planet's surface.

Why they are doing this becomes immediately apparent as their forward beam cannons begin to power up, with multitudes of house-sized missiles leaping from their sides, headed towards various satellites and towards the surface below...
Unified Sith
01-04-2007, 22:49
OOC: Sorry about the wait.

Governor Valorum gave a comptentuous sneer as the Imperial forces above disappeared into Hyperspace. The remaining satellites he had at his disposal, crackled and wailed as their systems slowly collapsed under the weight of ECM and other technological knives that this, foe was employing against the empire. "How long until they bring back help?" And aide asked naively.

"Too long." Valorum said with a clear tone of defeat. Taking a seat he relaxed and reclined in his large leather backed chair and begun seeing to the last of his paper work. "Is there anything else?" He asked the aide dumbstruck at the multiple nuclear explosions in the distance. From the governors mountain side villa, the devastation could clearly be seen, as it continued.

"Forgive me governor, but shouldn't we deploy the garrison?"

"Yes, I'm sure a few local police and militia will be very capable of defeating an orbital assault. Honestly." Valorum stared at the aide again. "Is there anything more?"

"No governor."

"Well then, perhaps you should get to work. We're going to need a shelter from the probable fallout, and evacuation plans for the civilians. Perhaps one of the old mines."

"I'll see to it straight away."

"I'm sure you will." Valorum turned his chair to survey the devastation. "Oh, and is commander Roth outside?"

"Yes governor, he is maintaining guard."

"Good, send him in when you leave." The robed aide picked up his data slates and moved out of the small, comfortable office. As he left, a white clad stormtrooper entered the room. "Commander?" Valorum asked, his tone deepening with every nuclear blast. "We are going to require an evacuation plan, once that does not involve thousands of civilians giving away our location."

"I assume you have begun sending survivors to the mines governor?" The white armoured warrior turned his masked face away from the windows.

"Yes, I have instrumented a decoy for the enemy when they doubtlessly land, but we need somewhere more secure."

"There is a quarry only eight leagues from here sir, if we take your speeder you and your staff could be secured within fifty minutes.

"Good commander, we will leave in twenty minutes?" The trooper nodded and turned to leave the room. "Oh and commander, tell my staff to make it public knowledge that i'm heading towards the mines, let the enemy look there if they are curious." The trooper nodded and walked out into the corridor beyond.
Axis Nova
01-04-2007, 23:07
As the Nova class vessels continue their bombardment, the Omega and the Hyperions begin to come back around, towards the planet. With the remaining enemy ships escaped, there's no real reason for them to hang around. On the El Dorado's bridge, Captain Sterling relaxes a bit.

"That's that for now. Get us back into orbit of the planet, we'll help the Roma and Caeser finish up. Give me a status report on their progress."

"Destruction of orbital infrastructure is complete, sir. Destruction of ground-based cities, industrial centers, and transport hubs is at 63%."

"Right. Well, let's finish up then."

The massive Omega returns to the planet's orbit with stately grace, flanked by the two Hyperions, and begins peppering targets on the planet's surface with missiles and linear cannon fire, sparks showing in orbit occasionally when something reaches it's target.

The bombardment continues for a number of hours; presently, almost every manmade structure on the planet's surface larger than a farmhouse is reduced to rubble. Vast clouds of soot and dust from burning cities blanket the planet's atmosphere, and fallout from the nuclear weapons used begins to drift on the winds, slowly spreading through the biosphere.

The ANSF's job, for now, is complete.

"Destruction of surface assets complete. All Euclids recovered, jump point generators fully charged."

"Roger that. Deploy mines, then get us out of here. We'll head to the NGC-17644 nebula jumpgate, then replenish our supplies and report. Hopefully the other raids went about as well as ours..."

The five ships pull away from the burning planet behind them and into formation, accelerating forwards. They slow briefly as their jump point generators greedily suck at the output from the reactors, then a point of light appears in space, expanding exponentially into a long, swirling blue tunnel. A split second later, the five ships enter the tunnel, zipping away into an indiscernible distance, then the jump point collapses, leaving behind it only a flash of light.
Axis Nova
19-05-2007, 14:39
OOC: I'm going to bump this. I'm also going to set fire to US...
Unified Sith
22-05-2007, 10:40
I'm without internet access for at least another two weeks. Posts will be few and far between. :(
Unified Sith
13-06-2007, 19:15
Will post tomorrow.
Unified Sith
24-06-2007, 00:11
The air stifled office crushed down upon Tarkin as his eyes glared at the continuous flurry of incoming reports. The Farstars were up to their old ticks again, a rebellion led by the unionists had just been crushed in the wild space, and the mining sector was under significant pressure in the Arkonis sector. A rather fine day for the Imperial high command; rebellion was ebbing away as time progressed, and the fleet always deserved something to do - lest they get sloppy.

