Hawk Hegemony Military
23-02-2007, 22:26
The member states of this regional assembly decided in the early 21st century that the only way to ensure security was to have the power to defend themselves against all comers. Thus, the Hawk Hegemony has created a collective security system uniting the large military budgets of each member state to create a unified 'defence' force. This militaristic outlook dictates regional politics and the interaction of the hegemony with the rest of the world.
The military of the Hawk Hegemony is controlled under one defence budget and helps mold the disparate states forces into one highly professional and dedicated intergrated military force with the ability to flexibly fulfill several roles both as an attacking force and defending force. The military contains options for both the pursuit of agressive warfare and the active deterent and resistance of invasion.
The military of the Hawk Hegemony is activly backed by a formidible arms manufacturing establishment fulfilling the needs of a modern professional military with cheap alternative weapons which can be massed produced often at lest cost then other states are able to produce individual weapons.
A small but highly dedicated scientific community helps support these developments working to produce cheap effective new weapons and enabling a booming export trade in arms.
23-02-2007, 22:50
The army of the Hawk Hegemony consists of several different parts combining to produce an effective force and being able to co-ordinated with other branches of the military.
There are three main parts:
Conscripted reserves
Military service is required by the entire adult population. This is an intensive process where by average citizens are turned into effective soldiers gaining competence in weapons and tactics and combined operations over the space of two years forming the Military Service Army (MSA) a secondry army behind the main professional army. After these two years citezens go into the reserves for four years whereby the are able to work and contribute to society but continue there training throughout the year and are in times of war eligable to be called up. After this the population goes into the milita this is a force which is tasked with the defence of cities and resistance of enemy invasion, post reserves there is a sixth month retraining before entry into the militia whereby potential militamen are trained in Gurilla warfare and other forms of resistance and form a secondry reseve wher militamen may be called up to the army after a period of retraining but are expected to form an extra layer of resistance following any invasion.
The professional Army
The military of the Hawk Hegemony is relitivly small reflecting its small population, however it is able to punch above its weight. Whilst the MSA provides the bulk of the military manpower they are primarily a second level to the professional army and would not be used to spearhead an invasion or resist in the frontline of an invasion. The professional Army (PA) is made up of full time soldiers who train reguarly and follow a creed of profesionalism and dedication being able to punch above there weight and have achieved notable success over there time in existance.
The Strien Guard
Formed following the Strien rebellion the Strien Guard was formed it is a small force of elite soldiers who fulfill several roles in addition to the PA. The Strien Guard follows a creed of persistance, innovation and reliance; they will get the Job done. There roles have evolved over time but they are generally used as elite commandos raiding behind enemy lines, assasinating, sabotaging, protecting and guarding. Equiped with the best weapons and trained to the highest levels there military exploits are legend, whilst they have been betean in battle they have arguably never lost always managing to inflict disproportinate damage on the enemy and to hinder and frustrate there plans.
23-02-2007, 23:15
The Navy of the Hawk Hegemony consists of several different parts combining to produce an effective force and being able to co-ordinated with other branches of the military it is mainly made up of full time sailors but does also have a similar reserve structur to the army.
There are Six main parts:
Unfortunatly not the great drednoughts of old the battleships of the Navy still consists of numerous figates and destroyers. Designed as cost effective ships they are able to fulfill several roles both as screeners for squadrons and as mobile artillary and as base ships. With the introduction of new technology the ships are able to confidantly engage aircraft, ships, submarines and costal defences incorporating intergrated systems to enable the optimum effectivness of the battleships.
Aircraft carriers
Using a revolutionary new design incredibly cheap aircraft carriers were able to be produced, whilst lacking in some of the advantages other more conventional carriers have they are nevertheless able to fullfill the role as mobile aircraft landing sites although they are obliged to have a close relation ship with screening battleships and necessitate traveling in squadrons.
Weaker then some states in there submarine force nevertheless the Hawk Hegemony is able to field several pariah class submarines. Trained in blockade and merchant attack these submarines are able to fulfill a variety of roles and are trained to adapt and evolving to changing situations.
Used as a seabourne infantry assult force marines enable the Navy to pursue an enemy onto land. Trained particuarly in beach assault the marines espouse a creed of physical fitness and dedication winning in situations where there appeared little chance of success. Equiped with sea batteries and assult ships marines are in a good position to attack and take coatal enemy positions.
Merchant Navy
Arguably the most important part of the Navy this is responsible for supplying military forces and moving tonnage Globally equipped to transport numerous products from oil to food it is an invaluable addition to the operational might of the Hawk Hegemony. The Merchant Navy is protected on normall missions by corvet ships fast attack ships designed to screen attacks away from Merchant shipping.
Coastal defence
A minor part of the Navy it is nevertheless equiped with several minesweepers and coastal gunboats and is pursuing an active policy of stopping criminal smugglers and enforcing coastal and territorial disputes.
23-02-2007, 23:31
The airforce of the Hawk Hegemony consists of several different parts combining to produce an effective force and being able to co-ordinated with other branches of the military it is mainly made up of full time airmen but does also have a similar reserve structur to the army.
There are four main parts:
Fighter defence force
Designed as a multi-role force the FDF combines several types of fighter to produce several possible tactical options. The air to air option is performed by the (Hawk attack fighter) HAF-21 air superiority fighter used to gain supremecy and superiority over enemy air forces. The air to Ground option is performed by the HAF-22GA fighter used to support ground forces and the HAF-22TH used for raiding and tank hunting as a lone fighter or in concort with others.
Bomber defence force
Designed as primarily an aggressive bombing force and with the FDF involved in ground support the BDF consists of several types of heavy bomber. The (Hawk bomber) HB-23 is a long range high payload bomber designed for long range bombing of enemy facilities or structures. The HB-24 high altitude stealth plane is used for strategic bombing of individual locations or for sensitive but neccisary data collection missions.
The Facility Defence Force
The FDF is designed as a force for defending airfields and facilities equiped with both anti-ground and anti-air weapons they are able to effectivly provided a defensive force against enemy forces.
The Air Cargo
The AC is designed to facilitate the transport of supplies by air using the successful Hawk Cargo HC-24 and HC-25 cargo planes.