NationStates Jolt Archive

We're Sick and Tired of You... (open MT)

21-02-2007, 08:00
A medium-sized yacht with the name GUARDIAN emblazoned on the hull cruised through the Oslean Sea hunting for ships, while the head ship hunter was busy organizing the next attack. The aging mounted Katyusha rocket launcher stood out on the deck of the ship.

The whale hunter looked on his laptop and saw the message:

You have recieved mail from:

He clicked open the message.

"Dear Ship Hunter,
Your hostile acts toward ort fishing ships injure our economy and are a nuisance and danger to the brave and hard-working fishermen that operate these boats every day. Please cease your activities or face drastic action.

The whale hunter had recieved mail like this before from the government. He knew they'd never do a thing. They always bluffed. They never took action.
So he just disregarded the E-mail and continued with preparing for the next ship hunt. Little did he know that would be the last thing he would do.


The next morning, the Guardian cruised out, and sighted a fishing ship. Without any warning at all, it fired a volley of rockets from the Katyusha rocket launcer. Explosions tore holes in the fishing ship's thin hull, and the ship sank.

The crew of the Guardian was able to intercept a radio message from the fishing ship before it went down:
"This is SeaMaster! We are under attack by.... pirates, or, something like them! Someone rescue us!" They didn't know a squadron of 2 fighter jets would save their day.

The Intrepid Class Supercarrier OSS Valiant was dispatched 24 hours earlier to the Oslean Sea to hunt down any ships who defied the order to cease the ship hunting activities from the government. They picked up the distress call and scrambled 2 OSF-26s. They soon reached the area of the incident.

"Yo, this is Scar 1, I got a lock on the target. Permission to fire, sir?"

"Permission granted."

Scar 1 launched 2 Air to Ship missiles and then broke off.

The fate of the the ship was that of pain, as the whole ship exploded and was blasted in half.

This is a sign to all those who defy our orders.