Tarkin shuffled his briefing notes as he made a few final corrections upon the appendix. His eyes looked up to find the disgraced governor Valorum staring him in the eyes. “I understand there was nothing you could do governor?” Tarkin asked as his hands slowly clasped together. The tension in the air grew instantly from intense to crushing, while Valorum in fear for his life, rank and position took to heart the incriminating possibilities of Tarkins every word and tone.

“Indeed you are correct Moff Tarkin, I believe that there was nothing in our power that could have saved the operation or colony, and that we were lucky enough to have the survivors that we did.”

“I see, well I am sure that Emperor Vader will be most disheartened to hear how his staff are.... incapable of thinking on their feet.” Tarkin forked nails drummed along the table. “But you have come here, with a.....” He briefly glanced at an unread report on his desk. “.....list of recommendations, I suppose...., I can at least hear them out before we commence your.... execution.”

Valorums eyes widened.

“Or not, it depends on the value of your recommendations.” A slick smile curled on his lips.

“As you are aware, the Arkonis sector has been under significant attack for the past four months, primarily hitting our mining and transportation industries upon the outer rimm.” A holographic map ignited, with several systems blipping an ominous red. “We have begun centralising our industries into more focused pockets for defence, primarily at Lok.” The projection magnified detailing the system further. “With permission from high command and funding from industry, we have begun construction of fifteen Golan V battlestations, and planetery shield generators around the network. The same is happening in Raris, Munilia, and Telrik. Most smaller outposts have been abandoned until carrier groups and the Holo-Net is extended in the sector.”

“So you advise a defensive campaign Valorum?” Tarkins disapproving tut passed, almost ignored.

“I recommend Moff Tarkin, that we begin an immediate dispatch of Core Carrier Groups to begin defending Imperial space.”

“I see, and Emperor Vader agrees with you governor.” Tarkin rose from his seat. “Which is why he has tasked you with commanding it, under my advice of course.” The Moff sat now on the corner of his desk, bathed ominously in the blue light of the holo-projection. “But, I am afraid, he expects results governor. You are tasked with taking prisoners, and a vessel captive in three months, otherwise the emperor may have to re-negotiate your position.” Tarkin lifted his hand up and flicked it slightly. “I am done with you, you may go, my secretary will see to your needs, governor...”
Axis Nova
27-06-2007, 13:21
(will write the second part presently)

Somewhere in hyperspace

Thomas Sterling stares out a viewport at the swirling, blackish-red depths of hyperspace. Every now and then, a gargauntuan electrical discharge arcs between random bits of detrius floating around, lighting up the collection of structures that make up the home of most of the Axis Novan people briefly before fading away once more.

In one sense, the various stations, facilities, and docks are fantastically huge, gigantic, gargantuan-- something accentuated by the fact that the area that holds the three old starships used in the original evacuation is 'nearby'-- and yet the three white wedges within appear very small from this distance, dwarfed by the many massive structures floating around. Gantries, cranes, rotating gravity blocks, tanks, storage units, docked ships-- and a constant movement of small shuttles between the larger blocks.

And yet, in another sense, it's all very small-- on approach to the massive complex, it appears as nothing more than a spindly, wispy collection, floating in the abyss of hyperspace, seeming as if a slight breeze could blow it all away.

It's up to us to protect it... we barely pulled back from the edge of extinction before. If the Enemy finds us here, we'll be wiped away just as easily as our ancestors were, on the Last Day.

Fiddling with his dress uniform hat, he continues to look out the window, his gaze drawn to the closest residential block, a massive structure consisting of a big ring with spokes reaching out from a hub, rotating endlessly.

I wonder how Sis is doing... last I heard, her third kid was on the way. She was pretty mad to miss the campaign so far, but she'll get her chance. I think we all will.

I'm not so sure we havn't bit off more than we can chew, but there's no choice-- we have to go forward, regardless of the cost. We're committed now.

Deep in thought, Thomas almost misses it when the hatch nearby opens, and a rating pokes his head through. "Sir? The meeting's about to start."
Axis Nova
04-08-2007, 18:53
"Thank you, Sergeant, I'll be right in."

Turning away from the window, Thomas follows the non-com through the hatch, ducking so as to not hit his head, then through an antechamber. Two guards at the door salute as he enters, and he returns the salute abstractedly as the non-com opens the interior door in front of him, revealing a fairly standard conference room: a long table with ports for data connectors in front of each seat, with a large screen at the end of the table, on the wall. Sitting around the table are a number of high ranking brass in the Axis Nova Space Forces: Admiral Alexander Forte, Colonel Mia Hanson, and Colonel Vladimir Antonov, each rather highly placed in the bureacracy that is ANSF Command.

As he enters the room, the officers sitting around the conference table salute him; coming to attention, he returns the salute. The gruff-looking figure of Colonel Antonov waves him in, looking slightly harried. "Sit down, Captain. There's never enough time, so let's get to work. You have that report?"

Thomas nods as he lifts his briefcase onto the table and snaps it open, revealing a folder and a data stick. The former he slides down to the end of the table for the three officers, and the latter he plugs into the table itself as he takes a seat. "Yessir, it's all right here. Shall I begin?"

# Emergency

Thomas's fingers dance over the controls in front of him, and the room lights automaticaly darken as a soft hum comes from the screen on the wall, a test sequence flashing across it before a view of the galaxy appears on it, rotating slowly. The system begins to automatically zoom in, on one of the massive spiral arms, then in even further, and further, until a 'small' sector of space is shown.

"I'll start off with a little background information. As you know, when we arrived in this region of space, it was with little more than the clothes on our backs, figuratively. From there, we've expanded slowly, eventually developing the vortex generator and gaining access to this realm we now inhabit, 'hyperspace'."

Hitting a control in front of him, zooming in further, he continues, as a bright spark appears on the map, dotted lines extending outwards.

"Home, Center, Central, call it what you will. After our massive development program, we've started to expand outwards, looking for the Enemy... and we've found him."

Small 'windows' pop up on the screen, scenes of battle being shown in them. Assorted planets being bombarded, the black silhouettes of Axis Novan ships trading fire with various makes and models of Imperial Starfleet vessels, and explosions in the blackness of space appear, with statistics scrolling across the corner of each one. Various sections of the Axis Novan and Imperial Starfleet vessels are highlighted, with further information displayed.

"On a whole, we've been doing rather well against our enemy, which, based on information recovered from destroyed vessels, is known as the 'Empire'. It seems they control a large portion of this galaxy, and have tremendous military power."

More video plays, of Imperial Star Destroyers attacking planets from orbit, sheets of green light pouring downards and causing explosions visible from orbit.

"In many ways, they are more technologically advanced than we are... yet, our defenses and weapons for the most part do well enough. However, there are some deficiencies in our equipment that I feel I must highlight."

Hitting a few more controls, Thomas brings up the schematics of a standard-issue heavy antiship missile. Footage of the missiles in use play, along with their remarkable lack of effectiveness.

"The first, and most problematic, is that enemy shielding has proven to be much more resilient than anticipated. As a matter of fact, our heavy missiles have proven to be virtually useless against enemy capital vessels, meaning our primary long range ship to ship weapon has been relegated to a planetary bombardment and anti-support role."

Colonel Hanson speaks in a short, clipped tone of voice, her piercing blue gaze seeming to spear Thomas as she turns her head like a turret to gaze at him. "That's being worked on. A new model of missile with better focusing of the warhead has been developed, and they're being swapped out as ships return."

Thomas nods. "If you say so, sir." Continuing, he hits another control, bringing up the schematics of the Euclid mobile armor.

"This brings me to another problem related to the first: the power of the enemy's defensive systems mean that the Euclid, as it currently stands, fails completely in it's capital attack role. I have a recommendation from BuShipEng for all existing units to be retrofitted with external hardpoints to allow them to carry four Mark XIX antiship missiles, until a newer, more effective design can be fielded."

The view switches to schematics of Axis Novan vessels, alongside those of Imperial ones, Star Destroyers in particular.

"Our other weapons systems are more or less effective in their designated roles... except for one." The view zoomes in on a Nova-class, highlighting one of the point defense guns. "The standard anti-fighter and anti-missile armament is a 20mm super rapid linear cannon. This weapon was chosen because analysis of old intelligence showed that enemy strike craft did not employ shielding, and both the weapon and it's ammunition are extraordinarily easy to produce. However, some enemy fighters have been encountered that do use shielding recently-- and the current models of point defense weapons are largely ineffective, meaning that antiship missiles in some cases have had to be pressed into an ad-hoc area attack role." Footage of an Omega-class destroyer launching a missile, which immediately curves around and detonates within 250 meters of the hull plays. As the camera zooms in on the blast, shadowy shapes within can be seen disintegrating.

"BuShipEng has an energy-based replacement under development at the moment that will be ready for mass-deployment soon."

Clearing his throat, Thomas continues. "There's one more final thing. The enemy's drive systems." The view changes again, this time to a Nova-class dreadnought and a Star Destroyer. Acceleration figures pop up, comparing the two. The figures are not favorable at all.

"The enemy seems to have two things: an inertial damper of some sort, and their drive system also allows for very great acceleration. Effectively, they can accelerate to a high speed-- but this seems to be limited in some fashion. Enemy ships can accelerate to a certain point and maintain that speed for long periods of time, but our ships are capable of eventually aquiring a higher delta-v and overtaking them. However, they can perform maneuvers that would turn the crews of our ships to jam, whereas we have to observe a G-limit. Therefore they tend to have a maneuverability advantage, though this is less pronounced with their larger vessels, some of which are quite cumbersome."

The face of Colonel Antonov looks down the table at Thomas. "Don't worry about that. This was anticipated from reconnaisance reports, and we've got something in development to handle it. More than that, I can't say at this time."

Thomas nods, continuing.

"That concludes the technical portion of my report. Now, moving onto to the section on our current campaign against this 'Empire'." Brightening up a bit, Thomas keys in a new set of commands, and on the map, blue arrows begin to appear from points in space and move to targets, with animated flashing highlights showing battle sites, turning green to show encounters that went well, red for ones that went bad, and yellow for ones that were inconclusive.

"Due to our strategy of picking and choosing our targets carefully, the majority of our engagements have been successful, more or less." Footage of missiles striking a planet plays, while another window shows two Nova-class dreadnoughts pounding away on a Victory-class Star Destroyer at point blank range, their massive plasma cannons beating down the shields and blasting great gouges in the hull, until they reach the reactors and the entire ship vanishes in a massive explosion that obscures it's tormentors briefly.

"Despite the enemy's overall superiority in numbers, we have consistently been able to achieve local superiority and suprise over our opponents. In a few cases, unanticipated enemy forces have shown up during or immediately before operations, or we encountered something unexpected." Footage of an Imperial Star Destroyer dropping in from hyperspace and accidentially ramming an Omega Class, tearing it almost in half, plays. "The most serious of these incidents was when an enemy Imperial Star Destroyer dropped out of hyperspace, accidentially ramming the General Patton and almost slicing the ship in half. Since she was dead in the water and none of the other vessels present had the capacity to to take the crew off, Captain Marcoman had no choice but to engage the Code A.T.A. protocol."

On the screen, various portions of the heavily damaged Omega begin to glow, energy crackling over it's surface as the interior systems burn themselves out. The glow brightens for a bit as the outlines of the ship soften, material melting, running, and fusing under the extreme heat. Eventually, it begins to drift away, resembling a piece of modern art.

"Other than that incident, losses have been relatively minor-- 197 Euclid mobile armors, 17 Hyperion class destroyers, 3 Nova class dreadnoughts, and the aforementioned Omega." Tapping the controls again, Thomas changes the screen to one last scene, that showing a cylindrical robot of some sort with various appendages hanging off the bottom.

"There's one more thing. Someone, presumably the Empire, has been deploying massive numbers of these robots throughout this region of space. Recovery of a few of them has allowed us to determine that they are extremely sophisticated reconnaisance tools of some sort. It is likely they were deployed in order to find us."

"Fortunately, the Mirage Colloid on all of our major capital vessels has held up fine so far." Thomas hits a few more controls as he comes to the last part of his report, the screen turning off as the lights begin to brighten again. "These robots should be taken as a bit of a warning: we're doing well at the moment, but we are up against an opponent with the resources of an entire galaxy to call upon. We can't expect this to stay as easy as it has been forever. However, at the same time, we can't back off-- we're committed for now."

Getting to his feet, Admiral Forte claps a bit. "Well said, Captain Sterling. Or, rather, I should say, Commodore Sterling. It seems our trust on you has not been misplaced. We will take your report under advisement. Dismissed."

Saluting, Thomas recovers the data stick and slides it to the end of the table to join the folder, the contents of which Colonel Antonov is busily perusing. Closing his briefcase, he steps to the door and thumps on it with a fist. The door opens, and he steps out, taking a deep breath.

[i]What does the future hold for us? Will things continue as easily as they have been, or...? No, best not to think about that. We have no choice but to keep going forward.[/b]